HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.a.1)b) Receive District Budget for FY 2016-17 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 6, a, I)b) j BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 Subject: RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELF-INSURANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE Submitted By. Initiating Dept/Div.: Todd Smithey, Finance Administrator Administration/Finance REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager Kent Alm Roger S.Bailey Counsel for the District General Manager ISSUE: The proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 Budget is bein submitted for review at the May 19, 2016, Board meeting, and is scheduled for approval and adoption at the June 2, 2016, Board meeting, after holding a public hearing. BACKGROUND: The proposed FY 2016-17 Budget is being presented as a combined budget which incorporates into one document the Operations and Maintenance Fund (O&M), Sewer Construction Fund (for capital improvements), Self-Insurance Fund and Debt Service Fund. The Budget incorporates the District's Strategic Plan Goals and Initiatives and provides the resources necessary to implement the initiatives and meet the challenges the District faces as it strives to increase service quality and minimize costs to our customers. At the same time, the Budget allows the District to accomplish its mission in a cost-effective manner that will ensure best value. The Budget also assumes that the second year of rate adjustments approved by the Board last year will go into effect on July 1, 2016. New to the Budget this year are a separate Recycled Water Program Budget, and changes to the Capital Improvement Budget that eliminate allocations among the four capital improvement programs and implement firm individual project budgets versus placeholders. Staff has developed a 10-year financial model for forecasting revenues, expenses and fund balance. The model assists the District in setting and projecting Sewer Service Charge (SSC) rates. Additionally, a Cost of Service Study (COSS) was performed in 2015 by Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc., to assess the District's overall staffing needs and analyze the District's rate structure. The COSS resulted in changes to staffing alignment and implementation of a revised rate structure to better comply with Proposition 218. In June 2015, the Board adopted increases in the annual SSC for residential and non-residential customers for the next two fiscal years as follows: Page 1 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 subject: RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELF-INSURANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 Increase Annual SSC Increase Annual SSC Single Family Residences $32 $471 $32 $503 Multi-Family Residences $24 $463 $24 $487 Effective Date July 1, 2015 July 1, 2016 (Residential rates shown in dollars per residential unit.) Non-Residential As shown in the Proposition 218 Notice mailed to property owners and the Wastewater Cost of Service Study dated May 21, 2015 by Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. The proposed FY 2016-17 total Budget is $131 million, an increase of$7.4 million or 5.9% over the FY 2015-16 Budget of$124 million. FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 Percent Budget Budget Variance Variance Operations and Maintenance $ 87,464,864 $ 89,810,918 $ 2,346,054 2.7% Sewer Construction 30,790,000 36,808,756 6,018,756 19.6% Debt Service 3,822,330 3,790,807 (31,523) -0.8% Self-Insurance 1,917,000 948,000 (969,000) -50.6% Total Budget $ 123,994,194 $ 131,358,481 $ 7,364,287 5.9% This position paper focuses on variances between the proposed FY 2016-17 Budget and the FY 2015-16 Budget. O&M Budget The proposed FY 2016-17 O&M Budget includes the allocation of$7.9 million from the O&M Fund towards the unfunded liability associated with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 45 post-employment healthcare benefits and current year retiree premiums. This amount is based on the most recently completed two-year actuarial study by Bartel Associates. The $7.9 million includes an approximate payment of$5.4 million for retiree medical, dental and life insurance premiums annually and $2.5 million to be deposited in a GASB 45 Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) investment trust to fund future retiree benefit costs. Page 2 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 Subject., RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELF-INSURANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE O&M Revenue: The following table compares revenues for FY 2016-17 to FY 2015-16. FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 Percent Budget Budget Variance Variance Sewer Service Charge (O&M ) $ 70,390,000 $ 71,100,000 $ 710,000 1.0% City of Concord 13,700,000 14,790,000 1,090,000 8.0% All Other 3,402,300 3,927,200 524,900 15.4% Total Revenue $ 87,492,300 $ 89,817,200 $ 2,324,900 2.7% Total District O&M Revenue for FY 2016-17 is projected at $89.8 million compared to the FY 2015-16 budgeted amount of$87.5 million, an increase of$2.3 million or 2.7%. This is due to the following: • While the SSC rates are increasing, the O&M allocation of SSC is decreasing from 89.7% to 85.8%. The net result of these changes is a minimal increase in total O&M SSC of $0.7 million or 1.0%. • The City of Concord primarily shares a flow portion of Treatment Plant, Environmental and Regulatory Compliance, and Environmental Compliance expenses and is charged administrative overhead and a finance charge. City of Concord revenue is expected to be $1.1 million, or 8.0%, more than FY 2015-16 due to residential fill station expense and the overall O&M expense increase for FY 2016-17. Page 3 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 Subject: RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELF-INSURANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE O&M Expense: The following table compares expenses for FY 2016-17 to FY 2015-16. FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 Percent Budget Budget Variance Variance Salaries&Wages $ 30,943,085 $ 33,158,707 $ 2,215,622 7.2% Benefits&Cap O/H Credit 18,823,521 19,525,611 702,090 3.7% Retirement UAAL 11,900,700 11,741,700 (159,000) -1.3% Additional UAAL 2,500,000 2,500,000 - 0.0% Total Salary and Benefits 64,167,306 66,926,018 2,758,712 4.3% Chemicals 1,655,000 1,920,000 265,000 16.0% Utilities 4,780,250 4,315,790 (464,460) -9.7% Repair&Maintenance 5,369,900 5,222,852 (147,048) -2.7% Hauling&Disposal 998,550 941,050 (57,500) -5.8% Professional &Legal Fees 640,300 630,750 (9,550) -1.5% Outside Services 3,883,115 3,980,175 97,060 2.5% Self Insurance Expense 1,500,000 920,000 (580,000) -38.7% Materials&Supplies 2,210,045 2,100,025 (110,020) -5.0% Other Expenses 2,260,398 2,854,258 593,860 26.3% Tota IO&M 23,297,558 22,884,900 (412,658) -1.8% Total Expenditures $ 87,464,864 $ 89,810,918 $ 2,346,054 The total O&M expenses are projected to be $89.8 million in FY 2016-17 compared to $87.5 million in FY 2015-16. This reflects an increase of$2.3 million or 2.7%. Variances are discussed in detail below: O&M Salaries: District O&M salaries are projected to be $33.2 million in FY 2016-17 compared to a budget of$30.9 million in FY 2015-16. This is an increase of$2.2 million or 7.2%. This increase is due to several factors, including: a 4.0% salary adjustment consistent with the bargaining unit Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), inclusive of the additional 1% per contract; merit increases and personnel advancements for recently-hired and current employees; the residential fill station temporary staff; and the addition of three new key positions that were identified in the Staffing Needs Assessment and included in the COSS. Page 4 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 Subject: RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELF-INSURANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE Benefits Including Capitalized Administrative Overhead Credit (excluding Retirement UAAL): District O&M benefits, including the capitalized administrative overhead credit for FY 2016-17, are projected to be $19.5 million compared to a budget of $18.8 million in FY 2015-16, resulting in an increase of $0.7 million or 3.7%. The primary benefit rate assumptions are as follows: • Kaiser— Increase of 6.9% for active employees and a weighted 2.1% increase for retirees. • Health NET— Increase of 7.6% for active employees and a weighted 6.4% increase for retirees. • CCCERA— Retirement rate decreasing 8% overall, offset by higher pensionable wages. An additional $2.5 million paid towards the unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) in retirement and/or other post-employment benefits (OPEB) trust. • Delta Dental — Decrease of 8.2%. • Long-Term Disability— No rate increase. • Employee Assistance Program — Decrease of 2%. • Workers' Compensation — Estimated 10% rate increase. • Life Insurance — Estimated 3% rate increase. All Other O&M Expenses: The remaining O&M non-labor and benefit expenses total $22.9 million in FY 2016-17 compared to a budget of$23.3 million in FY 2015-16. This is a decrease of$413,000 or 1.8%. Expense category variance explanations are provided in the budget document at a District and Division level. The areas of most significant change are as follows: • Chemicals and Utilities are a combined $0.2 million lower in FY 2016-17 than FY 2015-16. While there is an increase in chemical expenses due to the need to meet new Section 129 Clean Air Act regulations, this increase is offset by lower natural gas and electricity costs. • Repairs and Maintenance expenses are $0.15 million lower in FY 2016-17 than FY 2015-16 due to the elimination of the one-time cost for the cogeneration rebuild in FY 2015-16. Page 5 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 Subject: RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELF-INSURANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE • Self-Insurance expenses are $0.6 million lower in FY 2016-17 than FY 2015-16. This expense was reduced to a level that meets the requirements for the payment of premiums and estimated losses based on historical trends. • Other expenses are $0.6 million higher in FY 2016-17 than FY 2015-16. While there is an increase due to a Board election, expected Prop 218 notice, and increased outreach expenses, this increase is offset by a reduction in conferences. • Conferences expenses are included in the other expenses category. This expense was reduced from $212,800 in FY 2015-16 to $112,350 in FY 2016-17, due to a significant reduction in travel. FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 Percent Budget Budget Variance Variance Board Conferences $ 50,000 $ 50,000 - District-wide Conferences 162,800 62,350 (100,450) -61.7% Total $ 212,800 $ 112,350 $ (100,450) -47.2% A list of Board of Director and District-wide conferences is presented in Attachment I. Consistent with past practice, out-of-state conference attendance by staff will be included as an announcement at a Board meeting prior to travel. Attachment II summarizes the O&M revenues, expenses and reserve balances for seven years. Capital Improvement Budget (Sewer Construction Fund) Sewer Construction Fund revenues increased $6.1 million from $28.8 million in FY 2015-16 to $34.9 million in FY 2016-17. This increase was due primarily to an increase in SSCs of$3.7 million as a result of user rate increases. Capital expenditures for FY 2016-17 are projected to be $36.8 million, a $6 million increase over the FY 2015-16 Budget of$30.8 million. The District will spend down approximately $1.9 million of reserves to balance the capital budget in FY 2016-17. Attachment III summarizes the capital revenues and expenditures. Page 6 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 Subject: RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELF-INSURANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE Self-insurance Budget The District currently self-insures general and auto liability risks up to $500,000 per occurrence and purchases a $15 million excess liability insurance policy above that retention. The Self-Insurance Revenue for FY 2016-17 is $1.0 million; expenses are $0.9 million, and the ending reserve balance is $6.5 million. Attachment IV summarizes the Self-Insurance Budget. SUB-FUND A: Actuarially-Based Risks. Sub-fund A is used to pay claims and expenses within the District's self-insured liability retention. Claims in excess of this retention are covered by the excess insurance policy that renews annually on July 1. Staff projects excess liability renewal premiums of up to $340,000. Since insurance renewal quotes are not yet available, staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to renew the excess liability insurance up to this projected amount along with its approval of the FY 2016-17 Self-Insurance Budget. Under the requirements of GASB-10, risks that can be actuarially studied must be funded based on an actuarial study performed at least every two years. General liability and automobile liability risks are readily studied throughout the insurance and self- insurance industry to project funding levels for future losses. The District obtained an actuarial review of its self-insured general liability and automobile liability risks in October 2014. The next actuarial report will be performed in August 2016 using loss data through June 30, 2016. The Board established a policy to maintain the Sub-fund A reserve at three times the amount of the District's self-insured retention. The current $500,000 retention requires a $1.5 million reserve. This reserve is used to pay claims and expenses throughout the year and is replenished the following fiscal year. Attachment V shows projected revenue for FY 2016-17 of$5,868 with expenses of $225,000, for a variance of$219,132. This amount will be transferred from Sub-fund C in order to maintain the minimum reserve at $1,500,000. SUB-FUND B: Non-Actuarially-Based Risks. Sub-fund B was used to pay claims and expenses for liability losses that could not be actuarially evaluated and/or were not covered by the excess liability insurance policy. This included employment practices claims and certain types of pollution claims. Page 7 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 Subject: RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELF-INSURANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE Employment practices and pollution claims are infrequent, are usually expensive and often take longer to resolve than other types of claims. Since this makes accurate loss forecasting difficult, GASB does not require an actuarial study for these risks. Given these factors and the absence of insurance coverage for some of these risks, the District had maintained this fund with a $2.4 million reserve. At the November 17, 2014 Board COSS Workshop, the Board chose to simplify reserving for all risks that do not require GASB-10 compliance by consolidating all other reserves into a single fund. The Board also wanted to make sure that funds were reserved for catastrophic losses or emergency response. In order to meet the joint goals of consolidating reserves and establishing a catastrophic loss fund, Sub-fund B has been retired with all reserves for these risks transferred to Sub-fund C. As a result, Attachment VI shows a FY 2015-16 ending balance of$0 and no allocation for FY 2016-17. SUB-FUND C: Non-GASB-10 Risks. This Sub-fund has historically covered Risk Management Program expenses including insurance premiums, self-insured property losses, potential losses from uninsurable risks, and the costs of initiating claims and lawsuits against others. As noted above, this fund now includes reserves for non- GASB-10 risks and catastrophic losses. The Board established a policy to maintain this reserve at $5 million. This reserve is used to pay claims and expenses throughout the year and is replenished the following fiscal year. This fund also receives the annual O&M contribution and then re-allocates funds needed to maintain the required reserve in Sub-fund A. Attachment VII shows projected revenue for FY 2016-17 of$1,014,533, which includes a transfer from the O&M fund of$920,000. The expenses for FY 2016-17 are projected to be $723,000 or$291,533 less than revenues. Most of this surplus ($219,132) will be transferred to Sub-Fund A, leaving the ending reserves at the policy level of$5.0 million Staff projects property insurance renewal premiums of up to $140,000. Since insurance renewal quotes are not yet available, staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to renew the property insurance up to this projected amount along with its approval of the FY 2016-17 Self-Insurance Budget. Page 8 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 subject: RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELF-INSURANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE Debt Service Budget Currently the District is repaying a State of California Water Reclamation Loan and 2009 Revenue Bonds. The revenues and expenditures for the FY 2016-17 Debt Service Budget are $3,790,807. Attachment VIII summarizes the Debt Service Fund Budget. Fiscal Reserves The Board has established Board Policy - 017, Fiscal Reserves, setting targets for each of the District's reserve funds. Fiscal reserves provide working capital for operations and maintenance activities, funding for long term capital improvement requirements, fulfillment of legal, regulatory and contractual obligations and mitigation of risk and liability exposures. For the Operations and Maintenance Fund —Working Capital Reserves, the Board has set a target of five months (41.7%) of gross operating expenses at the start of each fiscal year. For the Sewer Construction Fund (Capital Improvement) —Working Capital Reserves, the Board has set a target of 50% of the annual capital projects budget at the start of each fiscal year. For the Self-Insurance Fund Reserves, the Board has set a target of three times the annual deductible, which in this case is $1.5 million. In addition to help mitigate financial impacts and maintain uninterrupted service in the event of an emergency or catastrophic event the District maintains an Emergency Fund Reserve balance of $5 million in the self-insurance fund. Attachment IX presents a summary of the District's current reserve balance projections compared to the Board Policy targets. Any revisions to the proposed FY 2016-17 Budget determined at the May 19, 2016 Board meeting will be incorporated in the Budget submitted for approval at the June 2, 2016 Board meeting, at which time the following actions are scheduled for Board consideration: • Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the FY 2016-17 Budget, including the O&M, Capital Improvement, Self-Insurance, and Debt Service Fund Budgets; Page 9 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 Subject: RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELF-INSURANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE • Approve and adopt the FY 2016-17 Budget, including the O&M, Capital Improvement, Self-Insurance, and Debt Service Fund Budgets; • Approve the list of Conferences; and • Authorize the General Manager to renew the District's expiring excess liability insurance for a premium of up to $340,000 and the District's expiring property insurance for a premium of up to $140,000. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The FY 2016-17 Budget was prepared using the Board- approved annual SSC rate increases of$32 for single family(S) and $24 for multi-family (M). The $503S/$487M SSC in FY 2016-17 is allocated as follows: O&M 85.8%; Capital 14.2%. The FY 2016-17 O&M Budget results in little change to the O&M ending reserves, and total O&M reserves are projected to be $39.7 million at the end of FY 2016-17. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: At the March 17, 2016, Budget Planning Workshop, staff requested that the Board provide direction on several policy-related items for the O&M Budget. This proposed budget incorporates the direction given by the Board, including: using $2.5 million to pay down unfunded liabilities related to both pension and other post-employment benefits (OPEB), planning for a signature public outreach event, and budgeting for the three positions recommended in the Staffing Needs Assessment. The Board has the discretion to modify the budgets. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Finance Committee received an overview of the FY 2016-17 O&M Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget on April 22, 2016 and will have an opportunity to review them as part of the consolidated budget document on May 23, 2016. The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed the Capital Improvement Budget on May 10, 2016. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Receive the FY 2016-17 District Budget and provide staff with comments and guidance leading to the approval and adoption of the Budget at the June 2, 2016 Board meeting. Page 10 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 subject: RECEIVE THE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 BUDGET FOR THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELF-INSURANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE Attached Supporting Documents: 1 List of Board of Director and District-wide Conferences 11 O&M Revenues, Expenses and Reserves FY 2010-11 Through 2016-17 111 Capital Revenues and Expenditures IV-Vll Self-Insurance Fund charts and exhibits Vlll Debt Service Fund Budget IX Reserve Balance Projection X PowerPoint Presentation Page 11 of 11 DISTRICT-WIDE CONFERENCES ATTACHMENT I BOARD OF DIRECTORS Budget Budget Conference Division No.Staff 2015-16 2016-17 CASA 0100-402 2 4,000 4,000 CASA 0100-402 3 6,000 9,000 CASA 0100-402 2 2,000 4,000 CASA 0100-402 0 1 4,000 0 CSDA 0100-402 0 2,000 0 WEFTEC 0100-402 2 6,000 6,000 NACWA 0100-402 2 6,000 6,000 NACWA 0100-402 2 6,000 6,000 NACWA 0100-402 2 6,000 6,000 CALPELRA 0100-402 1 2,000 2,000 CWEA 0100-402 1 4,000 2,000 MISCELLANEOUS 0100-402 2,000 5,000 50,000 50,000 DISTRICT-WIDE CONFERENCES ATTACHMENT I ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Budget Budget Conference Division No.Staff 2015-16 2016-17 CASA 0100-400 1 3,000 3,000 CASA 0100-400 1 2,000 2,000 NACWA 0100-400 0 3,000 0 PRIMA 0100-400 0 1 2,000 0 WATEREUSE 0100-400 1 0 2,000 AWWA/WEF 0100-400 1 0 2,000 CALPELRA 0100-400 1 2,000 2,000 CSDA 0100-400 0 2,000 0 CCAC 0100-400 0 4,000 0 ARMA 0100-400 0 3,000 0 CSDA 0100-400 0 2,000 0 GENERAL MANAGER AND SECRETARY THE OF DISTRICT 23,000 11,000 CSMFO 0110-400 0 4,000 0 SUNGARD 0110-400 0 2,500 0 GOV't/ACCTG UPDATE 0110-400 0 2,000 0 GFOA 0110-400 0 3,000 0 LAIF 0110-400 0 500 0 ACCOUNTING TOTAL 12,000 0 CALPELRA 0120-400 3 5,000 5,000 NEOGOV 0120-400 0 4,000 0 WEST REGION IPMA 0120-400 0 1,300 0 LAIA CONFERENCE 0120-400 0 800 0 HUMAN RESOURCES TOTAL 11,100 5,000 CAPPO 0140-400 0 3,500 0 NIGP 0140-400 1 0 2,000 0 PURCHASING TOTAL 5,500 0 PRIMA INSTITUTE 0150-400 0 2,500 0 PARMA 0150-400 0 3,000 0 CAJPA 0150-400 0 2,500 0 RISK MANAGEMENT TOTAL 8,000 0 CASA-LEGISLATIVE 0170-400 1 2,000 750 CASA-DC LEGISLATIVE 0170-400 1 2,000 2,500 CASA 0170-400 0 2,000 0 CWEA 0170-400 0 1,800 0 COMMUNITY EVENTS ATTENDANCE 0170-410 1 0 2,500 LEGISLATIVE/REGULATORY 0170-410 0 6,000 0 COMMUNICATION SERVICES AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS TOTAL 13,800 5,750 CORE&ADV MSF EXC TECHNICL TRG 0180-400 1 0 5,400 0 SUNGARD 0180-400 1 0 2,500 0 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL 7,900 0 DISTRICT-WIDE CONFERENCES ATTACHMENT I PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION Budget Budget Conference Division No.Staff 2015-16 2016-17 CASA 0200-410 2 4,500 3,000 CWEAAnnual 0200-410 0 1,500 0 NACWA 0200-410 1 4,000 2,000 WEFTEC 0200-410 1 1 2,000 2,000 AWWA/WEF UTILITY MGMT 0200-420 0 1,500 0 CALGIS 0200-420 0 1,400 0 Coldfusion Summit 0200-420 0 1,900 0 Collection System Technical Planning 0200-420 0 3,000 0 ESRI User 0200-420 0 4,500 0 ESRI Water 0200-420 0 2,000 0 INNOVYZE 0200-420 0 2,000 0 SUNGARD HUG 0200-420 0 2,000 0 Treatment PlntTechnical Planning 0200-420 0 3,000 0 NACWA 0200-710 0 2,000 0 TOTAL 35,3001 7,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION Budget Budget Conference Division No.Staff 2015-16 2016-17 WEFTEC 0250-410 0 2,000 0 CWEA-Regional/State 0250-470 1 3,000 1,500 WEFTEC 0250-470 1 2,000 2,000 CLSA 0250-510 0 1 2,000 0 GEOMATICS Conference 0250-510 0 1,000 0 Leica Hexagon 0250-510 0 1,000 0 Trimble Dimensions 0250-510 0 1,000 0 TOTAL 12,000 3,500 ENVIRONMENTAL&REGULATORY COMPLIANCE DIVISION Budget Budget Conference Division No.Staff 2015-16 2016-17 CASA 0270-410 2 4,500 2,400 NACWA 0270-410 1 2,000 2,000 CWEA Annual 0270-410 0 1,500 0 NAHMMA 0270-690 0 1 3,200 0 NACWA Pretreatment&P2 Workshop* 0270-710 1 0 2,500 Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation 0270-720 0 2,000 0 NACWA 0270-760 0 4,000 0 TOTAL 17,200 6,900 DISTRICT-WIDE CONFERENCES ATTACHMENT I COLLECTION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS DIVISION Budget Budget Conference Division No.Staff 2015-16 2016-17 CWEA Annual Conference 0300-570 4 6,000 8,000 CWEA Mid-Summer Conference 0300-570 1 1,000 1,200 TOTAL 7,000 9,200 PLANT OPERATIONS DIVISION/PLANT MAINTENANCE DIVISION/PUMPING STATIONS Budget Budget Conference Division No.Stafl 2015-16 2016-17 CWEA 0400-410 1 3,000 2,000 WEFTEC 0400-410 1 4,000 2,000 CALPELRA 0400-410 1 0 3,000 CWEA 0420-730 2 1,500 4,000 CWEA 0440-860 1 0 1,500 CWEA 0500-930 1 1,500 1,500 TOTAL 10,0001 14,000 ATTACHMENT II CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT O&M REVENUES, EXPENSES AND RESERVES FISCAL YEARS 2010-11 THROUGH 2016-17 FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Budget Budget O&M Revenues: Sewer Service Charge(O&M Only) 49,095,869 49,123,847 56,770,984 60,796,421 70,023,512 71,753,500 70,390,000 71,100,000 City of Concord 9,224,952 10,647,389 10,483,421 11,625,864 12,935,229 14,260,000 13,700,000 14,790,000 Other 1,858,977 3,367,309 3,593,410 3,706,529 3,976,995 4,046,800 3,402,300 3,927,200 Total Revenues 60,179,798 63,138,545 70,847,815 76,128,814 86,935,736 90,060,300 87,492,300 89,817,200 O&M.Expenne: Administration 18,432,632 20,631,971 20,936,708 21,174,011 23,217,028 25,073,514 25,297,760 27,828,993 Engineering 6,855,747 8,023,225 8,680,940 12,308,800 13,200,973 16,815,290 16,668,822 15,899,140 Collection System Operations 8,529,492 9,281,886 11,278,661 12,926,765 14,747,828 14,383,123 14,996,254 14,472,053 Plant Operations 21,360,057 23,708,322 23,035,932 27,808,829 29,507,720 26,725,533 27,532,927 26,807,177 Pumping Stations 2,938,697 2,705,489 3,049,274 3,183,160 3,452,680 3,103,588 2,969,101 3,001,836 Recycled Water 810,100 1,801,719 Total Net Expenses(1) 58,116,625 64,350,893 66,981,515 77,401,565 84,126,229 86,911,148 87,464,864 89,810,918 Revenues Over(Under)Expenses 2,063,173 (1,212,348) 3,866,300 (1,272,751) 2,809,507 3,149,152 27,436 6,282 O&M Fund Balance-Beginning of Year 7,855,585 9,918,758 8,706,410 12,572,710 11,299,959 36,519,705 39,668,857 Revenues Over(Under)Expenses 2,063,173 (1,212,348) 3,866,300 (1,272,751) 2,809,507 3,149,152 6,282 Funds Moved to Built RE Reserves 22,410,239 O&M Fund Balance-End of Year(2) 9,918,758 8,706,410 12,572,710 11,299,959 36,519,705 39,668,857 39,675,139 Sewer Service Charge Rate-O&M 300 302 344 365 416 422 431 Sewer Service Charge Rate-Capital/Debt 11 39 27 40 23 49 72 Sewer Service Equivalent Units 163,653 162,662 165,032 166,566 168,326 169,891 164,965 Notes: (1) Net Expenses include Operating and Maintenance expenses only and do not include any capital salaries or benefits. (2) Prudent fund balance assumed to be approximately 10%of annual expense. ATTACHMENT III Sewer Construction Fund(Capital Improvement) Budget to Budget FY 2015-16 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 Variance Percent Variance Budget Projected Budget Revenue: Capacity Fees $ 6,184,000 $ 5,500,000 $ 6,060,000 $ (124,000) -2.0% Pumped Zone Fees 450,000 450,000 400,000 (50,000) -11.1% Interest Income 187,000 189,000 225,000 38,000 20.3% Ad Valorem Taxes 10,060,000 10,800,000 11,080,000 1,020,000 10.1% Sewer Service Charge 8,110,000 8,275,400 11,820,000 3,710,000 45.7% Reimbursements: - City ofConcord 3,150,000 3,260,000 4,550,000 1,400,000 44.4% Recycled Water Sales 257,000 310,000 300,000 43,000 16.7% Developer Fees&Charges 369,500 461,083 470,400 100,900 27.3% Total Revenue 28,767,500 29,245,483 34,905,400 $ 6,137,900 21.3% Expenditures: Treatment Plant Program 10,410,000 8,718,000 13,125,000 $ 2,715,000 26.1% Collection System Program 15,950,000 15,220,000 17,925,105 1,975,105 12.4% General Improvements Program 3,980,000 3,880,000 3,808,651 (171,349) -4.3% Recycled Water Program 450,000 720,000 500,000 50,000 11.1% Contingency 1,450,000 1,450,000 Total Expenditures 30,790,000 28,538,000 36,808,756 6,018,756 19.5% Surplus(Deficit) $ (2,022,500) $ 707,483 $ (1,903,356) $ 119,144 -5.9% ATTACHMENT IV CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SELF INSURANCE FUND (SIF) July 1, 2011 -June 30, 2017 Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Budget 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Revenues SIF Allocation from O&M Fund 850,000 850,000 600,000 650,000 1,500,000 920,000 Insurance Allocation from HHW 24,878 21,183 21,236 21,187 71,500 75,000 Subrogation Recovery 1,660 1,349,322 23,212 165,950 1,313 0 Interest Income 19,436 15,269 10,180 10,834 22,826 25,401 Total Revenue 895,974 2,235,774 654,628 847,971 1,595,639 1,020,401 Expenses Claims Adjusting 0 1,218,301 766 219,377 0 2,000 Insurance Consulting 0 5,000 0 5,000 0 6,000 Loss Payments 72,605 440,991 115,501 280,619 850,000 200,000 Legal Services 304,672 266,900 200,591 148,500 74,000 75,000 Technical Services 14,803 24,856 42,167 207,793 55,000 85,000 Insurance Premiums 418,769 424,419 499,713 472,230 529,892 580,000 Total Expenses 810,849 2,380,467 858,738 1,333,519 1,508,892 948,000 Revenue Over Expense 85,125 (144,693) (204,110) (485,548) 86,747 72,401 Reserves Beginning of Year 4,742,210 4,827,335 4,682,642 4,478,532 3,992,984 6,429,731 Reserve Policy Transfer 0 0 0 0 2,350,000 0 Revenue over Expense 85,125 (144,693) (204,110) (485,548) 86,747 72,401 End of Year Reserves 4,827,335 4,682,642 4,478,532 3,992,984 6,429,731 6,502,132 Uncommitted Reserves Actuarial Reserves-GASB 10(Fund A) 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 Non-Actuarial Reserves-GASB 10(Fund B) 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 0 0 Non-GASB 10 Reserves(Fund C) 1,427,335 1,282,642 1,078,532 592,984 4,929,731 5,002,132 Total Reserves 4,827,335 4,682,642 4,478,532 3,992,984 6,429,731 6,502,132 Change in Reserves 85,125 (144,693) (204,110) (485,548) 2,436,747 72,401 ATTACHMENT V SELF INSURANCE FUND - SUB FUND A Actual 2014-2015, Projected 2015-16 and Budget 2016-2017 SUB-FUND A: GASB-10 ACTUARIALLY BASED RISK! GENERAL LIABILITY AND AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Actual Projected Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Actuarial Reserves-GASB 10-Beginning of Year $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,500,000 Revenues: O&M - 1,000,000 - Subrogation Recovery 165,950 - - Interest 2,354 5,257 5,868 Total Revenues 168,304 1,005,257 5,868 Expenses: Losses 280,619 850,000 100,000 Legal 48,519 65,000 50,000 Technical 207,793 55,000 75,000 Total Expenses 536,931 970,000 225,000 Revenue over Expense (368,627) 35,257 (219,132) Reserves: Transfer(to)/from Sub-Fund C 368,627 464,743 219,132 Total Reserves Projected End of Year $ 1,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 Note: Sub Fund A was increased from $1.0M to$1.5M in fiscal year 2015-16 as part of the Reserve Policy adopted by the Board (BP 017). Reserve is for three occurrences. ATTACHMENT VI SELF INSURANCE FUND - SUB FUND B Actual 2014-2015, Projected 2015-16 and Budget 2016-2017 SUB-FUND B: GASB-10 NON-ACTUARIALLY BASED RISKS CATASTROPHIC AND SELF-INSURED RISKS Actual Projected Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Beginning Reserves $ 2,400,000 $ 2,400,000 - Revenues: O&M _ _ _ Recovery - _ _ Interest 5,649 17,522 - Total Revenues 5,649 17,522 - Expenses: Losses - - Legal 60,880 4,000 - Technical - - - Total Expenses 60,880 4,000 - Revenue over Expense (55,231) 13,522 - Reserves: Transfer(to)/from Sub-Fund C 55,231 (13,522) - Transfer(to)/from Sub-Fund C - (2,400,000) - Total Reserves Projected End of Year $ 2,400,000 $ - $ - Note: Sub Fund B was transferred to Sub Fund C Emergency Reserves. ATTACHMENT VII SELF INSURANCE FUND - SUB FUND C Actual 2014-2015, Projected 2015-16 and Budget 2016-2017 SUB-FUND C: NON GASB-10 RISKS RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM INSURANCE PREMIUMS AND SELF-INSURED PROPERTY LOSSES Actual Projected Budget 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Beginninq Reserves $ 1,078,532 $ 592,984 $ 4,929,731 Revenues: O&M 650,000 500,000 920,000 Subrogation Recovery - 1,313 - Insurance Recovery from HHW Partners 21,187 71,500 75,000 Interest 2,831 47 19,533 Total Revenues 674,018 572,860 1,014,533 Expenses: Losses - - 100,000 Legal 39,101 5,000 25,000 Technical - - 10,000 Insurance Premiums 472,230 529,892 580,000 Insurance Consulting Services 5,000 - 6,000 Claims Adjustment 219,377 - 2,000 Total Expenses 735,708 534,892 723,000 Revenue over Expense (61,690) 37,968 291,533 Reserves: Transfer(to)/from Sub-Funds A (368,627) (464,743) (219,132) Transfer(to)/from Sub-Funds B - 2,400,000 - Transfer(to)/from Sub-Funds B (55,231) 13,522 - Reserve Policy Transfers - 2,350,000 - Total Reserves Projected End of Year $ 592,984 $ 4,929,731 $ 5,002,132 Note: Sub Fund C was increased to$5.OM in fiscal year 2015-16 as part of the Reserve Policy adopted by the Board (BP 017). ATTACHMENT VIII FINAL PASS CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE FUND FY 2016-17 Debt Service Revenue: Reserve Account Bond Interest Income $ 42,497 Ad Valorem Tax(portion allocated to Debt Service) 3,748,310 $ 3,790,807 Debt Service Expense: 2009 Bond Interest Payment and Amortized Costs, less Tax Subsidy on BAB $ 1,275,346 6.8% reduction of tax subsidy due to congressional sequestration 28,342 Recycled Water Loan Interest Payment 9,363 Total Interest Payment and Amortization Costs $ 1,313,051 2009 Bond Principal Payment $ 2,300,000 Recycled Water Loan Principal Payment 177,756 Total Principal Payments $ 2,477,756 Total Debt Service Interest, Amortized Costs and Principal Payments $ 3,790,807 Fund Balance- Beginning of Year $ - Revenue over Expense Transfer from/(to) O&M or Capital - Fund Balance- End of Year $ - ATTACHMENT IX Reserve Balance Projections Sewer Construction Fund Self Insurance O & M Fund (Capital) Fund Totals Projected Balance as of June 30, 2016 $ 39,668,857 $ 18,378,517 $ 6,500,000 $ 64,547,374 Projected Balance as of June 30, 2017 $ 39,675,139 $ 16,473,181 $ 6,500,000 $ 62,648,320 FY 2016-17 Reserve Policy Target $ 37,421,216 $ 18,404,378 $ 6,500,000 $ 62,325,594