HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.a. Discuss Draft Goals and Levels of Service for Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP)Central Contra Costa Sanitary District • a • BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Subject: REVIEW OF DRAFT GOALS AND LEVELS OF SERVICE FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN Submitted By: Initiating Dept /Div.; Dan Frost, Senior Engineer Engineering &Technical Services / Planning & Development Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Gemmell — Planning & Development Services Division Mgr. �w JM. Petit — Director of Engineering & Technical Services Roger S. Bail 4y General Mana er ISSUE: Board input is required to develop goals and levels of service (LOS) for the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP). BACKGROUND: It is critical for the District to establish goals and LOS that will be used as the basis for identifying and evaluating implementation strategies in the CWMP. Those strategies will be a combination of existing and proposed policies, programs, and capital improvement projects. As strategies are developed that require Board approval, District staff will present those proposed strategies to the Board. The goals and LOS established for the CWMP will be closely coordinated with the development of the next District Strategic Plan. The proposed Draft Goals and LOS attached to this Position Paper will be further refined to ensure that they meet the following requirements: • Specific — each LOS should target a specific area of improvement • Measurable — each LOS should include an indicator of progress • Assignable — each LOS should be assignable to who will accomplish it • Realistic — each LOS should be within budget and time constraints • Time - related — each LOS should include deadlines for results Once developed, the Final Goals and Levels of Service for the CWMP will be presented to the Real Estate and Environmental Planning Committee and ultimately the Board for adoption. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could request that additional edits and changes be made to the proposed Draft Goals and LOS for the CWMP. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None by this action. Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 5, 2015 Subject: PROVIDE FEEDBACK ON DRAFT GOALS AND LEVELS OF SERVICE FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Real Estate and Environmental Planning Committee reviewed and provided comments on the Draft Goals and LOS at the October 13, 2015 and October 16, 2015 committee meetings. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Provide feedback on proposed Draft Goals and LOS for the CWMP. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. Presentation from Carollo Engineers: Goals and Levels of Service — November 5, 2015 2. Table: Draft CWMP Goals and LOS 3. Presentation: Review of Goals and LOS for the CWMP Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 Item No. 6.a. CCCSD Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Goals and Levels of Service Board Meeting November 5, 2015 E.�ynUp'S...LYbrk:nq W; csw. Wm WuWro Understanding the following will be critical for the Master Plan... 1. The definitions and relationships of the terms: - "goals" - "levels -of- service" or "LOS" - "drivers" - "strategies" 2. How will these Goals and LOS be used: - to compare and rank the alternatives — to reach the recommended strategies for implementation 3. Establish basis for viable projects under CEQA 4. Provide for measures of future progress towards District Strategic Planning Goals 1 Definitions Goals Levels of Service (metrics) "Drivers" Implementation Strategies "Goals" - Definition © Goals are major accomplishments, which if achieved, collectively help to ensure that the District meets its core mission. Goals reflect the core values, aspirations, and vision of the District. Goals are stated as outcomes, and do not typically contain metrics (e.g. "Minimize flooding ", or "Minimize CSOs ") CWMP Goals will be aligned with Strategic Plan 1 Meet all regulatory requirements for the good X of the community and the environment. 2 Ensure financial stability. X 3 Develop our human capital resources. 4 Be a leader in the wastewater industry. X 5 Provide exceptional customer service X 6 Maintain a reliable wastewater infrastructure. X 3 "Levels of Service (LOS)" - Definition Goals are linked to defined metrics (levels of service, or "LOS "). The LOS metrics provide a quantifiable means to compare and rank the best combination of projects and programs to meet the goals. The LOS metrics are tools to track and measure progress towards the goals, and to make mid -point corrections, if needed, during implementation of the CIP program. Levels of Service are Minimum Performance Metrics to be Met by Alternatives • Specific — target a specific area of improvement. • Measurable — an indicator of progress • Assignable — can be assignable who will do it • Realistic — within budget and time constraints • Time - related — deadlines for results 0 Planning "Drivers" - Definition • Planning drivers are those forces inside and outside the District that are obstacles or constraints to meeting the Goals and LOS objectives. Outside drivers are typically not in the control of the District: — Aging infrastructure — Regulatory requirements — Planned growth — Planning setting (e.g. geography, climate change) Inside drivers, or "management directives ", are within the control of the District: — Improve efficiencies and effectiveness — Maximize resource recovery (minimize waste) Implementation "Strategies" - Definition Strategies are specific plans and actions designed to achieve a major outcome, and are composed of: — Policies = predetermined principles for guiding decision - making (e.g. "never hit first "). — Programs = on -going activities that sustain a series of intended outcomes; defining who, what & when. — Proiects = have a start and a finish, and typically result in the creation of an asset and /or mission critical functionality. 5 CWMP GOALS 1. Meet existing and reasonably foreseeable regulatory requirements. 2. Achieve economic and environmental stability. 3. Be a leader in the wastewater industry. 4. Provide exceptional customer service. 5. Maintain a reliable wastewater infrastructure. The CWMP will address six major "drivers" - or needs for future facilities Rationale Address aging facilities Maintain performance and reliability of existing asset functionality. Meet regulatory Meet existing and anticipated future regulatory requirements requirements to operate a legal plant, protect the environment. and safeguard public health and safety. Accommodate planned growth Improve efficiencies and cost - effectiveness Maximize resource recovery opportunities Increase capacity in a phased program to accommodate planned growth. Minimize life -cycle cost/benefit and achieve economic stability. Advance cost- effective integrated water recycling, biosolids reuse, and energy self- sufficiency to help extend limited resources. Address climate Plan for future impacts due to climate change, change including sea level rise. and design storms. 9 CWMP Draft Goals and LOS Table (refer to Board packet) 2 _..- .�.....�...._ 4 5 Goals are Supported by Measurable Levels of Service (LOS) Objectives, which are Supported by Strategies Goal LOS Implementation Strategies Policies Programs Projects 7 Considerations for Goals & LOS Table Review of Goals: A. Are the goals complete? B. Are any goals overlapping /redundant? C. Are the goal descriptions /wording adequate? D. Are the goals consistent with District's Strategic Plan? 2. Are the LOS listings complete for each goal? A. Are any LOS descriptions overlapping /redundant? B. Are the LOS descriptions /wording adequate? C. Do they meet the S.M.A.R.T. guidelines? DRAFT ATTACHMENT 2 Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) Goals and Levels of Service CWMP Goals Levels of Service (LOS) Meet existing and reasonably foreseeable regulatory requirements Comply with local, state and federal regulatory requirements. 1 Critical facilities will be on -line within 72 hours of catastrophic events (e.g., sudden failures, earthquakes, floods, fire, acts of terrorism, etc.). Meet sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) requirements to maintain no more than 3.5 SSOs per 100 miles per year. Achieve economic and environmental stability Develop a program to utilize recycled water to achieve "zero" discharge that considers benefit/costs ratio to the maximum extent feasible. 2 Develop a program that maximizes energy efficiency and self- sufficiency that considers benefit/costs ratio. Maximize long -term resource recovery. Provide value -added service while maintaining long -term economic stability. Incorporate climate change adaptation and resiliency into District programs and projects. Be a leader in the wastewater industry Reduce impacts on the environment and the public through sustainable practices that minimize waste, maximize resources, protect the ratepayer, improve the community, and embrace innovation. 3 Collaborate with regional water and wastewater agencies to augment the region's water supply with recycled water for District customers to the extent practicable. Maintain reliable, state -of- the -art software and information technology (IT) services that are consistent with the industry standard to support all of the District's operations. Provide exceptional customer service Be a good neighbor and community partner (e.g., minimize impacts). 4 Provide recycled water (fill station and hydrants) to service area customers. Develop a process for assessing customer satisfaction with District services. Develop a comprehensive public education outreach program. Maintain a reliable wastewater infrastructure Develop and implement an Asset Management Program. 5 Establish a process for periodic updates to the CIP. Address site access and security and potential impacts to District facilities and operations due o supply chain disruptions (e.g., chemicals, power), as well as natural or man -made disasters. NOVEMBER 5, 2015 ATTACHMENT 3 Item No. 6.a. Review of Goals and Levels of Service for the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Jean -Marc Petit Director of Engineering & Technical Services Dan Frost, Senior Engineer, Planning and Development November 5, 2015 Board Meeting Central Contra Costa Sanitary District CWMP GOALS 1. Meet existing and reasonably foreseeable regulatory requirements. 2. Achieve economic and environmental stability. 3. Be a leader in the wastewater industry. 4. Provide exceptional customer service. 5. Maintain a reliable wastewater infrastructure. Goal 1 Meet Existing And Reasonably Foreseeable Regulatory Requirements Comply with local, state and federal regulatory requirements. Critical facilities will be on -line within XX hours (to be determined) of catastrophic events (e.g., sudden failures, earthquakes, floods, fire, acts of terrorism, etc.). Meet sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) requirements to maintain no more than 3.5 SSOs per 100 miles per year. 10/30/15 2 ­­­w » a air-:. �a. �, �. Aad»..:.. �<i.n• � .d.,,Y, i Yi0a1 b7NwpbgM Oa•r0•CaM'J4 M.ren� -K aq 1w <vpl<thyud,wrt�n %•daaKaa:Nt n•:dcn da.e n•.e.wv«. -wm•au <af..w.. m•rox• 3 .m n1a04, Yi•OIMUL qf.M m nt•nnaon;pndiS�pi, a•.•aw a.i an we..w.an uneie <wm as o,_+. aamo.m«d,rn. aabb�iwMii >Saaevry,ed aro c<-'anera a-+.:a - e..-cae.: 4 4 +,a ncyu.c•s. ui ,;xd„rydr c.d..c•aa �,r< -wa ..ba•d«•aaNU•••rpevP •a:,•eKta,.T Pnntt •rrcr. r•Iapa<d'gY:.nkr• 'd<WKamn db•atf aFga^ a MYY O.blpYr Is/Mtlutpw rJ 5 rxanaawvn,d a«rod:wm:•.mn� u W acu•• m a.oaa� ana aaN.4Y.roa<t•:oQgn 4<awa m ooda<an M •aDdY<MI ONnee,n;• S dn^arara pO+M u win ue,nl dean +ub Oaaeva Goal 1 Meet Existing And Reasonably Foreseeable Regulatory Requirements Comply with local, state and federal regulatory requirements. Critical facilities will be on -line within XX hours (to be determined) of catastrophic events (e.g., sudden failures, earthquakes, floods, fire, acts of terrorism, etc.). Meet sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) requirements to maintain no more than 3.5 SSOs per 100 miles per year. 10/30/15 2 Goal 2 10/30/15 Achieve Economic And Environmental Stability Develop a program to utilize recycled water to achieve "zero' discharge that considers benefit/costs ratio o the maximum extent feasible. Develop a program that maximizes energy efficiency and self - sufficiency that considers benefit/costs ratio. aximize long -term resource recovery. rovide value -added service while maintaining long -term economic stability. Incorporate climate change adaptation and resiliency into District programs and projects. M_ 1104 Goal 3 Be A Leader In The Wastewater Industry Reduce impacts on the environment and the public through sustainable practices that minimize waste, maximize resources, protect the ratepayer, improve the community, and embrace innovation. Collaborate with regional water and wastewater agencies to augment the region's water supply with recycled water for District customers to the extent practicable. aintain reliable, state -of- the -art software and information technology (IT) services that are consistent with he industry standard to support all of the District's operations. 10/30/15 Goal 4 Provide Exceptional Customer Service Be a good neighbor and community partner (e.g., minimize impacts). Provide recycled water (fill station and hydrants) to service area customers. Develop a process for assessing customer satisfaction with District services. Develop a comprehensive public education outreach program. Goal 5 Maintain A Reliable Wastewater Infrastructure Develop and implement an Asset Management Program. Establish a process for periodic updates to the CIP. Address site access and security and potential impacts to District facilities and operations due to supply hain disruptions (e.g., chemicals, power), as well as natural or man -made disasters. Next Steps 1. Receive Board of Directors' feedback on Draft Goals and Levels of Service 2. Refine the Draft Goals and Levels of Service to meet the S.M.A.R.T. guidelines 3. Present proposed Final Goals and Levels of Service to Real Estate and Environmental Planning Committee and then Board of Directors for adoption. M -Vk 10/30/15 5