HomeMy WebLinkAbout08. (Handout) Recommended Plan• Life Cycle Asset Management Roles and Responsibilities - CCCSD will benefit from an asset management steering committee to help promote and implement the program. The forming of an asset management leadership role helps to build a solid foundation to construct the asset management program. There is a lack of understanding how the AM portion of staff roles links with others throughout the organization. • Information Systems - CCCSD should move forward with the procurement of a replacement CMMS for the Collection System and potentially consolidate all CCCSD's assets into this one system. • Asset Hierarchy and Data Standards — CCCSD should continue with development of its asset hierarchy and data standards for all assets. All other project improvements are dependent on a good framework. • Project/Program Management— There are currently four significant projects underway within CCCSD (Cost of Service Study, IT Master Plan, Asset Management Implementation Plan, and Succession Planning). A Project Manager is assigned to each of the projects, however there is not a Program Manager assigned to coordinate these initiatives. To provide this coordination, development of an internal Program Manager role is recommended. 3.0 RECOMMENDED PLAN Following completion of the Asset Management Needs Assessment, Carollo worked with District staff to identify elements for the five year AMIP that would close the gap between current practice and the District's AM goals. These elements link back to the strengths, weaknesses, and quick start improvements that were identified by the District's gap analysis and needs assessment. The elements are intended to close prioritized gaps in the District's asset management practices, strengthen overall performance, and improve investment decision - making during the next five years. A summary of the prioritized asset management improvement elements is presented in Table 1, and each element is described in the following section. Table 1 also lists related projects that are currently underway. 3.1 Element Descriptions The following sections presents the objectives for each of the AMP elements. Detailed descriptions of each element are provided in Appendix B. 3.1.1 Element 1 — AM Organization, Policies and Key Strategies to Support Asset Management Develop the guidelines for CCCSD to implement the adopted vision, objectives and strategies. The guidelines should appropriately reflect the need for purposeful integration of November 2014 — DRAFT 9 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/CCCSD /9564AOO /AMIP/ Deliverables /AMIP_SummaryReport.docx all essential elements of a fully functioning asset management program, including service levels; performance monitoring; risk management; life cycle cost and performance assessment; triple bottom line (TBL); asset data and data systems; roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities; decision making processes; financial modeling, and benchmarking. Table 1 Recommended AMID Plan Elements Asset Management Implementation Plan Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Planned Duration ID Element Name Start (months) Active 1 12 -18 TBD 1 18 -24 2015 -Q3 1 12 2a Asset Hierarchy and Data Standards 2015 -Q1 6 2b Complete A et Register-, Pump Station & Treatment'Plant Assets 2016-02 3' 2c Complete Utility Locating and Drafting to Consolidate As- Builts 2015 -03 18 2d, . Complete Asset Register for Treatment Plant Piping 201542 S' 3 Reliability Centered Maintenance Pilot Program 2015 -Q2 24 41'' ,Business Process Mapping 2016 -01 0' 5 Knowledge Management Strategy 2016 -Q2 6 6a„ Failure Modes and Condition Assessment Protocol 6b Condition Assessment of Pump Station / Treatment Plant Assets 2015 -Q4 6 Risk Assessment 2016-04 6'. 8 Failure -Based Maintenance Strategies 2017 -Q1 6 9 Asset Valuations 2017 -02 6' 10 Program and Project Management Standards 2018 -Q1 4 11 'Ash Commissioning and Hand ve'r 2018 4 ;' 12 Capital Improvement Program Business Case Evaluations 2018 -Q4 6 November 2014 — DRAFT 10 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/CCCSD /9564AO0 /AM I P/ Deliverables /A MI P_Su mmaryReport.docx 3.1.2 Element 2a — Asset Hierarchy and Data Standards Provide a framework for CCCSD to enhance the asset hierarchy, define the Maintenance Managed Item (MMI), and identify the data attributes required to support the asset management decision - making process. Specifically, with implementation of this project, CCCSD will be able to: develop an asset hierarchy, establish Maintenance Managed Item (MMI), understand the data framework and data gaps, and prioritize data collection strategy. 3.1.3 Element 2b — Complete Asset Register for Pump Station and Treatment Plant Assets While much of this information has been collected for this element, effort will be made to collect standard data for all assets and to populate the Mainsaver database with consistent use of data fields. Key data to be collected for each asset are: parent facility, process, or component, asset tag, equipment ID, nameplate data, basic design criteria (size, horsepower, if not covered with nameplate data), location, and installation year. 3.1.4 Element 2c -- Complete Utility Locating and Drafting to Consolidate As- Builts In accordance with the Asset Hierarchy and Data Standards developed in Element 2a, complete the utility locating and surveying /drafting to consolidate as- builts. This information will be prepared for import into the new ESRI geodatabase. 3.1.6 Element 2d -- Complete Asset Register for Treatment Plant Piping In accordance with the Asset Hierarchy and Data Standards developed in Element 2a, complete the asset register for treatment plant piping. This information will be prepared for import into the new ESRI geodatabase. Key data to be collected for each treatment plant piping reach are: origin and terminus, contents, diameter, material, and installation year. 3.1.6 Element 3 — Reliability Centered Maintenance Pilot Program Provide a framework for CCCSD to improve maintenance efficiency and results. RCM supports business goals of reducing risk and overall costs of ownership. In conducting a pilot study of RCM focused on one asset type, CCCSD aims to test the feasibility and results of this approach before implementing RCM for all treatment plant and pump station assets. 3.1.7 Element 4 — Business Process Mapping Provide a framework for CCCSD to continue with the development and improvement of business processes for the overall efficiency and safe operation of the utility system. In developing the business processes, the goal is to accomplish certain financial and management objectives and to improve the overall efficiency and safe operation of the utility system. An example business process map was prepared during the AMIP development project. The work flow process selected was that for creating and disposing November 2014 — DRAFT 11 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/ CCCSD /9564A00 /AMIP/Deliverables /AM I P_SummaryReport. docx assets, or "Asset Handover ". The business process map was developed in a workshop setting with key participants from Engineering and O &M staff and is presented in Figure 4. 3.1.8 Element 5 — Knowledge Management Strategy Develop a corporate knowledge management strategy, and capture CCCSD staff members corporate knowledge. This strategy will focus on knowledge related to the assets, including history, current performance, and future requirements. 3.1.9 Element 6a — Failure Modes and Condition Assessment Protocol Provide CCCSD with a framework for identifying the imminent failure mode. Develop a protocol for condition assessment. Develop the failure mode based management strategies. Optimize the condition assessment process. 3.1.10 Element 6b —Condition Assessment of Puma Station/ Treatment Plant Assets In accordance with the failure mode analysis and condition assessment protocol developed in Element 6a, conduct a condition assessment for pump station and treatment plant assets. This assessment will include visual as well as testing data suitable to the varied asset types at the pump stations and treatment plant. The data gathered will be geared toward estimating the overall condition and remaining useful life of each asset. This element will need to be repeated every three to five years. 3.1.11 Element 7 — Risk Assessment Determine the relative risks of the plant, structures, and collection system pipes. Develop risk -based management strategies. 3.1.12 Element 8 — Failure -Based Maintenance Strategies Develop and implement continuous improvement processes that involves periodic re- examination of failure histories and of the effectiveness of maintenance strategies. For example, the role of maintenance planners could be expanded to include the periodic evaluation and updating of maintenance practices and strategies. 3.1.13 Element 9 — Asset Valuations Provide CCCSD with a higher -level system valuation. Replacement cost of all managed maintenance items (MMIs) in the asset register will be determined based on the information made available. Replacement costs will be determined based on current year dollars, current and historical cost data provided by CCCSD, and the consultant's asset replacement cost database. General cost tables or curves will be developed for each major asset class and will be used to represent the replacement cost for all assets belonging to the relevant asset class. November 2014 — DRAFT 12 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/CCCSD /9564A00 /AM I P/Deliverables /A MI P_SummaryReport.docx 3.1.14 Element 10 —Program and Project Management Standards Improve CCCSD's ability to manage projects effectively and efficiently. The standards should be prepared to provide staff with the appropriate tools and techniques to manage projects while also developing consistency and rigor in approach across the organization. 3.1.15 Element 11 —Asset Commissioning and Handover Ensure assets are handed over in a "fit for purpose" state reducing costly rework and a smooth transition from project to operations and maintenance. Ensure commissioning and handover are in accordance with CCCSD requirements and with sound engineering and construction practice. Identify stakeholders in commissioning and handover and increase awareness of communication requirements. 3.1.16 Element 12 — Capital Improvement Program Business Case Evaluations Develop a suitable CIP validation policy, framework and methodology for CCCSD that is documented in user manual format. The methodology would include assessment of confidence level ratings, business risk exposure, life cycle cost analysis, options evaluation, business case evaluation, and project ranking and prioritization. 3.1.17 Element 13 — Update the AMP Update the AMP for CCCSD using CCCSD's best available information. Cover all assets, and specify which assets to assess in more detail in future AMPs. This effort will need to be repeated every three to five years. 3.2 Schedule The recommendations described above have been prioritized and distributed across a five year timeframe to allow adequate time for completion and for adoption of the significant cultural changes inherent in the AMIP. Figure 5 shows the proposed AMIP five year schedule and includes the timing of related projects already underway. 3.3 Resources Table 2 shows the level of effort estimated for each of the plan elements. Figure 6 shows the hours per quarter, by consultant and in -house staff. Figure 7 shows the overall level of effort in hours distributed among consultants and the various departments. In terms of full time equivalents (FTEs), the total AMIP is estimated to require two FTEs, assuming that one FTE is equal to 120 hours per month. The estimated consulting costs for the total five - year AMIP is $1,341,800, based on a range of $180 to $220 per hour for this time. December 2014 — DRAFT 14 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/CCCSD /9564A00 /AMIP/ Deliverables /AMIP _SummaryReport.docx