HomeMy WebLinkAbout04. Board Code of Ethics PolicyKoi-k-s I November 23, 2015 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 41b TO: ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE'�'� FROM: ELAINE R. BOEHME, SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT .IVQ SUBJECT: BOARD CODE OF ETHICS POLICY At the recent Board Governance Workshop, the Board discussed various matters that fall within the scope of a Board Code of Ethics policy. These included communication protocols between the Board, General Manager and staff, and confidentiality with regard to closed sessions. EBMUD and several other agencies have adopted such policies, and several samples are attached. Member Williams requested that this matter be placed on an Administration Committee agenda for discussion as to whether there is interest in developing a Board Code of Ethics policy and the appropriate process for doing so. N: \ADMINSUP \ADMIN \DIST- SEC\ COMMITTEES \Administration \11 -23 -15 to Admin Comm re Code of Ethics.dou POLICY #: 900.1001 SUBJECT: CODE OF ETHICS/VALUES/NORMS EFFECTIVE DATE: November 12, 2014 REVISION DATES: None RESPONSIBILITY: BOARD OF DIRECTORS L PURPOSE West Valley Sanitation District designed its Code of Ethics to provide clear, positive statements of ethical behavior reflecting the core values of the District and the communities it serves. The Code includes practical strategies for addressing ethical questions and a useful framework for decision making and handling the day -to -day operations of the District. The Code is developed to reflect the issues and concerns of today's complex and diverse society. 2. POLICY The Board of Directors of West Valley Sanitation District is committed to providing excellence in legislative leadership that result in the provision of the highest quality services to its constituents and to comply with State laws including AB 1234. The District has adopted this Code of Ethics to promote and maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct in the District's government. All Board Members and District employees who participate in the District's government are required to subscribe to this Code, understand how it applies to their specific responsibilities and practice in their work. In order to assist in the governance of the behavior between and among members of the Board of Directors and District staff, the following rules shall be observed. A. The dignity, style, values and opinions of each Director shall be respected. B. Responsiveness and attentive listening in communication is encouraged. C. The needs of the District's constituents should be the priority of the Board of Directors. When a Director believes he /she may have a conflict of interest, the legal counsel shall be requested to make a determination if one exists or not. D. The primary responsibility of the Board of Directors is the formulation and evaluation of policy. Routine matters concerning the operational aspects of the District are to be Page 1 of 3 delegated to professional staff members of the District. E. Directors should commit themselves to emphasizing the positive, avoiding double talk, hidden agendas, gossip, backbiting, and other negative forms of interaction. F. Directors should commit themselves to focusing on issues and not personalities. The presentation of the opinions of others should be encouraged. Cliques and voting blocks based on personalities rather than issues should be avoided. G. Differing viewpoints are healthy in the decision - making process. Individuals have the right to disagree with ideas and opinions, but without being disagreeable. Once the Board of Directors takes action, Directors should commit to supporting said action and not to create barriers to the implementation of said action. H. Directors should practice the following procedures: 1. In seeking clarification on informational items, Directors may directly approach professional staff members to obtain information needed to supplement, upgrade, or enhance their knowledge to improve legislative decision - making. 2. In handling complaints from residents and property owners of the District, said complaints should be referred directly to the District Manager and Engineer. 3. In handling items related to safety, concerns for safety or hazards should be reported to the District Manager and Engineer or to the District office. Emergency situations should be dealt with immediately by seeking appropriate assistance. 4. In presenting items for discussion at Board meetings, see the District's Ordinance Code, Chapter 2 Board of Directors. In seeking clarification for policy- related concerns, especially those involving personnel, legal action, land acquisition and development, finances, and programming, said concerns should be referred directly to the District Manager and Engineer or legal counsel. I. If approached by District personnel concerning specific District policy, Directors should direct inquiries to the appropriate staff supervisor or manager or District Manager and Engineer. The chain of command should be followed. J. The work of the District is a team effort. All individuals should work together in the collaborative process, assisting each other in conducting the affairs of the District. 1. When responding to constituent requests and concerns, Directors should be courteous, responding to individuals in a positive manner and routing their questions through appropriate channels and to responsible management personnel. Page 2 of 3 2. Directors should develop a working relationship with the District Manager and Engineer wherein current issues, concerns and District projects can be discussed comfortably and openly. 3. Directors should function as a part of the whole. Issues should be brought to the attention of the Board as a whole, rather than to individual members selectively. 4. Directors are responsible for monitoring the District's progress in attaining its goals and objectives, while pursuing its mission. 3. REFERENCE A. AB 1234, Local Agencies Compensation and Ethics B. District Ordinance Code, Chapter 2, Board of Directors APPROVED: By the Board of Directors of West Valley Sanitation District on Nov. 12, 2014. Page 3 of 3 N M CODE OF ETHICS For The City of Pismo Beach Council, Boards and Commission Members Adopted by the Pismo Beach City Council Date approved — October 4, 2005 Preamble All citizens and businesses of Pismo Beach are entitled to have fair, ethical and accountable local government, which has earned the public's full confidence for integrity. In keeping with the City of Pismo Beach's commitment to excellence, the effective functioning of democratic government, therefore, requires that: « Public officials, both elected and appointed, comply with both the letter and spirit of the laws and policies affecting the operations of government; • Public officials be independent, impartial and fair in their judgment and actions; • Public office be used for public good, not for personal gain; • Public deliberations and processes be conducted openly, unless legally confidential, in an atmosphere of respect and civility. This Code of Ethics, as adopted by the Pismo Beach City Council pertains to members of the City Council and of the City's boards and commissions and to those vendors doing business with our city, to assure public confidence in the integrity of local government and its effective and fair operation. 1. Acts in the Public Interest Members will work for the common good of the people of Pismo Beach and not for any private or personal interest, and they will assure fair and equal treatment of all persons, claims and transactions coming before the Pismo Beach City Council, boards and commissions. 2. Comply with the Law Members shall comply with the laws of the nation, the State of California and the City of Pismo Beach in the performance of their public duties. These laws include but are not limited to: The United States and California constitutions, Fair Political Practices laws pertaining to conflicts of interest, election campaigns, financial disclosures, employer responsibilities and open processes of government and adopted City ordinances and policies. 3. Conduct of Members The professional and personal conduct of members must be above reproach and avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Members shall refrain from abusive conduct, personal charges or verbal attacks upon the character or motives of other members of the council, boards and commissions, the public and staff. Pismo Beach Code of Ethics Page 1 of 4 W. 4. Respect for Process Members shall perform their duties in accordance with the processes and rules of order established by the City council and boards and commissions governing the deliberation of public policy issues, meaningful involvement of the public and implementation of policy decisions of the City Council by staff. 5. Conduct of Public Meetings Members shall prepare themselves for public issues, listen courteously and attentively to all public discussions before the body and focus on the business at hand. They shall refrain from interrupting other speakers, making personal comments not germane to the business of the body or otherwise interfering with the orderly conduct of meetings. 6. Decisions Based on Merit Members shall base their decisions on the merits and substance of the matter at hand, rather than on unrelated considerations. 7. Communication Members shall publicly share substantive information that is relevant to a matter under consideration by the Council or boards and commissions, which they may have received from sources outside of the public decision making process. 8. Conflict of Interest In order to assure their independence and impartiality on behalf of the common good, members shall not use their official positions to influence government decisions in which they have a material financial interest or where they have an organizational responsibility or personal relationship, which may give the appearance of a conflict of interest. In accordance with the law, members shall disclose investments, interests in real property, source of income, and gifts, and they shall abstain from participating in deliberations and decision - making where conflicts may exist. 9. Gifts and Favors Members shall refrain from accepting any gifts, favors or promises of future benefits which might compromise their independence of judgment or action or give the appearance of being compromised. 10. Confidential Information Members shall respect the confidentiality of information concerning property, personnel or affairs of the City. They shall neither disclose confidential information without proper legal authorization, nor use such information to advance their personal, financial or private interests. 11. Use of Public Resources Members shall not use public resources unavailable to the public in general, such as City staff time, equipment, supplies or facilities, for private gain or personal purposes. Pismo Beach Code of Ethics Page 2 of 4 12. Representation of Public Interests In keeping with their role as stewards of the public interest, members shall not appear on behalf of the private interests of third parties before the Council or any board, commission or proceeding of the City, nor shall members of boards and commissions appear before their own bodies or before the Council on behalf of the private interests of third parties on matters related to the areas of service of their bodies. 13. Advocacy Members shall represent the official policies or positions of the City Council, board or commission to the best of their ability when designated as delegates for this purpose. When presenting their individual opinions and positions, members shall explicitly state they do not represent their body or the City of Pismo Beach, nor will they allow inference that they do. 14. Policy Role of Members Members shall respect and adhere to the council- manager structure of Pismo Beach City government as outlined by the Pismo Beach Municipal Code. In this structure, the City Council determines the policies of the City, with the advice, information and analysis provided by the public, boards and commissions and City staff. Except as provided by the City Municipal Code, members shall not interfere with the administrative functions of the City or the professional duties of City staff, nor shall they impair the ability of staff to implement Council policy decisions. 15. Independence of Boards and Commissions Because of the value of the independent advice of boards and commissions to the public decision- making process, members of Council shall refrain from using their position to unduly influence the deliberations or outcomes of board and commission proceedings. 16. Positive Work Place Environment Members shall support the maintenance of a positive and constructive work place for the City employees and for the citizens and businesses dealing with the City. Members shall recognize their special role in dealings with City employees to in no way create the perception of inappropriate direction to staff. 17. Implementation The Pismo Beach Code of Ethics is intended to be self - enforcing, and is an expression of standards of conduct for members expected by the City. It therefore becomes most effective when members are thoroughly familiar with it and embrace its provisions. For this reason, ethical standards shall be included in the regular orientations for candidates for City Council, applicants to boards and commissions, and newly elected and appointed officials. Members entering office shall sign a statement affirming they have read and understand the City of Pismo Beach Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics shall be reviewed annually by the City Council, boards and commissions, and the City Pismo Beach Code of Ethics Page 3 of 4 Council shall consider recommendations from boards and commissions and update as necessary. 18. Compliance and Enforcement The chairs of boards and commissions and the Mayor have the additional responsibility to intervene when actions of members that appear to be in violation of the Code of Ethics are brought to their attention, The City Council may impose sanctions on members whose conduct does not comply with the City's ethical standards, such as reprimand, formal censure, loss of seniority or committee assignment, or budget restriction. Under the City's Municipal Code, the City Council may also remove members of boards and commissions from office. A violation of this Code of Ethics shall not be considered as a basis for challenging the validity of a council, board or commission decision. Pismo Beach Code of Ethics Page 4 of 4 r SBIAA Code of Ethics San Bernardino International Airport Authority Code of Ethics The San Bernardino International Airport Authority ( "SBIAA" or "Authority ") Code of Ethics expresses a commitment by officers and employees to uphold a standard of integrity beyond that required by law. As part of their commitment to the Authority,. all officers and employees shall apply this Code of Ethics in their day -to -day service to-the San Bernardino International Airport Authority. These ethical standards shall be included in orientation for all elected and appointed officials and employees. These standards may be reviewed and amended by the SBIAA Commission as appropriate. Actions and Conduct Officers and employees shall adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct to enhance public confidence and trust in the Authority. Officers and employees shall promote the interests of the Authority, be open, transparent, responsive, and respectful to each other as well as to all individuals and organizations doing business with the Authority. . Conflicts of Interest Officers and employees of the Authority shall avoid participation in any decision or business transaction on behalf of the Authority, which creates an actual or perceived conflict of interest. All officers and employees shall comply with the provisions of the SBIAA Conflict of Interest Code, included in this policy as Attachment A; specific reporting requirements are set forth in Appendix A and B. Informed Decision Making Officers and employees of the SBIAA shall prepare themselves for public meetings and provide accurate, honest, transparent, comprehensive and timely information and recommendations when conducting Authority business. Use of Confidential Information Officers and employees of the Authority shall respect the confidential nature of information and shall refrain from disclosing confidential information concerning litigation, personnel, property, or other affairs of the SBIAA without proper legal authority. Acceptance of Favors and Gratuities Officers and employees of the SBIAA shall not take special advantage of services or opportunities for personal gain. Officers and employees shall refrain from accepting any gifts, favors, or promises of future benefits, which may compromise or appear to compromise their exercise of professional judgment. Use of Authority Resources for Private Gain Officers and employees of the SBIAA will not use Authority resources or facilities for private gain or personal benefit. Fiscal Responsibility Officers and employees shall take into account the long term financial needs of the Authority and shall attempt to use the most reasonable, transparent, direct and efficient cost of goods and services in an open and competitive market when conducting Authority business. Implementation of the Code Officers and employees of the SBIAA have the primary responsibility to ensure that ethical standards are understood and met. The SBIAA Code of Ethics is intended to be fundamentally self - enforcing. Reporting Violations of the SBIAA Code of Ethics, actual or perceived, should be reported, and will be kept in strict confidence. Perceived violations of the Code of Ethics by SBIAA officers are to be reported to the President or Vice President of the SBIAA Commission; perceived violations by SBIAA employees are to be reported to the Executive Director. Citizen concerns regarding perceived violations should be addressed to the SBIAA Assistant Secretary of the Commission, who will forward the concern to the appropriate authority. No officer or employee shall be disciplined for informing the SBIAA President or the Executive Director of such violations. Conflict of Interest Code The Political Reform Act (PRA) was adopted by the voters of California in 1974. The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) serves as the enforcement agency for the PRA and develops required reporting forms, prepares manuals and aids agencies with training, record keeping and reporting. One of the PRA's main purposes is to prevent financial conflicts of interest on the part of public officials. The Act requires public officials to disclose all financial interests, such as investments, interests in real estate or sources of income, which may affect the exercise of his or her official duties. If a public official has a conflict of interest, the PRA may require the official to disqualify himself or herself from making or participating in a government decision, or using his or her official position to influence a government decision. The PRA requires every state or local government agency to adopt a Conflict of Interest Code, to conduct a biennial review of the code and provide a list of designated positions. The SBIAA Conflict of Interest Code was originally adopted by resolution in 1993. The Code is viewed and/or amended by resolution of the SBIAA Commission on a biennial basis in accordance with provisions of the Political Reform Act. Government Code Section 82011(b) identifies the County Board of Supervisors as the code reviewing body for the SBIAA which reviews and approves, or reviews and requests revisions to, all amendments, revisions, updates, etc. to the SBIAA Conflict of Interest Code. 2 4633 Policy 6.04 EBMUD EFFECTIVE 26 JUN 12 ETHICS POLICY OF THE SUPERSEDES 09 JAN 07 EBMUD BOARD OF DIRECTORS IT IS THE POLICY OF THE EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO: Promote ethical behavior in the conduct of district business. Purpose and Scope The proper operation of EBMUD requires that Board members remain objective and responsive to the needs of the public they serve, make decisions within the proper channels of governmental structure, and not use public office for personal gain. To further these objectives, certain ethical principles govern the conduct of each member of the East Bay Municipal Utility District Board of Directors. This policy promotes awareness of ethics, integrity and fidelity as critical elements in Board members' conduct and in achievement of the EBMUD mission. It references relevant policies, practices, and procedures that provide the legal framework and operational guidelines for addressing ethical issues. Responsibilities of EBMUD Board members are dedicated to the concepts of effective and democratic Public Office government by responsible elected officials. They: • Uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, and carry out the laws of the nation, the state and local governmental agencies; • Comply with applicable laws regulating their conduct, including open government, conflict of interest, and financial disclosure laws; • Fulfill all applicable training requirements, including attending two (2) hours of ethics (AB 1234) training every two (2) years; and, • Work in full cooperation with other public officials, unless they are legally prohibited from doing so. [Government Code Section 1360; Government Code 53235, Article 20, Section 3 of the California Constitution.] Fair and Open EBMUD Board members promote fair and open public processes. Board members, and Processes persons elected but who have not yet assumed office as members of the Board, fully Involving the Public comply with California's open meeting law for public agencies (the Brown Act). [Government Code Sections 54950 and following; and 54952.1 and 54959.] Fair and Equal EBMUD Board members promote diversity and equality in personnel matters and in Treatment contracting, consistent with state and federal laws. Ethics Policy Of The EBMUD Board Of Directors NUMBER 6.04 PAGE NO.: 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 26 JUN 12 • Board members, in performance of their official duties and responsibilities, will not discriminate against or harass any person on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, medical condition or disability. • Board members will not grant any special consideration, treatment, or advantage to any person or group beyond that available to every other person or group in similar circumstances. • Board members will cooperate in achieving the equal opportunity objectives of EBMUD. [See, e.g., Article 1, Section 31 of the California Constitution; Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967; Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, Fair Employment and Housing Act, Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title Vll of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; California Labor Code Section 1102. See also EBMUD's Policy 2.25, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO); Policy 1.03, Contract Equity Program; Policy 2.26, Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace; and Policy 2.02, Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities in the Workplace] Proper Use and EBMUD Board members exercise responsible financial management in the conduct of Safeguarding of District business. EBMUD Property and Resources • Board members will safeguard EBMUD property, equipment, moneys, and assets against unauthorized use or removal, as well as from loss due to criminal act or breach of trust. • A Board member will not ask or require an EBMUD employee to perform services for the personal benefit or profit of a Board member or employee. • Each Board member will protect and properly use any EBMUD asset within his or her control, including information recorded on paper or in electronic form. • Board members will maintain written records, including expense accounts, in sufficient detail to reflect accurately and completely all transactions and expenditures made on EBMUD's behalf. [Article 16, Section 6 of the California Constitution; Penal Code Section 424. See also EBMUD Policy 7.04, Access to District Property; Policy 7.06, Pardee Conference and Lodging Facility Use; Policy 7. 11, Use of District Bay Area Facilities; Policy 4.14, Reimbursement of Director Expenses; Policy 4.20, Use of District Technology Resources; Procedure 418, Gifts, Personal Loans and Tickets.] Use of Confidential Board members will safeguard confidential information. Information Board members will not disclose information that legally qualifies as confidential to unauthorized persons without approval of the Board of Directors. This includes information that (1) has been received for, or during, a closed session Board meeting, (2) is protected from disclosure under the attorney /client or other evidentiary privilege, or (3) is not disclosable under the California Public Records Act. Ethics Policy Of The EBMUD Board Of Directors NUMBER 6.04 PAGE NO. EFFECTIVE DATE: 26 JUN 12 A Board member may make a confidential inquiry or complaint to a district attorney or grand jury concerning a perceived violation of law, including disclosing facts to a district attorney or grand jury necessary to establish the alleged illegality of a District action. Prior to disclosing confidential information, however, a Board member will first bring the matter to the attention of either the President of the Board or the full Board, in a lawful and appropriate manner, to provide an opportunity to cure an alleged violation. [California Government Code Section 54963; Government Code Section 1098] Conflict of Interest Board members avoid both actual conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest with the District. • A Board member will not have a financial interest in a contract with the District, or be purchaser at a sale by the District or a vendor at a purchase made by the District, unless his or her participation is legally authorized. • A Board member will not participate in the discussion, deliberation or vote on a matter before the Board, or in any way attempt to use his or her official position to influence a decision of the Board, if he or she has a prohibited interest with respect to the matter under California law. • A Board member will not accept any honoraria. • A Board member will not accept gifts that exceed the limitations specified in California law. Board members will report all gifts, campaign contributions, income and financial information as required under the District's Conflict of Interest Code and the provisions of the Fair Political Practices Act and Regulations. • A Board member will not recommend the employment of a relative to the District or to any person known by the Board member to be bidding for or negotiating a contract with the District. [Government Code sections 87100 and following, California Government Code Sections 1090 and following; 81000 and following; 87105 and 89502; Penal Code Sections 68 and 70, and EBMUD Conflict of Interest Code.] Soliciting Political Board members will not solicit political funds or contributions of in -kind services at EBMUD Contributions facilities. • A Board member will not solicit or direct a political contribution or in -kind services from District officers, employees, consultants or contractors, or from vendors or consultants that have a material financial interest in a contract or other matter while that matter is pending before EBMUD. • A Board member will not use EBMUD's seal, trademark, stationary, or other indicia of EBMUD's identity or facsimile thereof in any solicitation for political contributions. [California Government Code Section 3205 and EBMUD Campaign Finance Reform Ordinance.] Ethics Policy Of The NUMBER 6.04 EBMUD Board Of Directors PAGE NO.: a EFFECTIVE DATE: 26 JUN 12 Incompatible Except as expressly permitted by law, Board members appointed or elected to another Offices public office, the duties of which may legally require action contradictory or inconsistent with the interests of the first entity, will resign from the former Board. (See, generally, 73 Cal. Op.Atty.Gen. 357 (1990). See also Government Code Section 53227, under which a special district employee may not be sworn into office as an elected or appointed member of the same special district unless he or she resigns as an employee.) Board Member- The Board sets District policy and the General Manager is responsible for execution of General Manager policy. Relationship • The Board provides policy direction and instructions to the General Manager on matters within the authority of the Board by majority vote of the Board during duly convened Board and Board committee meetings. • Members of the Board deal with matters within the authority of the General Manager through the General Manager, except as it pertains to the functions of the General Counsel. (Municipal Utility District Act (MUD Act), Sections 11883 and 11937.1 Exercise The Board ensures the District exercises responsible financial management. Responsible Financial The Board ensures that EBMUD maintains a system of auditing and accounting that Management completely and at all times shows the financial condition of the District in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and legal requirements. • The Board retains an independent auditor who conducts an annual audit of the District's books, records and financial affairs. The auditor will meet with the Board's Finance /Administration Committee at the conclusion of the audit each year to review the audit results and recommendations. [Municipal Utility District Act, Section 11889.] Improper Activities The Board ensures that EBMUD maintains a healthy work environment. and the Reporting of Such Activities; The General Manager has primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Protection of District's personnel policies and procedures, and ensuring that District employees do Whistleblowers not engage in improper activities, for investigating allegations of improper activities, and for taking appropriate corrective and disciplinary actions. The Board ensures that the General Manager is operating the District according to law and the policies approved by the Board. • Board members will disclose to the General Manager, to the extent not expressly prohibited by law, improper activities within their knowledge. Board members will not interfere with the General Manager's responsibilities in identifying, investigating and correcting improper activities, unless the Board determines the General Manager is not properly carrying out these responsibilities. Ethics Policy Of The EBMUD Board Of Directors NUMBER 6.04 PAGE NO.: EFFECTIVE DATE: 26 JUN 12 A Board member will not directly or indirectly use or attempt to use the authority or influence of his or her position to intimidate, threaten, coerce, command or influence any other person for the purpose of preventing such person from acting in good faith to bring to the attention of the General Manager or the Board any information that, if true, would constitute: a work - related violation by a Board member or District employee of any law or regulation, gross waste of District funds, gross abuse of authority, a specified and substantial danger to public health or safety due to an act or omission of a District official or employee, use of a District office or position or of District resources for personal gain, or a conflict of interest of a District Board member or District employee. [Labor Code section 1102.5 and following; Government Code Section 53298 and 53298.5, and EBMUD Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy 2.25.] Directors' EBMUD Board members receive a monthly stipend for their public service and the amount Compensation and of that stipend is reviewed annually. EBMUD reimburses Board members for actual Expense reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of duties authorized or Reimbursement requested by the Board. EBMUD Board members receive monthly compensation in an amount set at a public meeting of the Board of Directors. Board members must attend a minimum of three meetings of the Board per month, or 50% of their assigned meetings. Meetings include regular business meetings, standing committee meetings, special meetings, retirement board meetings, and closed session meetings. Salary shall not be paid to a director for any month in which he or she has not attended the minimum number of meetings unless the Board President excuses the absence(s) for good cause. • Each Board member is encouraged to participate in outside activities and organizations that further the interests of the District. Board members do not receive compensation for attendance at non - District activities. Expenses incurred by Board members in connection with such activities are reimbursable, where authorized in advance or subsequently ratified by the Board President. No personal gain or loss to a Board member is intended. The following rules apply: a) All expenses must be incurred in compliance with Policy 4.14, Reimbursement of Director Expenses. Any expense that is not specified in Policy 4.14 must be approved in a public meeting by the Board, before it is incurred. b) All expenses must be reasonable and necessary and Board members will exercise prudence in all expenditures, including transportation, food, lodging, telephone, and fax charges. c) Each Board member must use government and group rates offered by a transportation or lodging provider when available. d) EBMUD does not provide credit cards to Board members. Upon incurring expenses, Board members will submit a reimbursement request, accompanied by evidence of payment of such expenses that will meet the District's requirements. e) At the next Board of Directors meeting, each official shall briefly report on meetings attended at District expense. If multiple officials attended, a joint report may be made. [MUD Act 11908, 11908.1; December 9, 2003 Board motion discussing Board compensation, Policy 4.14, Reimbursement of Director Expenses; Government Code 53232.2.] Ethics Policy Of The EBMUD Board Of Directors NUMBER 6.04 PAGE NO.: EFFECTIVE DATE: 26 JUN 12 Candidate's A Board member will not include false or misleading information in a candidate's statement Statement for a general District election filed pursuant to Section 13307 of the Elections Code. [Elections Code Section 13313; EBMUD Campaign Finance Ordinance.] Violation of Ethics A perceived violation of EBMUD's ethics policy by a Board member should be referred to Policy the Board President for investigation and consideration of any appropriate action warranted. In the case of a perceived violation by the Board President, the matter should be referred to the Board Vice President. A violation of this policy may be addressed by remedies available by law, including but not limited to: • Adopting a resolution expressing disapproval of the conduct of the Board member who has violated this policy, • Injunctive relief, or • Referral of the violation to the District Attorney and /or the Grand Jury. Authority Resolution No. 33414 -04, March 23, 2004. As amended by Motion No. 041 -05, March 8, 2005 As amended by Resolution No. 33577 -07, January 9, 2007 As amended by Resolution No. 33883 -12, June 26, 2012 References See footnotes in above sections. References are available for public review in the Office of the District Secretary.