HomeMy WebLinkAbout04. Draft Position Paper to decide whether to take a position on Measure AACentral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 Subject: DETERMINE WHETHER TO TAKE A POSITION ON MEASURE AA, THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY CLEAN WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION AND HABITAT RESTORATION MEASURE Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Lori Schectel Engineering & Technical Services / Environmental and Regulatory Environmental & Regulatory Compliance Compliance Division Manager Division Emily Barnett Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: JM. Petit — Director of Engineering & Technical Services Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE: Determine whether to take a position on Measure AA, the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Measure. Measure AA is a proposed bond measure for the Bay Area's nine counties including Contra Costa County. This measure will appear on the June 7, 2016 ballot. BACKGROUND: Measure AA proposes a $12 per year parcel tax that will allow voters within the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority to invest $500 million over 20 years to restore wetlands around San Francisco Bay. A "yes" vote would approve this parcel tax—a property tax based on units of property rather than assessed value—of $12 per year throughout the nine counties surrounding the San Francisco Bay. A "no" vote would reject the proposed parcel tax of $12 per year. The tax will automatically expire in 2037. The nine counties included are: San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Contra Costa, Alameda, Napa, Solano, Sonoma, and Marin. A two-thirds supermajority public vote is required for the approval of this measure. [See attachments (1) CoCo Voter Guide Information on Measure AA; and (2) List of Public Endorsements as of May 3, 2016.] ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Consider impacts to District ratepayers. Consider that this is a public vote and the District's customers and residents of the nine counties have the decision-making authority. Consider that cumulative property tax burden can lead to tax fatigue of District ratepayers, for both residential and commercial customers. Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 19, 2016 Subject: DETERMINE WHETHER TO TAKE A POSITION ON MEASURE AA, THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY CLEAN WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION AND HABITAT RESTORATION MEASURE FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $12 tax increase per year for District ratepayers. While this measure presents no financial impacts to the District, it also provides no direct benefits. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Administration Committee reviewed this position paper on May 9, 2016, and recommended RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Take one of the following actions: 1. Support Measure AA; or 2. Oppose Measure AA; or 3. Take no position on Measure AA; or 4. Take some other action with regard to Measure AA. Attached Subportina Document(s): 1. CoCo Voter Guide Information on Measure AA 2. List of Public Endorsements as of May 3, 2016 Page 2 of 2 MEASURE AA SAN FRANCISCO BAY RESTORATION AUTHORITY San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Program. To protect San Francisco Bay for future generations by reducing trash, pollution and harmful toxins, improving water quality, restoring habitat for fish, birds and wildlife, protecting communities from floods, and increasing shoreline public access, shall the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority authorize a parcel tax of $12 per year, raising approximately $25 million annually for twenty years with independent citizen oversight, audits, and all funds staying local? IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURE AA The San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority was created by the State of California to fund projects to protect and restore the San Francisco Bay. The Authority does not receive any dedicated local, state or federal funding to underwrite such shoreline projects. The Authority has placed on the ballot Measure AA, which if approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on the Measure, would assess a special parcel tax of $12 per year on each parcel of taxable real property wholly or partially within its jurisdiction, the San Francisco Bay Area comprising the Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma and the City and County of San Francisco. The parcel tax would be assessed for a period of 20 years, from July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2037. According to the Measure, the parcel tax would raise approximately $25 million annually. According to the Measure, proceeds would be used to fund shoreline projects to protect and restore San Francisco Bay for future generations by (1) reducing trash, pollution and harmful toxins; (2) improving water quality; (3) improving habitat for fish, birds and wildlife; (4) protecting communities from floods; and (5) increasing shoreline access for public enjoyment. Projects would be prioritized based on criteria set forth in the Measure, including but not limited to, their positive impact on the San Francisco Bay as a whole, in terms of clean water, wildlife habitat, beneficial use to the residents, and ensuring projects are funded in each of the San Francisco Bay Area's nine counties. The Measure ensures allocation of 50% of the funds to the North Bay, East Bay, South Bay, and West Bay proportional to their populations, with the remaining 50% allocated to projects within the jurisdiction without regard to location. Proceeds from the parcel tax would be used solely for the programs set forth in the Measure, would be deposited in a separate account, would be spent exclusively for projects in the nine counties comprising the Authority, and could not be taken by the State, with total administrative expenditures limited to no more than 5% of the Measure's proceeds. An independent, annual audit would be conducted of all proceeds and expenditures, and an annual report would be published detailing the amounts deposited and expended CC -9012-X1 Attachment 1 and the status of projects funded under the Measure. These annual audits and reports would be submitted to an Independent Citizens Oversight Committee for review, with the committees findings posted on the Authority's website. The parcel tax would appear as a separate item on residents' property tax bills and would be collected by tax collectors at the same time as and in the same manner as other property taxes. A "yes" vote is a vote to approve a parcel tax of $12 per parcel on taxable parcels within the San Francisco Bay Area for a period of 20 years to fund San Francisco Bay restoration projects. A "no" vote is a vote not to approve a parcel tax of $12 per parcel on taxable parcels within the San Francisco Bay Area for a period of 20 years to fund San Francisco Bay restoration projects. By: Kenneth K. Moy Counsel to the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Reviewed and revised by Orry P. Korb, County Counsel for the County of Santa Clara ARGUMENT IN FAVOR MEASURE AA Join Senator Dianne Feinstein and environmental, business and community leaders from across Contra Costa County in voting YES on Measure AA for a clean and healthy San Francisco Bay. This measure is critical to restoring wetlands and protecting wildlife habitat for future generations throughout the Bay Area. San Francisco Bay is a part of all of our lives – whether we live along the Bay; work there; walk, jog, or visit parks along its shores; or simply appreciate it as we drive over a bridge. The Bay also attracts tourists, supports commercial fishing and attracts quality employers to the region – all of which help keep our economy strong. But pollution and other problems have put the health of the Bay at serious risk. Fish in the Bay are contaminated with harmful chemicals like PCBs, mercury and pesticides. Measure AA will restore wetlands throughout the Bay Area, which provide habitat for fish and wildlife and filter out pollutants from water to reduce toxins that threaten the ecosystem. Wetlands also act as a natural barrier against flooding and provide urban recreational open space, a resource we all cherish. Voting YES on AA will: • Reduce trash, pollution and harmful toxins in the Bay • Improve water quality • Restore habitat for fish, birds and wildlife • Protect communities from floods • Increase shoreline public access Measure AA includes important fiscal accountability protections: • All funds must stay in the Bay Area to be used only on local habitat restoration and wildlife protection projects • An independent citizens' oversight committee will oversee funds to ensure they are spent properly • Independent audits and annual public reports ensure transparency Passing this critical measure will ensure that our children and grandchildren inherit a clean and healthy San Francisco Bay. Join us—vote YES on AA to protect San Francisco Bay, our greatest natural treasure. www.vesonaaforthebay.com Steve Glazer, Senator Tony Thurmond, Assemblymember John Gioia, Contra Costa County Supervisor David Lewis, Executive Director, Save the Bay Ron Brown, Retired Executive Director, Save Mount Diablo CC -9012-X2 ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE AA Preserving the Bay and ensuring clean water are important; so are honesty and accountability. Measure AA is more about filling politicians' pockets than it is about helping the environment. Renters, homeowners and small business owners OPPOSE Measure AA because: • Measure AA doesn't nail down how money will be spent. In fact, Section S.A. says the Authority Board can "amend this measure by majority vote." This is like TAXPAYERS WRITING A BLANK CHECK. • Measure M ensures POLITICS, NOT SCIENCE, DRIVES DECISIONS. There is no requirement for a scientific advisory board to evaluate proposed projects or assess project accomplishments. Grants will be based on politics instead of objective priorities. • Measure AA is giving money to politicians that it TAKES FROM THE POOR. Google, Facebook and Apple Computer would pay the same tax as the owner of a one -bedroom condominium. • High property taxes DRIVE UP HOUSING COSTS FOR RENTERS AND HOMEOWNERS. Many people are unemployed, underemployed, or financially stretched and CANNOT AFFORD TO PAY MORE. • If this tax passes, politicians will ask for more -- but they DON'T WANT THE PUBLIC HAVING A SAY in how their money is spent. Our environment needs help, and we need to speak up for it. We need to speak up for ourselves. Measure AA doesn't help -- it's a sham. Demand accountability from politicians and VOTE NO! CONTRA COSTA TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION Jack Weir, President, Contra Costa Taxpayers Association REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT IN FAVOR MEASURE AA We value clean water and a healthy environment, so we need to demand genuine protection for them. Measure AA represents a lot of money, but very little will go to the wetlands. The real goal of Measure M is to raise a lot of money for politicians to spend any way they want. Residents oppose Measure AA because: GIVES A BLANK CHECK TO POLITICIANS. • There's no spending plan, only "example" projects. • No one really knows how money would be spent. • Measure AA gives politicians power to change the law, to spend money however they decide. TRUE COSTS ARE HIDDEN. • The Authority plans to issue $1.5 billion in debt, to be added to our tax bills. • Repaying this debt, with interest, would cost our children and grandchildren up to $3 BILLION. FUNDS COULD GET TIED UP INDEFINITELY. • Wetlands restoration requires coordination among many agencies. • The San Francisco Bay is a jungle of jurisdictions and regulations. • Currently there is no plan to efficiently coordinate efforts among federal, state and local agencies. • Reform must come first. WETLAND RESTORATION INCREASES FLOOD RISKS. • Measure AA doesn't identify costs for flood mitigation. • Most money would be needed to build new levees, particularly in the South Bay. • All Bay Area taxpayers shouldn't pay for Silicon Valley's flood protection. Saving the Bay is too important for us to get wrong. Measure AA is a joke. Vote NO to tell politicians that you expect SMART PLANS and REAL CHANGE for your tax dollars. CONTRA COSTA TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION Jack Weir, President, Contra Costa Taxpayers Association CC -9012-X3 REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE AA The argument against Measure AA relies upon misinformation. We've researched the facts: Measure AA includes a detailed, equitable allocation formula that ensures Contra Costa County will benefit. Half of Measure AA funds will be dedicated geographically, with $90 million guaranteed to the East Bay. The other half will be distributed on a competitive basis throughout the Bay Area. Measure AA requires that all projects competing for funding must demonstrate they provide solid benefits in one of four program areas: Safe, Clean Water and Pollution Prevention; Fish, Bird and Wildlife Habitat; Integrated Flood Protection; or Shoreline Public Access. Every dollar will be spent making San Francisco Bay cleaner and healthier. The baseline funding commitment of $1 per month that Measure AA levies on all parcels represents the minimum we all can do to ensure the shared benefits of a clean and healthy bay are preserved for our children and grandchildren. This proposal is rooted deeply in environmental science. Measure AAs wetlands restoration goals are based on scientific studies (baylandsgoals.org). Bay scientists and wetlands engineers on the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority's Advisory Committee and Governing Board and preeminent scientific organizations — like the Bay Institute and The Nature Conservancy — have endorsed Measure M. Join scientists, as well as environmental, community and business leaders, in voting YES on Measure AA to protect the natural wonder of our region — the San Francisco Bay. Mark DeSaulnier, Congressman Amy R. Worth, Orinda City Council Member Jael Myrick, Richmond City Councilmember Kristine Zeigler, The Nature Conservancy Jim Wunderman, President & CEO, Bay Area Council FULL TEXT OF MEASURE AA THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY CLEAN WATER, POLLUTION PREVENTION AND HABITAT RESTORATION MEASURE The people of the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority do ordain as follows: Section 1. Findings and Purpose. Over the last century, landfill and toxic pollution have had a massive impact on San Francisco Bay (sometimes referred to herein as the "Bay"). It is not too late to reverse this impact and restore the Bay for future generations. To meet that objective, in 2008, state law established the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority (the "Authority"), to raise and allocate resources for the restoration, enhancement, protection, and enjoyment of wetlands and wildlife habitats in the San Francisco Bay and along its shoreline. The purpose of the San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Measure (the "Measure") is to protect and restore San Francisco Bay to benefit future generations by reducing trash, pollution, and harmful toxins, improving water quality, restoring habitat for fish, birds, and wildlife, protecting communities from flood and increasing shoreline public access and recreational areas. Section 2. Funding of San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Expenditure Plan. Subject to voter approval, the Authority hereby establishes a special parcel tax (the "Special Tax") the proceeds of which shall be used solely for the purpose of supporting the programs and priorities and other purposes set forth in this Measure. The Special Tax shall be levied at a rate of twelve dollars ($12) per parcel within the jurisdiction of the Authority, which consists of the Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma and the City and County of San Francisco (such nine counties, collectively, the "San Francisco Bay Area"). The Special Tax shall be levied annually for a total of twenty (20) years, commencing July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2037. The Special Tax shall be levied on each parcel of taxable property within the San Francisco Bay Area, and shall be collected by the tax collectors of each county (including the City and County of San Francisco) in the San Francisco Bay Area (the "Tax Collectors") at the same time as, and along with, and will be subject to the same penalties as CC -9012-X4 general, ad valorem taxes collected by the Tax Collectors. The Special Tax and any penalty shall bear interest at the same rate as the rate for unpaid ad valorem property taxes until paid. Any Special Tax levied shall become a lien upon the properties against which taxes are assessed and collectible as herein provided. The Special Tax shall appear as a separate item on the tax bill. All property that is otherwise exempt from ad valorem property taxes in any year shall also be exempt from the Special Tax in such year. The Authority shall adopt procedures that set forth any clarifications and exemptions to address unique circumstances and any procedure for claimants seeking an exemption, refund, reduction or recomputation of the Special Tax. Section 3. San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Expenditure Plan. The revenues from the Special Tax set forth in Section 2 above shall be used solely for the purpose of supporting programs and priorities and purposes set forth in this Measure, including the following: A. Program Descriptions Under this Measure, the Authority may fund projects along the Bay shorelines within the Authority's jurisdiction, which consists of the Counties ofAlameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma and the City and County of San Francisco. The shorelines include the shorelines of San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay, Carquinez Strait, Suisun Bay, and most of the Northern Contra Costa County Shoreline to the edge of the Delta Primary Zone. These projects shall advance the following programs: 1. Safe, Clean Water and Pollution Prevention Program The purpose of this program to be funded under the Measure is to remove pollution, trash and harmful toxins from the Bay in order to provide clean water for fish, birds, wildlife, and people. a. Improve water quality by reducing pollution and engaging in restoration activities, protecting public health and making fish and wildlife healthier. b. Reduce pollution levels through shoreline cleanup and trash removal from the Bay. c. Restore wetlands that provide natural filters and remove pollution from the Bay's water. d. Clean and enhance creek outlets where they flow into the Bay. 2. Vital Fish, Bird and Wildlife Habitat Program The purpose of this program to be funded under the Measure is to significantly improve wildlife habitat that will support and increase vital populations of fish, birds, and other wildlife in and around the Bay. a. Enhance the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, shoreline parks and open space preserves, and other protected lands in and around the Bay, providing expanded and improved habitat for fish, birds and mammals. b. Protect and restore wetlands and other Bay and shoreline habitats to benefit wildlife, including shorebirds, waterfowl and fish. c. Provide for stewardship, maintenance and monitoring of habitat restoration projects in and around the Bay, to ensure their ongoing benefits to wildlife and people. 3. Integrated Flood Protection Program The purpose of this program to be funded under the Measure is to use natural habitats to protect communities along the Bay's shoreline from the risks of severe coastal flooding caused by storms and high water levels. a. Provide nature -based flood protection through wetland and habitat restoration along the Bay's edge and at creek outlets that flow to the Bay. b. Build and/or improve flood protection levees that are a necessary part of wetland restoration activities, to protect existing shoreline communities, agriculture, and infrastructure. 4. Shoreline Public Access Program The purpose of this program to be funded under the Measure is to enhance the quality of life of Bay Area residents, including those with disabilities, through safer and improved public access, as part of and compatible with wildlife habitat restoration projects in and around the Bay. a. Construct new, repair existing and/or replace deteriorating public access trails, signs, and related facilities along the shoreline and manage these public access facilities. b. Provide interpretive materials and special outreach events about pollution prevention, wildlife habitat, public access, and flood protection, to protect the Bay's health and encourage community engagement. B. Additional Allocation Criteria and Community Benefits 1. The Authority shall ensure that the Measure's CC -9012-X5 revenue is spent in the most efficient and effective manner, consistent with the public interest and in compliance with existing law. The Authority shall give priority to projects that: a. Have the greatest positive impact on the Bay as a whole, in terms of clean water, wildlife habitat and beneficial use to Bay Area residents. b. Have the greatest long-term impact on the Bay, to benefit future generations. c. Provide for geographic distribution across the region and ensure that there are projects funded in each of the nine counties in the San Francisco Bay Area over the life of the Measure. d. Increase impact value by leveraging state and federal resources and public/private partnerships. e. Benefit economically disadvantaged communities. f. Benefit the region's economy, including local workforce development, employment opportunities for Bay Area residents, and nature -based flood protection for critical infrastructure and existing shoreline communities. Work with local organizations and businesses to engage youth and young adults and assist them in gaining skills related to natural resource protection. h. Incorporate monitoring, maintenance and stewardship to develop the most efficient and effective strategies for restoration and achievement of intended benefits. i. Meet the selection criteria of the Coastal Conservancy's San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program and are consistent with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission's coastal management program and with the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture's implementation strategy. g. 2. The Authority shall ensure that 50% of the total net revenue generated during the 20 -year term of the Special Tax is allocated to the four Bay Area regions, defined as the North Bay (Sonoma, Marin, Napa and Solano Counties), East Bay (Alameda and Contra Costa Counties), West Bay (City and County of San Francisco and San Mateo County) and South Bay (Santa Clara County) in proportion to each region's share of the Bay Area's population, as determined in the 2010 census, and consistent with the priorities set forth in this section. As a result, each region will receive the following minimum percentage of total net revenue generated during the 20 -year term of the Special Tax: North Bay: 9%, East Bay: 18%, West Bay: 11%, South Bay: 12%. The remaining revenue shall be allocated consistent with all other provisions of this Measure. 3. The Authority shall conduct one or more public meetings annually to gain public input on selection of projects under this Measure. All actions, including decisions about selecting projects for funding, will be made by the Authority in public meetings with advance notice and with meeting materials made available in advance to the public. 4. The Authority may accumulate revenue over multiple years so that sufficient funding is available for larger and Tong -term projects. All interest income shall be used solely to support programs and priorities set forth in this Measure. 5. No Special Tax proceeds shall be used for campaign advocacy. 6. No more than 5% of the Special Tax proceeds generated in any given fiscal year may be used by the Authority for general government purposes in such fiscal year, including to administer the projects funded under this Measure. Any unused funds may be carried over for use in subsequent fiscal years. 7. The Authority shall have the right, power and authority to pledge Special Tax proceeds to the payment of bonds of the Authority or another public agency (including, but not limited to, a joint powers authority created pursuant to Article 1 of the Joint Exercise of Powers Act (Government Code Section 6500 et seq.)), and use Special Tax proceeds to pay debt service on such bonds and the costs of issuance related thereto. C. Accountability and Oversight In order to ensure accountability, transparency and public oversight of funds collected and allocated under this Measure and comply with State law, all of the following shall apply: 1. The specific purpose of the Special Tax shall be to support only programs and priorities and other purposes listed in this Measure. The Special Tax proceeds shall be applied only for specific purposes of this Measure and shall be spent only in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this Measure. 2. A separate account shall be created by the Authority into which all Special Tax proceeds must be deposited. The Authority shall commission an independent annual audit of all revenues deposited CC -9012-X6 in, and all expenditures made from, the separate account and publish annual financial statements. 3. All Special Tax revenue, except as set forth in Section 3.B.6 above, shall be spent on projects for the benefit of the San Francisco Bay Area, and shall not be taken by the State. 4. The Authority shall prepare annual written reports showing (i) the amount of funds collected and expended from Special Tax proceeds and (ii) the status of any projects or programs required or authorized to be funded from the proceeds of the Special Tax, as identified above. The report shall comply with Government Code section 50075.3, be posted on the Authority's website, and be submitted to the Bay Restoration Advisory Committee, established pursuant to Government Code section 66703.7 (the "Advisory Committee"), for review and comment. 5. The Advisory Committee shall provide advice to the Authority on all aspects of its activities under this Measure to ensure maximum benefit, value, and transparency. Advisory Committee meetings will be announced in advance and will be open to the public. The responsibilities of the Advisory Committee shall include, but shall not be limited to: (a) advising the Authority about implementation of this Measure; and (b) making recommendations regarding expenditure priorities under this Measure. 6. The Authority shall appoint six members of the public to an Independent Citizens Oversight Committee that shall: (a) annually review the Authority's conformance with the Measure; (b) review the Authority's audits and expenditure and financial reports; and (c) publish an annual report of its findings, which shall be posted on the Authority's website. The six members shall include residents of the North Bay, East Bay, West Bay, and South Bay, as defined in Government Code 66703(a), who are experts in water quality, pollution reduction, habitat restoration, flood protection, improvement of public access to the Bay, or financing of these objectives. No person may serve on the Independent Citizens Oversight Committee who (a) is an elected official or government employee, or (b) has had or could have a financial interest in decisions of the Authority as defined by Government Code section 87103 and the Fair Political Practices Commission. Section 4. Establishment of Appropriation Limit. Pursuant to Article XIII -B of the California Constitution and section 66704.05(b)(2) of the Government Code, the appropriation limit of the Authority shall be set by the total revenues actually received by the Authority from the proceeds of the Special Tax levied in fiscal year 2017-18, as adjusted each fiscal year thereafter for the estimated change in the cost of living, population and number of parcels on which the Special Tax is levied (such estimate to be determined by the Governing Body of the Authority and be conclusive for all purposes after made). The appropriation limit may be further adjusted by any other changes that may be permitted or required by Article XIII -B of the California Constitution. Section 5. Amendments and Severability. A. The Governing Board of the Authority shall be empowered to amend this Measure by majority vote of its members to further the purposes of this Measure, to conform the provisions of this Measure to applicable State law, to modify the methods of levy and collection of the Special Tax, or to assign the duties of public officials under this Measure. B. If any part of this Measure is held to be invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Measure and the voters declare that they would have passed the remainder of this Measure as if such invalid portion were not included. CC -9012-X7 ATTACHMENT 2 — Updated May 3, 2016 Measure AA Public Endorsements Honorary Co -Chairs: U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein and Bob Fisher REGIONAL AND STATEWIDE Elected Officials: U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer Gov. Jerry Brown Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom Fiona Ma, Member, State Board of Equalization State Sen. Majority Leader Bill Monning (SD 17) Business Groups: Bay Area Council Bay Planning Coalition Environmental Entrepreneurs Google Outdoor Industry Association Pacific Gas & Electric Company San Francisco Giants Silicon Valley Leadership Group Labor Organizations: North Bay Labor Council, AFL-CIO Operating Engineers Local No. 3 SEIU Local 1021 South Bay Labor Council, AFL-CIO Environmental & Public Health Organizations: Aquarium of the Bay Audubon California The Bay Institute Breathe California California League of Conservation Voters Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge Defenders of Wildlife Ducks Unlimited Environmental Defense Fund Greenbelt Alliance Natural Resources Defense Council Environmental Organizations (Cont.): The Nature Conservancy Regional Parks Association San Francisco Bay Joint Venture San Francisco Baykeeper Save The Bay Sierra Club Trout Unlimited California Trust for Public Land The Watershed Project Public Agencies & Associations: East Bay Municipal Utility District Community Organizations & Civic Groups: California Alliance for Jobs California Interfaith Power & Light League of Women Voters of the Bay Area SPUR TransForm Political Organizations: Raoul Wallenberg Jewish Democratic Club Newsnaners: Contra Costa Times Livermore Independent Marin Independent Journal Oakland Tribune Petaluma Argus -Courier San Francisco Chronicle San Jose Mercury News San Mateo Daily Journal Santa Rosa Press Democrat Sonoma Index -Tribune 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA— People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Conned, mid Sion Valley leadership Group, wth Major Funding by PG&E Corporation and John and Mn Doerr, FPPC IDA 1380189. Printing Donated. ALAMEDA COUNTY U.S. Congress: Rep. Eric Swalwell (CA -15) Rep. Mike Honda (CA -17) lgislature: Sen. Loni Hancock (SD 09) Sen. Bob Wieckowski (SD 10) Sen. President Pro Tempore Don Perata, Ret. Asm. Tony Thurmond (AD 15) Asm. Rob Bonta (AD 18) Asm. Bill Quirk (AD 20) Asm. Dion Aroner, Ret. Asm. Nancy Skinner, Ret., Candidate for Senate District 9 Asm. Sandre Swanson, Ret. Asm. Mariko Yamada, Ret., Candidate for Senate District 3 Mayors: Hon. Libby Schaaf, City of Oakland Hon. Tom Bates, City of Berkeley Hon. Peter Maass, City of Albany County Sunervisors: Alameda County Board of Supervisors Sup. Scott Haggerty (District 1) Sup, Wilma Chan (District 3) Local Elected Officials: Vinnie Bacon, Councilmember, City of Fremont Annie Campbell Washington, Vice Mayor, City of Oakland Suzanne Lee Chan, Councilmember, City of Fremont Updated May 3, 2016 Local Elected Officials (Conti.: John Coleman, Board Member, East Bay Municipal Utility District* Cheryl Cook-Kallio, Councilmember, City of Pleasanton, Candidate for Assembly District 16 Aimee Eng, Director, Oakland Unified School District* Teddy Gray King, Councilmember, City of Piedmont Abel Guillen, Councilmember, City of Oakland Jumoke Hinton -Hodge, Director, Oakland Unified School District* Dan Kalb, Councilmember, City of Oakland Jody London, Director, Oakland Unified School District* Frank Matarrese, Vice Mayor, City of Alameda Bob McBain, Councilmember, City of Piedmont Diana Prola, Trustee, San Leandro Unified School District* Jim Prola, Councilmember, City of San Leandro Rebecca Saltzman, Board Member, BART* John Sutter, Board Member, East Bay Regional Park District* Roseann Torres, Director, Oakland Unified School District* Susan Wengraf, Councilmember, City of Berkeley Kriss Worthington, Councilmember, City of Berkeley Cities. Public Agencies & Associations: City of Alameda East Bay Municipal Utility District Hayward Area Shoreline Planning Agency Business Groups: Oakland Chamber of Commerce *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA — People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Siicon Palley Leadership Group,rfr8t1 Major Funding by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380789. Printing Donated. ALAMEDA COUNTY (Cont.) Labor Organizations: SEIU Local 1021 - Alameda County COPE Environmental Organizations: Citizens for East Shore Parks Friends of Five Creeks Friends of the San Leandro Creek Golden Gate Audubon Society League of Conservation Voters of the East Bay Ohlone Audubon Society Tri -City Ecology Center Community Organizations & Civic Groups: Piedmont Garden Club Political Organizations: Alameda County Democratic Party Berkeley Democratic Club East Bay Young Democrats Community Leaders & Neighbors: Adria L. Angelo, Director, Dr. Herbert Guice Christian Academy* Michele Beasley, Executive Director, San Mateo Parks Foundation* Ben Becler, Berkeley Nessia Berner, Oakland Rene Castle, Hayward Jesse DeLaCruz, Oakland Cisco DeVries, CEO, Renew Financial* Loisa Domingo, Alameda Jeffrey Espadilla, Alameda Kate Gordon, Climate and Clean Energy Advocate Zlatan Kuckovic, Oakland Dr. Joanne Lafler, Retired Margaretta Lin, Dellums Institute for Social Justice* Updated May 3, 2016 Community Leaders & Neighbors (Cont.,: Brietta Linney, Research Associate, California Environmental Associates* Sara Moore, Oakland Michelle Myers, Sierra Club* Melquis Naveo, Outreach Director, GO Public Schools* Sally Nelson, Berkeley Risa and Bruce Nye, Oakland Donna Olsen, Tri -City Ecology Center* Noemi Paez, Berkeley Bryan Parker, Candidate for Alameda County Supervisor District 4 Anastasia Pierik, Berkeley Pat Schwinn, Oakland Evelyn Stivers, East Bay League of Conservation Voters Brandon Sturdivant, Organizer, Oakland Community Organizations* Andre Thomas, Oakland Igor Tregub, Vice Chair, Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board* Jayne Walker, Berkeley R. Zachary Wasserman, Chair, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission* Kelcie Wong, Non -Profit Programs Director, Oakland Marilyn Wong, Livermore Mia Yamauchi, Oakland Hilda Zarate-Cervantes, Berkeley Alexander Zwissler, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission* Newspapers: Livermore Independent Oakland Tribune *For 'dentificatior •urposes or . 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Leasure AA — People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley Leadership Group, with Major Funding by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380189. Printing Donated. YES on AA 40, CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY CONTRA COSTA COUNTY U.S. Congress: Rep. Mike Thompson (CA -05) Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (CA -11) Rep. George Miller, Ret. L&e islature: Sen. Steve Glazer (SD 07) Sen. Loni Hancock (SD 09) Asm. Tony Thurmond (AD 15) Asm. Dion Aroner, Ret. Asm. Nancy Skinner, Ret., Candidate for Senate District 9 Asm. Sandre Swanson, Ret. Asm. Mariko Yamada, Ret., Candidate for Senate District 3 Mayors: Hon. Tom Butt, City of Richmond Hon. Greg Lyman, City of El Cerrito Hon. Amy Worth, City of Orinda County Sunervisors: Sup. John Gioia (District 1) Local Elected Officials: Linda Mayo, Board Member, Mount Diablo Unified School District* Jael Myrick, Councilmember, City of Richmond Monica Wilson, Councilmember, City of Antioch Public Agencies & Associations: East Bay Municipal Utility District Labor Organizations: Contra Costa AFL-CIO Labor Council SEIU Local 1021 - Contra Costa County COPE Updated May 3, 2016 Environmental Organizations: Friends of Five Creeks Friends of Pine Meadow Golden Gate Audubon Society John Muir Land Trust League of Conservation Voters of the East Bay Mount Diablo Audubon Society The Watershed Project Political Organizations: Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA) - Richmond/Contra Costa Contra Costa County Democratic Party El Cerrito Democratic Club Lamorinda Democratic Club San Ramon Valley Democratic Club Community Leaders & Nei hbars: Laura Bernell, Educator, Walnut Creek Bruce Beyaert Joshua Bradt, Environmental Planner, Richmond Ron Brown, Former Executive Director, Save Mount Diablo* Sarah Butler, Orinda Cheryl Cook-Kallio, Candidate for Assembly District 16 Michael Eliot, President, Wild Birds Unlimited* Jesus Gomez, Concord Andian Gonzalez, Concord Juliana Gonzales, Executive Director, The Watershed Project* Melani King, Point Richmond Barry Margesson, Brentwood Freeda and Brian Rawson, Richmond *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure M — People fora Clean and Hear Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area CouncI, and Silcon Valley leadership Group, vat Major Funder by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380189. Printing Donated. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (Cont.) Community Leaders & Neighbors CCont.l: Carolyn Rebuffel-Flannery, Walnut Creek Ted Robertson, Wetland Biologist, Condor Country Consulting* Seth Stroika, Senior Staff Geologist, Terraphase Engineering* Vincent Vancil, Accutest Laboratories* Tamisha Walker, Lead Organizer, Safe Return Project* Cindy Ware, Walnut Creek Janelle Webster, Walnut Creek Kirsten Whitsett, Lafayette Kristine Zeigler, The Nature Conservancy* Newspapers: Contra Costa Times Updated May 3, 2016 *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA— People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Councl, and Soon Valley Leadership Group, wlth Major Funder by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC IDS 1380789. Printing Donated. YES on AA CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY MARIN COUNTY U.S. Congress: Rep. Jared Huffman (CA -02) Legislature: Sen. Mike McGuire (SD 02) Mayors: Hon. Claire McAuliffe, City of Belvedere County Sunervisors: Marin County Board of Supervisors Sup. Damon Connolly (District 1) Sup. Katie Rice (District 2) Sup. Kathrin Sears (District 3) Sup. Steve Kinsey (District 4) Sup. Judy Arnold (District 5) Local Elected Officials: Michael Boorstein, Board President, Ross Valley Sanitary District* Larry Bragman, Director, Marin Municipal Water District* Robert Bundy, Chair, Corte Madera Flood Control Board* Megan Clark, Director, Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District* Carole Dillon -Knutson, Director, Novato Sanitary District* Kathleen Foote, Former Mayor of Mill Valley Rick Fraites, Board Member, North Marin Water District* Alice Fredericks, Councilmember, Town of Tiburon Josh Fryday, Councilmember, City of Novato Jack Gibson, Director, Marin Municipal Water District* Updated May 3, 2016 Local Elected Officials fCont.l: Cynthia Koehler, Director, Marin Municipal Water District* Pamela Meigs, RN, Director, Ross Valley Sanitary District* Armando Quintero, Director, Marin Municipal Water District* Dennis Rodoni, Board Member, North Marin Water District* Larry Russell, Director, Marin Municipal Water District* Ann Thomas, Member, Corte Madera Flood Control Board* Wanden Treanor, Trustee, College of Marin* Gail Wilhelm, Former Marin County Supervisor and Former Novato City Councilmember Business Groups: North Bay Leadership Council Labor Organizations: North Bay Labor Council, AFL-CIO Environmental Organizations: Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed Marin Audubon Society Marin Baylands Advocates Marin Conservation League Sustainable San Rafael Political Organizations: Marin Democratic Party *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA — People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and SIrcon Valley Leadership Group, with Major Funding by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380189. Printing Donated. YES on AA I. CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY MARIN COUNTY (Cont.) Community Leaders & Neighbors: Amy Allen, San Rafael Nancy Bell, Sausalito Robert Berner, Former Executive Director, Marin Agricultural Land Trust* Julia Berner, Artisan Cheesemaker Dave Brast, Inverness Greg Brockbank, Former Councilmember, City of San Rafael Maureen Brown Parton, Aide to Marin County Supervisor Kate Sears* Eva Buxton, Conservation Chair, California Native Plant Society* Bill Carney, President, Sustainable San Rafael Belle Cole, San Rafael Barbara Contini, Nicasio Nora Contini, San Rafael Vicky Denhart Nona Dennis, Marin Conservation League Jason Dow, Novato Mark Dowie, Host and Executive Producer, Talking Point Radio* Dr. Phyllis Faber, Board Member, Marin Agricultural Land Trust* Mike and Sally Gale, Ranchers, Chileno Valley Beef* Michael Gallagher, Wells Fargo* Patty Garbarino, President, Marin Sanitary Service* Dr. Corey Goodman, Prof. of Neuroscience, UC Berkeley*, and rancher, Barinaga Ranch, West Marin Margie Goodman, Novato Molly Graham, Sausalito Dominic Grossi, Rancher and President, Marin Sonoma Fair Board of Directors* Updated May 3, 2016 Community Leaders & Neighbors (Cont.1: Jana Haehl, Corte Madera Dana Hanley, Ranger, Marin Council Boy Scouts of America* Kathy Hartzell, Former Mayor, City of Larkspur Dr. Bobbie Head, M.D., Ph.D., Physician, Marin Cancer Care* Tamara Hicks and David Jablons, Toluma Farms & Tomales Farmstead Creamery* Ananya Hixon, San Anselmo Laura Honda, Fairfax Heather Ivey, Novato Wendi Kallins, Founder and Programs Coordinator, Marin Safe Routes to School* Stephen Keese, Fairfax Barbara Killey, Organizing for America* David Kunhardt, CEO, SolEd Benefit Corp.* Kiki La Porta, President Emeritus, Sustainable Marin* Renee Lazzareschi, Artist Nelson Lee, Larkspur Dr. Brian J. Lewis, Retired TPMG Physician Stephen and Mimi Lewis, Nicasio Olive Liechty-DePonte, San Rafael Amy Likover, San Rafael Marge Macris, Mill Valley Clare McCamy and Harrison Miller, Mill Valley Vicki Nichols, Sausalito Planning Commission* Larry Minikes, Board of Directors, Marin Conservation League Linda Novy, Fairfax Polina Osipova, 350 Bay Area* Max Perrey, Mill Valley Alicia Pflueger, Corte Madera *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA — People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Amon Fund, Bay Area Council, and Sin Valley leadership Group, wlth Major Funder by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380789. Printing Donated. YES on AA t. CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY MARIN COUNTY (Cont.) Community Leaders & Neighbors (Cont.l: Kate Powers, President, Marin Conservation League Pamela Reaves, Board of Directors, Marin Conservation League Susan and Tom Reinhart, Ret., Ross Jeffrey Rhoads, President , Argonaut Company* John and Susan Ristow, Novato Barbara Salzman, President, Marin Audubon Society Felicia Schanborn Judy Schriebman, San Rafael Steve Silberstein, Retired Co-founder, Innovative Interfaces, Inc.* Stephanie Smith, Ross Susan Spofford, Founder, Sustainable San Rafael Kat Stranger, San Rafael J. Dietrich Stroeh, First Vice President, Board of Directors, Golden Gate Bridge Highway & Transportation District* Lowell W. Sykes, Vice President, Marin Audubon Society Mari Tambura, Candidate, Marin County Supervisor District 4 Judy Teichman, Point Reyes Station Jill Templeton Julia Violich, CFO, Capay Farms* Newsnaners: Marin Independent Journal Updated May 3, 2016 *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA — People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley Leadership Group, with Major Funding by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380189. Printing Donated. YES on AA CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY NAPA COUNTY U.S. Congress: Rep. Mike Thompson (CA -05) Lie islature: Asm. Bill Dodd (AD 04) Asm. Mariko Yamada, Ret., Candidate for Senate District 3 Mayors: Hon. Leon Garcia, City of American Canyon County Supervisors: Sup. Brad Wagenknecht (District 1) Sup. Mark Luce (District 2) Sup. Alfredo Pedroza (District 4) Sup. Keith Caldwell (District 5) Local Elected Officials: Mark Joseph, Councilmember, City of American Canyon Kenneth Leary, Councilmember, City of American Canyon Mary Luros, Vice Mayor, City of Napa Mary Anne Mancuso, Trustee, Napa Valley Community College District* Tony Norris, Director, Napa County Regional Park and Open Space District* Belia Ramos, Councilmember, City of American Canyon Ginny Simms, Former Napa County Supervisor and Former Grand Jury Member Business Groups: North Bay Leadership Council Updated May 3, 2016 Labor Organizations: Napa-Solano Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO SEIU Local 1021 - Napa County COPE Environmental Organizations: Friends of the Napa River Napa-Solano Audubon Society Community Organizations & Civic Groups: Dar Al Argam Islamic Center Napa County Bicycle Coalition Political Organizations: American Canyon Democratic Club Democrats of Napa Valley Napa County Democratic Party Community Leaders & Neighbors: Patrick Band, Executive Director, Napa County Bicycle Coalition Travis Behn, Realtor, Eagle Vines Realty* Christina B. Benz, Napa Pat Countrywood, Napa Lissa Gibbs, Sacatar Foundation* David Graves, Co -Founder, Saintsbury Winery* Nathan Hansford, Labor Representative, SEIU (Napa and Solano Cos.)* Bernhard Kremet, Napa Tracy Krumpen, Napa June Moroney, Napa Joseph E. Nabrynskie, Systems Engineer, American Canyon Nancy Nabrynskie, Director, KHOPE International* Daniel Nador, Napa *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA — People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Sliicon Valley Leadership Group, wi th Major Funding by PC&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380789. Printing Donated. YES on APA CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY NAPA COUNTY (Cont.) Communitv Leaders & Neighbors (Conti: Alex Pader, Vice Chair, Napa County Democratic Central Committee Elaine Paoli, Napa Walter Perlic, President, FastSigns* Stephen R. Perry, Psychologist, Napa Valley Unified School District* Paul Schapira, Treasurer, Napa County Democratic Central Committee Alan Shepp, Artist, Napa Diane Shepp, Candidate for Napa County. Supervisor District 4 Zia Shepp, Educator, Yountville Alex Sloan, Consultant, Napa Nancy Tamarisk, Chair, Napa Sierra Club Mark Van Gorder, Pacific Gas & Electric Co.* Updated May 3, 2016 *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250. San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA — People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Counci, and Shccon Valley Leadership Group, wilt Major Funding by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380789. Printing Donated. YES on AA CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SAN FRANCISCO CITY & COUNTY U.S. Congress: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (CA -12) Rep. Jackie Speier (CA -14) igislature: Sen. Mark Leno (SD 11) Asm. David Chiu (AD 17) Asm. Philip Ting (AD 19) Mayors: Hon. Edwin Lee Hon. Art Agnos, Ret. Hon. Willie L. Brown, Jr., Ret. County Supervisors: Sup. Eric Mar (District 1) Sup. Mark Farrell (District 2) Sup. Aaron Peskin (District 3) Sup. Katy Tang (District 4) Sup. London Breed (District 5) Sup. Jane Kim (District 6) Sup. Scott Wiener (District 8) Sup. David Campos (District 9) Sup. John Avalos (District 11) Local Elected Officials: Sandra Lee Fewer, Commissioner, San Francisco Board of Education* Joel Ramos, Board Member, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency* Alex Randolph, Trustee, San Francisco City College* Business Groups: Bay Area Council San Francisco Chamber of Commerce San Francisco Giants Updated May 3, 2016 Labor Organizations: SEIU Local 1021 - San Francisco COPE Environmental Organizations: Golden Gate Audubon Society San Francisco League of Conservation Voters San Francisco Parks Alliance Community Organizations & Civic Groups: Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council San Francisco Tenants' Union Political Organizations: Bernal Heights Democratic Club City Democratic Club District 5 Democratic Club The Harvey Milk Club Latino/a Young Democrats of San Francisco Potrero Hill Democratic Club Raoul Wallenberg Jewish Democratic Club Richmond District Democratic Club Robert F. Kennedy Democratic Club San Francisco Democratic Party San Francisco Latino Democratic Club San Francisco League of Pissed Off Voters San Francisco Women's Political Committee Community Leaders & Neighbors: Heidi Armstrong Kelsey Balar Andy Ball, Suffolk Construction* Rachel Brown James Carrillo Al Casciato Craig Castellaret *For identification .urposes on! . 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA — People for a Clean and Heathy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fuld, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley Leadership Group, wdh Major Funder by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC [D# 1380189. Printing Donated. YES on AA 450 CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SAN FRANCISCO CITY & COUNTY (Cont.) Community Leaders & Neighbors (Cont.): Jenny Chan, Small Business Owner Jessica Closson Tom Collom Chris Connos Gilberto Coote Ximena Cordova Tom Creedon Josh Danson Todd David David DeLaRosa Rebecca Delgado Rottman Omar Diab Jacky Douglas Lynes Downing Nadine Durkee Dylan Duverge, Hydrologist Tina Elion Tania Faccone Anastasia Fiandaca Bob Fisher, Chairman, Gap Inc.* Kimberly Flaherty Peter Gabel Ronald Garcia Leah Gibbas Heidi Gibson Ben Glenn Hila Goldsmith Patrick Hagan Shaun Haines, Photographer Anne Halstead, Vice -Chair, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission* Amanda Hamilton Stephanie Hargrove Anna Heredia Updated May 3, 2016 Community Leaders & Neighbors (Cont.1.: Alexa Hi Lisa Hoyos, Director and Co -Founder, Climate Parents* Beirt Huber Richie Greenberg, Candidate for San Francisco Board of Supervisors District 1 Rev. Christina Hutchins, Ph.D. Lisa Jaicks Patricia Keopuhiwa Kim Kobasic, Owner, Brickhouse Cafe* Sharon Krainer Ann Krause Manya Landers Gernam Lara, Owner, Auto Analysts* Abbey Levine Thomas Li Leslie MacKay Paula Mancillas Laura Manion, Teacher Jose Manriquez Thomas Martina Trans Sandra Martocchia Gary McCoy, Aide, City and County of San Francisco* Karen Melander-Magoon Lenny Mendonca, Director Emeritus, McKinsey & Co.* Miriam L. Moncada Pat Naughton Kim Navarro R. Navarro Barry Nelson, Western Water Strategies* Craig Newmark, Entrepreneur *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA— People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Simon Valley Leadership Group, wdh Major Funder by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr; FPPC 1D# 1386189. Printing Donated. YES on AA 40 CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SAN FRANCISCO CITY & COUNTY (Cont.) Community Leaders & Neighbors (Conti: Newsnaners Ann Notthoff, California and Program Advocacy San Francisco Chronicle Director, Natural Resources Defense Council* Marcus Pamphile David Patrickson Nate Podak Eugene Raphel Frank Rescino Virginia Reyes Ruby Rieke Patty Rohrback Alix Rosenthal, Second Vice Chair, San Francisco Democratic Central Committee Katherine Schaff Jeff Schreiber, The Bay Institute* Jeff Sears Kurt Semther Marcos Siaca Lillian Sie Bruce Slesinger Hunter Stern, Business Representative, IBEW Local 1245* Jill Stern Sonja Trauss, San Francisco Bay Area Renter's Federation* Briana Tregoso Maria Valle Jasmine Wallsmith Carol Warren Katherine Webster Ron Willis Adam Wold Aida Zepeda Updated May 3, 2016 *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Pad for by Yes on Measure AA — People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and SJbcon Valley leadership Group, wgh Major Fundis by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC tD# 1380789. Printing Donated. YES on AA CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SAN MATEO COUNTY U.S. Con rg ess: Rep. Jackie Speier (CA -14) Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA -18) Rep. Pete McCloskey, Ret. Legislature: Sen. Mark Leno (SD 11) Sen. Jerry Hill (SD 13) Asm. Philip Ting (AD 19) Asm. Kevin Mullin (AD 22) Mayors: Hon. Mark Addiego, City of South San Francisco Hon. Richard Cline, City of Menlo Park Hon. Joe Goethals, City of San Mateo Hon. Cameron Johnson, City of San Carlos Hon. Rick Kowalczyk, City of Half Moon Bay Hon. Cliff Lentz, City of Brisbane Hon. Eric Reed, City of Belmont Hon. John Seybert, City of Redwood City County Supervisors: San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Sup. Dave Pine (District 1) Sup. Carole Groom (District 2) Sup. Don Horsley (District 3) Sup. Warren Slocum (District 4) Sup. Adrienne Tissier (District 5) Local Elected Officials: Allan Alifano, Former Councilmember, City of Half Moon Bay Ian Bain, Vice Mayor, City of Redwood City John C. Baker, Board Member, South San Francisco Unified School District* Updated May 3, 2016 Local Elected Officials (Conti: Robert Bernardo, Commissioner, San Mateo County Harbor Commission* Rick Bonilla, Councilmember, City of San Mateo Chelsea Bonini, Vice President, San Mateo -Foster City School District Board of Trustees* Sabrina Brennan, Co.mmissioner, San Mateo County Harbor Commission* Ron Collins, Councilmember, City of San Carlos Nicole David, Marine Biologist and Former Member, San Mateo Co. Harbor Commission* Helen Fisicaro, Vice Mayor, Town of Colma TJ Glauthier, President, San Mateo County Resource Conservation District* Cecily Harris, Board Member, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District* Mark Heim, Menlo Park Reuben Holober, Vice Mayor, City of Millbrae Bill Huber, Director, Montara Water and Sanitary District* Davina Hurt, Councilmember, City of Belmont Georgia Jack, Trustee, Sequoia Union High School District* Kirsten Keith, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Menlo Park Doug Kim, Councilmember, City of Belmont Amy Koo, Board President, Belmont -Redwood Shores School District* Clayton Koo, Board Member, Jefferson Elementary School District* Wayne Lee, Councilmember, City of Millbrae Manufou Liaiga-Anoa'i, Board Member, Jefferson Elementary School District* Andrew Lie, Board Member, Jefferson Union High School District* *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA — People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley leadership Group, with Major Funder by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380789. Printing Donated. YES on AA 40 CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SAN MATEO COUNTY (Cont.) Local Elected Officials (Conti: Warren Lieberman, Councilmember, City of Belmont David Lim, Deputy Mayor, City of San Mateo Lori Liu, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Brisbane Alisa MacAvoy, Trustee, Redwood City School District* Shelly Masur, Councilmember, City of Redwood City Tom Mattusch, President, San Mateo County Harbor Commission* Ray Mueller, Councilmember, City of Menlo Park Farmer John Muller, Councilmember, City of Half Moon Bay Liza Normandy, Councilmember, City of South San Francisco Terry O'Connell, Councilmember, City of Brisbane Diane Papan, Councilmember, City of San Mateo Gina Papan, Councilmember, City of Millbrae Juan Raigoza, Controller, San Mateo County Dr. Kirk Riemer, Board Member, Cabrillo Unified School District* Joe Ross, Trustee, San Mateo County Board of Education* Deborah Ruddock, Vice Mayor, City of Half Moon Bay Kalimah Salahuddin, Trustee, Jefferson Union High School District* Ann Schneider, Councilwoman, City of Millbrae Kathryn Slater -Carter, Director, Montara Water and Sanitary District* Charles Stone, Vice Mayor, City of Belmont Robert Tashjian, Trustee, Belmont -Redwood Shores School District* Updated May 3, 2016 Local Elected Officials fCont.l: Rosie Tejada, Board President, Jefferson Union High School District* Business Groups: Joint Venture Silicon Valley San Mateo County Economic Development Association Silicon Valley Leadership Group Labor Organizations: San Mateo County Central Labor Council South Bay Labor Council, AFL-CIO Environmental Organizations: Acterra Committee for Green Foothills Peninsula Open Space Trust Sequoia Audubon Society Sustainable San Mateo County Community Organizations & Civic Groups: Woodside -Atherton Garden Club Foundations: San Mateo County Parks Foundation Silicon Valley Community Foundation Political Organizations: North Peninsula Democratic Club Peninsula Democratic Coalition Peninsula Stonewall Democrats Peninsula Young Democrats San Mateo County Democracy for America San Mateo County Democratic Party San Mateo County Latina/o Democratic Club *For identification urposes onl 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Pali for by Yes on Measure AA — People for a Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley leadership Group, wAh Major Funding by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380788. Printing Donated. YES on AA. 143) CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SAN MATEO COUNTY (Cont.) Community Leaders & Neighbors: Jeffrey Adair, Chair, San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee Ann Akey, Environmental Science Teacher, Woodside High School* Diane Bailey, Belmont Bob Barrett, Portola Valley David Burruto, Former Chair, San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee Joseph Cotchett, Former Chair, California State Parks Commission Jim Crampton, Redwood City Nancy Crampton, Redwood City Michelle Daher, Menlo Park Carole Dorshkind, Member, San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee Adrienne Etherton, Executive Director, Sustainable San Mateo County Ashleigh Evans, Member, San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee Flavia Franco, Redwood City Jason Galisatus, Former Member, San Mateo County LGBTQ Commission* Shikha Hamilton, Attorney, San Mateo Josue Hernandez, East Palo Alto Uriel Hernandez, East Palo Alto Melissa Hippard, Chair, Political Committee, Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter* Joshua Hugg, City of San Mateo Sustainability Commission* Biym Jersky, San Mateo Sandra Lang, Member, San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee Ted Lempert, Children Now* Alisa MacAvoy, Redwood City Updated May 3, 2016 Community Leaders & Neighbors (Conti.: Karen Maki, Member, San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee Juslyn Manalo, Daly City Basem Manneh, Secretary, North Peninsula Democratic Club Alejandra McAtee, East Palo Alto Lori McBride, Redwood City Suzi McKee, San Carlos Clem Molony, Menlo Park Valerie Ojeda, East Palo Alto Pamela O'Leary, City of San Mateo Planning Commission* Barbara Pierce, Former Councilmember, City of Redwood City Denise Profumo, Daly City Susan Raye, San Mateo Cliff Robbins, City of San Mateo Public Works Commission* Noveed Safipour, President, Peninsula Young Democrats Pam Salvatierra, Menlo Park Karen Schwarz, Redwood City Gail Sredanovic, Menlo Park Glenn R. Sylvester, Retired Police Officer, San Francisco Police Department Kate Varela, Redwood City Carmen Villa, East Palo Alto Kevin Woolen, Burlingame Nancy Yarbrough, Controller, San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee Newsnaners: San Mateo Daily Journal *For 'dentificatio, ,urposes o . 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA— People for a Clean and Hea#hy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and SI'icon Valley leadership Group, w#h Major Funding by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380189. Printing Donated. YES on AA CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SANTA CLARA COUNTY U.S. Congress: Rep. Mike Honda (CA -17) Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA -18) Rep. Zoe Lofgren (CA -19) Rep. Pete McCloskey, Ret. Legislature: Sen. Bob Wieckowski (SD 10) Sen. Jerry Hill (SD 13) Sen. Jim Beall (SD 15) Sen. Majority Leader Bill Monning (SD 17) Asm. Kansen Chu (AD 25) Asm. Nora Campos (AD 27) Asm. Evan Low (AD 28) Asm. Mark Stone (AD 29) Asm. Luis Alejo (AD 30) Asm. Paul Fong, Ret. Mayors: Hon. Sam Liccardo, City of San Jose Hon. Jason Baker, City of Campbell Hon. Pat Burt, City of Palo Alto Hon. E. Manny Cappello, City of Saratoga Hon. Jose Esteves, City of Milpitas Hon. Glenn Hendricks, City of Sunnyvale Hon. Pat Showalter, City of Mountain View County Supervisors: Sup. Cindy Chavez (District 2) Sup. Dave Cortese (District 3) Sup. Ken Yeager (District 4) Sup. Joseph Simitian (District 5) Updated May 3, 2016 Local Elected Officials: Marc Berman, Councilmember, City of Palo Alto Betsy Bechtel, Trustee, Foothill-DeAnza Community College District* Frank Biehl, Vice President, East Side High School District Board of Trustees* Thelma Boac, Vice President, Berryessa Union School District Board of Trustees* Serge Bonte, Mountain View Stacey Brown, Trustee, Campbell Union High School District* Jeannie Bruins, Councilmember, Town of Los Altos Larry Carr, Councilmember, City of Morgan Hill Magdalena Carrasco, Councilmember, City of San Jose Dominic Caserta, Councilmember, City of Santa Clara Chris Clark, Councilmember, City of Mountain View David Cohen, Trustee, Berryessa Union School District* Ken Colson, Director, Burbank Sanitary District* Mark Dover, Trustee, Gavilon College* John Gatto, Board Member, Cupertino Sanitary District* Debbie Giordano, Councilmember, City of Milpitas Adrienne Grey, Board Member, West Valley - Mission Community College* Jim Griffith, Councilmember, City of Sunnyvale Esau Herrera, Trustee, Alum Rock School District* J. Manuel Herrera, Trustee, East Side Union High School District* Wendy Ho, Trustee, San Jose Evergreen Community College* Cayce Hook, Palo Alto *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure M — People for a Clean and Hea#hy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Sihicon Valley leadership Group, wit' Major Funder by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380789, Printing Donated. YES on AA CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SANTA CLARA COUNTY (Cont.) Local Elected Officials (Conti: Marcia Jensen, Councilmember, City of Los Gatos Charles "Chappie" Jones, Councilmember, City of San Jose Ash Kalra, Councilmember, City of San Jose Mike Kasperzak, Councilmember, City of Mountain View Alex Kennett, Director, Santa Clara County Open Space Authority* Johnny Khamis, Councilmember, City of San Jose Yoriko Kishirnoto, President, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Board of Directors* Liz Kniss, Councilmernber, City of Palo Alto Gustav Larsson, Councilmember, City of Sunnyvale Peter Leroe-Munoz, Councilmember, City of Gilroy Tara Martin Milius, Councilmember, City of Sunnyvale Karen Martinez, Trustee, Alum Rock School District* Soma McCandless, Board Member, Cupertino Union School District* Julia Miller, Board Member, El Camino Hospital District* Dorsey Moore, Director, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority* Reid Myers, Trustee, Sunnyvale School District* Tam Nguyen, Councilmember, City of San Jose Jeremy Nishihara, Trustee, Oak Grove School District* Mary Noel, Board Member, Oak Grove School District* Updated May 3, 2016 Local Elected Officials [Conti: Bob Nunez, Board Member, Milpitas Unified School Board, and Chair, Santa Clara County Republican Party* Jan Pepper, Councilmember, City of Los Altos Raul Peralez, Councilmember, City of San Jose Rob Rennie, Councilmember, City of Los Gatos Curt Riffle, Director, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District* Marico Sayoc, Councilmember, City of Los Gatos Greg Scharff, Councilmernber, City of Palo Alto Pete Siemens, Board Member, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District* Larry Stone, Assessor, County of Santa Clara Leora Tanjuatco, Organizer Omar Torres, Board Member, Franklin -McKinley School District* Khanh Tran, Trustee, Alum Rock School District* Gary Waldeck, Councilmember, Town of Los Altos Hills Fiona Walter, Trustee, Mountain View -Los Altos Union High School District* Kathy Watanabe, Councilmember, City of Santa Clara Ellen Wheeler, Board President, Mountain View Whisman School District* Cory Wolbach, Councilmember, City of Palo Alto Evert Wolsheimer, Councilmember, City of Monte Sereno Gilbert Wong, Councilmember, City of Cupertino Public Agencies & Associations: Cities Association of Santa Clara County *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA — People fora Clean and Heat Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley Leadership Group, wdh Major Funis by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380189. Pending Donated. YES on AA plbs CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SANTA CLARA COUNTY (Cont.) Business Groups: Google Joint Venture Silicon Valley Los Altos Chamber of Commerce Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley Leadership Group Labor Organizations: IFPTE Local 21 South Bay Labor Council, AFL-CIO Environmental & Public Health Organizations: Acterra Breathe California Committee for Green Foothills Friends of San Francisco Estuary Peninsula Open Space Trust Santa Clara County League of Conservation Voters Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society Sustainable Silicon Valley Community Organizations & Civic Groups: League of Women Voters of Southwest Santa Clara Valley Mountain View Coalition for Sustainable Planning Silicon Valley Mountain Bikers Foundations: San Jose Parks Foundation Silicon Valley Community Foundation Updated May 3, 2016 Political Organizations: Democratic Club of Sunnyvale Santa Clara County Democratic Party Silicon Valley Asian Pacific Democratic Club Silicon Valley Dean Democratic Club Silicon Valley Young Democrats Community Leaders & Neighbors: Peter Allen, Small Business Owner Teresa Alvarado, SPUR San Jose Deborah Arant, Member, Shasta/Hanchett Park Neighborhood Association* Arnie Ashton, Palo Alto Tess Byler, Palo Alto Dr. Emmett Carson, President and CEO, Silicon Valley Community Foundation Prof. Terry Christensen, San Jose State University* Rod Diridon, Sr., Former Santa Clara County Supervisor Swanee Edward, Member, Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee Carmen Eneiso, Mountain View Valerie Face, Palo Alto David Ginsborg, Deputy to the Santa Clara County Assessor* Lee Ross Gomez, Member, Silicon Valley Latino Democratic Forum* Guadalupe Gonzalez, Chair, Mayfair Neighborhood Advisory Council* Ron Gonzales, President and CEO, Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley* Marc Gordon, Sunnyvale Tammy Green, Manager, Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health* *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA — People for a Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley Leadership Group, will Major Funder by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380189. Printing Donated. YES on AA frftp CLEAN AND HEALTHY SAY SANTA CLARA COUNTY (Cont.) Community Leaders & Neighbors (Cont.1: Robert Hamilton, San Jose Hana Itani, President, League of Women Voters of Southwest Santa Clara Valley Richard Kolber, Commissioner, Sunnyvale Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission* Patricia Krackov, Lighthouse Philanthropy Advisors* Otto Lee, Former Councilmember, City of Sunnyvale Maayan Licht, Member, Take Back the Top* Mary Jo Levy, Palo Alto Joseph Macaluso, Santa Clara County Superior Court* Felicia Madsen, San Jose Artemis Mosier, San Jose Christopher Mossing, San Jose Debbie Mytels, Palo Alto Bruce Naegel, Mountain View Brian O'Neil, Member, SFIU 521 Dhananjay Pahiya, San Jose Karen Pauls, Member, Citizen's Climate Lobby* Lucas Ramirez, Member, Mountain View Coalition for Sustainable Planning Angelica Ramos, President, National Women's Political Caucus Silicon Valley* Audrey Randazzo, Santa Clara Bruce Rienzo, Former Chair, Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter Chris Roth, President, Willow Glen Neighborhood Association* Violet Saenal, Sunnyvale Dolly Sandoval, Former Member, Foothill- DeAnza Community College District Natalia Schoorl, Mountain View Updated May 3, 2016 Community Leaders & Neighbors (Cont.,: Eric and Wendy Schmidt, Santa Clara County Alex Shoor, Member, Shasta/Hanchett Park Neighborhood Association* Guillermo Vazquez, San Jose Alex Wara, President, Silicon Valley Young Democrats Forrest Williams, Former Councilmember, City of San Jose Newsnaners: San Jose Mercury News *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure M— People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley Leadership Group, with Major Funding by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380189. Printing Donated. YES on AA t. CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SOLANO COUNTY U.S. Congress: Rep. Mike Thompson (CA -05) Legislature: Asm. Bill Dodd (AD 04) Asm. Mariko Yamada, Ret., Candidate for Senate District 3 Mayors: Hon. Elizabeth Patterson, City of Benicia County Supervisors: Sup. Erin Hannigan (District 1) Sup. Linda Seifert (District 2) Local Elected Officials: Ruscal Cayangyang, Vice President, Vallejo City Unified School District* Riita De Anda, Board Member, Travis Unified School District* Pippin Dew -Costa, Councilmember, City of Vallejo Denis Honeychurch, Board Member, Solano Community College District* Judi Honeychurch, Board President, Fairfield - Suisun Unified School District* Hazel Wilson, Trustee, Vallejo City Unified School District* Lori Wilson, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Suisun City A. Marie Young, Board Member, Solano Community College District* Cities, Public Agencies & Associations: City of Benicia Business Groups: North Bay Leadership Council Updated May 3, 2016 Labor Organizations: Napa-Solano Central Labor Council, AFL -C10 SEIU Local 1021 - Solano County COPE Environmental Organizations: Napa-Solano Audubon Society Political Organizations: Democratic Party of Solano County Community Leaders & Neighbors: Genea Brice, Vallejo's First Poet Laureate David Drumlin, President, United Democrats of Southern Solano County* Claude Grillo, Suisun Land Owner Patricia Ann Innes, Vallejo Paula McConnell, United Democrats of Southern Solano County* Wendy Schackwitz, President, Napa-Solano Audubon Society* *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA — People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley Leadership Group, with Major Funding by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC [D# 1380189. Printing Donated. YES on AA CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SONOMA COUNTY U.S. Congress: Rep. Jared Huffman (CA -02) Rep. Mike Thompson (CA -05) Lie islature: Sen. Mike McGuire (SD 02) Sen. Noreen Evans, Ret. Asm. 13111 Dodd (AD 04) Asm. Mariko Yamada, Ret., Candidate for Senate District 3 Mayors: Hon. Gina Belforte, City of Rohnert Park Hon. Laurie Gallian, City of Sonoma Hon. David Glass, City of Petaluma Hon. Mark Millan, Town of Windsor Hon. John Sawyer, City of Santa Rosa County Supervisors: Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Sup. Susan Gorin (District 1) Sup. Shirlee Zane (District 3) Sup. James Gore (District 4) Sup. Efren Carrillo (District 5) Local Elected Officials: Teresa Barrett, Councilmember, City of Petaluma Julie Combs, Councilmember, City of Santa Rosa Maggie Fishman, Trustee, Santa Rosa Junior College* Debora Fudge, Vice Mayor, Town of Windsor Mike Healy, Councilmember, City of Petaluma Dave King, Vice Mayor, City of Petaluma Jake Mackenzie, Vice Mayor, City of Rohnert Park Updated May 3, 2016 Local Elected Officials (Cont.1.: Kathy Miller, Councilmember, City of Petaluma Bruce Okrepkie, Councilmember, Town of Windsor Ernesto Olivares, Councilmember, City of Santa Rosa Cities. Public Agencies & Associations: City of Santa Rosa City of Sebastopol Regional Climate Protection Authority Sonoma County Transportation Authority Business Groups: North Bay Leadership Council Labor Organizations: North Bay Labor Council, AFL-CIO SEIU Local 1021 - Sonoma County COPE Sonoma, Mendocino, and Lake Counties Building & Construction Trades Council Environmental Organizations: Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation Madrone Audubon Society Paula Lane Action Network Sonoma Birding Sonoma County Conservation Action Sonoma Ecology Center Sonoma Land Trust Sonoma Mountain Preservation Valley of the Moon Alliance Community Organizations & Civic Groups: LandPaths Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway Campaign *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure AA— People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Anion Fund, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley leadership Group, wild Major Funder by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380189. Printing Donated. YES on AA 1. CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SONOMA COUNTY (Cont.) Political Organizations: Sonoma County Democratic Party Community Leaders & Neighbors: Terry and Yale Abrams Emily Allen, Petaluma Craig Anderson, Executive Director, LandPaths Lance Barlas, MD Gordon Beebe, Board President, Madrone Audubon Society Meg Beeler, Sonoma Marty Bennett, Instructor Emeritus of History, Santa Rosa Junior College* Ralph Benson, Former Executive Director, Sonoma Land Trust Jane Bender, Former Councilmember, City of Santa Rosa Jerry Bender Mike Benziger, Vintner John Bertucci Suzanne Brangham, Leading Woman Entrepreneur Robert Brent, Retired Business Owner, Sebastopol Jordan Bunce, Petaluma Janis Cader-Thompson, Former Councilmember, City of Petaluma Grace Cheung -Schulman, Member, Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway Campaign Committee Joe Clark, Santa Rosa Clay Clement, Board Member, Sonoma Land Trust* Kim Clement Karen Collins, Sonoma Valley Conservationist of the Year, 2014 Reagan Connell, Santa Rosa Updated May 3, 2016 Community Leaders & Neighbors fCont.l: Pat Copass Marcelo Defreitas, Sonoma Robert L. Delgado, Member, Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway Campaign Committee Randy and Harriet Derwingson, Sonoma Gwendolyn Dhesi, Santa Rosa Mike Dillabough, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers*, Santa Rosa Dick Dowd, Sonoma Clean Power* Jenny Downing, Member, Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway Campaign Committee Ann DuBay Doug and Jill Earl Pat and Ted Eliot, Conservation Advocates Bill Fishman Julie Fishman, Business Owner Neal Fishman, Former Deputy Executive Officer, California State Coastal Conservancy Dick and Carrie Fogg Mike and Jill Francis Philip Frank!, Member, Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway Campaign Committee Paul Genovese, Glen Ellen Curt Groninga, Santa Rosa Vicki Groninga, Agilent Technologies, Ret. Mary and Dick Hafner Peter Haywood, Vintner Steven Hightower, Retired Entrepreneur Hal Hinkle, Farmer Vincent and Margo Hoagland, Members, Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway Campaign Committee Lynda Hopkins, Farmer and Candidate for Supervisor, District 5 *For identification •urposesonl 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure PA— People fora Clean and Healthy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Silicon Valley leadership Group, rvdit Major Fundmg by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID81380189. Printing Donated. YES on AA p. CLEAN AND HEALTHY BAY SONOMA COUNTY (Cont.) Community Leaders & Neighbors (Conti: Lynda Hopkins, Farmer and Candidate for Supervisor, District 5 Carolyn Johnson Kelley Keogh and John Stithem Dave Koehler, Executive Director, Sonoma Land Trust Lucy Kortum Elizabeth Kutska, CEO, Jack London Park Partners* Steve and Holly Kyle, Sonoma Bill and Dottie Lynch Kathleen Marsh Jim McAdler, Member, Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway Campaign Committee Doug McConnell, Host, "Open Road With Doug McConnell" Mary McEachron, COO, Buck Institute* Maureen Middlebrook, Small Business Owner Kevin Munroe, Executive Director, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation Carol Orme and Richard Hartung, Bay Sailors, Santa Rosa Steve Page, President and General Manager, Sonoma Raceway* James Pedgrift, Former Councilmember, City of Santa Rosa Richard Pearson, Accountant Richard Peterson -Jones, Santa Rosa David Petritz, Member, Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway Campaign Committee Iry Piotrokowski, Attorney Rhoann Ponseti and Stefan Jonson N. Alan Proulx, Member, Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway Campaign Committee Steve Rabinowitsh, Former Councilmember, City of Santa Rosa Updated May 3, 2016 Community Leaders & Neighbors rcont.l: Shaun Ralston Debbie Reid, Medical Administrator Harry and Dee Richardson Margaret Salenger, Former Board Member, Sonoma Land Trust Allison Sanford, Board Member, Sonoma Land Trust Jean Schulz Dianne Smith, Ph.D., Sebastopol Gabrielle Summerlin, Windsor Anne Teller Rick Theis Les and Judy Vadasz, Sonoma Peter Van Alyea, President, Redwood Oil Co., Inc.* Bart and Lynn Weitzenberg, Attorney and Teacher, Ret. Loretta Zweig, MD Newsnaners: Petaluma Argus -Courier Santa Rosa Press Democrat Sonoma Index -Tribune *For identification purposes only. 2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250, San Rafael, California 94901 www.PeopleforaCleanandHealthyBay.org Paid for by Yes on Measure M — People for a Clean and Heakhy Bay, Sponsored by Save the Bay, Save the Bay Action Fund, Bay Area Council, and Sicon Valley Leadership Group, wilh Major Funder by PG&E Corporation and John and Ann Doerr, FPPC ID# 1380189. Printing Donated.