HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a.2) General Manager AnnouncementsY.O.2) Board Meeting of September 3, 2015 Written Announcements: CAPACITY FEES RECEIVED a) Payment of Capacity Fees — The Orchards Shopping Center, Walnut Creek On August 6, 2015 Permit Counter staff collected capacity fees of just under one million dollars for the new shopping center, The Orchards, on Ygnacio Valley Road in Walnut Creek. The total fees paid included: Application Fee — Commercial $ 234.00 Source Control Review $ 322.00 Inspection Fees $ 17,400.00 Sewer Service Charge $ 79,621.41 Capacity Fee, Zone 1 $ 967,669.72 Total: $ 1,065,247.13 The capacity fees were calculated using the Shopping Center and Supermarket RUE factors. In the past, staff would have applied the Retail RUE factor. The Shopping Center RUE factor has been in the District Code since the current capacity fee factors were first adopted in 1993. However, the rate factor was not implemented until recently. Using the lower Retail factor made it necessary for staff to keep track of tenant changes in each space, and to charge additional capacity fees whenever a higher -use tenant moved in. This led to many instances of customers having to pay capacity fees that they had not anticipated. In addition, keeping track of tenant changes was administratively complex and time - consuming. In 2014, staff undertook an effort to confirm that the numeric value of the Shopping Center RUE factor was appropriate by reviewing the mix of tenants in shopping centers within the District and the resulting burden on sanitary sewer facilities. The factor was confirmed as appropriate, and staff began preparing quotations using the Shopping Center RUE factor. The Orchards Shopping Center is the first new shopping center to complete the permit process and pay fees since that review. The tenant changes will still need to be tracked for The Orchards until a new Sewer Service Charge (SSC) rate for Shopping Centers is adopted. Staff anticipates this review and analysis will be complete for the next SSC ordinance. Written Announcements September 3, 2015 Page 2 of 3 SOLAR PROJECT b) Update on California Public Utilities Commission Proposed Decision Affecting the Regional Renewable Energy Procurement Proiect In July, the District sent a letter to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and Governor Brown's Office to explain the impacts of the CPUC's Proposed Decision that would modify the A6 "Solar Friendly" Rate Schedule. The letter urged the CPUC to protect PG &E's A6 rate structure and planned savings for solar projects that are currently under consideration or under contract. A representative from the District also attended the CPUC meeting and spoke on behalf of the District and the Regional Renewable Energy Procurement (R -REP) project. We are pleased to announce that the CPUC decided to postpone the modifications to the A6 rate structure and have since issued a Revised Proposed Decision that allows A6 to remain available until December 31, 2016. District staff is proceeding with the project as planned and expects construction to begin in October or November 2015 and solar panels to be operational in early 2016. CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION c) Update on Recent Election for California Special Districts Association Board Member Each of the California Special Districts Association's (CSDA's) six regional divisions has three seats (A -C) on the CSDA Board. Candidates seeking to represent a specific region must either be a board member or management -level employee of a member district located in their region. In July 2015, Central San's Board supported the re- election of incumbent Shane McAffee of the Greater Vallejo Recreation District to represent Bay Area Network, Seat A. The CSDA held its election in early August, and Mr. McAffee was re- elected for a three -year term ending December 31, 2018. OUT -OF -STATE CONFERENCES d) Attendance at the North American Hazardous Materials Management Association Conference in Austin, Texas — September 14 -17, 2015 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Supervisor David Wyatt will be attending the 30th Annual North American Hazardous Materials Management Association Conference Written Announcements September 3, 2015 Page 3 of 3 (NAHMMA) in Austin, Texas from Monday, September 14 through Thursday, September 17, 2015. NAHMMA is a professional organization dedicated to pollution prevention and reducing the hazardous constituents entering municipal waste streams from households, small businesses and other entities. Attendees participate in workshops, technical sessions, facility tours, and view exhibitions. Staff attendance at this conference was included in the Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Technical Training, Conference and Meetings Budget. RECYCLED WATER e) Update on Residential Recycled Water Fill Station See attached schedules. Residential Recycled Water Fill Station Statistics as of 8/25/15 Registered Users by Month 700 - - - - -- - - - - - More than 1,865 Registered Users 569 600 - - - -- — -- - -- 578 500 400 300 200 100 0 o�ei Lei 'oec �a� Jai air Qi� pZc �oacc oe`eF Sao �eoc �. P Gallons by Month 3 000 000 - ,av e More than 7,048,319 Gallons since 10/2014 2,500,000 - - - -- - - 2,000,000 - - - - - 1,500,000 -- - - - - - -- - I 1,000,000 - - 500,000 21 435 - 4,200 3,220 16,103 106,496 c�o��i e��ei e��ei oJa� i�a� air PQ�\ PJ� 2,634,464 M 2.419.114 o`� PJ� Visits by Month 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 1 4 0 0 More than 34,151 Total Visits 12,445 1 -- - - if_�29 19 20 154 Registered Users by Community 600 T— - --562 500 400 More than 1,865 Registered Users 300 224 200 179 100 - -69 64 87 5 2L. 6 _ ]A L Lo Oa ara �. OSA /Emp = Out of Service Area or Employee Number of Visits by Community 14,000 - - - - -- - - - - _ 12,242 M 34,151 Visi�by omm unity 12,000 - - - 10,000 - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - 8,051 8,000 - - -- - - — - - - 6,000 - 4,570 4,000 - _ 1,364 2,000 - 1,237 1,472_ _ 1,199 620 304 254 80 758 Jere L Lo Oa �a�a 0 Q\ OSA /Emp = Out of Service Area or Employee Gallons Taken by Community 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,789.387 1,500,000 1,000,000 - 500,000 304,430 116,357 0 1 1 A-- 2,417,254 More than 7,048,319 Gallons Taken 879,593 639,137 252,37527T,M 56,287 38,596 12,900 . - - p Aee �`�eti �o�a�a O�\�aa �a����� ���oo ``ee� Q\ea J �o � Users by Water District OSA 54 Martinez 307 rEBMUD 447 *OSA= Out of Service Area (employees) CCM 1,0!