Chair Tad Pilecki
Member Mike McGill
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
1 • 1 �
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
3:00 p.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
President Pro Tent
PHONE: (925) 228 -9500
FAX: (925) 372 -0192
General Manager Roger Bailey
Deputy General Manager Ann Sasaki
Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean -Marc Petit
Director of Administration David Heath
Planning and Development Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell
Environmental & Regulatory Compliance Division Manager Lori Schectel
Communication Services and Intergovernmental Relations Manager Emily Barnett
Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor David Wyatt
Provisional Associate Engineer Melody LaBella
Assistant to the Secretary of the District Donna Anderson
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Receive update on Pollution Prevention (P2) Awards Program
Danea Gemmell said the District is now a visionary partner with Sustainable Contra
Costa and as part of that partnership, the District will hold a seat on their board. She
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asked the Committee for input as to whether that role should be filled by a staff
member or a Board Member. Member McGill said his initial preference was that it be
filled by someone from District staff who is involved with the program and can
represent the District's perspective.
With regard to the Sustainable Contra Costa Awards Gala being held on September
23, 2015 (during Pollution Prevention Week), Ms. Gemmell said the District's
suggested focus is recycled water, including categories for stationary customers and
another for the residential fill station (possibly biggest cheerleader and largest user).
Chair Pilecki suggested considering another category for commercial hydrant
Chair Pilecki inquired as to the status of this year's P2 awards. With so much of staff
time having been focused on recycled water issues, Melody LaBella said staff was
considering skipping them this year and working with Sustainable Contra Costa to
provide guidance for resuming the program next year.
Noting that the P2 awards were postponed last year, the Committee Members
expressed concern about postponing them for a second year. Staff was encouraged
to contact the nominees from last year and seek any additional potential nominees
that may be eligible before the approaching deadline so see if it would be possible to
give out awards this year. Jean -Marc Petit indicated that the P2 awards would be
implemented this year, and that staff would provide an update at the next Committee
meeting on September 8.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and provided input to staff.
4. Receive report on total cost of Recycled Water Program, including operating, capital,
and wholesale costs (follow up)
Ms. Gemmell referred to the spreadsheet included with the agenda materials, which
included an Asset Valuation for the filter plant as shown on the second page. She
said that after taking into consideration everything specifically designed for the filter
plant, including depreciation, and excluding grants, the value of the filter plant after
depreciating over 50 years (standard useful life) is roughly similar to earlier
calculations, or $42 1acre foot.
The Committee Members recommended that the depreciated value of the filter plant
be excluded from the unit rate for selling wholesale recycled water because it is a
sunk cost. The Committee requested that staff confirm overhead rates for labor costs
consistent with the City of Concord methodology and recalculate the data using only
Operations and Maintenance (O &M) costs for labor and expenses and the
maintenance portion of the. capital component. The Members confirmed that the
revised wholesale rate did not have to come back to the Committee again before
presenting to the full Board at the September 3 meeting.
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COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended that staff present the data,
as adjusted, to the full Board for review.
5. Receive update on County Pharmaceutical Ordinances in California
Melody LaBella reported that because the United States Supreme Court decided this
past May not to hear the pharmaceutical industry's challenge to Alameda County's
Safe Drug Disposal Ordinance, it allows other jurisdictions throughout the country to
establish similar laws. The Ordinance requires pharmaceutical companies that sell
their products inside Alameda County to establish and pay for pharmaceutical
collection programs in the County. While a number of Bay Area counties have
approved similar ordinances (San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Marin),
Contra Costa County has not. She said there is a great deal of support among
environmental groups, senior groups and wastewater agencies in the County and
Supervisor Mary Piepho has expressed interest in the past in introducing such an
ordinance in Contra Costa County.
Member McGill suggested that District staff touch base with Supervisor Piepho in this
regard. Chair Pilecki also suggested that Roger Bailey touch base with County
Administrator David Twa.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and provided input to staff.
6. Standing Items
a. Receive monthly update on:
1) Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP)
Mr. Petit said staff has been working with the CWMP consultants and
have set up a Sharepoint server for document sharing and review. A
90 -day schedule has been developed, and efforts are underway to meet
with various city land use departments regarding loads, etc.
Mr. Petit offered a variety of options for regular Committee updates on
the CWMP and sought input as to the desired level of detail and report
format. He noted that there are separate Gantt charts for the Treatment
Plant Master Plan and Collection System Master Plan, which will be
shared with the Committee at the next meeting.
The Committee agreed that a big picture overview, incorporating key
points and any required policy decisions would be appropriate. They
also requested to see "rolled up" Gantt charts in order to monitor for
slippage. Finally, they said verbal updates were adequate so as not to
generate any additional work for staff.
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Mr. Petit said he recently read a sewer service improvement plan
(SSIP) adopted by another agency that incorporated goals with regard
to sewer service improvements. He asked the Committee Members if
they would be interested in considering setting up goals and level of
service to guide some of the policy decisions that will arise in
conjunction with the CWMP. The Committee Members said yes.
2) District's Recycled Water Wholesaling Study
Ms. LaBella provided an update that staff, along with our consultant
RMC Water Environment, has met with both East Bay Municipal Utility
District (EBMUD) and Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD)
staff and RMC will make an internal presentation on status prior to
meeting with Contra Costa Water District (CCWD). Ms. LaBella also
indicated that RMC would be coming to the September 8 Committee
meeting to provide an update.
Mr. Bailey said he and Member Williams met with City of Lafayette
officials earlier in the day to discuss potential recycled water
opportunities utilizing the abandoned Shell pipeline acquired years ago
by the District.
3) Residential Fill Station
David Wyatt reviewed the data in the agenda materials and noted that
the Residential Recycled Water Fill Station has been open the past two
Sundays for extended hours of operation. Soon, the number of
temporary employees hired to help with the Fill Station will increase
from 13 to 15. Ms. Gemmell remarked that the number of customers is
fast approaching one percent of the District's rate payers at 1700
registered users, averaging 470 fills per day.
In response to a question from Member McGill, Ms. Gemmell said the
District would need to charge approximately $1 per vehicle to recover
the costs of operating the Fill Station. After a brief discussion, the
Committee agreed it was not worth collecting such a small amount.
4) Contractor Hydrants
Ms. LaBella said July usage was 1.6 million gallons, the highest to date.
Member McGill encouraged extending the District's lines from Pleasant
Hill to North Walnut Creek. When it was noted that doing so would
exceed Zone 1 boundaries, he suggested talking with East Bay
Municipal Utility District (EBMUD).
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Mr. Petit said staff met with City of Walnut Creek staff earlier in the day
to discuss potential recycled water opportunities.
5) Household Hazardous Waste Facility
Mr. Wyatt reviewed the material contained in the agenda packet.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the updates.
7. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 8:00 a.m.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
b. Member McGill announced that he was asked by a representative of the East
Bay Economic Development Alliance (EDA) if he could nominate the CoCo
San Sustainable Farm for the East Bay Innovation award. Nominations are
due by September 4, 2015.
C. Member McGill also announced that he heard from someone serving on a
committee that is part of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)
that they like the idea of greenhouses being placed on industrial land, such as
that envisioned by CoCo San Sustainable Farm.
d. Member McGill suggested that someone from the District appear at the
October 14, 2015 meeting of Contra Costa LAFCO (Local Agency Formation
Commission) during the Public Comment period about the availability of the
District's Residential Recycled Water Fill Station.
e. Ms. Gemmell announced that staff is scheduled to meet with Contra Costa
Water District and the City of Concord regarding the backflow preventer for
Concord Hilton.
Ms. Gemmell announced that the final land use application for the CoCo San
Sustainable Farm should be ready for submission by the end of the week.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements.
8. Suggestions for future agenda items
9. Adjournment - at 5:04 p.m.