HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a.6) Public Outreach re Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
April 21, 2016
As part of the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP), Sara Katz, Founder
and CEO of Katz & Associates, will be making a presentation to the Board on the
comprehensive CWMP public outreach plan and associated outreach messaging and
collateral documents. Katz & Associates provides these services as part of the Carollo
Engineers, Inc. CWMP contract.
This presentation will be one of many to provide regular updates to the Board on the
progress related to the CWMP public outreach efforts. Sara Katz and her team will
continue to work closely with the Communication Services Division to provide
coordination, information sharing, and support to ensure alignment between the CWMP
and the District's overall public outreach efforts.
This is an informational item and does not require Board action, although the Board's
input is always appreciated.
Attached Supporting Documents:
1. Katz& Associates PowerPoint Presentation
2. CWMP Communications and Outreach Plan
3. CWMP Messaging Template
4. CWMP Fact Sheet
5. CWMP Frequently Asked Questions
WIF'sk. 4, 191 MCGRI
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Outreach for the
Comprehensive Wastewater
Master Plan
1. Outreach Goals & Strategy
2. Key Messages
3. Outreach Strategy
2. Deliverables and Timeline
3. Next Steps
Outreach Goals
1. Foster Customer Engagement and Awareness
2. Ensure Openness and Transparency
3. Gain Public Acceptance for the
Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan
(CWMP) and its Associated Costs
Outreach Strategies
• Provide program information to
• Seek opportunities to publicize the CWMP
and educate new audiences.
• Discuss pertinent aspects of the CWMP,
(cost, regulatory oversight, safety).
• Create messages and materials based on
extensive customer research
Key Messages
1. The Districts Master Plan will benefit
customers with resource recovery,
operational reliability and compliance with
environmental regulations.
2. The CWMP will identify needed investments
to upgrade infrastructure that has exceeded
its useful lifespan.
3. Public outreach and transparency will ensure
that our ratepayers receive important
information about the plan.
• Research Strategy
✓ Board of Directors Interviews
✓Key Stakeholder Interviews
✓Customer Research
• Customer surveys of 401 ratepayers
• Two Focus Groups
Informational Materials Development
v/Develop Comprehensive Wastewater Master
Plan Key Messages
v/Develop CWMP Fact Sheet
v/ Develop CWMP FAA's
❑ Create a CWMP Informational
PowerPoint or Prezi j
Media Relations an • Newsletters
❑ Develop and send out press releases during
CWMP milestones
❑ Develop CWMP updates for "Pipeline" and
"Lateral Connection"
❑Develop no less than four email blasts to be
sent to customers and stakeholders regarding
CWMP milestones
Website and Social Media -
❑ Develop a separate landing page for CWMP
information, updates, collateral materials and
contact information
❑ Develop timely social media content to be
posted on existing Central San social media
accounts announcing CWMP changes and
Identify and Train Speakers
❑ Identify dedicated spokespeople for speaking
❑ Conduct Speaker's Trainings, Crisis
Communications Trainings and One-On-One
Board member trainings (as schedules permit)
in June 2016
Speaker's Bureau • • Stakeholder
❑Strategically schedule speaker's bureau
presentations with civic organizations, businesses
and schools
❑Schedule briefings with key stakeholders and elected
officials as requested or as-needed
❑Continue existing wastewater plant tours and train
tour guides to deliver CWMP messaging and
collateral materials
❑Consider VIP tours during key dates:
• May- Infrastructure Week & Water Awareness Month
• July- CCCSD's 70th Anniversary '
Metrics for Outreach Success
• Maintain Standard Metrics
— Outreach Events ( number of attendees, email
addresses, etc.)
— Website impressions
— Social media (Likes, Shares, Followers)
— Traditional Media Coverage Log (articles, Op-Ed's,
blog posts)
• Rate coverage: positive, negative, neutral/balanced
• Consider post- CMWP outreach program
Next - •
• Spring/Summer 2016
— Continue developing and refining collateral materials
— Develop CWMP Prezi/PowerPoint
— Schedule and conduct Speaker's Trainings and Crisis
Communications Trainings
— Schedule one-on-one speaker's trainings with Board
— Website development
— Create social media plan and timeline
— Develop E-Blast's based on milestones
Questions ?
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan
Communications and Outreach Plan
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District(Central San) is a special district that collects and cleans an
average of 35.6 million gallons of wastewater per day for approximately 471,000 residents and
businesses in Central Contra Costa County.
In fall of 2015, Central San began work on an 18-month-long Comprehensive Wastewater
Master Plan (CMWP) that will identify necessary upgrades and replacements to the wastewater
treatment plant's aging infrastructure that will be made over the next 20 years, and provide
clear, cost-effective direction on how to:
Preserve, maintain, enhance, or replace the District's wastewater treatment plant and
associated equipment, pipelines and facilities—many of which are more than 50 years
Meet increasingly stringent regulatory requirements;
Accommodate the growth of the communities we serve;
Optimize energy production and consumption, with special focus on minimizing
greenhouse gas emissions and maximizing sustainability;
Maximize opportunities and partnerships for increasing the volume of recycled water
available to our customers.
Central San is committed to continuing and improving upon public outreach and transparency
throughout the master planning process by implementing a comprehensive outreach and
communications strategy.
B. Outreach Goals & Strategy
a. Outreach Goals
o Foster Customer Education &Awareness
In order to create a Master Plan that is understood by the ratepayers that aligns
with their interests and responsibilities, it is essential to have fully informed
civic, business and community leaders. From the inception of the CWMP to
completion, public outreach, education and transparency are the cornerstones
for building informed community leadership.
o Ensure Openness and Transparency
The goal of ensuring openness and transparency will help to foster public trust
and acceptance for the master planning recommendations. This will be
accomplished by communicating the overall planning process openly, and
ensuring that the process is updated, as needed.This includes periodic updates
as necessary to maintain transparency. Disclosure of changes in the planning
process goals and objectives are also fundamental components for a robust and
transparent outreach process that builds trust.
o Gain Public Consent for the CWMP and its Associated Cost
Through on-going education, openness and transparency, Central San will work
to gain public consent for the CWMP and the required rates and charges
associated with its identified capital improvement investments. Ratepayers are
more likely to support investments in infrastructure if they are informed of the
necessity and of Central San's responsibilities for meeting mandatory regulatory
and public health and safety requirements, and are made aware of these
through the planning process from beginning to end.
b. Outreach Strategies
o Provide program information to civic, business and community leaders to
ensure they are informed about the CWMP and the role it plays in the
wastewater system's future.
o Seek out opportunities to publicize the CWMP and educate new audiences, both
locally and regionally.
o Discuss pertinent aspects of the CWMP, such as cost, regulatory oversight and
safety with stakeholders.
o Create a strategy for messaging and materials through extensive customer
C. Kev Ml es5aFrP5
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) is committed to creating a
Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP)focused on resource recovery,
operational reliability and compliance with environmental regulations.
The CWMP will identify needed investments to upgrade infrastructure that has
exceeded its useful lifespan.
Public outreach and transparency are important components of the Master Planning
effo rt.
r Board of Director Interviews
One-on-one interviews will be conducted with each of the five Board members and the General
Manager. Interviews will last approximately 45 minutes to an hour and address Master Planning
priorities, concerns, public outreach goals and identify key community stakeholders for
subsequent interviews.
As part of one-on-one interviews with the Central San Board of Directors, an interview
discussion guide will be created.The discussion guide will provide questions but also flexibility
for a wider discussion.
At the commensuration of the board interviews, a summary of interview responses and key
themes will be complied and presented at a board meeting. Suggestions for key stakeholder
interviews will be used to inform the key stakeholder interviews.
Quantitative research will be commissioned to determine ratepayers' overriding issues, their
opinions about the District and reaction to potential key project messages that will resonate
with them going forward.
a. Customer Research
o A research firm will conduct a telephone survey of 400 ratepayers in the service
area.This quantitative survey will gauge ratepayers' attitudes toward and
perceptions of Central San, their preferred communication methods,their
feelings and reactions toward existing communications methods and their
reactions toward investments to the District's wastewater treatment plant
infrastructure and the potential associated rate increases.
o A summary of the findings from the customer research survey will be prepared
and presented to the Board of Directors.
b. Focus groups
o The research firm will also conduct two (2) qualitative focus groups to have a
deeper discussion of some of the key themes that emerged through the
customer research survey.The focus groups will consist of ratepayers in the
service area and participants will be randomized.
o A summary of the findings from the focus groups will be prepared and
presented to the Board of Directors.
F. Targeted Stakeholder Interviews
One-on-one interviews will be conducted with 20 key stakeholders—individuals who live and/or
work within the Central San service area and/or are involved in the community.The purpose of
these discussions is to gauge awareness and perceptions about Central San, determine level of
understanding among stakeholders about infrastructure needs,and obtain feedback on the most
effective ways for Central San to communicate with members of the community.Specifically, the
objectives of the one-on-one conversations were to determine their:
• Knowledge and experience with Central San
• Level of understanding of the work conducted by Central San
• Level of support for investment in replacing or upgrading aging infrastructure and willingness to
pay for it
• Level of support for increasing use of recycled water for both drinking and non-drinking
• Opinions about what Central San does well or could improve
• Preferred methods for reaching and communicating with stakeholders
At the conclusion of key stakeholder interviews, a summary of interview responses and key themes
will be compiled and presented to the Board of Directors. Key findings will be compiled into a report
that will be used to inform and refine the communications and outreach approach.
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Central San's CWMP outreach materials will reflect common design standards, including color
palette,font,general layout guidelines, and nomenclatures, to correspond with the agency-wide
design guide.
H. Inforrnational Materials
a. Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Key Messages
o A CWMP Key Message Plan document will delineate the three or four key
message points regarding the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan and will
serve as an internal guide for all communication by spokespersons. The key
messages document is a living document that will be frequently updated and
redistributed internally.
b. Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Fact Sheet
o The one-page CWMP Fact Sheet will highlight key project elements.The
document will be included in press kits, mailers, online or at various events
throughout the length of the project.The fact sheet will be developed and
revised as the project progresses.
c. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Document
o The FAQ document will address questions that stakeholders and ratepayers may
have about the Master Planning process.This will be updated quarterly as new
questions are brought forth and can be used when responding to questions or
comments received via the website, email and/or by telephone. The FAQ
document will be located on the project website and can also be distributed at
outreach events.
d. CWMP Presentation
o A presentation, using PowerPoint, Prezi, or similar, will be created and
periodically updated throughout the duration of the master planning effort.The
presentation will provide an overview of the CWMP efforts, schedule,
milestones, decision points, and ways for interested community members to
learn more and/or provide feedback.The presentation will be used at speaker's
bureau presentations, presentations to community groups, or elected official
briefings.The presentation will be updated quarterly or after any major CWMP
change or milestone.
Central San's audiences are diverse in their levels of understanding, interest, and engagement.
Communications will be targeted to the following audiences deemed key to the Agency's success in
implementing this communication plan:
• Central San Ratepayers (Commercial/Residential)
• Elected Officials
• Key Stakeholders
Education leaders
Community Groups
Civic Leaders
Regional Government/Planning Groups
Agricultural Groups
Environmental Groups
Labor group
Multicultural Groups
• Media
• Youth/Students
• General Public
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a. Media Relations
o Central San's existing local media list will be used to distribute press releases
regarding updates and milestones related to the CWMP. Local media includes
the Contra Costa Times, Lamorinda Weekly, Martinez News-Gazette, and
neighborhood newsletters and blogs.
o Paid media, including paid online media, will also be considered as part of the
outreach strategy.
b. "Pipeline" Newsletter
o As the Master Plan process progresses, updates will be included in the
publication of the "Pipeline" newsletter. These updates will include changes to
the planning process, decisions made in infrastructure investments, and identify
opportunities for public engagement.
c. "Lateral Connection' (internal)
o As the Master Plan progresses, periodic updates will be included in the internal
publication "Lateral Connection," which is distributed to Central San staff and
retirees.This form of internal communication will keep Central San staff
member apprised of updates and changes to the planning process while helping
educate retirees that can act as project ambassadors.
d. Email Blasts
o No less than four email blasts will be created and disseminated to Central San's
stakeholder list to provide CWMP updates and alert stakeholders of key
milestones. Emails will include photos, CWMP updates, upcoming events and
ways for stakeholders to be engaged or provide feedback.
e. Website
o Updates regarding the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan will be made
available on the Central San's website. The website will also house current facts
sheets and FAQ sheets.
f. Social Media
o Social media will be used to provide timely information and updates on the plan
utilizing existing Central San social media accounts. Research indicates that
content on social media must be refreshed therefore pictures, CWMP
milestones,fact sheets and other information will be posted online in a timely
and efficient manner.
K. Speaking Engagements and Events
a. Spokespersons
o Central San General Manager and Board Members should serve as dedicated
spokespersons in interviews and in written comment. It is important that those
identified have the availability and willingness to conduct media interviews,
make presentations, or attend community events.
b. Speaker's Training
o Speaker's trainings facilitate effective communication by coaching Central San
spokespersons on communication best practices, conflict resolution, and media
interviews. Speaker's trainings provide the opportunity for spokespersons to
practice delivering key messages and answering questions. They also allow
spokespersons to work with communications staff to develop appropriate
answers to tough questions/topics that may be raised by the public.A speaker's
workshop will be conducted by Katz &Associates in June 2016, as well as one-
on-one sessions with Board Members as schedules permit.
a. Speaker's Bureau
o Identified spokespeople should participate in a speaker's bureau to proactively
introduce the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan. Speaking engagements
will be strategically scheduled and a presentation will be created.
b. Key Stakeholder Briefings
o Throughout the Master Planning process, as-needed briefings will be scheduled
with elected officials and other key stakeholders to answer questions and keep
them apprised of the Master Planning process.These briefings will complement
other communications vehicles.
c. Tours
o Tours of the existing wastewater treatment plant and its facilities will continue
on the same schedule and will incorporate key Comprehensive Wastewater
Master Plan messaging. Tour guides will be provided with talking points that
support and educate participants about the Master Plan and the need to
replace and upgrade aging infrastructure. Special tours will also be scheduled
for elected officials,their staff, and selected stakeholder groups.
B. Metrics
The effectiveness of the communications plan, as well as potential changes that may be necessary,
can be measured by:
a. Standard Metrics
o Maintaining lists of:
Outreach events (number of attendees, email addresses, etc.)
• Website impressions
Social media (likes, shares,followers)
• Traditional media coverage (articles, Op-ed's, blog posts)
b. Monthly Reports& Documentation
o A compilation of outreach and communication activities will be compiled
c. Consider post-program survey to measure attitudinal changes
The aforementioned communications strategy will extend from 2015 through 2016 and will provide
communications support related to changes, updates and milestones to the Comprehensive Wastewater
Master Plan. It will be closely tied in with Central San's overall communications plan and approach.
The strategy will be periodically reviewed to ensure that the approach remains relevant and effective
and adjustments in timing and tactic may be made as deemed necessary by the communications and
project team. Status updates, as related to the communications strategy, will be provided to Central
San staff, the Board of Directors, and the project team throughout the process.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Message Plan
Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan
Key Messages:
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) is committed to creating a
Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan focused on cost-effective resource recovery,
maintaining operational reliability and ensuring compliance with existing and anticipated
environmental regulations.
The Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan will identify needed and fiscally sound
investments to upgrade infrastructure that has exceeded its useful lifespan.
The Public outreach goals of fostering customer education and awareness, and ensuring
openness and transparency are fundamental components to this Master Planning effort.
Message 1:The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is committed to creating a Comprehensive
Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP)focused on economically sound resource recovery, operational
reliability and compliance with environmental regulations.
The CWMP will identify ways to for Central San to meet their obligations to protect public health
and the through fiscally sound investments to maximize energy production and resource
recovery, with special focus on minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and maximizing
The CWMP identify ways to maximize opportunities and partnerships for increasing the
availability of recycled water for our customers.
Central San has always been a leader in meeting and exceeding stringent water and recycled
water regulations. Anticipating these regulations and making early adjustments in our
operations reduces the risk of investing in older, less effective technologies, and improves cost
effectiveness and financial control.
Message 2:The Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan will identify needed and fiscally sound
investments to upgrade infrastructure that has exceeded its useful lifespan.
The current wastewater system is aging, and many components are in need of repair or
replacement. While it has been maintained and upgraded over the years, many assets have
reached and some have exceeded the end of their useful life.
The CWMP will identify ways to maintain, enhance, or replace the District's aging equipment,
pipelines, facilities and buildings—many of which are 50 years of age or older.
The CWMP will assess current and emerging technologies to determine the best investments to
meet new regulatory requirements, to accommodate planned growth, and to best adapt to a
changing climate.
Message 3: Public outreach and transparency are fundamental components to this Master Planning
Community outreach will be ongoing throughout the entire Master Planning process.
Contact and engagement with customers and other stakeholders are critical components in
building and maintaining trust.
Central San will keep you informed about planning efforts. Information will be available on
Central San's website, "Pipeline" newsletters, social media, email, and community meetings.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District—KEY MESSAGES
Central Contra Costa Sanitary CentralContra Costa
_ Sanitary District
District's Comprehensive
Wastewater Master Plan
r :a
Central San's wastewater treatment facilities located in Martinez, CA
Solid Strategic Planning will Protect the District and
its Customers
Infrastructure is not infinite, no matter how well it is maintained. Intelligent upgrades are necessary for a system to
perform at its best. That is why the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) recently initiated an 24-month
Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan to evaluate its system and recommend future investments to replace or
upgrade aging infrastructure.
The plan will cover projects for the next 20 years, and provide clear, cost-effective direction on how to:
• Preserve, maintain, enhance, or replace the District's equipment, pipelines and facilities, and buildings-many of
which are more than 50 years old;
• Meet increasingly stringent regulatory requirements;
• Accommodate the planned growth of the communities we serve;
• Optimize our energy production and consumption, with special focus on minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and
maximizing sustainability;
• Increase our efforts to provide recycled water for our customers.
A few of Central San's 290 employees who work to ensure reliable treatment of your wastewater around the clock
Central San's Fast Facts
• Central San serves approximately 476,400 residents and more than 3,000 businesses
• We maintain over 1,500 miles of sewer (The distance from San Francisco to Dallas!)
• Most of Central San's facilities are over 50 years old and past their useful lifespan
• Central San currently recycles 600 million gallons per year of wastewater and uses it for
treatment plant operations and to irrigate some local parks and golf courses
• Central San employs 290 dedicated and highly trained professionals who work around the
clock to ensure that your wastewater is safely collected and cleaned
• Our Household Hazardous Waste Collections Facility handles approximately 2 million pounds
of hazardous waste per year, 90% of which is reused or recycled
Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Schedule
Comprehensive Wastewater Master Planning Process
Community Outreach
Evaluate Existing Infrastructure
Determine Immediate and Future Infrastructure Needs
Evaluate Project Alternatives
Complete Draft and
Provide Master Plan Final Comprehensive
Recommendations Wastewater Master Plan
Public Meeting/
centralsan .org
Central Contra Costa Sanitary CemSanContra
District's Comprehensive
Wastewater Master Plan
Central San's wastewater treatment facilities located in Martinez, CA
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the role of the Central Contra Costa • Anticipate future regulatory changes which will
Sanitary District (Central San)? give us more financial control and;
The core mission of Central San is to protect public • Identify and implement cost-saving measures,
health and the environment by collecting and What is the timeline for the Comprehensive
treating wastewater from approximately 476,400 Wastewater Master Plan?
residents and more than 3,000 businesses in
central Contra Costa County. We also provide Our Master Plan development will be a two-year
recycled water and operate a Household Hazardous effort that began in the summer of 2015 and ends
Waste Collection Facility, in mid-2017.
What is the purpose of the Comprehensive What will the plan address?
Wastewater Master Plan? The CWMP will identify investments that will:
The Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan • preserve, maintain, enhance, or replace the
(CWMP)will incorporate and enhance our previous District's aging assets
planning activities, and provide clear direction • meet increasingly stringent regulations
regarding the most cost-effective ways to do the • accommodative the planned growth of the
following: communities we he
• optimize our energy production and resource
• Address potential problems before they recovery, with special focus on minimizing
arise, minimize disruptions, and decrease the greenhouse gas emissions and maximizing
likelihood of system failures; sustainability
• Implement programs that increase efficiency, • increase our efforts to provide cost-effective
ensure reliable and support cost-effective recycled water available for our customers
One of Central San's 290 employees that work to ensure reliable treatment of your wastewater around the clock
Will rates increase? How much will these upgrades cost?
Rate increases will be based upon investments Project-by-project budgets will be made public
identified during the planning process. Increases when available. This system processes an average
will likely be necessary, Central San will minimize of 35.6 million gallons of wastewater every day and
increases through timely, in-depth planning has an estimated replacement value of over$4
and analysis. billion. The CWMP will determine where facilities
can be repaired rather than completely replaced
What decisions have already been made and and where wise investments can avoid costly
will there be the opportunity for input or public repairs in the future.
The planning phase started in Summer 2015 and Who will pay for It?
there have been no decisions made regarding Costs associated with investments identified by
future investments or new infrastructure. We are the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan
committed to providing a robust outreach effort will be covered by gradual rate increases. With
during our planning process to ensure transparency. sound planning and strategic investment, we can
Presentations will be made throughout the process ensure that our service quality remains high, costly
to interested community groups. If you are interested problems are avoided, and future improvements
in receiving a presentation, call us at(925) 229- never cost more than they should.
7329 and leave a message with your contact
information and event or meeting details. We'll do How can I find out more?
our best to provide a speaker for you, free of charge. For more information about Central San's services,
projects and the Comprehensive Wastewater
Master Plan, visit Centralsan.org. Also make
sure to check your mail for our publication "The
Pipeline," or download it online at http://centralsan.
org/index.cfm?navld=l 78.