HomeMy WebLinkAbout04. CCCERA & OPEB Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability41, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District December 17, 2015 TO: ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE �1 FROM: DAVID HEATH, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION +� VIA: ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER d,41 SUBJECT: CCCERA & OPEB Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liabilities (UAAL) When the District's audited financials for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 were presented to the Board on November 19, 2015, Member Causey asked for information on the approach being taken to address the reported $70.0 million other post -employment health care benefits (OPEB) unfunded liability. The Board asked staff to address the issue during the upcoming budget process. In the interest of striving for transparency and effectively communicating the annual costs and outstanding liabilities associated with the District's obligations to both retired and current employees, for both pension and OPEB, I offer the following summary derived from our most recent actuarial studies As you are aware staff recently presented the District's annual audited financial statements to our Board including the new GASB 68 reporting disclosures for pension liabilities. As we discussed recently, while the District's pension liability is now included on the District's balance sheet, the major rating agencies (Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch) have opined that there is no impact relative to determining credit ratings as the liability has been known and disclosed in supplemental footnotes to the financial statements previously. This requirement is an attempt to standardize how agencies determine and report pension liabilities for comparability given that there are various public retirement systems which use different methods and amortization periods used to determine pension liabilities, particularly relative to how contribution amounts for funding purposes are calculated. CCCERA UAAL / Annual Fundina Cost The most recent actuarial update of the District's pension liability was performed by CCCERA's actuary Segal Consulting as of December 31, 2014. The UAAL was determined to be $101 million. This is in contrast to the $89.5 million net pension liability reported in the latest audited financial statement of the District, the difference being unrecognized gains earned in excess of the assumed 7.25% investment return as a result of stock market gains over the past four years. The FY 2015-16 current year Annual Required Contribution (ARC)" based on CCCERA's 18 -year amortization period is $17.8 million, $12.6 million for the UAAL and $5.2 million for normal cost. HAUAAL Memorandum.dou For the past three years the District has made supplemental payments toward reducing the CCCERA UAAL, above and beyond the payments required, in the amount of $5 million in FY 2013-14, $5 million in FY 2014-15 and $2.5 million in FY 2015-16. The Board also tentatively approved an additional payment of $2.5 million in FY 2016-17 as part of the long-term planning and rate setting process this past spring. OPEB UAAL /Annual Funding Cost The most recent actuarial update of the District's OPEB liability was performed by the District's actuarial consultant John Bartel as of July 1, 2014. The OPEB unfunded actuarial liability was determined to be $70.0 million. The FY 2015-16 current year ARC* is $7.9 million; $5.6 million for the UAAL and $2.3 for normal cost. The UAAL is being amortized over 30 years and, based on current projections, is expected to be fully funded in approximately 24 years. The District has been making annual contributions to an OPEB trust fund since 2008. The balance in this account was $39.9 million as of June 30, 2015. Relative to the OPEB UAAL, the District has been funding the trust fund since 2008. The current plan is to fully fund the trust thereby eliminating the unfunded obligation at the end of the 30 year amortization period (approximately 24 years remaining as previously mentioned). The District could accelerate funding the trust over an 18 -year period similar to the CCCERA UAAL, if desired, and could potentially make supplemental payments as well. These options would have to be taken into consideration in the next rate making process if the Board would like to consider the option and feels an incremental rate increase would be warranted in the interest of accelerating the payoff of the OPEB liability. *ARC — The level of funding that, if paid on an ongoing basis, is projected to cover normal annual costs each year and amortize any UAAL over a period not to exceed 30 years. In the case of the District's UAAL with CCCERA members are required to amortize over an 18 -year period. CalPERS currently requires a 30 -year amortization period. For OPEB purposes the District is amortizing it's UAAL over a 30 -year period. HAUAAL Memorandum.docx