HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Safety Program Annual Report 2015CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SAFETY PROGRAM ANNUALREPORT CALENDAR YEAR 2015 SAFETY PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT CALENDAR YEAR 2015 Our Mission The primary objective of the Safety Program is to reduce injuries, accidents, and environmental impact while ensuring compliance. We achieve this by providing high quality training, comprehensive workplace evaluation, incident response, hazardous materials management from acquisition to disposal, and managing regulatory information. The Safety Workgroup understands that in order to maintain an effective District -wide Environment, Health and Safety Program it needs the continued support and commitment of District management and the participation of all workgroups. The Safety Workgroup will continue to work closely with both groups to foster and maintain this support. Safety Program Annual Report Calendar Year 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Injury/Illness Analysis................................................................................................... 3 IncidentRates............................................................................................................... 7 Returnto Work.............................................................................................................. 7 SafetyDirectives.......................................................................................................... 8 SafetyTraining............................................................................................................. 8 Safety Accomplishments............................................................................................. 9 2016 Goals and Objectives for the Safety Workgroup................................................ 10 Safety Program Annual Report Calendar Year 2015 2 SAFETY PROGRAM Iniury/Illness Analysis Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) incurred fourteen Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable injury/illness cases and six first aid only cases during 2015. The recordable cases consisted of three lost time, seven restricted work, and four medical only cases. There was a slight increase from 13 recordable cases in 2014 to 14 recordable cases in 2015 (+7 percent). The District continues to trend downward on the number of recordable injuries over the past five years. The Safety Workgroup has also begun investigating and tracking first aid only injuries/illnesses and near -misses to help identify and correct hazards in the workplace that could result in a recordable injury. Graph 1 The total number of lost work days (LWD) decreased significantly from 182 to 100 (-45 percent) from 2014 to 2015. This is attributed to the severity of one injury in 2014 accounting for 180 LWD and one injury in 2015 accounting for 79 LWD. Additionally, the total number of restricted work days also decreased significantly from 241 to 129 (-46 percent) from 2014 to 2015. This is attributed to the overall severity of injuries in 2015 being less than 2014. Safety Program Annual Report Calendar Year 2015 3 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Graph 2 Total Days Away From Work Comparison by Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ■ Adm/Eng 67 0 6 0 0 ■ CSO 18 9 5 2 12 POD 0 12 0 180 88 ■ TOTAL 81 21 11 182 100 Note: 2014 — One case resulted in 180 lost days 2015 — One case resulted in 79 lost days Graph 3 Total Restricted Work Days Comparison by Year Soo 400 300 200 100 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ■ Adm/Eng 140 87 105 7 0 ■ CSO 67 85 34 215 97 POD 94 371 29 19 32 ■ TOTAL 301 j 543 168 241 129 Safety Program Annual Report Calendar Year 2015 4 The leading cause of injuries/illnesses at the District during 2015 were: 1. Overexertion 2. Exposure to Harmful Substances 3. Contact with Object or Equipment 4. Slip, Trip, Fall or Jump Slip, Trip, Fall, or Jump 7% Contact with Object or Equipment 21% Graph 4 Cause of Injury/Illness Exposure to Harmful Substances or Environments 22% )verexertion or Bodily Reaction 50% The most common type of injury remains strains/sprain injuries which account for approximately three out of every five injuries. The primary cause of these strain/sprain injuries is due to overexertion while lifting, resulting in back, knee, and chest injuries. Other strain/sprain related injuries are caused by slip, trip, or falls, resulting in knee and back injuries. None of the 2015 injuries were associated with common activities, equipment, or procedures. The most common body parts injured are: 1. Back 5. Abdomen 2. Arm 6. Chest 3. Knee 7. Neck 4. Finger The Safety Workgroup will continue targeting strain/sprain related injuries in its 2016 training schedule by conducting classes on overexertion and back injury prevention. In 2015, training on strain/sprain related injuries was focused on ergonomic principals. Safety Program Annual Report Calendar Year 2015 5 Conti T Exposure 22% Graph 5 Types of Injuries/Illnesses Pinrh/CruGh Graph 6 r Leg/Kn 14% Finger 14% Ch( 7° A Body Part 7% Strain/Sprain 57% Sack 36% Safety Program Annual Report Calendar Year 2015 6 Incident Rates The District's incident rates are calculated using the injuries recorded on the CalOSHA 300 Log Form each calendar year. The rates vary from year-to-year due to the frequency and severity of the injuries and by the number of hours worked (exposure time). Table 1 The Safety Workgroup's goal is to meet or exceed industry safety standards by achieving a Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) industry injury rate that is lower compared to other California and Bay Area sanitary districts. The recordable rate for 2015 (5.47) is slightly higher than in 2014 (5.14) due to the higher number of recordable claims in 2015. However, the District's recordable rate is significantly below the BLS Rate for California Sewage Treatment Facilities at 5.47 versus 7.14 (-26 percent), respectively. Additionally, both the days away rate and other recordable rate are well below the BLS rates. The restricted duty rate increased from 2014 to 2015 with 2.37 versus 2.73, respectively. The District's rate is significantly higher than the BLS Restricted Duty Rate for California Sewage Treatment Plants. This would be attributed to the District's successful implementation of the Return -to -Work Program which places employees back on the job with modifications or a job reassignment instead of resulting in lost work days. Return to Work In 2007, the Return -to -Work Program was implemented to facilitate employees' recovery from work-related injuries and to help reduce the cost of indemnity claims. The Program has since been expanded to include non -occupational injuries or other medical conditions where a temporary modification to an employee's duties would be beneficial to both the District and the employee. The Program is administered by Human Resources with the assistance of Risk Management and the Safety Workgroup. The Program incorporates use of the interactive process which is required for compliance with Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). The Safety Workgroup provides assistance in finding and evaluating modified work that is within the employees restrictions. Safety Program Annual Report Calendar Year 2015 7 Recordable Days Restricted Other Severity Rate Away Rate Duty Rate Recordable Rate 2014 BLS - California Sewage Treatment Facilities 7.4 2.2 1.2 3.9 2014 - CCCSD 5.14 0.79 2.37 1.98 14.00 2015 - CCCSD 5.47 1.17 2.73 1.56 7.14 The Safety Workgroup's goal is to meet or exceed industry safety standards by achieving a Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) industry injury rate that is lower compared to other California and Bay Area sanitary districts. The recordable rate for 2015 (5.47) is slightly higher than in 2014 (5.14) due to the higher number of recordable claims in 2015. However, the District's recordable rate is significantly below the BLS Rate for California Sewage Treatment Facilities at 5.47 versus 7.14 (-26 percent), respectively. Additionally, both the days away rate and other recordable rate are well below the BLS rates. The restricted duty rate increased from 2014 to 2015 with 2.37 versus 2.73, respectively. The District's rate is significantly higher than the BLS Restricted Duty Rate for California Sewage Treatment Plants. This would be attributed to the District's successful implementation of the Return -to -Work Program which places employees back on the job with modifications or a job reassignment instead of resulting in lost work days. Return to Work In 2007, the Return -to -Work Program was implemented to facilitate employees' recovery from work-related injuries and to help reduce the cost of indemnity claims. The Program has since been expanded to include non -occupational injuries or other medical conditions where a temporary modification to an employee's duties would be beneficial to both the District and the employee. The Program is administered by Human Resources with the assistance of Risk Management and the Safety Workgroup. The Program incorporates use of the interactive process which is required for compliance with Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). The Safety Workgroup provides assistance in finding and evaluating modified work that is within the employees restrictions. Safety Program Annual Report Calendar Year 2015 7 Additionally, the Safety Workgroup evaluates workstation, equipment, and procedure modification(s) to accommodate the employee's restrictions. Safety Directives The Safety Workgroup is responsible for developing and maintaining the District's Safety Directives Manual. The Manual includes twenty seven distinct sections that are reviewed and updated once every three years or when new regulations are introduced. The following Safety Directives and related forms were reviewed and/or issued in 2015: • Heat Illness Prevention Program • Chemical Hygiene Plan • Ergonomics • Emergency Action Plan Safety Training • Electrical Safety • Employee's Injury/Illness Report Form • Supervisor's Incident Investigation Form The Safety Workgroup is responsible for assessing the District's safety training needs, developing and coordinating safety training programs, and monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the programs. During 2015, the Safety Workgroup conducted 268 hours of classroom instruction on 34 different training subjects. • New Employee Safety Orientation • Safety Supervisors Training • Injury and Illness Prevention Program • Fire Prevention Training • Workplace Violence Prevention • Ergonomics • Heat Illness Prevention • Emergency Action Plan — Area Safety Warden Training • First Aid/CPR/AED • Back Safety • Confined Space Awareness • Confined Space Entry and Rescue Procedures • Confined Space Entry and Rescue Exercise • Lockout/Tagout • Respiratory Protection • Bloodborne Pathogens • Hazard Communications • Emergency Response Plans — Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures/Hazardous Material Business Plan • Hazardous Waste Handling • Fire Extinguisher Training • Hearing Protection Training • Competent Person Excavation Training • Subsurface Utility Location • Forklift Training • Forklift Recertification • Fall Prevention and Protection • Ladders and Scaffolding • Traffic Control and Flagging • Electrical Unqualified Person • Driver Safety • Driver Evaluation Practical • Welding, Cutting and Brazing • Asbestos Awareness • Lead Awareness Safety Program Annual Report Calendar Year 2015 8 Safety Accomplishments In 2015, the Safety Workgroup had the following accomplishments: • Eliminated the backlog of open actions items within the District Safety Committee. The District Safety Committee has had open action items as far back as 2009 for Safety Suggestions submitted, but not implemented. The Safety Workgroup worked with Plant Maintenance and Capital Projects to have these open items evaluated and implemented if warranted. • Worked closely with Capital Projects to provide design reviews, submittal reviews, contractor orientations, and construction safety oversight. • Conducted Area Safety Warden Training and Emergency Evacuation Drills for all facilities at the Martinez campus. • Conducted fire alarm system and fire suppression system annual testing and five- year certification. • Helped facilitate fall protection improvements including ladder gates, handrails, and installation of tie -off points. • Worked with Capital Projects to have forklift barriers installed in the Solids Conditioning Building as a change order to the Safety Phase 4 Project. • Repaired crane and boom truck and conducted certified operator training. ■ Replaced damaged ozone crane remote control. Crews temporarily used pendulum unit which required the operator to be close to the load. ■ Tagged out of service and repaired faulty hydraulic valves which caused boom to drop during operation of boom extension and line feed. This could have resulted in injury or equipment damage. • Completed 329 Safety Tailgates. • Plant Maintenance completed 83 Safety Work Orders. • Removed over 10,000 pounds of hazardous waste. • Collection System Operations set a record of 1,274 days between poison oak medical cases. • Conducted one -day Supervisor/Manager Safety Training. • Drafted Three -Year Safety Training Schedule and Regulatory Training Matrix. • Filled Safety Officer and Operations Safety Specialist positions. Safety Program Annual Report Calendar Year 2015 9 2016 Goals and Objectives for the Safety Workgroup • Enhance customer service through increased visibility: ■ Contractor project oversight/design review. ■ Participation in a greater number of tailgate meetings. ■ Attend more manager and departmental meetings. ■ Increased job worksite and facility inspections. • Monitor safety metrics including both leading and lagging indicators to identify trends (incident reports, first aids only, near -misses, inspections findings, etc.). • Leverage systems and software to improve efficiency and compliance (training records, certification tracking, inspection reports, safety data sheets, etc.). • Continue to update Safety Directives to ensure they are compliant and easy to follow. • Review all safety forms for efficiencies and effectiveness. • Update the District Safety Requirements in the specifications and bid packets (Multiple Employer Workplace). • Assist Engineering with upgrading/repairing current fire/life safety systems (Treatment Plant's pull stations/horns and Home Office Building's Public Address Systems) Safety Program Annual Report Calendar Year 2015 10