HomeMy WebLinkAbout03. (Handout) Board Self Assessment Questionsd3,
The following questions assess 8 critical focus areas for assessing the performance of a
public agency Board of Directors. The questions can be distributed among all whom the
Board wishes to participate. The focus area questions are mixed within the question set,
then correlated within the responses. They are measured using a 1 -5 scale, with five
being complete agreement. Those with lower level of agreement can serve as the basis
of an improvement plan.
1. The Board provides clear direction to the manager and staff.
2. Communication is strong and clear between the Board and executive.
3. The Board and each of its members treat staff as respected and trustworthy partners at
4. The Board and each member knows how to respond to questions from the public.
5. Board meetings most usually includes an opportunity for being informed about the organization's
progress toward results and achievements.
6. Board meetings are long enough to accomplish the Board's work.
7. As a Board we provide clear direction and guidance to our executive at meetings.
8. The committee structure logically addresses the organization's areas of operation and standing
committees remain relevant and important to the work of the Board and agency.
9. The agency's mission statement is well understood and supported by the Board and is in fact the
driving allegiance of the Board.
10. The Board reviews its own performance and measures its own effectiveness in governance
11. The Board understands that its performance has a large effect on the agency's efficiency.
Board members receive meeting agendas and supporting materials in time for adequate advance
12. Staff support before, during, and after -Board meetings is timely and effective.
13. The Board effectively represents the organization to the community and the community in the
14. The Board focuses on policy - related decisions which effectively guide operational activities of
15. The Board regularly monitors and evaluates progress toward strategic results and achievement
16. The Board has approved comprehensive personnel policies which have been reviewed by a
qualified professionals
17. The Mission statement of the agency clearly outlines why the agency exists.
18. At meetings, the Board dynamics are professional, well controlled for good public process and
yield clear and deliberate processing of the public's work
19. Board meetings facilitate focus on public progress of important policies, clearly articulated and
expected results, and achievements, now only “how” things get done
20. The Board actively engages in discussion around significant issues.
21. The Board operates under a set of self -regulating policies, pro cedures, norms and guidelines
with which all members respect and are familiar.
22. The Board properly applies its members’ talents and skills to the work of good Boardwork as it
relates to the business/operation of the agency.
23. The Board members conduct themselves professionally and in accordance with their own Board
conduct bylaws.
24. The Board provides clear direction to the manager and staff.
25. Communications between Board members on and off the dais is properly controlled and
indicative of a professionally run organization.
26. The Board strive s to make decisions when all of the information is available and don’t “kick -the -
can -down -the -road” with tough decisions .
27. Board members understand the agency’s mission and its purpose .
28. Each member of the Board feels involve, engaged and interested in the agency's work .
29. The Board is actively engaged in the Board development processes and is open to activities
necessary to improve its performance, such as conferences and Board specif ic training.
30. Newly elected Board members receive adequate orientation to their role and what is expected
of them.
31. The Board effectively represents the organization to the community and the community in the
organization .
32. The Board has developed guidelines that outline how the members will communicate between
themselves in different situations.
33. The Board has a culture of respect between one another and exercises that during Board
34. The Board has clear guidelines on ho w it conducts meetings and interacts with the public at
various places within a meeting agenda.
35. Board meetings are well attended by each member .
36. Board meetings are frequent enough to ensure effective governance and public access.
37. Staff considers policy implications and development with each relevant agenda item .
38. The Board fully understands, participates in and is supportive of the strategic planning process
of the agency.
39. All committees have a charter that is periodically evaluated .
40. Board receives regular reports on finances/budgets, products/program performance and other
important matters .
41. I nformation provided by staff to ensure effective Board governance and decision -making is
timely, relevant, complete and ad equate.
42. The Board avoids engagement at the dais that is acrimonious, instead, asks clarifying questions
on legitimate issues well ahead of scheduled meetings.
43. The Board treats the public openly, consistently, with respect and without bias.
44. The Board chair effectively and appropriately leads and facilitates the Board meetings and the
policy and governance work and public process of the Board.
45. The Board demonstrates a deep commitment to Mission of the agency and to good public
process a nd governance.
46. The Board annually evaluates the “chief executive ” performance evaluating and setting clear
goals and objectives that are l inked to big -picture strategic results and achievements .
47. At meetings Board members show respect of the public, one another, the chair and staff, even if
the matter doesn’t go their way.
48. The Board effectively represents the organization to the community and the community in the
organization .
49. The committee structure provides proper contact with adm inistration and staff.
50. The Board reviews the organization’s performance in carrying out the stated mission on a
regular basis.
51. There are standing committees of the Board that meet regularly and report to and provide
advise to the Board.
52. Th e Board understands its governance role and the differing role of professional staff.
5 3 . We are sure to make sure that our Board delivers direction to staff as a whole, not any one
Board member.
5 4 . Board meeting presentations and discussions consistently reference the agency’s mission.
55. The Board understands the structural pattern and the associated roles
(board, committees, executive and staff ).
56. Board has worked with the executive and staff in the creation of clear goals and
actions resulting from relevant and realistic strategic planning.