HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a. Consider action re proposed Demonstration Satellite Water Recycling Facility (SWRF) at Diablo Country Club (DCC)Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 3, 2016 Subject: DIRECT THE GENERAL MANAGER TO DEVELOP AN AGREEMENT WITH DIABLO COUNTRY CLUB FOR A DEMONSTRATION SATELLITE WATER RECYCLING FACILITY Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Danea Gemmell, Planning & Engineering & Technical Services / Development Services Division Manager Planning & Development Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: JM. Petit — Director of Engineering & Technical Services 7a. Kent Alm %Roger S. Bailey Counsel for the District General Manager ISSUE: For the past six months, District staff has investigated various implementation models for a Satellite Water Recycling Facility (SWRF) Demonstration Project with Diablo Country Club (DCC) to produce recycled water for landscape irrigation. This matter was discussed at the Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee and was most recently discussed at the February 18, 2016 Board Meeting. As directed by the Board at that meeting, staff is seeking further input from the Board with regard to this Demonstration Project. BACKGROUND: On April 23, 2015, the Board of Directors authorized the General Manager to execute a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the DCC. The MOU documented the mutual agreement of the District and DCC as to the benefits of a Satellite Water Recycling project and to identify and resolve technical issues to the mutual benefit of all parties at no net cost to the District. The DCC also executed a MOU with the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) to obtain EBMUD approval to explore the project further because the SWRF Demonstration Project would reduce potable water demand from EBMUD's service area. The proposed SWRF Demonstration Project includes diversion of wastewater from a District sewer trunk line near DCC, a SWRF located on DCC property to treat the wastewater and produce Title 22 recycled water for golf course irrigation, and return of the process solids back to the District's wastewater collection system. The goal of the Demonstration Project is to provide an alternative source of water supply for landscape irrigation of DCC's golf course using recycled water, and to minimize DCC's reliance on EBMUD's potable water. The use of recycled water would benefit the public by offsetting potable water demand. District staff has also been working with DCC and DCC's consultant, Brezack & Associates Planning (Brezack), to address technical challenges associated with the SWRF. Some issues include determining whether or not sufficient wastewater is N:WDMINSUP\ADMIN\DIST-SEC\Position Papers\2016\1IAM Edits 5.35 p.m. Redline 3-3-16 PP SWRF Final (3)-JMP after final agenda.docx Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 3, 2016 Subject: DIRECT THE GENERAL MANAGER TO DEVELOP AN AGREEMENT WITH DIABLO COUNTRY CLUB FOR A DEMONSTRATION SATELLITE WATER RECYCLING FACILITY available in the District's collection system to meet DCC's recycled water demand at their proposed point of diversion, determining required on-site storage, identifying options for wastewater diversion to the SWRF, identifying operational schemes to minimize risk of collection system overflows/odors/blockages, and determining how to manage waste streams and discharges from the SWRF to the District's collection system. This proposed SWRF with DCC is intended to be a Tong -term Demonstration Project to inform the District on implementation of potential, future SWRF projects. This Demonstration Project supports Goal Four of the District's Strategic Plan "Be a Leader in the Wastewater Industry" and Strategy 2 to "Collaborate with regional water and wastewater agencies to augment the region's water supply while expanding access to recycled water for Central San customers": At the September 17, 2015 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors directed staff to investigate implementation models with regard to ownership, maintenance, and operation of the proposed SWRF project at DCC. In addition to the originally envisioned SWRF Demonstration Project with DCC, District staff explored other project implementation models with varying divisions of responsibilities regarding ownership, and operations and maintenance. Each project implementation model has its own benefits and disadvantages, and risks that would require mitigation. At the February 18, 2016 Board meeting, District staff presented the five project implementation models below. For all models, the District would ensure that the project is cost neutral to the District. However, it is important to note that none of these options has been thoroughly reviewed for legal constraints or risks. 1. Implementation Model 1: DCC Finances/Owns/Operates the SWRF. (This is the implementation model referred to in the District's existing MOU with DCC.) The DCC would likely contract Operations and Maintenance of the SWRF to a third party. 2. Implementation Model 2: DCC Finances and Owns the SWRF. DCC would contract Operation of the SWRF to the District. 3. Implementation Model 3: The District Finances, Owns, and Operates the SWRF. DCC would pay for the full cost of recycled water supplied. 4. Implementation Model 4: The District contracts with a third party to Finance, Own, and Operate the SWRF (Public -Private Partnership). DCC would pay for the full cost of recycled water supplied. 5. Implementation Model 5: The District would partner with DCC, Contra Costa Water District (CCWD), and EBMUD to implement a "Water Wheeling" project. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\DIST-SEC\Position Papers\2016\11AM Edits 5.35 p.m. Redline 3-3-16 PP SWRF Final (3)-JMP after final agenda.docx Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 3, 2016 Subject: DIRECT THE GENERAL MANAGER TO DEVELOP AN AGREEMENT WITH DIABLO COUNTRY CLUB FOR A DEMONSTRATION SATELLITE WATER RECYCLING FACILITY DCC would participate in financing improvements required for the District to provide recycled water to a nearby refinery within CCWD's service area. In turn, CCWD would provide raw water supply rights to EBMUD for an equivalent value of water, and EBMUD would provide guarantees to DCC for a long-term, lower cost supply of potable water for irrigation. Any facilities required would be constructed at the District's treatment plant in Martinez; therefore, this implementation model does not require construction of a SWRF. At the February 18, 2016 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors authorized District staff to apply for a $75,000 planning grant from the California State Water Resources Control Board Water Recycling Funding Program. The $75,000 planning grant requires a $75,000 match, which will be paid for by the DCC. With the planning grant, District staff will be able to address technical and non-technical issues in order to draft an Agreement with DCC for the SWRF Demonstration Project. A proposed Agreement with DCC for the SWRF Demonstration Project may then be presented to the Board of Directors for approval provided the Board directed guidelines can be achieved. CEQA: Staff has concluded that this conceptual approval for staff to move forward with these additional activities is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 since it allows for further planning and feasibility studies for possible future actions which the District has not approved, adopted, or funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Approval of this action will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the development of this agreement is exempt from CEQA. The District will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future as a result of this study to determine the need for any additional CEQA documentation. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of Directors may decline to move forward or decide to postpone the SWRF Demonstration Project. The Board of Directors may also request that staff pursue a different implementation model. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There will be no net financial impact to the District. District staff time on this matter will be funded from the Planning & Development Services Division O&M budget and reimbursed by the DCC. The capital costs, which are estimated between 10 and 15 million dollars, are intended to be financed with a Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan. If the SWRF Demonstration Project is implemented, the project will be cost neutral to the District. DCC will pay all costs including annual debt service payments for capital costs, annual operations and maintenance costs, and future replacement costs. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\DIST-SEC\Position Papers\2016\11AM Edits 5.35 p.m. Redline 3-3-16 PP SWRF Final (3)-JMP after final agenda.docx Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 3, 2016 Subject: DIRECT THE GENERAL MANAGER TO DEVELOP AN AGREEMENT WITH DIABLO COUNTRY CLUB FOR A DEMONSTRATION SATELLITE WATER RECYCLING FACILITY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This matter was discussed at the Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee meeting on February 9, 2016. The Committee was in favor of proceeding with Implementation Model 3 where the District owns, operates, and maintains the SWRF at DCC provided that risks are mitigated and the project is at no net cost to the District. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Consistent with direction given by the Board, District staff is (1) seeking a decision from the Board as to whether it wishes to pursue a Demonstration SWRF at DCC in concept; and (2) if so, provide authorization and guidelines for the General Manager to develop an agreement with DCC, which will be brought back to the Board for consideration at a future meeting. To assist with framing the agreement, staff will prepare the agreement consistent with the following principles: 1. The SWRF Demonstration Project will be cost neutral for the District; 2. The District will pursue CWSRF financing for the project; 3. Appropriate CEQA consideration and documentation will be undertaken; 4. Appropriate EBMUD project concerns and authorization will be addressed; 5. Legal constraints and liability issues, both short term and long term, will be addressed; and 6. Taking into account 1-5 above, the agreement will stipulate how the Demonstration SWRF will be procured, owned, operated and maintained at the DCC to produce up to 0.5 million gallons per day of recycled water for landscape irrigation. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\DIST-SEC\Position Papers\2016\11AM Edits 5.35 p.m. Redline 3-3-16 PP SWRF Final (3)-JMP after final agenda.docx Page 4 of 4