HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING & OPERATIONS MINUTES 01-12-16SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES Tuesday, January 12, 2016 10:30 a.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California Committee: Chair Paul Causey Member Tad Pilecki Invited Guest. Donna Rammell, Brown and Caldwell Staff.• Deputy General Manager Ann Sasaki Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean -Marc Petit Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme (left after Item 3.) Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani Associate Engineer Brad Leidecker Accountant Amal Lyon Senior Administrative Technician Cindy Granzella 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. 2. Public Comments None. _d.ha) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: TAD J. PILECKI President PAUL H. CAUSEY President Pro Tena MICHAEL R. MCGILL JAMES A. NEJEDLY DAVID R. WILLIAMS PHONE: (925) 228-9500 FAX: (925) 676-7211 www.centralsan.org Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes January 12, 2016 Page 2 3. Confirm 2016 meeting dates and receive Committee Charter Ms. Boehme reviewed the future Committee dates and Committee Charter included in the agenda materials. Chair Causey noted that the Committee's scope includes Plant Operations issues, but was unsure what that entailed. Ms. Boehme explained that it is listed as a placeholder, so that if Plant Operations issues were to arise, the Committee could address them. Member Pilecki would prefer to leave the broad description in the scope. Chair Causey also questioned whether or not the District Safety Program should be included in the Committee scope. Mr. Mestetsky stated that there are safety related projects. Chair Causey suggested changing the scope to reflect safety related projects. COMMITTEE ACTION: Confirmed meeting dates, received Committee Charter and recommended Board approval of one minor modification. 4.* Review information regarding the execution of a sole -source contract for equipment manufactured by Eaton Corporation for the Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement Project, DP 7324 Mr. Mizutani presented background information on the Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement Project (attached), and explained that it is the most critical switchgear in the Treatment Plant. He explained that staff recommends a sole - source contract with Eaton, mainly to standardize equipment. The replacement parts would also have improved safety features. Mr. Petit explained that four vendors were given the specifications and requirements for this project. Three submitted quotes, and Eaton's quote was the lowest of those vendors who met all requirements of the technical specifications. Chair Causey expressed concern with the schedule. If the construction is not complete by the next wet weather season, it would have to be rescheduled for spring of 2017. Chair Causey wants to ensure that the delivery schedule is guaranteed, and that there is a plan in place for any scheduling challenges. Staff concurred that the schedule was critical as this project can only be accomplished during dry weather season. The installation contractor's bid schedule will be coordinated with the switchgear vendor's schedule. Ms. Rammell, the lead electrical engineer with Brown and Caldwell, the consultant for the project, narrated a short video illustrating a three-dimensional view of the work to be done. She explained that the location of the conduits and Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes January 12, 2016 Page 3 cables are one of the reasons driving the selection of sole source vendor, and the project will be phased to allow the pump station to remain online throughout the work. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. 5. Standing Items a. Receive update on the Asset Management Program — No staff report b. Receive presentation on projects whose costs exceed 20 percent of the number quoted in the Capital Improvement Budget Allocation (CIBA), not including the 15 percent General Manager contingency — No staff report C. Receive Change Order Log, Quarterly Reports, and Bid Schedules to compare budgeted versus actual costs — No staff report COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed standing items. 6. Announcements a. Future scheduled meetings: Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements. 7. Suggestions for future agenda items Member Pilecki requested that the Committee parking lot items be brought to the next meeting for review. Member Pilecki requested a presentation on the new Treatment Plant Geographic Data Integration (GDI). 8. Chair Causey adjourned the meeting at 11:37 a.m, in memory of Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez' parents, Emilio and Maria Lopez, who passed away suddenly on January 3, 2016. * Attachment 4. HEADWORKS SCREENING UPGRADE AND SUB 16 SWITCHGEAR REPLACEMENT January 12, 2016 Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting Brad Leidecker, Associate Engineer Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Background and Drivers • Switchgear Installed with Headworks Project, 1993 • Switchgear Feeds Headworks & Influent Pumps • Switchgear Reliability — Parts Availability: Short Production Run, Obsolete Parts — Reconditioning Service: Few Shops Can Service — Breaker Tests: Several Breakers Failed Testing — Significant Corrosion of Components • Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement (DP 7324): — Remove and Replace the Existing Switchgear including Modifications to the Existing Building as Required Sub 16CD Switchgear Sole -Source Pre -Purchase • Compatibility with Existing Equipment, Minimization of Supplies of Spare Parts, Efficiency of Repair and Maintenance • Safety, Training and Productivity • Retrofit Constraints • Schedule K Construction Cost Estimate Contractor Bid AM 000 Construction Subtotal $2400,000 Construction Contingency $200,000 Construction Total $2,300„000 Tentative Schedule Contractor Bid Opening May 2, 2016 E&O Committee May 10, 2016 Board Meeting May 19, 2016 Contractor Notice to proceed lune 2016' Switchgear Replacement Construction October 2016 Complete � ` F E