HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.d.1)b) Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Action Summary 09-14-15SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING COMMITTEE ACTION SUMMARY Monday September 14, 2015 12:00 p.m. City of Modesto Recycled Water Treatment Facility 7077 Jennings Road Modesto, CA 95351 Committee: Chair Tad Pilecki Member Mike McGill Staff.• Deputy General Manager Ann Sasaki Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean -Marc Petit QJAL) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: MICHAEL R. MCGILL President TAD J. PILECKI President Pro Tent PAUL H CAUSEY JAMES A. NEJEDLY DAVID R. WILLIAMS PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX: (925) 372 -0192 www.centralsan.org Hosting Agency Mr. Will Wong, Engineering Division Manager, City of Modesto, California- Utilities Department Public: Mr. Jim Hagstrom, Executive VP for Carollo Engineers, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA Mr. Mike Britten, Senior Vice President, Carollo Engineers, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA Mr. Ryan Sellman, Project Filed Engineer, Carollo Engineers, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA This meeting is to inspect real property located outside the jurisdiction of this agency (GC §54954(b)(1) in a nearby facility regarding the facility itself (GC §54954(b)(6)). 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 1:36 p.m. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Action Summary September 14, 2015 Page 2 2. Public Comments None. 3.* Discussion regarding City of Modesto involvement with the North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program (NVRRWP) Mr. Will Wong made a presentation on the North Valley Regional Recycled Water program (attached). COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the presentation. 4. Tour of City of Modesto Advanced Tertiary Recycled Water Treatment facility, located at 7077 Jennings Road, Modesto, California. Committee toured the facility. 5. Announcements None. 6. Adjournment — at 3:33 p.m. *Attachment �yan3. dou'`� MODESTO CAI, If ORN IA North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program William Wong Engineenng Division Manager Gty of Modesto— Utilities Depatrr*nt sePtE b 14, 2015 Existing wastewater treatment scheme SIM T tIOT— � o T T5krigft5on W. Y ± ** 9/14/2015 Jennings Road Secondary/Tertiary Treatment Facilities i. G G ^� jobs °e %ll1` MODESTO UYW of UMMG F,CLff= JE)Ptkat rtarr New wastewater treatment ewrxei scheme MODESTO r TrBabnerk Secondary Q Sm. Q Treatment Plerrt Irtipelbn B W tia I / Terry 5 TreatmerR To Do? Puerto WD via Delta Mendota Canes 9/14/2015 3 Domestic and Can Seg treatment Iih't processes at Jennings Plant MODMO -1110.. .. De- Aeration Membranes Ten, _ L !r Vfobt OM S M BNR Aemtwn Besft Why go with tertiary treatment? River C�. To DMC for 46 Needed new /expanded WWTP due to growth and increased flows v Expedited wastewater treatment to meet growth demands (Phase 1A and 16) Cost /Time Driven Effluent discharge limitations for secondary effluent (20:1 dilution seasonal discharge, storage, Ranch /Irrigation limitations) New NPDES permit and economic downturn revised City's CIP plans (Phase 2) 9/14/2015 4 R Chlorination Pana y cftent !rom FFR L- � Recirculatior. Facultative OAFS Sut 1 Plant Channel Ponds for Algae a (3) Removal Can Seq — --: : ,..... Irrigation Land Pond Applications De- Aeration Membranes Ten, _ L !r Vfobt OM S M BNR Aemtwn Besft Why go with tertiary treatment? River C�. To DMC for 46 Needed new /expanded WWTP due to growth and increased flows v Expedited wastewater treatment to meet growth demands (Phase 1A and 16) Cost /Time Driven Effluent discharge limitations for secondary effluent (20:1 dilution seasonal discharge, storage, Ranch /Irrigation limitations) New NPDES permit and economic downturn revised City's CIP plans (Phase 2) 9/14/2015 4 2007 vs. Present v 2007 Master Plan H Issue with disposal capacity on ranch and river discharge Regulatory requirements were becoming more stringent (Nitrogen /Tertiary) Phase 1A was designed based on cost and time Phase 113 was not designed due to reduced growth starting in 2008 0 Present Phase 2 was designed in place of 1B and expanded due to reduced growth. 2008 Permit had increased discharge requirements Modesto's new wastewater facilities will be one of the leading systems in the country • State of the art treatment — one of the largest MBR plants in the country • Will produce very high quality water that will provide drought —proof water for agriculture • Improved reliability for the domestic and cannery flow waste transport systems • Expanded capacity to serve food processing industries v A potential energy recovery system to off -set operating costs 9/14/2015 5 North Valley Water Recycling Project to be ready by late 2017 0 All water produced by BNR /Tertiary Phases 1A and 2 will be sent to the DMC for use by Del Puerto WD (14.9 mgd) 0 Design in 2015 0 Construction 2015 — 2017 e Operational by Late 2017 RECYCLED WASTEWATER PIPELINE CLAN raoaeuo lno T,.wa nvr x t>, Z. uroo. the son �oow+n River to Ne DPI:! MmOOU ♦�KMr — C+ut to Irrlpl. llnnf In It.. DM garto WY..t Dief rlCt Ttiv plp. In. �t� ar! fMM1Q rn+a.�.a.o.en.ssoor.,lown ow- Regional effort - MODESTO C'At f 0 R1, I 10 North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program (NVRRWP) provides regional solution to part of California's water crisis by making tertiary- treated recycled water available to drought- impacted west side of Stanislaus, San Joaquin, and Merced Counties Partnership formed in April 2010 with Cities of Modesto, Turlock, and Ceres, Stanislaus County, and Del Puerto Water District Modesto chosen to administer program on behalf of Partners 9/14/2015 R NVRRWP established to: 0 Provide a regional solution for local water supply crisis 10 Make recycled water available for agricultural irrigation and potentially wildlife refuges 14 Provide long -term, reliable water supplies to DPWD to mitigate on -going and severe contractual water supply shortages 0 Reduce reliance on Delta conveyance and groundwater pumping to meet unmet water supply needs Challenges for partners is we, 46 Del Puerto Water District Y Primary water source is federal allocations from Central Valley Project (CVP) CVP allocations have been restricted due to drought and environmental concerns IR MODESTO c.' Cities of Modesto and Turlock Experiencing more stringent discharge requirements Both Cities treat to tertiary levels with minimal reuse 9/14/2015 7 Del Puerto customers experiencing significant shortages and reduced reliability Current operations Banks 1 -acy Pumping Pumping Plant — Plant s iv c 3 South Delta vR at Vemalls Stmr7tlourRiva - - New Metonr. b S ! Q Tudrrnurt Povu e5 Modesto WWTP Discharge N Po;tcrson can./ 8 Pump sr. a+ Turlock WWTP Discharge Y rt c Q Merced ai,w !(� / / /j' pC� r New Eschmpuer N (� Saaloepu/n River I IC � Fnartt Dam Delra Mendora Pod 9/14/2015 i 100.000 90.000- -- - -__ -_- 80,000 -- 70.000- _ �. Shnr11n8 60,000- - ► yU,O(N) \I 1 CL $, 50,000 -- — w 40,000 — U Q 30.000-- _ urrent 1'car 20,000 I )I'\\ I) C.untra t �upplp 10.000 - 0 U 0 — Current operations Banks 1 -acy Pumping Pumping Plant — Plant s iv c 3 South Delta vR at Vemalls Stmr7tlourRiva - - New Metonr. b S ! Q Tudrrnurt Povu e5 Modesto WWTP Discharge N Po;tcrson can./ 8 Pump sr. a+ Turlock WWTP Discharge Y rt c Q Merced ai,w !(� / / /j' pC� r New Eschmpuer N (� Saaloepu/n River I IC � Fnartt Dam Delra Mendora Pod 9/14/2015 i Conceptual solution Banks T °ry South Delta PumpinlL PumP ne Plant Plant iRatve..,.; :, V a 3 � x: L Stanislauz River - New Ne:one; V tt Tuolumne Rivo . New Don Pedro Modesto W WTP Discharge Patterson Canal &Pump Station u e j 1 pC N Delta Mendota Pool Turlock VAVTP Discharge MA Ced Rives .. N ,Eycie QLe: Scn i oaiu:n R ver. Friant Dam Projected recycled water available MODESTO C A l f O Y N A v Recycled water available by 2018 (from EIR): Modesto = 14.9 MGD = 16,500 AFY Turlock = 12.6 MGD = 14,100 AFY Total = 30,600 AFY v Anticipated regulatory requirements for disposal into San Joaquin River will become more stringent v Recycled water treated to "Title 22" Standards= unrestricted use 9/14/2015 Recycled water supplies 70,000 60,000 a > 50,000 CL CL of 40,000 v 3 30,000 v w u 20,000 v 10,000 eRt MODESTO C A L F 0 R N i A 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Mndpo to —Tijrinrle — fner.h".—A Preferred alternative for delivering° rig recycled water to the DMC MooESTO PlA& P2 RuaRZ — Ptchar�e line i corsnmmauc a �oR �•ruv rtat M' FNA dwF}E11 RRt•t ` y� � 1 �Y+ S 4 ►i !\ 1 /l N++etMO oww ro wocaro n eo u,iAn an rtacw♦tu nrnx 9/14/2015 10 NVRRWP Implementation Phases Evaluate supplies /demands Develop /evaluate alternatives Draft Feasibility Study Focus on Delta - Mendota Canal as best conveyance option Revised Draft Feasibility Study May June Dec 2010 2012 2013 $150K $760K $1.5 M Facilities Planning EIR /EIS Permitting Outreach Sept 2015 Design -Build Owner Advisor Services Continued Permitting ROW Acquisition • Select Design Build team Design Construction $80 M Progress to date MODESTO V Feasibility Studies Complete `"t'r0RN Phase 1— Initial Feasibility, alternatives analysis Phase 2 — Focused on conveyance v Ongoing discussions with Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding permitting of recycled water introduction into Delta- Mendota Canal (DMC) 6A Cooperating with U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), who operates the DMC, to evaluate delivery to south of delta refuges v Secured broad support for project Jan 9/14/2015 11 Recent activities MODESTO Phase 3 Tasks CAl `09 NIA d EIR /EIS for DMC delivery (EIR certified 7/7/15, EIS posted 9/11/15) d Confirm approach to BOR /Refuges (complete) d Confirm governance structure (Joint Powers Agreement being finalized by members) * Research funding sources (Applied for SRF loan) 10 Establish water rights (within 30 -60 days) CEQA /NEPA major comments V Turlock Irrigation District concerns Protest due to "inadequacy" of environmental document Primarily on cumulative impacts to Turlock groundwater sub - basin: Recharge on City -owned ranch San Joaquin River recharge 46 "Incomplete" project description 10 Export of groundwater outside basin 9/14/2015 12 Implementation challenges 0 Securing water rights 4A Obtaining new NPDES Permit 10 Approval for use of BOR Facilities 46 Reduced flows Securing water rights 46 Removal of discharges from San Joaquin River requires evaluating both flow and fish habitat impacts Work in both areas shows no significant impacts 46 Modesto filed wastewater change petition with State Water Board to change discharge locations (CA Water Code Section 1211) Change petition filed July 2014 Change petition notice issued in January 2015 v 2 protests received and resolved Dismissal Agreements (TID 8/5/15, Westlands 9 /1/15) Waiting for SWRCB decision Ob Turlock filed petition in September 2015 9/14/2015 13 Protest of water rights transfer v Westlands Water District Unsure if Modesto has rights to tertiary water in terms of "beneficial use" Project harming Westlands' legal rights to water in DMC Water quality (salinity limits in Delta) 0 Turlock Irrigation District Same as CEQA /NEPA comments Reduced Groundwater Recharge Cities discharges represent less than 1% of San Joaquin River Flows San Joaquin Pover at Vernal,s, 2000 2012 wIh Recycled Water Fows e000 IN SIR Rvv, W Voe.*, 437 W ^o i 3 ■ Rec.nhWl Vfnlcr Fk- 'DOD eaa0 5000 u ? 4000 s LL 3000 w 0D An fib L* Ain Recycled Water I to A,: Alarnh - 48 k I April - 21 J, May- 20i(s �!IZ Ay M,y - .r .W A g Sp 0cl Nov Dec 9/14/2015 14 Delta- Mendota Canal 11 Primary source of water to DPWD and refuges Owned by USBR (federal) under CVP, operated by SLDMWA Max capacity of 4,600 cfs Obtaining new NPDES Permit v Use of DMC creates an unusual permitting scenario DMC is concrete -lined engineered channel DMC is also listed by Regional Water Quality Control Board as having variety of beneficial uses Permit therefore is NPDES Permit with DMC as receiving body v Currently working with RWQCB 9/14/2015 15 :z i :D Comparing recycled water quality to DMC water quality Nitrate (as N) Selenium Total Dissolved Solids 500 DRAG WQ umiz a 6 a 0 Recycled Water DMC Water Qwlity Mato DMC WQ Umit 000. 00015 �• - OOM -- Recycled Water DMC Waver Quay Quality DwtC Wn limit am 700 600 sw e00 300 200 100 O aetyded Water Quality DMC Watet Qualdy Approval for the use of USBR facilities Ob Warren Act or Exchange Agreement with Reclamation to allow conveyance and storage in DMC v Agreement to be 40 years in length 10 DPWD to secure contract with Reclamation 9/14/2015 16 Type of connection to DMC is under development Will depend on NPDES permitting requirements and USBR preferences May require dye testing of DMC for mixing zone analysis Gooseneck -style discharge into DMC near Patterson, California Flow increases over the next 20 years will be minimal due to water conservation 9/14/2015 17 Figure 2.15 Sutter Plant Average Non - Canning Season Flow Projection s - �mw wo,R+wi a u oa..re►.uro wwu„ w,. �y�„� 15 —zmi�u wn..w,. ]cS.t1 M - - - - - - _ - - - R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R z R R i R R 9/14/2015 17 Estimated Project Costs '. Base Construction $74 M $ 79 M Implementation Costs $22 M $ 23 M Total Capital Cost $96 M $102M Depending on grants and financing mechanisms, the first year water cost is estimated at $180 -320 per acre -foot 9/14/2015