HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.d.1)c) Action Summary-Administration Committee 12-07-15central
6. d . 1) Cw)
Sanitary District
President Pro Tent
Monday, December 7, 2015 PHONE: (925) 228 -9500
y FAX: (925) 372 -0192
8:00 a.m. www.centralsan.org
2nd Floor Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair David Williams
Member Mike McGill
Other Attendees:
John E. Bartel - President, Bartel Associates, LLC (left after Item 3.)
Kimberly Miller — Assistant Vice President/Account Executive, Alliant Employee Benefits
(present during Item 4.)
Tom Sher — Senior Vice President, Alliant Employee Benefits (present during Item 4.)
Eileen Bissen - Employees' Association, Public Employees Union, Local One
General Manager Roger Bailey
Deputy General Manager Ann Sasaki
Director of Administration David Heath
Human Resources Manager Teji O'Malley
Communication Services and Intergovernmental Relations Mgr. Emily Barnett
Finance Manager Thea Vassallo (left after Item 3.)
Finance Administrator Todd Smithey (left after Item 4.)
Human Resources Analyst Twila Mullenix (left after Item 4.)
District Counsel Kent Alm (arrived during Item 3.)
Accounting Technician III and Local One President David Rolley (arrived during Item 3.)
Assistant to the Secretary of the District Donna Anderson
Call Meeting to Order
Chair Williams called the meeting to order at 8:06 a.m.
Administration Committee Action Summary
December 7, 2015
Page 2
2. Public Comments
3. Receive presentation from John Bartel of Bartel and Associates regarding
reporting of the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) and Other Post -
Employment Benefits (OPEB) as part of annual compensation to District staff
Mr. Bartel reviewed his presentation distributed prior to the meeting. He stated
that when the District responds to future Public Records Act requests or requests
from the State Controller's Office for employee compensation data, he would
recommend against including the UAAL and OPEB as part of any individual
employee's compensation. The portion of the unfunded liabilities that the District
has been attributing to current employees over the past several years is
problematic in that it is not "compensation," but is being reported as such. He
understands the desire for transparency, but the way it has been reported is
easily misinterpreted and overstates compensation.
He acknowledged that reporting requirements from the State are unclear. He
also acknowledged that the information provided to the State Controller's Office
is being used by the State to reflect compensation received. To report a more
accurate and clear picture of employee compensation, Mr. Bartel said the District
should report the normal cost for the current year and then denote elsewhere in
the report the overall contribution made by the District toward unfunded liabilities.
He said that would be consistent with the way most other agencies have been
Mr. Bartel said he based his recommendation on the fact that it is impossible to
separate the amount of unfunded liability attributable to any given employee
because individual employee data has not been tracked separately from
inception. Therefore, including any amount for unfunded liabilities would be
arbitrary. In response to a question from Member Williams as to the possibility of
keeping the data separate from this point forward, Mr. Bartel said the cost of
maintaining such information would not be cost effective relative to the benefit
that would be realized by the District.
Mr. Heath said that he agrees that transparency is paramount and, based on his
experience with other public agencies and after discussions with three other
actuaries, the consensus is that UAAL costs relate to past service provided by
employees. Normal pension cost represents the contribution required to fund the
benefit earned by employees for the current year of service. Since compensation
surveys are designed to capture annual total compensation, they would be
distorted by including past service cost.
Administration Committee Action Summary
December 7, 2015
Page 3
Member McGill asked why the unfunded liabilities were apportioned among
individual employees in the first place. The response was that it was an attempt
to be transparent with respect to the District's unfunded liabilities. Mr. Bartel
noted that doing so would not be problematic had they not been categorized as
"compensation. "
Based on the discussion and advice of Mr. Bartel, Mr. Bailey said he believes the
District should refrain from expressing the unfunded liabilities as a per - capita
compensation figure in favor of expressing them as an operating cost with a clear
explanation. The Committee Members concurred with this approach. Chair
Williams added, however, that the annual unfunded liability payments should be
made very clear in all reporting.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the presentation and provided input to staff.
4. Receive presentation from Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. regarding benefit
broker services that will be provided to the District
Ms. O'Malley introduced Mr. Sher and Ms. Miller of Alliant Employee Benefits,
noting that Alliant recently replaced the benefits broker utilized by the District for
over twenty years. Mr. Sher briefly revievted the presentation distributed in
advance of the meeting. It was noted that Alliant will be working with the District
to review its benefits programs; help facilitate compliance with the Affordable
Care Act (ACA), including the "Pay or Play" and "Cadillac Tax" provisions; and
will help coordinate with District staff and employee bargaining units as needed
to assure that all parties are properly educated on all aspects of the law and
compliance issues with respect to benefits. Eventually, once Alliant has become
fully knowledgeable about the District's programs, a benefits audit will be
Member McGill noted that the District has several consultants working on
different aspects in preparation for the 2017 labor negotiations and asked how
their work will be integrated. Mr. Bailey said the District is in the process of
retaining a consultant to assist with the total compensation survey. Once hired, a
meeting between that consultant, Alliant and IEDA, the District's labor
negotiations consultant, will be arranged to coordinate services.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the presentation and provided input to staff.
5. Update on closed session protocols
Mr. Alm referred to his letter and memorandum circulated prior to the meeting. It
was his recommendation that, while discretionary, closed session minutes be
taken and that the person charged with presentation of the closed session
Administration Committee Action Summary
December 7, 2015
Page 4
materials not typically be the person designated to take and keep the minutes.
Historically, the Secretary of the District has attended closed sessions and
maintained the minutes, but it could be a different person depending on the topic
Mr. Bailey asked if it would be permissible to have a designated minute taker for
certain items, such as labor negotiations, and another for other closed session
items. Mr. Alm said yes, but for consistency and confidentiality, such
designations should be spread among as few individuals as possible.
In terms of his recommendation for minute content, Mr. Alm said there would be
no need to record anything if no action were taken. For action items, it would be
important to maintain who made and seconded the motion, and how each person
voted. Mr. Alm noted that there are only several areas, as pointed out in his
memorandum, where actions must be publicly reported. In the District's case,
those would most likely center on litigation matters, public employment, labor
negotiations, and occasional real estate negotiations. Member McGill suggested
a spreadsheet be prepared covering those areas for reference by the Board
during closed sessions, including when and what must be reported.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and requested a template for
closed session minutes and a spreadsheet summarizing reportable actions
for those areas most likely to affect the District.
6. Standing Items
a. Planning for 2017 Labor Negotiations
1) Review Gantt chart of activities leading up to 2017 Labor
Ms. O'Malley said one minor change had been made to Item 4 to
reflect progress regarding retention of a total compensation
b. Risk Management - No staff report
C. Update on pending litigation re AB 197 (Public Employers Pension Reform
Act of 2013) (PEPRA) and Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement
Association (CCCERA) straddling issues
Mr. Alm reported that briefs are being filed.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Provided input to staff as needed.
Administration Committee Action Summary
December 7, 2015
Page 5
7. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Monday, December 21, 2015 at 8 :00 a.m.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements.
8. Suggestions for future agenda items
Chair Williams asked that further discussion toward developing a code of
conducdethics policy be agendized for the December 21 meeting.
9. Adjournment - at 10:43 a.m.