HomeMy WebLinkAbout04. (Handout) Capital Improvement Budget Project Expendituresr Item 4 4. Additional Information on (" °'w Capital Improvement Budget Project Expenditures and Allocation Tables Edgar J. Lopez Prov. Capital Projects Division Manager Jean -Marc H. Petit, Director of Engineering Engineering and Operations Committee January 14, 2015 11 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in FY14/15 CIB Treatment Plant Program/ Project List - Estimated Expenditures Program Manager: Craig Mizutani Priority Category Score Project Number Current Phase Project Estimated Expenditures to FY14/15 FY15/16 FY16 /17 Future FY Completion Total Est. Costs 6/30/14 CRITICAL 90 7285 C Primary Treatment Renovation $6,923,700 $6.000,000 $1,460,000 $0 $0 Jun -15 $14,383,700 CRITICAL 85 7301 P Treatment Plant Planning $1,913,500 $371,000 $300,000 $300,000 $1,200,000 $4,084,500 CRITICAL 80 7314 C Urgent Repairs Blanket Contract $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Jun -24 $50,000 CRITICAL 80 7265 D/C TP Equipment Replacement $1,068,100 $50,0001 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $1,268,100 CRITICAL 75 7308 C Co -Gen Controls Upgrade $1,240,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,300,000 CRITICAL 70 7292 D/C iSvAtchgear Refurbishment -ph2 $306,800 $100,0001 $240,000 $450,000 $240,000 $1,336,800 CRITICAL 70 7310 D JPiping Renovations- phase 8 $100,000 5150,000 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $1,750,000 CRITI 404 70 7309 C DAF Tank Renovation $90,000 5600,000 $0 $0 $0 $690,000 VERY HIGH 60 7297 D Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement $51,100 $100,000 $500,000 $3,400,000 $3,820,000 $7,871,100 VERY HIGH 55 7312 P Ash Facility Improvements $10,000 $1,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $41,000 VERY HIGH 55 7291 D Pump & Blower Bldg Seismic Upgrade $414,300 $122,000 $2,550,000 $750,000 $0 $3,836,300 VERY HIGH 55 7311 C TP Safety Enhancements Phase 4 $100.000 $240,000 $0 $0 $0 $340,000 VERY HIGH 55 pTP08 I P TP Safety Improv 2011 -12 thru 2019 -20 $15,0001 $1,000 $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 $41,000 VERY HIGH 50 7286 D Centrifuge & Cake Pump Upgrades $0 S800,000 $2,200,000 $1,800,000 $0 $4,800,000 VERY HIGH 50 7304 P PLC Sys Upgr- 12 -13 thru 21 -22 $118,700 $80,000 $80,000 SBO,000 $400,000 $758,700 VERY HIGH 50 pTP42 P Plant Control System 1/0 Replacement $0 $10,000 $10,000 S20,000 $3,960,000 $4.000,000 VERY HIGH 50 pTP32 P Plant Energy Optimization $75,000 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $90.000 HIGH 45 7315 P Plant of the Future Roadmap $0 $100,000 $250,0001 $100,000 $450,000 HIGH 45 7284 D TP Hazard Identification & Remediation $197.600 S6,000 $100,000 $100,000 $350,000 $753,600 HIGH 45 pTP24 D/C Laboratory Upgrades & Repair $0 $48,000 $50,000 550,000 $290,000 $438.000 HIGH 40 pTP47 P WC / Grayson Creek Levee Rehab $0 $10,000 $10,000 $300,000 $300,000 $620,000 HIGH 40 PTP31 P Permitting Study for New Furnace $0 $1,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $26,000 HIGH 35 pTP33 P Treatment Plant Soil Remediation $50.000 $1,000 $1,000 $50,000 $50,000 $152,000 HIGH 35 pTP41 D/C Plant Control System Network Upgrades $0 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $320,000 HIGH 35 pTP03 P Plant Cyber Security $60,000 55,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $70,000 HIGH 30 7254 D/C TP Cathodic Prot Sys Repl $551,300 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $571,300 HIGH 30 pTP06 P Electrical and Instr Repi $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 510,000 $60,000 $100,000 HIGH 25 TP45 P TP Electrical Cable Repl- LT $0 $10,000 $240,000 $240.000 $1,880,000 $2,370,000 MEDIUM 20 xxxx P TP Facilities Renov Pgm - LT $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 $100.000 $2,590,000 $2,890,000 MEDIUM 15 pTP29 P Pavement Renovation $5,000 $1,000 $50,000 $50.000 $150,000 1 $256,000 MEDIUM 15 pTP16 P Coating Renovation S1,000 51,000 $600,000 $400,000 $4,400,000 $5,4022,000 MEDIUM 15 TP30 P Concrete Renovation $5,000 $1,000 $50,000 $50,000 $550,000 $656,000 MEDIUM 5 TP23 P TP Securit U r- 2012 -13 thru 2021 -22 $11,000 $1,000 $10,000 $10.000 $50,000 $82,000 Totals: $13,377,100 $9.045,000 $10,506,000 $8,415,000 $20,455,000 $61,798,100 D in Cart, OYet s 9,734,145 8 Oral o".8. I �- 1 FY 14 -15 CIB Treatment Plant ProAramf Project List - Project Allocations Date: 7101114 DRAFT Ex enditurea Priority Ptolact Number Carters Pins/ Protect Ealinlaled t 6130718 FY141i6 FY15116 FY76117 Futv<fY I Taal EStlntatdd Expetlihrres All.-t.d ProJects (Carry. 0,4q ON t1TE Cnocat 7285 C P—my treatment Renwaew $8,219,835 $0000,000 $727,365 $0 SO $1409470000 Clifical 7301 P Treatment Plant Planning 51,994,882 $182.138 SO 20 $0 $2177,000 I 7285 TPE entR errant 21,107472 $50000 $925% t0 SO 21250000 VON ti 1 7254 pC I TP CalherSC Prot 97s Rep 2549,290 slo.0001 $10.000 210.000 $209710 2800,1100 VON 7300 DIC Instr & Controls PLC Upgrade 564 ,317 $904000 210,683 t0 SO $155,000 o l 7308 C Copan Controls llpgreds 21,252,272 $47,004 $0 SO SO $1,299,278 Octal 1292 D Svwhgear Refurbishment- ph 2 5119,284 $100.000 280.716 to fU $300.000 Cificat 7310 P Piping Renovations arse8 586917 $13.083 to to 10 $100,000 odical 7309 C DAF Talk Renwabon $130,292 2838,258 SO m $0 $988.550 Very H 7297 P War and Dry Scrubber Replacerrrent 2984 $24,036 $0 $0 SO 225,000 VON H 7315 P Plant of the Future Roadmap $1,870 598.330 $0 t0 $0 5100,000 H 1289 P P08 Slesn4cUpgrade $144,780 t0 $45,220 $o t0 51!,7,000 V H 7291 0 Punp & 8Io%w DNg sersmK Upgrade $357,409 $47,591 50 t0 t0 i7i -5 000 CidCal 1302 P PE PUMP ReNrbwmtPn2 $16,843 $0 58.157 t0 $0 i25oa� 7316 rds S13T Emergency Repars(CwbgwKA $27,006 2172,994 SO t0 SO �.i;7, Ve H 7311 D TP Sal Enhancement Ph4 239,907 $60.OA1 SO to f0 11(,0000 74 7284 D TP Hazard ldenl2Keson& Reroo IaA�n� 5117,821 $7,179 $0 t0 t0 i125,wo Sublet@]: 11236 1 310 10 $22961628 Identified TP Projects (Not In WE-1 7284 C III, riward ldenlfitabw& Rwvd.*i, ,uo i "is, 0 7314 D _nt Rears S1P iy:� i11i1Fi 350000 tl'C touch t• 12 000 •4 -s v llzlhoeal Rbfurdsnmrint . n s 5 d 0 0 ,,:(]j_ $5 7116 C 100 Fnxrr n. Gn •p is 1'a, <r, f0 SO i Sc W. 7111- LYC In:'•s, OciCnAs f $12370 1 tv LYC F,n:• g �_o '.r:ds1 L _ u ,•.ask• i!1 40 Sig t10V r.,J 15 kA S430000 7155 D Cenbilu &Cak'PU s s0 519294 5181206 0 0 12f.G C i:enblfu Far Paco 7 SO $0 1 200000 0 0 1285 C '­U600 BC..sN sFumete2 i0 tU 40 28905,) U 28995W 1 D wet end0 strutter fi ,lo1 -1 SO 0 £7025924 $U O 1025924 7297 C •Nei end Chy scruCber NO 8--1 t0 $0 SIpi10W S5 720.000 to $6820000 V 1 C ITP Safory Dlhancement Ph4 01 siso'CA 20 20 f6 $180.000 P Troanlont Plani Plwnkl 30 $10000 00000 SO 101 zim000 Crfical NA P IYani Ii—n Ph2 f0 $9 £408862 $310000 V-1a.6 11 511,, 7500 VONH 7315 P 1 =14 of lne f utmo ftoadn 50 0 f 150 tr.)D j 200,00 0 53`O(V 12 P Ash FaCAt In' ovin'.en11 0 0 I t>)n 0 0 1 10 D P,ping Ren WOWS - ph aso8 $2 113720 SO 10 11379LO atL 370 C PWq Ronglarms - phase 8 t0 s 0 t;,% FYC pg. 13 ReF. 1.01.5 ase9 SO 0 500OW io SO S50 VON H 7201 D- - PUM t slower oldo soisrgic, voyade SU 1 .:.... . - - -.. Crecol 7291 C P.no 8 l3low, DJO Saw KU ado i0 0 2,400,000 0 SOW VON H I pTP42 P IPIWI Contra System 110 Roplacern.1 SO $0 $20,000 $20,000 to $40.000 VON H NA D PI 1 Ccnbol _ stern li0 R la:omen7 0 0 VMH NA C P 11, J^!r... pro wr. " SO Sir t0 4 300 436300 Very H VON H NA P D P', Iti,w.; Or Wn at 0 SUUW 10000 I in VON TP08 P i1 ,r 1011, 121nr.i ;,r. n.;ii $9 a0 4$5000 $11 $16000 $71000 rs 4ah NA pC LYC I.7:I,aa7 U r I at,xatory Upoodes & Repif $40000. 58 liall TP47 P W: CreekLwee Roht SO 0 20000 "Oh NA D WCIGr reek twee Rehab SO 0 0 1 OW ttgh A C h 0 H TP31 P P.—Ibn SN wNewFuMac$ S9 S0 26000 5RI40. H TP33 P TIOa',ro IPlant KClf2err:J05 >n f0 5102000 ti r NA LYC CYC P;ao1 Crnuc'. &stern t:::,aV: U ^.i a I wi 1-116 s SIenl Netxl�k r: M aces m Y� 5500$0 0 $70 C00 100000 P Plant C bor Secur t0 70000 P Flab PTN5 P iP Elettrkel able ReL7 240000 1880000 $2,370,000 M P TP Facfdes RenwP -LT 150 2590000 $2890000 P P P 1 7 W P Coabn Renwaoon D Reno to JJ12 SO. S5000001 t4.350.000 $4,850,000 iPW P Concrete Ren noon 50000 550000 5656000 McQum .7 i. i82 Unal ted Subtodl: 13 76 18169938 (40021 ZD Conn nc 9e Estlmstsd FV Ex ndlhxss: LSD ad FY 2014.15 19 161806/8 582968850 p ATTACHMENT 1 Orialnal —Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2014 -15 (Adopted June 5, 2014) Program 95% of Estimated Allocation for projects in the CIB 5% Program Contingency for projects not in the CIB Estimated Allocations this FY All Projects) Estimated Carry -over from Previous FY Total Proposed Authorization Estimated FY 2014.15 Expenditures Treatment Plant $4,261,700 $224,300 $4,486,000 $11,498,454 $15,984,454 $9,045,000 Collection System $17,232,000 $907,000 $18,139,000 $8,191,317 $26,330,317 $12,217,000 General improvements $3,302,675 $173,825 $3,476,500 $3,328,016 $6,804,516 $3,265,000 Recycled Water $541,025 $28,475 $569,500 $812,230 $1,381,730 $552,000 Total this Fiscal Year $25,337,400 $1,333,600 $26,671,000 $23 ,830,017 $50,501,017 J $25,079,000 Revised — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 201.4 -15 C (Revised October 2, 2014) Program 95% of Estimated Allocation q�., In the CIB 5% Program Contingency not in a CIS Estimated 148 ,this, FY Alt Pro'ects Actual Gam -o��ellr fr FreSiods Total Proposed A o do Estimated FY 2014.15 n Itu Treatment Plant $4,261,700 $224,300 ($4,,,.. $8,734,145 $13,220,145 0 on ys em , 3 , P General improvements $3,302,675 $173,825 $3,476,500 $1,824,343 $5,300,843 $3,265,000 Recycled Water $541,025 $28,475 $569,500 $795,758 $1,365,258 $552,000 Total this Fiscal Year $25,337,400 $1,333,600 $26,671,000 $16,479,091 $43,150,091 $25,079,000 0 A 1 S� FY 14 -15 CIB Treatment Plant Program/ Project List - Project Allocations Date: 7101114 $13,220,146 To!9I Proposed Auth Or ZaL. A B =C A. Estimated Allocations This FY — Identified Projects, phases, that are planned to be budgeted and incur expenditures. A C, , Ex entlltures priority Profeot N—b., (:arrant Phase ProJeCt FStlrnated to 6130114 FY14 /16 FY15116 FY16117 Future FY Total Eatlmated Expediturea Allocated ProJ.0. (carry. over ) ONHTE QMCSI 1161, C Trotenl Rena-- r --- am k•11961 5 i6.0�(ry w 5727.355 W £G 114.957000 COUCal 1301 P lroa5noot Plan) Ftannm9 $1.994862 $1824138 So SO SU 12,177,000 alucal 7265 Ofc TP Equipment R acomont $1107412 $50000 $92588 $0 t9 11150000 Vm H 1 7254 LYC TP Calhodlc Prol 9/s Repl $549.290 510,000 $10.000 $10,000 $20.710 $600,000 Very H 1304 etc law &ConbolsPLC Upgrade $64317 $80.000 $10.603 to so $155.000 GrMcal 7308 c Co-Cen Controls Upyade $1.252272 $47.004 $0 so SO 11.299.276 041cal 7192 D $SWCh ar ReNrDIYlment 1 $119.181 $100,000 $80,718 $D SD $300,000 Crvcat 7310 P RenwatiMS - pheSeB $88911 $13,083 f0 f0 f0 $100,000 m N 7309 C DAF Tank Renovation $130291 !838.258 i0 SO f0 $966.550 y 7291 P Wet end ScrubOer Replacement $984 $24.038 $0 m SO $25,000 VorV H 7315 P Plant of the FUlure Roadmep $1,670 $9&.330 $0 $0 $0 $100.000 n 7289 P Poe Slesmc UP9rada $144.7801 t0 $45,220 50 $o (190.000 Very H 7291 D Pump & 13WAer SeremlC UPqrad9 $47,591 fo $o to $4051000 r 7302 P PE Pump Relurbisment Ph2 $o $8.157 i0 $D $25.000 n I 7316 Iola SOT Emer ncy ROWS(Conu9enov) $172.994 f0 f0 t0 $200,000 V H 7311 D TP Safety Enhancement Ph4 $60,093 to so $0 $100.000 IM 7284 0 TP Hazard ldem/rcabW 90(a0dab0a $7.179 $0 t0 s0 $125,000 Carry O+, Subtotal, $7728706 $974729 $101100 $20750 $22964828 S 8, 34,M 13 Idst0lad TP lial, 1 7284 C TPmward d9ntrrpA SO i178,00 31'0 OX, $3%00r $628600 Crillcal 7314 t RO parts vi I I U 01 SIOn)1j $300001 $50000 Ofical L': rah a7f eurdsnnxnt- ph 2 it, i fl/C.Y1 406E 12W swlcn _ar Reluh.�sn moat -13 0 0 50 240Pw 330050 570 U0 Crew 1316 C SDTf_nrx nc Raga +s conm nc iU $0 $0 rr to 0 Vwv H Insb &Controls PLr L..!al'o i0 S60000 $123700 1637 Vwv H 7341 DIC nsu E7. nn� s F, �-I.yWa � ill i0 5100001 5-200Iw 5:200170 VM H 7 D Cont"ttlue &Cake Nps 50 $519294 5181207 SO $0 Szoo Very H c Centntuae &Coke Pon rum ace I $0 30 $1200000 10 30 51200 Vm H 1206 Q Qeoinfoge & Coke F Furn- o2 0 tU 0 $U 2899500 V— H 7227 D Wet and SCNbberR acement 0 $0 ti.025,924 SO 1.026.024 7297 Wel and sCruuberR acemenl 0 100000 46720000 SO 6820000 Vr H TO $0' 180000 SO £O 1E0 -•I P Trea'n „r.•,r ig; Ll rrmw�• 0 $100(>Jt7 S50ow SU W IE-0 NA P lrr.,i.ri ir.r..I..1 r`rs.n nr Fl.. SO $0 SIM.P6`) £370(•:” $918088 $1757500 very H 7315 P Plvrl r'IbIr F1,;u�o Ro,1.4n:'' f0 SO $150000 $2000171) £0 1350000 I 111: P AoiFn:Lr 'n -r�!t•'rp�ls <(7 x41 O.r0 1 7310 D Ran 5- 459E 0 137000 f0 $U 13 c,mre� D c - 1 5 u No role I:.' P� 1 R s- iesen 0 ) 50)000 U 0 vca 11 7201 D ede ll 120070 $80000 U O 2 11710 C Pun &efOwer SasmrtU ado i0 i0 $2.-M.000 f695 0w wI $3295000 v r J I = 71'.1' P Plant Contra symenn 00 Peplecemenl i0 $0 520.000 $20.000 in $40.000 VN, It Nip D n of 41 V H r:l. C Finn! L _ 5bxn I;O RF')'.,ranlonl ill SO 41 4M, 4'Al $ 14 Vi 3011 Very M p71132 P Pta Fllec mh 1 i0 $50000 SAO i0 3U 90 NA D 1 iu Sul so +II `U Va,y H 1F'vA P TP SilTGI Irn w2(111.12 a1ru 202!1 YJ i0 $0 S15LYJ0 S I I 0111 it'^'fl A1000 K -'- T n LYC - 95 ROM . SO 140000 $58, 198 tim NA INC L e of iU 50 (i" 40 U:w VAU I ),,On OTP47 P WCIGr son CreekLwae Rahat, £0 V) 20 SO £0 i200U0 ra NA D WH son Creak Levee Retleu SO 4o t0 $100000 SO t1i "000 NA C W r Real 0 51x'000 EsUrnstod w 1 TP31 P Parmron SN for N9wfumac9 SO $o $26000 to to 42n2i?'1 All"atlom Iigh Tl'33 P T,ement P1a,1 Ord F, —dOCm £O 30 $'!7211:X, $`0001 SO t152C20 w gh ptP41 D'C Plant ("trot 9 slcvn Nowd, ads 0 550 (YxI £3O (00 Sd0000 S4 688 000 A H0 NA Dic Plant Cenlr(4 stmt Nemurk a0as 10 A) S 7U L7fJl7 $100007 $70000 24000(/ Run LIF03 P P641 ber Sewnty 101 S700010 70 000 H Q1, OT45 cl rJ.rr m P TP FKOOOS RenovP -LT $0 150000 150 15 890 P P P R U hled - 7 P16 P Coaorr o Renwebon 10 51" 51000 D n Run abon 10 500000 A c Sol Sol 8 N r 7P30 P C $01 $0 56(00 5'0000 550000 56000 74edufn TP P Se<unly LI - 2011 -13 thm 2021.22 $22.)X,, - 10 000 S50A10 R Unillocatad Subtotal. SO $9473092 $17076600 $18159938 $40024824 $13,220,146 To!9I Proposed Auth Or ZaL. A B =C A. Estimated Allocations This FY — Identified Projects, phases, that are planned to be budgeted and incur expenditures. A C, , FY 14 -15 CIS Treatment Plant Program/ Project List - Prolect Allocations Date: 7101114 $ 13,220 546 10:8 HoXSOd A't r Ae8 . C Estimated Carry Over from Previous FY — Projects already budgeted in Accounting (HTE) and incurring expenditures. VA �' Ex enditures Prior' M Project $Ember Currert Phase Project FSlhnated to 6x30114 IY14116 FY15116 FY16117 Future FY Total E111,11,11 Expedlluree Allocated Projects (Carry- ovsr ON HM T-- r -�—� --~� Critcal 7285 C rr -.r' Tr oaollenl Ranarenon '. 3E 000,Lw}) 5717 35`, ii! al 1301 P iroatrnord Flan[ Rennn 5162,138 SO $0 $O 11411 1.000 r 7265 C TP E enlR ement f500W 592588 f0 SO 51250000 V H 7254 pC TPCamoOC Prot `4s Rep $10,000 $10,000 S10,ODO $20,110 $800,000 Very If 7304 OIC Info &Controls PLC ede MI, 580,000 510,683 $0 50 S155,0DO I 7308 C Co-ow Cenlrois Upgrade $47.004 f0 s0 SO 51,299,278 Croce! 7292 0 SeAcn ar Refurtishment- 2 $100000 £%.716 SO Sri $300,000 couca, 7310 P Rwovabons- ase8 1 513.083 s0 f0 SO $100,000 ! N 7309 C DAFTwkRenwabon , (836,258 $0 $0 SO $968,550 Vew H 7297 P Wei and Dry Scrubber Roplecoment s $24.036 $o W. f0 525.000 V H 1315 P Plem ofthe Future Roadmap $1,67 190,330 s0 $0 f0 11DO,OW Koh 7269 P POB Sesmc Upgrade St44,78' m 545.220 $0 SO $190,000 VQIVH 7291 0 PUMP &Blow Skip Se15m tipIriicle $35740 $47,591 s0 $0 SO 5405,000 aI 7302 P PE PUMP Retulbismenl R2 $16.84 f0 $8,157 $0 $0 $25.000 tce! 7316 WIN SBr EmorOenty ROPUS(Conbperlcy) $27,00 5172,941 f0 SO $0 $200,000 V H 7311 0 TPSefely Enhancement Ph4 $3950 1180,093 f0 so $0 $100.000 1284 0 TP Hazard ldant/K&W Remediahon $11782 $7,179 SO $0 W $125.000 777er Subtotal. 1114 23068 $7,728,706 $974,729 $10,000 $20.71 $22,964,826 1 S 8,734,146 8 ItlerlOfled TP Project. (Net In II' K ah 7284 C Sol 117Ah ; z 9i.gu i.i! crece? 14 D :n ent i:earri :.) cis - c�lri0�: _ clocal Cr, 7292 C Swlcn ar Re rWShmonl �n3 Vi PYI '406800 ;0 U (Dribcal 1?IL C SBT Emer ne Re e•s Ccea nr 10 10 V 7' a. . In 6 ado f0 S60rh',U 5123700 3103,17 Ven, H 7.15; pC !n W B CnnuolS PLC Loq,W4 $10 VRV H I 72fiu D Convifuloe &Cake Nmps SO (519211 41812136 i0 5700 VMV H 1 724E C C ortrituge & Cbko I'dws Fumacat SO 30 11200000 i0 i0 ft1W V 1286 C Centnf &rake Furn s1-)a 2 0 SU W J,2.M.5LK., 2699500 V 0 Wet and Ore 4ruwD 17. lacernord 511 1025924 so 1 111.0251241 1297 C Wet and soubberR lacernonl U 100000 6710000 6820 VWH 1: 311 T Safe 6MancemOn, Plw SO S180 0 1 7'+ t P Treatrdml Plan)Plannio 100000 MOW 50 150 r7' ;JA P lrawnont Flantllam!n I;nI SO SV 5403 rn1 $37U OJ:! $9/86.8 11575W V M 1.f 1'. P F Ord U the Fuluro RO.xina fit ill $f•4!ptl! 52000011 $0 3 000 0 '�. ' P Ash { Wht In r ern CnlS t,l l rrl0 0 0 1 1310 D PIPAO FlWovMms - eas P. t131UW f0 O Octal 731-0 C i VnO Rapwa^,., s t,a;e N $1 00 0151, I t+ Vow H YA Ilr v,.n Ramvan��s ",4e 11 10 so. S"Xt0ri U n SCO 7291 D FL '88km�r d. ScaunKU ,ro7o $0 UM SWAM f0 <n Croce 1 C F'uro r>'. ['nlJNi L'i �Snn,. U 4l Sit 112 40ri Ul(I 5895,0'_ $3295000 v pTP41 P F1,tn1 C!v,trN slm, b0 Rep'aien,ent 10 So $20,co0 i2o rA2 540.000 VMH NA D 110 nr ,ufrR -'a'en.rl SO 4l.ri �ii ,r' v It '.,, C "teal CUntfif�Sham i0 YO SO Sil 5.,:?r,300 Y H .il -i1 P r%anlF at im¢a:i.xr f0 s40.W0 SO 590 D 11.3m Fnor, r !n,ta:••.n ;U V ril. P IF 'II II.. !r <r•iiAi 41107- 1000 tk ''4 LYC Leborat U�c��adosBR ar i0 4 558 0 A at R nr le n C /Gra son CreekLwee RehaO 120. i0 f2i!Gi0 I +, C /Gr on Creek levee ReheD W f0 11WOW i0 $IWWO /50n R Allocetlora r4 TP31 rmnn SN for New Pomac f0 f0 526,0)0 0 V. 526000 H TP33 e N— tFiant_l Remad!e0on i) $0 cl92 fr10 I4 TP41 IQanucl9 Oin NB jade.:: in i50 ?rl r! A 14 NA ant CMltrll Stem Ner—U &705 in -MAW S1rxt000 5700041 240G)nI Dar SOcur ) 70 70 ttart IMP-1W It TP45 Elenrktluc D -LT $0 $0 250000 400W 1880000 1370r2 A FePI41o5 RMWP -LT 0 5150000 150000 590 16 000 1 Nedw, 10 eSn RonovaDOrt 0 52000 NA RonoveDOr1 0 NA R 0 e c13� r Madam TP30 T ncrete Renovation n -1 m 6 SO 0 $56000 11 rAC! 150000 +u) OOG 1721000 «q 000 58000 llnUlocatetl SUDtotN: f0 f947J 082 513075600 $16,159938 $40024024 $ 13,220 546 10:8 HoXSOd A't r Ae8 . C Estimated Carry Over from Previous FY — Projects already budgeted in Accounting (HTE) and incurring expenditures. VA �' FY 14 -15 CIB Treatment PIaM Pro17roM Project List - Project Allocations Date: T7o1114 DRAFT C. Total Proposed Authorization - Budgeted projects and new project work. Carry -over + Estimated Allocations �G S Ex rmdlturex Priority Project Number Curran) Phase Project Estl mated to 6730114 FY141% FY15116 FY16117 Raw FY Taal EaOmaled Expedsurets Allocated Projects (Carry. ova Octal 7285 C FI-y L.m -,.l Rermreaon $8.219635 56.000000 $727365 i0 $01 $14.917,000 Ofical 7301 P Treatment Plan) Ranneig $1.994.862 $182,138 SO f0 SO $2,177,000 Cauca 7285 C TPE dttR ement $1107412 $50000 $91566 SO SO 51250000 H 1 7254 IXC ITP Cathodic Prot 9VS Rep $549.290 $10.000 SIO.ODOI $10,000 $20,710 5800,000 VMH 7300 O(C Insor &Cords PLC ypgfedo (61,317 $80.000 510.683 so $0 $155,000 OtIcal 7308 C Co•Gen Conbols Upgrade $1.252272 $47.004 SO $0 so $1.299,276 Crocal 1292 D Sv,(Chgoat ROMMShmenl- ph 2 $118,284 $100.000 580.716 SO $0 5300,000 clecal 1310 P POV Ronovations- phase8 588.917 $13,083 so So $0 $100,000 Olical 1309 C DAF lank Renovation $130292 $836.258 So So $0 $988,550 Very H 1297 P Wet end Dry Scrubber Replocomort 5984 $24.036 to $0 $0 $25.000 very H 7315 P Plant of the Future Rooftop $1.670 598.330 to SO $0 $100,000 Koh 7289 P POB Ssesmc Upgrade $144.780 $0 $45,220 $O 50 $100.000 7291 D PurM & Blower Selsmic Upgrade $357AO9 $47.591 $0 $0 $0 $405.000 r 7302 P PE Pump Refurblsment Ph2 $18,843 f0 $8.157 $0 50 $25.000 1316 Ns SOT Emorgenty RepeaS(Coobgonc� $27,006 $112.994 $0 $o $0 $200.000 V H 7311 O TP Safety Enhancement Me $39.907 $80.093 to f0 $0 5100,000 1 i,oh 7284 0 TP Hazard ldenl/KAO &Remediaran S117.821 $7.179 $0 SO $0 $125,000 CatV Ovor 9731146 13 subtotal: 51/230681 $7728706 $91729 270000 $20710 522981 IdnMlf #d TP Projects (Nor In .VITE.7 tiub 7284 C TP Hazard iaant9K8bW & Remodaw f0 SO S 17A 600 $16001Yi 13`A OX, V128,600 14 D Ur IR r 50 SO i10000 SIO"I SX�fM $`.0000 01 0 IF0.000 Su 8 S3 110 GJ., 330 ) 57 1700 Ow.1 1 7316 C Sffr Emergence Repairs oob $0 SO SO U Ai 9 V Very H 7304 Insb& Controls PLC Upgrade 0 .0 f600M 1 fn $123700 SO S GO rOJ f+:0 C0 $163700 110000 Very H V H Furnace SO $0 0 1 S519.2o4 f0 SiO1,206 $1200000 $0 SO $0 S2.8".5001 10 $0 $700.W $1,200,000 2 899 500 Very H D Wet md emenl 12 1,025,924 1015914 Very H 7231 Wet and Dre Scrubber Roplacemerit U I so SiO0.000 6.720.ODO 6.820.002 VWV 1 73 7,11 1 1 Nn P P Treatrnent Pient anon Ph1 SO 0 SO 1 $100 SO 08682 370000 98 38 000 :150000 1757500 1315 P Pavn o!Ilw Ginrto Rn,pxna: SU SO 1511000 000 350(100 1 P ,r rnJd 'r ,.'t; O 10)0 0 U N1 - 10 D v. no u•mr.va•,ma . nn -:� �. -- b 0 $137000 f0 - $131.000 at 7310 C. {'t � n.T n;.n,� +a,.r n5 . j_ fi, :.i : $1000 (M io 4r U- nr 1, „no: ,,none. bax•9 U 50., , 0 k Fiks+ar BI SHSrnK U ado 0 1200(10 580000 0 $0 C Pun R[iUner 6. Susn,KU ado $U SO $2400000 ia55 UU i0 3195 W0 H c 11 A P Nwt CMttd slam VO Rep!ecement f0 $0 S20.000 $20.00., f0 $40.000 N7. D n to io J4( .D C nun Gnvd, wxn 00 RC wcornent Sri SO fii fu <.!nv.lG� fd4 ?63011 V 111+1 r, n P D Plan Flier F74. I F.m � e SO 0 £50 $4o- u 0 -U U 90 0 V H c:/!: P iP Salo) 1,,,1- 201111 thm 201 &20 $0 SO 4150 -Ki 110x1 $41.000 K04 ,P2a IXC et $0 540 558070 NA IXC r +U 0 A, 0X1 0?0 $240.( 34000 roif1' P WCIGr son Creek Levee Rehab <.0 O 520070 $0 fO 10000 rt D WCIGr Creak Levee Reheu 4ii 30 0 100000 90 $100000 sJA C 501 &0 so $200000 S300,wo $W0.000 Estimated Allocations t4 ail -sl P Pemtiton Std for New Fumete $0 SO 526000 f0 f260)0 w c1(3! P Treatm t Piant£<,+i O fO $102000 S50,0001 f0 S152000 W PIP-11 OIC - lConrd em Nornv4<( adds $50000 f30 f 000 r 498000 A NA DIC PIWICOntrd95tml NOMOrk tides 0 SO $70 (UO 10000.1 70000 1400W P Plant Car Se<ur 70000 40 70004 P n Rom 101 so S 10 tt TP45 P TP Electrkar CebR -LT I to $250000 240000 1880000 2370000 Modaim NA P TP Facdees Raw Pam .LT 150000 515 0000 2590000 1800000 MOMM P P NWMM 1Pie P Coeur ROnwarton 52000 51000 D C­ Ran 000 Mad., NA C Coama R n 1 r MA-. m 7P30 P Conctde Renovation f0 $56(00 550000 5550000 56000 Modum IP mi -/ 0 1- 0 21 1 2 Unallocated lubtotal: SO $9473092 $13076600 $1816911J8 $10021 Estimeted FYEx nditures. SI1230681 510447821 1113 ,005,6001 $16180618 $62989860 Esumded F7 2014.15 C. Total Proposed Authorization - Budgeted projects and new project work. Carry -over + Estimated Allocations �G S FY 14.15 CIS Treatment Plant Programl Project List - Project Allocations nnrw' 71AIHA f1RAC"1' F77,77-7-1 t 8731116 B D. Estimated FY 2014- 15 Expenditures — Total expenditures planned for the year. .r 'ttl�lln eF�� f13 116 _ / D Totel rioWSee " AFB � C ATTACHMENT 1 Original —Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2014 -15 (Adopted June 5, 2014) Revised — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2014 -15 r` (Revised October 2, 2014) Pro ram 95% of Estimated Allocation for projects in the CIB 5% Program Contingency for projects not in the CIB Estimated Allocations this FY All Projects) Estimated Cant' -over from Previous FY Total Proposed Authodzatlon Estimated FY 2014.15 Expenditures -Program Treatment Plant $4,261,700 $224,300 $4,486,000 $11,498,454 $15,984,454 $9,045,000 Collection System $17,232,000 $907,000 $18,139,000 $8,191,317 $26,330,317 $12,217,000 General Improvements $3,302,675 $173,825 $3,476,500 $3,328,016 $6,804,516 $3,265,000 Recycled Water $541,025 $28,475 $569,500 $812,230 $1,381,730 $552,000 Total this Fiscal Year $25,337,400 $1,333,600 $26,671,000 $23 ,830,017 $50,501,017 $25,079,000 Revised — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2014 -15 r` (Revised October 2, 2014) Pro ram 95% of Estimated Allocation in the CIB '/o Program Contingency � ► NVI e� In Estimated AI Projects Actual a fr re io s Y Total Proposed Autho ' do Estimated FY 20%15 Treatment Plant $4,261,700 $ $8,734,145 $13,220,145 0 on ys em , 3 , General improvements $3,302,675 $173,825 $3,476,500 $1,824,343 $5,300,843 $3,265,000 Recycled Water $541,025 $28,475 $569,500 $795,758 $1,365,258 $552,000 Total this Fiscal Year $25,337,400 $1,333,600 $26,671,000 $16,479,091 $43,150,091 $25,079,000 0, rWWIE,�_Cosr4lw. w 0-k Medium TP29 P Pavement Renovation $0 $0 $56,000 $50.000 $150,000 $256,000 Medium pTP16 P Coating Renovation $0 $0 $52,000 $0 $0 $52,000 Medium NA D Coating Renovation $0 $0 $500,000 $0 $0 $500,000 Medium NA C Coaldnq Renovation $0 $0 $0 $500 000 $4 350.000 $4.850.000 Medium pTP30 P Concrete Renovation $0 $0 $56,000 $50,000 $550,000 $656,000 Medium PTP23 P TP Secur U r- 2012-U tnru _ nail ocated Subtotal: $0 $9,473,092 $13 075 500 $16,169,938 $40,024,824 Conti enc % 1 $0 Estim ed FY Expenditures: $14,230,6 $10,447,821 $13086600 $16 180 648 $62 989 650 Contingency? -WE-MMENE'lo'l I CEO- C-*Si pa