HomeMy WebLinkAbout06. Update on District Transparency CertificateSPECIAL DISTRICT 1112 1 Street, Suite 200 QLEADERSHIP 816.231 Sacramento, CA 95814 C!) FOUNDATION www.sdlf.org April 7, 2015 Ms. Elaine Boehme Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 -4316 RE: SDLF District Transparency Certificate of Excellence Renewal Dear Ms. Boehme: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District was last approved under the Special District Leadership Foundation's District Transparency Certificate of Excellence program in September 2013. As you know, this certificate is good for two years at which time your district must be renewed. Please complete the included checklist and provide all required documentation for review. The application plus fee must be received before September 30, 2015. (P 0 I look forward to receiving your District Transparency Certificate of Excellence application for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Please let me know if you need any further information or if there is anything I can do to assist. Best Regards, Charlotte Lowe SDLF Program Assistant charlottelCa.sdif.org w Q SPECIAL DISTRICT LEADERSHIP ]FOUNDATION SHOWCASE YOUR DISTRICT'S COMMITMENT TO TRANSPARENCY Purpose To promote transparency in the operations and governance of special districts to the public /constituents and provide special districts Avith an opportunity to showcase their efforts in transparency. Duration District Receives 2Ycars • Certificate for display (covering 2 )-cars) • Press release template Application Cost Recognition on the SDLF website I1:1 f Letter to legislators within the district's boundaries announcing the achievement • Recognition in CA Special District magazine and the CSDA eNews Basic Requirements CLIRRENT ETHICSTRAINING FOR ALL BOARD MEMBERS (Government Code Section 53235) ❑ Provide copies of training certificates along with date completed COMPLIANCE WITH THE RALPH M. BROWN ACT (Government Code Section 54950 et. al) Q Provide copy of current policy related to Brown Act compliance Ci Provide copy of a current meeting agenda (including opportunity for public comment) ADOPTION OF POLICY RELATEDTO HANDLING PUBLIC RECORDS ACT REQUESTS ❑ Provide copy of current policy ADOPTION OF REIMBURSEMENT POLICY, IF DISTRICT PROVIDES ANY REIMBURSEMENT OF ACTUAL AND NECESSARY EXPENSES (Government Code Section 53232.2 (b)) ❑ Provide copy of current policy ANNUAL DISCLOSURE OF BOARD MEMBER OR EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENTS FOR INDIVIDUAL CHARGES OVER $ 100 FOR SERVICES OR PRODUCTS.THIS INFORMATION ISTO BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. "INDIVIDUAL CHARGE "IN - CLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITEDTO: ONE MEAL, LODGING FOR ONE DAY, OR TRANSPORTATION. (Government Code Section 53063.5) ❑ Provide copy of the most recent document and how it is accessible. TIMELY FILING OF STATE CONTROLLER'S SPECIAL DISTRICTS FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS REPORT - INCLUDES COMPENSA- TION DISCLOSURE. (Government Code Section 53891) ❑ Provide copy of most recent filing. SDLFstaff pill verify that district is not listed on the State Controller's 'non-compliance list' CONDUCT ANNUAL AUDITS (Government Code Section 26909 and 12410.6) ❑ Provide copy of most recent audit and management letter and a description of how /where documents were made available to the public OTHER POLICIES — HAVE CURRENT POLICIES ADDRESSING THE FOLLOWING AREAS Provide copies of each: ❑ Conflict of Interest ❑ Code of Ethics /Values /Norms or Board Conduct ❑ Financial Reserves Policy ' %;, ;. '., 1 I ! ! II -il .. I .51 !.';i'i t T-,.t I i'!i .. i.. Website Requirements MAINTAIN A DISTRICT WEBSITE WITH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS REQUIRED. (provide website link) Required items mailable to the public: ❑ Names of Board Members and their terms of office ❑ Name of general manager and key staff along with contact information ❑ Election procedure and deadlines ❑ Board meeting schedule (Regular meeting agendas must be posted 72 hours in advance pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.1(a)(1) and Government Code Section 54956 (a)) ❑ District's mission statement ❑ Description of district's services/ functions and service area ❑ Authorizing statute /Enabling Act (Principle Act or Special Act) ❑ Current District budget ❑ Most recent financial audit • Archive of Board meeting minutes for at least the last 6 months • List of compensation of Board Members and Staff and /or link to State Controller's webpage mith the data ADDITIONAL ITEMS — tvcbsiie also must include at Icast 4 of 'thc following items: ❑ Post Board Member ethics training certificates ❑ Picture, biography and e-mail address of board members ❑ Last (3) years of audits ❑ Reimbursement and Compensation Police ❑ Financial Reserves Policy ❑ Online /downloadable public records act request form ❑ Audio or video recordings of board meetings ❑ Map of district boundaries /service area ❑ link to California Special Districts Association mapping program ❑ Most recent Municipal Service. Review (MSR) and Sphere of Influence (SOI) studies (full document or lint: to document on another site) Outreach /Best Practices Requirements (A9ust complete at (cast 1 of the following items) REGULAR DISTRICT NEWSLETTER OR COMMUNICATION (PRINTED AND /OR ELECTRONIC) THAT KEEPSTHE PUBLIC, CONSTITU- ENTS AND ELECTED OFFICIALS UP -TO -DATE ON DISTRICT ACTIVITIES (at least twice annually) ❑ Provide copy of most recent communication and short description on the frequency of the communication, how it's distributed and to whom. COMMUNITY NOTIFICATION THROUGH PRESS RELEASE TO LOCAL MEDIA OUTLET ANNOUNCING UPCOMING FILING DEADLINE FOR ELECTION AND PROCESS FOR SEEKING A POSITION ON THE DISTRICT BOARD, PRIOR TOTHAT ELECTION (OR PRIOR TO THE MOST RECENT DEADLINE FOR CONSIDERATION OF NEW APPOINTMENTS FORTHOSE DISTRICTS WITH BOARD MEMBERS APPOINTEDTO FIXED-TERMS). ❑ Provide copy of the press release (and the printed article if available) COMPLETE SALARY COMPARISON /BENCHMARKING FOR DISTRICT STAFF POSITIONS USING A REPUTABLE SALARY SURVEY (AT LEAST EVERY 5YEARS) ❑ Provide brief description of the survey and process used as well as the general results SPECIAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROJECT Designed and completed a special project promoting community engagement with the district (potential projects may be broad in nature or focus on specific issues such as rate- setting, recycled water, identifying community needs, etc.) ❑ Submit an overview of the community engagement project reviewing the process undertaken and results achieved HOLD ANNUAL INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC BUDGET HEARINGSTHAT ENGAGETHE PUBLIC (OUTREACH, WORKSHOPS, ETC.) PRIORTO ADOPTiNGTHE BUDGET ❑ Provide copy of most recent public budget (tearing notice and agenda. M COMMUNITY TRANSPARENCY REVIEW The district mould he required to obtain a completed overviety checklist from at least 2 of the following individuals (the district ma)- choose to conduct the overviety with these individuals simultaneousb' or separate)): D Chair of the County Civil Grand Jury ❑ Editor of a reputable local print newspaper (only one may count toward requirement) ❑ LAFCU Executive Officer ❑ County Auditor- Controller D Local Legislator (only one may count toward requirement) D Executive Director or President of local Chamber of Commerce ❑ General Manager of a peer agency (special district, city or county) ❑ Provide proof of completion signed by individuals completing Communig,Transparenc), Review SHOWCASE YOUR DISTRICT'S COMMITMENT TO TRANSPARENCY Submit Application )ubma this uhpltcauon along with all required documentation to: SPECIAL DISTRICT LEADERSHIP FOUNDATION 1112 1 Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone:916 -231 -2939 • Fax: 916 -442 -7889 D1STRIC F: MAILING ADDRESS: PITY: CONTACT NAME: t'HONE: I-M W ASSI'MBLY MFMBF.R1Si *: SENATOR *: LOCAL NEWSPAPER6): 1 CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IS ACCURATE SIGNATURE: AND COMPLETETOTIIE BEST OF MY KNO\1tLEDGE. SDLF DISTRICT TRANSPARENCY CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE DOCUMENT INDEX REQUIREMENTS REF # DOCUMENT BASIC REQUIREMENTS Current Ethics Training for all Board Members (GC § 53235) I — • Provide copies of training certificates along with date 1a -e • Ethics Training certificates completed Compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (GC § 54950 et. al) I • Provide copy of current policy related to Brown Act 2a • CCCSD Code of Laws 2.16.020 compliance (Brown Act summary and full code are also • Provide copy of a current meeting agenda (including included in Board Orientation Binders) opportunity for public comment) 2b • Staff Brown Act training 2c • Current (September 3, 2015) Board Meeting I Agenda - Adoption of policy related to handling Public Records Act requests -------------------------------- • Provide copy of current policy j • Administrative Procedure Adoption of Reimbursement Policy, if district provides any 4a _ • Travel and Reimbursement Policy BP 008 reimbursement of actual and necessary expenses (GC § 53232.2 (b)) 4b • Board Compensation Resolution 2015 -008 • Provide copy of current policy Annual disclosure of board member or employee reimbursements for individual charges over $100 for services or products. This information is to be made available for public inspection. "Individual charge" includes, but is not limited to: one meal, lodging for one day, or transportation. (GC § 53065.5) • Employee and Board Member • Provide copy of the most recent document and how it is 5 Reimbursements Fiscal Year 2014 -15 (on file accessible with Secretary of the District and available upon --- - - - - -- ..._._ - -- request) Timely filing of State Controller's Special Districts Financial • Documentation showing submission of Transactions Report - includes compensation disclosure (GC § 53891) financial transactions and salaries for employees • Provide copy of most recent filing; SDLF staff will verify that 6 and Board Members (Special Districts Financial district is not listed on the State Controller's 'non- compliance list' Transactions Report State Controller's Financial ---------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - Transaction Report) - - - -- Conduct Annual Audits (GC § 26909 and 12410.6) — • Provide copy of most recent audit and management letter and 7a • Audit letter a description of how /where documents were made available to the • Management letter public Both are included in the Agenda Backup for the 11/06/14 Board Meeting, Item 7.a., (hard copy attached) on our website http: / /weblink. centralsan.dst.ca.us /WebLink8 /D ocView.aspx ?id= 692924 &dbid =0 Other Policies — have current policies addressing the following areas (provide copies of each): • Conflict of Interest 8a • Conflict of Interest Code • Code of Ethics /Values /Norms of Board Conduct 8b • Board Members' Duties and Responsibilities • Financial Reserves Policy section of Board Guidelines Binder 8c • Financial Reserves (Funds Required) _ -- _— Guidelines Centrql Contra Costa Sanitary District District Transparency Certificate of Excellence Application SDLF DISTRICT TRANSPARENCY CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE DOCUMENT INDEX ----------- - - - ---- - --- ---------- * ....... * ... ...... . . . .. ......... .. REQUIREMENTS t REF # 1-.. DOCUMENT — - — - --------- ------- . .. ........... . . . .......... . ............................................ WEBSITE REQUIREMENTS . ......... ................. . .. . . ............ . .. ........................ . .... ................. ................ I ..................................................................................... . .... ... . ............................ ... . .......................................................... . . . . .... . . . ........................ . . .................. Maintain a district website with the following items ...... W.-Wii eintria I s.a...n,..o-rg ---------- --------- (provide website link; all are required) • Names of Board Members and their terms of office http://www.centralsan.org/index.cfm?navld=69& • Name of general manager and key staff along with contact http://www.centralsan.org/index.cfm?navld=87 information • Election procedure and deadlines http://www.centralsan.org/index.cfm?navid=69 • Board meeting schedule (regular meeting agendas must be posted i http://www.centralsan.org/index.cfm?navld=69 72 hours in advance pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2 (a)(1) and Government Code Section 54956 (a)) • District's mission statement http://www.centralsan.org/index.cfm?navid=63 • Description of district's services/functions and service area http://www.centralsan.org/index.cfm?navld=65 • Authorizing statute/enabling act (Principle Act or Special Act) j https://www.municode.com/librarv/­#!/ca/central contra c osta sanitary district/codes/code of laws • Current district budget http://www.centralsan.org/documents/2015 16 OM Debt Service Self Ins Debt Service Funds.pd • Most recent financial audit http://www.centralsan.org/documents/­CAFR 2014.pd • Archive of Board meeting minutes for at least the last 6 months http://www.centralsan.org/applications/agendas-action- summaries-minutes.cfm?nav1d=71 • List of compensation of Board Members and staff and/or link to http://www.centralsan.orp,/index.cfm?navid=1150 http://www.centralsan.org/documents/Form 806.pd State Controller's webpage with the data http://www.sco.ca.gov/compensation search.htm] ........... ......................... . ....... .... ........ ...................... . . . ............................... . .............. . ......................... . ...... . . . .... . . . . ....... .......... .................... ... . . ..... ....... ... . . ......... ... — ........ . .. .... . . ...... .... . . . ............................ ....... .... . . . . .......................... . . . ... .............. .... ............ .. .............. . ...... Website also must include at least 4 of the following items: ........ .. . ...... . . . . . .... ..... . ... ............ .................................... . .................................................................................................................................. . . . ...... . ........ • Post Board Member ethics training certificates http://centralsan.org/documents/2014 Ethics Training Cer tificates.0 • Picture, biography and email address of board members • Last 3 years of audits (inside CAFRs) http://www.centralsan.org/index.cfm?navld=78 • Reimbursement and Compensation Policy (in Code of Regulations) • Financial Reserves Policy • Online/downloadable Public Records Act request form http://centralsan.orgJindex.cfm?navid=368 • Audio or video recordings of board meetings • Map of district boundaries/service area http://www.centralsan.org/index.cfm?navld=65 • Link to California Special Districts Association mapping program http:// www .centralsan.org /index.cfm?navld =1112 • Most recent Municipal Service Review (MSR) and Sphere of Influence (Sol) studies (full document or link to document on another site) ........ . ..................... ... I ............................ ................ .................................................. ..... .......... ... . ....... . . . ...... . .. ...... Central Contra Cqsta Sanitary District District Transparency Certificate of Excellence Application SDLF DISTRICT TRANSPARENCY CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE DOCUMENT INDEX .... ...... -- .... .._ REQUIR OUTREACH /BEST PRACTICES REQUI —_ .. ............_.— ._....._...._.._ .._.................._ _ Must complete at least 2 of the foil Regular district newsletter or comn electronic) that keeps the public, cc to -date on district activities (at leap • Provide copy of most recer description on the frequency of distributed and to whom - -- _ ......... _ Community notification through pr announcing upcoming filing deadlir seeking a position on the district be to the most recent deadline for con for those districts with board meml • Provide copy of the press r available) _._. ......... _ Complete salary comparison /benct using a reputable salary survey (at • Provide brief description of well as the general results Special Community Engagement Pr • Designed and completed a community engagement with th broad in nature or focus on spec recycled water, identifying comr • Submit an overview of the reviewing the process undertakE ...... _ .. ...... _ Hold annual informational public b public (outreach, workshops, etc.) I • Provide copy of most recer agenda Community Transparency Review The district would be required to o checklist from at least 2 of the folic choose to conduct the overview wit or separately): • Chair of the County Civil Gr • Editor of a reputable local I count toward requirement) • LAFCO Executive Officer • County Auditor - Controller • Local Legislator (only one n • Executive Director or Presi( • General Manager of a peer county) :MENTS REF # ! DOCUMENT REMENTS __ ..... _.... _.. )wing items: ........... -- - iunication (printed and /or - -- nstituents and elected officials up- t twice annually) t communication and short 9 • Pipeline newsletter distributed three times he communication, how it's per year by mail ass release to local media outlet e for election and process for ard, prior to that election (or prior ;ideration of new appointments ers appointed to fixed - terms) (lease (and the printed article if marking for district staff positions east every 5 years) the survey and process used as .... . . ................. t i >pecial project promoting district (potential projects may be 10 fic issues such as rate - setting, • Recycled Water Fill Station? iunity needs, etc.) :ommunity engagement project, n and results achieved . . .. -.1 . . ............. ....... idget hearings that engage the 11a – _ - -- - -- j • 5/07/15 Board Agenda setting Public rior to adopting the budget I Hearings for budgets t public budget hearing notice and 11b • Position Papers authorizing Notices of Public Budget Hearings 11c • Notices of Public Budget Hearings 11d . 6/04/15 Board Agenda holding Public Hearings )tain a completed overview wing individuals (the district may h these individuals simultaneously and Jury irint newspaper (only one may gay count toward requirement) ent of local Chamber of Commerce agency (special district, city or Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 3 District Transparency Certificate of Excellence Application