HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.c. Approve updated administrative overhead percentage of 216% for FY 2016-17Central Contra Costa Sanitary District �' C ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 17, 2015 Subject., APPROVE UPDATED ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD PERCENTAGE OF 216% FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016 -17 Submitted By. Initiating Dept. /Div.: Thea Vassallo, CPA, CMA Administration /Finance & Accounting Finance Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: 121 vJ6 v. Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE: Board approval is needed to revise the annually updated administrative overhead percentage in order to recover the full cost of the indirect services provided by the District. BACKGROUND: In prior years, the purpose of calculating administrative overhead, employee benefits, and non -work hours rates was to follow the Board's direction for the District to recover the full cost of the indirect services it provides. In an effort to set the rate early enough to be used for calculating rates and charges and the negotiation of the Clean Water Program contract, staff brings the annual updated percentage to the Board every year by the first meeting in January. Administrative overhead consists of all administrative indirect costs for the entire District that are incurred for a common purpose benefiting more than one task. This rate includes retiree premiums, administration portion of Other Post - Employment Benefits (OPEB) trust contributions for active and retired employees, and any additional Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) payments allocated to administration. Employee benefits consists of costs associated with retirement pension payments, medical premiums, deferred compensation contributions in lieu of social security, and other similar benefits expressed as a percent of salaries. Non -work hours consists of the value of vacation, sick leave, administrative leave, birthday holiday, and earned overtime expressed as a percentage of annual work hours. During 2013, District staff, in conjunction with Matrix Consulting Group (Matrix), reviewed the methodology used by the District and analyzed other allowable methods used to calculate overhead. Matrix issued its report in March 2014, which stated that the methodology that the District previously used was compliant with state and federal guidelines, and was consistent with other agencies and jurisdictions, so there was no Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 17, 2015 Subject: APPROVE UPDATED ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD PERCENTAGE OF 216% FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016 -17 immediate need for change. It was suggested by several Board Members that staff conduct further analysis as to the District's methodology for calculating the administrative overhead percentage prior to presenting the matter for consideration for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 -15. Consequently, District staff, with the help of Matrix, had proposed and recommended a slightly different methodology for calculating the administrative overhead percentage for FY 2014 -15 and beyond. The four main items addressed by District staff and the consultant included the treatment of the following: • Use of audited or budgeted benefits for the employee benefits component • OPEB contribution for active employees and retirees • Retiree premiums • Additional UAAL payments On April 3, 2014 the Board approved the following: A change /clarification in methodology for calculating the District's administrative overhead percentage, commencing with FY 2014 -15 as follows: • Use audited benefits for the Benefits component of the calculation • Allocate the OPEB contribution for active employees and retirees to their respective departments, and include only the administrative portion in the ,administrative component • Continue to treat retiree premiums as indirect, and include them in the administrative overhead component • Allocate any additional UAAL payments to their respective departments, and include only the administrative portion in the administrative overhead component. 2. A single administrative overhead percentage be used for billing outside agencies, calculating the annual Environmental and Development Rates and Charges, and for internal use in charging to Capital Projects (administrative and non -work hours percentages used); and 3. A three -year smoothing methodology going forward to adjust for volatility in the rate, using FY 2014 -15 as the base year. The rate for FY 2015 -16 would be based on two years and it would not be until FY 2016 -17 that an actual three - year smoothing would be able to be utilized. See Attachment 1 for an administrative overhead summary for the FYs 2016 -17, 2015- 16 and 2014 -15. Page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 17, 2015 subject: APPROVE UPDATED ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD PERCENTAGE OF 216% FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016 -17 ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The administrative overhead calculation methodology could be modified resulting in an increased or reduced percentage. It is not recommended to modify the method again as the new method was Board approved in April 2014. A modification to the methodology would likely raise questions and objections due to a lack of consistency and volatility in the rate. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The administrative overhead percentage is calculated annually for the purpose of recovering administrative overhead and employee benefit costs when charging to capital projects, recovering full costs for services provided to another agency, company or developer, and for customer billings involving labor costs. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The proposed three -year smoothed administrative overhead percentage of 216% for FY 2016 -17 was reviewed by the Finance Committee at its December 8, 2015 meeting. The Committee recommended Board approval. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the use of the administrative overhead percentage of 216% for FY 2016 -17. Attached Supportinq Documents: 1. Administrative Overhead Summary for FY 2016 -17 Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ATTACHMENT 1 Administrative Overhead Summary For the 2016 -17 Budget - Calculated using 2014 -2015 Audited Financial Statements Smoothed Rate 216% 206% 194% 3 year 2 year Inception Comparison of Rate Before Smoothing Current Year 2015 -2016 Increase Employee Benefits 113% Calculation Last Year Two Years ago Year 2016 -2017 2015 -2016 2014 -2015 Employee Benefits 113.04% 100.26% 80.89% Administrative Overhead 106.63% 99.12% 94.92% Non -work Hours 18.12% 17.95% 18.00% Total 237.79% 21734% 193.81% Smoothed Rate 216% 206% 194% 3 year 2 year Inception Comparison of Rate Before Smoothing 2016 -2017 2015 -2016 Increase Employee Benefits 113% 100% Administrative Overhead 107% 99 %0 Non -work Hours 18% 18% Total 08001 n,-,o, roundog Employee Benefits: Retirement rate increases & additional S5M UAAL contribution All other combined variances Total Admin Overhead: Salaries & Technical Services due to filling of vacancies Increase in retirement contribution OPEB retiree premiums paid & all other Total 3 %1 Comparison of Rate Before Smoothing (Prior Year) 2015 -2016 2014 -2015 Increase Employee Benefits 100% 81% 19% Administrative Overhead 99 %, 95% 4 % Non -work Hours 18% 18% 0% Total 217% 194% 23% Summary of Increases Employee Benefits: Retirement rate increases & additional $510 UAAL contribution 19% Admin Overhead: Additional Admin allocation for additional $5M UAAL payment 4 %,