HomeMy WebLinkAbout06. Draft Fiscal Year 2016-18 Strategic PlanCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District March 28, 2016 TO: ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE VIA: ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER FROM: ANN SASAKI, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER (, SUBJECT: DRAFT FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2016-2018 STRATEGIC PLAN U. In November 2015, the Board of Directors (Board) met to review our current Vision and Mission Statement. At that meeting, an emphasis was placed on putting people first: our customers, employees and the community, while continuing to engage in our core business functions. The Board adopted four key values: People; Community; Principles; and Leadership and Commitment. In addition, the Board refined our existing FY 2014-2016 Strategic Goals and adopted six revised goals for FY 2016-2018. These goals reflect the challenges that many water sector agencies face as we strive to increase quality and lower the cost of services to our customers. In early 2016, the District Managers met to put together our FY 2016-2018 Strategic Plan. As with the prior Strategic Plan, we used the Effective Utility Management (EUM) framework as an overarching tool to define attributes to be considered in implementing practices and procedures to improve our operations and move toward continued sustainability. Two documents have been attached for your review. The first document is our first draft of proposed strategies and initiatives to enable us to achieve the Board approved goals. The Strategic Plan sets forth strategies and initiatives in alignment with the EUM framework and District Values. The second document is a list of key metrics for each of the District Goals. These metrics are similar to the Key Performance Indicators in the current Strategic Plan. The shaded metrics are new proposed metrics for FY 2016-2018. At this time, we are seeking your input as to whether or not the proposed strategies and initiatives effectively address the District Goals and the Board's areas of focus and priority. With your input, the Strategic Plan will be finalized and presented to the Administration Committee in April and to the Board in early June. Goal GOAL 1- PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2016-2018 Strategic Plan and Initiatives Alignment with Effective Utility Management Attributes and District Values Strategy Foster Customer Engagement and Awareness tnncrease Ii rdepartmentaI Support, Effectiveness AndEfficiency Initiative Invest in business process chane technologies to effectively irk ea to District information and°}`mo customer care, convena`a % and self -seri :cess Increase customerunderstanding and support for key issues acing the District Build andFilar Federal, St`a a an 4..Y.� _^ Key Stakeholder grou Relationshr ,with l Elected 05 Provide high qua!! 'tomer service"` Is and ost r Empl ees' Understanding of District r tions and it role in our success ncreas nternal partnerships to strengthen ployeencollaboration and cooperation EUM Attribute Value Customer Satisfaction Leadership And Commitment Operational Optimization eholder Upstanding and Supp Stakeholder Understanding and Support Community Community Customer Satisfaction Community Customer Satisfaction People People Community Employee and Leadership Development Goal GOAL 2 - STRIVE TO MEET REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2016-2018 Strategic Plan and Initiatives Alignment with Effective Utility Management Attributes and District Values Strategy Strive to Achieve 100% Permit Compliance in Air, Water, Land and Other Regulations Strive `1' Minimize The Number ,SSOs Initiative Renew Treatment Plant NPDES: Meet existing and kno, requirements for rem Foster relationships Collaborate association anges it foreseeable fu ry compliance regulatory agencies iffi.I seer, agencies' :mon too rends for EUM Attribute Product Quality Product Quality S older Understanding and Suppo ndustry Stakeholder latory Understanding and uy:z Support Active manage C #3C E fissions iin`' t most cost e ffActive and responsible manner m sched finance oft 1ctiori; stem scheduled optimize cleaning to improvefficiencies a.n tinue thipeline condition assessment an eaning quality assurance program through the system wide CCTV program a age and maintain current equipment d vehicle fleet to provide maximum value Community Sustainability Infrastructure Strategy and Performance Infrastructure Strategy and Performance Infrastructure Strategy and Performance Value Principles Principles Community Community Principles Leadership and Commitment Leadership And Commitment Leadership And Commitment Goal GOAL 3 - BE A FISCALLY SOUND AND EFFECTIVE WATER SECTOR UTILITY Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2016-2018 Strategic Plan and Initiatives Alignment with Effective Utility Management Attributes and District Values Strategy Conduct Long Range Financial Planning Manage Costs Responsibly, Initiative Ensure our rate structure is so customer groups are charge Develop a long ran policy management EUM Attribute Value Financial Viability Community Principles Financial Viability Perfor** eted audits ofcritica Perform 00: zatiaiii.:%; erations tOliduce cos -4• Principles igh risk Enterose Resiliency Principles Leadership And Commitment Evaluate and implement risk management Enterprise Resiliency Principles practicesto.minimize exposure to loss Meet Revenue Requirements :Develop alternatives new revenues Review funding alternatives Financial Viability Financial Viability Leadership and Commitment Leadership and Commitment Goal GOAL 4 — DEVELOP AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED AND INNOVATIVE WORKFORCE Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2016-2018 Strategic Plan and Initiatives Alignment with Effective Utility Management Attributes and District Values Strategy Ensure adequate staffing and training to meet current and future operational levels Enhance relationship with employees ate; bargaining uc s ' Indt or Exceed Safety Stan tds Initiative Develop and implement distric training needs Develop and trairf uture leaders Cultivate promote i e work cult urY u;cand EUM Attribute Employee and Leadership Development pployee and L rship Deiarnent Employee and Leadership Development Sa n and growacollabo v tionsh Os Stakeholder wit labor bar 'units ��� �' Understanding and Support els, achieve a Bureau of Labor Statistics` 'I . ndu try rate that is lower than the California and Bay Area dust r injury rate E ce the S fety Culture through imp ved training and communications Employee and Leadership Development Employee and Leadership Development Value People Leadership And Commitment People Leadership And Commitment People Leadership and Commitment People Community People Principles People Goal GOAL 5 — MAINTAIN A RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2016-2018 Strategic Plan and Initiatives Alignment with Effective Utility Management Attributes and District Values Strategy Manage assets optimally throughout their lifecycle Facilitate Tong -tea '4s. re capital renewaln replacement rr Pro ditPistrict personnel: assets from threa and emergencies Initiative Implement recommendations o r,P Wastewater Master Plan and Assessment Update the Conse Matrices of Failure Implement the reliabilitter maintenanceprograma°` ., Integrate Th€ Managemet lneterm Ca Incorp case e projp, 3�e the Ass rogra the analysis of ` l Improvement,, needs' EUM Attribute Value Infrastructure Strategy Principles n and Performance ate life-cs and bus %i ss uations inti roposals for new CIP determine:most effective afi i l utions fir..,.. oda Enterprise Resiliency Infra and Pe cture Strategy mance Infrastructure Strategy and Performance Infrastructure Strategy and Performance EnhanceEnhan, iour capabiIi o mitigate, prepare, Enterprise Resiliency spond and,recover from emergencies Evaluate and implement appropriate improvements to security program to meet ..or evolving threats Enterprise Resiliency Principles Leadership And Commitment Leadership And Commitment Leadership And Commitment Principles Principles Goal GOAL 6 — EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FY 2016-2018 Strategic Plan and Initiatives Alignment with Effective Utility Management Attributes and District Values Strategy Augment the Region's Water Supply Evaluate Business Processes and Optimize Busir� Operationsyr:;, Reduc,llance on Non-Rer rr ;= Energy Encourage and testing o and leading technology Initiative Explore partnering opportuniti and EBMUD) Develop a Satellite Recyi Program;;;{, Perform bu? engineering ss prt rtunities Watea EUM Attribute CCWD Stakeholder Understanding and Support Water Resource t►stainability acilities Wate'; esource Sustainability .mapping a i:.Ce- Operational 4 „ene Optimization :self -generation, Community conservatiorr : #ficien y c eview new Sustainability and and drove the use of mobile Operational puting and communication technologies Optimization nue developing and investing in ovation, technology and applied esearch and Development Operational Optimization Value Community Leadership And Commitment Leadership And Commitment Leadership And Commitment Leadership And Commitment Leadership And Commitment Fiscal Year 2016-2018 District Goals and Key Metrics Goal GOAL 1 - PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Metric Average response time for emergency calls Average customer service rating for emergency calls Average customer satisfaction rating on construction projects Average customer satisfaction rating on permit counter interactions Number of students served by our education programs Number of participants on treatment plant tours Number of participants at speaker bureau presentations Target 40 minutes 3.5 out of 4.0 80% 80% 2,200 per year 150 participants per year 400 participants per year NPDES Compliance Title V Compliance Recycled Water Title 22 Compliance Sanitary Sewer Overflows GOAL 2 - STRIVE TO MEET f Spills to Public Water REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Volume of Spill Miles of Sewer Lines Televised Miles of Sewer Lines Cleaned Zero violations Zero violations Zero violations 3.0 spills per 100 miles of pipeline 5 5 gallons per million gallons treated, per quarter 150 per year, 38 per quarter 800 per year, 200 per quarter 1 GOAL 3 - BE A FISCALLY SOUND AND EFFECTIVE WATER SECTOR UTILITY Standard and Poor's Credit Rating Debt Service Coverage Ratio Maintain Service Affordability Cost of Sewer Overflow Claims Worker Comp Experience Modifier Return to Work AAA 2.0x or above Sewer Service Charge close to median of Bay Area agencies Average at or below $25,000 1.0 or lower Provide modified duty for 75% of occupational injuries Fiscal Year 2016-2018 District Goals and Key Metrics Goal Metric Target GOAL 4 — DEVLOP AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED AND INNOVATIVE WORKFORCE Average time to fill vacancy (From request to hire) % turnover rate to remain at or below industry average Average annual training hours per employee Actual versus budgeted usage of tuition reimbursement Percentage of performance evaluations completed on time Employee injury and illness lost time incident rate 60 days 3.4.% Track in FY 16-17, set target for FY 17-18 80% 95% Below BLS California Sewage Treatment Facilities Rate GOAL 5 — MAINTAIN A RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE GOAL 6 — EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Safety Work Order completed on time Regulatory Title V Work Orders completed on time Plant Maintenance planned and scheduled to complete on time Miles of pipeline replaced Meet Execution of annual CIP expenditures Information System Uptime Data Backup and Recovery 1 Total gallons of recycled water distributed Average residential fill station customer wait time Gallons of recycled water distributed at the residential fill station Gallons of recycled water distributed at truck fill program kWh of Electricity produced 95% 95% 90% 3 per year 80% 95% Zero Lost Data 200 million gallons per year 15 minutes 2 million per year 1 million per year 18 million kWh per year (reported as a rolling average)