HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.a. WASTEWATER COST OF SERVICE STUDY dated May 21, 2015, prepared by Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc.■CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report / May 21, 2015 Cent MI Ccnira Costa Sanitary ®istr t f* RAFTELIS RM FINANCVAL CONSULTANTS, INC; May 21, 2015 Mr. Roger Bailey General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 201 S. Lake Avenue Phone 626.583.1894 www.raftelis.com Suite 301 Fax 626.583.1411 Pasadena, CA 91101 Subject: Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study Report Dear Mr. Bailey: Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. (RFC) is pleased to provide this Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study Report (Report) for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) to establish wastewater rates that are equitable and address Proposition 218 requirements. The major objectives of the study include the following: 1. Review current wastewater rate structure 2. Review the current customer classification 3. Develop a cost of service analysis for wastewater 4. Develop fair and equitable wastewater rates 5. Demonstrate the impacts of the proposed wastewater rates on typical customer bills 6. Develop a user - friendly rate model that may be used for future planning The study involved a comprehensive review of the District's wastewater rates based on cost of service principles. The District has developed a long range financial plan to determine the revenue needs of the wastewater utility in the next ten years. However, wastewater rates, based on that financial plan, are only calculated for the next two fiscal years beginning July 2015. All assumptions, including all increases in operating and capital costs, were based on the District's long -range financial plan and were factored into the rates. The proposed rates were revised to enhance equity among customer classes and encourage efficient use of services for greater environmental sustainability. The Report summarizes the key findings and recommendations related to the development of the wastewater rates. It has been a pleasure working with you, and we thank you and the District staff for the support provided during the course of this study. Sincerely, RAFTELIS FINANC /AL CONSUL TANTS, INC. Sudhir Pardiwala Hannah Phan Executive Vice President Senior Consultant This page intentionally left blank to facilitate two -sided printing. rk Wastewater Cost uf Service Study Report 1 1 l' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ 5 11 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 FINANCIAL PLAN ............................................................................................................................ S 13 COST OF SERVICE PROCESS AND METHODOLOGY ....................................................................... 6 1.4 COST OF SERVICE ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 6 1.41 Cost nf Service Results .......................................................................................................... 6 1.5 PROPOSED WASTEWATER RATES ................................................................................................. 7 1.5.1 Customer Impacts ................................................................................................................. 9 2' OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 1D 2.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1O 2.2 ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT --------------------------------1U 2.3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................... 11 3' FINANCIAL PLAN ....................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 WASTEWATER SYSTEM INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................. 12 3] EXISTING WASTEWATER RATES .................................................................................................. 1J 3.3 WASTEWATER ACCOUNTS AND USAGE CHARACTERISTICS ------------------.14 3.4 WASTEWATER SYSTEM REVENUES-------------------------------16 3.5 WASTEWATER SYSTEM EXPENDITURES ...................................................................................... 17 3.51 Operation and Maintenance Expenses ............................................................................... 17 3.5.2 Capital Improvement Program ------------------------------.18 2.5.3 Revenue Adjustments ......................................................................................................... 19 3.5.4 Debt Service Requirements --------------------------------19 3.5.5 Debt Service Coverage ........................................................................................................ Z0 3.5.6 Operating Financial Plan ..................................................................................................... Z1 2.5.7 Reserves------------------------------------------22 4` COST OF SERVICE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 26 4.1 PROPOSED CUSTOMER CLASSIFICATIONS .................................................................................. Z6 42 PLANT BALANCE .......................................................................................................................... Z8 4.2 ALLOCATION OF REVENUE REQUIREMENTS BY FUNCTION ........................................................ ]U 4.4 ALLOCATION OF FUNCTIONAL COSTS TO COST COMPONENTS ................................................. 31 4.5 ALLOCATION OF REVENUE RE[}U|REK4ENTS--------------------------. 34 4.6 DEVELOPMENT OF UNIT COSTS OF SERVICE .............................................................................. 36 4.7 ALLOCATION C]F COSTS TO CUSTOMER CLASS ........................................................................... 37 rk Wastewater Cost uf Service Study Report 1 1 5.1 RATE DESIGN .................................................................................................. .............................39 5.2 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL CHARGES ................................................................ .............................39 5.3 PROPOSED NON - RESIDENTIAL RATES ............................................................ .............................40 5.4 CUSTOMER IMPACTS ..................................................................................... .............................42 6. APPENDIX .................................................................................................... .............................43 2 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Table 1 -1: Revenue Adjustments Schedule ................................................................... ..............................6 Table 1 -2: Current and Proposed Wastewater Rates .................................................... ..............................8 Table 1 -3: Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts ................................................ ..............................9 Table 1 -4: Typical Non - Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts ............................ ..............................9 Table 3 -1: Existing Wastewater Rate Structure ............................................................ .............................13 Table 3 -2: Mixed Use Classification .............................................................................. .............................14 Table 3 -3: Projected Customer Accounts ...................................................................... .............................15 Table 3 -4: Annual Projected Water Usage ( HCF) .......................................................... .............................16 Table 3 -5: Revenue Summary under Existing Rates ..................................................... .............................17 Table 3 -6: Projected O &M Expenses by Function ......................................................... .............................18 Table 3 -7: Projected O &M Expenses by Category ........................................................ .............................18 Table 3 -8: Capital Improvement Plan ........................................................................... .............................19 Table 3 -9: Revenue Adjustments Schedule .................................................................. .............................19 Table 3 -10: Existing Debt Schedule ............................................................................... .............................19 Table 3 -11: Debt Coverage Calculation ......................................................................... .............................20 Table 3 -12: Operating Financial Plan ............................................................................ .............................21 Figure 3 -1: Ending Balance — Running Expense and Sewer Construction Funds ........ ............................... 22 Figure3 -2: Ending Fund Balances ................................................................................. .............................23 Table3 -13: Fund Balances ............................................................................................ .............................24 Table 4 -1: Current and Proposed Wastewater Strength .............................................. .............................27 Table 4 -2: Current and Proposed Wastewater Flow for Schools .................................. .............................27 Table 4 -3: FY 2014 Plant Balance .................................................................................. .............................29 Table 4 -4: Allocation of Wastewater O &M Expenses by Function ............................... .............................30 Table 4 -5: Allocation of Wastewater Assets by Function ............................................. .............................31 Table 4 -6: Allocation to Cost Components — O& M ..................................................... ............................... 32 Table 4 -7: Allocation of O &M Expenses to Cost Components ...................................... .............................32 Table 4 -8: Allocation to Cost Components —Treatment Plant ..................................... .............................33 Table 4 -9: Allocation to Cost Components — Capital .................................................... .............................34 Table 4 -10: Allocation of Wastewater Assets to Cost Components ............................. .............................34 Table 4 -11: Allocation of Revenue Requirements ........................................................ .............................35 Table 4 -12: Customer Class Service Units ..................................................................... .............................36 Table 4 -13: Development of Unit Costs ........................................................................ .............................37 Table 4 -14: Allocation of Costs to Customer Class ....................................................... .............................38 Table 5 -1: Calculated Residential Wastewater Charges — FY 2016 ............................... .............................39 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 13 Table 5 -2: Proposed FY 2016 and FY 2017 Residential Wastewater Charges ............... .............................40 Table 5 -3: Proposed FY 2016 and FY 2017 Non - Residential Wastewater Rates ........... .............................41 Table 5 -4: Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts ............................................... .............................42 Table 5 -5: Typical Non - Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts ........................... .............................42 4 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 INTRODUCTION In June of 2014, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) engaged Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. (RFC) to conduct a comprehensive Cost of Service (COS) study to independently assess and evaluate the District's existing wastewater rates to provide a fair and reasonable rate structure that enhances the equity of rates to ensure that there is a proportionate recovery of costs from the various customer classes. This report documents the study resultant findings, analyses, and proposed changes. 1.2 FINANCIAL PLAN In order to determine wastewater rates, RFC used the revenue requirements, including operations and maintenance (O &M), capital improvement expenses, debt service costs and reserve requirements for a five -year study period from Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 to 2020 provided in the District's financial plan. O &M expenses include the cost of treatment, pumping, and collection facilities, as well as the costs of providing technical services such as laboratory services and other administrative costs of the wastewater system such as customer service and billing. The O &M projections are based on the District's long -range financial plan, which include two additional annual payments of $2.5 million per year to the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) for FY 2016 and 2017. The projections were based on anticipated revenues and expenses as of March 2015 in order to prepare rates for publication in the Proposition 218 notices which were mailed in April. In addition to the operating expenses, the District is planning significant capital investment over the next five years to replace portions of its complex infrastructure that has reached the end of its useful life and to remain in compliance with stringent environmental regulations. The District does not intend to bond finance these improvements, but rather intends to fund the entire five -year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) of $181.7 million from FY 2016 to 2020 primarily through rate revenues, capacity fees and ad valorem tax revenue. Annual payments on existing debt service are$3.8 million. The number of wastewater accounts and water usage are projected to increase at 0.1 percent per year in FY 2016 and FY 2017 and 0.6 percent per year thereafter. The model and subsequent rates published in the Proposition 218 notice were developed prior to the Governor's Executive Order on April 1, 2015 mandating a statewide 25 percent reduction in urban water use. The Sewer Service Charge revenue for non - residential customers is billed based on the prior year's water consumption. Therefore, the District will need to monitor water consumption by non - residential customers, who make up approximately twenty percent of Sewer Service Charge revenue, to determine financial impacts of water conservation for Fiscal Year 2017. The District's financial plan indicates that revenue adjustments of 7.24 percent are required for FY 2016, 7.30 percent in FY 2017, 5.57 percent in FY 2018,535 percent in FY 2019 and 4.97 percent in FY 2020, as shown in Table 1 -1. The adjustments are needed to meet the operating and capital expenses as well as meet reserves targets. The District currently has one bond reserve account and four separate funds: Running Expense Fund, Sewer Construction Fund, Self- Insurance /Emergency Fund, and a Debt Service Fund. The current reserve policy is 32 percent of the next year's O &M expenses, 30 percent of the next year's CIP expenses, and 100 percent of the next year's debt service payment. As a result of a review of rk Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 15 the reserves, the District intends to revise its reserve policy to have at least five months, or 41.7 percent of the next year's O &M expenses, 50 percent of the next year's CIP expenses, 100 percent of the next year's debt service payment, $1.5 million for self- insurance, and $5 million for emergencies. The goal of the financial plan is to achieve the new reserves targets by FY 2020. Table 1 -1: Revenue Adjustments Schedule Fiscal Year 2016 2017 Revenue Adjustments 7.24% 7.30% 2018 5.57% 2019 5.35% 2020 4.97% 1.3 COST OF SERVICE PROCESS AND METHODOLOGY In this study, RFC followed the guidelines for allocating costs detailed in the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Manual of Practice No. 27, Financing and Charges for Wastewater Systems, 2004. The wastewater COS analysis consists of seven major steps, as outlined below: 1. Review customer class and strength characteristics and loadings of the non - residential class. 2. Conduct plant balance to estimate the flows and strength of the residential class. 3. Functionalize O &M expenses and capital costs into functional categories such as Collection, Treatment, and Billing and Customer Service. 4. Allocate each functional category into cost components such as Flow, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS), and Billing and Customer Service. 5. Develop total customer class characteristics by cost component. 6. Calculate the cost component unit rates by dividing the total cost in each cost component in Step 4 by the total customer class characteristics in Step 5. 7. Calculate the cost by customer class by multiplying the unit cost in Step 6 by the individual customer class characteristics in Step 5. 1.4 COST OF SERVICE ANALYSIS The steps described above provide the basis for allocating costs equitably amongst the different customer classes in proportion to the service received. Once costs to serve different customer classes are determined, rates are then designed to recover the costs equitably to address Proposition 218 requirements. 1.4.1 Cost of Service Results The significant outcomes of the wastewater COS analysis are as follows: 1. The wastewater flow from residential customers is proportional to the number of residents per household. Single Family Residential (SFR) and Multi- family Residential (MFR) customers are separated into two classes with separate charges to account for the difference in residential 6 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District fft density between the two customer classes. This results in more equitable charges to MFR customers. 2. The review of the customer class characteristics results in changes to the loadings of supermarkets and schools to be more consistent with industry standards and the creation of two additional commercial categories: Hotels /Motels and Automotive facilities that typically have higher strengths (BOD /TSS) than the customers in the Standard Commercial category. In addition to the proposed changes, RFC suggested that the District conduct a comprehensive review of the mixed use and food service categories to ensure that they are categorized and charged correctly and equitably. The District should also consider conducting flow and strength measurements to confirm non- residential customer class characteristics. Such a review could then be used to evaluate and simplify the District's food service and multi -use rate categories. 1.5 PROPOSED WASTEWATER RATES Through our review, RFC recommends that the District retain some elements of its current wastewater rate structure, which includes fixed charges for residential customers and a flow charge per hundred cubic feet (HCF) for all most other non - residential customers. Industrial customers are charged based on a unit rate for flow, BOD, and TSS. Schools are charged a rate per average daily student attendance. Since a large majority of the costs of operating and maintaining the wastewater system are fixed, all non - residential customers are subject to a minimum annual charge equal to the MFR annual charge plus the District's historic $17 pollution prevention surcharge. Table 1 -2 shows the current and proposed wastewater rates in FY 2016 and FY 2017. rk Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 17 Table 1 -2: Current and Proposed Wastewater Rates Residential Annual Charges (per Residential Unit Equivalent) Single Family Dwellings $439.00 $471.00 $503.00 Condominium, Multi - Family, Mobile Homes $439.00 $463.00 $487.00 Commercial /Non - Industrial (per hcf) Bakeries $11.22 $12.33 $13.22 Supermarkets $4.07 $8.71 $9.34 Mortuaries $7.99 $10.70 $11.47 Restaurants $8.32 $8.71 $9.34 Hotels/Motels $4.07 $8.06 $8.64 Automotive $4.07 $5.34 $5.73 Standard Commercial $4.07 $4.64 $4.98 Industrial Wastewater Flow (per hcf) $1.68 $3.42 $3.67 BOD (per 1,000lbs) $934 $1,134 $1,216 TSS (per 1,000lbs) $667 $529 $567 Mixed Use (per hcf) Rate Group XA $4.46 $4.96 $5.32 Rate Group XB $4.85 $5.38 $5.77 Rate Group XC $5.25 $5.81 $6.23 Rate Group XD $5.64 $6.22 $6.67 Rate Group XE $6.03 $6.64 $7.12 Rate Group XF $6.42 $7.05 $7.56 Rate Group XG $6.81 $7.47 $8.01 Rate Group XH $7.21 $7.88 $8.45 Rate Group XI $7.60 $8.31 $8.91 Rate Group XJ $8.72 $9.97 $10.69 Rate Group XK $9.08 $9.62 $10.32 Rate Group XL $9.79 $10.18 $10.92 Rate Group XM $10.15 $10.50 $11.26 Rate Group XN $10.51 $10.76 $11.54 Rate Group XO $10.74 $10.90 $11.69 Institutional (per hcf) Churches $4.07 $4.64 $4.98 Schools (Daycare, Preschool, University) $4.07 $4.33 $4.65 Schools (Elementary) (per student) $5.62 $5.77 $6.19 Schools (Intermediate) (per student) $5.94 $11.34 $12.16 Schools (High School) (per student) $6.27 $16.93 $18.15 Minimum Annual Charge $456 $480 $504 8 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1.5.1 Customer Impacts Table 1 -3 compares the residential bill impacts for FY 2016 and FY 2017 to current rates. SFR customers would experience $32 annual increases over the next two years and MFR customers would experience $24 annual increases. Table 1 -3: Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts SFR $439 $471 $503 $32 $32 MFR $439 $463 $487 $24 $24 Table 1 -4 shows the typical non - residential bill impacts for FY 2016 and FY 2017 by comparing the average bill based on the proposed rates to the average bill based on the current rates. The amounts are calculated based on the average annual water usage for each customer class. Table 1 -4: Typical Non - Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts Hotels /Motels 5,959 $24,252 $48,027 $51,483 $23,775 $3,456 98.0% 7.2% Supermarkets 2,932 $11,931 $25,534 $27,381 $13,602 $1,847 114.0% 7.2% Standard Commercial 722 $2,937 $3,348 $3,593 $411 $245 14.0% 7.3% Restaurants 799 $6,647 $6,958 $7,462 $312 $503 4.7% 7.2% Automotive 294 $1,197 $1,571 $1,686 $374 $115 31.2% 7.3% Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 19 2. OVERVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION In June 2014, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) engaged Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. (RFC) to conduct a cost of service study for the wastewater utility that could be utilized to evaluate and enhance the equity of wastewater rates for the District's wastewater services to ensure that there is a proportionate recovery of costs from the various customer classes. This Report documents the resultant findings, analyses, and proposed changes. The major objectives of the study include the following: 1. Review current wastewater rate structure 2. Review the current customer classification 3. Develop a cost of service analysis for wastewater 4. Develop fair and equitable wastewater rates 5. Demonstrate the impacts of the proposed wastewater rates on typical customer bills 6. Develop a user - friendly rate model that may be used for future planning This Report provides an overview of the Study and includes findings and recommendations for wastewater rates. 2.2 ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT This Report includes four sections in addition to the Executive Summary and this Overview. A brief description of the remaining sections follows. • Section 3 — Financial Plan describes the long -range financial plan for the wastewater utility developed by District staff. • Section 4 — Cost of Service Analysis describes findings and results of the wastewater rate study. It includes a description of the policy issues, the wastewater cost of service methodology, the customer classifications, the determination of annual revenues required from rates, and a detailed discussion on the Cost of Service, which includes allocation of costs to wastewater parameters and the determination of unit costs. • Section 5 — Proposed Wastewater Rates includes a detailed discussion of the proposed wastewater rates and the customer impacts resulting from the proposed rates. • Section 6 — Appendix provides larger, easier to read tables found in the body of the report and show the data and the various calculations conducted to derive the unit costs and rates. The original table number is kept for easy reference. 10 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2.3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This Report was a team effort among the District's Project Team and the RFC Team. RFC would like to thank the individuals listed below who contributed their time, expertise, and support to make this project a success. Throughout the project the input and direction provided by the District's Project Team was critical to addressing the numerous issues and topics enumerated in this Report. • Roger Bailey — General Manager • David Heath — Director of Administration • Danea Gemmell — Environmental Services Division Manager • Thea Vassallo — Finance Manager • Todd Smithey— Finance Administrator • Thomas Brightbill — Senior Engineer Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 1 11 3. FINANCIAL PLAN This section of the Report provides a summary of the projected revenues, operating and maintenance (O &M) and capital expenditures, capital improvement financing plan, debt service requirements, and the revenue adjustments required to ensure the financial stability of the wastewater enterprise as presented in the District's financial plan. .1 WASTEWATER SYSTEM INFRASTRUCTURE The District was established in 1946 as a special enterprise district and serves approximately 471,000 residents and 5,000 businesses in 13 cities and towns covering a 144 square mile area. Approximately 35 million gallons per day (MGD) of wastewater is treated on average at the District's Wastewater Treatment Plant, which also produces nearly 580 million gallons of recycled water each year for plant operations, industrial uses, and landscape irrigation. The wastewater utility is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of 19 wastewater pumping stations and 1,500 miles of sewer mains. The District also operates a Household Hazardous Waste facility. 3.2 EXISTING WASTEWATER RATES The current wastewater rate structure consists of fixed charges for residential customers and a flow charge per hundred cubic feet (HCF) for most all other non - residential customers. Schools are charged a rate per average daily student attendance. Industrial customers are charged based on unit rates for flow, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and total suspended solids (TSS). All customers are subject to a minimum annual charge. The current rate structure, shown in Table 3 -1, generates approximately 82 percent of the total rate revenue from residential fixed charges, with the remaining 18 percent generated by non - residential flow charges. 12 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Table 3 -1: Existing Wastewater Rate Structure Residential Annual Charges (per Residential Unit Equivalent) Single Family Dwellings $439.00 Condominium, Multi - Family, Mobile Homes $439.00 Commercial /Non - Industrial (per hcf) Bakeries $11.22 Supermarkets $4.07 Mortuaries $7.99 Restaurants $8.32 Hotels /Motels $4.07 Automotive $4.07 Standard Commercial $4.07 Industrial Wastewater Flow (per hcf) $1.68 BOD (per 1,000 Ibs) $934 TSS (per 1,OOOlbs) $667 Mixed Use (per hcf) Rate Group XA $4.46 Rate Group XB $4.85 Rate Group XC $5.25 Rate Group XD $5.64 Rate Group XE $6.03 Rate Group XF $6.42 Rate Group XG $6.81 Rate Group XH $7.21 Rate Group XI $7.60 Rate Group XJ $8.72 Rate Group XK $9.08 Rate Group XL $9.79 Rate Group XM $10.15 Rate Group XN $10.51 Rate Group XO $10.74 Institutional (per hcf) Churches $4.07 Schools (Daycare, Preschool, University) $4.07 Schools (Elementary) (per student) $5.62 Schools (Intermediate) (per student) $5.94 Schools (High School) (per student) $6.27 Minimum Annual Charge $456 rk Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 1 13 Table 3 -2 lists the definition of the mixed use rate codes shown in the current rate structure table. Table 3 -2: Mixed Use Classification 343 WASTEWATER ACCOUNTS AND USAGE CHARACTERISTICS Customer accounts and usage information in fiscal year (FY) 2014 are used as the basis for projecting wastewater revenues during the study period, from FY 2016 to FY 2020. The projections are based on the District's long -range financial plan. The number of wastewater accounts and water usage are projected to increase at approximately 0.1 percent per year in FY 2016 through FY 2017 and approximately 0.6 percent per year thereafter. The model and subsequent rates published in the Proposition 218 notice were developed prior to the Governor's Executive Order on April 1, 2015 mandating a statewide 25 percent reduction in urban water. Table 3 -3 shows the estimated total customer accounts by customer class for FY 2015 to FY 2020. 14 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District fft .. 7XA Standard Commercial + Standard Commercial + XI 1 to 10 % Restaurant 81 to 90 % Restaurant Standard Commercial + Standard Commercial + XB XJ 11 to 20 % Restaurant 65 to 69 % Bakery Standard Commercial + Standard Commercial + XC XK 21 to 30 % Restaurant 70 to 79 % Bakery Standard Commercial + Standard Commercial + XD XL 31 to 40 % Restaurant 80 to 84 % Bakery Standard Commercial + Standard Commercial + XE XM 41 to 50 % Restaurant 85 to 89 % Bakery Standard Commercial + Standard Commercial + XF XN 51 to 60 % Restaurant 90 to 95 % Bakery Standard Commercial + 10 to 15% Restaurant + XG X� 61 to 70 % Restaurant 85 to 90 % Bakery Standard Commercial + XH 71 to 80 % Restaurant 343 WASTEWATER ACCOUNTS AND USAGE CHARACTERISTICS Customer accounts and usage information in fiscal year (FY) 2014 are used as the basis for projecting wastewater revenues during the study period, from FY 2016 to FY 2020. The projections are based on the District's long -range financial plan. The number of wastewater accounts and water usage are projected to increase at approximately 0.1 percent per year in FY 2016 through FY 2017 and approximately 0.6 percent per year thereafter. The model and subsequent rates published in the Proposition 218 notice were developed prior to the Governor's Executive Order on April 1, 2015 mandating a statewide 25 percent reduction in urban water. Table 3 -3 shows the estimated total customer accounts by customer class for FY 2015 to FY 2020. 14 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District fft Residential Single Family Residences Multi- family Residences Commercial /Non - Industrial Bakeries Supermarkets Mortuaries Restaurants Standard Commercial Minimum Annual Charge Industrial Mixed Use Rate Group XA Rate Group XB Rate Group XC Rate Group XD Rate Group XE Rate Group XF Rate Group XG Rate Group XH Rate Group XI Rate Group XJ Rate Group XK Rate Group XL Rate Group XM Rate Group XN Rate Group XO Institutional Churches Schools (Daycare, Preschool, University) Fraternal & Service Organizations Local & State Institutions Other Tax Exempt (Except Federal) Federal Institutions Utilities with Special Tax Status Independent Living Facilities, Rest Homes Subtotal Excluding Schools Schools (billed per- capita) Elementary Intermediate High School Subtotal Schools TOTAL Table 3 -3: Projected Customer Accounts attar 5 Ft Z1 1b Ff Z1117 af Z116 _afiaru_ t ZIZI 91,779 91,871 91,972 92,533 93,107 93,693 44, 008 44 ,052 44,100 44,369 44,645 44,926 4 4 4 4 4 4 31 31 31 31 31 32 8 8 8 8 8 8 216 216 217 218 219 221 1,926 1,928 1,930 1,942 1,954 1,966 477 478 478 481 484 487 17 17 17 17 17 17 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 17 17 17 17 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 26 23 23 23 23 23 24 27 27 27 27 27 28 30 30 30 30 30 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 113 113 114 115 115 14 14 14 14 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 138,768 138,907 139,059 139,906 140,773 141,662 51 51 51 51 52 52 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 138,870 13 9, 009 139,161 140,008 140,876 141,765 277,638 277,916 278,220 279,914 281,649 283,427 Table 3 -4 shows the projected water usage by customer class for FY 2015 to FY 2020 and wastewater flow and strength from Industrial customers. 00 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 1 15 Table 3 -4: Annual Projected Water Usage (HCF) and Student Enrollment Commercial /Non - Industrial Bakeries 295 296 296 298 300 301 Supermarkets 90,960 91,051 91,151 91,707 92,276 92,857 Mortuaries 4,382 4,386 4,391 4,418 4,445 4,473 Restaurants 172,713 172,886 173,076 174,132 175,212 176,315 Standard Commercial 1,766,065 1,767,831 1,769,776 1,780,571 1,791,611 1,802,898 Industrial Wastewater Flow 92,696 92,789 92,891 93,458 94,037 94,630 Mixed Use Rate Group XA 30,516 30,547 30,581 30,767 30,958 31,153 Rate Group XB 10,024 10,034 10,045 10,106 10,169 10,233 Rate Group XC 32,678 32,711 32,747 32,947 33,151 33,360 Rate Group XD 30,611 30,641 30,675 30,862 31,053 31,249 Rate Group XE 32,806 32,839 32,875 33,076 33,281 33,491 Rate Group XF 38,700 38,738 38,781 39,018 39,260 39,507 Rate Group XG 32,564 32,597 32,633 32,832 33,035 33,243 Rate Group XH 42,079 42,121 42,167 42,424 42,688 42,956 Rate Group XI 37,321 37,358 37,399 37,627 37,860 38,099 Rate Group XJ 576 576 577 580 584 588 Rate Group XK 2,638 2,641 2,644 2,660 2,677 2,693 Rate Group XL 522 523 524 527 530 533 Rate Group XM 565 565 566 569 573 576 Rate Group XN 2,208 2,210 2,213 2,226 2,240 2,254 Rate Group XO 0 0 0 0 0 0 Institutional Churches 62,233 62,295 62,364 62,744 63,133 63,531 Schools (Daycare, Preschool, University) 8,908 8,917 8,927 8,981 9,037 9,094 Fraternal & Service Organizations 0 0 0 0 0 0 Local & State Institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0 OtherTax Exempt (Except Federal) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Federal Institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utilities with Special Tax Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 Independent Living Facilities, Rest Homes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Projected Water Usage (Excluding Schools) 2,492,061 2,494,553 2,497,297 2,512,530 2,528,108 2,544,035 Schools (students) Elementary 28,109 28,137 28,168 28,340 28,516 28,696 Intermediate 14,832 14,847 14,864 14,954 15,047 15,142 High School 19,957 19,977 19,999 20,121 20,246 20,373 Total Projected School Enrollment 62,899 62,961 63,031 63,415 63,808 64,210 3A WASTEWATER SYSTEM REVENUES The District's wastewater enterprise derives its required annual operating and capital revenues from a number of sources. The principal source of operating revenues is the wastewater service charges from the District's wastewater customers. Other revenue sources include miscellaneous operating revenues such as permit and inspection fees, lease rental income, stormwater and pollution prevention fees, and interest earnings. Capital revenue sources include property tax revenue, capacity fee revenue, bond proceeds, and grants and loans. Wholesale service charges to the City of Concord provide another significant source of operating and capital revenues. 16 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Table 3 -5 presents the details of the operating and capital related revenues. The District separates its revenue streams into a Running Expense Fund, which includes all operating related revenues, and a Sewer Construction Fund, which includes capital related expenses. A portion of the Sewer Service Charge revenue is transferred to the Sewer Construction Fund in order to fund capital expenses. Table 3 -5: Revenue Summary under Current Rate Structure Sewer Service Charge $69,447,000 $68,235,881 $68,310,851 $68,727,563 $69,153,753 $69,589,570 ServiceCharges - Concord $13,500,000 $13,926,682 $14,337,387 $14,311,392 $14,836,224 $15,380,349 Permit /Inspection /Right -of -Way Fees $1,244,600 $1,281,938 $1,320,396 $1,360,008 $1,400,808 $1,442,833 Lease Rental Income $566,000 $582,980 $600,469 $618,483 $637,038 $656,149 Household Hazardous Waste Reimbursement $895,000 $921,850 $949,506 $977,991 $1,007,330 $1,037,550 Stormwater/ Pollution Prevention /Pretreatment $271,000 $279,130 $287,504 $296,129 $305,013 $314,163 Interest Income' $90,000 $196,001 $207,710 $322,273 $427,843 $555,082 Recycled Water $103,000 $106,090 $109,273 $112,551 $115,927 $119,405 All Other $115,000 $118,450 $122,004 $125,664 $129,434 $133,317 TOTAL REVENUES $86,231,600 $85,649,002 $86,245,099 $86,852,054 $88,013,371 $89,228,417 Sewer Service Charge $3,750,000 $3,787,675 $3,791,930 $3,815,045 $3,838,620 $3,862,655 Property Tax Revenue $8,160,000 $10,064,708 $10,212,767 $10,406,401 $10,908,644 $11,284,728 Capacity Fee Revenue $5,890,000 $6,184,425 $6,484,415 $6,788,320 $7,095,960 $7,407,155 Pump Zone Revenue $528,000 $554,736 $581,717 $609,000 $497,318 $186,862 Concord Capital Revenue $3,305,000 $3,602,491 $5,487,737 $7,647,624 $6,884,640 $4,917,324 Interest Income' $280,000 $62,774 $52,512 $68,292 $95,703 $167,906 Permit and Inspection Fees $107,000 $109,140 $111,323 $113,549 $115,820 $118,137 Recycled Water $260,000 $267,800 $275,834 $284,109 $292,632 $301,411 All Other $1,000 $1,030 $1,061 $1,093 $1,126 $1,159 TOTAL REVENUES $22,281,000 $24,634,778 $26,999,295 $29,733,433 $29,730,463 $28,247,336 1. Based on budgeted and projected revenues as of March 2015. 2. Current Rate Structure (i.e. does not include proposed rate increase.) Increasing revenues due to projected growth. 3. Interest shift in funds in FY 2016 due to proposed reserve policy allocations. 3.5 WASTEWATER SYSTEM EXPENDITURES For sound financial operation of the District's wastewater system, the revenues generated must be sufficient to meet the revenue requirements or cash obligations of the system. Revenue requirements include O &M expenses, capital improvement program (CIP) expenditures, principal and interest payments on existing debt, and other obligations. 3.5.1 Operation and Maintenance Expenses O &M expenditures include the cost of treatment, pumping, and collection facilities. O &M expenses also include the costs of providing technical services such as laboratory services, engineering, and other administrative costs of the wastewater system such as customer service and billing. These costs are a normal obligation of the system, and are met from operating revenues as they are incurred. The comprehensive forecasted annual O &M expenditures for the study are based upon the District's long - range financial plan, using inflationary factors ranging from two to eight percent per year to project Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 1 17 O &M expenditures. In addition to the O &M expenditures, the District is making two additional $2.5 million annual payments to the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) in FY 2016 and FY 2017. Projected O &M expenditures are summarized by function and by category in Tables 3 -6 and 3 -7, respectively. The additional UAAL payments are included in the Allocated Benefits category. Table 3 -6: Projected O &M Expenses' by Function Administration $24,476,326 $24,605,598 $25,372,937 $24,805,582 $25,675,372 $25,785,443 Engineering $12,229,549 $11,662,173 $11,925,299 $11,470,088 $11,851,909 $12,236,341 Collection System Operations $15,617,120 $14,752,239 $15,114,151 $14,845,264 $15,308,591 $15,797,147 Plant Operations Department $32,523,037 $31,584,881 $32,513,761 $32,351,627 $33,504,849 $34,699,324 Pumping Stations $3,352,863 $3,566,604 $3,676,142 $3,668,317 $3,805,223 $3,935,565 TOTAL EXPENSES $88,198,895 $86,171,496 $88,602,290 $87,140,879 $90,145,944 $92,453,820 1. Based on anticipated expenses as of March 2015 Table 3 -7: Projected O &M Expenses' by Category Salary & Wages $28,618,169 $30,133,152 $31,338,478 $32,284,087 $33,402,716 $34,537,213 Capitalized Admin Overhead ($3,806,958) ($4,355,446) ($4,486,109) ($4,620,692) ($4,759,313) ($4,902,093) Directors Fees & Expenses $199,800 $207,792 $216,104 $224,748 $233,738 $243,087 Chemicals $1,605,000 $1,685,250 $1,769,513 $1,857,988 $1,950,888 $2,048,432 Utilities $4,861,350 $5,101,680 $5,353,943 $5,618,736 $5,896,681 $6,188,433 Repairs & Maintenance $4,911,762 $5,059,115 $5,210,888 $5,367,215 $5,528,231 $5,694,078 Hauling &Disposal $1,040,200 $1,080,226 $1,121,894 $1,165,275 $1,210,443 $1,257,477 Professional & Legal Services $539,400 $555,582 $572,249 $589,417 $607,099 $625,312 Outside Services $3,303,021 $3,402,112 $3,504,175 $3,609,300 $3,717,579 $3,829,107 Self- Insurance Expense $650,000 $1,300,000 $1,300,000 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 Materials & Supplies $2,024,315 $2,085,044 $2,147,596 $2,212,024 $2,278,384 $2,346,736 Other Expenses $2,419,448 $2,105,781 $2,555,205 $2,245,611 $2,699,229 $2,393,956 Allocated Benefits $41,833,388 $37,811,208 $37,998,354 $35,237,171 $36,030,268 $36,842,080 TOTAL O &M EXPENSES $88,198,895 $86,171,496 $88,602,290 $87,140,879 $90,145,944 $92,453,820 1. Based on anticipated expenses as of March 2015 3.5.2 Capital Improvement Program The District has developed a comprehensive wastewater Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to address current wastewater system needs. As Table 3 -8 indicates, the total estimated wastewater CIP for FY 2016 to FY 2020 is $181.7 million. The District applied an inflation rate of three percent per year, starting in FY 2017. This is a conservative estimate and ensures that the District has adequate resources reserved to complete the necessary projects. The financial plan calls for the District to fund capital costs through rate revenues. Funding the capital costs through rates is especially prudent for the District because the District's capital costs are fairly uniform over the planning period, except for a spike in FY 2018, and rates will provide the necessary cash to fund those projects and save on interest costs. However, issuing debt would spread the costs over a longer term and minimize the revenue adjustments needed in the short term. The proposed rate adjustments for FY 2016 and FY 2017 are primarily used to fund capital in FY 2016 and FY 2017. Future capital expenses have minimal impact on the proposed adjustments. 18 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District fft Table 3 -8: Capital Improvement Plan' Treatment Plant $9,045,000 $10,410,000 $12,820,000 $21,785,000 $19,429,000 $13,303,400 Collection System $12,217,000 $15,950,000 $18,125,000 $16,840,000 $17,611,500 $15,690,000 General Improvements $3,265,000 $3,980,000 $4,605,000 $4,203,000 $1,955,000 $2,725,000 Recycled Water $552,000 $450,000 $500,000 $500,000 $509,500 $350,000 TOTAL CIP $25,079,000 $30,790,000 $36,050,000 $43,328,000 $39,505,000 $32,068,400 1. Based on anticipated revenues and expenses as of March 2015 3.5.3 Revenue Adjustments The District's financial plan projects the following revenue adjustments for the next five years, as shown in Table 3 -9. The adjustments are necessary to meet projected expenditures and to maintain sufficient reserve balances. Table 3 -9: Revenue Adjustments Schedule 3.5.4 Debt Service Requirements Debt service requirements consist of principal and interest payments on existing debt. The District currently has debt service obligations associated with the outstanding Recycled Water Loan and the 2009 Bonds. Existing debt service payments are approximately $3.8 million annually. Table 3 -10 shows the existing debt service of the wastewater utility. Table 3 -10: Existing Debt Schedule 2020 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY Recycled Water Loan $187,000 $187,000 $187,000 $187,000 $0 $0 2009 Bonds (Series A & B less Fed Rebate) $5,359,218 $3,604,785 $3,595,051 $3,622,926 $3,603,238 $3,600,701 TOTAL EXISTING DEBT SERVICE $5,546,218 $3,791,785 $3,782,051 $3,809,926 $3,603,238 $3,601,701 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 1 19 .a 2016 7.24% 2017 7.30% _ 2018 5.57% 2019 5.35% 2020 4.97% 3.5.4 Debt Service Requirements Debt service requirements consist of principal and interest payments on existing debt. The District currently has debt service obligations associated with the outstanding Recycled Water Loan and the 2009 Bonds. Existing debt service payments are approximately $3.8 million annually. Table 3 -10 shows the existing debt service of the wastewater utility. Table 3 -10: Existing Debt Schedule 2020 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY Recycled Water Loan $187,000 $187,000 $187,000 $187,000 $0 $0 2009 Bonds (Series A & B less Fed Rebate) $5,359,218 $3,604,785 $3,595,051 $3,622,926 $3,603,238 $3,600,701 TOTAL EXISTING DEBT SERVICE $5,546,218 $3,791,785 $3,782,051 $3,809,926 $3,603,238 $3,601,701 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 1 19 3.5.5 Debt Service Coverage The District must meet debt service coverage requirements on its outstanding bond issues. Coverage requirements typically vary between 100 percent and 160 percent or higher. The District's target debt coverage is 200 percent, which means that the District's Adjusted Net System Revenues shall amount to at least 200 percent of the Annual Debt Service. The system revenues include funds derived from the ownership and operation of the system including wastewater service charges from the District's customers, miscellaneous service charges, revenues received from contracts, and interest income. Annual Debt Service includes annual principal and interest payments on outstanding debt. Adjusted net revenues equal the net revenues less connection fees revenue and the capital charges from City of Concord. As shown in Table 3 -11, the District exceeds the coverage requirement during each year of the study's planning period, which is one of several critical financial tests of the utility. The other financial tests include cash flow and reserve levels. Operating Revenues Sewer Service Charges (O &M)' Sewer charges - City of Concord Permit and Inspection Fees Interest Income Other Service Charges Total Operating Revenues 0 &M Costs Total Operating Income (Loss) Non - Operating Revenue Sewer Service Charges (capital)' Capital Charges - City of Concord Interest Earnings (capital reserve) Connection fees Other Income Total Non - Operating Revenue Tax Revenues Debt Service (net of credits) Debt Coverage Calculations Net Revenue +Tax Revenues Debt Coverage Adjusted Net Revenue' +Tax Revenues Debt Coverage - Parity Required Coverage Ratio Table 3 -11: Debt Coverage Calculation $70,126,719 $74,410,069 $79,840,336 $84,287,520 $88,796,277 $93,207,121 $13,500,000 $13,926,682 $14,337,387 $14,311,392 $14,836,224 $15,380,349 $1,244,600 $1,281,938 $1,320,396 $1,360,008 $1,400,808 $1,442,833 $90,000 $196,001 $207,710 $322,273 $427,843 $555,082 $1,950,000 $2,008,500 $2,068,755 $2,130,818 $2,194,742 $2,260,584 $86,911,319 $91,823,190 $97,774,584 $102,412,011 $107,655,895 $112,845,969 $88,198,895 $86,171,496 $88,602,290 $87,140,879 $90,145,944 $92,453,820 ($1,287,576) $5,651,694 $9,172,294 $15,271,132 $17,509,952 $20,392,149 $3,750,000 $4,089,931 $4,388,512 $4,632,937 $4,880,659 $5,122,892 $3,305,000 $3,602,491 $5,487,737 $7,647,624 $6,884,640 $4,917,324 $280,000 $62,774 $52,512 $76,558 $164,224 $299,578 $6,418,000 $6,739,161 $7,066,132 $7,397,320 $7,593,278 $7,594,017 $368,000 $377,970 $388,218 $398,751 $409,578 $420,707 $14,121,000 $14,872,326 $17,383,111 $20,153,190 $19,932,379 $18,354,519 $13,695,647 $13,832,603 $13,970,930 $14,180,493 $14,464,103 $14,825,706 $5,546,218 $3,791,785 $3,782,051 $3,809,926 $3,603,238 $3,600,701 $26,529,071 $34,356,624 $40,526,335 $49,604,815 $51,906,434 $53,572,373 4.78 9.06 10.72 13.02 14.41 14.88 $16,806,071 $24,014,972 $27,972,466 $34,559,871 $37,428,516 $41,061,032 3.03 6.33 7.40 9.07 10.39 11.40 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Table is based on anticipated revenues and expenses as of March 2015. 1. Includes proposed rate increase 2. Adjusted Net Revenue = Net Revenue less CCCSD Connection Fees and City of Concord Capital Charges 20 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 3.5.6 Operating Financial Plan Table 3 -12 shows the operating financial plan for FY 2015 through FY 2020 based on the revenue and expenses information presented above. The plan includes the revenue adjustments shown in Table 3 -9. Table 3 -12: ine Financial Plan' Revenue from Existing Rates - O &M $69,447,000 $68,235,881 $68,310,851 $68,727,563 $69,153,753 $69,589,570 Revenue from Existing Rates - Capital $3,750,000 $3,787,675 $3,791,930 $3,815,045 $3,838,620 $3,862,655 Additional Revenue from Rates $0 $5,747,480 $11,343,905 $15,552,119 $19,814,665 $23,964,681 Subtotal Rate Revenue $73,197,000 $77,771,035 $83,446,686 $88,094,727 $92,807,037 $97,416,905 Calibration (model to actua if $0 $728,965 $782,163 $825,730 $869,900 $913,109 Calibrated Rate Revenue $73,197,000 $78,500,000 4 $84,228,849 $88,920,457 $93,676,937 $98,330,013 Service Charges - Concord $13,500,000 $13,926,682 $14,337,387 $14,311,392 $14,836,224 $15,380,349 Permit /Inspection /Right -of -Way Fees $1,244,600 $1,281,938 $1,320,396 $1,360,008 $1,400,808 $1,442,833 Lease Rental Income $566,000 $582,980 $600,469 $618,483 $637,038 $656,149 Household Hazardous Waste Reimbursement $895,000 $921,850 $949,506 $977,991 $1,007,330 $1,037,550 Stormwater/ Pollution Prevention /Pretreatment $271,000 $279,130 $287,504 $296,129 $305,013 $314,163 Interest Income' $90,000 $196,001 $207,710 $322,273 $427,843 $555,082 Recycled Water $103,000 $106,090 $109,273 $112,551 $115,927 $119,405 All Other $115,000 $118,450 $122,004 $125,664 $129,434 $133,317 TOTAL REVENUES $89,981,600 $95,913,121 $102,163,096 $107,044,947 $112,536,555 $117,968,861 O &M Expenses Administration $24,476,326 $24,605,598 $25,372,937 $24,805,582 $25,675,372 $25,785,443 Engineering $12,229,549 $11,662,173 $11,925,299 $11,470,088 $11,851,909 $12,236,341 Collection System Operations $15,617,120 $14,752,239 $15,114,151 $14,845,264 $15,308,591 $15,797,147 Plant Operations Department $32,523,037 $31,584,881 $32,513,761 $32,351,627 $33,504,849 $34,699,324 Pumping Stations $3,352,863 $3,566,604 $3,676,142 $3,668,317 $3,805,223 $3,935,565 TOTAL EXPENSES $88,198,895 $86,171,496 $88,602,290 $87,140,879 $90,145,944 $92,453,820 Less: Construction Fund SSC Revenue ($3,750,000) ($4,089,931) ($4,388,512) ($4,632,937) ($4,880,659) ($5,122,892) NET OPERATING INCOME ($1,967,295) $5,651,694 $9,172,294 $15,271,132 $17,509,952 $20,392,149 1. Based on anticipated revenues and expenses as of March 2015. 2. Accounts for complexity of CCCSD billing system (e.g. winter quarter adjustments, manual overrides, etc.) 3. Interest shift in funds in FY 2016 due to proposed reserve policy reallocations. 4. Corresponds with proposed FY 2105 -16 O &M and Capital Budgets Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 121 3.5.7 Reserves The District currently has five separate funds /reserves: Running Expense Fund, Sewer Construction Fund, Self- Insurance /Emergency Fund, a Debt Service Fund, and a bond reserve account. The debt service fund is used to pay the annual debt service payments with property tax revenue. This fund does not carry a balance from year to year. The bond reserve account includes funds required to be kept in a restricted reserve by the bondholders. The current reserve policy is set at 32 percent of next year's O &M expenses, 30 percent of next year's CIP expenses, and 100 percent of next year's debt service payment. The bond reserve account is maintained according to the covenants of the outstanding debt and currently includes $4.8 million. This level of reserves is on the low side to that of comparable agencies, including Dublin San Ramon Services District, Union Sanitary District and Contra Costa Water District. Through a review of the District's operations, RFC proposed and the District Board agreed to amend its reserve policy to include at least five months, or 41.7 percent, of next year's O &M expenses, 50 percent of next year's CIP expenses, 100 percent of next year's debt service payment, $1.5 million for self- insurance, and $5 million for emergencies. The self- insurance reserve is set at $1.5 million to cover three incidents. The emergency reserve is set at $5 million to cover the liability insurance deductible for losses resulting from damages to wastewater assets during disasters. The estimated FY 2015 total ending balance for the Running Expense Fund and Sewer Construction Fund is approximately $46.7 million, as shown in Figure 3 -1. These reserves also account for the cash flow needs associated with the District's receipt of Sewer Service Charge revenue in two lump -sum payments in December and April of each year. The reserve balance' and the current and proposed targets for the running expense fund and sewer construction fund are shown in Figure 3 -1. The reserve level is projected to meet the proposed target by FY 2020. Figure 3 -1: Projected Reserves— Running Expense and Sewer Construction Funds N $90 c -° $80 $ 70 -------------- _ -... _-......-._...._-..-... ..._......_- ..- ..-- ......... .... -. - ._......_.... -. -......-._..........__......_-..- ...- ........._ .... .... ..._.......................................... . $60 - -- - $50 ----- -- $40 --- - -..... $30 - ---------- - - -- -- - ---------- - - - - -- - ------ - - -- -- -- - - - - -- $ 20 - ............ .. ............... ...... ................ -- - - $10 - - --- -- - -. - - - - -- $0 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 Ending Balance Current Target — –Proposed Target 1 Excludes $6.5 million for self- insurance and emergency reserve. 22 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Figure 3 -2 shows the total fund balance by the different funds maintained by the District, including the Running Expense, Sewer Construction Fund, and the Self- Insurance Fund, which includes the Emergency Fund. Figure 3 -2: Projected Reserves Ic $90 0 $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 ■ Running Expense Fund ■ Sewer Construction Fund Self- Insurance Fund Table 3 -13 shows the total fund balances for the different funds within the District, as well as the current and proposed reserve targets. Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 123 Table 3 -13: Projected Reserves' RUNNING EXPENSE FUND $11,875,000 $9,538,813 $10,869,552 $15,228,631 $23,070,280 $3,750,000 Beginning Balance $36,750,000 $34,782,705 $36,917,621 $36,308,699 $37,560,810 $38,522,425 Net Income ($1,967,295) $5,651,694 $9,172,294 $15,271,132 $17,509,952 $20,392,149 Ending Balance before Transfers $34 ,782,705 $40,434,400 $46,089,915 $51,579,831 $55,070,762 $58,914,574 Transfer to Sewer Construction Fund' $0 ($3,516,779) ($9,781,215) ($14,019,021) ($16,548,337) ($19,144,312) Transfer to Debt Service Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Ending Balance $34,782,705 $36,917,621 $36,308,699 $37,560,810 $38,522,425 $39,770,262 Under (Over) Target $1,122,084 $284,109 $292,632 $301,411 $1,000 $1,030 Proposed O&M Target 42% $35,904,790 $36,917,621 $36,308,699 $37,560,810 $38,522,425 $39,770,262 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Beginning Balance Revenue Sewer Service Charge Property Tax Revenue Capacity Fee Revenue Pump Zone Revenue Concord Capital Revenue Interest Income Permit and Inspection Fees Recycled Water All Other New Bond Proceeds New SRF Proceeds Transferfrom Running Expense Fund' Total Revenue Expenses Capital Projects Total Expenses Ending Balance Under (Over) Target $14,673,000 $11,875,000 $9,538,813 $10,869,552 $15,228,631 $23,070,280 $3,750,000 $4,089,931 $4,388,512 $4,632,937 $4,880,659 $5,122,892 $8,160,000 $10,064,708 $10,212,767 $10,406,401 $10,908,644 $11,284,728 $5,890,000 $6,184,425 $6,484,415 $6,788,320 $7,095,960 $7,407,155 $528,000 $554,736 $581,717 $609,000 $497,318 $186,862 $3,305,000 $3,602,491 $5,487,737 $7,647,624 $6,884,640 $4,917,324 $280,000 $62,774 $56,157 $82,025 $171,513 $308,690 $107,000 $109,140 $111,323 $113,549 $115,820 $118,137 $260,000 $267,800 $275,834 $284,109 $292,632 $301,411 $1,000 $1,030 $1,061 $1,093 $1,126 $1,159 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,516,779 $9,781,215 $14,019,021 $16,548,337 $19,144,312 $22,281,000 $28,453,813 $37, 380, 739 $44 ,584,079 $47,396,649 $48,792,670 $25,079,000 $30,790,000 $36,050,000 $40,225,000 $39,555,000 $33,118,400 $25,079,000 $30,790,000 $36,050,000 $40,225,000 $39,555,000 $33,118,400 $11,875,000 $9,538,813 $10,869,552 $15,228,631 $23,070,280 $38,744,550 $3,520,000 $8,486,187 $9,242,948 $4,548,869 ($6,511,080) ($18,212,908) Proposed Capital Target 501% $15,395,000 $18,025,000 $20,112,500 $19,777,500 $16,559,200 $20,531,642 Table is based on anticipated revenues and expenses as of March 2015. 1. Beginning in FY 2016through 2020 amount Under (Over) Target reserve is shown as a transferto /from Sewer Construction Fund. 24 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Table 3 -13: Projected Reserves' (cont'd) SELF - INSURANCE FUND Beginning Balance $6,500,000 $6,417,442 $6,908,217 $7,323,131 $7,746,665 $8,116,751 Revenue SIF Allocation from O &M Fund $650,000 $1,300,000 $1,300,000 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 All Other $106,942 $72,975 $76,624 $80,455 $84,478 $86,590 Total Revenue $756,942 $1,372,975 $1,376,624 $1,430,455 $1,434,478 $1,436,590 Expenses Insurance Premiums $437,500 $480,200 $504,210 $529,421 $555,892 $583,686 Loss Payments $250,000 $250,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 All Other $152,000 $152,000 $157,500 $177,500 $208,500 $202,500 Total Expenses $839,500 $882,200 $961,710 $1,006,921 $1,064,392 $1,086,186 Ending Balance $6,417,442 $6,908,217 $7,323,131 $7,746,665 $8,116,751 $8,467,155 Proposed SIF Target $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Proposed Emergency Target $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 Under(Over)Target $82,558 $408,217 $823,131 $1,246,665 $1,616,751 $1,967,155 DEBT SERVICE FUND Beginning Balance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Revenue Sewer Service Charge $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Tax Revenue $4,949,468 $3,767,895 $3,758,162 $3,774,093 $3,555,459 $3,540,978 Transferto Debt Service Fund $556,050 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Bond Reserve Account Interest $40,700 $23,889 $23,889 $35,834 $47,779 $59,723 Total Revenue $5,546,218 $3,791,785 $3,782,051 $3,809,926 $3,603,238 $3,600,701 Debt Service Existing Debt Service $5,546,218 $3,791,785 $3,782,051 $3,809,926 $3,603,238 $3,600,701 Proposed Debt Service $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Debt Service $5,546,218 $3,791,785 $3,782,051 $3,809,926 $3,603,238 $3,600,701 Ending Balance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BOND RESERVE ACCOUNT Beginning Balance $5,333,900 $4,777,850 $4,777,850 $4,777,850 $4,777,850 $4,777,850 Proposed Bond Reserves $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Transferto Debt Service Fund ($556,050) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Ending Balance $4,777,850 $4,777,850 $4,777,850 $4,777,850 $4,777,850 $4,777,850 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $57,852,997 $58,142,501 $59,279,232 $65,313,956 $74,487,306 $91,759,817 Table is based on anticipated revenues and expenses as of March 2015. 1. Beginning in FY 2016through 2020amount Under (Over) Target reserve is shown as a transferto /from Sewer Construction Fund. Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 125 4. COST OF SERVICE ANALYSIS This section of the Report discusses the allocation of O &M expenses and capital costs to the appropriate parameters consistent with industry standards, the determination of unit costs, and calculation of costs by customer class. To allocate the cost of service among the different customer classes, costs first need to be allocated to the appropriate wastewater parameters. The following sections describe the allocation of the operating and capital costs of service to the appropriate parameters of the wastewater system. The total cost of wastewater service is analyzed by system function in order to equitably distribute costs of service to the various classes of customers. For this analysis, wastewater utility costs of service are developed consistent with the guidelines for allocating costs detailed in the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Manual of Practice No. 27, Financing and Charges for Wastewater Systems, 2004. The wastewater COS analysis consists of seven major steps, as outlined below: 1. Determine non - residential customer flow and strength loadings based on water usage. 2. Conduct plant balance to estimate the flow and strength of the residential customer class taking into consideration infiltration and inflow (1 &1). 3. Functionalize O &M and capital costs into functional categories such as Collection, Treatment, and Billing and Customer Service, etc. 4. Allocate each functional category into cost components such as Flow, Strength, and Billing and Customer Service, etc. 5. Develop customer class characteristics by cost component. 6. Calculate the cost component rates by dividing the total cost in each cost component in Step 4 by the customer class characteristics in Step 5. 7. Calculate the cost by customer class by multiplying the unit cost in Step 6 by the customer class characteristics in Step 5. 4.1 PROPOSED CUSTOMER CLASSIFICATIONS As part of the Study, RFC reviewed the current customer classifications and found that a significant portion of the non - residential customers is included in the Standard Commercial class. The Standard Commercial class accounts for approximately 71 percent of the total non - residential water usage (refer to Table 3 -4). RFC proposed to separate the following customer classes from the Standard Commercial class because industry standards have these classes at higher strength concentration: • Automotive — gas stations, repair and maintenance facilities, auto dealerships, body and painting facilities, similar facilities for aircraft and boats • Hotels/ Motels — with food service • Supermarkets — with one or more of: meat cutting, delicatessens, bakeries and other activities resulting in the discharge of high- strength wastewater Table 4 -1 compares the current defined strength concentrations, which consist of BOD and TSS, with the proposed strength concentrations. 26 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District rk Table 4 -1: Current and Proposed Wastewater Strength Standard Commercial 150 165 150 165 Hotels /Motels 150 165 310 120 Automotive 150 165 180 280 Supermarkets 150 165 700 360 A review of the estimated wastewater flow for schools showed that the current estimates for intermediate and high schools are significantly lower than industry standards. Thus, to increase equity, RFC proposed that the estimated flow for schools be revised to the current standards. The estimated flows used in the Cost of Service calculations are based on 180 school days per calendar year. Table 4 -2 compares the current wastewater flow per student per day for the various school types with the proposed wastewater flow per student per day. The higher flows for high schools represent the additional wastewater generated from additional instructional activities as well as extra - curricular activities such as athletics which generate wastewater flows from both student participants and spectators. The actual water consumption for intermediate school and high school flows were reviewed. It is recommended that any school with actual water consumption less than the per- student estimate be billed based on the actual water use. Table 4 -2: Current and Proposed Wastewater Flow for Schools PROPOSED SCHOOLS .. Elementary Schools 5 gallons per student 5 gallons per student perschoolday perschoolday Intermediate Schools 5.3 gallons per student 10 gallons per student perschoolday perschoolday High Schools 5.6 gallons per student 15 gallons per student perschoolday perschoolday Residential customers currently include both single family residential (SFR) and multi - family residential (MFR) customers. RFC explored whether it is more equitable to differentiate these two residential classes. Based on the 2010 U.S. Census data, the estimated average housing density for SFR within the District's service area is 2.61 people per household, and for MFR is 2.21 people per household. The estimated wastewater flow is proportional to the number of people per household, therefore MFR flow is estimated at approximately 85 percent (2.21/2.61) of the SFR flow, as shown in Table 4 -3. This data provides a basis for categorizing SFR and MFR classes separately. rk Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 127 In addition to the proposed changes, RFC suggested that the District conduct an comprehensive review of the mixed use and food service categories to ensure that they are categorized and charged correctly and equitably. The District should also consider conducting flow and strength measurements to confirm non - residential customer class characteristics. Such a review could then be used to evaluate and simplify the District's food service and multi -use rate categories. The plant balance analysis is used to estimate and validate the wastewater loadings (flow and strength) generated by each customer class. While wastewater discharged into sewers for most customers is not metered when it enters the wastewater system, the total amount of flow and strength entering the treatment plant and treated every day is a known quantity. Additionally, non - residential customer flows and strengths can be estimated based on their water usage; non - residential customer strength concentrations are estimated according to industry accepted standards. Flow from the cities of Concord and Clayton is measured and the strength is assumed to be equal to the District's strength concentration. The remaining loadings, net of the total less infiltration and inflow (I &I), contract agencies, and non - residential and industrial, are assigned to residential customers. Based on this plant balance, the estimated residential flow is determined to be 55 gallons per capita per day, which is a reasonable estimate of the amount of indoor water usage per person. The estimated residential strength concentration is 200 and 275 milligrams per liter (mg /1) of BOD and TSS, respectively, which is also a reasonable estimate of residential strength concentration. The estimated loadings by customer class are shown in Table 4 -3 including the assumed BOD and TSS loadings. 28 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District fft rk Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 129 Table 4 -3: FY 2014 Plant Balance Influent Data Flow (hcf) BOD (Ibs /yr) TSS (Ibs /yr) Total Plant 17,184,225 21,958,201 29,156,029 Less: 1&1 343,684 13,098 905,786 Net Wastewater 16,840,540 21,945,104 28,250,243 Concord and Clayton 5,407,167 6,716,946 9,282,212 Non - Residential Bakeries 266 1,657 994 Supermarkets 81,790 357,395 183,803 Mortuaries 3,940 19,677 19,677 Restaurants 155,302 678,617 349,003 Industrial 83,352 254,930 280,535 Church 55,959 52,398 57,638 Schools (Daycare, Preschool, University) 8,010 6,500 5,000 Schools (Elementary) 33,791 27,422 21,094 Schools (Intermediate) 35,661 28,939 22,261 Schools (High School) 71,972 58,406 44,928 Rate Group XA 27,440 35,115 31,860 Rate Group XB 9,014 14,629 11,647 Rate Group XC 29,384 57,779 41,821 Rate Group XD 27,525 63,573 42,783 Rate Group XE 29,499 78,262 49,719 Rate Group XF 34,799 104,268 63,212 Rate Group XG 29,282 97,790 57,029 Rate Group XH 37,837 139,353 78,652 Rate Group XI 33,558 135,117 74,157 Rate Group XJ 518 2,647 1,668 Rate Group XK 2,372 11,662 7,275 Rate Group XL 470 2,484 1,530 Rate Group XM 508 2,818 1,722 Rate Group XN 1,985 11,603 7,027 Rate Group XO 0 0 0 Standard Commercial 1,427,531 1,336,674 1,470,342 Hotels /Motels 112,406 350,841 421,009 Automotive 48,092 54,038 84,059 Subtotal Non - Residential 2,382,262 3,984,595 3,430,445 Residential S F R 6,117, 684 7,599,571 10, 501, 919 MFR 2,933,427 3,643,992 5,035,667 Subtotal Residential 9,051,111 11,243,562 15,537,586 NET WASTEWATER 16,840,540 21,945,104 28,250,243 rk Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 129 4.3 ALLOCATION OF REVENUE REQUIREMENTS BY FUNCTION The wastewater utility is comprised of various facilities each designed and operated to fulfill a given function. In order to provide adequate service to its customers at all times, the utility must be capable of not only collecting the total amount of wastewater generated, but also treating and removing various nutrients from the flow. The separation of costs by function allows allocation of such costs to the functional cost components. Table 4 -4 shows the FY 2016 O &M expenses by the different functional categories, as classified by District staff. Administration and Engineering expenses are reclassified into Collection and Treatment portions in proportion to the Flow and Treatment costs. Table 4 -4: Allocation of Wastewater O &M Expenses by Function Administration - Flow portion Administration - Treatment portion Engineering- Flow portion Engineering - Treatment portion Collection System Operations Plant Operations Department Pumping Stations TOTAL O &M EXPENSES $7,321,360 $12,623,302 $5,991,947 $10,331,162 $14,752,239 $31,584,881 $3,566,604 $86,171,496 Engineering allocations shown include allocation of a portion of Administration expenses. Table 4 -5 shows the replacement value of the total wastewater assets by the different assets classes, as taken from a 2014 analysis provided by the District Asset Management group. 30 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District fft Table 4 -5: Allocation of Wastewater Assets by Function Collection System Sewer Main CS Structures Force Main Pumping Station Equip & Vehicles Total Collection System Treatment Plant $2,492,383,782 $191,436,451 $46,361,275 $63,3S4,161 $1,250,000 $2,794,785,669 Structures $270,126,328 Equipment $236,903,194 Piping $178,000,000 Total Treatment Plant $685,029,522 General Improvements General Improvements $28,618,237 Pool Vehicles $600,000 IT $10,000,000 Total General Improvements $39,218,237 Recycled Water Treatment Facilities $58,077,551 Distribution Mains $19,531,484 Total Recycled Water $77,609,035 TOTAL ASSETS $3,596,642,463 4.4 ALLOCATION OF FUNCTIONAL COSTS TO COST COMPONENTS In order to allocate costs of service to the different customer classes, unit costs of service are developed. O &M expenses and capital costs are functionalized as collection, treatment, billing, administrative, etc. These total costs are then allocated to the flow, BOD, TSS, and customer parameters based on the design of each facility. Collection system and pump station costs are allocated to flow and customer parameters to recognize that a portion of the collection system cost is fixed and does not vary with the amount of wastewater flow. These allocations were initially determined based on District's staff estimate of the fixed costs of the collection system, which were determined by RFC to be reasonable. Treatment plant costs are allocated to flow, BOD, and TSS since the treatment plant is designed to treat those three components. The treatment allocations were developed by District staff during a comprehensive review of the treatment plant functions in 2008. The District believes that the treatment cost structure has not changed significantly since then. Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 131 Operating costs are allocated based on the design criteria of each facility. Collection system costs are allocated entirely to flow since the collection system is designed to handle wastewater flow. However, since these costs are almost entirely fixed, a portion of the flow related operating costs is allocated to customers recognizing that irrespective of the quantity of flow, costs associated with cleaning and maintaining the collection system are incurred and therefore all customers need to share in this cost irrespective of their flow. Since treatment plants are designed to treat flow, BOD and TSS, treatment costs are allocated to those three parameters: based on the design of each component of the treatment system. For example, the equipment in the primary clarifiers is designed to remove suspended solids. Along with suspended solids there is also some removal of BOD; therefore the equipment is allocated to TSS and BOD based on the removal of those two parameters. Additionally, the primary tank structure is designed for flow; therefore the structure is allocated to flow. Similarly other components of the treatment plant are analyzed to determine the appropriate allocation to flow, BOD and TSS. Capital costs include capital improvements financed from annual revenues, debt service and other sources. Capital costs related to specific facilities will vary significantly from year to year. Allocating these costs based on the functions of these specific facilities could cause the rates to the different customer classes to change from year to year. A reasonable method of assigning capital costs to functional components, widely practiced in the industry, is to allocate such costs on the basis of plant investment recognizing that over a period of time these allocations will provide costs to be passed on to customers equitably. Table 4 -6 shows the different allocations to the Flow, BOD, TSS, and Customer O &M functional cost categories. The allocations are calculated based on the functions of each category, provided by the District. Table 4 -6: Allocation to Cost Components — O &M Administration - Collection portion 60% 40% 100% Administration - Treatment portion 40% 38% 22% 100% Engineering - Collection portion 40% 60% 100% Engineering - Treatment portion 40% 38% 22% 100% Collection System Operations 60% 40% 100% Plant Operations Department 40% 38% 22% 100% Pumping Stations 60% 40% 100% Table 4 -7 shows the allocation of O &M expenses (shown in Table 4 -4) to the different cost components based on the allocation percentages shown in Table 4 -6. Table 4 -7: Allocation of O &M Expenses to Cost Components Administration - Flow portion $4,392,816 $0 $0 $2,928,544 $0 $7,321,360 Administration - Treatment portion $5,049,321 $4,796,855 $2,777,126 $0 $0 $12,623,302 Engineering- Flow portion $2,396,779 $0 $0 $3,595,168 $0 $5,991,947 Engineering - Treatment portion $4,132,465 $3,925,842 $2,272,856 $0 $0 $10,331,162 Collection System Operations $8,851,344 $0 $0 $5,900,896 $0 $14,752,239 Plant Operations Department $12,633,952 $12,002,255 $6,948,674 $0 $0 $31,584,881 Pumping Stations $2,139,962 $0 $0 $1,426,642 $0 $3,566,604 TOTAL O&M EXPENSES $39,596,639 $20,724,951 $11,998,656 $13,851,250 $0 $86,171,496 Allocation % 46% 24% 14% 16% 0% 32 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District rk Table 4 -8 shows the different allocations, provided by the District, to the cost components such as Flow, BOD, TSS, etc. of the treatment plant assets. Wet Weather Facilities Holding Basins Bypass Facilities Primary Treatment Headworks Pre - Aeration Primary Sedimentation Odor Control Secondary Treatment Primary Effluent Aeration /Nitrification Secondary Clarifiers Odor Control Disinfection Uv Hypochlorite Chlorine /Dechlorine Gi-I Fffh t Table 4 -8: Allocation of Treatment Plant Assets to Cost Components $152,500 100% 0% 0% $6,803,307 100% 0% 0% $9,954,350 100% 0% 0% $6,472,000 45% 10% 45% $47,747,805 45% 10% 45% $5,607,500 45% 10% 45% $2,963,900 100% 0% 0% $77,580,885 25% 65% 10% $40,736,800 25% 65% 10% $10,000 25% 65% 10% $42,439,793 100% 0% 0% $1,635,558 100% 0% 0% $2,993,400 100% 0% 0% FE Channel $91,100 100% 0% 0% FE Pumping $2,984,750 100% 0% 0% Outfall $70,770,040 100% 0% 0% Solids Handling SCB Building $31,217,600 0% 60% 40% Sludge Blending Process $3,613,500 0% 60% 40% Dewatering $21,759,734 0% 60% 40% Incineration $82,790,608 0% 60% 40% Odor Control $1,944,750 0% 60% 40% Utilities Steam Generation $5,246,292 25% 65% 10% Power Distribution $30,765,500 100% Power Generation $12,377,450 10% 20% 40% 30% Control Systems $4,191,600 100% Communication Systems $600 100% Fuel System $6,734,698 10% 20% 40% 30% Service Air $1,871,300 100% Water Systems $120,271,682 0% 0% 0% 100% Support System Safety $357,400 100% Shops $14,746,025 100% Misc Facilities $14,210,784 100% Site Work $13,986,311 100% TOTAL $685,029,522 $200,515,694 $174,923,961 $103,455,021 $0 $206,134,846 Allocation 29% 26% 15% 0% 30% Table 4 -9 shows the different allocations to the cost components such as Flow, BOD, TSS, etc. of each capital asset class. Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 133 Collection System Treatment Plant General Improvements Recycled Water Table 4 -9: Allocation of Capital to Cost Components 100% 29% 26% 100% 15% 0% 30% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Table 4 -10 shows the allocation of the replacement value of the wastewater assets (shown in Table 4 -5) to the different cost components based on the allocation percentages shown in Table 4 -9. Table 4 -10: Allocation of Wastewater Assets to Cost Components Collection System $2,794,785,669 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,794,785,669 Treatment Plant $200,515,694 $174,923,961 $103,455,021 $0 $206,134,846 $685,029,522 General Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,218,237 $39,218,237 Recycled Water $77,609,035 $0 $0 $0 $0 $77,609,035 TOTAL ASSETS $3,072,910,398 $174,923,961 $103,455,021 $0 $245,353,083 $3,596,642,463 Allocation % 85% 5% 3% 0% 7% 4.5 ALLOCATION OF REVENUE REQUIREMENTS The total revenue requirements net of revenue credits from miscellaneous sources, is by definition, the net revenue requirements or net cost of providing service as shown in Table 4 -11. This cost is then used as the basis to develop unit costs for the wastewater parameters and to allocate costs to the various customer classes in proportion to the services rendered. The concept of proportionate allocation to customer classes requires that allocations should take into consideration not only the volume of wastewater discharge used but also strength loadings associated with the wastewater flow. In this study, wastewater rates were calculated for FY 2016, and accordingly FY 2016 is defined as the Test Year. Test Year revenue requirements are used in the cost allocation process. The annual revenue requirement or cost of service to be recovered from wastewater charges includes operation and maintenance and capital expenses. O &M expenses include costs directly related to the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater and maintenance of system facilities. The total FY 2016 cost of service to be recovered from the District's wastewater customers, shown in Table 4 -11, is estimated at approximately $78 million, of which approximately $69.9 million is operating costs and the remaining $7.9 million is capital costs, which consists of capital expenditures and existing debt service. The cost of service analysis is based upon the premise that the utility must generate annual revenues adequate to meet the estimated annual revenue requirements. As part of the cost of service analysis, revenues from sources other than wastewater rates and charges (e.g. revenues from miscellaneous services) are deducted from the appropriate cost elements. Additional deductions are made to reflect interest income and other non - operating income during FY 2016. Adjustments are also made to account for cash balances to ensure adequate collection of revenue and to determine annual revenues needed from rates. 34 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Table 4 -11 shows the allocation of revenue requirements to operating and capital components to determine the revenue required from rates. Table 4 -11: Allocation of Revenue Requirements' Less: Adjustments Adjustment for Annual Cash Balance ($1,851,050) $2,052,322 $201,272 Subtotal Adjustments ($1,851,050) $2,052,322 $201,272 Revenue to be Recovered from Rates $69,880,459 $7,890,575 $77,771,035 1. Existing debt service is paid by property tax revenue. The property tax revenue shown in this table is net of the debt service expenses. 00 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 135 Operating Capital Total Revenue Requirements Administration $24,605,598 $24,605,598 Engineering $11,662,173 $11,662,173 Collection System Operations $14,752,239 $14,752,239 Plant Operations Department $31,584,881 $31,584,881 Pumping Stations $3,566,604 $3,566,604 Capital Projects $30,790,000 $30,790,000 Subtotal Revenue Requirements $86,171,496 $30,790,000 $116,961,496 Less: Revenues from Other Sources Service Charges - Concord $13,926,682 $13,926,682 Permit /Inspection /Right -of -Way Fees $1,281,938 $1,281,938 Lease Rental Income $582,980 $582,980 Household Hazardous Waste Reimbursement $921,850 $921,850 Stormwater/ Pollution Prevention /Pretreatment $279,130 $279,130 Interest Income $196,001 $196,001 Recycled Water $106,090 $106,090 All Other $118,450 $118,450 Calibration (model to actual) $728,965 $728,965 Property Tax Revenue $10,064,708 $10,064,708 Capacity Fee Revenue $6,184,425 $6,184,425 Pump Zone Revenue $554,736 $554,736 Concord Capital Revenue $3,602,491 $3,602,491 Interest Income $62,774 $62,774 Permit and Inspection Fees $109,140 $109,140 Recycled Water $267,800 $267,800 All Other $1,030 $1,030 New Bond Proceeds $0 $0 New SRF Proceeds $0 $0 Subtotal Revenues from Other Sources $18,142,086 $20,847,103 $38,989,189 Less: Adjustments Adjustment for Annual Cash Balance ($1,851,050) $2,052,322 $201,272 Subtotal Adjustments ($1,851,050) $2,052,322 $201,272 Revenue to be Recovered from Rates $69,880,459 $7,890,575 $77,771,035 1. Existing debt service is paid by property tax revenue. The property tax revenue shown in this table is net of the debt service expenses. 00 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 135 4.6 DEVELOPMENT OF UNIT COSTS OF SERVICE In order to allocate costs of service to the different customer classes, unit costs of service need to be developed for each cost component. The unit costs of service are developed by dividing the total annual costs allocated to each parameter by the total annual service units of the respective component. The unit costs of service are developed by dividing the total annual costs by the appropriate service units, such as flow, BOD and TSS generated in the system and accounts for billing costs. Table 4 -12 shows the service units, such as annual flow, total pounds of BOD and TSS, dwelling units, accounts, etc. for each customer class. These service units are determined from the plant balance shown in Table 4 -3 and from the customer data shown in Tables 3 -3 and 3 -4. Table 4 -12: Projected FY2016 Customer Class Service Units' Residential SFR 6,436,719 7,995,886 11,049,591 91,871 MFR 2,623,444 3,258,921 4,503,534 44,052 Total Residential 9,060,162 11,254,807 15,553,125 0 135,923 Non - Residential Bakeries 266 1,660 996 4 Supermarkets 81,946 358,074 184,152 31 Mortuaries 3,948 19,714 19,714 8 Restaurants 155,597 679,907 349,666 216 Industrial 83,510 281,068 255,415 13 Church 56,066 52,497 57,747 113 Schools (Daycare, Preschool, University) 8,025 6,513 5,010 14 Schools (Elementary) 33,855 27,474 21,134 51 Schools (Intermediate) 35,728 28,994 22,303 18 Schools (High School) 72,109 58,517 45,013 19 Rate Group XA 27,492 35,181 31,921 8 Rate Group XB 9,031 14,657 11,669 4 Rate Group XC 29,440 57,889 41,901 17 Rate Group XD 27,577 63,694 42,864 15 Rate Group XE 29,555 78,411 49,814 20 Rate Group XF 34,865 104,466 63,333 25 Rate Group XG 29,337 97,976 57,138 23 Rate Group XH 37,909 139,618 78,801 27 Rate Group XI 33,622 135,373 74,298 30 Rate Group XJ 518 2,652 1,672 1 Rate Group XK 2,377 11,685 7,289 2 Rate Group XL 471 2,489 1,533 1 Rate Group XM 509 2,824 1,725 1 Rate Group XN 1,989 11,626 7,040 1 Rate Group XO 0 0 0 0 Standard Commercial 1,430,244 1,339,215 1,473,137 2,203 Hotels /Motels 112,620 351,508 421,809 21 Auto Repair Facilities 48,184 54,141 84,219 182 Total Non - Residential 2,386,790 4,017,823 3,411,312 3,069 GRANDTOTAL 11,446,953 15,272,629 18,964,437 3,069 135,923 28,137 14,847 19,977 62,961 62,961 1 Non - residential flow estimates include a 90% reduction factor to account for water usage that does not contribute to wastewater flow. 36 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District AW The total operating and capital revenue requirements (from Table 4 -11) are allocated to the different cost components based on the percentages calculated in Tables 4 -7 and 4 -10, respectively. The General component is allocated proportionally back to the remaining costs components. Table 4 -13 shows the calculation of the unit cost for each cost component, using the units of service from Table 4 -12. Table 4 -13: Development of Unit Costs Operating Revenue Requirements $32,110,750 $16,806,823 $9,730,266 $11,232,620 $0 $69,880,459 Capital Revenue Requirements $6,741,574 $383,761 $226,967 $0 $538,273 $7,890,575 Total Revenue Requirements $38,852,324 $17,190,584 $9,957,233 $11,232,620 $538,273 $77,771,035 Allocation of General Cost $270,781 $119,810 $69,397 $78,286 ($538,273) $0 Total Cost of Service Unit of Service Units Unit Cost Units $39,123,105 $17,310,394 $10,026,630 $11,310,906 $0 $77,771,035 11, 446, 953 15, 272, 629 18, 964, 437 138,992 hcf Ibs /yr Ibs /yr DU /accounts $3.42 $1.13 $0.53 $81.38 hcf Ibs /yr Ibs /yr DU /accounts 4.7 ALLOCATION OF COSTS TO CUSTOMER CLASS The unit cost of each of the cost categories shown in Table 4 -13 is then applied to the projected FY 2016 service units of each customer class to derive customer class costs. Table 4 -14 shows the allocation of costs to each customer class, based on the service units from Table 4 -12 and the unit cost from Table 4- 13. Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 137 Table 4 -14: Allocation of Costs to Customer Class Residential SFR MFR Subtotal Residential Non - Residential Bakeries Supermarkets Mortuaries Restaurants Industrial Church Schools (Daycare, Preschool, University) Schools (Elementary) Schools (Intermediate) Schools (High School) Rate Group XA Rate Group XB Rate Group XC Rate Group XD Rate Group XE Rate Group XF Rate Group XG Rate Group XH Rate Group XI Rate Group XJ Rate Group XK Rate Group XL Rate Group XM Rate Group XN Rate Group XO Standard Commercial Hotels /Motels Automotive Subtotal Non - Residential TOTAL $21,999,253 $9,062,744 $5,841,996 $7,476,293 $44,380,286 $8,966,339 $3,693,745 $2,381,050 $3,584,880 $18,626,014 $30,965,593 $12,756,489 $8,223,046 $11,061,172 $63,006,300 $909 $1,882 $527 $326 $3,644 $280,072 $405,851 $97,363 $2,528 $785,813 $13,492 $22,345 $10,423 $652 $46,912 $531,797 $770,624 $184,871 $17,611 $1,504,903 $285,419 $318,570 $135,039 $1,058 $740,086 $191,620 $59,502 $30,531 $9,213 $290,866 $27,428 $7,381 $2,649 $1,141 $38,600 $115,709 $31,139 $11,173 $4,158 $162,180 $122,112 $32,862 $11,792 $1,468 $168,234 $246,453 $66,325 $23,799 $1,549 $338,125 $93,962 $39,876 $16,877 $652 $151,367 $30,865 $16,612 $6,170 $326 $53,973 $100,619 $65,613 $22,153 $1,386 $189,771 $94,252 $72,192 $22,663 $1,223 $190,330 $101,014 $88,873 $26,337 $1,631 $217,854 $119,160 $118,405 $33,484 $2,038 $273,087 $100,268 $111,049 $30,209 $1,875 $243,401 $129,564 $158,247 $41,663 $2,201 $331,675 $114,913 $153,436 $39,282 $2,446 $310,076 $1,772 $3,006 $884 $82 $5,744 $8,124 $13,244 $3,854 $163 $25,384 $1,609 $2,821 $810 $82 $5,321 $1,738 $3,201 $912 $82 $5,932 $6,799 $13,177 $3,722 $82 $23,779 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,888,252 $1,517,901 $778,858 $179,241 $7,364,252 $384,910 $398,408 $223,013 $1,709 $1,008,040 $164,681 $61,364 $44,527 $14,811 $285,384 $8,157,512 $4,553,904 $1,803,584 $249,734 $14,764,734 $39,123,105 $17,310,394 $10,026,630 $11,310,906 $77,771,035 The residential class has the highest assignment of costs at $63 million and is responsible for 81 percent of the total cost of service. The non - residential classes are responsible for the remaining 19 percent of the annual cost of service. Once the customer class cost responsibility is determined, the next step is to design customer rate schedules to recover the revenues required from each customer class, which is discussed in the next section. The rate design analysis will illustrate how revenues are collected within each class using the current rate structure and how these revenues compare to the indicated cost of service. 38 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District rk 5. PROPOSED WASTEWATER RATES 501 RATE DESIGN The revenue requirements and cost of service analyses described in the preceding sections of this report provide a basis for the design of a wastewater rate structure. Rate design involves the development of rate schedules for each customer class so as to recover the annual cost of service determined for each customer class. This section of the report discusses the development of a schedule of wastewater rates for the District's customer classes and analyzes the impact of the proposed changes in cost allocations and rate design on the customer classes. The primary emphasis in the design of rate structures is ordinarily placed on achieving fairness and equity, with the objective of being able to ensure that each customer class pays its fair share of costs and to comply with regulatory requirements. The following subsections discuss how each rate component is calculated. 5.2 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL CHARGES The District currently has a fixed charge structure for its residential wastewater customers. Since the District bills on the tax roll and does not have access to all customers' water usage records, RFC recommends that the District retain the fixed charge structure for residential customers. However, due to the different residential density data between SFR and MFR customers, their charges will be different based on wastewater flow to increase equity in the wastewater charges. Condos, duplexes, mobile homes, and second living units will be treated as MFR. The proposed residential charges consist of two components: a fixed component to be billed on each dwelling unit, since a significant portion of the wastewater system costs are fixed and therefore do not vary based on the amount of flow entering the wastewater system, and a variable component to be billed on the estimated flow. Based on a review with staff of the District's cost structure, the estimated total variable costs, include chemicals, utilities, hauling /disposal, and net capital costs, in the system are approximately 20 percent2. These costs are applied per unit of wastewater flow. The remaining 80 percent of the total system costs, considered fixed costs, are applied per dwelling unit. Table 5 -1 shows the cost of service calculation of wastewater charges for SFR and MFR customers for FY 2016. Table 5 -1: Calculated Residential Wastewater Charges — FY 2016 Residential SFR $44,380,286 91,871 6,436,719 $368.81 $99.57 $468.38 MFR $18,626,014 44,052 2,623,444 $368.81 $84.63 $453.44 TOTAL $63,006,300 135,923 9,060,162 z The average chemicals, utilities, and hauling /disposal cost is approximately 10 percent of the expenses, as shown in Table 3 -8. Net capital cost is approximately 10 percent, as shown in Table 4 -11. Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 139 According to the financial plan, the total revenue adjustment in FY 2017 is 7.30 percent (refer to Table 3- 9). Thus, residential wastewater charges need to increase 7.30 percent in FY 2017 to meet the revenue requirements, meaning that SFR charges would be $503 per dwelling unit and MFR charges would be $487 per dwelling unit. The District Board would like to smooth out the increases over the two year period so that impacts to residential customers would be more stable. The total increases over two years for SFR customers are $64 ($503 -$439) and for MFR customers are $48 ($487 - $439). Thus, the annual increase with the smoothing schedule is $32 per year for SFR and $24 per year for MFR customers. Table 5 -2 shows the proposed FY 2016 and FY 2017 residential wastewater charges with the smoothing schedule. In FY 2016, the SFR charge would be $471 instead of $468.38 and the MFR charge would be $463 instead of $453.44. Table 5 -2: Proposed FY 2016 and FY 2017 Residential Wastewater Charges Residential Annual Charges (per Residential Unit) Single Family Dwellings $439.00 $471.00 $503.00 Condominium, Multi - Family, Mobile Home $439.00 $463.00 $487.00 503 PROPOSED NON - RESIDENTIAL RATES The District currently has a variable rate structure for its non - residential customers, subject to a minimum annual charge. Since non - residential customers use is non - homogeneous, it is more equitable to charge on the basis of flow. Thus, RFC recommends that the District retain the current variable rate structure. Based on the unit rate calculated in the previous section (refer to Table 4 -13), a variable rate per HCF is calculated for each customer class based on their estimated loadings into the system. As discussed in the previous section, RFC proposes that the District create two new customer classes: Hotels /Motels and Automotive facilities, as well as redefine the strength for supermarkets and the flow for schools. Table 5 -3 shows the proposed cost of service wastewater rates for non - residential customers. The rates are calculated based on the total revenue requirements per customer class identified in Table 4 -14 and the estimated flow by customer class as shown in Table 4 -12. Industrial customers will be charged on a unit rate basis. All non - residential customers will be subject to a minimum annual charge equal to the MFR charge plus the District's historic $17 pollution prevention surcharge, which includes the inspection and other costs for source control, for these non - residential classes. 40 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District fft Table 5 -3: Proposed FY 2016 and FY 2017 Non - Residential Wastewater Rates Commercial /Non - Industrial (per hcf) $1.68 $3.42 Bakeries $11.22 $12.33 $13.22 Supermarkets $4.07 $8.71 $9.34 Mortuaries $7.99 $10.70 $11.47 Restaurants $8.32 $8.71 $9.34 Hotels/Motels $4.07 $8.06 $8.64 Automotive $4.07 $5.34 $5.73 Standard Commercial $4.07 $4.64 $4.98 Industrial Wastewater Flow (per hcf) $1.68 $3.42 $3.67 BOD (per 1,000Ibs) $934 $1,134 $1,216 SS (per 1,000Ibs) $667 $529 $567 Fixed Charge (per account) $81.38 $87.23 Mixed Use (per hcf) Rate Group XA $4.46 $4.96 $5.32 Rate Group XB $4.85 $5.38 $5.77 Rate Group XC $5.25 $5.81 $6.23 Rate Group XD $5.64 $6.22 $6.67 Rate Group XE $6.03 $6.64 $7.12 Rate Group XF $6.42 $7.05 $7.56 Rate Group XG $6.81 $7.47 $8.01 Rate Group XH $7.21 $7.88 $8.45 Rate Group XI $7.60 $8.31 $8.91 Rate Group XJ $8.72 $9.97 $10.69 Rate Group XK $9.08 $9.62 $10.32 Rate Group XL $9.79 $10.18 $10.92 Rate Group XM $10.15 $10.50 $11.26 Rate Group XN $10.51 $10.76 $11.54 Rate Group XO $10.74 $10.90 $11.69 Institutional (per hcf) Churches $4.07 $4.64 $4.98 Schools (Daycare, Preschool, University) (per hcf) $4.07 $4.33 $4.65 Schools (Elementary) (per student) $5.62 $5.77 $6.19 Schools (Intermediate) (per student) $5.94 $11.34 $12.16 Schools (High School) (per student) $6.27 $16.93 $18.15 Minimum Annual Charge $456 $480 $504 rk Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 141 5.4, CUSTOMER IMPACTS RFC completed an analysis to evaluate the impact of the proposed rate structure on customers with various water usage levels. Table 5 -4 shows the residential bill impacts for FY 2016 and FY 2017. SFR customers would experience a $32 annual increase, or approximately seven percent per year, over the next two years and MFR customers would experience a $24 annual increase, or approximately five percent per year, over the next two years. Table 5 -4: Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts SFR $439 $471 $503 $32 $32 MFR $439 $463 $487 $24 $24 Table 5 -5 shows the typical non - residential bill impacts for FY 2016 and FY 2017. The bills are calculated based on the average annual water usage for each customer class. Table 5 -5: Typical Non - Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts Hotels /Motels 5,959 $24,252 $48,027 $51,483 $23,775 $3,456 98.0% 7.2% Supermarkets 2,932 $11,931 $25,534 $27,381 $13,602 $1,847 114.0% 7.2% Standard Commercial 722 $2,937 $3,348 $3,593 $411 $245 14.0% 7.3% Restaurants 799 $6,647 $6,958 $7,462 $312 $503 4.7% 7.2% Automotive 294 $1,197 $1,571 $1,686 $374 $115 31.2% 7.3% 42 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District fft 6. APPENDIX For readability purposes, some of the tables in the text of the report are reproduced in the Appendix. The original table number is kept for easy reference. Table 3 -5: Revenue Summary under Existing Rates Sewer Service Charge $69,447,000 $68,235,881 Service Charges - Concord $13,500,000 $13,926,682 Permit /Inspection /Right -of -Way Fees $1,244,600 $1,281,938 Lease Rental Income $566,000 $582,980 Household Hazardous Waste Reimbursement $895,000 $921,850 Stormwater/ Pollution Prevention /Pretreatment $271,000 $279,130 Interest Income $90,000 $196,001 Recycled Water $103,000 $106,090 All Other $115,000 $118,450 TOTAL REVENUES $86,231,600 $85,649,002 $68,310,851 $68,727,563 $69,153,753 $14,337,387 $14,311,392 $14,836,224 $1,320,396 $1,360,008 $1,400,808 $600,469 $618,483 $637,038 $949,506 $977,991 $1,007,330 $287,504 $296,129 $305,013 $207,710 $322,273 $427,843 $109,273 $112,551 $115,927 $122,004 $125,664 $129,434 $86,245,099 $86,852,054 $88,013,371 $69,589,570 $15,380,349 $1,442,833 $656,149 $1,037,550 $314,163 $555,082 $119,405 $133,317 $89,228,417 Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 143 Table 3 -5: Revenue Summary under Existing Rates (cont'd) Sewer Service Charge $3,750,000 $3,787,675 $3,791,930 $3,815,045 $3,838,620 $3,862,655 Property Tax Revenue $8,160,000 $10,064,708 $10,212,767 $10,406,401 $10,908,644 $11,284,728 Capacity Fee Revenue $5,890,000 $6,184,425 $6,484,415 $6,788,320 $7,095,960 $7,407,155 Pump Zone Revenue $528,000 $554,736 $581,717 $609,000 $497,318 $186,862 Concord Capital Revenue $3,305,000 $3,602,491 $5,487,737 $7,647,624 $6,884,640 $4,917,324 Interest Income $280,000 $62,774 $52,512 $68,292 $95,703 $167,906 Permit and Inspection Fees $107,000 $109,140 $111,323 $113,549 $115,820 $118,137 Recycled Water $260,000 $267,800 $275,834 $284,109 $292,632 $301,411 All Other $1,000 $1,030 $1,061 $1,093 $1,126 $1,159 TOTAL REVENUES $22,281,000 $24,634,778 $26,999,295 $29,733,433 $29,730,463 $28,247,336 1. Based on anticipated expenses as of March 2015 Table 3 -6: Projected O &M Expenses by Function Administration $24,476,326 $24,605,598 $25,372,937 $24,805,582 $25,675,372 $25,785,443 Engineering $12,229,549 $11,662,173 $11,925,299 $11,470,088 $11,851,909 $12,236,341 Collection System Operations $15,617,120 $14,752,239 $15,114,151 $14,845,264 $15,308,591 $15,797,147 Plant Operations Department $32,523,037 $31,584,881 $32,513,761 $32,351,627 $33,504,849 $34,699,324 Pumping Stations $3,352,863 $3,566,604 $3,676,142 $3,668,317 $3,805,223 $3,935,565 TOTAL EXPENSES $88,198,895 $86,171,496 $88,602,290 $87,140,879 $90,145,944 $92,453,820 44 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Salary & Wages Capitalized Admin Overhead Directors Fees & Expenses Chemicals Utilities Repairs & Maintenance Hauling & Disposal Professional & Legal Services Outside Services Self- Insurance Expense Materials & Supplies Other Expenses Allocated Benefits TOTAL O &M EXPENSES Treatment Plant Collection System General Improvements Recycled Water TOTAL Cl P $28,618,169 ($3,806,958) $199,800 $1,605,000 $4,861,350 $4,911,762 $1,040,200 $539,400 $3,303,021 $650,000 $2,024,315 $2,419,448 $41,833,388 $88,198,895 $9,045,000 $12,217,000 $3,265,000 $552,000 $25,079,000 Table 3 -7: Projected O &M Expenses by Category $30,133,152 ($4,355,446) $207,792 $1,685,250 $5,101,680 $5,059,115 $1,080,226 $555,582 $3,402,112 $1,300,000 $2,085,044 $2,105,781 $37,811,208 $86,171,496 $31,338,478 ($4,486,109) $ 216,104 $1,769,513 $5,353,943 $5,210,888 $1,121,894 $572,249 $3,504,175 $1,300,000 $2,147,596 $2,555,205 $37,998,354 $88,602,290 Table 3 -8: Capital Improvement Plan $10,410,000 $15,950,000 $3,980,000 $450,000 $30,790,000 Based on anticipated revenues and expenses as of March 2015 $12,820,000 $18,125,000 $4,605,000 $500,000 $36,050,000 $32,284,087 ($4,620,692) $224,748 $1,857,988 $5,618,736 $5,367,215 $1,165,275 $589,417 $3,609,300 $1,350,000 $2,212,024 $2,245,611 $35,237,171 $87,140,879 $21,785,000 $16,840,000 $4,203,000 $500,000 $43,328,000 $33,402,716 ($4,759,313) $233,738 $1,950,888 $5,896,681 $5,528,231 $1,210,443 $607,099 $3,717,579 $1,350,000 $2,278,384 $2,699,229 $36,030,268 $90,145,944 $19,429,000 $17,611,500 $1,955,000 $509,500 $39,505,000 $34,537,213 ($4,902,093) $243,087 $2,048,432 $6,188,433 $5,694,078 $1,257,477 $625,312 $3,829,107 $1,350,000 $2,346,736 $2,393,956 $36,842,080 $92,453,820 $13,303,400 $15,690,000 $2,725,000 $350,000 $32,068,400 (A. Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 145 Table 3 -12: Operating Financial Plan Revenue from Existing Rates - O &M $69,447,000 $68,235,881 $68,310,851 $68,727,563 $69,153,753 $69,589,570 Revenue from Existing Rates - Capital $3,750,000 $3,787,675 $3,791,930 $3,815,045 $3,838,620 $3,862,655 Additional Revenue from Rates $0 $5,747,480 $11,343,905 $15,552,119 $19,814,665 $23,964,681 Subtotal Rate Revenue $73,197,000 $77,771,035 $83,446,686 $88,094,727 $92,807,037 $97,416,905 Calibration (model to actual)Z $0 $728,965 $782,163 $825,730 $869,900 $913,109 Calibrated Rate Revenue $73,197,000 $78,500,000 a $84,228,849 $88,920,457 $93,676,937 $98,330,013 Service Charges - Concord $13,500,000 $13,926,682 $14,337,387 $14,311,392 $14,836,224 $15,380,349 Permit /Inspection /Right -of -Way Fees $1,244,600 $1,281,938 $1,320,396 $1,360,008 $1,400,808 $1,442,833 Lease Rental Income $566,000 $582,980 $600,469 $618,483 $637,038 $656,149 Household Hazardous Waste Reimbursement $895,000 $921,850 $949,506 $977,991 $1,007,330 $1,037,550 Stormwater/ Pollution Prevention /Pretreatment $271,000 $279,130 $287,504 $296,129 $305,013 $314,163 Interest Income $90,000 $196,001 $207,710 $322,273 $427,843 $555,082 Recycled Water $103,000 $106,090 $109,273 $112,551 $115,927 $119,405 All Other $115,000 $118,450 $122,004 $125,664 $129,434 $133,317 TOTAL REVENUES $89,981,600 $95,913,121 $102,163,096 $107,044,947 $112,536,555 $117,968,861 O &M Expenses Administration $24,476,326 $24,605,598 $25,372,937 $24,805,582 $25,675,372 $25,785,443 Engineering $12,229,549 $11,662,173 $11,925,299 $11,470,088 $11,851,909 $12,236,341 Collection System Operations $15,617,120 $14,752,239 $15,114,151 $14,845,264 $15,308,591 $15,797,147 Plant Operations Department $32,523,037 $31,584,881 $32,513,761 $32,351,627 $33,504,849 $34,699,324 Pumping Stations $3,352,863 $3,566,604 $3,676,142 $3,668,317 $3,805,223 $3,935,565 TOTAL EXPENSES $88,198,895 $86,171,496 $88,602,290 $87,140,879 $90,145,944 $92,453,820 Less: Construction Fund SSC Revenue ($3,750,000) ($4,089,931) ($4,388,512) ($4,632,937) ($4,880,659) ($5,122,892) NET OPERATING INCOME ($1,967,295) $5,651,694 $9,172,294 $15,271,132 $17,509,952 $20,392,149 46 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Table 4 -6: Allocation to Cost Components — O &M Administration - Collection portion 60% $0 40% 100% Administration - Treatment portion 40% 38% 22% Customer 100% Engineering - Collection portion 40% $2,928,544 60% 100% Engineering - Treatment portion 40% 38% 22% $0 100% Collection System Operations 60% $3,925,842 40% 100% Plant Operations Department 40% 38% 22% $5,900,896 100% Pumping Stations 60% $0 40% 100% Administration - Flow portion Administration - Treatment portion Engineering- Flow portion Engineering - Treatment portion Collection System Operations Plant Operations Department Pumping Stations TOTAL O &M EXPENSES Allocation % J $0 Table 4 -7: $0 $12,623,302 Allocation of O &M Expenses to Cost Components Flow :•D TSS Customer $4,392,816 $0 $0 $2,928,544 $5,049,321 $4,796,855 $2,777,126 $0 $2,396,779 $0 $0 $3,595,168 $4,132,465 $3,925,842 $2,272,856 $0 $8,851,344 $0 $0 $5,900,896 $12,633,952 $12,002,255 $6,948,674 $0 $2,139,962 $0 $0 $1,426,642 $0 $7,321,360 $0 $12,623,302 $0 $5,991,947 $0 $10,331,162 $0 $14,752,239 $0 $31,584,881 $0 $3,566,604 $39,596,639 $20,724,951 $11,998,656 $13,851,250 $0 $86,171,496 46% 24% 14% 16% 0% Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 147 Table 4 -9: Allocation to Cost Components — Capital Collection System 100% 100% Treatment Plant 29% 26% 15% 0% 30% 100% General Improvements 100% 100% Recycled Water 100% 100% Table 4 -10: Allocation of Wastewater Assets to Cost Components Collection System $2,794,785,669 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,794,785,669 Treatment Plant $200,515,694 $174,923,961 $103,455,021 $0 $206,134,846 $685,029,522 General Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,218,237 $39,218,237 Recycled Water $77,609,035 $0 $0 $0 $0 $77,609,035 TOTAL ASSETS $3,072,910,398 $174,923,961 $103,455,021 $0 $245,353,083 $3,596,642,463 Allocation % 85% 5% 3% 0% 7% 48 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Total Cost of Service $39,123,105 $17,310,394 Table 4 -13: $11,310,906 $0 $77,771,035 Unit of Service 11,446,953 15,272,629 18,964,437 138,992 Units hcf Development of Unit Costs Ibs /yr DU /accounts Unit Cost $3.42 $1.13 Flow :•D TSS Customer General TOTAL Operating Revenue Requirements $32,110,750 $16,806,823 $9,730,266 $11,232,620 $0 $69,880,459 Capital Revenue Requirements $6,741,574 $383,761 $226,967 $0 $538,273 $7,890,575 Total Revenue Requirements $38,852,324 $17,190,584 $9,957,233 $11,232,620 $538,273 $77,771,035 Allocation of General Cost $270,781 $119,810 $69,397 $78,286 ($538,273) $0 Total Cost of Service $39,123,105 $17,310,394 $10,026,630 $11,310,906 $0 $77,771,035 Unit of Service 11,446,953 15,272,629 18,964,437 138,992 Units hcf Ibs /yr Ibs /yr DU /accounts Unit Cost $3.42 $1.13 $0.53 $81.38 Units hcf Ibs /yr Ibs /yr DU /accounts Table 5 -5: Typical Non - Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts Residential S F R $44,380,286 91,871 6,436,719 $368.81 $99.57 $468.38 MFR $18,626,014 44,052 2,623,444 $368.81 $84.63 $453.44 TOTAL $63,006,300 135,923 9,060,162 Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report 149