HomeMy WebLinkAbout04. Set Public Hearing to amend the Schedule of Capacity FeesCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 5 2016 Subject: ESTABLISH JUNE 2, 2016 AT 2:00 PM AS THE DATE AND TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SCHEDULE OF CAPACITY FEES Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Thomas Brightbill, Senior Engineer Eng./Planning and Development Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Gemmell — Planning and Dev. Svcs Div'n. Manager JM. Petit — Director of Engineering and Tech Services K. Alm R. Bailey Counsel for the District General Manager ISSUE: State Law and District Code require that a public hearing be held prior to the Board of Directors' consideration of amendments to the Schedule of Capacity Fees. RECOMMENDATION: Establish June 2, 2016 at 2:00 pm as the date and time for a public hearing to receive comments on and consider adoption of a proposed ordinance to amend the Schedule of Capacity Fees. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None by this action. If the staff recommendation to revise Capacity Fees is adopted by the Board of Directors following the public hearing and the level of new development remains constant with the last fiscal year, then the Fiscal Year 2016-17 capacity fee revenue would be approximately 1.1% lower. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of Directors may decline to establish the recommended public hearing date or may elect to choose a different date, however, a public hearing must be held if Capacity Fees are to be revised. If the hearing is held on June 2, 2016, the increased fees could take effect on July 1, 2016. BACKGROUND: Staff has completed its annual review of the District's Capacity Fee Program and has concluded that it would be appropriate to revise the fees to account for changes in the valuation of District assets and the number of current customers. The effect of implementing the staff recommendation would be to change Capacity Fees as follows: Fee Category Current Proposed Gravity Zone Fee $6,005 per RUE $5,948 per RUE Pumping Zone Fee $7,655 per RUE $7,556 per RUE % Change - 0.9 % - 1.2 % Staff also proposes to conduct a public hearing on a related recommendation to revise the Schedule of Environmental and Development -Related Fees and Charges at the same June 2, 2016 Board meeting. Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 5, 2016 Subject: ESTABLISH JUNE 2, 2016 AT 2:OOPM AS THE DATE AND TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SCHEDULE OF CAPACITY FEES A coordinated outreach program to inform and solicit input from interested customers (including the Building Industry Association of the Bay Area) regarding both the proposed Capacity Fees and the proposed Environmental and Development -Related Fees and Charges will be conducted by staff before the public hearing date. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Finance Committee discussed staffs proposals for revising these fees and charges at its April 22, 2016 meeting. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Establish June 2, 2016 at 2:00 pm as the date and time for a public hearing to receive comments on and consider adoption of a proposed ordinance to amend the Schedule of Capacity Fees. Attached Supporting Document: 1. Proposed Ordinance, including Exhibit A: Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates, and Charges (Uncodified) 2. Report regarding the Capacity Fee Update Page2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 I The proposed uncodified Ordinance, including Exhibit A to the Ordinance, will be prepared once the Finance Committee has reviewed the draft position paper and associated report regarding Capacity Fees. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Report Regarding the Capacity Fee Update April 15, 2016 INTRODUCTION ATTACHMENT 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) charges a Capacity Fee when properties are first connected to our public sewer or when there is an expansion or change of use for non-residential properties. Each year this fee is updated based on changes to the value of our assets and the number of customers in the district. This memo summarizes the basis for the Capacity Fee and presents the calculations for the updated fee. BACKGROUND The total value of CCCSD's existing assets (approximately $1.7 billion) is much greater than the value of any future facilities expansion needed to accommodate future customers. While CCCSD's FY 2015-16 Capital Improvement Plan lists over $400 million in projects over the next ten years, most of these projects are for renovation, regulatory compliance, replacement or upgrading of facilities to maintain capacity for both current and prospective customers. CCCSD believes that our facilities generally have adequate capacity to serve both existing and future customers. The Water Environment Federation's (WEF) Manual of Practice 27, Financing and Charges for Wastewater Systems defines several methods for calculating System Development Charges such as CCCSD's Capacity Fee. CCCSD uses the Equity Buy -in method and has used this methodology since 2001. Under this approach, new customers are charged at the same equity position as existing customers which is appropriate based on the level of assets, expansion, and capacity described above. California Senate Bill 1760, enacted in September 1998, defines Capacity Charges for water and sewer agencies in Section 66013 of the California Government Code. The equity buy -in method defined by WEF and used by CCCSD conforms to the requirements contained in Section 66013. CALCULATION APPROACH The Capacity Fee is adjusted each year to reflect the changes in the value of CCCCD's assets. It is calculated using the equity buy -in approach which divides the value of CCCSD's assets by the current number of RUEs to determine the fee. The calculated value of CCCSD assets are determined as follows: • Land: The current value of investments in real property is estimated based on the opportunity value of like cash investments deposited in CCCSD's temporary investments at the time of each purchase and held at interest to the present, rather than by attempting to determine actual market value. Capacity Fee Update Report Page 2 April 15, 2016 • Facilities: The current value of investments in physical facilities is estimated by escalating each year's facilities expenditures based on the change in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for the San Francisco Bay Area (ENR CCI -SF) and then applying straight-line depreciation using the life cycles in Table 3 with no salvage value. Note that a category for "Mains (Renovation Program)" is included in the current value of facilities for determination of Capacity Fees. This category accounts for CCCSD's significant investment since 1988 in life -cycle replacement and renovation of sewers 10 -inches in diameter and smaller. This work renews capacity in these smaller sewers for the benefit of both existing and new connectors and reduces future maintenance costs. • Fund Balances: Prior fiscal year ending balances for the Sewer Construction, Running Expense, Debt Service and Self Insurance Funds are used. The Sewer Construction Fund Balance is reduced by the principal value of CCCSD's outstanding debt. Contributed assets are generally not included in the calculation in order to avoid double recovery of costs, as described in the WEF manual. After estimating the current value for an asset category, the component of the Capacity Fee attributable to that category is calculated by dividing current value by the current number of customers as shown below. The number of customers is determines by calculating the number of Residential Unit Equivalents (RUES). Equity Buy -in Fee = Value of Assets Number of Customers (RUES) RECOMMENDED CAPACITY FEE Staff recommends that the Board adopt Capacity Fees for the 2016-17 fiscal year by applying the valuation approach and facilities life cycles described above. The updated fees are: Fee Cateaory Current Proposed % Change Gravity Service $6,005 per RUE $5,948 per RUE -0.9% Pumping Service $7,655 per RUE $7,556 per RUE -1.2% The recommended fee calculation approach is a rational, practical, equitable and Capacity Fee Update Report Page 3 April 15, 2016 defensible method to determine the financial burden of new connections. A comparison of the proposed Capacity Fees to the fees charged by neighboring agencies is presented in Table 2. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Report Regarding Capacity Fee Update 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 00 0 000 0000 0 0 CclN O )) N- co N a ... v W 69- - N �M Co t1 C _ ▪ ter,), EA rn 0 aa) a) Toa a > CO 03 to i v o sf' co 00 ,- to O '5 d W O) Co 0 CA c v to N. v CO CO N 0 to (T to T- 7 = N O) r- co O (o CO ER .- ER ER 0 CO W 69- .,-- __, __ _ ER N> ER ER Z ER ER C * C N I.III in IL Q• CO Ce 0 C n v C 1 -to CO N N O OD 0) 1*--- 0) N co CO -O 0 O Q O) ct o O I- .- (o O— co co CO N N 't Q, r W N O) r- CO O CO CO ER � 69 0) LO w • 0 -EEE• Q a) W a - •, Fs" ce O 3 7 W to ER ER ER E0 ER Q OQ 69 > _a ti r- N ei O N`▪ - O r- coI C� coU co -co -N• ) N O co To lL O Co O O) co O N- O '— N r- d' N O N a0 0 I --CO CO O 0 Cc) N CO N- O N M M l _.c C) M O O hOMO O 0) 0) N- N- r- ti C O O Q co o N. 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LL C +•, Q ••- N • U ULO.�3 �O L O co ii C U) O- 0 0 Z �i ri v Asset Category CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Report Regarding the Capacity Fee Update Table 2 — Comparison of Capacity Fees AGENCY CAPACITY FEE Dublin San Ramon Services District $16,927 Mountain View Sanitary District $9,443 Current CCCSD Pumped Zone $7,665 Proposed CCCSD Pumped Zone $7,556 Antioch (Delta Diablo Sanitation District for Treatment) $7,314 Pittsburg (Delta Diablo Sanitation District for Treatment) $6,767 Current CCCSD Gravity Zone $6,005 Proposed CCCSD Gravity Zone $5,948 Concord $5,043 Bay Point (Delta Diablo Sanitation District for Treatment) $3,940 West County Wastewater District $2,993 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Report Regarding the Capacity Fee Update Table 3 - Average Useful Service Life Gravity Sewers Interceptors 150 years Trunks 100 years Mains (Renovated by District) 100 years Treatment Plant & Pumping Station Facilities Tanks/Foundations 100 years Buildings 75 years Mechanical, Electrical & Control Equipment 30 years Recycled Water Facilities Pipelines Mechanical, Electrical & Control Equipment General Improvements 50 years 30 years Buildings 50 years Mechanical/Electrical Equipment and Furnishings 25 years Vehicles and other Equipment 10 years Major Repairs/Replacements 10 years