HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a. Consider forming a Central San Academy on a pilot basisCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District . Q ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 15, 2015 Subject: AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ESTABLISH THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CITIZENS ACADEMY (CENTRAL SAN ACADEMY) PILOT PROGRAM Submitted By. Initiating Dept /Div.: Christina Gee, Administration Senior Administrative Technician REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: E. Barnett — Communication Services & Intergovernmental Relations Manager D. Heath — Director of Administration Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE: To increase the awareness of the important core services the District provides to the public, staff is proposing the formation of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Citizens Academy (Central San Academy). The educational program is designed for interested District customers who would like to better understand the complexities of providing wastewater service to the community, and the functions of the District as a local government agency. BACKGROUND: On the recommendation of General Manager Roger S. Bailey, who has firsthand experience with similar citizen academies at other agencies, staff has developed a proposal for a six- to ten -week Central San Academy pilot program beginning in Spring 2016, for up to thirty customers in the District's service area, as well as a limited number of employees. Central San Academy would share what the District does with diverse audiences, potentially developing new community leaders and ambassadors with strong knowledge of the services the District provides. The goals of Central San Academy include the following: • Educate members of the public on the role of the wastewater industry and how it impacts their lives and community; • Showcase the District's mission to protect the public health and the environment; • Promote public dialogue and participation for critical core services; Encourage civil interaction and connection with the District's Board of Directors; • Build stronger community communication and interaction; and • Create greater connection between the District's employees and the public. Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 15, 2015 subject: AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ESTABLISH THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CITIZENS ACADEMY (CENTRAL SAN ACADEMY) PILOT PROGRAM Classes would be taught by various presenters once a week in the evening, highlighting key functions and departments of the District, with an overarching theme of how wastewater service is provided through governance, administration, and compliance. At a class size of up to thirty, students must be customers at least eighteen years of age, with a maximum of five employees able to participate. Enrollment would be determined by an application process that would select students based on the following criteria: • Current and former community involvement; • Motivation to participate; and • The ability to commit to attending classes. Students must also express a willingness to learn and share their knowledge with others, as it is hoped that the graduates will go on to become influential members of their communities. High -level versions of the lessons would be posted to the District's website after the conclusion of each class for those who are unable to attend. The program would be under the direction of the Communication Services & Intergovernmental Relations Manager, Director of Administration, and General Manager. Central San Academy aligns with the District's Mission and Values, Strategic Plan — Goal Five, and the goals for the General Manager. Two of the Values of the District are community relationships and transparency. To further these Values, the program would create networking opportunities and connect decision makers with the people that are directly affected. Through the lessons, the classes would demystify issues and serve as a forum for customers to ask questions about the inner workings of the District. One of the goals set forth in the current Strategic Plan is to provide exceptional customer service by making a concerted effort to understand customer expectations and their satisfaction with District services. Through Central San Academy, the District would better understand the expectations of its customers, gain support from participants, and encourage advocacy in the community. Recently, a number of goals were set by the Board for the General Manager. One of these goals is to enhance the District's public outreach program, and this new initiative would help create a foundation to reach that goal in the current year with the ability to grow the program further in the future. Attached is a sample curriculum for Central San Academy. After every session, staff would administer a written survey to the students to ensure quality and that substantive information is being presented. The survey would also solicit future presentation topics and suggestions from the students, creating a comprehensive feedback loop. By welcoming ideas from the students on how the District can better operate, the District C:\ Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files\ Content .Outlook \IM9F5ZMU \Central San Academy Position Paper 10- 15- 15.doc Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 15, 2015 Subject: AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ESTABLISH THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CITIZENS ACADEMY (CENTRAL SAN ACADEMY) PILOT PROGRAM will capture key messages, allow the audience to be an active part of the sharing information process, and create a curriculum that is both entertaining and informative. On the final night of the classes, diplomas would be presented at a graduation ceremony. Staff would invite the Board to meet the students and congratulate them on their achievement. Graduates would be asked at this time to reflect on their experience, share what they have learned, and be encouraged to take on further leadership and volunteer roles in the community. Central San Academy is a worthwhile investment for the District to make in its community and would keep the District at the forefront of leadership in the wastewater industry. Additionally, Central San Academy would develop the District's human resources by allowing employees who enter the program as students the opportunity to better understand their agency. For those employees who participate as presenters, the program would serve as a way for staff to improve their public speaking skills, interact with the public, and gain broader perspectives from the customers they serve. Overall, this program would allow the District to give back to its community, open a new dialogue with its customers, and build a network of engaged and informed citizens to help support the District's business practices. If the Spring 2016 pilot semester is successful, staff could conceivably hold this program twice a year for interested customers, with the support of the Board. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may elect not to move forward with forming the Central San Academy pilot program at this time. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost of Central San Academy is expected to be minimal. Possible expenses would include staff time, class materials expenses, and any refreshment costs approved by the General Manager. Given that classes would be taught primarily by department directors and managers, overtime incurrence is expected to be low and associated only with non - managerial employees that would be facilitating. Employees participating as students would be doing so on a voluntary basis on their own time. One option to fund the program is to obtain a scholarship from a private agency. In 2003, Glendale University (GU), instituted by the City of Glendale, Arizona, was given $10,000 by a private company for a two -year period. At the time, GU was offered twice a year, which equated to $2,500 per class to offset the cost of providing basic materials and the special graduation ceremony. Twelve years later, that sponsorship has continued and is currently committed on an annual basis. Staff will contact entities that C:\ Users\ danderson\AppData \Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files\ Content .Outlook \IM9F5ZMU \Central San Academy Position Paper 10- 15- 15.doc Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: October 15, 2015 subject: AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ESTABLISH THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CITIZENS ACADEMY (CENTRAL SAN ACADEMY) PILOT PROGRAM may have an interest in collaborating with the District, including educational institutions and local businesses. COMMUNITY OUTREACH: This program will allow the District to communicate externally in a new medium. To maximize interest in the program, it will be advertised in the Pipeline, Lateral Connection, the District's website, through community partnerships, and through social media. By having the opportunity to join Central San Academy to share information, customers would feel more valued and a sense of community would be engendered by the District. Classes would be designed to be an interactive, two -way exchange of information between the District and its customers. In an effort to continue growing the District's investment in its graduates, staff would develop an alumni association for Central San Academy, where participants would help strengthen communication between the District and the community and stay informed of matters facing the District. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This matter was reviewed by the Administration Committee at its October 5, 2015 meeting. The Committee provided input to staff and recommended that the full Board approve the program on a pilot basis. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to establish the Central San Academy as a pilot program. Attached Suoporting Documents: 1. Proposed Curriculum 2. PowerPoint Presentation C:\ Users\ dandersonWppData \Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files\ Content .Outlook \IM9F5ZMU \Central San Academy Position Paper 10- 15- 15.doc Page 4 of 4 Central San Academy — Proposed Curriculum ATTACHMENT 1 The following are proposed classes for a ten -week curriculum. The "semester" may be minimized to as few as six classes to accommodate the schedules of potential students, in which case, topics of lesser interest would be cut from the curriculum. Week One: Kick -Off Class / Governance of a Public Organization Introductions and Central San Bingo (icebreaker activity) Program Overview "Wastewater 101" Role of the Elected Official, Our Board of Directors How the Secretary of the District Represents the Public's Interests How the District Counsel Protects the District and its Constituents Being the General Manager, Armed with a Strategic Plan Week Two: Internal Administrative Business Services Information Technology Human Resources, Responsible Staffing and Succession Planning Managing Risk How We Communicate to Our Customers Week Three: Planning and Development Permits, Inspections, and Plan Check for Customers Planning for the Future with a Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan Pilot Testing and Applied Research Managing and Tracking Assets Week Four: Building Your Infrastructure Building and Maintaining Equipment in the Treatment Plant Building and Maintaining Pipelines in the Collection System In -House Fleet Services and Special Vehicles Needed in the Field Other Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Improvements Week Five: Following the Flow Treatment Plant Operations, Maintenance, and Safety Repairing Sewer Leaks in the Community Video Recording, or CCTV'ing, of Pipelines Keeping Tabs on Our Influent with Source Control Testing the Waters in Our Laboratory Week Six: Facilities Tour Tour of the Treatment Plant, Filter Plant, Laboratory, and Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility ( HHWCF) Week Seven: Funding Your Service Purchasing Materials and Services Regulatory Obligations Driving Infrastructure Improvements Cost of Service Study to Ensure Fair Rates to Everyone The District's Revenue Sources How the District Budgets and Spends Its Money The Rate Setting Process Decrypting Public Pensions Week Eight: Building a Community The Services of the HHWCF and Re -Use Room Converting Houses from Septic to Sewer K -12 Educational Programs Water and Wastewater Operator Training Free Speakers Series Available for Organizations District Participation in Community Events Week Nine: Recycled Water, Drought Recovery, and the Future Operating Our Recycled Water Fill Station Expanding Recycled Water Use Indirect Potable Reuse How the Drought Makes Us Re -Think Water Usage The Future of Wastewater Treatment and New Technologies Topics Suggested by the Class Week Ten: Graduation Dinner with District Management and Board of Directors Board Member Q&A Diploma Distribution / Graduation Ceremony Central San Academy "Bringing the public and wastewater together" Presentation by Christina Gee, Senior Administrative Technician October 5, 2015 k-" Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Purpose • To offer an educational opportunity for interested customers to learn about the business of providing wastewater and how it impacts their lives and community. • To highlight the functions of the District as a local government agency. ATTACHMENT 2 1 Goals • Educate members of the public on the role of the wastewater industry and how it impacts their lives and community • Showcase the District's mission to protect the public health and the environment • Promote public dialog and participation for critical core services • Encourage civil interaction and greater connection with the District's Board Classes • 6 -10 week course • 2 -3 hour classes held one night a week • Build stronger community connection and interaction • Create greater interaction between the District's employees and the public • 30 community students at least 18 years of age • Enrollment determined by the following: — motivation to participate — community involvement — ability to commit to attending classes 10/08/15 2 Benefits to the District • Shares what the District does with a diverse audience • Produces community ambassadors • Promotes environmental stewardship • Fosters community relationships • Demonstrates open governance and transparency • Creates networking opportunities • Opens a dialogue with the public • Conducts civic education • Assists in providing better customer service, by ascertaining expectations and degrees of satisfaction • Increases customer input • Develops human resources with employee participation as speakers or students • Keeps the District at the forefront of the wastewater industry Similar Programs at Other Agencies • City of Glendale, Arizona (Glendale University) • San Diego County Water Authority �J (Citizens Water Academy) • City of Carlsbad, CA (Citizens Academy) • City of Napa, CA (Citizens Academy) (Fk CIIIIINS ViAI[R 'ACADEME 5— Diego County Woter Authority 10/08/15 K, Sample Class Syllabus • Kick -Off Class/ Governance of a Public Organization • Internal Administrative Business Services • Planning and Development • Building Your Infrastructure • Following the Flow • Facilities Tour • Funding Your Service • Building a Community • Recycled Water, Drought Recovery, and the Future • Graduation M1 g "S ti b N Funding and Possible Y Sponsorships • Minimal costs by being taught by District staff • Corporate sponsorship possible (Glendale University given $10,000 /year by a private company) • Potential partnerships for the District: — Educational institutions — Local businesses • Alternatively, the program could be District funded. 10/08/15 Id Conclusion • Central San Academy would allow the District to do the following: — give back to its community — open a new dialogue with its customers — build a network of engaged and informed citizens to help support and improve the District's business practices <.. ,, v cc w � Board Action Staff requests that the Board authorize staff to proceed with establishing the Central San Academy as a pilot program. 10/08/15 5 QUESTIONS' ��CD� 10/08/15