HomeMy WebLinkAbout08. (Handout) Request for accommodation re payment of capacity feesCental Centra Costa Sanitary District '~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 7; 2016 sul3jecz: REQUEST FOR ACCOMMODATION REGARDING PAYMENT OF CAPACITY FEES FOR EL AGUILA RESTAURANT (APN 127-040-020) Submirree ay: inidaring uepr./uiv.: Nomas Bright5ill, Senior Engineer Planning and Development/ Engineering and Technical Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Gemmell — Planning & Development Division Manager JM. Petit — Director of Engineering & Technical Services Rent AIM oyer S. Bailey VvT1n3cl Tvr Me 0I3trlat ei feral Planayer ISSUE: A ratepayer has requested a deviation from District Code regarding the timing of collection and payment of capacity fees. This requires approval of the Board of Dircctur,s. BADKGRQuND: IDIs. Uiorgia 5uardini, owner of EI Agaila Restaurant which is a tenant at the shopping center located at 1300 Contra Costa Boulevard in Pleasant Hill, properly submitted plans for a remodel of her restaurant's kitchen. During plan review, District staff discuvered that the space had uriyinally been used for retail and that nu additional Capacity tees were poria when a previous ter rant uunveFlea the space to a restaurant. Plan review is complete and payment of the 4i31,310.07 capacity tee is the only outstanding item. Ms. Scardini is willing to pay the fee but she is unable to do so in a single payment. Under Section 1 6. 12 of uistrict Code, the properffy ownim and tenant are"Jointly and severally" lia61e for capacity tees when a change in use resalts in an added wastewater burden. The Dishict's Cayaciiy Use Charyc Proyram is desiyned to alluw busi, resses with high capacity tees to spread those payments over time. IVIs. 5uardini and District staff have met with the properffy owners' representative to explain the program; but the property manager is unwilling to enter into a Capacity Use Charge Program agreement. Ms. Scardini has hired and scheduled a uunir tuiur to staff work un January 5, zui a on her renovation project. Ms. Scardini has stated that she will incur additional costs and hardships it her project is delayed because the District's review ut tier puns is being held pending the resolution of capacity fee issues. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of Directors uuuld direct staff to bill the property owner for the additional capacity tees resulting trom the prior conversion of the space trom retail to restaurant. I he demand letter could reiterate the otter of a IaaEnvrSRv\Suar8 Ayenaa ItembCarrent uratt5\1-7-16 PP El Aynila 1=II9AEAOC., Paye 1 at 2 POSITION PAPER voat—a meering ware: JaI I'uaiy t, Lu16 Sub vt-' REQUEST FOR ACCOMMODATION REGARDING PAYMENT OF CAPACITY FEES FOR EC AGUICA FRESTAURAN i (APN 12/-041LI-U20) Capacity use Cnarge Program agreement wMIcMi woola allow payment of the additional tees uver 16 years. It the additional tees were not paid or the properly owner did not agree to the Capacity Use Charge Program within 60 days, the additional capacity fees would be declared delinquent and could be placed on 2016-17 property tax bill along with II aerest al Id pe, Ialties. The properly uwner may choose to cullect moo, I Ie ur all of the additiunal eapaeity fee from the tenant. it the 13uara of uiructurs selucts this uptiorr, statt teel tHat it woold Be appropriate to approve the tenant's sewer permit tollowing the conclusion of the Board Meeting as payment of the additional capacity fees would be secured by the District's ability to place the charge on the property tax bill. Alternatively, tMu tsoara of Directors cuula direct start to enter into an unsecorea agreement directly with the tenant. IDIS. Scardini has indicated that a term of 15 years with an annual interest rate of 6 % would be acceptable. The District has previously entered into such agreements with tenants in similar situations with mixed results. Under this alternative, the Dish int would have I IF methal Iism tu transfer the capacity fee u5ligatiun to a new tenant snuoia ter rangy unange prior to tMe end ut tMe onsecored payment agreement. Finally, the Board of Directors could choose to take no action on this matter and direct the business owner to work with the properly uwner to resolve the capauity fee issue. FIIQARCIAE IMPAGT5: CiRely no tinanclal impacts as any solation is IiRely to include interest payments. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This matter has nut been reviewed by a cumrrrittee doe to the time constraints stated oy the 6osinesb owner. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends that the Board of Directors direct that the property owner be billed for the additional capacity fee and that staff be directed to approve the tenant's sewer permit. M:\EnvrSRv\6oara Agenda ItemsCurrent Orans\1-7-16 FF Ei Aguila FIMAi:.aocx Page 2 or 2