HomeMy WebLinkAbout06. Quarterly ReportsCAPITAL PROJECTS QUARTERLY REPORTS OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2015 FOR THE ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING 2=9-16 �L Central Contra Costa .Sanitary Distlict 2527 9,14 CAPITAL PROJECTS QUARTERLY REPORT: OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2015 » DP Na Project Title rol Board Announce ProBid � Date Bid Opening Award Dale CIB Phase Construction Erg. Estimate Date Bids Received Low Bid Variance ($) Variance Contractor Contingency CIB Total Board Authorized Taal Variance Variance Allocated to Expanded to Total Current Amount Paid to contractor % Major EvaMalcurroM ) T of Type Date Date Estimate Contract (e) B (%) B Project Coat Project Cost (S) C (%) C Date Dete Contract Complete StatuslCammerds NTP Retention Amount "ate) D 5941 Pumping Stations Equipment and Piping TBD TBD TBD TBD $150,000 Replacement D 5982 Pipe -bursting Blanket TBD TBD TBD TBD $450,000 C 7285 Primary Treatment Renovations 03/07113 04/04113 04/30113 05/16/13 $10,615,000 $10,500,000 4130/13 $10,277,000 ($223,000) -2.12% Comperes $1,280,000 $13,500,000 $14,947,000 $1,447,000 11% $14,947,000 $14,507,402 $11,283,220 $10,557,856 94% Project in punch list phase. 07/15113 Escrow D 7291 Seisms Upgrades for the Pump & Blower TBD TBD TBD TBD $5,000,000 $4,250,000 Structural design 95% Buikling $5,552,409 $555,000 $403,711 complete. Electrical design 95%complete. Manilo C 7297 Wet Scrubber Caustic injection System 08/06/15 09111115 10/02115 10/15115 $600,000 $750,000 10/2/15 $843,100 $93,100 12.41% Construction, $126,500 $9,025,964 $0 $0 $0 Inc. 12104115 C 7310 TP Piping Renovations, Phase 04/23115 05105115 06/05115 07/09115 $1,500,000 $1,100,000 6/5/15 $935,000 ($165,000) -15.00% WCom Lyles $140,000 $1,750,000 $1,570,000 ($180,000) -10% $1,570,000 $694,510 $973,768 $259,824 27% In construction. 02102116 C 7311 TP Safety Enhancements, Phase 4, Revised (also includes 8239 and 8237) 04/23115 05/06/15 05/20/15 06/04115 $519,000 $600000 5!20115 $579,000 ($21,000) 3.50% Consultants $87,000 $1,100,000 $1,070,000 ($30,000) 3% $1,070,000 $964,249 $646,114 $524,669 81% In construction. 07113/15 Escrow D 7314 Urgent Repairs Blanket Contract TBD TBD TBD TBD $100000 $700,293 C 7316 Sludge Blending Tank Repairs 12104114 01116115 01/30/15 02119/15 $532,000 $435,000 1130115 $389,700 ($45,300) -10.41% W. M. Lyles $58,450 N/A $714,450 N/A N/A $714,450 $683,886 $411,401 $411,401 100% Project jectcompleted. 03/06115 District D 7319 Lab Chiller Replacement (Laborary Upgrade and Repair) 03/03116 03/14116 04114116 04121116 $340,000 D 7324 Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement TBD TBD TBD TBD $1,500,000 $2,100,000 $2,100,000 $12,418 Final design in progress. D 7327 Headworks Screening Upgrade TBD TBD TBO TBD $6,000,000 $5,500000 $6,900,000 $48,566 Predesign ijn progress. 01127116 D 7347 REW Commercial Truck Fill Station 01/07/16 02110/16 03/03116 $80,000 D 8234 HOB Improvements 02104116 02123116 03/03116 03/17/16 $581,000 C 8406 Pump Station Security Upgrades 04/03/14 04/16114 04129/14 05/15/14 $305,000 $280,000 4129/14 $277,728 ($2,272) -0.81% Mike Brown Electric $46,673 $611,000 $611,000 $0 0% $611,000 $609,000 $327,178 $309,870 95% Punch -list work ongoing. 06/10114 District Company Bay Pacific C 8411 North Ormda Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 03106/14 03/19/14 04/01/14 04/17/14 $2,875,000 $1,800,000 411114 $1,748,505 ($51,495) -2.86% Pipelines, $262,495 $3,422,700 $3,020,000 ($402,700) -12% $3,020,000 $2,770,242 $1,708,005 $1,694,005 99% Project complete; all issues 05115114 District _ Inc. resolved. Pleasant Hill -Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer D 8412 (indudes optional bid for Pleasant Hill 11119115 12110115 1/5/1601/15/16 02118116 $9,450,000 $10,400,000 1115116 $10,401,854 Mountain $10,699,074 $1,400,000 $1,296,206 Design phase. Project out to Corridor Project) Cascade, Inc. bid. Working with USBR and CCWD for final permit. C 8415 Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 04123/15 05/27/15 06/17/15 07/09/15 $3,100,000 $2,530,000 6!17M5 $2,328,000 ($202,000) -7.98% KJ. Woods $232,000 $3,922,000 $3,922,000 $0 0% $3,922,000 $2,325,088 $2,328,000 $1,061,764 46% In construction. 08/07115 District C 8421 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 03/05/15 03/18/15 03/26/15 04/23115 $2,504,200 $2,650,000 3126115 $1,812,211 ($837,789) -31.61% Precision Engineering, $271,989 $3,350,000 $3,154,200 ($195,800) -6% $3,154,200 $2,597,402 $1,966,511 $1,966,511 100% Project complete, 05/04115 District Inc. D 8423 North Grinder Sewer Renovations, Phase 6 02104/16 TBD 03/01/16 03/17/16 $3,000,000 $2,400,000 $650,000 95% design D 8426 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 10 02104116 02116/16 02/25/16 03117/16 $3,000,000 $2,540,000 $3,755,000 $705,000 $483,325 Design phase 0 8429 Martinez Pumping Station Pump TO TBD TBD TBD $250,000 Rehabilitation D 8434 Collection System Urgent Projects TBD TBD TBD TBD $250,000 $375,000 C (7326) 732 Replacement/Rantent (DControl Equipment SReplacement System UPS Replacement (DP 7326) 10115115 10129/15 12/10/15 12117115 12110115 $253,000 ($122,000) -32.53% D.W. $253'000 � Bids were opened December Nicholson 10, 2015. ACTIVE CONSULTANT CONTRACTS: OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2015 DP No. Project Title PM Type (P, D, C, 1) ConsultantAuthorized Total Board Original Contract Amount Rev. 7 Rev. 2 Rev. 3 Rev. 4 Rev. 5 Rev. 6 Rev. 7 Rev. 8 Rev. 9 Total Current % of Board Spent to Date Contract Amount Authorized 7285 Primary Treatment Renovation Jason DeGroot D/C HDR $1,165,000 $158,211 $0 $9,743 $638,548 $21,266 $0 $337,502 $1,165,270 100% $975,508 7285 Primary Treatment Renovation Jason DeGroot C CPS $346,000 $346,000 Time Only Time Only $40,000 $386,000 112% $354,911 7285 Primary Treatment Renovation Jason DeGroot C Kelloo Staff Authority $15,000 $15,000 0% $917 7285 Primary Treatment Renovation Jason DeGroot C Qualspec Staff Authority $50,000 Time Only $50,000 0% $18,932 7285 Primary Treatment Renovation Jason DeGroot C Consolidated Engineering Labs Staff Authority $50,000 $50,000 0 0% $5,222 7291 Pump and Blower Seismic Upgrades Jason DeGroot D MWH $300,000 $59,295 Time Only Time Only Time Only Time Only $59,295 19% $39,062 7291 Pump and Blower Seismic Upgrades Jason DeGroot D Carollo Staff Authority $29,300 $29,300 ° 0/0 $0 7291 Pump and Blower Seismic Upgrades Jason DeGroot D CPS. $270,000 $25,000 $187,900 Time Only Time Only Time Only Time Only Time Only $30,500 $243,400. 90% $224,093 Treatment Plant Piping TJC and 7310 Renovations, Phase 8 and Brad Leidecker D/C Associates/ Staff Authority $25,000 $10,000 $35,000 0% $33,000 Various Pro'ects Blanket 7310 Treatment Plant Piping Renovations, Phase 8 Brad Leidecker D Kellco Staff Authority $3,000 $3,000 ° 0% $1,800 Treatment Plant Piping 7310 Renovations, Phase 8 and Brad Leidecker D/C JDH Corrosion Consultants, Inc. Staff Authority $5,000 $5,000 0% $1,300 Various Pro'ects Treatment Plant Safety Harvest Technical 7311 Enhancements, Phase 4 Brad Leidecker C Services, Inc. $250,000 $100,000 $150,000 $250,000 100% $52,000 Revised 7319 Laboratory Upgrade and Repair Craig Mizutani D Taylor Systems Engineering, Inc. Staff Authority $6,200 $36,000 $42,200 0 0% $0 7322 Fire Protection System Improvement, Phase 2 Mike Zub cki 2Y D DTN E Engineers Staff Authority $10,850 Time Only $10,850 0% $6,200 7324 Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement Brad Leidecker D Protective Relay Engineering Staff Authority $18,500 $18,500 0% $16,200 7327 Headworks Screenings Update Brad Leidecker D Brown and Caldwell $850,000 $850,000 $850,000 ° 100% $4,521 8239 POD Office Improvements Brad Leidecker D/C CHD Staff Authority $27,940 Time Only $27,940 0% $19,000 8412 Pleasant Hill - Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer Nancy Molina D DCM Consulting $133,875 $49,874 Time Only y Time Only$48188 , $35,813 $133,875 0 27 /o $104,751 &Time 8412 Pleasant Hill - Grayson Creek Nancy Molina D/C West Yost Staff Authority $68,559 Trunk Sewer Associates $68,559 0% $49,671 8412 Pleasant Hili - Grayson Creek Nancy Molina D JDH Corrosion Staff Authority $7,500 Trunk Sewer Consultants, Inc. $7,500 0 0% $4,723 8425 Cathodic Protection, Phase 1 Sasha Mestetsky C JDH Corrosion Consultants, Inc. Staff Authority $20,000 Time Only Time Only Time Only $7,790 $27,790 0 100% $27,790 Blanket On -Call Inspection Services Brad Leidecker C Harvest Technical Services, Inc. $100,000 $250,000 Time Only y $150,000 Pius Time $100,000 0 100% $109,453 Blanket On -Call Inspection Services Brad Leidecker C Anchor Engineering $100,000 $100,000 Time Only y $100,000 o 100% $26,000 1 of 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS CHANGE ORDER LOG: OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2015 Phase DP No. Projedt Title Contractor C01 CO2 CO3 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 CO10 CO11 C012 C013 C014 C015 C016 C017 C018 C019 CO20 CO21 CO22 CO23 CO24 CO25 No. of Change Value of Change % Change Orden Orders ($) Orders C 7285 Primary Treatment Renovations W.M. Lyles Company $29,124 $49,697 $34,220 $36,320 $45,252 $50,379 $53,989 $35,495 $41,142 $38,335 $55,445 $33,001 $40,414 $48,144 $12,174 $37,038 $31,128 $38,932 $16,346 $22,037 $31,269 $149,524 $37,320 $28,677 $10,819 25 $1,006,220 9% C 7297 Wet Scrubber Caustic Manito Injection System Construction, Inc. 0 C 7310 TP Piping Renovations, W.M. Lyles $6,040 $21,307 $0 $11,421 Phase 8 Company 4 $38,768 4% TP Safety Enhancements, C 7311 Phase 4, Revised (also Aztec Consultants $22,798 $21,319 $22,997 3 $67,114 10% includes 8239 and 8237) C 7316 Sludge Blending Tank W. M. Lyles $0 $9,352 $1,384 $10,965 Repairs Company 4 $21,701 5% C 8406 Pump Station Mike Brown $9,457 $4,032 $4,474 $2,878 $1,010 Security Upgrades Electric Company 5 $21,851 7% C 8411 North Orinda Sewer Bay Pacific ( $40,500) Renovations, Phase 5 Pipelines, Inc. 1 ($40,500) -2% C 8415 Renovations, Martinez mese K WoodsPha 4 0 $0 C 6421 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Precision $56,400 $44,800 $37,000 $16,100 Phase 9 Engineering, Inc. 4 $154,300 8% Equipment C 6171 ReplacemenVPlant Control D.W. Nicholson (7326) System UPS Replacement 0 $0 (DP 7326) SCHEDULE OF FISCAL YEAR 2015 - 2016 BIDS AND AWARDS Project Information Bid Status Phase DP No. Project Title Scheduled Bid Opening* Engineer's Estimate Date Bids Received Low Bid Contractor Award Date D 8412 Pleasant Hill -Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer 1/15/16 $10,400,000 1/15/16 $10,401,854 Mountain Cascade Inc. 2/18/16 D 7347 REW Commercial Truck Fill Station 2/10/16 $80,000 3/3/16 D 8426 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 10 2/25/16 $2,540,000 3/17/16 D 8423 North Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 6 3/1/16 $2,400,000 3/17/16 D 7319 Lab Chiller Replacement (Laboratory Upgrade and Repair) 4/14/16 $340,000 4/21/16 D 8234 HOB Improvements TBD $581,000 5/5/16 D 7291 Seismic Upgrades for the Pump and Blower Building TBD $4,250,000 ** 5/5/16 D 5982 Pipe -bursting Blanket TBD $450,000 TBD D 7314 Standby Contractor TP TBD $100,000 TBD D 8429 Martinez Pumping Station Pump Rehabilitation TBD $250,000 TBD D 7324 Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement TBD $2,100,000 TBD D 7327 Headworks Screening Upgrade TBD $5,500,000 TBD D 5941 Pumping Stations Equipment and Piping Replacement TBD $150,000 TBD D 8434 Collection System Urgent Projects TBD $250,000 TBD *Tentative **To be verified