HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-05-15MINUTES*
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Board Room
Thursday, November 5, 2015
2:00 p.m.
Prr, stden t
President Pro Tem
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President McGill
at 2 :00 p.m. Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme called roll:
PRESENT. • Members: Causey, Nejedly, Pilecki, Williams, McGill
ABSENT. Members: None
a. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
The Board, staff and audience joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
a. Approve minutes of October 15, 2015 Board meeting.
b. Approve expenditures dated November 5, 2015. Approval recommended by
Finance Committee.
C. Receive September 2015 Financial Statements and Investment Reports.
Approval recommended by Finance Committee.
d. Approve proposed Board Member conference attendance for 2016. Approval
recommended by Administration Committee.
These summary minutes are supplemented by a corresponding video recording available on the District's
website at centralsan.org.
Book 64 — Page 124
November 5, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 64 - Page 125
e. Approve updates to the following Board Policies:
1) Board Policy No. BP 010 —Contractual Assessment Districts (CADs); and
2) Board Policy No. BP 022 -Alhambra Valley Assessment Districts (AVADs).
Approval recommended by Administration Committee.
f. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Alliant
Employee Benefits to provide employee benefits broker services. Approval
recommended by Administration Committee.
g. Adopt Resolution No. 2015 -038 authorizing the execution of three quitclaim
deeds to Manuel and Elba Gomez, Drew and Heather Bennett, and Adrian
and Vanessa Kayari, for offers of dedication of sanitary sewer easements
located on Livorna Road in Alamo (Job 6572); and authorizing staff to record
documents in the Office of the Contra Costa County Recorder.
h. Approve 6.6 percent salary adjustment (from $234,496.08 to $250,000 per
year) for General Manager Roger S. Bailey and amendments to his 2013
Employment Agreement effective retroactively to August 19, 2015.
Renew contract with District labor and employment counsel Hanson Bridgett
LLP and W. Daniel Clinton effective January 1, 2016 for a one -year period,
with an option to renew for a second year. Approval recommended by
Administration Committee.
j. Approve a contingency project in an amount not to exceed $115,000 for
installation of an automated commercial recycled water truck fill station on the
District's Kiewit property, and approve a supplemental authorization of
$80,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund to the Recycled Water Program
Contingency Account. Approval recommended by Engineering & Operations
General Manager Roger Bailey stated that Item 3.j. was deferred for consideration at
a later date. Member Pilecki requested that Item 3.h. be pulled for discussion.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Pilecki and seconded by
Member Causey to adopt Consent Calendar Items 3.a -3.g. and Item 3.i, as
recommended, and to defer Item 3.j. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the
With respect to Item 3.h., Member Pilecki said he preferred using pool cars and
mileage reimbursement rather than the monthly car allowance included in the
proposed amendment to Mr. Bailey's Employment Agreement. He said his decision
to vote against the amendment was on that basis alone and not a reflection on
Mr. Bailey's job performance, which has been excellent.
November 5, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 64 - Page 126
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Causey and seconded by
Member Nejedly to adopt Consent Calendar Item. 3.h. as recommended.
Motion passed by the following vote:
Causey, Nejedly, Williams, McGill
Due to time constraints, closed session Item 9.a. was taken out of order, in the
middle of the discussion of Item 6. a. Following the closed session, the discussion
briefly resumed for Item 6.a.
a. General Manager
1) Presentation by consultant Dave Richardson, P.E. of RMC Water and
Environment on the District's Recycled Water Wholesaling Study.
Reviewed by Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee.
Mr. Bailey said the Board has expressed a strong desire to help
augment the region's water supply with the treated effluent produced at
the District's plant. In order to accomplish that, earlier in the year,
consultant RMC Water and Environment was retained to help identify
potential wholesale customers and issues surrounding how to utilize
more of the District's recycled water. He acknowledged that this topic
involves very complex water supply issues, which can be riddled with
legal and physical constraints as well as institutional concerns.
Before introducing Dave Richardson of RMC to present the results of
the study, Mr. Bailey acknowledged the general managers and
representatives from local water sector agencies who were in
attendance and thanked them for their interest. He said the District did
not wish to overlook the concerns that other agencies may have with
the scenarios presented by RMC.
Mr. Richardson reviewed his presentation on the results of the recycled
water wholesaling study that was included with the agenda materials
and responded to questions from the Board Members.
The public comment period began with Bob Whitley, Co -Chair of the
East Bay Leadership Council (EBLC) Water Task Force, who stated
that the report is a good starting point. He called on all water sector
agencies to work together and develop a strategy for the best way to
manage water resources.
November 5, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 64 - Page 127
Gary Darling, General Manager of Delta Diablo and Co -Chair of the
EBLC Water Task Force echoed Mr. Whitley's comments about the
importance of working together.
Bert Michalczyk, recently retired General Manager of Dublin San
Ramon Services District ( DSRSD) and a Central San ratepayer, noted
that the District's service area overlaps three major water systems:
Contra Costa Water District (CCWD), East Bay Municipal Utility District
(EBMUD), and DSRSD (which provides clean water to the Dougherty
Valley). He suggested solving water issues one at a time by not
overlooking "quick wins" and doing the right thing for the community.
Chad Davisson, General Manager of Ironhouse Sanitary District, noted
that the situation the water agencies find themselves in today is the
result of a "siloed way of thinking," which makes working together
problematic. He was very pleased to have the opportunity to hear the
presentation and be a part of the discussion.
Member Pilecki said that, from a recycled water perspective, the
District needs to pursue something that works for everyone. He also
pointed out that Central San is moving forward with smaller projects,
such as the Diablo Country Club satellite recycled water scalping plant.
Member Williams cited the Urban Water Management Act of California,
which states that it is the responsibility of the water districts to provide
future water supplies to their customers. He said water districts are
balancing a very difficult issue because recycled water is expensive.
He said he has a problem with Central San, as a wastewater agency,
thinking it knows what is best for drinking water agencies. The District,
moving forward on its own to provide recycled water when it is the
water districts' responsibility to do so creates government chaos. The
solution is to cooperate and collaborate with the water agencies.
Member Nejedly said that until there is cooperation from the water
agencies, the District will be fighting an uphill battle to do what is right
and make something happen with respect to the more than 20 million
gallons per day of treated effluent water that is generated by Central
San. Utilizing the District's treated effluent in place of potable water
whenever possible is the right thing to do. He expressed appreciation
to all the water sector representatives for attending the meeting.
Member Causey said the most important takeaway from this
discussion was the importance of everyone working together as
collaborators to solve these difficult challenges. He cited the
importance of looking forward, not back, to better serve customers.
November 5, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 64 - Page 128
BOARD ACTION: Received the presentation and provided input.
2) General Manager Announcements
a. Annual notices mailed to Reimbursement Account Holders
b. LAFCO removes District Annexation (DA) 186 -Magee Ranch
(Danville) from its calendar
C. District renews Transparency Certificate of Excellence offered
by the California Special Districts Association (CSDA)
d. Update on Residential Recycled Water Fill Station
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements.
b. Counsel for the District
1) Announce closed session (pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.7)
District Counsel Kent Alm announced that a closed session would be
held for Item 9. a.
2) District Counsel Kent Alm announced that his associate, Linda Ross,
who has been working under his supervision to represent the District in
ongoing litigation involving Contra Costa County Retirement Association
(CCCERA), recently left Meyers Nave to join a law firm specializing in
labor and employment law, Renne Sloan Holtzman Sakai LLP. Absent
any objections from the Board, Mr. Alm said he plans to continue
working with Ms. Ross through her new firm due to her familiarity with
the cases and the superior work she has provided to date.
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements.
C. Secretary of the District
Ms. Boehme announced the following upcoming meetings:
Board Strategic Planning Workshop — Friday, November 6 at 8:30 a.m.
Finance — Tuesday, November 10 at 2 p.m.
Engineering & Operations, Tuesday, November 10 at 3 p.m.
Real Estate, Environmental & Planning — Thursday, November 12 at 2 p.m.
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements.
November 5, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 64 - Page 129
d. Board Members
1) Board Member reports on recent meetings or conferences for which
they received the stipend or for which the District paid their expenses;
and future meetings or conferences for which they will receive the
stipend or for which the District will pay their expenses.
Member Nejedly
a) October 27, 2015 — Finance Committee meeting — Member
Nejedly and Member Pilecki.
Member Pilecki
b) October 13, 2015 — Real Estate, Environmental & Planning
Committee meeting — Member Pilecki and President McGill.
c) October 16, 2015 — Real Estate, Environmental & Planning
Committee meeting — Member Pilecki and President McGill.
President McGill
• October 19, 2015 — California Special Districts Association —
Contra Costa Chapter quarterly meeting.
• October 19 -23 — California Public Employers Labor Relations
Association (CALPELRA) Conference in Monterey.
d) October 26, 2015 — Administration Committee meeting —
President McGill and Member Pilecki (Alternate).
BOARD ACTION: Received the reports.
2) Board Member Announcements
President McGill provided a written report covering his announcements
and other meetings.
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements.
3) Board Member requests for authorization to receive a stipend for
meeting attendance or expense reimbursement not specifically
addressed in the current Board Compensation Resolution, or
authorization for conference attendance not previously approved by
the Board.
No requests.
November 5, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 64 - Page 130
4) Consider appointing Member Pilecki as Board Liaison to Mt. View
Sanitary District — President McGill.
Mr. Alm noted that, as with other Board Liaison appointments,
Mr. Pilecki would be entitled to a stipend.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Williams and
seconded by President McGill to appoint Member Pilecki as Board
Liaison to Mt. View Sanitary District. Motion passed by the
following vote:
AYES: Causey, Nejedly, Williams, McGill
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Pilecki
a. Discuss Draft Goals and Levels of Service to guide policy decisions in
conjunction with the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP)
Reviewed by Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee.
Consultant Steve McDonald of Carollo Engineers reviewed an abbreviated
version of his presentation included with the agenda materials.
Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean -Marc Petit started to
review the presentation of CWMP Goals and Levels of Service; however, due
to time constraints, the Board Members interrupted the discussion to briefly
meet in closed session regarding Item 9.a.
Upon returning from closed session and in the interest of time, Mr. Bailey
suggested that staff provide each Board Member with an electronic copy of
the draft Goals and Levels of Services to allow each of them to redline any
suggested changes. Staff will compile the suggestions and return to the
Board at a future meeting to discuss further. Mr. Bailey noted that the focus
should be on the Levels of Service more than the Goals.
Member Causey noted that "resource recovery" encompasses more than
wastewater and suggested using the term "water sector" agencies to better
capture what the future will look like. There was general consensus to adopt
this suggestion.
BOARD ACTION: Received the presentation.
November 5, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 64 - Page 131
9. CLOSED SESSION (not on video)
This item was taken out of order, during the middle of Item 6.a.
The Board recessed at 4:36 p.m. to convene in closed session in the Caucus Room
regarding the following matter.
a. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation - significant exposure
to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b):
69 La Espiral in Orinda.
The Board recessed at 4:52 p.m. to reconvene in the Board Room in open
session to continue the discussion of Item 6.a.
With regard to the Item 9. a., Mr. Alm reported that direction was given to District
The meeting was adjourned at 4:59 p.m.
Michael R. Mo Pff
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme, CMC
Secretary of the District
Centra! Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California