HomeMy WebLinkAbout03. Draft PP to amend agreement with V&A Consulting Engineers for Collection System Modeling UpgradeCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS • POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT AMENDMENT IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $400,000 WITH V &A CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR THE COLLECTION SYSTEM MODELING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 8418 Submitted By: Justin J. Waples, Assistant Engineer Initiating Dept. /Div.: Engineering and Tech Services /Planning & Development Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: N. Hodges — Associate Engineer D. Frost — Senior Engineer D. Gemmell — Planning and Development Services Division Manager JM. Petit — Director of Engineering and Technical Services Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute an amendment to an existing agreement in the amount greater than $100,000 or 15 percent above the original agreement amount. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing Engineering Services Agreement with V &A Consulting Engineers, Agreement No. 042498, in an amount not to exceed $400,000, increasing the contract ceiling to $560,000 for the Collection System Modeling Upgrade, District Project 8418. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total anticipated cost for winter 2015 -16 flow monitoring by V &A Consulting Engineers is $400,000. Under the existing agreement, V &A Consulting Engineers performed the winter 2014 -15 flow monitoring for $160,000. The total cost for winter 2014 -15 and winter 2015 -16 flow monitoring is $560,000. There are adequate funds in the Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Collection System Program Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) to fund the additional flow monitoring work. PROJECT PRIORITY: Critical, as shown in the CIB. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Do not perform flow monitoring for winter 2015- 16. This alternative is not recommended, as there will be limited data to calibrate the new collection system hydraulic model. The Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) will have to rely on a model calibration using the limited winter 2014 -15 flow monitoring results, which did not capture adequate storm data and did not represent saturated soil conditions. Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT AMENDMENT IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $400,000 WITH V &A CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR THE COLLECTION SYSTEM MODELING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 8418 BACKGROUND: Collection System Hydraulic Model The District's collection system hydraulic model is a critical tool used to predict flows, analyze impacts of point discharges, investigate impacts of proposed and future development and provide crucial flow information for strategic planning, asset management and Capital Project design for the District's collection system and wastewater treatment plant. The District began the conversion to a new dynamic model in 2012 from the existing steady state model, ArcSNAP. The dynamic model will more accurately simulate the hydraulic complexities of the District's collection system and will bring the District up to current hydraulic modeling standards used in the wastewater industry. Most public agencies including the City of San Jose, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Sacramento Regional Sewer District, and many others have converted to dynamic modeling. Before the model can be confidently implemented, two processes must be completed: 1) the model network configuration, and, 2) the model calibration. The InfoWorks dynamic model is being built for the main backbone trunk sewers. This includes 290 miles of trunks and interceptors that convey wastewater flows to the District's wastewater treatment plant in Martinez. The CWMP consultant is tasked with completing the model network configuration. To verify that the model network matches field conditions and correctly models the network's hydraulic response, it is critical that flow monitoring is performed and that the model is calibrated to the flow monitoring data. District's Flow Monitoring History System -wide flow monitoring has been conducted twice over the past 30 years, in 1985 and in early 2005. The first flow monitoring (1985) was the foundation for what became the District's steady state hydraulic model. The second flow monitoring (2005) was focused on the relationship of pipe deterioration to inflow /infiltration, particularly for sewers constructed between 1985 and 2004. In late 2014, the District began a flow monitoring program with the intent of calibrating the new dynamic model. The current flow monitoring program, approved by the Board included conducting limited flow monitoring during winter 2014 -15 and determining if additional flow monitoring is recommended. Page 2 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board meeting Date: SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT AMENDMENT IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $400,000 WITH V &A CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR THE COLLECTION SYSTEM MODELING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 8418 2014 -15 Flow Monitoring Results The 2014 -15 flow monitoring was conducted between February 2015 and mid -April 2015 at 36 sites on the collection system trunk sewers for a nine -week duration. Winter 2014 -15 was a continuation of drought conditions and rainfall was relatively low compared to a typical wet weather season. Only two storm events were captured during the monitoring period, with each event preceded by significant dry periods. When soils are not saturated, the rate of inflow /infiltration tends to be underestimated. The flow data obtained from the winter 2014 -15 flow monitoring provides a basis for an initial quantification of inflow and infiltration response in the collection system. However, the results did not represent saturated soil or maximum response conditions, which are needed for developing a design storm event response for accurate model calibration. The winter 2014 -15 flow monitoring tributary area covered by the 36 flow meters averages to a large area per meter (approximately 47 miles of tributary sewer per flow meter). With large tributary areas, it is difficult to reflect actual variations in response within the tributary areas. The relatively small number of flow meters used in winter 2014 -15 was to mitigate the high probability of a dry winter. The District's CWMP consultant and District staff are recommending additional flow monitoring during the upcoming 2015 -16 wet weather season. The monitoring would include a repeat of most sites from the 2014 -15 flow monitoring program as well as new sites identified from the results of the 2014 -15 flow monitoring. Specifically, monitoring at areas showing significant flow response is recommended to provide hydraulic data at a level of refinement necessary to calibrate the model for wet weather events, particularly for smaller trunk sewer areas and in areas with high infiltration and inflow. Benefits of the additional flow monitoring include: • System -wide flow data for storm events under more favorable (wetter winter) antecedent conditions. • More accurate model calibration and wet weather flow predictions for both large and small trunk lines. • More refined and reliable assessment of hydraulic deficiencies and resulting capital improvements. This winter has a higher probability of producing a typical or normal wet weather pattern. On July 9, 2015, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center announced an El Nino advisory indicating El Nino conditions are presently observed, and stated there is a 90 percent chance the El Nino event will last Page 3 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT AMENDMENT IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $400,000 WITH V &A CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR THE COLLECTION SYSTEM MODELING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 8418 through the northern hemisphere winter of 2015 -16. El Nino events typically are associated with above normal precipitation in California and other states. The flow monitoring planned for this winter is necessary to assess the hydraulic behavior of the present collection system infrastructure and calibrate the new collection system model to enable representative simulations of base sewer flows and peak design event sewer flows in the new InfoWorks model. The District's hydraulic model is used frequently to assess the hydraulic impact of new commercial developments on District sewers and to identify capacity - related capital improvement projects. As part of the CWMP, the calibrated model will be used to identify potential new capacity - related capital improvements and to confirm the $35.7M in capacity - related (expansion) capital improvements currently identified in the District's 10 -year Capital Improvement Plan. Consultant Selection In 2014, District staff selected V &A Consulting Engineers to conduct flow monitoring. On December 18, 2014, the Board approved an Engineering Services Agreement with V &A Consulting Engineers to conduct 2014 -15 flow monitoring in an amount not to exceed $160,000. The scope of work also included an option for 2015 -16 flow monitoring at the District's discretion that includes 70 flow meters and five rain gauges at a cost of $295,000 for a period of nine weeks. Because of the uncertainty of weather conditions, an additional four weeks of monitoring has been negotiated with V &A Consulting Engineers as a contingency for a cost of $105,000. This brings the total cost of 2015 -16 wet weather flow monitoring to $400,000 for a period of 13 weeks. The new contract ceiling will be $560,000. Staff intends to work with V &A Consulting Engineers, in consultation with weather forecasts, to install flow meters after soils have been estimated to be saturated and wet weather is expected. If the wet weather season is typical, nine weeks of flow monitoring is sufficient and the meters will be removed. However, if storms do not materialize as forecasted or storms are significantly spread out, flow monitoring may continue for the entire 13 week period. Ideally, we will collect flow data for multiple, significant storm events with saturated soil conditions. If there are no significant storms forecasted after nine weeks, flow monitoring will be terminated and the four -week contingency amount of $105,000 will not be spent. Including the amount spent to date, the project can be completed within the CIB Total Project Cost of $949,998. The Collection System Modeling Upgrade, District Project 8418, is included in the FY 2015 -16 CIB on page CS -24 with a total project cost of $949,998. Staff has conducted a budget analysis of the FY 2015 -16 Collection System Program budget and concluded that adequate funds are available, as shown below: Page 4 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 Subject'. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT AMENDMENT IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $400,000 WITH V &A CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR THE COLLECTION SYSTEM MODELING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 8418 FY 2015 -16 Collection System (CS) Program Allocation Budget: Authorized Estimated Allocations for Projects $ 24,650,000 Supplemental Board Authorizations: $ 0 Allocations Returned from Closeouts: $ 0 Total Board Authorized Allocations: $ 24,650,000 FY 2015 -16 Allocations to Date for CS Program: $ 5,212,000 This Allocation for DP 8418: $ 400.000 Remaining Unallocated Budget for CS Program: $ 19,038,000 CEQA The Board concluded at the April 3, 2014, Board meeting that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guideline Section 15306 as the project involves data collection that will not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this project at its meeting on August 26, 2015, and recommended RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing Engineering Services Agreement with V &A Consulting Engineers, Agreement No. 042498, in an amount not to exceed $400,000, increasing the contract ceiling to $560,000 for the Collection System Modeling Upgrade, District Project 8418. Page 5 of 5 Item No. 3 Flow Monitoring Update and Request for 2015/16 Flow Monitoring ,,,c,* E14 GS D August 26, 2015 Engineering & Operations Committee PubhC Health and the En —o—ent District Modeling Background Steady State Model Sewer Steady State Model Enhanced Network Analysis Program SNAP & GIS Interface Dynamic Modeling (SNAP) (ArcSNAP) (InfoWorks) 151 Major Flow 2n1 Major Flow 3'd Major Flow Monitoring 1 Monitoring Monitoring Steady State Model Dynamic Pipe Age & y Calibration I/1 Correlation Model Initial Calibration 2014/2015 Flow Monitoring • Installed 36 meters, 5 rain gauges • Installation from February 4 to 6 • Monitoring Duration: 9 weeks (ended April 9) • Distributed throughout Collection System • Along 290 -Mile Backbone Trunk System .0 25 LO is 0.2 03 0.4 O.5 LO o.6 OS 0.7 0.0 0.8 8/21/2015 j',ii�����i ;rte- ;-- ;i�i;�';:�;- TT, T-7 0.2 03 0.4 O.5 LO o.6 OS 0.7 0.0 0.8 8/21/2015 Feb 6 -8, 2015 Storm Event Example: High Response 2014/2015 Flow Monitoring Results • Did not experience saturated soil conditions • Preliminary PHWWF peaking factors • Identified some areas of high 1/1 • Data for base wastewater flow rates • Limited data for initial model calibration Additional Flow Monitoring is Required • Capture entire storm w/ saturated conditions • Potentially capture a larger storm than Feb 6 -8, 2015 • Clarify 1/1 in high response areas • Reduce tributary area per meter and miles per meter • Accurate model calibration for: PHWWF for Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Confirm "Expansion" projects in 10 -Year CIP ($35.7M) Identify any new "Expansion " - required projects Continued evaluation of development impacts Consistency with other Flow Monitoring Programs 8/21/2015 Flow Monitoring Agreement Flow Monitoring 2014/15 $160,000 $295,000 (9 weeks) Flow Monitoring 2015/16 + $105,000 (4 weeks contingency) $400,000 New Agreement Ceiling $560,000 Recommendations • Perform 2015/2016 Flow Monitoring with 70 Meters for 9 weeks (+ 4 week contingency) • Use calibrated model to 1) confirm & identify capacity projects and 2) ongoing evaluations of development impacts • Board Authorization for the General Manager to Execute Flow Monitoring Amendment for $400,000 8/21/2015