HomeMy WebLinkAbout05. (Handout) Closeout of Capital Improvement Projects5. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Revised August 27, 2014 TO: ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE VIA: ROGER BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT DIRECTOR OF ENGIN�NG tnP JEA � EDGAR LOPEZ, PROVISIONAL CAPITAL PROJECTS DIV'N. MGR. FROM: EARLENE MILLIER, ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III Pi SUBJECT: CLOSEOUT OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Work has been completed on 24 capital improvement projects during the 2013 -14 fiscal year. As a result of the closeout of these projects, $755,437 is being returned to the Treatment Plant, Collection System, and General Improvements Program. No Recycled Water projects are being closed out this fiscal year and therefore, no money was returned to the Recycled Water Program. Below is a summary of the allocated budgets and expenditures for the closed projects by program. Attachment 1 lists the allocated budgets and expenditures and underun /(overrun) amounts for each project. Attachment 2 contains a brief summary of the work completed under each project. Program Allocated Budget Expenditures as of June 30, 2014 Underrun = Amount Returned to Program Treatment Plant $7,945,000 $7,466,593 $478,407 Collection System $9,046,704 $8,769,301 $277,403 General Improvements $986,643 $967,016 $19,627 Recycled Water No Recycled Water projects closed in 2013 -14. Totals $17,978,347 $17,202,910 $775,437 Attachment 1 Budget and Expenditure Summary - 2014 Closeouts TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130114 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 7241 Wet Weather Bypass Improvements 3,320,000 3,297,882 22,118 7268 Treatment Plant Facilities Renovations 250,000 220,016 29,984 7269 Treatment Plant Asset Management 1,184,000 960,725 223,275 7272 Aeration System Renovation 474,000 443,873 30,127 7283 Fire Protection System Improvements 318,000 311,157 6,843 7287 Treatment Plant Master Plan Update 467,000 390,922 76,078 7294 Secondary Process Improvements $50,000 $47,403 $2,597 7295 Auxiliary Boiler Burner Upgrade 215,000 187,700 27,300 7296 SCB Seismic Upgrade Study 150,000 137,690 12,310 7298 Piping Renovations Phase 7 1,417,000 1,415,110 1,890 7313 Solids Handling Equipment Evaluation 100,0001 54,1151 45,885 Program Totals $7,945,000 1 $7,466,593 1 $478,4071. COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130114 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 5773 Smith Road Contractual Assessment District 124,539 124,539 0 5937 Alhambra Valley Assessment Districts 200,000 130,063 69,937 5948 TV Inspection, Phase 2 1,926,165 1,870,714 55,451 5955 Suspended Pipe Support 392,000 387,782 4,218 5973 North Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 2,589,000 2,586,285 2,715 5995 San Ramon Bypass Pump 55,000 44,391 10,609 6003 San Ramon Pumping Station Upgrades 452,000 424,331 27,669 8401 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations - Phase 9 3,088,000 3,097,032 -9,032 8407 Martinez Bypass Pump 200,000 91,684 108,316 8409 Pump Station SCADA O &M Manual 20,000 12,480 7,520 Program Totals $9,046,704 $8,769,301 $277,403 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS OF 6130114 UNDERRUN (OVERRUN) 8225 Imhoff Triangle Development 63,000 58,321 4,679 8229 Martinez Easement Acquisition 130,000 115,0521 14,948 8513 lVehicle & Equipment Acquisition FY 2012 -13 793,643 793,643 0 Program Totals $986,643 $967,016 $19,627 RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM CLOSING PROJECTS DISTRICT PROJECT TITLE ALLOCATED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN PROJECT NO. BUDGET AS OF 6130114 (OVERRUN) No Reycled Water projects closed in 2013 -14 Program Totals $0 $0 $0 TOTALS: $17,978,347 $17,202,910 $775,437 Attachment 2 Project Descriptions -- 2014 Closing Projects TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM Project # Project Title 7241 Wet Weather Bypass Improvements The Wet Weather Bypass Improvements project modified and constructed new facilities to accommodate large wet weather treatment plant flows. The project widened the Bypass Channel, installed a concrete box culvert, and built a gated bypass structure on the Lower Walnut Creek levee along Basin B. Extensive permitting from multiple agencies was required to complete the project. Due to regulatory requirements, the project was kept open for several years beyond the contract acceptance in order to comply with environmental monitoring obligations on the Walnut Creek Channel. Contract contingency was used to fund the regulatory efforts performed by consultants and District staff. 7268 Treatment Plant Facilities Renovations The Treatment Plant Facilities Renovations project is part of an ongoing program in the Treatment Plant. This phase was used to help identify future facility renovation projects in conjunction with the Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan project. Future projects will be created for replacement needs of equipment. 7269 Treatment Plant Asset Management The intent of this project was to develop a capital project forecasting tool for the treatment plant. Asset data was improved in the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS), including service life estimates, condition, consequence of failure, cost estimates, etc. Condition assessments were conducted for concrete structures and asphalt pavement. A desktop evaluation was conducted to inventory the piping within the treatment plant and provide an approximate cost estimate. Three status reports were developed to document the project. The asset management program development is being expanded throughout the District and will continue in the next fiscal year under a new project number. 7272 Aeration System Renovation Several consultant studies were conducted under this project that impacts the aeration process and blowers. Such studies included nitrification and nutrient removal to help develop long term financial capital planning. The project scope was delayed due to significant air savings achieved by the aeration basin renovation project. A future project will be created to address the electrical blower and improvements identified from the analysis conducted under this project. 7283 Fire Protection System Improvements The Fire Protection System Improvements project upgraded the entire Headquarters Office Building fire alarm system and repaired several deficiencies within the treatment plant. The new system has been upgraded to current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) standards and in compliance with the local Fire Department. Attachment 2 Project Descriptions -- 2014 Closing Projects 7287 Treatment Plant Master Plan Update This project included the Plant of the Future Visioning exercise where two consultants developed conceptual plans for the District to become the Plant of the Future considering current or impending technologies, sustainable practices, and several regulatory scenarios. The proposals and presentations were reviewed by the District and a third -party technical review panel comprised of industry experts. This project also included development and calibration of a wastewater treatment process simulation model using BioWin software and included a summary report describing the process model development and calibration approach. As a result of work accomplished under DP 7287, Plant of the Future Roadmap was included in the FY14/15 CIB to support the Zeolite - Anammox pilot and other efforts on a Master Plan. 7294 Secondary Process Improvements This project identified several scope items that were constructed under separate construction projects or postponed to future projects. These items include replacing Return Activated Sludge (RAS) piping, gates, and future improvements to the waste activated sludge system. 7295 Auxiliary Boiler Burner Upgrade This project retrofitted both treatment plant auxiliary boilers with new ultra -low nitrogen oxides (NOx) burners and other emission controls to meet regulations required by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. The project results allowed the boilers to meet the current NOx permit limit of 15 ppm. 7296 Solids Conditioning Building Seismic Upgrade Study A report presenting seismic retrofit options to the building and furnaces was completed under this project. However, due to the uncertainty of new regulatory requirements and future solids handling projects, the seismic upgrades are not recommended at this time. This study may be used to help future projects within the Solids Conditioning Building. 7298 Piping Renovations Phase 7 This project was the 7t" phase of a multiple -phase treatment plant piping renovation program. The project included replacement of RAS piping and valves at the clarifiers, Solids Conditioning Building (SCB) centrate piping, ash dust collector, recycled water sluice gates, improvements to the ventilation and odor control at the sludge loading facility, and furnace scrubber water instrumentation improvements. 7313 Solids Handling Equipment Evaluation This project was used to help plan for replacement of the existing centrifuges and to fund a pilot study carried out by a vendor. Staff is continuing to evaluate the equipment. The reports prepared under this project will be helpful to determine future replacement of the centrifuges. Any additional planning, studies or pilots will be conducted under the Centrifuge and Cake Pump Upgrades project. Attachment 2 Project Descriptions -- 2014 Closing Projects COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM Project # Project Title 5773 Smith Road Contractual Assessment District Smith Road Contractual Assessment District (CAD) 2012 -1 designed and constructed approximately 594 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipeline, together with appurtenant work and facilities along Smith Road in Alamo. The project serves 7 residential properties. 5937 Alhambra Valley Assessment Districts This project provided funds for a financing mechanism, Alhambra Valley Assessment Districts (AVADs) for extension of public sewers into areas of the Alhambra Valley currently served by septic tanks. The goals of the AVAD program were to assist property owners with septic tanks to finance the cost of extending and connecting to the public sewer; to avoid future use of septic systems and sewage pumping systems in the Alhambra Valley; and to facilitate direct and indirect connections to the Alhambra Valley trunk sewer. Six neighborhood sewer projects were financed through the AVAD program in 2007 and 2008, but there has been no interest since. If interest renews and the Board chooses to continue the program, new funding will be requested and a new capital program established. 5948 TV Inspection This project was a multi -year effort to gather video and condition data on the gravity pipes within the District's sewer collection system. The inspection data is integrated with the District's Geographic Data Integration (GDI) system, and together with previous inspection data on sewers, adds to the historical record of pipeline condition. The data is used to avert potential sewer overflows by identifying sewers in urgent need of cleaning, and adjusting maintenance schedules to an optimum cleaning frequency. The data is also used to assist in developing the District's Collection System Asset Management Plan. This is the final TV Inspection Project under the capital budget. The CCTV inspection program is now funded in the operations and maintenance budget. 5955 Suspended Pipe Support This project identified and evaluated the 49 pipelines suspended from bridges throughout the District's service area, then evaluated each for compliance with seismic support requirements. Eight pipe support systems were identified as being inadequate by a consultant structural engineer and the support systems were repaired and upgraded. These included seven sanitary sewers and one recycled water line. 5973 North Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 This project is the fourth phase of multiple phases to renovate sewer pipelines as part of the ongoing Collection System Renovation Program. This project installed approximately 14,700 linear feet of 6 -, 8 -, and 15 -inch sewer lines within the public right of way and in easements in the City of Orinda. This project used a variety of construction methods including pipebursting, sliplining, open cut, and Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). The contract contingency was used to repair an additional Attachment 2 Project Descriptions -- 2014 Closing Projects 610 linear feet of sewer lines ranging from 6" to 15" diameter that was identified to be in need of urgent repairs after the contract was awarded. 5995 San Ramon Bypass Pump Under this project, Engineering staff, in consultation with Pump Station staff, evaluated the need for a portable emergency bypass pump for the San Ramon Pumping Station. The evaluation determined that the purchase of the pump, at a cost of $282,000, is not necessary or cost effective at this time. 6003 San Ramon Pumping Station Upgrades The San Ramon Pumping Station Upgrades project replaced a 100 -hp pump with a new 250 -hp pump to convey increasing wastewater flows from development in the Dougherty Valley. 8401 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 9 This project is the ninth phase of multiple phases to renovate sewer pipelines as part of the ongoing Collection System Renovation Program. This project installed approximately 10, 700 linear feet of 6 -, 8 -, and 10 -inch sewer lines within public right of way and in easements in Contra Costa County and in the City of Walnut Creek. Construction methods included pipebursting and open cut. The contract contingency was used to repair sanitary sewer lines that were damaged by others, for urgent repair of a sewer siphon, and for the restoration of a drainage swale that was not identified by the Contra Costa County Flood Control District during the design phase. 8407 Martinez Bypass Pump During this project Engineering Staff, in consultation with Pump Station Staff, specified and purchased a portable emergency bypass pump for the Martinez Pump Station. 8409 Pump Station SCADA O &M Manual As a follow -up to the completion of the Pumping Station Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ( SCADA) Project, an operation manual for use by the pumping station staff was developed in order to document the operation of the SCADA system. Attachment 2 Project Descriptions -- 2014 Closing Projects GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Project # Project Title 8225 Imhoff Triangle Development Central San acquired approximately 1.1 acres of land west of the Household Hazardous Waste Facility. Over the years, several possible uses for the property have been proposed. In 2007, a Capital Project was created to look at various alternatives to develop the property. A report was prepared outlining the environmental mitigation steps that would be required to develop the property and several minor improvements, such as fencing, have been made to the parcel. The parcel is currently used as buffer property and there are plans to develop it. 8229 Martinez Easements Central San took over the City of Martinez sewer collection system in 1967. As -built plans and property rights documentation for the system was largely not available. A separate capital project was established in 2008 to track costs associated with researching and documenting property rights associated with sewer lines within the City of Martinez as well as acquiring new easements where needed. This Capital Project supported Martinez Sewer Renovation Phases 2 and 3. Capital costs for Martinez Sewer Renovation Phase 4 are currently being charged directly to that project. 8513 2012 -13 Equipment and Vehicles Acquisition This project provided funding for safe and cost - effective vehicles and equipment for FY 2012 -13. The project did not close at the end of FY 2012 -13 because of the late delivery of one vehicle. RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM Project # Project Title No Recycled Water Projects were closed in 2013 -14.