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05.a.3) 2015 Recycled Water Quality and Distribution Annual Report
2015 RECYCLED WATER QUALITY AND DISTRIBUTION ANNUAL REPORT coed Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2015 Recycled Water Quality and Distribution Annual Report Facility Name: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Water Reuse Program Order: 96-011 Report Due Date: March 15, 2016 Period Covered by this Report: January 1 , 2015 to December 31, 2015 1 certify under perjury of law that this document and all attachments are prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature of Official Date Roger S. Bailey General Manager CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 2015 RECYCLED WATER QUALITY AND DISTRIBUTION ANNUAL REPORT INDEX Page No(s). Producer's Self-Monitoring Program Report — Recycled Water.................................. 1-9 Figure 1 : CCCSD Recycled Water System Map ........................................................... 10 Table 1: Summary of Recycled Water Usage — 2015 ................................................... 11 Table 2: Monthly Recycled Water Usage — 2015 .......................................................... 12 Table 3: New Authorized Recycled Water Users — 2015............................................... 13 Tables 4-15: CCCSD Monthly Recycled Water Characteristics — 2015................... 14-25 Recycled Water Customer Annual Site Inspection Reports .................................... 26-63 RECYCLED WATER PRODUCER'S SELF-MONITORING PROGRAM REPORT REPORTING PRODUCER: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DATE OF REPORT: March 15, 2016 ORDER: 96-011 REPORTING PERIOD: January through December 2015 RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM OVERVIEW This annual report covers Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (CCCSD) production and distribution of recycled water over the period of January through December 2015. CCCSD has been providing tertiary-treated recycled water for in-treatment-plant usage, irrigation customers and a range of commercial uses since 1996. In 2015, CCCSD provided approximately 703 acre-feet (AF), or 229 million gallons (MG), of recycled water to a variety of customers in Pleasant Hill, Concord and Martinez near CCCSD's treatment plant in Martinez. Recycled water was used for landscape irrigation at schools, parks, private businesses, golf courses, and street medians, and for commercial applications such as truck washing, concrete manufacturing, dust control, and toilet and urinal flushing. In addition to supplying recycled water to offsite customers, CCCSD used approximately 1,090 AF, or 355 MG, of recycled water internally at CCCSD's treatment plant for process water and landscape irrigation. In 2015, the total volume of recycled water provided by CCCSD to offsite customer locations and for internal uses was approximately 1,793 AF, or 584 MG. Table 1 of this report provides a summary of recycled water usage for calendar year 2015 by reuse application category, as requested by the Regional Water Control Board (RWQCB). Table 2 shows the monthly usage of recycled water by customer, excluding CCCSD's internal use at the treatment plant. Table 3 lists new authorized recycled water users for 2015. Figure 1 is a map of our existing recycled water distribution system, which includes the location of each recycled water customer. All sampling and analyses were performed in accordance with RWQCB Order 96-011, and our Recycled Water Program complied with all applicable tertiary recycled quality standards. Tables 5 through 15 represent the 2015 water quality characteristics. All CCCSD recycled water customer sites were inspected by CCCSD staff and found to be in compliance with recycled water use regulations; copies of those inspection reports can be found at the back of this report. 1 ACTIVE RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS CCCSD continues to seek opportunities and partnerships to cost-effectively expand recycled water use, add new customers, and obtain financial assistance to build additional recycled water facilities. CCCSD's recycled water projects have been on the forefront of the development of innovative uses of recycled water. The interior hot water use of recycled water for dog kennel wash-down was the first-of-its-kind in California. CCCSD's expansion into the provision of dual plumbing for interior uses for toilet and urinal flushing, as well as the proposed use of recycled water for cooling towers and boiler feed water at local petroleum refineries, represents some of recycled water's more advanced uses. The following describes CCCSD's work in 2015 to connect customers to recycled water. Recycled Water Zone 1 Project CCCSD has an agreement with Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) to allow CCCSD to supply up to 1,163 AF/year (379 MG/year) of recycled water for landscape irrigation and light commercial uses in the Zone 1 Project area, which consists of a specific geographic area in portions of Martinez, Pleasant Hill and Concord near the Interstate 680 freeway. CCCSD constructed and operates approximately 13 miles of recycled water distribution pipelines in these areas and now provides recycled water service to more than 50 different customer use sites within the Zone 1 geographic area. In 2015, CCCSD distributed 228,982,144 gallons of recycled water to our fixed recycled water customers in the Zone 1 project area. CCCSD will continue efforts to identify and connect additional cost-effective recycled water customers in this project area. Concord Recycled Water Project The Concord Recycled Water Project is the largest remaining recycled water project in the Zone 1 area. Construction of the mainline distribution system was completed in early 2014. The system was charged in Spring 2014 and a recycled water hydrant within the project area was made active for serving our Truck Fill Hydrant Program, which is described on the next page. In the summer of 2015, CCCSD hired a contractor to connect 14 new businesses to our recycled water distribution system for landscape irrigation. See Table 3 for a list of the new customer sites that were connected to recycled water, along with their expected demand. This project was previously awarded a $1,030,000 Proposition 84 Implementation Grant from the California Department of Water Resources and a $97,000 Title XVI planning grant from the US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) in 2011. CCCSD is continuing to seek federal legislative authorization and appropriation for an additional $1.8 million in Title XVI funding for the project through the Western Recycled Water Coalition (discussed later in this report). 2 Truck Fill Hydrant Program During the 2009 drought, CCWD implemented water conservation measures, including recalling its potable hydrant meters to conserve drinking water, so contractors were no longer able to obtain potable water for construction activities in the northern part of CCCSD's service area. To help address this need, CCCSD initiated an expanded Truck Fill Hydrant Program (TFHP) to provide recycled water to contractors and public agencies for dust control, compaction, irrigation and other non-potable uses. In 2009, CCCSD installed two purple recycled water hydrants on Marsh Drive in Concord near the Interstate 680/Highway 4 interchange and purchased portable recycled water hydrant meters to issue to contractors and others who could no longer use potable water hydrants. CCCSD activated a third hydrant meter in the Concord Landscape Project area in 2014 to expand the reach of this Program. Customers are trained and issued a Use Permit and a magnetic recycled water notice placard to place on their water truck when hauling recycled water. Meter readings are gathered monthly from these customers via email. Over the last several years, the demand for recycled water from CCCSD's TFHP has been limited due to more normal rainfall conditions and an easing of prior drought restrictions. However, to conserve water supply in 2015, CCWD continued limiting issuance of potable hydrant meters and directed contractors to CCCSD's TFHP; therefore, our Program saw the highest usage it ever has. In 2015, CCCSD distributed 4,376,022 gallons of recycled water through this Program. CCCSD will continue to make its TFHP available to the community as needed to respond to future drought situations, and will continue to evaluate potential opportunities to install additional recycled water hydrants. Residential Recycled Water Fill Station Program In Fall 2014, CCCSD followed Dublin San Ramon Services District's lead and constructed a Residential Recycled Water Fill Station (RRWFS) at our Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (HHWCF) in Martinez. After several months of development, the RRWFS quickly received approval in October 2014 by the State Water Board's Division of Drinking Water, followed by the RWQCB. The RRWFS provides up to 300 gallons per trip of free recycled water to residents within CCCSD's HHWCF service area and to CCCSD employees. Participants are required to complete a use application/agreement and receive training prior to using the RRWFS. Participants may make unlimited visits to the RRWFS during operating hours. Recycled water distributed through the RRWFS may only be used for hand-watering lawns, landscaping and gardens, and may not be introduced into any permanent piping systems that could lead to a cross connection. While use of CCCSD's RRWFS started off slowly, demand grew exponentially throughout the irrigation season in 2015. Due to the increased demand, CCCSD expanded our number of fill ports from three to seven, hired a temporary staff of 15, and 3 expanded our RRWFS hours to seven days per week. In 2015, CCCSD's RRWFS distributed almost 12 million gallons of recycled water to our residential customers and CCCSD employees. PLANNING FOR FUTURE RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS Wholesale Recycled Water Opportunities Study In June 2015, CCCSD hired RMC Water and Environment (RMC) to complete a study on opportunities for the District to wholesale large quantities of its potential supply of recycled water to other users in and around the Bay Area. RMC completed the study in early 2016, which identified four potential projects to pursue, including the Refinery Project (with a third party buyer of the freed up water), an agricultural option which would provide recycled water to the Delta Mendota Canal and two options for potable reuse (either indirect or direct) via CCWD's and/or East Bay Municipal Utility District's (EBMUD) nearby facilities to the Bay Area Regional Reliability Partners or another end user in need of water supply. RMC also identified next steps to initiate discussions to continue evaluating the feasibility of the four potential projects. In 2016, CCCSD will continue evaluating next steps for the potential projects identified in this study. Development of Recycled Water Projects on CCCSD Buffer Property CCCSD has been exploring options for recycled water projects on the vacant buffer land owned by CCCSD near our treatment plant facilities in Martinez. In 2014, CCCSD issued a lease to the nonprofit organization AgLantis for the use of approximately 15 acres of CCCSD buffer property for growing food crops with CCCSD recycled water. The food crops will be donated as fresh produce to school lunch programs and the nearby Contra Costa Food Bank. The project will be used to demonstrate the science and benefits of recycled water and sustainable gardening and farming practices (e.g., avoiding the use of pesticides and other toxic products). The project could potentially serve as a model for other wastewater agencies that have available land near their treatment plant facilities and would like to increase water recycling. The project received its County Land Use Permit in late 2015. Once irrigation plans are designed and submitted, CCCSD will submit an Engineering Report for approval of this use by the State Water Board's Division of Drinking Water and the RWQCB. Contra Costa County Refinery Recycled Water Project CCCSD continued efforts to develop a refinery recycled water project that would provide up to 22,500 AF/year (20 MG/day) of recycled water to the Shell and Tesoro refineries in Martinez for cooling tower and boiler-feed water. The refineries are currently supplied by CCWD with untreated Delta water via the Contra Costa Canal, which is predominantly supplied by the USBR's Central Valley Project (CVP). The refinery project is particularly attractive because it represents a large year-round demand for recycled water, and it could potentially make use of existing recycled water conveyance and storage facilities already in place from CCCSD's treatment plant to each refinery. 4 The planning-level cost estimate for the refinery project could be up to $100 million depending on whether the full-scale project is implemented. As a result, CCCSD needs financial assistance and/or project partners to make the project cost-effective. In 2011, CCCSD was awarded an $180,000 Title XVI planning grant from the USBR to fund 50 percent of the costs to prepare a feasibility study and environmental documentation for the proposed project. The USBR requires the project sponsor to prepare a feasibility study to demonstrate that the proposed project is a viable, well thought-out, and long-term source of water that justifies the expenditure of federal funds for construction of the proposed facilities. As an initial step in preparing the feasibility study, CCCSD, in partnership with CCWD, hired RMC and MBK Engineers to complete a water supply yield study on the project. The yield study, completed in May 2013, determined that due to the limitations in the capacity available in the operation of the CVP, the true yield of the refinery project is just about half of what would be delivered (for either the 5 or 20 MG/day-sized projects). The results of the study were reviewed by the USBR. Since the project appears to be viable, CCCSD continued its contract with RMC to prepare a Title XVI feasibility study, which was submitted to the USBR in December 2014. In 2015, CCCSD and CCWD negotiated terms for a future agreement for CCCSD to supply 0.5 MG/day of recycled water out of our current treatment processes to serve a portion of the cooling water demand at the Shell Refinery. CCWD led an effort to develop an approach and cost estimate for bringing the existing distribution facilities, which were constructed in the late-1970s and used just twice during previous droughts in 1989 and 1991, back into service. Work between the two agencies will continue on this project throughout 2016, and CCWD may need additional recycled water for this project (up to 3 MG/day) in the near future to meet their 20 percent reduction by 2020 required by SBX7-7. Concord Naval Weapons Station Redevelopment The planned redevelopment of the Concord Naval Weapons Station property provides an excellent opportunity to expand recycled water use. In 2009, the City of Concord selected a preferred development plan (clustered villages concept) consisting of a mixture of commercial, residential, institutional, and recreational land uses interspersed between parks and open space. This mixture of land uses will create opportunities to use recycled water not only for landscape irrigation but also for non-potable uses such as toilet flushing and cooling towers in commercial buildings. The redevelopment of the property and construction of supporting recycled water infrastructure is not expected to begin for five to ten years because of additional planning work that must be completed by the City of Concord and the US Navy before property ownership can be transferred from the US Navy to the City of Concord and/or a developer. 5 In 2012, CCCSD completed a Draft Recycled Water Facilities Plan for the Naval Weapons Station redevelopment that evaluated alternatives and costs for new recycled water infrastructure needed to meet the anticipated demand. Recycled water demand for the new development is estimated to be approximately 2,800 AF/year (900 MG/year) at build-out. The current vision for serving this development is that CCCSD would wholesale recycled water to CCWD, and CCWD would serve the development, so CCWD is currently evaluating grant funding opportunities for the project. Satellite Recycled Water Facilities In 2012, CCCSD entered into a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Diablo Country Club (DCC) and EBMUD (the water purveyor) to evaluate construction of a satellite recycled water treatment plant to supply irrigation water to the DCC's 18-hole golf course located near Danville. CCCSD would provide wastewater from its sewer collection system and receive solids (2 percent) returned from the satellite plant. The DCC has proposed to finance the capital and operating costs of the satellite plant, and own and operate the facility. As this is the first such facility proposed in CCCSD's service area, CCCSD is using this case as an opportunity to create a policy on how future applications for similar facilities will be handled. In 2014, CCCSD participated in a number of meetings with the DCC's engineering consultant and reviewed a number of submittals related to the diversion structure that will withdraw wastewater from CCCSD's collection system and regarding how the plant will operate to ensure no sanitary sewer overflows or maintenance issues will be caused by this facility. CCCSD also agreed to be the California Environmental Quality Act lead agency on the project. In 2015, CCCSD continued evaluating both the operational and financial framework for the proposed DCC facility. CCCSD's Board of Directors decided to evaluate the potential for CCCSD to own and operate the facility, which would allow CCCSD to pursue a low-interest state revolving fund loan to assist with financing this facility. That evaluation will continue in 2016. In December 2014, CCCSD received a request for a non-binding MOU with the Moraga Country Club (MCC) for a similar facility, with the key difference being that the MCC has proposed withdrawing wastewater from CCCSD's Moraga Pump Station. Once the DCC application and CCCSD's policy on these facilities is completed, CCCSD will turn its attention to the MCC for evaluation. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE UPDATE Recycled Water Treatment Facilities Due to very steady operation in CCCSD's treatment plant in 2015, CCCSD's Recycled Water Filter Plant also had a very steady operation. All recycled water produced by CCCSD in 2015 complied with all applicable tertiary recycled quality standards. 6 Recycled Water Distribution System CCCSD field crews continued operation and maintenance of CCCSD's recycled water distribution system in 2014. When needed, CCCSD relies on CCWD field crews to perform repair work on CCCSD's recycled water distribution system under a maintenance contract that we have had with CCWD since 2004. CCWD's cross connection control specialists also assist CCCSD with cross-connection inspections for new recycled water sites, and testing and recertification of existing sites where piping modifications have been made. CCCSD Maintenance Crew Leader Hamid Tehrani obtained certification as a Cross Connection Control Specialist in 2013 and has been certifying CCCSD's cross connection tests since that time. In 2015, CCCSD had no reportable recycled water spills. CUSTOMER TRAINING CCCSD has an ongoing Customer Training Program to educate recycled water customers about the precautions and appropriate uses of recycled water, and to train new Recycled Water Site Supervisors. In addition to training new customers before they connect to our system or begin using our recycled water, CCCSD also provides training when there is a turnover in the Recycled Water Site Supervisor. During annual site inspections, CCCSD provides refresher training to customer staff where needed and verifies that each customer has up-to-date training materials, including CCCSD's brochures and guidance documents on the proper use of recycled water. REGIONAL ALLIANCES TO DEVELOP RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS Western Recycled Water Coalition (Formerly Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition) Since 2009, CCCSD has been a member of the Bay Area Recycled Water Coalition, which is a partnership of 22 agencies committed to developing recycled water as a resource for municipal, industrial, commercial, and agricultural uses across the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2013, the Coalition expanded to include agencies outside of the San Francisco Bay Area, so the name was adjusted accordingly to reflect that. The Western Recycled Water Coalition continues a successful regional approach to pursing recycled water funding and was instrumental in helping CCCSD to secure the Title XVI planning grants for the Concord Recycled Water Landscape Project and the Refinery Project. As part of CCCSD's support of the Coalition, CCCSD's Graphic Artist designed a 6-page Coalition brochure to educate congressional leaders about potential recycled water projects and to attract new members, and provides updates as projects and agency members change. Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Planning In 2013, CCCSD collaborated with other Bay Area agencies to update the Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (BAIRWMP), which was originally 7 prepared in 2006. The BAIRWMP is a nine-county effort to coordinate and improve water supply reliability, protect water quality, manage flood protection, maintain public health standards, protect habitat and watershed resources, and enhance the overall health of the San Francisco Bay. Projects listed in the BAIRWMP are eligible to apply for state grant funding, such as Proposition 84 funding, which provided funding to CCCSD's Concord Recycled Water Landscape Project. CCCSD recycled water projects that are currently being implemented or may be initiated within the next three to five years have been listed in the latest BAIRWMP update and include the Recycled Water Zone One Project and the Contra Costa County Refinery Recycled Water Project. SALT AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN COMPLIANCE On February 3, 2009, the California State Water Resources Control (SWRCB) adopted a Statewide Recycled Water Policy establishing uniform requirements for the use of recycled water. Among other provisions, the Policy requires regions overlying groundwater basins in the State where recycled water use is occurring and planned for the future to develop a salt and nutrient management plan by May 2014. The SWRCB has indicated it plans to develop a streamlined reporting process by which groundwater basins with limited use of the groundwater resources, or basins not likely to have adverse impacts from recycled water irrigation, can prepare simplified salt and nutrient management plans. The specific reporting requirements continue being developed by the SWRCB. As part of the BAIRWMP update process, templates have been developed that will allow Bay Area agencies to prepare their salt and nutrient management plans in an efficient and streamlined manner. Due to the very limited extent that groundwater is used as a potable water supply in CCCSD's service area, the basins underlying CCCSD's recycled water current and planned service areas would qualify for the streamlined reporting process. For these areas, the deadline for this requirement has been extended to May 2016 and may be extended again due to other more pressing State water priorities. LIMITS TO EXPANSION OF RECYCLED WATER There are many institutional and financial impediments outside of CCCSD's control in expanding the use of recycled water. On the institutional side, CCCSD must work with the potable water purveyors in our service area and either wholesale recycled water to them or obtain their permission to purvey recycled water. Some potable water purveyors assert they have significant sunk costs in existing facilities and that the California duplication of services law allows them to recoup stranded costs if recycled water is made available. Although recycled water producers may dispute the applicability of this law, the issue can add another institutional barrier and significant additional costs to recycled water projects. In addition, even when institutional issues are overcome, the cost to construct new recycled water treatment and conveyance facilities can be high. For example, recycled water projects often require construction of purple pipelines through congested urban 8 areas or require additional treatment facilities to increase capacity. When all of these costs are added together, the unit cost of recycled water often exceeds the cost of other available, but less-sustainable, water supplies. Although recycled water projects may have substantial additional quantifiable benefits versus conventional alternatives, additional sources of funding are needed to make recycled water projects more competitive with other cheaper water supply alternatives available to local water purveyors. The limited availability of state and federal funding for recycled water projects in the past has restricted the growth of CCCSD's Recycled Water Program. Despite these challenges, CCCSD is increasing recycled water use in the Bay Area by developing new recycled water projects where economically and financially viable. 9 OO O Y p O O O O ° oG Recycled Water Pipeline o CCWD Pipeline oO O o OProposed Extension Mallard D ��o O O ��L.00\_ ■■■r Reservoir a ■ ■ Martinez Water Service Area oD o Recycled Water Customers 2q2 O s(size indicates yearly consumption) Small ' O M Medium O0��00 oe � � OD Lar g o O () e Existing Customer � D CITY OF CONCORD 1 - MEDIANS q /[�\� SEAFOOD CITY O' WILLOWICK BUSINESS PARK �/CHEVRON COUNTY 1100 CONCORD AVE DMV© 0 QUARRY BELLECCI&ASSOCIATES �►SECURITY OWNER CORPS 1 IN PLANT USE BUCHANAN FIELDS CA TEACHERS O� Bwd eµ TRUCK FILL GOLF COURSE FORD ASSOCIATION CHILPANCINGO ,Ce l--� © `R O� � `HYUNDAI PARK COSt.2 ti I nO COOV3 DRIVE LANDSCAPING- 1 111111 PLEASANT HILL _� UQ � O � �� TAYLOR BLVD/RUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL � D l P.H.CORP.YARD Ir _I __ _ _ REW L SEQUOIA CLEARWELL Q0� - J I III MIDDLE II IP'H_PARK SCHOOL PLEASANT HILL DEMO GARDEN CCCSD VIKING DR I� )\ LJ HEADQUARTERS \.: CONTRA,COSTA ❑ BLVD MEDIANS O F.SALFINGERE PARK, ❑�� CHILPANCINGO BLVD MEDIANS � F SEQUOIA -� CC TOPSOIL DVC P.H.POLICE DEPT HOB ANNEX � CAMPUS � ELEMENTARY GOLFCLUB/OLD SCHOOL COUNTY CORP. _ TAYLOR/CIVIC PLEASANT OAKS YARD lum Rd �� QUARRY ROAD MEDIANS U MEDIANS �� - -_PARK �U CONCO O / ` aDaaa� STUBBS RD `�-1, Lf O r BLUM VIEW ESTATES - \\�. TRIPLEXES O (PENDING) CCCSD - VALLEYVIEWS � , COLLEGE PARK SCHOOLS Q wAR usE f P SFR�jC � 0 v costa _ o MALT PUMP STATION HHWF_ ■ + Contra ■ - J Y SEASON'S � '� ■ � Ganal (-----� U COUNTYANIMAL CEMETERY - - E SERVICES - „\1 Jr/% m■ e�� �1 !S (J ■ w CCW D CONTRA COSTA I. ,Q� *00 E B�M O COUNTRY CLUB P + UD + ■■■■■■■ �L G GOLF COURSE ' ✓ �UW � 3 �' a MARTINEZ o 6 a � ■ D i q) N /J ♦ ■ > ♦ ■ V d .... Emma 13 C., 0 F-IF-1 r-\\ t0 y ' Central Contra Costa jZ Sanitary District � o 1,000 2,000 CCCSD Recycled Water System MENOMINEEU d O aProtecting Public "' and the EnvironmentFeet Y 10 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF RECYCLED WATER USAGE CALENDAR YEAR 2015 Reuse Application Category No. of Area Applied Amount % of Total Reuse Sites (Acres) Distributed (MG) Flow Landscape Irrigation 43 202 213.6 36.6 Parks 5 22 18.1 3.1 Golf Courses 2 110 117.1 20.1 Green Belts 12 3 1.9 0.3 Schools 4 52 37.2 6.4 Other 20 15 39.2 6.7 Agriculture 0 0 0.0 0.0 Vineyards 0 0 0.0 0.0 Other 0 0 0.0 0.0 Industrial 6 N/A 370.1 63.4 Cooling 0 0 0.0 0.0 Other 6 N/A 370.1 63.4 Environmental Enhancement (2) 0 0 0.0 0.0 Dual Plumbing(3) 1 1 0.4 0.1 Total(4) 50 203 584.2 100 Notes: 1. Industrial recycled water use:concrete manufacturing,dust control,construction water,truck washing,truck fill hydrant and treatment plant site. 2. Environmental Enhancement includes wildlife habitat,wetland/marsh applications,etc. 3. Dual Plumbing:Animal Shelter(interior use and landscape irrigation); Diablo Valley College(categorized as landscape irrigation in schools) 4. Residential Fill Station: Land areas is not known. 11 TABLE 2 Monthly Report on Recycled Water -- Calendar Year 2015 CUSTOMERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Total for (All readings in gallons) Calendar 2015 CONCO 95,340 168,607 190,830 360,199 34,849 430,414 320,787 390,022 268,869 232,254 112,641 42,988 2,647,800 CC Topsoil 20,944 25,432 67,320 129,254 69,714 273,768 185,803 227,093 163,812 144,364 25,282 0 1,332,786 CC County Corp Yard 748 748 3,740 13,464 8,228 66,572 67,320 141,372 91,256 52,360 29,920 1,496 477,224 CC County Animal Shelter 2,209 2,600 12,674 50,266 28,987 48,327 38,790 44,503 44,599 38,478 48,952 39,521 399,906 Pacheco(Seasons)Cemetery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 County Quarry Products 150,348 278,256 405,416 662,728 371,756 919,292 641,784 823,548 698,632 733,788 634,304 250,580 6,570,432 Buchanan Golf Course 69,564 352,981 1,427,184 3,185,433 1,860,575 4,410,208 3,520,911 403,845 6,231,588 1,650,911 114,369 46,226 23,273,796 Contra Costa Blvd.-City of PH Median 748 5,984 23,188 27,676 20,196 43,384 30,668 38,148 28,424 26,180 0 0 244,596 Chilpancingo Parkway-City of PH Median 0 12,716 15,708 14,212 7,480 14,212 10,472 15,708 30,668 15,708 17,204 8,976 163,064 Chilpancingo Park-PH Park&Rec 0 2,992 15,708 24,684 12,716 25,432 17,952 22,440 21,692 26,180 11,220 2,992 184,008 Medians-Golf Club/Old Quarry Road Meter No.1 -Safeway Parking Lot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-Church 0 748 52,360 46,376 32,164 37,400 58,344 53,108 49,368 41,888 8,976 0 380,732 3-Upper GC Road 0 0 19,448 26,928 14,212 48,620 34,408 30,668 23,188 20,944 8,228 0 226,644 4-DVC tennis courts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diablo Valley College(less Stubbs Rd.) 433,541 977,636 1,389,784 2,162,318 1,144,290 2,735,735 1,685,543 2,242,354 1,714,266 900,742 460,768 136,660 15,983,638 Stubbs Road Triplexes 89,760 109,208 100,980 125,664 60,588 155,584 112,948 138,380 150,348 80,784 82,280 64,328 1,270,852 Taylor/Civic Medians-City of PH 8,976 7,480 15,708 39,644 23,936 49,368 38,148 40,392 26,928 41,140 0 0 291,720 City Landscaping Taylor Blvd/Ruth Dr 5,236 8,976 7,480 9,724 4,488 9,724 6,732 8,228 7,480 7,480 8,976 6,732 91,256 CC Country Club Golf Course 1,237,940 1,832,600 5,232,260 12,540,220 7,248,120 17,768,733 13,905,320 16,912,280 9,997,020 6,552,480 647,020 0 93,873,993 2290 Diamond Blvd 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,854 18,229 16,197 9,455 7,529 6,518 82,782 California Teachers Association 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,618 33,093 37,210 45,474 19,802 0 148,197 Chevron 261,067 273,057 574,464 1,089,761 1,302,343 939,488 1,143,617 1,297,256 3,260,083 5,837,093 229,038 0 16,207,268 City of Concord Street Medians 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Meter No.1 -Willow Way 26,509 0 1,720 14,212 2,244 7,480 11,744 14,885 17,649 16,310 0 0 112,754 Meter No.2-Diamond Blvd 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,373 13,171 2,696 26,786 0 0 57,026 Meter No.3-Meridian Park Blvd 0 0 0 0 0 0 31,612 13,300 18,675 22,482 8 0 86,077 Meter No.4-Galaxy Way 0 0 0 0 0 0 78,878 112,286 99,067 87,150 5 1 377,387 Department of Motor Vehicles(DMV) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,772 127,177 162 5 0 154,116 Future Ford 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 0 42,929 46,164 11,921 0 101,088 Future Hyundai 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,024 11,480 11,435 13,139 412 0 46,490 Seafood city 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76,807 73,584 48,408 54,938 43,742 297,479 Security Owners Corporation 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,509 34,104 72,346 44,523 8,201 25,772 203,455 Willowick Business Park 0 0 0 0 0 0 43,429 960,484 519,995 373,155 430,751 174,516 2,502,329 1100 Concord Ave.,LLC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 269,356 269,356 Viking Drive Landscaping-City of PH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Valley View MS and College Park HS 79,288 216,920 638,792 1,169,124 639,540 1,563,320 1,396,516 1,762,288 955,196 783,156 0 200,464 9,404,604 City of Pleasant Hill Corporation Yard 2,244 9,724 37,400 58,344 35,904 121,924 103,224 136,884 72,556 93,500 0 3,740 675,444 Pleasant Hill Police Department 1,496 29,920 261,052 225,896 111,452 227,392 209,440 296,956 139,128 136,136 0 0 1,638,868 Pleasant Hill Community Center and Frank Salfingere Park 48,396 92,004 106,964 303,389 125,963 430,100 258,808 413,644 264,044 271,524 0 0 2,314,836 Pleasant Hill Park,Gregory Lane 227,392 415,888 623,832 1,079,364 715,088 1,430,176 1,053,184 1,372,580 1,101,804 670,956 203,456 0 8,893,720 Sequoia Schools 18,700 3,740 3,740 370,260 235,620 927,520 1,309,000 1,118,260 1,200,540 751,740 216,920 29,920 6,185,960 Pleasant Hill Middle School 22,440 3,740 295,460 359,040 344,080 976,140 489,940 1,174,360 1,271,600 602,140 127,160 0 5,666,100 Pleasant Hill Demonstration Garden 0 0 0 0 0 96,492 44,880 34,408 0 25,432 2,992 0 204,204 Pleasant Oaks Park 321,640 299,200 407,660 710,600 377,740 979,880 841,500 1,021,020 661,980 583,440 265,540 0 6,470,200 Hydrant Sales 4,356 0 10,796 16,180 89,943 302,286 1,593,742 544,125 1,090,344 597,783 120,638 5,828 4,376,022 Subtotal-Recycled Water Sales 3,128,882 5,131,157 11,941,668 24,814,961 14,922,217 35,038,971 29,365,896 32,018,483 30,604,373 21,651,788 4,178,813 1,090,999 213,888,207 HHW Drop-Off Facility 288 10,992 97,593 327,344 434,588 939,942 57,588 607,437 251,376 116,902 141,813 0 2,985,863 Maltby Pumping Station(estimated)** 1,860 1,680 1,860 1,800 1,860 1,800 1,860 1,860 1,800 1,860 1,800 1,860 21,900 4737 Imhoff Place(warehouse) 0 0 2,244 2,992 1,496 2,992 21244 2,992 3,740 3,740 4,488 2,992 29,920 4838 Imhoff Place(HOB Annex) 7,480 8,228 9,724 23,936 11,968 41,888 40,392 50,116 50,116 23,936 9,724 3,740 281,248 Residential ReW Fill Station 4,200 3,220 16,103 106,496 430,804 1,433,462 2,634,464 2,995,679 2,424,220 1,556,374 156,639 13,344 11,775,005 Subtotal-District Remote Sites* 13,828 24,120 127,524 462,568 880,716 2,420,084 2,736,548 3,658,084 2,731,252 1,702,812 314,464 21,936 15,093,936 GRAND TOTALS 3,142,710 5,155,277 12,069,192 25,277,529 15,802,933 37,459,055 32,102,444 35,676,567 33,335,625 23,354,600 4,493,277 1,112,935 228,982,144 *Does not include use on treatment plant site 12 TABLE 3 NEW AUTHORIZED RECYCLED WATER USERS 2015 Name Application Projected Annual Flow (gal) Chevron Landscape Irrigation 16,000,000 City of Concord Medians Landscape Irrigation 58,000 (Diamond Blvd) City of Concord Medians Landscape Irrigation 86,000 (Meridian Park Blvd) City of Concord Medians (Galaxy Way) Landscape Irrigation 375,000 City of Concord Medians Landscape Irrigation 112,000 (Willow Way) Department of Motor Landscape Irrigation 154,000 Vehicles Hyundai Landscape Irrigation 46,500 Future Ford Landscape Irrigation 10,000 California Teachers Landscape Irrigation 150,000 Association Bellecci & Associates Landscape Irrigation 83,000 Seafood City Landscape Irrigation 300,000 Security Owners Corporation Landscape Irrigation 200,000 1100 Concord Ave, LLC Landscape Irrigation 270,000 Willowick Business Park Landscape Irrigation 2,500,000 13 TABLE 4 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS JANUARY 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 1/1/2015 2 3.4 5.68 1.31 75 1/2/2015 2 3.2 5.76 1.61 75 1/3/2015 2 3 7.47 1.66 77 1/4/2015 2 2.2 5.82 1.66 84 1/5/2015 2 4.8 6.31 1.66 76 1/6/2015 2 3.15 5.46 1.58 80 1/7/2015 2 3.65 5.67 1.47 91 1/8/2015 2 3.85 6.06 1.43 93 1/9/2015 2 3.1 6.07 1.43 92 1/10/2015 2 3.1 5.97 1.42 130 1/11/2015 2 4.35 5.77 1.54 114 1/12/2015 2 5.05 5.9 1.59 104 1/13/2015 2 2.85 5.96 1.59 111 1/14/2015 2 1.9 5.63 1.59 96 1/15/2015 2 5.8 6.01 1.63 99 1/16/2015 2 6.15 5.91 1.56 99 1/17/2015 2 6.7 5.63 1.48 205 1/18/2015 2 6.4 5.97 1.48 87 1/19/2015 2 6 5.99 1.48 83 1/20/2015 2 5.3 5.28 1.45 96 1/21/2015 2 6.35 5.56 1.45 125 1/22/2015 2 5.8 5.64 1.42 103 1/23/2015 2 5.7 6.01 1.47 94 1/24/2015 2 5.3 5.28 1.47 274 1/25/2015 2 5.35 5.55 1.47 111 1/26/2015 2 5.3 5.27 1.48 100 1/27/2015 2 4.3 5.6 1.48 119 1/28/2015 2 5.05 5.7 1.46 363 1/29/2015 2 4.5 5.8 1.47 112 1/30/2015 1 2 1 5.1 5.87 1.49 208 1/31/2015 2 3.8 1 5.28 1 1.59 1 213 Minimum 2 1.9 5.27 1.31 75 Maximum 2 6.7 7.47 1.66 363 Average 2 4.53 5.80 1.51 122 14 TABLE 5 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS FEBRUARY 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 2/1/2015 2 4.6 5.87 1.54 163 2/2/2015 2 3.9 5.92 1.32 182 2/3/2015 2 3.35 6.7 1.32 495 2/4/2015 2 3.25 5.91 1.38 160 2/5/2015 2 3.9 6.3 1.65 142 2/6/2015 2 4 5.98 1.87 126 2/7/2015 2 3.5 5.67 1.84 123 2/8/2015 2 6.25 5.6 1.84 106 2/9/2015 2 7.25 6.13 1.79 93 2/10/2015 2 6.25 6.68 1.54 106 2/11/2015 2 6.3 5.89 1.21 103 2/12/2015 2 6 6.38 1.14 117 2/13/2015 2 4.3 5.95 1.18 88 2/14/2015 2 3.3 5.23 1.18 110 2/15/2015 2 4.25 5.32 1.24 98 2/16/2015 2 4.25 5.81 1.31 103 2/17/2015 2 5.05 5.63 1.31 91 2/18/2015 2 5 5.78 1.31 120 2/19/2015 2 4.6 5.73 1.31 117 2/20/2015 2 5.6 6.13 1.31 138 2/21/2015 2 4 5.24 1.51 127 2/22/2015 2 5.15 5.76 1.61 131 2/23/2015 2 5.4 6.07 1.43 107 2/24/2015 2 3.45 5.48 1.4 149 2/25/2015 2 6.75 5.57 1.31 347 2/26/2015 2 4.6 6.57 1.35 131 2/27/2015 2 5.1 5.69 1.34 172 2/28/2015 1 2 1 5.5 5.8 1.34 184 Minimum 2 3.25 5.23 1.14 88 Maximum 2 7.25 6.7 1.87 495 Average 2 4.82 5.89 1.42 147 15 TABLE 6 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS MARCH 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 3/1/2015 2 6.9 5.42 1.49 235 3/2/2015 2 2.7 5.89 1.52 227 3/3/2015 2 4.25 5.94 1.43 428 3/4/2015 2 4.1 5.83 1.43 168 3/5/2015 2 5.1 6.58 1.28 164 3/6/2015 2 4.2 6.31 1.32 269 3/7/2015 2 3.8 6.48 1.45 489 3/8/2015 2 4.15 6.48 1.39 535 3/9/2015 2 5.05 6.37 1.25 438 3/10/2015 2 4.9 6.35 1.54 232 3/11/2015 2 4.7 6.35 1.56 501 3/12/2015 2 6.3 6.41 1.53 187 3/13/2015 2 5.25 6.44 1.32 270 3/14/2015 2 4.1 6.59 1.35 337 3/15/2015 2 4.8 6.46 1.52 579 3/16/2015 2 4.15 6.18 1.46 223 3/17/2015 2 3.4 6.35 1.47 239 3/18/2015 2 6.9 6.3 1.45 311 3/19/2015 2 6.7 6.38 1.49 450 3/20/2015 2 5.05 6.54 1.45 367 3/21/2015 2 5.4 6.23 1.41 490 3/22/2015 2 4.35 6.36 1.48 231 3/23/2015 2 5.15 6.04 1.46 577 3/24/2015 2 4.1 6.23 1.33 192 3/25/2015 2 3.1 5.73 1.07 275 3/26/2015 2 3.35 5.82 1.09 213 3/27/2015 2 4.45 5.73 1.14 267 3/28/2015 2 6 6.09 1.14 1125 3/29/2015 2 6.25 5.98 1.1 326 3/30/2015 1 2 6.2 6.24 1.13 326 3/31/2015 2 1 5.3 1 6.27 1 1.2 1 361 Minimum 2 2.7 5.42 1.07 164 Maximum 2 6.9 6.59 1.56 1125 Average 2 4.84 6.21 1.36 356 16 TABLE 7 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS APRIL 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 4/1/2015 2 4.8 5.93 1.21 648 4/2/2015 2 4.5 5.99 1.25 471 4/3/2015 2 2.7 5.89 1.33 386 4/4/2015 2 5.8 6.04 1.33 694 4/5/2015 2 4.8 6.08 1.35 340 4/6/2015 2 6.4 5.83 1.41 365 4/7/2015 2 7 5.86 1.52 220 4/8/2015 2 6.5 5.98 1.38 168 4/9/2015 2 5.35 5.44 1.34 126 4/10/2015 2 1.55 5.33 1.34 289 4/11/2015 2 5.95 5.53 1.38 648 4/12/2015 2 4.9 5.86 1.38 393 4/13/2015 2 6.4 5.81 1.41 659 4/14/2015 2 6 6.14 1.49 625 4/15/2015 2 5.6 6.23 1.49 636 4/16/2015 2 4.8 6.05 1.14 307 4/17/2015 2 6.8 6.5 1.35 735 4/18/2015 2 4.8 7.01 1.37 645 4/19/2015 2 3.8 6.1 1.54 581 4/20/2015 2 2.35 5.87 1.58 465 4/21/2015 2 6 6.06 1.49 473 4/22/2015 2 5.4 6.44 1.34 887 4/23/2015 2 4.65 6.04 1.46 648 4/24/2015 2 4.4 6.25 1.38 634 4/25/2015 2 3.3 6.21 1.35 818 4/26/2015 2 2.75 6 1.42 364 4/27/2015 2 5.25 5.96 1.57 312 4/28/2015 2 5.3 6.05 1.6 514 4/29/2015 1 2 1 5.7 6.22 1.48 747 4/30/2015 2 5.8 1 6.17 1 1.54 1 714 Minimum 2 1.55 5.33 1.14 126 Maximum 2 7 7.01 1.6 887 Average 2 4.98 6.03 1.41 517 17 TABLE 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS MAY 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 5/1/2015 2 5.6 5.97 1.48 516 5/2/2015 2 8.3 6.16 1.4 952 5/3/2015 2 5.2 5.89 1.36 328 5/4/2015 2 6.6 6.32 1.39 691 5/5/2015 2 5.7 5.75 1.5 644 5/6/2015 2 5.3 6.07 1.51 1008 5/7/2015 2 5.2 6.53 1.37 393 5/8/2015 2 5.45 6.2 1.45 988 5/9/2015 2 4.7 5.71 1.49 736 5/10/2015 2 4.3 6.2 1.49 417 5/11/2015 2 3.8 6.01 1.64 1281 5/12/2015 2 4.9 5.91 1.63 385 5/13/2015 2 5.65 6.3 1.38 457 5/14/2015 2 5.3 6 1.56 606 5/15/2015 2 4.2 6.18 1.46 576 5/16/2015 2 2.4 5.7 1.46 770 5/17/2015 2 5.5 6.17 1.49 496 5/18/2015 2 5.5 5.85 1.51 709 5/19/2015 2 4.85 6.16 1.44 693 5/20/2015 2 3.2 5.98 1.36 640 5/21/2015 2 5.45 5.92 1.39 1032 5/22/2015 2 5.5 6.11 1.52 335 5/23/2015 2 6.1 6.21 1.53 906 5/24/2015 2 5.2 6.1 1.35 400 5/25/2015 2 3.4 6.51 1.32 609 5/26/2015 2 2 5.81 1.27 0 5/27/2015 2 5.4 6.39 1.31 424 5/28/2015 2 4.15 6.33 1.36 973 5/29/2015 2 3.05 6.2 1.39 358 5/30/2015 2 4.1 6.12 1.32 574 5/31/2015 1 2 4.25 1 6.23 1.31 747 Minimum 2 2 5.7 1.27 0 Maximum 2 8.3 6.53 1.64 1281 Average 2 4.85 6.10 1.43 634 18 TABLE 9 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS JUNE 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 6/1/2015 2 4.2 7.29 1.3 507 6/2/2015 2 4.2 7.04 1.36 738 6/3/2015 2 2.2 5.88 1.16 719 6/4/2015 2 5.4 6.81 1.13 748 6/5/2015 2 6 6.47 1.21 563 6/6/2015 2 3.8 6.26 1.28 481 6/7/2015 2 4.7 6.15 1.37 1368 6/8/2015 2 4.4 6.82 1.32 406 6/9/2015 2 3.6 5.79 1.16 1146 6/10/2015 2 6.4 5.87 1.02 662 6/11/2015 2 3.25 5.6 1.12 244 6/12/2015 2 1.8 5.52 1.35 311 6/13/2015 2 5.5 6.25 1.31 1103 6/14/2015 2 7.3 5.77 1.31 490 6/15/2015 2 3.1 5.45 1.31 398 6/16/2015 2 6.45 5.95 1.29 1114 6/17/2015 2 3.5 5.78 1.26 714 6/18/2015 2 5.9 5.99 1.44 1239 6/19/2015 2 8.35 6.13 1.31 823 6/20/2015 2 5.6 5.99 1.38 599 6/21/2015 2 5.25 6.11 1.38 1350 6/22/2015 2 3.55 5.73 1.27 555 6/23/2015 2 3.35 5.67 1.12 970 6/24/2015 2 3.2 6.09 1.28 1165 6/25/2015 2 5.15 6.13 1.37 632 6/26/2015 2 4.35 6.29 1.31 1281 6/27/2015 2 4.2 5.94 1.25 819 6/28/2015 2 4.8 6.18 1.28 458 6/29/2015 2 3.6 5.64 1.2 1356 6/30/2015 1 2 1 2.7 1 5.43 1.17 1 744 Minimum 2 1.8 5.43 1.02 244 Maximum 2 8.35 7.29 1.44 1368 Average 2 4.53 6.07 1.27 790 19 TABLE 10 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS JULY 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 7/1/2015 2 6 5.66 1.31 606 7/2/2015 2 5.45 6 1.35 1237 7/3/2015 2 4.2 6.71 1.39 731 7/4/2015 2 4.9 5.83 1.31 695 7/5/2015 2 4.05 5.91 1.43 1024 7/6/2015 2 5.3 5.58 1.41 568 7/7/2015 2 2 5.24 1.21 676 7/8/2015 2 4.35 5.82 1.16 1484 7/9/2015 2 6.2 5.66 1.29 1197 7/10/2015 2 5.35 5.65 1.08 572 7/11/2015 2 4.8 5.47 0.94 854 7/12/2015 2 4.3 5.59 1.34 624 7/13/2015 2 2.9 5.47 1.37 654 7/14/2015 2 4.6 5.63 1.29 882 7/15/2015 2 6.4 5.59 1.26 907 7/16/2015 2 6.05 5.57 1.26 960 7/17/2015 2 5.9 5.56 1.36 1136 7/18/2015 2 4.3 5.63 1.19 755 7/19/2015 2 6.2 5.88 1.26 1336 7/20/2015 2 4.1 5.5 1.27 517 7/21/2015 2 2.55 5.27 1.24 721 7/22/2015 2 5.65 5.86 1.22 1628 7/23/2015 2 4.05 5.3 1.13 595 7/24/2015 2 3.4 5.73 1.29 810 7/25/2015 2 3.8 5.7 1.42 1174 7/26/2015 2 3.35 5.76 1.56 997 7/27/2015 2 2.8 5.51 1.64 946 7/28/2015 2 5.2 5.64 1.65 772 7/29/2015 2 5.4 5.54 1.42 1011 7/30/2015 2 4.75 5.55 1.35 863 7/31/2015 2 1 4.85 5.39 1 1.3 1 1563 Minimum 2 2 5.24 0.94 517 Maximum 2 6.4 6.71 1.65 1628 Average 2 4.62 5.65 1.31 919 20 TABLE 11 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS AUGUST 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 8/1/2015 2 3.6 5.33 1.2 672 8/2/2015 2 3.7 5.65 1.19 556 8/3/2015 2 4 5.57 1.12 1488 8/4/2015 2 2.85 5.43 1.28 689 8/5/2015 2 2.5 5.28 1.35 640 8/6/2015 2 2.75 5.33 1.36 1547 8/7/2015 2 2.7 5.37 1.34 713 8/8/2015 2 3.2 5.59 1.26 847 8/9/2015 2 2.85 5.36 1.43 549 8/10/2015 2 5.85 5.56 1.4 1451 8/11/2015 2 4.85 5.98 1.45 640 8/12/2015 2 4.35 5.63 1.46 911 8/13/2015 2 5.25 5.94 1.32 656 8/14/2015 2 6.2 5.84 1.21 828 8/15/2015 2 3.9 5.62 1.37 784 8/16/2015 2 4.75 5.78 1.51 1307 8/17/2015 2 4.65 5.79 1.37 496 8/18/2015 2 4.75 5.82 1.27 1616 8/19/2015 2 3.5 5.69 1.48 604 8/20/2015 2 3.85 5.56 1.45 526 8/21/2015 2 4.2 5.76 1.33 1485 8/22/2015 2 4 5.77 1.35 604 8/23/2015 2 3.6 5.8 1.4 496 8/24/2015 2 3.1 5.84 1.38 1337 8/25/2015 2 4.2 5.91 1.47 1458 8/26/2015 2 3.9 5.72 1.34 500 8/27/2015 2 3.7 5.78 1.32 506 8/28/2015 2 4.7 5.74 1.17 1466 8/29/2015 2 4.3 5.83 1.31 738 8/30/2015 2 3.2 5.59 1.43 519 8/31/2015 1 2 3.65 1 5.79 1.3 407 Minimum 2 2.5 5.28 1.12 407 Maximum 2 6.2 5.98 1.51 1616 Average 2 3.95 5.67 1.34 872 21 TABLE 12 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS SEPTEMBER 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 9/1/2015 2 3.8 6.3 1.31 1112 9/2/2015 2 3.4 6.1 1.3 783 9/3/2015 2 3.35 6.2 1.36 1080 9/4/2015 2 3.5 5.4 1.21 685 9/5/2015 2 4.8 5.6 1.18 612 9/6/2015 2 3 5.8 1.31 591 9/7/2015 2 4.5 5.9 1.32 610 9/8/2015 2 5.15 5.9 1.16 705 9/9/2015 2 6.4 5.87 1.19 896 9/10/2015 2 4.9 6.05 1.26 891 9/11/2015 2 5.05 7.18 1.29 879 9/12/2015 2 4.45 5.99 1.14 806 9/13/2015 2 3.3 5.77 1.05 691 9/14/2015 2 2.6 5.62 1.13 576 9/15/2015 2 14.1 5.42 1.25 846 9/16/2015 2 2.8 5.69 1.13 587 9/17/2015 2 3.1 5.7 1.05 586 9/18/2015 2 3 5.38 1.19 425 9/19/2015 2 5.8 5.74 1.16 660 9/20/2015 2 4.15 5.86 1.42 655 9/21/2015 2 4.05 5.86 1.56 595 9/22/2015 2 4.25 5.86 1.51 758 9/23/2015 2 3.75 6.61 1.46 819 9/24/2015 2 6.1 6.06 1.41 855 9/25/2015 2 4.45 5.9 1.33 692 9/26/2015 2 4.7 5.8 1.23 812 9/27/2015 2 3.6 5.96 1.17 581 9/28/2015 2 5.7 6.07 1.3 433 9/29/2015 1 2 1 3.15 5.78 1.25 653 9/30/2015 2 4.5 1 5.66 1 1.1 1 614 Minimum 2 2.6 5.38 1.05 425 Maximum 2 14.1 7.18 1.56 1112 Average 2 4.51 5.90 1.26 716 22 TABLE 13 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS OCTOBER 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 10/1/2015 2 4.5 5.81 1.09 422 10/2/2015 2 4.15 5.61 1.36 226 10/3/2015 2 4.3 5.56 1.47 333 10/4/2015 2 2.9 5.71 1.56 389 10/5/2015 2 3.75 5.33 1.52 265 10/6/2015 2 4.2 5.82 1.37 675 10/7/2015 2 4.3 5.97 1.32 460 10/8/2015 2 5.45 6.61 1.38 515 10/9/2015 2 4.1 6.14 1.31 535 10/10/2015 2 4.3 5.98 1.24 564 10/11/2015 2 4.45 6.12 1.1 526 10/12/2015 2 4.2 6.03 1.01 469 10/13/2015 2 4.2 6 1.35 587 10/14/2015 2 3.8 6.17 1.33 632 10/15/2015 2 4.55 6.31 1.25 620 10/16/2015 2 4.3 6.1 1.21 395 10/17/2015 2 5.6 6.05 1.23 346 10/18/2015 2 5.1 6.01 1.1 416 10/19/2015 2 4.65 5.87 1.11 370 10/20/2015 2 3.95 5.83 1.15 563 10/21/2015 2 2.9 5.73 1.31 252 10/22/2015 2 4.1 5.58 1.36 512 10/23/2015 2 3.9 6.12 1.17 736 10/24/2015 2 3.7 5.94 1.21 559 10/25/2015 2 3.65 6.01 1.34 459 10/26/2015 4 3.1 6.13 1.47 429 10/27/2015 2 2.5 5.74 1.35 455 10/28/2015 2 1.65 5.6 1.37 145 10/29/2015 2 4.3 5.82 1.38 197 10/30/2015 2 3.55 6.99 1.42 353 10/31/2015 1 2 1 3.3 1 5.72 1 1.22 1 338 Minimum 2 1.65 5.33 1.01 145 Maximum 4 5.6 6.99 1.56 736 Average 2.1 3.98 5.95 1.29 443 23 TABLE 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS NOVEMBER 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 11/1/2015 2 3.75 5.93 1.36 466 11/2/2015 2 3.8 5.88 1.3 338 11/3/2015 2 4.35 5.84 1.3 81 11/4/2015 2 8.2 5.16 1.31 140 11/5/2015 2 4.8 6.39 1.35 112 11/6/2015 2 3.1 5.72 1.31 106 11/7/2015 2 3.3 5.17 1.34 192 11/8/2015 2 2.3 5.83 1.36 157 11/9/2015 2 4 5.56 1.36 145 11/10/2015 2 2.8 5.77 1.29 108 11/11/2015 2 3.35 5.51 1.2 72 11/12/2015 2 4.1 5.74 1.26 80 11/13/2015 2 3.9 5.94 1.2 91 11/14/2015 2 3.9 6.09 1.18 134 11/15/2015 2 2.3 5.12 1.06 93 11/16/2015 2 3.5 5.96 1.18 51 11/17/2015 2 2.8 6.16 1.14 58 11/18/2015 2 4.15 6.06 0.97 73 11/19/2015 2 4.55 5.87 0.95 114 11/20/2015 2 1.95 6.97 0.99 143 11/21/2015 2 1.9 5.53 1.25 182 11/22/2015 2 3.9 5.8 1.55 159 11/23/2015 2 4.55 6.02 1.61 164 11/24/2015 2 4.15 6.05 1.59 103 11/25/2015 2 2.45 5.56 1.6 69 11/26/2015 2 6.6 6.14 1.58 56 11/27/2015 2 3.25 5.64 1.14 64 11/28/2015 2 3.2 6.38 1.27 71 11/29/2015 2 3.8 6.18 1.3 80 11/30/2015 2 2.05 5.78 1.36 236 Minimum 2 1.9 5.12 0.95 51 Maximum 2 8.2 6.97 1.61 466 Average 2 3.69 5.86 1.29 131 24 TABLE 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER CHARACTERISTICS DECEMBER 2015 Total Coliform Chlorine Dissolved Hach On-Line Daily Average Date MPN per 100 ml Residual Oxygen mg/L Meter Daily AVE Recycle Flow Turbidity NTU GPM 12/1/2015 2 4.2 5.4 1.36 79 12/2/2015 2 3.3 6.26 1.37 94 12/3/2015 2 3.15 5.58 1.24 323 12/4/2015 2 3.7 6.33 1.23 51 12/5/2015 2 2.8 6.25 1.21 51 12/6/2015 2 3.8 6.34 1.27 39 12/7/2015 2 4.5 6.19 1.27 57 12/8/2015 2 4 6.68 1.27 50 12/9/2015 2 4.15 5.58 1.32 52 12/10/2015 2 3.2 6.78 1.43 57 12/11/2015 2 4.5 7.38 1.42 48 12/12/2015 2 4 6.03 1.45 49 12/13/2015 2 2.9 5.66 1.45 36 12/14/2015 2 4.45 6.57 1.45 42 12/15/2015 2 3.45 6.19 1.26 50 12/16/2015 2 2.5 5.69 1.16 56 12/17/2015 2 4.05 6.1 1.15 59 12/18/2015 2 3.4 5.75 1.31 57 12/19/2015 2 4.6 5.95 1.35 54 12/20/2015 2 4.7 6.42 1.2 39 12/21/2015 2 4.65 6.79 1.32 45 12/22/2015 2 3.75 6.44 1.36 39 12/23/2015 2 2.3 6.08 1.36 40 12/24/2015 2 2.55 5.69 1.39 48 12/25/2015 2 2.2 5.42 1.47 34 12/26/2015 2 2.85 6.2 1.58 46 12/27/2015 2 3.7 6.47 1.52 38 12/28/2015 2 2.85 6.15 1.52 41 12/29/2015 2 2.2 6.07 1.52 46 12/30/2015 2 2.5 6.51 1.43 44 12/31/2015 1 2 2.45 1 5.88 1 1.24 47 Minimum 2 2.20 5.4 1.15 34 Maximum 2 4.70 7.38 1.58 323 Average 2 3.46 6.16 1.35 58 25 Central Contra Costa sanitary vistrict Protecting,public . the en vironment5019 ImhoffPlace, , 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Department of Mutur Vehi,_Ics_LDMV) Couatiun of Site:. 2U/U_Diamond Blvd., uuncurd, GA 94520 Inspection Date: 10 • t 3 . 15 _ Customer Representative Present: Calvin Jeffzmon Application of RGcyuled Watef at Site: Caiidscape hrigatiun vveather conditions:��i.�P 5tanaard u5servations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? Z ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 0 4. Is tne►e an apparent odor nuisance"? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is iiiiyation system operated to avoid contact with the public'? ® ❑* ❑ b. Evidence ut ponding or excessive ranott in use areas'? ❑* ® ❑ t. is recycled water spray, mist or ranutt entering dwellings, desiynated oatduur eating areas or food-nandling tacilities'? ❑* © ❑ 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray, inist or runuTTY ❑ ❑* X❑ 9. Broken or leakiny pipes or spray nuzzles? ❑* © ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, eiosiun of dikes, etc. of storaye ponds or impoundments? ❑� ❑ 19 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use of reuyuled water? FIN� ❑w ❑ 12. Rave modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? ❑* A ❑ All checK marKs in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of follow-up a"tiuns taRen. uesc;ri5e below; and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspeciur's Si--ynatur Date: 10 . 05 .0s 26 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District PUDfic neaun anE7 tne environmentrimnoff mace, iviarrinez CA 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Reeyuled Water User: Chevruii Business ana Real Estate Serviues location of Site: 2003 Uiamond Blvd. 31024-C4 Concord, CA 94520 Inspection Date: to - 0 3 - k'5 Customer Representative Present: Jason Hakes Application ut Reuyuled vvater at Site: landscape Irrigation vveathei uunditiuns: C-Lzo•4-- 5tandaid Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available fu. inspeL;tiun? © ❑" ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? 9 ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* [9 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* M ❑ 5. is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? 21 ❑* ❑ 5. Evidence at punding or excessive runott in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ f. Is recycled water spray, mist or runott entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or toad-Handling tacilities'? ❑* X ❑ S. it drinRing tuuntains are present, aie they protected against uuntaut with reuyuiea water spray, mist or ruimr? U � ❑* V. MuKen or IeaRiiig pipes or spray nuzzles! 0 ® ❑ 10. Evidence of uverfluws, leaks, erusiuii at diRes, etc, ut storage ponds or impoundments? ❑* ❑ 11 . Has appropriate staff been trained on the use of reuyulea water-e ❑_ ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irriyatiun system piping that could potentially lead to a uruss uunneutiun? ❑_ 52 ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of follow-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: insyuctur`s Siyiiature: Date: 1O 03'idt5 27 Recyuea raper AfLihk central contra costa sanitary vistrict vrorecring public • rhe en vi.ronmenr 5019 ImhoffPlAce, Marrinez, CA 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled vvater user: laity of uuncurd Medians Location of Site: Willow Way, Diamond Blvd, Meridian Park Blvd & Galaxy Way Inspection Date: 19 -% • l5 unstumer Representative Present: RIME Alley Application of Recycled water at Site: Eandscape Irrigation weather conditions:—n, Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. Is Vustumer's Recycled Water use Permit availa6lC tar inspeutiun-e M ❑- ❑ 2. Are appropriate reFyulEd-water signs punted in use areas? ® ❑* 0 3. Are vehicles hauling recyt led water labeled aliprupr iately? ® ❑* LJ 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* Z ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? X ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray, mist or runoff entering dwellings; designated outdoor eating areas or tood-handling tacilities"? ❑* EC ❑ S. It drinKing toantains are present; are they protected against contact with recycled water spray, mist or ranott'? ❑ ❑* g. MuKen or IeaKing pipes or splay nucclev ❑* 6d U 1 U. Evidenue of uveffluws, IeaKs. erosion Ut diKes, etc. ut storage ponds ur impuandments-? ❑* ❑ jk i i. Ras aapprupriate stats been trained un the USE of ieaycled water! ❑* ❑ iz. Have mudificatiuns Sven made to the plug lying ur irrigatiuii system piping that could potentially lead to a uruss connection-! ❑ ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require Explanation of fulluw-up autiuns taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding ubservatiun number: Additional ,utes: 15500-1-5 "Uu -err'-z> 4r&► Q-Dor Inspector's 5ignata4L Date: O =$ •lS 28 mcyaeE raper Central Contra Costa sanitd-ty District Prorecring,public healih and rhe eavironmenr 2015 ANNUAL RECYCCEU wA i tR sl i E INSPEL i IUN REPOR i Recycled water user: Security Owners Corporation Location of Site: 2280 Diamond Blvd., #410, Conturd, CA 94520 Inspcctiun Daatv:_ I Q1_• 1'15 Costumer Representative Present: Clariue K. Hernandez Application at Recycled water at Site: Can_dsca,ee Irrigation Weather conditions: C»XC- Standard Observations: Yes No N/A i. Is customer's Recycled vvater use Permit available for inspection'! ❑* ❑ 2. Are apyrupriate recycled-water signs punted in use areas-! ❑* ❑ 3. Are vahicles hauling ieuyuea water iabcled apprupiiately"e ❑* 19 4. Is theic an apparent udur nuisance? ❑" ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avuid cumaaut with the publit'? Li 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runuff its use areas? * ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray, mist or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or food-handling facilities? ❑* © ❑ 8. It drinRing tountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray; mist or runoff? ❑ ❑* 9. tsruRen or IeaKing pipes or spray nozzles'! ❑* ® ❑ 1 U. Evidence of overfflows, IeaRs; erosion at diRes, etc. of storage punds or impoundments'! ❑* ❑ i i. Ras appropriate staff been trained on the use ut recycled water? &1 ❑* ❑ i1. Flave modifications been made to the plambing o► irrigation systern pipiny Mat could potentially lead to a cross cunnection"! ❑* ,x ❑ Ali check marks in a bux marKea with a,, asterisR (�) require explanatiun at tuiluw-up actions taken. Desuiibc below, and indicate currespundiny ubseivatiun number: Additional nutes: M&WO 06 %7 I o 1Xr,3 X to E c* 7erz' V% Inspector's Signature: Date: 10 • • 1 S' 29 Kecyaee,aper AfA ' central Contra Costa sanitary District Protecting publicI Place, 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPOR Recycled Water User: WIIluwicR Business ParK Cucatiun ut Site: 111 U-11 yU Barnett Ave., 2190 Meridian Park Blvd., Concord, CA 94520 Inspection Date:_ 10 -6. -t 6- Customer Represcmative Present: Miguel Saraias Applivatiun of Recycled vvater at Site: Landscape Irrigation vveather cunditiuns: Standard uDservations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Poi mit available for inspectiume ❑* 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? � L� ❑" L 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? L ❑� lel 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ,� ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ t. Is recycled water spray; mist or ranott entering dwellings, desiynated uatduur eatiny areas or toad-handling tacilities-? ❑* ® ❑ B. It drinRiiiy tuuntains are present, are they protected against contact with recycied water spray, mist ui ranvtt'? ❑ ❑* IV 9. Biukei, or IeaRiny pipes or spay nuzzles,? ❑* 10. Evidence of uvcrfiows, ieaKs, erosion ut diRes, etu. at sturaye ponds ur impoundments-! ❑* ❑ 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use UT recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made tu the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could puiumially lead to a cruss cunnectiume ❑* ] ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of fallow-up actions taRen. Descril5e below; and indicate corresponding observatiui, number: Additional notes: inspectors Siynaaatuure: Date: lu 30 ®necyaeE raper A -C Central Contra Costa sanitaty District • rotecting,public health and the environment 50ig In7h.off Hace, marrinez, CA 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User:__ California Teachers A55uuiatiun (C i A) Luu'atiun of Site: Z1 t t Diainond tSlvd. uuncvrd GA 94610 Inspection Date: IV - 8 -Is Gastvmer Representative Present: Miguel Baralas Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation and vvinduw Washinel Weather conditions: CLtcA;Z:: Standard Ob5ervatiuns: Yes No N/A 1. Is costumer's Kecycled Water Use Permit available for inspectiun? ❑R ❑ Z. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles Hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* A 4. Is there an apparent odor naisance'? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is ii i igatiuii system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence UT ponding ur excessive ranctt in use areas'? ❑* M ❑ 7. 15 recycled water spray, mist or ranott entering dwellings; designated uatduur eatinyy areas or Tuud-handliny tacilities'? ❑* ® ❑ 8. If drinking fuuntaina are present, are they protected against contact with reuyulcd wate, spay, mist or ranom! ❑ ❑* ,9 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nuzzles? ❑* R Ll 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, eru5iun of dikes, etc. uT sturage ponds or impoundments? ❑* ❑ 11. Ras appropriate staff been trained on the use of reuyuled water? ,�Z] ❑* 11. Rave moditications been made to the plumbing or irnyyyatiun system piping that could potentially lead to a cross conneutiun? ❑_ J All cHecR marRs in a 6ux marKed with an asterisk (*) require explanation of fulluw-up actions taRen. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional nates: I's 3%)e:o Inspector's Signature: Date: 10 • • t S 31 Central Contra Costa unitary District • . • public 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water UJer: Bellecci &ASJUCiateb location at Site: 2290 Diamond Blvd., #100, Concord, CA 94520 Inspection Date: i o -J� • tS Customer Repre5cmative Present: Frank C. Selleuui Applivatioii of ReuyCled Mtei at Site: Candsuppe_I_rrigation weather conditions: — Standard 05servations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspectiun? ® ❑" ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* LA 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* R ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? 64 ❑* ❑ 5. Evidence of ponding or excessive ranott in use areas? ❑* 50 ❑ t. Is recycled water spray, mist or ranott entering dwellings; designated catdccr eating areas or toad-handling tacilities'? ❑* X ❑ S. it drinRing toantains are present, are they protected against contact witn recyuled water spray, mist oi ranarr? ❑ ❑* a. Muken or leaRiny pipes or spray no«les,e ❑* XC ❑ 10. Evidence of overfiows, ieares, erosion ut diRes, etc. at storage ponds or impoundments? ❑* ❑ 9 11. Has apprcpriatc staff been trained on the use of recycled water-! 19 ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross ccnnmaion? ❑ry �d ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require eAplanation of follow-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspectur's Siynature: Date: 16 - 5 32 ®necycM rape. Central Contra Costa unitary District Protectingaw. 1111 drhe envi.ronmenrin7hoff 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Future Ford Luuatiun ut Site: ZZ85 Diamond Blvd., uuncord, UA 94520 Inspection Date: to 131/6 Uastomer Representative Present: Bruce Isseff Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape irrigation Weather conditions: CZFPA%-- Standard uoservatiuns: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available fur inspectiun? ❑� ❑ Z. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑" ❑ 3. Aie vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* I vi 4. is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* -n 5. Is it rigatiun system operated to avoid contact with the public? QC ❑M* ❑ 6. Evidenue ut pondiny or excessive runoff in use areas"? F-1 ❑ t. Is recycled water spay, mist or ranutt entering dwellings, designated uutduor eating areas or toad-handling tacilities? ❑* F]C ❑ 8. If drinking fumytains are present, are they prutected against contact with recycled water spay, mist ur runow? ❑ ❑* 9. Broken or leaking pipes ur spray nuzzies'e ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, arusiun of diRes, etc. ut storage ponds or impoundments? ❑* ❑ 11. Ras appropriate staff been trained on the use of reuycled water-! [9 ❑* ❑ 12. Rave modifications been made to the plumbing ur irriyatiun system piping that could potentially lead to a cross cunnectiun? ❑" f Ll An t;hecR marRs in a Box marRed with an asterisk (*) require explanatiun of fulluw-up autiuns taRen. Desurit)e Below: and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspectur's Siynature: Date: ]D=L3•/S 33 Central Contra Costa sanitary District • 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPEC 11019 KEPUK Reuyuled vvater User: lwundai Eucation ut Site: 1051 Burnett Avenue, Concord, CA 94520 Inspection Date: JO -1-3 . ii Customer Representative Present: Brine Isaett Application ut Recycled water at Site: landscape Irrigation weather conditions: CLP.a2- Standard Ubservations: Yes Nu N/A 1. Is custumer's RCc;yi led Water use Permit available TUI inspectiun,e ® U* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water myna pasted in use areas-! ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? Li ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑� ® LJ b. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? Os ❑* Li 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* �- ❑ 1. Is recycled water spray, mist or runoff entering dwellings, desiynated uatdour eating areas or tood-handling facilities? ❑* 2 ❑ S. It drinRiny toantains are present; are they protected against cuiitact with recycied water spray; mist or runott'? ❑ ❑* v. BruRen or IeaKiny pipes of spray nv/-c1es'! ❑* 54 ❑ iU. Evidence ut uverfluws, leaKs, erusiun ut diRes; etc. of storage ponds or impoundments*! ❑* ❑ bA 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use ut recycled water'? © ❑* ❑ 12. Have mudifivations been made to the plumbing ur irdyatiun system piping that uuuld putentially lead to a cross cunneutiun'! U* X ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) requite CAplanatiun ut tulluw-up actiuns taken. Describe below; and indicate ,orrespundin-y ub5ervatiun number: Additiunal mutes: Inspectur's Sign Date: 70 -15 .1 s 34 central Contra costa sanitary District Protecting,public . the environmenr . 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Stubbs Road Tri lezcs Cuuatiun ut Site: ??1, ??ti, & /8U Stubbs Road Building 7, Pleasant Hill Inspectiun Uate: 9'•07/ Customer Representative Present: Christina Gherdea Application of Reuyuled Water at Site: Landsua a Irri atiun Weather uunditiuns: +l'�'11—,-A2 Standard u5servatiuns: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available fur inspeutiun? ® LJ* ❑ Z. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? ❑" ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑_ 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance"? ❑* 5. Is iirigatiun system operated to avoid contact with the public? ] * El 6. Evidence ut panding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ,® ❑ t. Is recycled water spray, mist or runutt entering dwellings; designated uutauur eatiny areas or tuod-handling tacilities? ❑* M ❑ 8. If drinking fuuntains are present, are they pruteuted against uuniaaut with reuyuled water spray, minst ui iunutre ❑ ❑* ,® 9. Broken or Icakingg pipes ur spray nuzzles,! ❑* LK ❑ 10. Evidence of overfluws, leaks, erusiun of diRus, etc, ut sturage ponds or impoundments? ❑* ❑ X 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use of reuyuled water! �c� ❑* ❑ 12. Rave modifications been made to the plumbing ur irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connecaiun? ❑" ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of fulluvv-up autiuns taken. Describe below; and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspecaur's Siynatuie: Date: 35 ® ._ ' Central Contra Costa sanitary District Protecting p . the en vironmenr . • 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Stubbs Road Tri loxes location at Site: ?6U, ?64, & /68 Stubbs Road Building 6, Pleasant Hill Inspection Date: • /,c Customer Representative Present: Jeanne Pa it Applit.atiun of Reuyuled vvater at Site: Candsuape Irrigatiun vveather conditions: Ore-AA,- Standard u5servations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available fur iiispettiun? Y] ❑" 0 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? [J} ❑* Lj 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* 9 ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence at ponding or excessive ranott in use areas"? ❑* LK ❑ ?. is recycled water spray; mist or ranott entering dwellings, desiynated outduui eating areas or toud-handling tacilities'? ❑* 54 ❑ 8. It drinRiny tuuntains are present, are they pioteuted ayainst uuntaut with ieuyuled water spray, mist or r0nutt? ❑ ❑* 9 9. Broken or Ieakinyy pipes or spray iiuzzies-e ❑* �cJ ❑ 10. Evidence of uvcrfluws, IeaRs, eiusiun ut aiRes, etu. ut storaye ponds or imNumidments? ❑* ❑ 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑" ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irriyyyatiun system piping that could potentially lead to a %,runs uunnel-tiun? ❑_ ❑ All check marRs in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of fulluw-up actions taRen. Uescribe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspectuft 5iyiia Date: c7,7/' 7 s- 36 AfLAI\) Central Contra Costa sanitary District Proreciing,publicand rhe en vironmenrI • 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Stubbs Road i riplexcs _ location of Site: 736, 740744, 745, 752, & 756 Stubbs Road Buildings 4&5, Pleasant Hill Inspection Date: f-71.14' Customer Representative Prescnt: Jim FreetHly Applit;atiun ut RCuyuled vvater at Site: landscape irrigation vveathur oonditivns: C1-CAL,— Standard Ubservations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available fui iiispeutiun-! L% U" 712. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? U* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 1z 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* �* El El5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? 5j--1. Evidence at pending ur excessive runott in use areas? * ❑ ❑ t. is recycled water spray; mist or runutt entering dwellings; designated outdoor eating areas or laud-handing tacilities'? ❑* ❑ ❑ S. It dririRiny tuantains are present, are they prutected against _ contact with recycled water spray, mist or ranvtt'? El E1* E] u. bruRen ur le-aging pipes or spray nuzzles? ❑* U U 1 u. Evidenue of uvCrnows, IeaRS, erusiun ut diKes, etc. ut storage pends or impoundments? ❑* ❑ ❑ 11. Has appropriate staff been traiiied on the use of reuyuled water! ❑ ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifiLatiuns been made tu the plumbing ur iniyatiun system piping that could potentially lead to a i-russ uunneution? ❑- ❑ ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require cxplanatiun uf fulluw-up autiuns taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: ffig!=64 A00 C#d Additional notes: Inspector's Sign Date: �t •dZl -i Sr 37 ®necyaea raper -C Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the en virontnent 5019 linhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 2015 A19NUAC REcYcLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: StaBBs Road 1 riplexes Luc.atiun uf Site: 112,116 1201 Iz4, & I:3z Stubbs Road Buildings z93, Pleasant hill I nspcctioi i D-ate: •4�/ Gastomer Representative Present: Jean Edwards Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather ,unditiuns: rZ:BAt-- Standard Observationb: YCb ICo NIA 1. Is custurner's Recycled Water use Permit availaBle for inspection"? LA ❑* ❑ Z. Are appropriate reCyuled-water signs posted in ase areas'? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles nauliny recycled water labeled apprcpi iately e ❑ ❑* 4. Is tMeie an apparent odor nuisance,? ❑* 9 ❑ 5. Is iiriyatiun system upeiatea to avoid contact witn thu public? ,JKC ❑" ❑ b. Evidenue of pundiny ur exuessive runoff in u5C areae! ❑" Vj ❑ 7. 16 rCc;yiJed water 5praay, mist or runoff =ntcrinq dwellinys, designated outdoor eating areas or food-handling faoilitivs? ❑* Td ❑ 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected a-yaii,st contact with recycled water spray, mist or runoff? ❑ ❑* 0 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* 9 ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows; leaks, erosion of dikes; etc. of storage ponds or impoundments"? ❑* ❑ 11. Ras appropriate statt been trained on the use at recycled water? ❑* ❑ 12. Rave moditications Been made to the plam5ing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? ❑* Lj ❑ All checR marRs in a box marRed witn an asterisK (*) ieyuire explanation ut tulluw-up actions taRen. uescribe below, and indicate wirespundiny observation nur►iBer: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: Date: 38 Central Contra Costa unitary District Protecring public , 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPEC I IOA REruK Revycled vvater user: btapps Road I ii lexes Eucation of bite: 700-704, & 708 Stubbs Road Buildings 1, Pleasant Hill Inspection Date: ?•17/•/ Costumer Representative Present: DugBruwn Application uT Recycled water at Site: Eandsca a IrrL gation weather conditions: L rAe-- Standard Ubservations: Yea Nu N/A 1. Is costumer's Rvuyuled Water Use Permit available Tor inspectiun-e Jay ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-waTer siyns posted in use areas-! 5? ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? U LJ- [r 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? Ll- Y U b. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public;? S4 ❑* Ll 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? Rf* ❑ ❑ t. Is recycled water spray, mist or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or tood-handling facilities? ❑* b� ❑ S. It drinKiny fountains are present; are they protected against contact with recycled water spray; mist or runoff'? ❑ ❑* y. SruRen or IeaRing pipes uc spray nuc.cleSY ❑* ❑ i u. Evidence ut uvef lows, IeaKs, erosiun of aiRes, etc. ut storage punas ur impuunaments-! ❑* ❑ Y 11. Has appiupriate staff been trained on the use ut recycled water'! ❑* ❑ 12. Have mudifivatiuns been made to the piumbing or irrigation system piping that cucild putentially lead to a cross uunnectiun*! ❑* 6$ ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation UT Tulluw-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corre5pundin-y ub5ejvaatiuii number: jFto NOTiFt cv Dw Zy- COootp vpeqSLJ L#DOjo-* we- GPwC+— Additiunal nutes: c�-- Inspector's Signature: Date. 39 ®necyeea rop« Mim' Ventral Gantra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the en vironment 5019 linhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 2015 ANMUAE REGYLXED wA i ER bI i t INSPECTION REPORT Recycled water user: Pleasant Rill Recreation and Park District Location of Site: Pleasant Hill Park 147 GrC u Lane) Inspaution Date: 1'D• t - 14- uastumer Representative Nresent: I um Bradley, Site Supervisor Application of Recycled water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: 'rLAF40 Standard Observations: Yes ICU MIA i. Is customer`s Recycled vvatel use Permit available for inspection'? ❑* ❑ Z. Are appropriate recyuled-water siyns punted in ase areas- 9 ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehlcles Maciiny rel:yuled water labeled appruprlately a LJ ❑* LM 4. Is theriv an apparent udur nuisaancu-! ❑* 9 U 5. Is irrigation system uperaated to avuid contact with the paMiu-e ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding Ur excessive runoff in use areas? ❑" © ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray, mist ur runuff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or food-handling facilities? ❑* ❑ 8. It drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray, mist or runoff? ❑* ❑ Y. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ,� ❑ 1 U. Evidence of overflows, leaks; erosion of dikes, etc, of storage ponds or impoundments' ❑* ❑ i i. has apprupriate start been trained an the ase of recycled water? L9 ❑* ❑ iz. Rave muditicatiuns been made to the plambing or irrigation system piping that cuald potentially lead to a cross connection'! ❑* x ❑ All chCUk marks in a Box marRed with an asterisR (*) leyuire explanatiun ut tallow-up actions taken. Describe beluw, and indicate curlespunding ubservation number: Aaditiunal notes: Inspector's Signature: Date: 10 -1 -115- 40 ® -1 .1140 ' Central Contra Costa 5-avnitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 ZU15 ANRUAL RtcYct_tD wA i ER bI i E INSPEL i ION REPOR i Recycled water User: Pleasant Rill Recreation and ParR District Location of Site: Pleasant Oaks Park InspCctiun Date: Iv - J • /16' c;ustumer Representative Present: I am t3radley, Site Sagervisor Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: ZiLZAe, Standard Observations: YCs No N/A 1. Is customers Recycled water Use Permilt avalla5ie tai inspectiun'? ❑* ❑ Z. Are apprupriate reuycled-water 5ig115 posted in Use areas'? ® u* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauliny ieuyuled water Ia6CIed apprupnateiy-e ❑ ❑* Im 4. Is there an apparent udur nuisance-! ❑" 5l ❑ 5. 15 ii i iyatiun system operated to avuid cuntaut with the public? M ❑F ❑ 6. Evidence of pundiny or a.&ces5ive runoff in use areas? ❑* ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray, mist ur runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or food-handling facilities? ❑* ® ❑ 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray, mist or runoff? X❑ ❑* ❑ Y. BroRen or IeaRing pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* 9 ❑ 10. Evidence of oveFflows, IeaRs, erosion of dikes; etc. of storage ponds or impoundments'? ❑* ❑ X: 11. Ras appropriate statt Been trained on the use at recycled water'? X U* ❑ 11. Rave muditications Been made to the plam5ing yr irrigation system piping that Wald potentially lead to a truss cunnection'r ❑* fa Li Ail cheuR ,i arRs in a Dux mai Red with an asteiisK (°) require expianatiun of tuiluw-up actions taKen. DCscrOu 5eluw, and indicate currespundiny crosurvation numBer: Additiunal notes: Inspector's Signature: Date: 41 ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting . the en vironment 5079 linhoff94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycied water user: Pleasant Rill Recreation and ParR District Location of Site: Frank Salfingere Park Inspection Date: 10 •1 - it!j uostumer Representative Present: l am Bradley. Site Sapervisur Application of Recycled water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: CLEA-4- Standard Observations: Yes No N/A i. Is customer's Recycled vvater use Permit availaDIC tui iiiSpeutiuii'! 2 ❑- ❑ Z. Are appropriate reuyJed-water signs punted in use areas? U* ❑ 3. Are vehicles houliny ieuyuled water labeled apprupriatcly? �] ❑* 4. Is thele an apparent udur imisanue? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray, mist or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or tood-handling facilities? ❑* 9 ❑ S. It drinking tountains are present; are they protected against contact with recycled water spray; mist or runott'? M ❑* ❑ Y. Broken or IeaRing pipes or spray nozzles'! U* 9 U 1 U. Evidence of overffluws, lens, erosion ut diRes, etc. ut sturaye ponds or Impodndment5 a ❑* ❑ 19 i i. Ras appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water! 0 ❑F ❑ i1. Rave muditications Seen made to the pl-um6iny or irrigation system piping tnat could potentially lead to a cross cunnectiun-! ❑" k ❑ All uhcuk markt in a bux marked with an asterisk (*) require cxplanatiun of fulluw-up autiuns taken. Desui ibc beluw, and indivaate uurrespundin-y ubsci vation number: Additional notes' Inspector's 5ignatare. Date: ! U = 1 S 42 Re.-rded Paper AM" 14Li Central Centra Costa � y nitar District Protecting pubfic health and the el7vironment 5079 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 1x15 ANNUAC RtGYGCED wA i ER 5i i E INSPtc i ION RtPOR i Recycled water User: Pleasant Rill Recreation and NarR District LV%,ailon of Site: Chilpanuin u Park Inspection nate: f O •] • /,6 Customer Representative Present: I um Bradley, Site 5upervisur Application of Recycled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation �w Weather conditions: 0M-RA Standard Obsei vation5: Yes Nu N/A 1. is costumer's Kecycled water use Permit available fur inspection'? ® ❑* ❑ Z. Are apprupdate recycled-water signs posted in use areas'? ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling reuyuied water labeled appiupriately'! ❑* 4. Is there aii apparent udur nuisance"! ❑* ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the pu61i�-! ® ❑ 6. EvidenoC of ponding or excessive runoff in ase 'areas? ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray, mitt or runoff entering dwGlling5, designated outdoor eating areas or food-handling facilities? ❑* ® ❑ 8. If drinking fountains are present; are they protected against contact with recycled water spray, mist or runoff? 5? ❑* ❑ 9. Broken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* 54 ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows; leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ponds or impoundments'? ❑* ❑ 54 11. Ras appropriate staff been trained on the use ut recycled water'? ❑* Ll 11. Rave modifications Been made to the plurn5ing ur irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connectiun'e ❑* ❑ All unecR marRs in a Box marked with aii asteiisR (*) require explaiiatiun ut fulluw-up actiuns taReii. uesuiibe Beluw, and indicate corresponding observation numBel: Additional notes; Inspector's Signatu Date: # - • l 5 43 Ag"'i Central Contra Costa unitary District • -PUD&neaitn anUtne • •iv imhoff 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled vvater User: Mount Diablu Unified School DiaVig Location of Site: Valley View Middle School and uuIlege ParR High School Inspection Date: 0?"*30 •1S Customer Representative Present: Charles Wulfkill, Site Supervisor Applicatiun of Recycled water at Site: llrigatiun weather conditions: r i{ aaft Standard Ubservations: Yes 190 I9/A 1 . Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? [54 ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? Q� U* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? U ❑* Lc 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? U* Jig ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® U* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive ranott in use areas. ❑* © U 1. Is recycled water spray; mist or rano" entering dwellings, desiynated outdoor eating areas or tood-nandliny tacilities-e ❑* ❑ S. It drinRiny fountains are present, a►e they protected against cuntact with recyuaed water splay, mist or runutt-! ❑" ❑ v. tiruRen ur leaRiny pipes ur splay iluzzles-e ❑* ❑ iu. Evidt-iice UT uveffIUVvs, leaRs, elusion of dikes, etc. of sturage ponds or impuunaments? ❑* ❑ L9 i i. Has appropriate staff been trained un the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have mudifieatiuns been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? ❑* ® ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of follow-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation nam5er: Additiunal nutes: / 55(;L>0 'P t0►C.� Nl v3T� s 1 A Inspectar'S 5iynatare: Uate: Q• 3O•I'� 44 ' Central Contra Costa sanitary District vrorecring,public healih and rhe environmenrr • 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Re�;yc;6d Water User: Mount Diablo Unified School District Eucatiun of Site: Seoiuuia elementary and Middle Schools Inspection Date: 9•-W •/5 Customer Representative Present: Charles Wolfkill,_Site Supervisor Application of Recyc6a Wates at Site: Irri ation weather conditions: Q✓ZL�s�s: Standard Ubse►vatiuns: Yes Ido 19/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? V ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? JLC ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately'? ❑ ❑* 9 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance'? ❑* b ❑ 5. is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ❑* ❑ 5. Evidence of ponding or excessive ranutt in ase areas'? ❑* ❑ 1. Is recycled water spray, mist or ranott entering dwellings, designated oatduur eating areas ur Mud-h-analing tacilities-e ❑ ❑ 8. It arinRiny fountains are piesent, are they pruteutea against cu, tact with ieuyclea water splay, iiiist ui runoff'? ❑* ❑ v. Sru&C n u, leaking pipes or spray nuzzles? * ❑ i U. Evidenue of overfluvvs, leaks, eru6iun of dikes, Eau, of sturaye punds or impoundments? ❑* ❑ 9 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? 19 ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? ❑* 0 ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of tolluw-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: ISS�ZO Qc��o-c_�M.C� 6iios�� Inspeutur;s Sign uate: 45 ®necyciM raper AdEw Central Contra Costa Sanitaty District Protecting, , environment 5019lmhoff Place� Martinez, CA 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Reuyc6d Vvater User: Mount ❑ia6lu UniTied Suhuul Uistriut location of Site: Pleasant Hill Middle School Inspection Date: f- a5O-I6- Custurner Repueselitative Present: Lharles VVUITRill, Site Supervisor Application UT Recycled water at Site: Irrigation Weather conditions; 6WG4V_V_i Standard Ubservations: Yes No N/A 1. Is uustumer's Recycled Water Use Pei mit available fur inspection-! tA ❑" ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs pusiud in usG areas? 09 ❑= 0 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* im 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* i] ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* X ❑ 1. Is recycled water spray, mist or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or toad-handling tacilities? ❑* OZ ❑ S. It drinRing fountains are present; are they protected against contact with recycled water spray, mist or runott'? ® ❑* ❑ Y. tiruReii ui leaRiny pipes of splay nuzzles'! ❑* X ❑ 1 u. Evidenue oT ovelfTluws, IeaRs, arusiun of aiRes, etu, ut storaye punas ur impomiaments-e ❑* ❑ ii. Has app,up,iate staff been trained un the use ut reuyciea water! ❑* ❑ 12. Have mudifivatiuns been made to the plumbing of irriyatiun system pipinyy that could potentially lead tu a uruss uunneutiun-! ❑" ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) ruquirc explanation of fulluw-up actiuiis taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional nates: i ySV�� � s►t.r�►�-�o� Inspector's Signat Uate: 4• -�'� 46 Central Contra COSta unitary District vrotecting PUDfic neaitn anu rne environmel7l • 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Reuyc;6d Water User: Mt. Diablo Unified School District Location ut Site: Demonstration (3aiden, Santa Barbara way, Pleasant Rin Inspection Date: 9'-A5 •/V Customer Representative Present: Barry Milliken, Lead Gardener Appii;atiun of Reuyc;lcd Water at Site: Laandsuape Irrigation weather uonditiuns: a9_49= Standard Observations: Yes No NIA 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? M ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas"? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately'? Lj U* ILA 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance'? ❑* 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public"? �J ❑_* ❑ ti. Evidence of pundiny or excessive runott in use areas! ❑F JLC H /. Is recycled water spray, mist or runutt enteiiny dwellings, designated outdoor eatiny MeaS of loud-nandliny tauilitiCSY Lj ❑ B. It diinKiny tuuntains are present, are they prutucted ayainst contact with recycled water spay, mist or runoff? ❑ ❑* a. broken or leakiny pipes or spay nuzzles? ❑* ® ❑ iu. Evidenue of uverfluws, leaks, ciusiun of dikes, etc. of storage ponds or imNuundi e,as? ❑* ❑ SA 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection'? ❑* ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of tollow-up actions taken. Describe below; and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspectol's Signa Date: Q•as 7-5 47 ®necylIM raper ' Central' mantra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health al7d the environment 5079 In7hriff Place, MartineZ CA 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Reuyclea Water User: Uiablu Valley College Eocation of Site: 321 Galt GIa6 Koad, Pleasant Hill, UA 9452:3 Inspection Date: fy;il 7i unstumer Representative Present: Troy Rivard Lead Gardener Application of Recyulea vvater at Site: irrigation Weather conditions: Standard Ubservations: Yes No NSA 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? U ❑* A 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* bd ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public'? [A ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive ranott in ase areas'? ❑* A Ll 1. Is recycled water spray; mist or runoff entering dwellinys, designated outdoor eatiny areas or mud-handling tacilities,! ❑* ® ❑ S. It drinRiny fountains are present, are they prutected ayainst contact with recycled water spray, mist or ronuTTY ❑� ❑ Y. 6roRen ur IeaRiny pipes or spray nuzcles-! ❑* 19 ❑ iU. tvideiice uT uveffluws, IeaRs, erosion of diRes, etu, of storage punas u, impuunameiits-! ❑* ❑ i i. Ras appropriate staff been trained un the use uf recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ i z. Have mudifivatiuns been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? ❑* ® ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of tollow-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation nam6er: Additional nutes: Inspector`s Signature: Date: 9•��'7 S 48 ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting,public health and the environment , 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled water User: C:punty uciarry Location of Site: 5501 Imhoff Drive, Martinez, CA 94553 InsNCutiun Date: q. 1,5-16 Uustumei Kepresentative Present: i✓hris xray Application at Recycled water at bite: Dast uuntrul. Process vvatei, irrigation Weather conditions: Caep�� Standard Observations: Yes Igo 19/A i. Is uastumer's Kecyuled vvatei use Permit available fui ii,specLun? © ❑* ❑ Z. Are appropriate rCcyL led-water siyyns pusted in use areas? ❑ (:* ❑ 3. Are vehicleb hauling ieeyuicd water labeled appropriately? ❑ ®* ❑ 4. Is thei v an apparcm odor nuisance? ❑* bd ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ❑ ❑* Q 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray, mist or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or toad-handling tacilities? ❑* [� ❑ 8. If drinking fountains are present; are they protected against contact with recycled water spray; mist or iunutt'? Q[ ❑* ❑ Y. 6roRen or IeaRing pipes u► spray noi-Jes'e ❑" ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overfflows, ims. erusio►i at diRes, etc. ut sturaye _ _ ponds or impoandments'e ❑� ❑ 11. Flas appropriate staff 6eeii trainea un the use uf recycled watei? ® ❑* ❑ 1'l. Rave nwditications peen made to the plumbing ur Irriyation system piping that could putentiaily lead to a uruss uunnautiun? ❑* ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of follow-up actions taken. Describe beluw, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signatare: Date: 6? -13-v 15 49 ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Reuyuled vvatei User: uy,itra l;usta I upsuil Location of Site: 5030 Imhoff Drive, Plaffinez, LA 94553 Inspection Date: Q•j0 - /S Lastumcr Representative Present: Carlene Einevull Application of Kecycled Water at Site: Dust uontrol Weather conditions: (OL-01wlt Standard Observations: Yes No NSA 1. Is custumCr's Recyulcd Water Use Permit available fuF inspectiun? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? © ❑* ❑ 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public"? ❑ ❑* 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runott in use areas"? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray, mist or runott entering dwellings; designated outdoor eating areas or toad-handling tacilities'? ❑* S. it drinKing toantains are present, are they ptutected against contact with recycled water spray; mist or ranott'? LJ ❑* 9. t3ruKen or leaking pipes ur spray nuzzles"? ❑_ ® ❑ iu. Evidence ut uvertiows, leas, elusiun oT dlKes, etC- Ot SM age ponds or impoundments-? ❑" ❑ i i . Flas appropriate staff seen trained un the use of reVyclCd water? ® ❑* ❑ i z. Rave mudifivatiuns been made to the plumbing ur irriyatiun system piping that uuuld potentially bad to a uruss eunneutiun? ❑* X ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of follow-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signata Date: 50 Q AM"k� ' Centrad` Contra Costa �nifary District v,otecting . . 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT RCF,ycled Water User: Coiara Costa County location at Site: Uuieuration Yard, Plaffinec Inspection Date: [9 - 5 -_16' Customer Representative Present: Roland Hindsman, GSD Facility Services Manager Applivatiun of ReuyVled Water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather cunditions: O'(e0.2 Standard Ubservatiuns: Yes 19u N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? M ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas"? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately"? ❑ ❑* M 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance'? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public;'? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of pandiny or excessive ranott in ase areas? ❑* �C ❑ t. Is recyuled water spray, mist or ranott entering dwellings, designated uatdoor eatiny areas or tuud-nandliny tauilities-? ❑" ❑ S. IT dlinRilly Toontain5 are present, are they plutt:uted against contact witn ruuyuiea water spray, mist or ranume ❑" ❑ a. 6ruKen ur leaking pipes or spray nuzzles? ❑* ® LJ 10. Evidence of uverfluw5, Ieak5, eru5iun of dikes, etu. of storage pods or impoundments? ❑* ❑ 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? 54 ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? ❑* All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation at tollow-up actions taRen. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number. Additional notes: Inspectur`s Signa4 'v • I5� 51 AMk) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protectirrg public . the en vironmentI 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Keuyuled vvater User: (:untra Uu5ta t:ounty Animal Serviues Degalffment Location of Site: 4800 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 Inspection Date: 10 - 97 • ti;_ unstumer Representative Present: jenniter Ray, center O eratiuns Su ervisur Application ut Recycled Water at Site: Kennel Wash_/ Irrigation Weather conditions: Z...-EP-iR—_ Standard Observations: Yes Igo 19/A i. Is castumer`s Keuyuled Water Use Permit available fur ii,speutiun? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are apprupriatc ret ycled-water signs pasted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are veh1c;Ius hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 54 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* 9 ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? M ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* W ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray, mist or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or tood-handling facilities? ❑* ® ❑ 8. It drinking tountains are present; are they protected against contact with recycled water spray; mist or ranotre ❑* LJ g. 6ruKen or IeaRing pipes or spray nu/_Jus,e ❑* ® ❑ 1 u. tvidenue ut ovelffiows, IeaRs, erusiun ut dikes, eta. of star age punds ur impoandmunts-e ❑' ❑ i i. Ras apprupriate start been trained un tMe use ut rivuycied water? LA ❑* ❑ 11. Rave muditivations been made to trye plumbing ur irriggatiun system piping that uuuld putentially lead to a ufuss cunneutiun? E1* 56 E] All cheek marks in a bux marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of follow-up actions taker,. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additiurral nutuS: Inspector's Signata Date: IU 52 ' Central Contra Costa Sanitar.y District Protecting,public health and the environment 5019 linhoff PlacQ MadineZ CA 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Rucyciea Water User: Cuiara Custa Country Club Gulf CuuFse Location at Site: $u1 Galt Ulab FKoad, Pleasant Rill Inspection Date: to - 1-5 • 1'5- Custu ier Representative Present: Juhn Martin, Site Supervisor Application UT RecyclEd vvater at Site. uuiT Luurse and ulu5nUUse Candsuape Ilrigatiun weather canditiuns: Fit Standard u5servations: Yes 19u 19/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® IT ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? 19 ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* M ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public?® ❑ 6. Evidence oT ponding or excessive runoff in use areas'? ❑* ® ❑ 1. Is recycled water spray, mist or ranott entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas Ur tood-Handfiny Tacilities-! ❑* ❑ 5. It drinRiny tuunrtains are present, are they protected ayainst contact with recycled water spray, Wrist ur ranUTV � ❑� U v. SruRen ur IeaRiny pipes ur spray nuzzies-! ❑* 1 ❑ i u. Evidence UT uveMuws, IvaRs, erusiun of diRes, etu. of stura-ye punds ur impoundments? ❑* 9 ❑ 11. Has appropriate staff been trained un the use of reLycled water? ® IT ❑ 12. Have mudiftations been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? ❑* X ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of follow-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation nam5er: Additiunal nutes: l5SJz7 A jQc 014Nt_ Scala. 'Td CoRt,J�as � _ 'Ta 4iJY'�►�.ti,. Ab ��:zt?�� _�i~1 EVS .iF��[� t..i<m!�� Inspector's Signature:.C4_______ Uate: 10 -A3 -1S 53 ®Ke ielc0 Yore ' Central mantra Costa Sanitary District MA 62 0 Protectin• public health and the environmentI 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: CONCO Companies Location at Site: 503U Imhoff Drive, Plaffinec, UA 94553 Inspection Date: 47 •/ •/4- Custon,Gr Representative Present: Jim Brammeier, Site Supervisor Application ut Keuyc;6a vvater at Site: Dust Contiol /Vehicle Wash weather canditiuns: 1OZZ e- Standard 05servations: Yes No NSA 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? 5? ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas"? X ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately"? ❑ M* ❑ 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance"? LJ* b6- ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public'? ❑ ❑* 6. Evidence at ponding or excessive ranott in use areas'? ❑* ® ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray; mist or ranutt enteriny dwellinys, desiynated outduur eatiny meas or tuud-handliny tacilities"? ❑" 59 ❑ S. It drinRiny tumitains are piesent, are they piuteuted ayahist cuntact with reuyalua watei splay, mist ui ranume ❑ ❑* A Y. MuRen ur leaRiny pipes ui spray Iwi-Jes? ❑* ® ❑ 1 u. tvidenue of uverflUVvs, leaks, erosion of dikes, vic. of storage punds ui impoundments? ❑* ❑ FA 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? ❑* ® ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisR (*) require explanation at tollow-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation naml5er: IySoCO AUV..10Nnc. 45-111co-Zc 6 'kV -1 IM R!i* nin e r 2- (7"T` OC- C O eizeGi gA DLJ' �TPJJc.� ST.S LS Additional notes: WA-A z G- Inspeutar`s Siynatuie: Date: Q• �� '� S 54 NJ loik" ' Central Contra Costa sanitary District Amww 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User:_City of Pleasant Hill Location ut Site: Pleasant FIN Pulice Station (33u uivic D,Iva) Inspection Uate: 4?V&t- •I!!; Customer Representative Present: Larry Davis Applit,atiun of Rec;yJed Water at Siie: Landscape Irrigmiun vveather cunaitiuns: 04,6A e- 5tandard ubservatiuns: Yes MU M/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? Lj ❑❑ * z. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas"? ©_ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately'? M ❑* U 4. Is there an apparent udui nuisance'? ❑* L9 ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avuid cuntact with the poBliu-e ® ❑* ❑ t;. Evidence of pondiny or excessive runott in use areas! ❑* ® ❑ t. Is reuyuled water splay, mist or runutt entering dwellings, aesiynated uutduor eatin-g areas or fuua-Manalin-g facilities-% ❑� ❑ 5. If drinking fountains are present, are they proteuted against uuntact with racyi-Jed water spray, mist ur iunuff? ® ❑* LJ 9. Brukcn or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ponds or impoundments? ❑* ❑ 54 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? ® ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection"? ❑* ® ❑ All check marks in a Box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation ut tollow-up actions taRen. DescriBe Below; and indicate curresponding u5servatiun nurnl5er: Additional notes: •r5- hispecturs Siynat Date: 55 ' Central Contra costa sanitary District Protecting publicI i 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Reuyuled Water Uber: City of Pleasant Hill Location of Site: Medians #1-4 on (jolt ulu6 Rtl UId U(3aiKC1C:untra (:usta Blvd Chil a�win u Pkw a ui v ivl� r ' I Iii r 'all spa 111 an to Or V /Ruth Dr landscaping Inspection Date: Custumen Represelltative Present: Barry Milliken, Lead Gardener Application ut Keuycit:avvatter at Site: Candscape Iidgatiuii Weather conditions: 4zj-c Standard Ubservations: Yes Igo 19/A 1. Is uustumei's ReLyL Ied Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ® ❑* LJ 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? U* ML ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the pa61ic? © ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in ase areas'? U* M ❑ 1. Is recycled water spray; mist or runoff entering tlweliinys, designated outdoor eating areas ur tocd-handliny facilities-! ❑* 59 ❑ 6. It diinRiny tountains are present, are they protected against vuntact with recycled water spray, mist ui runott-e ® ❑" ❑ y. biuKen oi IeaRing pipes or spray nuzzles-e ❑* ® ❑ 1u. Evidence ut uveITluws, IeaRs, erosiun of aiRes, etc. of sturage puiids or impu'undmeias? ❑* ❑ i i. Has appropriate staff been trained ui, the use of retyL Ied water? 5? ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system pipiiiy that ,vuld potentially lead to a cross connection? ❑* ® ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of follow-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: 15sur9 uoojs ,f►.yo -r7dcos "oz-- V si� A5 �EaJrO Inspectur's Signature: Date: 56 %_%.§Mtral Contra "sWd Snitar District .y vrorecrin -public healrh anu ine environmentr _9 imnorf Place MartineZ CA 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User:_ City of Pleasant Hill Corporation Yard Cuuatiun at Site: 310 Civic M ive, Pleasant Rill, UA y4523 Inspection Date: ��• 13 _ _ _� Customer Representative Present: Michael Moore, Maintenance Manager Applivatiun of Rec;yFled Water at Site: Truck Fill fur Irrigation / Strcct Sweeping vveatMur uunaitauns: 0A9M Standard UDservatiuns: Yus I9u 19/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas"? V4 ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately"? ® ❑* ❑ 4. is there an apparent odor nuisance"? ❑* W ❑ 5. Is irriyatiun system operated to avoid contact witn the public'? ❑ * 91 6. Evidence at punainy ur excessive runutt in use areas? ❑* ❑ i. Is reuyuled water spray, mist ui runutt enteiiny dweilinys, designated uutduur eating areas ur tuud-nandling tacilities-? ❑" QC ❑ B. if drinking fountains are present, aye they pruteuted against cuntaut with rec;yc;Ied water spray, mist ur runoff? ❑ ❑" bd 9. Bruken ur leaking pipes ur spray nuzzles? ❑* ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storaye ponds or impoundments? ❑* ❑ S 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? 54 ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? ❑* [j? ❑ All checR marKs in a box marKed with an asterisR (*) require explanation of tallow-up actions taRen. Describe below; and indicate corresponding ubservation number: Additional notes: 16,1jigo . ao+7 to o..*J*,PL n t aiUfl zA(eS? 1`0iF, �q_��� Inspectur's Si-gnature: Date: 01,;L 57 ®Re.Jded Paper Central Contra Costa sanit-dry District =Jig& vrorecring public heafth andrhe • • • 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled Water User: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Cuc;atiun ut Site: yyarenuu5e, 4/3/ ImMutt Place, Plaffinez Inspection Date: '•a?S • �S Customer Representative Present: David Culbertson, New Image Landscaping Application of RcFyFIed Water at Site: Landsuape Irrigation vvesther cunditluns: Ca"__ Standard UBsei vations: Yes Nu N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspection? 54 ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? [9 ❑* L_j 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately'? ❑ ❑* M 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance'? ❑* YC ❑ b. Is irrigation system operated to avoid cuntaut with the puBlic,? ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence ut ponding ur excessive runutt in use areas! ❑* ❑ t. Is recyulea water spray, mist ur r-unott entering dwellinys, _ desiyynated uutduur eatiny areas ur foud-Mandliny facilities! ❑� B. If di inking fountains are present, are they pruteuted against uuntaut with recycled water spray, Fni5t ur runuff? ❑ ❑* 9. B,uken or leaking pipes or spray nozzles? ❑* 10. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc. of storage ponds or impoundments? ❑* ❑ 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use of recycled water? Z ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation system piping that could potentially lead to a cross connection? ❑* 19 ❑ All checK marRs in a Bux marRed with an asterisK (*) require explanation at tulluw-up actions taRen. Describe Below, and indicate corresponding u5servation number Additional notes: Inspectur's Signature: Uate: �'�S'13T 58 Af"'i Central Contra Costa sanitaty District Protecting public health and the envi.ronment 5019 In7hoff Place Marrinez CA 94553-zi392 1U'15 AM IQ UAL RECYCEEU WA I EK SI I E INSPEG I IUN REPUK I Recycled water user: central Uuntra crusta 5anitafy District Location of Site: Treatment Plant Site, 5019 Imhoff Plauc, Martiiiez Inspection Date: 9•W6 • /S castumer Representative Present: David uul5effson, Mew Image landscaping Application at Recycled water at Site: Landscape Irrigation Weather conditions:-- e&e Av, Standard Observations: Yes No N/A i. Is customer's Recycled water use Permit available tur inspectiun-! M ❑* ❑ Z. Are appropriate recycled-water signs punted in use aieas-e m ❑* ❑ 3. Are veRiciCs Fiaaiiny recyulea water labeiea apprup,iately"e ® ❑" LJ 4. is there an apparent Fjdur nuisance? ❑" ® ❑ 5. Is ithymiui, system operated to avoid contact with the public? M ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or cxt ussivc runuff in use areas? ❑* X ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray, mist or runoff entering dwellinys, designated outdoor eating areas or food-handling facilities? ❑* ® ❑ 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray, mist or runoff? ® ❑* ❑ 9. 6roRen or leaning pipes or spray nuzzles"? ❑* ® ❑ 1 U. Evidence of uveFflows, leaks; erasion at diRes, etc. of storage ponds or impoundments"? ❑* ® ❑ 11. Has appropriate staff been trained on the use at recycled water'! LA ❑* ❑ 1 z. Flave muditicatiuns been made to the plambiny ur irrigation system piping that cuuld putentiaily lead to a crass cunneutiun'e ❑* M Li All checK marRs in a oux marKed with aii asterisK (") ieyuire explanation ut tulluw-up actions taken. Describe below, a,id indicate currespundiiiy ubseivaticin nam5er: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: Date: 59 43f"i Central Contra Costa Sanitaty District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 In7hoff Place Marrinez CA 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLEu WATER SI i E INSPEC i IUN RErUK i Recycled water User: central contra Costa Sanitary District Location of Site: Maltby Pumping Station InspCctiun Date:_ 9-0;5 - 7 5- castomer Representative Present: Ceo Gonzalez, Pomp Stations Supervisor Application vt Recycled Water at Site: Seal Water Weather conditions:— 0J.F.A Standard Observations: Yes No N/A 1. is customers Recycled vvater use Permit available tur inspection'? ❑* U Z. Arc appropriate recycled-water signs posted iii use areas-? LJ 3. A1C vehicies hauling recycled water labciea appiupriately? ❑ ❑" 4. Is these an apparent udur noisanue? ❑- ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avuid uuiitaut with the puubliu? ❑ ❑* 55 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* © ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray, mist or runoff entering dwellings, designated outdoor eating areas or food-handling facilities? ❑* 0 ❑ 8. If drinking fountains are present, are they protected against contact with recycled water spray, mist or runoff? ❑ ❑* �4 9. 6roRen or IeaRing pipes or spray nozzles'? ❑* ® ❑ 10. Evidence of overflows; IeaKs, erosion of diKes, etc. of storage _ ponds or impoundments'? U* ❑ ii , Flas appropriate staff been twined on the use ut recycled water'? �fj_ ❑* Lf 11. Flave moditicatiuns been made to the piambiny or irrigation system pipiiiy that could potentially lead to a cross cunnectime ❑* All check ,, arks iii a bu7, marked with a,, asterisR (") require expianatiun ut tuliuw-Up actiuns taken. Describe beluw, mid indicate currespondiny ubseivat;un number: Additiunal notes: Inspector's Signature: Date: Q -Cos-. I's- 60 Af"�k Central Contra Costa Sanitary Vistrid Protecting,public health and the environment 5079 Imhoff Place Martinez CA 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Recycled water user: central uontra uusta Sa►►itary District Location of Site: Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, 4797 Imhoff PI, Martinez Inspeuiiun Date: 'F-or -1 uastumer Representative Present: David uul5erffson, Nt:w Image landscaping Applicatiun at Recycled water at Site: landscape Irrigation Weather conditions: Gex7la, Standard Observations: Yes No N/A i. Is castumer's Recycled vvater use Permit available for inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate rctycled-water signs puzaed in use areas? ® ❑* ❑ 3. Arc vehicles hauli►►y recycled water labeled app►updately? ❑ ❑* 59 4. Is thuie an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* M ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas? ❑* 59 ❑ 7. Is recycled water spray; mist or runoff entering dwellings; designated outdoor eating areas or toad-handling tacilities'l U* gr ❑ 8. it drinRing tountains are present; are they protected against contact with recycled water spray; mist or ranutt'? ❑ U* AC 9. bruRen ur IeaRiny pipes or spray nut-des"? U* K ❑ 1 U. Evidence ut uvertiuws. IeaKs. erosion ut diKes, etc. ut sturaye punas or impoundments-! ❑* ❑ i i. Ras appropriate start been trained on the use ut recyc6d water-! ® ❑" ❑ iz. Flave muditiC;ations been made tu the plumbi►r-y or irriyation system pipi►►g tHat uuuia potentially Iesa to a crass uunneutiun? ❑* 9 LJ All uhauk marks in as box marked with an asterisk (*) rcquirc explanation of follow-up anions taker,. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional notes: Inspector's Signature: �,� Date: 9'al • l5 61 Aft Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the en vironment 5019 lmhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT Rucycled vvater Uscr: Cuntial Cuntra Custa Sanitary District Location vt Site: Headquafters Uttice L3Idq. (RUB) and Annex, Imhott Place, Plarfinez Inspection Date: -075 •,( Customer Representative Present: David CulbeRsun Naw Ima a Landsua in Hpplicatiun of Reuycied vvatei at Site: Candsuape Irrigation weather conditions: IiLCAi_ Standard Ubservations: Yes No N/A 1. Is cu5tumur's Reuyclud Water Use Permit available fur inspection? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? [� ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* ® ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public"? ® ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive runoff in use areas"? ®* ❑ H 7. is recycled water spray; mist or runvtt entering dwellings; designated outdoor eating areas or tuud-handling tacilities'? ❑* ® ❑ S. It drinRing fountains aie present, are they protected against cuntact with recycled water spray, mist or runum? Li ®* Wj 9. SruRun ur iCaKiiig pips ur spray iiuczius-? ❑" ❑ lU. Evidcncc UT uvCfTI0wS, leaRs, elusion UT dines, Ctl:. UT sturayu ponds or impumidments-! ❑" ® Li 11. Has apprupriatC staff bee,, trained on the ase of CcyclCd water? Fe ❑* ❑ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing ur irrigatiun system piping that ouald pute,aTally lead iu a cruss cunnectiun? ❑* 9 ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of follow-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: !0 P wu 7ar4t Wk-0 itt J -7rn•,vo �.`4t 401,b - 3¢ KE.-L ?%yz rj P�ts� '?�.wri z_ 7+ 6 'IbK %P-k C7 —CKecS 401& µ Av4 LA.V A rJep-4_ /.>43 Additiunal notes: �(v ��9 �Y��� co Irt ix..�T�, ��I r��� L w�A� L4�tvSG•a�'..a�,, Inspecturs Signature: Date: q-o�s •� 5 62 �' ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public . the environmentI 94553-4392 2015 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTION REPORT RCuyciud vvater usw: Suucnanan Fields UUlt UUuwSe location at Site: 1091 Concord Ave., Goncord, CA 94520 Inspection Date: T•d , - 11 Costumer RcprCscntative Present: Leupuldu Lv z,_Maintenanue Supe.intendant Applluatiun ut Recycled vvater at Site: volt Course irrigation weather conditions: G aiae_ Standard Ubservations: Yes No N/A 1. Is customer's Recycled Water Use Permit available for inspeutiuii? ® ❑* ❑ 2. Are appropriate recycled-water signs posted in use areas? 0 ❑* ❑ 3. Are vehicles hauling recycled water labeled appropriately? ❑ ❑* X❑ 4. Is there an apparent odor nuisance? ❑* © ❑ 5. Is irrigation system operated to avoid contact with the public? FYI ❑* ❑ 6. Evidence of ponding or excessive ranott in use areas? U* ® U 1. is recycled water spray, mist or ranott entering dwellings; designated outdoor eating areas or tood-handling tacilitie5? ❑* © ❑ S. It drinKiny fountains are present, aye they protected ayainst c:untac;t with recycled water spray, mist oi ianut? XC U* U 9. BroRen or ieaRiny pipes or spiny nuzzles! ❑* �C ❑ i U. Evidence ut overflows, leaRs, erusiun ut aiRes, etc. ut sturaye ponds ur impuundments-! U" ❑ 11. Has appropriate staff been trained un the use of reuyuled water? ]t ❑= LJ 12. Have modifications been made to the plumbing or irrigation System piping that could potentially lead to a crosb connection? ❑* 91 ❑ All check marks in a box marked with an asterisk (*) require explanation of follow-up actions taken. Describe below, and indicate corresponding observation number: Additional iiutC5: inspector's Signatare: Date: �!'-dl •lam 63