HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.c. (Handout) Revised pages to CAFRNovember 16, 2015
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Customers and
The Honorable Board of Directors,
Martinez, California:
L P (aeelmeht Pages >r CAFA
State law requires that every general - purpose local government publish within six
months of the close of each fiscal year a complete set of audited financial statements.
This report is published to fulfill that requirement for the fiscal year ended June 30,
Management of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (the District) assumes full
responsibility for the completeness and reliability of the information in these financial
statements, based upon a comprehensive system of internal controls that is established
for this purpose. Because the cost of internal control should not exceed anticipated
benefits, the objective is to provide reasonable, rather than absolute, assurance that the
financial statements are free of any material misstatements.
Maze & Associates has issued an unqualified ( "clean ") opinion on the District's financial
statements for the year ended June 30, 2015. The independent auditor's report is
located at the front of the financial section of this report.
Management's Discussion and Analysis report (MD &A) immediately follows the
independent auditor's report and provides a narrative introduction, overview, and
analysis of the basic financial statements. The MD &A complements this letter of
transmittal and should be read in conjunction with it.
History and Services Provided
The District was established in 1946 under the Sanitary District Act of 1923 and is
located about 30 miles east of San Francisco. The District builds, operates and
maintains the facilities required to collect and process wastewater for approximately
339,000 residents of Danville, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Orinda, Pleasant Hill, San
Ramon, Walnut Creek and some of the unincorporated communities within Central
Contra Costa County. The District also treats wastewater for 137,400 residents of the
Cities of Concord and Clayton under a 1974 contract with the City of Concord.
The District is committed to protecting the public health and preserving the environment
while minimizing facility and operating costs. The District has approximately 1,500
miles of sewer pipeline, ranging in size from 4 inches to 102 inches in diameter, and 19
sewage - pumping stations (three of which are privately owned) in the District's sewage
collection system. The District is the sole provider of wastewater service within the
District limits (see map of service area). Residents make up th.e largest segment of the
District's customer base representing approximately 83% of the Sewer Service Charge
revenue. The District's treatment capacity has grown from 4.5 million gallons per day
(mgd) initiated in 1948 to 53.8 mgd currently. Bonds, state grants, federal grants, and
pay -as- you -go resources of the District have financed expansions.
The District also provides an alternative source of water for irrigation by producing high
quality recycled water. Recycled water can safely be used on freeway landscaping,
street medians, golf courses, athletic fields, parks, playgrounds, schoolyards and multi-
family residential common areas. With the continued drought conditions in California,
the District opened a residential recycled water fill station with seven hoses to keep up
with demand from residents in the area.
In addition to its wastewater responsibility, the District also operates and maintains a
permanent Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Facility in partnership with
Mountain View Sanitary District and other local governments. The HHW Collection
Facility is located adjacent to the District's wastewater treatment plant and seeks to
keep pollutants out of the sewer system, making this facility an important part of our
Pollution Prevention Program. Completing its eighteenth year of operation, the HHW
currently serves over 30,000 residential and small business customers, from which over
2 million pounds of hazardous waste is collected and properly disposed of each year.
Organization, Accounting and Budgetary Controls
A five - member Board of Directors governs the District. Board members are elected on
a non - partisan basis and serve a four -year term. The Board appoints the General
Manager, who in accordance with policies established by the Board of Directors,
manages District affairs. The District employs 270 regular employees organized in
threefew departments led by Managers responsible for their budgets and expenses.
The three departments are: Administrative, Engineering, and Operations.
The District, by law, uses an enterprise fund to account for its operations and is run in a
manner similar to private industry. The District currently has one enterprise fund which
is comprised of four internal sub - funds:
• Running Expense - accounts for the general operations of the District.
Substantially all operating revenues and expenses are accounted for in this fund
(also referred to as Operations & Maintenance or O &M).
• Sewer Construction - accounts for non - operating revenues that are to be used for
acquisition or construction of plant, property, and equipment (also referred to as the
Capital Fund).
• Self- Insurance - accounts for interest earnings on cash balances in this sub -fund
and cash allocations from other funds, as well as costs of insurance premiums and
claims not covered by the District's insurance policies.
• Debt Service — accounts for activity associated with the payment of the District's
long term bonds and loans.
Each year, the Board adopts the following four budgets: Operations and Maintenance,
Capital Improvement and Sewer Construction, Self- Insurance, and Debt - Service. The
Board Finance Committee reviews disbursements prior to each regular Board meeting,
and disbursements are then approved by the full Board. Monthly financial statements
are issued to management and the Board. A detailed mid -year and annual budget
analysis are prepared and presented to the Board. District management is accountable
for variances and adhering to budget constraints. The District also has several
documented financial policies that are reviewed and updated as appropriate.
Local Economy and Outlook
Nationally, the forecast for gross domestic product is to trend towards modest growth,
slower than the historic average, as most large metropolitan areas have recovered from
the recession of 2008. Unemployment continues to decrease in California as more jobs
in the tech sector are being created. According to the Legislative Analyst's Office
(LAO), the state's revenues will be about $2 billion higher than estimated which will help
the state build reserves up to $4.2 billion. Maintaining a $4 billion reserve, however,
would allow little to no new spending commitments in the near future. The state's
priorities continue to be to pay off existing debts and to build up the rainy -day fund to
help minimize the effects of boom and bust cycles.
According to the UCLA Anderson forecast, while the U.S. job growth is led mostly by
increases in construction, automobiles, and business investments, as well as high
consumer demand, California's tech sector is the leading factor in the state's
employment growth. The tech sector has grown beyond Silicon Valley and into San
Francisco and San Mateo, which also led to strong increases in the real estate market
in the Bay Area. Low interest rates on mortgages continue to make real estate
development and home buying attractive to potential buyers.
Increased home values have led to growth and new connections in the service area
which continue to benefit the District. Concord and Walnut Creek continue to expand
their commercial and residential projects which have increased sewer service charges
and connections fees. The District and the bargaining units have agreed on a five -year
contract that will go to December 2017. The current labor contract progressively
eliminates employee retirement costs being paid for by the District. Payment of the
unfunded liability is a major concern for the District as it is for many public entities. An
additional payment for the unfunded actuarial accrued liability is included as part of the
financial plan for the District to alleviate future fiscal obligation of the unfunded liability.
The District has an excellent reputation in all areas of public service, which include
finance, collection, treatment, training, safety, technology, capital projects, construction
and customer service. The District has balanced revenue sources, adequate reserves,
and a moderate debt obligation. The District reviews its rate and other charges
annually. The District can increase its sewer service charge rates when needed to make
up revenue shortfalls by providing public notice to all customers, holding a Public
Hearing, and obtaining approval by the Board of Directors. The District is also able to
obtain bond financing, as needed, due to the District's AAA bond rating. The District
anticipates that it will continue to meet its mission and goals, continue to provide
excellent customer service and reasonable rates to its customers, and meet compliance
requirements given the current economic conditions.
Long -Term Financial Planning_
District management analyzes and updates their strategic plan every two yearsar4+a4,
with the sixfeur FnaiR goals being: meet all regulatory requirements for the good of the
community and the environment, ensure financial stability, develop our human capital
resources, be a leader in the wastewater industry, provide exceptional customer
service, and maintain a reliable wastewater infrastructure. pFevidiRg _ se,t+eaal
GsteMer SeeiGe, aVntaiR+agftll -.rate.--,
aad-- seet+ee+eg -to be - . Strategies to achieve each of
the goals are developed, as well as metrics to evaluate success. The District performs
a 10 -year long -term cash flow forecast each year shortly before the budget process
begins. The main economic factors considered in long -range forecasting are: the
impact of state legislation and mandates, regulatory compliance, Governmental
Accounting Standards Board (GASB) requirements, negotiated salary increases and
employee benefits (including significant increases in retirement and health care costs),
energy costs and interpreting the energy market, housing growth, and infrastructure
renewal and replacement needs. The District has a significant amount of unfunded
actuarial liability for both pension and other post employment costs (OPEB) and various
options for managing these liabilities are explored in the financial planning process.
Relevant Financial Policies
Investment Policy: The District's investment policies for District assets and GASB 45
Trust are reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Directors in accordance with
District investment policy. Section 53646 of the California Government Code governs
our investment practices, and is reviewed annually by staff, legal counsel and the
Board. No required changes were necessary. The Board receives monthly financial
statements that include District investment performance. Since 2008, the GASB 45
Trust investments are in a moderate investment strategy fund. The Board Finance
Committee reviews GASB 45 Trust quarterly financial statements to monitor the
District's investment strategy.
Major Initiatives
The District's vision is to be a high - performance organization that provides exceptional
customer service and full regulatory compliance at responsible rates. -F-u-4 Rregulatory
compliance is provided through utilizing best management practice in ou exGeptieRa 1.
operation of our collection system and treatment facilities, as well as through continued
investment in our infrastructure.
The District has received the Platinum award from the National Association of Clean
Water Agencies (NACWA) for 17 straight years in recognition of 100% compliance with
our National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. It has also
reduced the number of sanitary sewer overflows by more than 60% in the past 10 years
by improved sewer cleaning and a robust sewer rehabilitation program.
The District adopted a two year Strategic Business Plan for FY 14 -15 through FY 15-
16. The Strategic Business Plan establishes policy direction and identifies six goals with
key performance indicators that provide a roadmap for achieving increased
effectiveness and efficiencies. Included in the Strategic Plan was the preparation of a
Wastewater Cost -of- Service Study and Staffing Needs Assessment. The purpose of
the Cost -of- Service Study was to independently assess and evaluate the District's
existing wastewater rates, to provide a fair and reasonable rate structure and to ensure
the proportionate recovery of costs from all customer classes. The Board adopted the
recommended rate structure and associated rates in June 2015. The purpose of the
Staffing Needs Assessment was to make sure that the District's staffing level was
optimal based on the level of service our customers expect, the size and complexity of
the collection and treatment system and our focus on remaining efficient and effective
in running our business. The conclusion of the study was that the District is staffed at
the right level.
In order to effectively manage assets to meet future state and federal regulatory
requirements, the District initiated an Asset Management Program and the preparation
of a Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan to evaluate options for addressing future
regulatory requirements. The Master Plan will be completed in December 2016.
The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada
(GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to
the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for its comprehensive annual financial report
for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014. This was the fifteenth consecutive year that the
District has achieved this prestigious award. In order to be awarded a Certificate of
Achievement, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized
comprehensive annual financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted
accounting principles and applicable legal requirements.
A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe that our
current comprehensive annual financial report continues to meet the program's
. _ .. ..
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The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada
(GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to
the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for its comprehensive annual financial report
for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014. This was the fifteenth consecutive year that the
District has achieved this prestigious award. In order to be awarded a Certificate of
Achievement, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized
comprehensive annual financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted
accounting principles and applicable legal requirements.
A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe that our
current comprehensive annual financial report continues to meet the program's
requirements and we are submitting it to the GFOA to determine its eligibility for
another certificate.
This report could not have been accomplished without the dedication and commitment
provided by District staff. I would like to express my appreciation to the following
employees who assisted in its preparation:
• The Finance and Accounting staff who compiled the information contained in this
document with a special thanks to Chris Thomas, Senior Accountant, and Jamie
King, Accountant.
• The Reproduction and Graphics Team who creatively and professionally prepared
this finished document.
• Engineering and Operations staff who provided much of the statistical information
included in this document.
• The District's Board of Directors and Management Team for their support in
preparing this document as well as their day -to -day support in conducting the
financial operations of the District in a prudent and responsible manner.
Respectfully submitted,
Thea Vassallo
Finance Manager
Organization Chart - Composite
Secretary of the I I I I I I Engineering &
District Administration Operations Technical
Information Collection Capital Projects
System Technology y Division
Purchasing &
Planning &
Svcs. & Intergov.
Management ix
Counsel for the