HomeMy WebLinkAbout04. Position Paper authorizing GM to execute agreement with Corollo Engineers for CWMP44 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS DRAFT POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 4, 2015 Subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. AND CH2MHILL TEAM FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN Submitted By. Initiating Dept. /Div.: Dan Frost, Associate Engineer Engineering & Technical Services / Planning & Development Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: N. Hodges — Provisional Senior Engineer D. Gemmell — Planning & Development Services Division Manager Roger S. Bailey J.M. Petit — Director of Engineering & Technical Services General Manager ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager to execute professional engineering services agreements greater than $100,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute one agreement with the Carollo Engineers, Inc. (Carollo) /CH2M Hill team for professional engineering services to develop the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) in an amount not to exceed $4,044,988. This agreement would stipulate two separate task orders: one task order for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan (TP Master Plan) in an amount not to exceed $2,244,097 and another task order for the Collection System Master Plan in an amount not to exceed $1,800,891. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The TP Master Plan consultant cost is $2,244,097. The total estimated cost for the TP Master Plan, including District staff time, is $2,774,097. The Collection System Master Plan consultant cost is $1,800,891. The total estimated cost for the Collection System Master Plan, including District staff time, is $2,169,891. The total estimated cost for the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan, including District staff time, is $4,943,988. The projects shown in Table 1 are included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 -16 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) to fund the CWMP. C: \Users \CGranzella\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \YTOD71 EQ \5 -27 -15 REEP - Draft3 PP for Master Plan 05JUN15 Board Meeting.docx Page 1 of 7 DRAFT POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 4, 2015 subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. AND CH2MHILL TEAM FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may decline award of the agreement to the Carollo /CH2M Hill team. However, this is not recommended if the District is to meet its goal of completing the CWMP by December 2016, in order to incorporate results into the next rate cycle for FY 2017 -18. Without the CWMP, the District would lack a long -term plan that determines the future direction, capital improvement needs, and priorities for the District's collection system, wastewater treatment plant, and recycled water facilities. C:\ Users\ CGranzella WppData \Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Fi1es \Content.0utlook \YT0D71 EQ \5 -27 -15 REEP - Draft3 PP for Master Plan 05JUN15 Board Meeting.docx Page 2 of 7 Project CIB Project Name & Relationship to FYI 5/16 FY16/17 Total No. Program the CWMP Treatment Treatment Plant Planning: Funds staff 7301 Plant time for the TP Master Plan portion of $265,000 $265,000 $530,000 the CWMP. Treatment TP Master Plan: Funds consultant 7343 Plant agreement for the TP Master Plan $1,400,000 $800,000 $2,200,000 portion of the CWMP. Filter Plant: Funds consultant 7345 Recycled agreement for the recycled water task $200,000 $150,000 $350,000 Water in the TP Master Plan portion of the CWMP. Collection Svstem Modeling Upgrade: Funds consultant agreement for 8418 Collection developing the collection system $401,600 $200,000 $601,600 System model as part of the Collection System Master Plan portion of the CWMP. Collection Collection System Planning: Funds 8419 System staff time for the Collection System $169,000 $200,000 $369,000 Master Plan portion of the CWMP. Collection System Master Plan: Funds 8431 Collection consultant agreement for the $600,000 $600,000 $1,200,000 System Collection System Master Plan portion of the CWMP. Total Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Budget $3,035,600 $2,215,000 $5,250,600 ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may decline award of the agreement to the Carollo /CH2M Hill team. However, this is not recommended if the District is to meet its goal of completing the CWMP by December 2016, in order to incorporate results into the next rate cycle for FY 2017 -18. Without the CWMP, the District would lack a long -term plan that determines the future direction, capital improvement needs, and priorities for the District's collection system, wastewater treatment plant, and recycled water facilities. C:\ Users\ CGranzella WppData \Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Fi1es \Content.0utlook \YT0D71 EQ \5 -27 -15 REEP - Draft3 PP for Master Plan 05JUN15 Board Meeting.docx Page 2 of 7 DRAFT POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 4, 2015 subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. AND CH2MHILL TEAM FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN BACKGROUND: Project History and Need The 2011 Plant of the Future visioning exercises completed as part of the Treatment Plant Master Plan Update, District Project 7287, included recommendations for completing a comprehensive master plan to determine the long -term needs and direction of the District. While the District has performed a number of planning and research studies and reports, the last Treatment Plant Master Plan was completed in 1987. The majority of the District's existing treatment plant facilities were constructed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, following the passing of the Clean Water Act. Some of the 1,500 miles of collection system facilities and piping were constructed over 100 years ago. The District recognizes the need to address this aging infrastructure and, as a result, is developing an Asset Management Program. Due to potential changes in future State and /or Federal water, air, and solids regulations, there is a need to develop a CWMP that coordinates regulatory- driven changes with aging infrastructure needs and other capacity - related and optimization improvements. The following are potential regulatory changes that could impact the District: • Changes to existing final effluent limits and new final effluent limits for nutrients, selenium, contaminants of emerging concern, and others; • Changes to California /National Toxics Rules, 303 (d) listed pollutants and micropollutants, and new virus -based disinfection criteria; • Reductions in greenhouse gas emission cap and trade program thresholds; • Compliance with Federal 129 sewage sludge incineration rules, changes to air emission limits, and biosolids handling /management and disposal regulations; • Indirect and direct potable reuse requirements; and • Collection system regulatory requirements. A key deliverable of the CWMP will be a recommended Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the next 20 -year planning horizon. The recommended CIP will include descriptions, rationales, and estimated costs for the collection system, wastewater treatment plant, capital improvement projects, and ongoing programs in order to address aging infrastructure, meet existing and anticipated regulatory requirements, accommodate C:\ Users\ CGranzella WppData \Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \YTOD71 EQ \5 -27 -15 REEP - Draft3 PP for Master Plan 05JUN15 Board Meeting.docx Page 3 of 7 DRAFT POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 4, 2015 Subject.' AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. AND CH2MHILL TEAM FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN planned growth, optimize energy use, and implement the District's vision for a "plant of the future" that is consistent with the District's Strategic Plan. For example, the CWMP will be a critical tool used by the District to implement the following strategies from the District's Strategic Plan (FY 2014/2016): • Meet Regulatory Requirements for the Good of the Community and Environment by striving to achieve 100% permit compliance in air, water, land and other regulations and by striving to reduce the number of sanitary sewer overflows by continuing Best Management Practices. Be a Leader in the Wastewater Industry by using sustainable practices that minimize waste, maximize resources, protect the ratepayer, improve the community, and embrace innovation. • Maintain a Reliable Wastewater Infrastructure by updating the Capital Improvement Program through prioritization and risk analysis, while focusing on the sustainability of customer service, environmental needs, and economic demands. The CWMP is critical for maintaining a high level of service, establishing long -term, fiscally responsible policies for the District's customers, and providing a clear direction for the District. To accomplish this, the CWMP will perform the following: 1. Confirm CIP projects, costs, and site layouts for future facilities. 2. Identify linkages among the major capital improvement projects and repair and replacement strategies such that the projects can be re -sorted and re- scheduled as changes in planning assumptions and needs occur. 3. Identify triggers for implementing applied research (if applicable), preliminary design, design, and construction of the recommended capital improvement projects in order to determine efficient "just -in- time" project implementation. 4. Identify policies, programs, and guidelines to address overall program implementation including project prioritizations, implementation costs, project delivery methods, potential funding sources, and an estimated schedule for implementing plan elements. 5. Confirm and incorporate operations, maintenance, and energy management strategies. 6. Accelerate and coordinate condition assessments with implementation of the Asset Management Plan and confirm long -term repair and replacement strategies. C: \Users \CGranzellaWppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.0utlooMYTOD71 EQ \5 -27 -15 REEP - Draft3 PP for Master Plan 05JUN15 Board Meeting.docx Page 4 of 7 DRAFT POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 4, 2015 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. AND CH2MHILL TEAM FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN Consultant Selection District staff performed a comprehensive, quality -based consultant selection process that included four prime proposers and ultimately resulted in the Carollo /CH2M Hill team as the highest ranked team to be selected to complete the District's CWMP. The selection process included the following: Request for Qualifications (35% of consultant selection criteria): A request for qualifications was advertised on PlanetBids and the District's website to solicit a statement of qualifications (SOQ) from qualified consultants /teams. The District received and scored four SOQs. The District received SOQs from the Carollo /CH2M Hill team, HDR (teamed with Black & Veatch, RMC Water and Environment, and West Yost Associates), Brown and Caldwell (teamed with RMC) and CDM Smith. • Request for Proposal (30% of consultant selection criteria): A request for proposal was provided to qualified consultants /teams that submitted SOQs and met minimum qualification requirements. The District received and scored proposals from the same four teams listed above. Interview (35% of consultant selection criteria): The four consultants /teams that submitted proposals each participated in an oral one -hour presentation /interview. SOQs and proposals were scored by District staff representing each of the divisions within the Engineering & Technical Services and Operations Departments (including planning, capital projects, operations, maintenance and collection system operations division managers and senior staff). The Director of Engineering recused himself from the consultant selection and review process. The interview panelists consisted of three District managers and two non - District panelists. The City Engineer from the City of Concord and key District staff were in the audience during the oral presentations. Total scores from the SOQ, proposal, and interview were used to determine the top ranked team. Scores were not shared with anyone until they were all tallied. Project Team The Carollo /CH2M Hill team consists of Carollo as the lead consultant responsible for the overall CWMP, with CH2M Hill leading the solids and energy tasks, treatment plant condition assessments, and providing quality assurance /quality control for the CWMP. The Carollo /CH2M Hill team also includes the following subconsultants: • RMC Water and Environment: To perform collection system modeling and capacity evaluation. C:\ Users \CGranzellaWppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \YTOD71 EQ \5 -27 -15 REEP - Draft3 PP for Master Plan 05JUN15 Board Meeting.docx Page 5 of 7 DRAFT POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 4, 2015 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. AND CH2MHILL TEAM FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN • Katz & Associates: To provide community outreach planning and implementation services. • V&A Consulting Engineers: To support. collection system condition assessment efforts. V&A provided the District flow monitoring services and rainfall data collection for Winter 2014/2015. • Talavera & Richardson (T &R): To extract HTE (SunGard) parcel information and consumption data to be used for hydraulic loading into the collection system model. • EMS: To provide data harvesting support for development of the collection system model. • One Rain: To provide historical radar data to be used in conjunction with field rain gauge data for calibrating the collection system model. Of the entire Carollo /CH2M Hill team (including subconsultants), approximately 60% of the team members reside in local offices. Board Interaction As part of the CWMP, District staff and select members of the Carollo /CH2M Hill team will provide updates at the Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee meetings and at regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings. Additional Board Workshops have been included in the CWMP to present critical findings to the Board and discuss potential Board policies, strategies, levels of service goals, and programs that may be required to support the CWMP. Community Outreach A critical element of the CWMP will be to inform and, in some cases, engage internal and external stakeholders. Katz & Associates will work with the District to develop a community outreach plan and provide outreach implementation services that will be supported by the District's Communication Services staff. Staff has concluded that the proposed agreements are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since they involve planning and design tasks for possible future actions which the District has not approved, adopted, or funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Approval of these agreements will establish the Board's independent finding that this agreement is exempt from CEQA. The District will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future as a result of these plans to determine the need for any additional CEQA documentation. C: \Users \CGranzella\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \YTOD71 EW -27 -15 REEP - Draft3 PP for Master Plan 05JUN15 Board Meeting.docx Page 6 of 7 DRAFT POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 4 2015 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. AND CH2MHILL TEAM FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Real Estate & Environmental Planning Committee reviewed this project at its May 27, 2015 meeting and recommended.... RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for professional engineering services to develop the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan for an amount not to exceed $4,044,988, and find that the agreement is exempt from CEQA. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. Professional Engineering Services Agreement for the Comprehensive Master Plan with a Task Order for the Collection System Master Plan and a separate Task Order for Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan. 2. An electronic copy of Carollo/CH2MHill's Team SOQ. 3. An electronic copy of Carollo/CH2MHill's Proposal. C:\ Users \CGranzellaWppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \YTOD71 EQ \5 -27 -15 REEP - Draft3 PP for Master Plan 05JUN15 Board Meeting.docx Page 7 of 7 ATTACHMENT 1 FAX: (925) 825 -1437 ROGER S. BAILEY General Manager KENTONL.ALM Counsellor the District (510) 808 -2000 ELAINE R. BOEHME Secretary of the District AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AND CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC AGREEMENT NO. THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of 2015, by and between the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California, hereinafter called the "DISTRICT," and CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC, (Address) 2700 YGNACIO VALLEY RD, WALNUT CREEK, CA, 94598, hereinafter called "ENGINEER." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the DISTRICT desires to contract with ENGINEER to provide professional engineering services in connection with the COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN. WHEREAS, ENGINEER is willing and holds itself capable and qualified to contract with the DISTRICT to provide such professional engineering services; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, agreements and the faithful performance of the terms and conditions set forth herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 ENGAGEMENT OF ENGINEER AND AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED 1.1 The DISTRICT hereby engages ENGINEER who hereby accepts the engagement to perform certain professional engineering services in connection with the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan. Page 1 of 16 1.2 The date of entering the Agreement and the engagement of ENGINEER will be the date set forth on page 1 which is the date the signature of the second party to this Agreement is obtained. The engagement of ENGINEER shall continue until December 31, 2016. If the engagement of ENGINEER is not extended by mutual written consent of the DISTRICT and ENGINEER, then this Agreement shall be terminated on the date set forth above, provided that ENGINEER shall not be relieved of any of the obligations or covenants contained in this Agreement until the tasks provided for within the scope of work have been completed. 1.3 It is further provided that the obligations or covenants contained in Articles 6.6, 6.9, 6.12, 6.15, and 6.18 shall continue in full force and effect after termination of this Agreement due to completion or pursuant to Article 6.8. 1.4 Authorization for ENGINEER to proceed will be granted in writing by the DISTRICT as soon as both parties sign the Agreement and applicable insurance documents are received and are accepted by the DISTRICT. Under no circumstances is ENGINEER authorized to begin work unless and until ENGINEER has complied with the insurance provisions of Article 6.3. 1.5 It is expressly understood between the parties hereto that no employee /employer or agency relationship in intended, the relationship of ENGINEER to the DISTRICT being that of an independent contractor. The DISTRICT will not be required to make any payroll deductions or provide Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage or health benefits to ENGINEER. ARTICLE 2 SERVICES OF ENGINEER 2.1 The scope of engineering services included in this Agreement is described in the Scope of Work, Exhibit Al and A2, and shall, where not specifically addressed, include all services ordinarily provided by an engineer under same or similar circumstances. 2.2 ENGINEER hereby warrants that ENGINEER and all of said ENGINEER's employees and subcontractors hold, have obtained, and shall continue to maintain during the course of this Agreement, all professional licenses or other statutorily mandated certifications requisite to the performance of the work set forth in the scope(s) of work, as may be required in the State of California, if any. Failure of ENGINEER, its employees and subcontractors to obtain and /or maintain in good standing such licenses or certificates shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and shall provide grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DISTRICT AND OF ENGINEER 3.1 The DISTRICT, without cost to ENGINEER, will provide all pertinent information reasonably available to it which is necessary for performance by ENGINEER Page 2 of 16 under this Agreement, including previous reports and data relative to the work. The DISTRICT does not guarantee or ensure the accuracy of any reports, information, and /or data so provided. To the extent that any reports, information, and /or other data so provided was supplied to the DISTRICT by person or persons not employees of the DISTRICT, any liability resulting from inaccuracies and /or omissions contained in said reports, information or data shall be limited to liability on behalf of the party who prepared the information for the DISTRICT or otherwise supplied that information, report or data to the DISTRICT. 3.2 The DISTRICT will designate Dan Frost as the person to act as the DISTRICT'S representative with respect to the Treatment Plant work to be performed under this Agreement; and Justin Waples as the person to act as the DISTRICT'S representative with respect to the Collection System work to be performed under this Agreement. Such persons will have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, and interpret and define the DISTRICT's policies and decisions pertinent to the work. In the event the DISTRICT wishes to make a change in the DISTRICT's representative, the DISTRICT will notify ENGINEER of the change in writing. 3.3 ENGINEER shall perform the project work in such a manner as to fully comply with all applicable professional standards of care, including professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and the coordination of all designs, drawings, specifications, reports, and other services furnished and /or work undertaken by ENGINEER pursuant to this Agreement. 3.4 The DISTRICT's review of drawings, designs, specifications, reports, and incidental engineering work or materials furnished hereunder shall not in any way relieve ENGINEER of responsibility for the technical adequacy of its work. Neither the DISTRICT's review, approval or acceptance of, nor payment for, any of the services will be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement. 3.5 During the period of this Agreement, upon request by the DISTRICT, ENGINEER shall provide information related to the work that is reasonably necessary to assist the DISTRICT in its coordination of the efforts of others performing services related to the work. 3.6 ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by others, over the incoming wastewater quality and /or quantity, or over the way the DISTRICT's plant and /or associated processes are operated and /or maintained. Data projections and estimates are based on ENGINEER's opinion based on experience and judgment. ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee that actual costs and /or quantities realized will not vary from the data projections and estimates prepared by ENGINEER and ENGINEER does not and will be not liable to and /or indemnify the DISTRICT Page 3 of 16 and /or any third party related to any inconsistencies between ENGINEER's data projections and estimates and actual costs and /or quantities realized by the DISTRICT and /or any third party in the future. ARTICLE 4 PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER 4.1 The DISTRICT will pay ENGINEER for work performed under this Agreement, which work can be verified by the DISTRICT, on the basis of the following: 4.1.1 HOURLY RATE WITH A COST CEILING Compensation for engineering services performed under this Agreement shall be determined on the basis of ENGINEER's regular hourly rates per ENGINEER's Fee Schedule, attached as Exhibit B. The regular hourly rates shall compensate ENGINEER for the costs of all direct labor, fringe benefits, indirect labor costs, overhead, and ENGINEER's profit. ENGINEER's compensation also may include other non -labor direct charges borne by ENGINEER. Allowable non -labor direct charges shall be billed at cost; however, outside consultant charges and charges for subcontracts may be billed at cost plus a markup for administrative costs if such markup is specifically provided for elsewhere herein. For the purpose of determining payments to ENGINEER allowable non -labor direct charges shall be defined as follows: (a) Allowable non -labor direct charges which may be billed at cost include such typical expenses as cost of transportation and subsistence, printing and reproduction, computer time and programming costs, identifiable supplies, and charges by reviewing authorities. (b) Other allowable non -labor direct charges may include outside consultant charges and subcontractor's charges which have been authorized by the DISTRICT under ARTICLE 6.2 of this Agreement. Such consultant charges and subcontractor charges may include a five percent (5 %) markup for administrative costs associated with the engagement of the outside consultant and /or subcontractor. A firm cost ceiling has been established in ARTICLE 4.3 for the work and such ceiling shall constitute the maximum payment for the scope(s) of work and shall not be exceeded without prior written authorization of the DISTRICT. In the event the scope of work is Page 4 of 16 expanded or reduced by the DISTRICT, the cost ceiling shall be subject to renegotiation, upward and downward, to reflect the changes in services and their costs. The adjustment to cost and time shall be done in accordance with the terms of ARTICLE 6.4. In no event shall ENGINEER be entitled to compensation over and above the original amount where changes in the scope of work or the time for performance are necessitated by the negligence of ENGINEER, or any subcontractor performing under it. ENGINEER shall notify the DISTRICT when the costs incurred for the total work approximate seventy -five percent (75 %) of the cost ceiling. With the notification, ENGINEER shall indicate whether the sum of the current cost incurred plus the estimated total cost to be complete the task or tasks set forth in the scope(s) of work will be greater or less than the cost ceiling. Receipt by the DISTRICT of said notification that the cost for completion of all tasks shall exceed the established cost ceiling will not constitute an approval or authorization to increase the established cost ceiling or a waiver of any rights that the DISTRICT may have under this Agreement. 4.2 MONTHLY PAYMENT TO ENGINEER Payment will be made by the DISTRICT within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of an invoice from ENGINEER setting forth the Agreement Number and the District's Project Manager, provided that all invoices are accompanied by cost documentation determined to be sufficient by the DISTRICT to allow the determination of the reasonableness or accuracy of said invoice. In the event that a payment dispute arises between the parties, ENGINEER shall provide to the DISTRICT full and complete access to ENGINEER's labor cost records and other direct cost data, and copies thereof if requested by the DISTRICT. HOURLY RATE WITH A COST CEILING Charges are to be invoiced based on the agreed upon hourly rates invoiced on a monthly basis. Other direct charges as provided for in ARTICLE 4.1.1 shall be invoiced on a monthly basis. 4.3 ESTIMATED CHARGES The total estimated charges for all work under this Agreement is $4,044,988 and such amount is the cost ceiling as described herein. 4.4 COST OF REWORK Page 5 of 16 ENGINEER shall, at no cost to the DISTRICT, prepare any necessary rework occasioned by ENGINEER's failure to provide the services specified in Article 2 herein, in a satisfactory manner, due to any act or omission attributable to ENGINEER, or its agents, including subcontractors. ARTICLE 5 COMPLETION SCHEDULE 5.1 The completion schedule for the work is as follows with all times identified from the date that the DISTRICT gives written authorization to ENGINEER to begin work or that this Agreement was entered, whichever is later and with all number of days referring to calendar days unless otherwise noted: ALL COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN TASKS (TREATMENT PLANT AND COLLECTION SYSTEM) TO BE COMPLETED BY DECEMBER 31, 2016. SEE EXHIBIT C FOR INDIVIDUAL TASK SCHEDULE AND MILESTONES FOR THE WASTEWTER TREATMENT PLANT AND COLLECTION SYSTEM MASTER PLANS. 5.2 It is expected that work shall begin on or about June 8, 2015, and shall be completed in accordance with the above schedule. Time is of the essence for this Agreement. 5.3 The parties hereto agree to immediately and diligently proceed with their respective duties as set forth herein so that the work will be completed satisfactorily within the shortest reasonable time. ARTICLE 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.1 SCOPE OF AGREEMENT This writing constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties relative to professional engineering services to be provided hereunder and no modification hereof shall be effective unless and until such modification is evidenced by a writing signed by both parties to this Agreement. 6.2 SUBCONTRACTORS AND OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS No subcontract shall be awarded or an outside consultant engaged by ENGINEER unless prior written approval is obtained from the DISTRICT. No additional approval shall be required for subcontracting with or engagement of an outside consultant noted below and set forth in an exhibit to this Agreement (Exhibit B1 AND 132). SUBCONSULTANTS Page 6 of 16 • CH2M — Hill • RMC Water and Environment • Katz & Associates • Larry Walker Associates • V &A Consulting Engineers • Talavera and Richardson • EMS • One Rain 6.3 INSURANCE ENGINEER shall, at its expense, procure and maintain the following types of insurance with the specified terms and conditions as detailed below. Coverage must be in place for the duration of the work. 6.3.1 Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance. a) Workers' Compensation Insurance shall be provided as required by law. b) Employer's Liability Insurance shall be provided in amounts not less than $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident, $1,000,000 policy limit for bodily injury by disease, and $1,000,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease. c) The insurer shall waive all rights of subrogation against the DISTRICT, its officers, directors, and employees. d) If there is any risk of injury to ENGINEER's employees under the U.S. Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, the Jones Act or under other laws, regulations or statutes applicable to maritime employees, coverage shall be included for such injuries or claims. 6.3.2 General Liability Insurance. ENGINEER shall maintain General Liability Insurance in any combination of primary, excess or umbrella insurance, covering all operations by or on behalf of ENGINEER. a) The policy shall provide limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2 million in the aggregate. b) The policy shall be an `occurrence' form and shall offer coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CG 0001. Coverage shall include, or be endorsed to include, coverage for personal injury and liability assumed under contract. Page 7 of 16 c) The DISTRICT, its officers, directors and employees shall be named as additional insureds on the policy either as a policy provision or via endorsement providing coverage at least as broad as ISO form CG 2010 11/85. d) The insurance afforded the District as an additional insured shall apply as primary insurance. Any other insurance or self- insurance maintained by the DISTRICT shall be excess only and shall not be called upon to contribute with ENGINEER's insurance. e) The policy shall include liability arising out of the use and operation of any DISTRICT - furnished equipment by ENGINEER, its personnel and others. 6.3.3 Automobile Liability Insurance. ENGINEER shall maintain Automobile Liability Insurance in any combination of primary, excess or umbrella insurance. a) The policy shall provide limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limit. b) The policy shall offer coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 0001. c) The policy shall include liability arising out of the use and operation of DISTRICT - furnished vehicles by ENGINEER, its personnel and others. 6.3.4 Professional Liability Insurance. ENGINEER shall maintain Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions insurance. The policy shall provide limits not less than $1,000,000 per claim. 6.3.5 The following provisions shall also apply: a) Each required insurance policy shall be placed with insurance companies licensed to do business in California that have been rated at least 'A VII' by A. M. Best. b) Each required insurance policy shall state or be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be canceled or reduced without thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the DISTRICT. Ten (10) days' notice shall be provided for cancellation for nonpayment of premiums. c) ENGINEER shall furnish the DISTRICT with original, signed certificates and original, signed amendatory endorsements. All such certificates and endorsements shall be received and reviewed by the DISTRICT before Page 8 of 16 any work begins under this agreement. The certificates and amendatory endorsements shall be signed by an individual who is authorized to sign on behalf of the insurer covering the ENGINEER. d) The DISTRICT reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies at any time. e) ENGINEER shall include all SUBCONSULTANTs as insureds under its policies or shall cause each SUBCONSULTANT employed by ENGINEER to purchase and maintain insurance of the types and limits specified in this section. Upon the DISTRICT's request, ENGINEER shall furnish copies of certificates and endorsements evidencing coverage for each SUBCONSULTANT. f) In the event ENGINEER fails to comply with this Section, the DISTRICT may take such action as the DISTRICT deems necessary to protect the DISTRICT's interest. Such action may include but is not limited to termination of the Contract, withholding of payments, or other actions as the DISTRICT deems appropriate. 6.3.6 The foregoing insurance requirements and any DISTRICT approval thereof is not intended to and shall not limit or qualify the liabilities and obligations otherwise assumed by the CONSULTANT pursuant to this agreement, including but not limited to, the indemnification provisions. 6.4 CHANGES IN SCOPE OR TIME If the DISTRICT requests a change in the scope of work or time of completion by either adding to or deleting from the original scope or time of completion, an equitable adjustment will be made and this Agreement will be modified in writing accordingly. ENGINEER must assert any claim for adjustment under this clause in writing within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt from the DISTRICT of the notification of change unless the DISTRICT grants a further period of time for assertion of claim before the date of final payment under this Agreement. 6.5 NOTICES All notices to either party by the other shall be made in writing and delivered or mailed to such party at their respective addresses as follows or to other such address as either party may designate and said notices shall be deemed to have been made when delivered or five (5) days after mailing. Tr) tha nictrirt- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 Imhoff Place Page 9 of 16 Martinez, CA 94553 Attention: Nathan Hodges Agreement No.: Telephone: 925 - 335 -7762 The District's Project Manager for this work is Nathan Hodges To Engineer: CAROLLLO ENGINEERS, INC 2700 Ygnacio Valley Rd, Suite 300, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Attention: Steve McDonald Telephone: (925) 932 1710 6.6 POSSESSION AND OWNERSHIP OF DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND NOTES 6.6.1 All rights, title, royalties, and interest in all work product of ENGINEER resulting from its performance under this Agreement, including drawings and specifications, data, reports, estimates, software, summaries, and any other such information and materials as may be accumulated by ENGINEER in performing work under this Agreement, whether complete or in progress, shall be vested in the DISTRICT and none shall be revealed, disseminated, or made available by ENGINEER to others without prior written consent of the DISTRICT. If this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Article 6.8 ENGINEER shall deliver such documents within two weeks of termination. 6.6.2 It is understood that ENGINEER's work product is prepared for the specific project at hand. Any reuse of said work products by the DISTRICT for subsequent projects will be at the DISTRICT's own risk. Any use by the DISTRICT of incomplete drawings, specifications, or other related materials without the express written authorization of ENGINEER will also be at the DISTRICT's own risk. 6.7 ENGINEER'S ASSIGNED PERSONNEL Page 10 of 16 ENGINEER designates Lydia Holmes to have immediate responsibility for the performance of the Treatment Plant Master Plan work and for all matters relating to the performance for the Treatment Plant Master Plan; and Mike Britten to have immediate responsibility for the performance of the Collection System Master Plan work and for all matters relating to performance for the Collection System Master Plan under this Agreement. ENGINEER designates the following persons for the indicated functions: See Exhibit D for Engineer's assigned personnel Substitution of any of these assigned personnel shall require the prior written approval of the DISTRICT. If the DISTRICT determines that a proposed substitution is not acceptable, then, at the request of the DISTRICT, ENGINEER shall substitute with a person acceptable to the DISTRICT. 6.8 TERMINATIONS 6.8.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause, in whole or in part, if the other party fails to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement through no fault of the terminating party. However, no such termination for cause may be affected unless the other party is given: (1) not less than ten (10) calendar days written notice (delivered by Certified Mail, return receipt requested) of the intent to terminate, and (2) an opportunity for consultation with the terminating party before termination. 6.8.2 If the DISTRICT terminates this Agreement pursuant to Article 6.8.1, above, nothing set forth in this Article is intended to require the DISTRICT to compensate ENGINEER for any services which may be claimed to have been provided or be in progress, if the DISTRICT reasonably concludes that further compensation is unwarranted. 6.8.3 The DISTRICT may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, whether or not ENGINEER has failed to fulfill its obligations, if the DISTRICT has a reasonable basis for termination (such as major changes in the work or project requirements, cancellation of the project, loss of outside funding, or failure of the Board of Directors to authorize the funding in subsequent fiscal years.) ENGINEER will be given: (1) not less than ten (10) calendar days written notice (delivered by Certified Mail, return receipt requested) of intent to terminate, and (2) an opportunity for consultation with the terminating party before termination. Page 11 of 16 6.8.4 Upon receipt of a termination notice, ENGINEER shall: (1) promptly discontinue all services affected (unless the notice directs otherwise), and (2) deliver or otherwise make available to the DISTRICT all data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and such other information and materials as ENGINEER may have accumulated in performing this Agreement, whether completed or in process. 6.8.5 Upon termination under ARTICLE 6.8.3, the sole right and remedy of ENGINEER shall be to receive payment for all amounts due and not previously paid to ENGINEER for services completed or in progress in accordance with the Agreement prior to such date of termination and for services thereafter completed at the request of the DISTRICT and any other reasonable cost incidental to such termination of services. Such payments available to ENGINEER under this paragraph shall not include cost related to lost profit associated with the expected completion of the work or other such payments relating to the benefit of the bargain. 6.9 REMEDIES In the that either the DISTRICT or ENGINEER brings an action or proceedings for damages for an alleged breach of any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover as part of such action or proceeding, all litigation and collection expenses, including witness fees, courts costs, and reasonable attorneys' fees. Arbitration shall be attempted if both parties mutually agree before, during, or after litigation has begun. 6.10 INDEMNITY 6.10.1 ENGINEER shall indemnify, hold harmless and assume the defense of, in any actions at law or in equity, the DISTRICT, its officers, employees, agents, and elective and appointive boards, from all claims, losses, damage, including property damage, personal injury, death, and liability of every kind, nature and description, arising out of, pertaining to or related to the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of ENGINEER or any person directly or indirectly employed by, or acting as agent for, ENGINEER, during and after completion of ENGINEER's work under this agreement. Submission of insurance certificates or submission of other proof of compliance with the insurance requirements does not relieve ENGINEER from liability under this indemnification and hold harmless clause. The obligations of this indemnity article shall apply whether or not such insurance policies shall have been Page 12 of 16 determined to be applicable to any of such damages or claims for damages. 6.10.2 The DISTRICT does not authorize the impermissible use of any patent or the reproduction of any copyrighted material by ENGINEER which exceeds "fair use" in the performance of this Agreement. ENGINEER is solely responsible for any such infringement. ENGINEER shall indemnify the DISTRICT against and save it harmless from any and all losses, damage, costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees suffered or incurred as a result of or in connection with any claims or actions based upon infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, copyright, or trade secret, and arising out of the use of the equipment or materials utilized to perform under this Agreement or specified by or procured by ENGINEER, or out of the processes or actions employed by, or on behalf of, ENGINEER in connection with the performance of this Agreement. 6.10.3 ENGINEER shall also indemnify the DISTRICT against and save it harmless from any and all loss, damage, costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees suffered or incurred on account of any breach by ENGINEER, or its employees, agents, or subcontractors, of the aforesaid obligations and covenants, and any other provisions or covenant of this Agreement. 6.11 SAFETY ENGINEER shall perform the work in full compliance with applicable state and federal safety requirements including but not limited to Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements, and shall assume sole and complete responsibility, during the course of completion of the assignment for job site safety of ENGINEER's employees and subcontractors' employees and their property, applicable at all times, and not limited to normal working hours. Nothing in this Article requires ENGINEER to be responsible for job site safety of the DISTRICT's property or the DISTRICT's personnel or the property or personnel of any third parties over which ENGINEER has no authority or control. 6.12 EXAMINATION OF RECORDS ENGINEER agrees that the DISTRICT will hav e examine any directly pertinent books, documents and all transactions relating to this Agreement at inception of the Agreement upon reasonable notice 6.13 TERMS access to and the right to papers, and records of any any time during and after the Page 13 of 16 No alteration or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto. No oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. 6.14 ASSIGNMENT ENGINEER shall not assign any rights or duties or transfer its interest in this Agreement to a third party without prior written consent of the DISTRICT. 6.15 GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. 6.16 COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAW ENGINEER shall at all times observe all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local law and regulations including, but not limited to, those related to equal opportunity employment. 6.17 HEADINGS Article headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not intended to be used in interpreting or construing the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement. 6.18 PARTIAL INVALIDITY If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect, and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated thereby. 6.19 AUTHORIZATION Both the DISTRICT and ENGINEER do covenant that each individual executing this document by and on behalf of each party is a person duly authorized to execute contracts for that party. 6.20 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS If ENGINEER is an individual or sole proprietor ENGINEER must furnish its Social Security Number (SSN). If ENGINEER is a corporation or partnership, ENGINEER must furnish its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). ENGINEER shall complete the Taxpayer I.D. Number section below. Page 14 of 16 The services to be performed by ENGINEER are intended solely -for the benefit of the DISTRICT. No person or entity not a signatory to this Agreement shall be entitled to rely on the ENGINEER's performance of its services hereunder, and no right to assert a claim against the ENGINEER by assignment of indemnity rights or otherwise shall accrue to a third party as a result of this Agreement or the performance of the ENGINEER's services hereunder. Page 15 of 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed the Agreement in the day and year first above written. CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC M Name Printed: Title: Date: By: Name Printed: Title: Date: Taxpayerl.D: SSN FEIN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Stephanie King Purchasing and Materials Manager Date: Page 16 of 16 APPENDIX Al WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MASTER PLAN SCOPE OF WORK PLANNING OBJECTIVES AND APPROACH • •� M. NO ENGINEER will prepare a project control plan that establishes the overall work plan, schedule, team, City contact information, communication plan, QA/QC plan, and decision tracking to be used during the project. The project plan shall include an outline for the Master Plan (MP). Roles and responsibilities and communication pathways will be clearly defined. Schedule will include time for QA/QC procedures and key milestones, meetings and deliverables. The Project Control Plan will include the QA/QC plan and will be closely coordinated with the Community Outreach Plan. Deliverables: TM - Project Control Plan and QA/QC Plan - This deliverable will be the same for the WWTP and CS Master Plans, draft and final. TM template for all TMs to be developed, including graphic and table templates. ENGINEER will lead a visioning workshop to refine the initial vision and objectives developed for the Master Plan by the District. The Visioning Workshop will be 6 hours and held concurrently with the Collection System Master Plan Visioning Workshop. This includes identifying what the plan is to accomplish, summarize master plan drivers (e.g., regulatory, policy /strategic initiatives, growth, aging infrastructure, optimization /sustainability, etc.), what information it will provide, and how the Master Plan will be used in subsequent implementation steps. At the workshop, the decision process will also be discussed and defined including development of economic and non- economic evaluation criteria and metrics, including triple bottom line analysis, to compare master plan alternatives. A draft technical memorandum (TM) outlining the objectives and metrics will be developed for District review prior to the Visioning Workshop. The outcome of the workshop will be documented. Consultant team attendees include 2 PICs, PD, PM, PE, outreach consultant, regulatory expert, and three subject experts (others are listed in the Collection System Master Plan Scope). Information Needs: District communications policies, roles, and responsibilities for MP and decision tracking procedures. District policies, goals, objectives, and past or current decision processes /criteria. Deliverables: TM2 - Project Goals /Objectives and Decision Criteria, draft and final. This deliverable will be the same for the WWTP and CS Master Plans. Workshop agenda and presentation materials. \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLAN NI NG\Projects\7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Soope).docx 1 1.3 Project Meetings and Communications ENGINEER will hold regular conference calls and meetings to promote creativity, effective communication, open discussions, and constructive interaction among members of the master planning team. Engineer will prepare for and conduct kick -off and progress meetings, conference call updates, and strategically scheduled workshops with District staff and the District's Board of Directors. Project communication and procedures for deliverables will be discussed in the Project Control Plan and QA /QC Plan. All files will be maintained on SharePoint. District staff will have access to the deliverables and reference folders to facilitate transfer of reports /data and review of deliverables. The following meetings are budgeted for preparation and attendance: • Kickoff meeting, assumed 4 hour meeting. • Bi- monthly conference calls with District project management, assumed 1 hour duration • Monthly progress and task topic meetings with District project management and task committees, as needed based on the agenda. Agenda to be prepared and circulated at least one week in advance to determine attendees. Meetings will not necessarily be held with Collection System MP team, unless needed for coordination of tasks. Up to 15 meetings at 3 hours /meeting assumed, with attendance by PD, PM, PE and up to 3 subject experts at each meeting. • Up to six presentations to REEP meetings. Concurrent with Collection System team. Assumed no more than 4 consultant team members to attend. Assumed 1 hour meetings. District to prepare materials. • Up to three 1 -hour Board meetings, concurrent with CSMP. District to assist in developing presentation and take the lead in presenting to the Board with largely already prepared materials. Assumed up to 4 consultant team members to attend. Concurrent with CSMP. Assumptions: It will be the District project manager's responsibility to ensure the right district staff are invited to meetings and provide review (in a timely fashion) of deliverables. Deliverables: Meeting agendas, notes, and presentation materials. 1.4 Project Manaaement Engineering management team will provide overall project management including monthly invoices and progress reports that include project updates, updated project schedules, and track percent complete compared to percent billed. The monthly report will also summarize the key activities completed during the billing period. Assumed duration of project is 18 months. Deliverables: Monthly progress reports and invoices - This deliverable will package the invoices for both the WWTP and CS Master Plans, but separate job numbers will be used to track tasks within each MP. \ \Distgroups \planning$\TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 2 1.5 Basis for Cost Estimates ENGINEER will prepare a draft and final TM developing the basis of the estimated project costs, operations and maintenance (O &M) costs, R &R costs, and total annual costs to be used throughout the master planning process. This will include all cost assumptions, including the basis for estimated construction costs; engineering, legal, administrative, and contingency (ELAC) costs; estimated inflation; market impacts; and other major financial considerations. District will be provided with a list of data needs to develop this TM. Estimated capital costs will be developed for a planning -level of engineering completion, as recommended by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International (RACE International). Treatment plant costs will be primarily prepared using CH2M HILL's Cost Parametric Cost Model (CPES), based upon construction cost data, and adjusted for locality and market conditions. Collection system costs will be prepared used bid tab data and previous CCCSD data. CH2M HILL's construction personnel will be used to review and confirm master planning cost estimates, including market correction factors, cost efficiencies or cost complications associated with construction sequencing, and overall adherence to best cost practices. Information Needs: Cost basis including past and current labor, consumables, utilities, contingencies. Previous treatment plant rehabilitation upgrade cost data, if any. Deliverables: Basis of Costs TM3 - This deliverable will be the same for the WWTP and CS Master Plans, draft and final. 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE /QUALITY CONTROL PLAN Engineer will develop a quality assurance /quality control (QA /QC) plan that describes how quality assurance and quality control will be performed throughout the master planning process, at key milestones, and for each major master plan deliverable. QA/QC evaluations shall be performed by a separate team of experts independent from the Master Plan team and coordinated to promote creativity, effective communication, technical soundness, accuracy of cost estimating, open discussions, and constructive interaction among all members of the master planning team. Information Needs: Any existing QA/QC policies and procedures used by the District that should be applied to this project. Deliverables: None - QA/QC Plan to be included in Task 1 deliverable Project Control and QA/QC Plan which will be a shared document between the WWTP and Collection System Master Plans. Meetings: Covered in monthly progress meeting. \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING\ Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget\Exhibit At (WWTP MP Scope).docx 3 3. COMMUNITY OUTREACH ENGINEER will develop a multi- faceted Community Outreach and Strategic Communications Plan (Community Outreach Plan) to inform external and internal stakeholders. The Community Outreach and Strategic Communications Plan will create a public information framework of the outreach approach, communications, strategies, and deliverables to be implemented. Several key activities will be completed in this task: • Research: Quantitative research will be commissioned of ratepayers to determine their overriding issues, their opinions about the District and reaction to potential and key project messages that will resonate with them going forward. Includes $30K for out of pocket expenses and $5K for oversight, management, and support of the research process. Survey firm to be determined. Key Stakeholder Interviews: Key stakeholder interviews will be held with community members who have their fingers on the community pulse. The interviews will help identify issues, challenges, and positive approaches to external and internal communication. Assumes 10 - 12 interviews with key grasstop leaders of organizations, not - for - profits, and other regional policy leaders. Summary report developed from findings. Report, along with research (above), to help refine message plan development. Message Plan: A concise message plan (an internal planning document) will cover all aspects of the development of the CMP and will ensure that all team members are on the same page in public communication. This will include a compendium of questions that the public may ask and get answers. It will also be used to inform the District's internal audiences. Top three study messages along with supporting facts /figures /data to help effectively communicate purpose and need for study and follow -on investments. Assumes refinement from District. Also assumes one message training session /practice. Deliverables: Outreach Plan TM4 - Provides for one communication plan with limited updates, draft, and final versions included. Plan to be completed AFTER research and stakeholder interviews (see above). ENGINEER will support development of one (1) PowerPoint presentation or prezi that will be used to make informational presentations to elected bodies, civic /business /social organizations throughout the 18 -month process. Assumes up to 10 presentations. Also includes up to six (6) presentations to PAC and TAC, assuming each one needs to be individually prepared. Assumes District gives presentation with support from Katz and Associates team. ENGINEER will work with District Staff to implement the Outreach Plan. District Staff will lead much of the effort. Katz and Associates will participate meaningfully on the following elements: • Materials: Informational materials will be developed that clearly explain the CMP's purpose and need. The materials will include a fact sheet for distribution in a variety of ways and a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document. Additional pieces will be considered while developing the Community Outreach Plan. \ \Distgroups \planning$\TP PLAN NI NG\Projects\7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 4 • The Website: Adding a special section to the existing site that focuses on the CMP is recommended until the CMP is adopted. • Media Relations and Social Media: Media relations and social media activities will be enhanced for the Community Outreach Plan development, providing mass audience outreach. It is assumed the District would lead this effort with support provided by the consultant team. • Speaking Engagements and Events: To inform the community about the CMP, speaking engagements will be scheduled with key groups and regional organizations. • Public Outreach: Additional opportunities for further public education will be sought through materials and grass roots efforts. If the District has any advisory groups, this outreach would include engaging those audiences too. Assumptions: District staff will provide significant support for the outreach implementation effort. Information Needs: Communication outreach strategies and materials already developed by District staff or by others for District use will be made available for developing this plan. 4 EVALUATE EXISTING INFORMATION Engineer will develop descriptions, supporting figures, and tables of existing wastewater treatment and disposal facilities. The descriptions will include design criteria, unit sizes, and both hydraulic and process capacities. ENGINEER will provide updated plant layouts (based on using aerials photographs), liquids, solids, and energy (power and steam) flow schematics. Deliverables: • TM5 - Existing Facilities, draft and final. 4.2 Review Past Reports and Models ENGINEER will review past studies, reports that have been developed over the past approximate 20 years by consultants and by District staff that have defined various topics such as overall condition of the Plant, capacities and conditions of existing facilities, site layouts, seismic studies, incineration, disinfection, and other pertinent information. The purpose of this review is to assess the relevancy, applicability of each report and how they may affect the master planning of future facilities. ENGINEER will review previously developed process, energy, and hydraulic models that may be helpful for completion of master plan tasks. ENGINEER will summarize the relevance of each major past report/model to the master planning process and confirm the applicability and estimated costs of capital improvements where capital improvements were recommended in reports. It is anticipated that other (new) studies or reports will be completed over the course of the preparation of the Master Plan, and they will need to be incorporated into the Master Plan. The master planning team will review and provide input and comments on these draft documents, as necessary, before they are finalized. Past reports to be reviewed include the reports provided as reference material for the RFP in addition to approximately 20 other applicable reports and memoranda. 1 \Distgroups\planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 5 Information Needs: All applicable reports, models, design criteria, and relevant data. Deliverables: None - Relevant background and recommendations from these past reports will be summarized into TMs in other tasks as a Background /Past Reports section at the beginning of each TM. 5. FLOWS AND LOADS ANALYSIS ENGINEER will review, evaluate, and summarize historically recorded wastewater flows and both conventional and nonconventional (e.g., heavy metals, trace organics, etc.) pollutant characteristics and loads for the purpose of projecting wastewater flows and loads and evaluating treatment plant capacities. Flows and loads, and associated peaking factors, will be evaluated on an average dry weather, average day annual, average day maximum month, and peak hourly basis. ENGINEER will evaluate diel, diurnal, and seasonal variability in flows as- needed for evaluating process capacities, assessing master plan alternatives, and optimizing existing facilities. ENGINEER will review and summarize past data and reports related to receiving water characteristics. ENGINEER will coordinate with the new collection system hydraulic model. ENGINEER will coordinate with the Collection System Master Plan to summarize wastewater flow and load projections (average dry weather, average day annual, average day maximum month, and peak hourly) for the planning horizon and for build -out conditions considering: future population projections, per capita wastewater flow rate and loads, historical flows and loads trending, current and projected trends in water consumption and water conservation rates, current and projected trends in inflow and infiltration (1 /1). Assumptions: Conclusions will be drawn from past 5 years of operating data. Information Needs: Influent data on all constituents for past 5 years. Deliverables: TM6 - Historical and Projected Flow and Loads, draft and final. 6. EXISTING FACILITIES ANALYSIS 6.1 Master Plan Design /Standby Criteria ENGINEER will determine design and standby criteria to be used for evaluating the capacity of existing facilities and development of recommended improvements. Design (firm versus standby) criteria will consider original design criteria, consultant's experience with similar facilities, District staffs operational, and maintenance experiences; reliability information from other treatment plants; and accepted engineering /industry practices. \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 -Wastewater Treatment Plant Master PlanQ3.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts\Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 6 Information Needs: Existing design criteria for all facilities. 6.2 Hydraulic Capacity Evaluation ENGINEER will review and update the District's previous hydraulic capacity study and model and provide an updated hydraulic profile and evaluate hydraulic capacity throughout the treatment plant to identify potential hydraulic bottlenecks. The hydraulic model shall be provided to the District at the end of the Master Plan including all rights to own and use the model developed for the District for this project. ENGINEER shall train District staff in the use of the model. The past model must be converted from old software format. Information Needs: Information on observed bottlenecks or hydraulic issues. 6.3 Process Performance and Capacity Evaluation ENGINEER will review original design and sizing criteria, past reports, historical operating data, and current operational strategies for each treatment plant process. Assess the hydraulic and process capacities of each treatment plant process by evaluating hydraulic and process loadings, historical performance of each process, and considering the established design /standby criteria. Information Needs: Plant data between processes and for final effluent for last 5 years. Deliverables: TM7 - Treatment Process Performance and Capacity, draft and final. This TM will summarize the findings of Tasks 6.1 through 6.6. 6.4 Process Model Configuration ENGINEER will review the District's previously developed BioWin® model and perform additional configuration and /or calibration required to model future treatment plant alternatives and evaluate existing process capacities. ENGINEER will provide the District with a copy of the updated BioWin® model in the latest BioWin® software format and supporting calibration data. District will pay for the updated model license directly with the vendor, if required. ENGINEER will identify the wastewater parameters to be sampled and analyzed to 1) provide information for the updated BioWinTM calibration, 2) address identified data gaps, and /or 3) resolve identified data deficiencies. The data obtained from the sampling and analysis of the identified wastewater parameters will provide information to define BioWinTM influent and intermediate process wastewater characteristics, and supplement available operations and performance data. The sampling and analysis effort will distinguish between particulate, filterable, biodegradable, and /or unbiodegradable fractions of chemical oxygen demand (COD), carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (cBOD), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), and total phosphorus. ENGINEER will coordinate closely with District to develop a specific sampling and analysis plan, which will identify appropriate wastewater parameters for calibration of the process simulator. This sampling and analysis plan will describe the additional sampling points (if needed) and additional constituents to be measured from a minimum of fourteen (14) daily flow- weighted composite samples and eight (8) concurrently - collected sets of flow- weighted grab samples that \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLAN NI NG\Projects\7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 7 are taken every 2 -hours to identify diurnal influent load patterns. District will be responsible for sampling, testing and compiling the data for use by the ENGINEER. 6.5 Baseline Energy Evaluation ENGINEER will establish baseline power supply capacities (grid and co -gen), natural gas and landfill gas usage, and major power demands. Describe the District's approach to power management using historical power and gas data (natural gas and landfill gas) and provide a baseline energy flow diagram for the treatment plant. Baseline energy flow diagram will be provided in a Sanke diagram format. Energy balance calculations will be prepared using the CHEApet tool, which is publically available through the Water Environment Federation. ENGINEER will establish baseline steam supply capacity (waste heat boilers, auxiliary boilers) and demands (secondary aeration turbines, plant air, etc.). Summarize the District's approach to steam management based on historical steam data and provide an updated steam flow diagram including an estimate of excess heat available for other uses. ENGINEER will compare the District's energy usage to similar facilities and industry benchmarks. Evaluate net energy recovery potential for the District's existing treatment plant configuration. Create material and energy balance diagrams for the existing plant and for the recommended alternatives. ENGINEER will coordinate these diagrams with the development of process alternatives. ENGINEER will provide up to 8 hours of training on the CHEApet tool. Information Needs: Operations and maintenance costs per process for last 5 years including energy usage, steam usage and production 6.6 Greenhouse Gas Management ENGINEER will review and summarize the District's approach to managing greenhouse gas emissions below the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Cap and Trade Limit of 25,000 MT CO2e per year and provide a baseline summary of greenhouse gas emissions by major source. ENGINEER will develop long -term strategy for evaluating the cost effectiveness of operating below the Cap and Trade Limit as opposed to participating in the Cap and Trade program. ENGINEER will coordinate this strategy with the development of process alternatives and consider the potential impacts to the greenhouse gas management strategy with and without the long -term availability of landfill gas. Information Needs: GHG emission sources and estimates for last 5 years. 6.7 Resiliency Adaptation Plan ENGINEER will assess potential site impacts to the wastewater treatment plant due to climate change, including extreme water levels and potential flooding due to high tides and extreme precipitation events, and seismic events. ENGINEER will recommend policy, design criteria, and improvements necessary to address these impacts, including order of magnitude costs. ENGINEER will coordinate recommendations with related regional, state, and federal projects and recommendations for addressing climate change. Information Needs: Map of areas experiencing flooding and the event under which it occurred. \Qstgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects17343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo\Scope and Budget\Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 8 Deliverables: TM8 - Resiliency and Vulnerability, draft and final. This TM will summarize findings of Tasks 6.7 and 6.8. 6.8 Vulnerability Analysis ENGINEER will assess vulnerabilities with the District's existing wastewater treatment plant facilities and provide recommendations for improving the District's resiliency and security. Vulnerabilities include site access and security and potential impacts to District facilities and operations due to supply chain disruptions (e.g., chemicals, power) and natural and man -made disasters. ENGINEER will summarize current and potential future regional, state, and federal security requirements that may require modifications to the District's existing facilities and operations and provide order of magnitude costs and timing of suggested improvements. Deliverables: None — included in TM8 — Resiliency and Vulnerability. 6.9 Existinci Facilities Workshops ENGINEER will conduct 2 workshops - 1 with staff and management (assumed 8 hours) and 1 with Board (assumed 4 hours). Topic covered at the workshops will be the same and will utilize essentially the same presentation materials. The Board workshop will also include a discussion of Board objectives, strategic planning, and level of service goals using similar presentation materials from the Visioning Workshop held with District staff. Attendance at staff workshop will include more attendee, including PD, PM, PE and up to 3 subject experts at each meeting. Board workshop attendees are assumed no more than 4 consultant team members to attend. Deliverables: Workshops agendas and presentation materials. 7. CONDITION ASSESSMENTS 7.1 Identify Repair and Replacement (R&R) Needs ENGINEER will prioritize and perform structural, process, electrical and instrumentation, and mechanical visual condition assessments of the District's wastewater treatment plant. The condition assessment will be based on a five -man team being onsite for one week, inspecting what can be assessed during that time. Corrosion and structural condition assessments of critical process areas requiring process shutdowns will be coordinated with the District's maintenance schedule. Prioritization of assets to assess will include input from the District, including at a minimum: • Multiple Hearth Furnace: review existing assessment and identify gaps, perform on -site assessment, make recommendations for additional testing or inspection. • Scrubber: similar to above. • Cogeneration system: similar to above. • Secondary clarifiers: assess up to two clarifiers, subject to District's abilities to take facilities out of service for inspection. \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Camllo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 9 Aeration basins: assess up to two basins, subject to District's abilities to take facilities out of service for inspection. • Primary clarifiers: assess up to two clarifiers, subject to District's abilities to take facilities out of service for inspection. ENGINEER will review and use, where feasible, previously completed condition assessment reports (e.g., seismic, concrete, pavement, cathodic protection, cranes, odor control equipment, elevators, etc.) to support condition assessment findings. ENGINEER will prioritize assets requiring advanced performance testing, predictive tools, and testing and perform additional testing on critical assets impacting major master plan recommendations. ENGINEER will recommend predictive tools that may assist the District in performing future condition assessments. ENGINEER will conduct nondestructive test methods if required to determine life expectancy of some of the assets to provide more accurate results. ENGINEER will coordinate condition assessment approach with the District's separate Asset Management Implementation Project which includes migration of the District's existing data from the District's existing computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), Mainsaver, to a new CMMS, CityWorks ®. Use existing asset inventories in the District's CMMS to the extent possible. 7.2 Develop Repair and Replacement Programs and Costs ENGINEER will provide reporting, weighing and scoring system, and analysis tools for determining recommended near -term and long -term repair and replacement strategies to be incorporated into the Master Plan's capital improvement project recommendations. ENGINEER will estimate the repair and replacement costs for existing equipment and develop annual repair and replacement costs required to minimize the life -cycle costs for existing facilities. ENGINEER will identify recommended frequency of recurring condition assessment/inspection tasks and recommend strategy for continued condition assessments. ENGINEER will provide training to District staff on use of technology and interpretation /analysis of results. 7.3 Develop Condition Assessment Templates ENGINEER will coordinate with District staff and the District's asset management implementation consultant to develop and provide standard, site - specific templates, predictive tools, and criteria that can be utilized by District staff or contractors for future condition assessments and testing as part of the District's asset management program. ENGINEER will coordinate with District staff to provide the results in a format for incorporation into the new CMMS and consistent with industry standards (e.g., ISO). ENGINEER will prepare for and provide one meeting to train District staff on the templates, guidelines, and tools for completing future condition assessments /inspections. Assumptions: Condition assessment and additional testing will be conducted only as the allocated budget allows. Engineer will work with District Staff to prioritize efforts given budget limitations. Information Needs: Asset list and inventory. Maintenance records and costs. Existing templates, guidelines, and program. 11Distgroupslplanning$1TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan123.0 Proposals and Contracts123.2 Contracts\Camllo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 10 Deliverables: TM9 - Condition Assessment, draft, and final. Templates and training documents. Meetings: On -site assessment of assets, walking through with operations and maintenance staff. Training meeting. 8. RECYCLED WATER FACILITIES EVALUATION ENGINEER will review existing reports and data to summarize current average and peak day recycled water demands for the purposes of evaluating capacity of existing recycled water facilities. e ILTFT • . • _ r ENGINEER will perform condition assessments, estimate repair and replacement costs, and develop condition assessment forms for recycled water facilities (applied water, filters, filter support, Clearwell, recycled water pumping) similar to the task for performing condition assessments for the wastewater treatment plant. ENGINEER will perform a condition assessment of key filter elements and recommend additional testing or investigation of specific element such as the filter underdrains and rotary washers, and filter media analyses. ENGINEER will analyze filter operation and performance. 8.3 Recycled Water Treatment Capacity Evaluation The District wishes to conduct an evaluation of treatment capacity for each of the major recycled water treatment facility components, including applied water pumping, tertiary filters, backwash pumping, clearwell storage and contact time facilities, and recycled water delivery facilities. The recycled water facilities were originally designed with a total rated capacity of 36 mgd; however, due to many reasons (e.g., filter influent quality, Title 22 requirements, performance modifications) has a reduced capacity. 8.3.1 Review Previous Studies, Historical Operation, and Performance Data The District has conducted numerous studies relating to recycled water treatment performance and troubleshooting, primarily focusing on the filter plant since it has had various operational issues. Previous studies will be reviewed and summarized so the District has one document that catalogues the previous work performed. It is assumed that the District will provide historical operational data on filter and contact basin flow rates, filter headloss and runtime, filter feed and filtrate quality, and hypochlorite dose and chlorine residual in spreadsheet format. Facility design information, previous studies and historical operational data will form the basis for field testing and the capacity evaluation. Field testing, as described below, will focus on the tertiary filters, since this is the treatment unit with the greatest uncertainty with regard to treatment capacity. It is anticipated that capacity of the disinfection and pumping facilities can be well characterized based on existing information. 8.3.2 Coagulant Testing Use of an effective coagulant and adequate flash mixing are key to performing meaningful filter \\Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects\7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 11 capacity testing. The existing facilities do not include flash mixing. Previous bench scale testing indicated that the existing coagulant is not optimal. ENGINEER will work with District staff to develop a coagulant testing plan and will assist the District in performing full -scale coagulant testing. It is assumed that the District will install a temporary flash mixer and temporary dosing facilities downstream of the applied water pumps to ensure adequate flash mixing and dose control during coagulant testing, and provide totes of two to three coagulants as determined by the ENGINEER /District team. Budget for this task assumes the coagulant testing will occur over a one week period. 8.3.3 Filter Media and Backwashing Evaluation Filter operational issues over the past several years suggests that some of the filters perform better than others. Filter physical properties will be evaluated to understand filter properties and differences between individual filters to help evaluate filter capacity. These will include measurement of media depth and freeboard in each filter, collecting core samples from each filter and having a media characterization conducted at six depths for each core, performing a backwash turbidity profile and measuring filter bed expansion in each filter, and conducting a filter excavation in each filter using a one meter by one meter plexiglass box to visually inspect and media at different levels and the filter underdrains. It is assumed that the District will provide a staff member to assist the Carollo field technician with the field measurements. 8.3.3 Filter Capacity Evaluation Based on the results of the previous tasks, ENGINEER will work with District staff to develop and carry out a filter capacity test plan. Given the inconsistencies in historical filter performance, the test plan will include testing of various combinations of filters beginning at low loading rates and increasing the loading rates with time. Budget is based on one month of capacity testing with capacity testing performed by District staff with half -time assistance from ENGINEER. 8.3.4 Disinfection and Pumping Facilities Capacity Evaluation The capacity of the disinfection contact basin and pumping facilities will be evaluated based on existing hydraulic studies of the contact basin, existing disinfection system performance, pump station design information, and pump station flow data. Reliable pumping capacity will be based on capacity with the largest pump out of service. �I1001,14 1-11:111 ENGINEER will develop a strategy for addressing capital improvements required for continued use of existing recycled water facilities to comply with current District commitments and a strategy for addressing capital improvements that may be required for satisfying current and future recycled water demands. ENGINEER will include these recommended improvements in the final recommended capital improvement program. ENGINEER will coordinate with a separate ongoing study for the Potential Opportunities for Wholesaling Recycled Water. That study is expected to be completed within the next 6 -8 months. Recommendations from this study should be incorporated into this Master Plan. �. Pffm .� ENGINEER will identify and determine the facilities, site layout requirements, and costs for improvements that would be required to treat the District's average day annual flow for recycled water use such that, on an average day, there would be zero discharge through the District's outfall. Both a dry weather and potentially a wet weather option for zero discharge should be \1Distgroups \planning$\TP PLANNING\Projects17343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \CarollMScope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 12 evaluated. The District will provide the Potential Opportunities for Wholesaling Recycled Water study that assesses potential recycled water wholesale opportunities that may be used to confirm the approach for sizing future recycled water facilities. Assumptions: District Staff will perform any recommended stress testing and disassembly to access facilities. Information Needs: Recycled water uses and projected demands. Operational data and costs. Deliverables: TM10 - Recycled Water Facilities, draft and final Meetings: On -site assessment of assets, walking through with operations and maintenance staff. 9. IDENTIFY AND EVALUATE REGULATORY SCENARIOS IMP ZMM ENGINEER will review the District's operating permits and existing regional, state, and federal regulatory requirements governing the discharge of treated wastewater to Suisun Bay and water reuse. In addition, review solids treatment and disposal regulations, and applicable air quality (odor and air emissions, greenhouse gas emissions) regulations for the site. District staff will provide a complete list of permits currently being tracked and monitored by the District. ENGINEER will identify, describe, and summarize applicable new and emerging regulatory issues, and develop regulatory scenarios that bracket the range of potential future regulatory requirements to be used in the development of master planning alternatives. ENGINEER will coordinate this task with ongoing research and reports being performed by the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA), as well as other state and national organizations such as CASA, NACWA, and WEF regulatory committees. Information Needs: All existing permits. Deliverables: TM11 - Existing and Future Regulations, draft and final 10. EVALUATE IMMEDIATE AND FUTURE NEEDS 10.1 Summarize Immediate and Future Needs ENGINEER will summarize the existing (immediate) and future needs of the treatment plant by comparing current and projected wastewater flows and loadings with the capacity of the existing facilities on a process -by- process basis (liquids, solids, air, energy — power and steam, and other processes) and considering other drivers such as potential impacts of regulatory requirements, optimizations of existing facilities, and the condition of existing assets. \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and BudgetlExhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 13 10.2 ENGINEER will review and identify recommended improvements and repair and replacement strategies for the District's electrical distribution system (480V and higher voltage) and normal and standby power supply strategy to improve reliability, arc flash study implementation and electrical hazard assessments, and reduce maintenance costs. 10.3 Evaluate Existing Instrumentation and Controls and SCADA System ENGINEER will review and identify recommended improvements and repair and replacement strategies for the District's instrumentation and controls system architecture and equipment (PLCs, SCADA, and process data management software). Incorporate previous recommendations from the District's 2011 Plant Control System Needs Assessment. Confirm and update the remaining improvements recommended in the 2011 Plant Control System Needs Assessment and include additional improvements required throughout the planning horizon. Information Needs: Data and past reports on electrical and SCADA systems. Deliverables: TM12 - Immediate and Future Needs, draft, and final. Meetings: Site visit and meeting with O &M staff to review Electrical and SCADA needs. 11. IDENTIFY AND DEVELOP PROJECT ALTERNATIVES 11.1 Site Planning Evaluation ENGINEER will review and summarize the District's previous site planning reports, including previous site characterization and remediation alternatives for the District's single waste management unit property (soil cap on surcharge pile and Basin A South) that is expected to be required for future liquid and /or solids facilities. Evaluate and identify District property available for siting future facilities including use of existing treatment plant property, District -owned buffer property, and potential strategic non - District owned property if needed. The Site Planning evaluation shall be the basis for site planning considerations for each of the liquids and solids alternatives. Include costs associated with site planning in the recommended capital improvement program. ENGINEER will use District - provided mapping data and aerial photographs to develop base site maps for evaluating master plan alternatives. Base site maps shall include mapping coordinates and dimensional data necessary to perform air dispersion modeling. 11.2 quids Treatment Alternative ENGINEER will identify and summarize candidate technologies for liquids treatment to meet anticipated regulatory, growth, asset management, and performance requirements. Liquid treatment alternatives must consider equalization, preliminary, primary, secondary, tertiary, and disinfection treatment processes, as well as effluent discharge, and other plant hydraulic /pumping processes and facilities. ENGINEER will combine the viable candidate treatment technology alternatives to consider and assess a wide range of conceptual treatment alternatives in developing viable future liquids \ \Distgroups \planning$\TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 14 treatment process alternatives. ENGINEER will evaluate, rank, and select the top liquid treatment alternatives considering established evaluation criteria, potential related impacts on other processes such as solids, air, normal and standby power generation /distribution facilities, and steam generation /distribution facilities. Liquid treatment alternatives must include processes that can meet potential future ammonia and /or total nutrient limits and should consider potential future nutrient recovery. • -To-cm. I--� FJ ;- - A .• �.. ENGINEER will identify and summarize candidate solids treatment (thickening, stabilization, dewatering) and reuse /disposal alternatives to meet anticipated regulatory, growth, asset management, and performance requirements. This will include evaluating existing facilities and costs, energy (power and steam) management impacts, air emissions compliance alternatives for each technology, related gas treatment and handling facilities when applicable. At a minimum, solids alternatives must include continued use of the District's multiple hearth furnaces, replacement with fluidized bed incineration, replacement with anaerobic digestion (with capabilities to achieve Class A biosolids), a combination of incineration with anaerobic digestion, potential sludge pretreatment, regional alternatives, and potential innovative solids technologies such as gasification, pyrolysis, supercritical water oxidation, and hydrothermal liquefaction. ENGINEER will combine the viable candidate solids treatment technologies to consider and assess a wide range of conceptual treatment alternatives in developing future solids treatment process alternatives. ENGINEER will consider biogas management processes, if applicable, and air emission control equipment needed for each technology /alternative to maintain compliance with existing and future air emission regulatory scenarios in addition to resource recovery technologies that are applicable to the solids alternatives (e.g., phosphorus recovery). ENGINEER will evaluate, rank, and select the top solids treatment alternatives considering established evaluation criteria, potential related impacts on other processes such as liquids and air processes, normal and standby power generation /distribution facilities, steam generation /distribution facilities, and the long -term availability of landfill gas. 11.4 Sunnort Facilities For the top ranked liquids and solids alternatives, ENGINEER will assess and prepare site utility and support system layouts, showing the general and support facility improvements required, including: major utility corridors, process piping, support buildings, odor control facilities, utility systems (air, water, steam, drainage), electrical systems, roadways, security, etc. ENGINEER will evaluate existing access pathways and access throughout the treatment plant for the movement of vehicles, carts, people, supplies, and equipment and identify potential capital improvements to optimize access and operations and maintenance costs. mm o • ZM ii •Ir1aM. , ENGINEER will develop a strategy for optimizing on -site energy independence and a strategy for achieving net zero energy for the District's wastewater treatment plant. Summarize current and projected energy demands and develop projected materials and energy diagrams based on recommended treatment alternatives, recommended process and alternative energy production alternatives, and the availability and cost of applicable energy sources. ENGINEER will compare the District's energy demands to typical industry benchmarks. ENGINEER will consider energy management control systems, energy efficiency measures, and alternative energy production alternatives such as solar photovoltaic panels (owned or power purchase agreements), hydrogen fuel cells, and hauled waste programs (FOG, food \ \Distgroups\planning$ \TP PLAN NI NG\Projects\7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 15 waste, high strength industrial waste, etc.). Energy- related improvements must consider impacts to plant -wide power and steam management, greenhouse gas emissions, and potential barriers that may impede on -site power production. 11.6 Process Optimization ENGINEER will review plant operating data, conduct a plant tour, interview engineering /operations /maintenance staff, and apply appropriate analyses and modeling to help assess improvements to existing liquids, solids, and energy (power and steam) management facilities to: 1) reduce energy requirements; 2) reduce operation and maintenance costs; and 3) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and 3) maximize use of available resources. Optimization recommendations shall consider existing and future recommended processes. At a minimum, consider other potential uses of waste heat such as thermal drying of cake solids, optimizing use of waste heat/steam, automated SRT control, and improved automation of the UV disinfection process. Information Needs: Mapping and aerials of plant site. Deliverables: TM13 - Alternatives Identification and Analysis TM, draft and final. TM will summarize Tasks 11.1 - 11.6. • Site visit to consider optimization. 11.7 Alternatives Workshops ENGINEER will conduct 2 workshops - 1 with staff and management (assumed 8 hours) and 1 with Board (assumed 4 hours). Topic covered at the workshops will be the same and will utilize essentially the same presentation materials. Attendance at staff workshop will include more attendee, including PD, PM, PE and up to 3 subject experts at each meeting. Board workshop attendees are assumed no more than 4 consultant team members to attend. Deliverables: Workshops agendas and presentation materials. 12. DEVELOP RECOMMENDED MASTER PLAN PROGRAM 12.1 Select Master Plan Alternative ENGINEER will evaluate and select the top ranked master planning alternative from the previously screened master planning alternatives (Task 11) using the agreed upon economic and non - economic evaluation criteria. ENGINEER will perform sensitivity analysis of the planning, engineering, and cost assumptions and sensitivity of economic and non - economic criteria used to select the top ranked alternative. Final recommendations will include project and program descriptions, process and energy diagrams, greenhouse gas emission projections, layouts, site plans showing existing and future facilities and major support facilities and corridors, cost estimates, and preliminary design criteria for the top ranked master plan alternative. 11Distgroupslplanning$1TP PLANNING\Projects\7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master PlanO.0 Proposals and ContractsQI3 Contracts\Carollo\Scope and BudgetlExhibit At (WWTP MP Scope).docx 16 ENGINEER will develop a capital improvement plan (CIP) showing the timing and phasing of all capital improvement projects in the twenty year planning horizon with particular emphasis on the first ten years of the planning horizon. The CIP will be organized to identify linkages among the major capital improvement projects and repair and replacement projects such that the projects can be re -sorted and re- scheduled as changes in planning assumptions and need occur. ENGINEER will assist the District to coordinate the recommended capital improvements with the District's existing Capital Improvement Plan to provide an overall comprehensive capital improvement plan. ENGINEER will identify triggers for starting piloting (if applicable), preliminary design, design, and construction of the recommended capital improvement projects in order to determine efficient Just-in-time" project implementation. ENGINEER will identify policies, programs, and guidelines to address overall program implementation including project prioritizations, implementation costs, project delivery methods, potential funding sources, and an estimated schedule for implementing plan elements. Assumptions: District will engage in discussion prioritization of CIP and Recommendations to meet funding limitations or expectations. Information Needs: Existing CIP and project information format. Deliverables: TM14 - Recommendations TM, draft, and final. CIP spreadsheets. Meetings: Two meetings on CIP prioritization to be coordinated with the Collection System Master Plan. 12.3 Recommendations /CIP Workshops ENGINEER will conduct 2 workshops - 1 with staff and management (assumed 8 hours) and 1 with Board (assumed 4 hours). Topic covered at the workshops will be the same and will utilize essentially the same presentation materials. Attendance at staff workshop will include more attendees, including PD, PM, PE and up to 3 subject experts at each meeting. Board workshop attendees are assumed no more than 4 consultant team members to attend. Deliverables: Workshops agendas and presentation materials. 13. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS L�r= m7ff Ti%tli%�ii • • • ENGINEER will recommend and identify funding opportunities, such as grant and loan programs for the District based on the recommended program and projects. Effort will consider latest funding opportunities related to climate change, energy conservation, recycled water, \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 17 wastewater research, and other opportunities that are applicable to the capital improvements included in the recommended capital improvement plan for the wastewater treatment plant. 13.2 Financial AnalXs"s SuI2= ENGINEER will assist the District in developing an updated financial plan that identifies the annual revenue requirements and rates and fees analysis over the planning horizon, with emphasis on the first ten years. The financial analysis shall build upon the District's newly developed rate model. ENGINEER will provide annual flow and waste load allocations for the recommended capital improvement plan. ENGINEER will assist in analysis of the debt - structure funding strategy, including pay -as- you -go and debt financing; allocations of costs to billable constituents and to user categories; near- and long -term capital and operational needs; as well as potential impacts on customer classes due to modifications of the rate structures. The results of the revenue requirement will define what levels of rate increases are necessary in order to fund ongoing expenditures, identified capital needs, meet the District's policy goals, and adhere to Proposition 218 and California Government Code §66000 requirements. Assumptions: District will perform the rate modeling either through a separate contract or through use of District Staff. ENGINEER will provide input parameters for the model. Information Needs: Rate model. District financial data including revenue and costs. Deliverables: None — Financial analysis will be incorporated into Recommendations TM (Task 12) and the Master Plan Reports. Meetings: Up to two meetings with District staff responsible for financial plan and rates. 14. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 14.1 Review Existing Palot Project Results ENGINEER will review data and progress reports for the District's zeolite - anammox pilot project. ENGINEER will evaluate the capital and O &M costs, footprint requirements, reliability, and overall feasibility of scaling up the zeolite - anammox process for mainstream or split stream treatment of secondary effluent for nitrogen removal. ENGINEER will evaluate and select recommended technologies for piloting at the District's treatment plant based on the master plan alternatives evaluation and master plan discussions. Assist the District to establish a program to screen, plan, and implement pilot research projects ranging from lab -scale experiments to full -scale pilot demonstrations. The program will include recommendations for collaboration and partnering with other agencies and /or academic institutions and recommend planning studies that are not included as part of the Master Plan scope. \ \Distgroups \planning$\TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts\Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 18 Assumptions: District will provide all data and reports regarding the zeolite - anammox pilot as well as any staff observations on issues related to start up and operations. Deliverables: None - research findings and recommendations will be included in the Recommendations TM. 15. PREPARE MASTER PLAN DOCUMENTS As discussed in previous tasks ENGINEER will prepare technical memoranda (TMs) throughout the master planning process. In the Master Plan document, the TMs will be organized and provided as a standalone appendix. ENGINEER will summarize the major findings, recommendations, and conclusions of the TMs into a comprehensive master plan summary report (50 -100 pages). ENGINEER will provide one -page capital improvement summary sheets in the appendix to the Master Plan for each recommended capital improvement project. ENGINEER will develop an additional executive summary (20 -40 pages in Adobe InDesign format) for the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan that summarizes the major findings, recommendations, and conclusions of both the Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan and the Collection System Master Plan. The combined executive summary shall be coordinated with the community outreach objectives. Assumptions: Executive Summary will be a joint document covering both treatment and collection system recommendations. Deliverables: • Draft Master Plan. • Final Master Plan. • Executive Summary. Meetings: One meeting to review comments on draft master plan and executive summary. 16. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION Once the Recommended Program and Projects are determined, ENGINEER will develop a strategy for complying with the environmental documentation required to implement the recommended capital improvement program. Different CEQA vehicles will be considered for use depending on the type, location, and timing of the projects. CEQA documentation vehicles or strategies may include Categorical exemption, Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), project specific Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and a Programmatic EIR. One strategy may be to group immediate need projects that are replacement of existing infrastructure that are categorically exempt from CEQA (likely those at the plant) and to group other immediate need projects (likely those in the collection system) into an MND . These projects may then proceed right away while a programmatic EIR is underway for the longer term recommended improvements. ENGINEER will hold one meeting with District Staff to review and discuss draft findings and recommendations. \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts\Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 19 Assumptions: Scope and level of effort does not include engineering support of CEQA document preparation. Only a strategy for CEQA will be provided. Specific CEQA project scopes and budgets can be prepared separately as the appropriate level of project detail is available. Information Needs: Information on past environmental documentation efforts including success or challenges from use of different CEQA vehicles (e.g., categorically exempt, mitigated negative declaration or EIR). Deliverables: TM 15 - Environmental Documentation Strategy TM, draft, and final. Meetings: One meeting on CEQA strategy. \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit Al (WWTP MP Scope).docx 20 APPENDIXA2 COLLECTION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN SCOPE OF WORK PLANNING OBJECTIVES AND APPROACH in .� . ENGINEER will prepare a project control plan that establishes the overall work plan, schedule, team, City contact information, communication plan, QA/QC plan, and decision tracking to be used during the project. The project plan shall include an outline for the Master Plan. Roles and responsibilities and communication pathways will be clearly defined. Schedule will include time for QA/QC procedures and key milestones, meetings and deliverables. The Project Control Plan will include the QA/QC plan and will be closely coordinated with the Community Outreach Plan. Deliverables: TM1 - Project Control Plan and QA/QC Plan - This deliverable will be the same for the WWTP and CS Master Plans, draft and final. TM template for all TMs to be developed, including graphic and table templates. ENGINEER will lead a visioning workshop to refine the initial vision and objectives developed for the Master Plan by the District. The Visioning Workshop will be 6 hours and held concurrently with the Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan Visioning Workshop. This includes identifying what the plan is to accomplish, summarize master plan drivers (e.g., regulatory, policy /strategic initiatives, growth, aging infrastructure, optimization /sustainability, etc.), what information it will provide, and how the Master Plan will be used in subsequent implementation steps. At the workshop, the decision process will also be discussed and defined including development of economic and non - economic evaluation criteria and metrics, including triple bottom line analysis, to compare master plan alternatives. A draft technical memorandum (TM) outlining the objectives and metrics will be developed for District review prior to the Visioning Workshop. The outcome of the workshop will be documented. Consultant team attendees include PD, PM, PE (others are listed in the Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan Scope). Information Needs: District communications policies, roles, and responsibilities for MP and decision tracking procedures. District policies, goals, objectives, and past or current decision processes /criteria. Deliverables: TM 2 - Project Goals /Objectives and Decision Criteria, draft and final. This deliverable will be the same for the WWTP and CS Master Plans. Workshop agenda and presentation materials. ENGINEER will hold regular conference calls and meetings to promote creativity, effective communication, open discussions, and constructive interaction among members of the master \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and ContractsQ3.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 1 planning team. Engineer will prepare for and conduct kick -off and progress meetings, conference call updates, and strategically scheduled workshops with District staff and the District's Board of Directors. Project communication and procedures for deliverables will be discussed in the Project Control Plan and QA /QC Plan. All files will be maintained on SharePoint. District staff will have access to the deliverables and reference folders to facilitate transfer of reports /data and review of deliverables. The following meetings are budgeted for preparation and attendance: • Kickoff meeting, assumed 4 hour meeting. • Bi- monthly conference calls with District project management, assumed 1 hour duration. • Monthly progress and task topic meetings with District project management and task committees, as needed based on the agenda. Agenda to be prepared and circulated at least one week in advance to determine attendees. Meetings will not necessarily be held with Treatment Plant MP team, unless needed for coordination of tasks. Up to 15 meetings at 3 hours /meeting assumed, with attendance by PD, PM, PE and up to 3 subject experts at each meeting. • Up to six presentations to REEP meetings. Collection System will be concurrent with the Treatment Plant MP team. Assumed no more than 4 consultant team members to attend. Assumed 1 hour meetings. District to prepare materials. • Up to three 1 -hour Board meetings, concurrent with the Treatment Plant MP team. District to prepare materials. Assumed up to 4 consultant team members to attend. Concurrent with TPMP. Assumptions: It will be the District project manager's responsibility to ensure the right district staff are invited to meetings and provide review (in a timely fashion) of deliverables. Deliverables: Meeting agendas, notes, and presentation materials. 1.4 Project Management Engineering management team will provide overall project management including monthly invoices and progress reports that include project updates, updated project schedules, and track percent complete compared to percent billed. The monthly report will also summarize the key activities completed during the billing period. Assumed duration of project is 18 months. Deliverables: Monthly progress reports and invoices - This deliverable will package the invoices for both the VWVFP and CS Master Plans, but separate job numbers will be used to track tasks within each MP. 1.5 Basis for Cost Estimates ENGINEER will prepare a draft and final TM developing the basis of the estimated project costs, operations and maintenance (O &M) costs, R &R costs, and total annual costs to be used throughout the master planning process. This will include all cost assumptions, including the basis for estimated construction costs; engineering, legal, administrative, and contingency \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scwpe).docx 2 (ELAC) costs; estimated inflation; market impacts; and other major financial considerations. District will be provided with a list of data needs to develop this TM. Estimated capital costs will be developed for a planning -level of engineering completion, as recommended by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International (AACE International). Treatment plant costs will be primarily prepared using CH2M HILL's Cost Parametric Cost Model (CPES), based upon construction cost data, and adjusted for locality and market conditions. Collection system costs will be prepared used bid tab data and previous CCCSD data. CH2M HILL's construction personnel will be used to review and confirm master planning cost estimates, including market correction factors, cost efficiencies or cost complications associated with construction sequencing, and overall adherence to best cost practices. Information Needs: Cost basis including past and current labor, consumables, utilities, contingencies. • Previous collection system rehabilitation, new pipe, and pump station upgrade cost data, if any. Deliverables: TM 3 - Basis of Costs - This deliverable will be the same for the WWTP and CS Master Plans, draft and final. The budget for this TM is included in the WWTP Master Plan. 2 QUALITY ASSURANCE /QUALITY CONTROL ENGINEER will develop a quality assurance /quality control (QA/QC) plan that describes how quality assurance and quality control will be performed throughout the master planning process, at key milestones, and for each major master plan deliverable. Quality assurance /quality control evaluations will be performed by a team of ENGINEER's experts independent from the Master Plan team and coordinated to promote creativity, effective communication, technical soundness, accuracy of cost estimating, open discussions, and constructive interaction among all members of the master planning team. Information Needs: Any existing QA/QC policies and procedures used by the District that should be applied to this project. Deliverables: None - QA/QC Plan to be included in Task 1 deliverable Project Control and QA/QC Plan which will be a shared document between the WWTP and Collection System Master Plans. The budget for this plan is included in the WWTP Master Plan. Meetings: Covered in monthly progress meeting. 3 COMMUNITY OUTREACH Community Outreach services are divided (based approximately on population served) between the Collection System and Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plans. 3.1 Outreach Plan ENGINEER will develop a multi- faceted Community Outreach and Strategic Communications Plan (Community Outreach Plan) to inform external and internal stakeholders. The Community \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 3 Outreach and Strategic Communications Plan will create a public information framework of the outreach approach, communications, strategies, and deliverables to be implemented. Several key activities will be completed in this task: Research: Quantitative research will be commissioned of ratepayers to determine their overriding issues, their opinions about the District and reaction to potential and key project messages that will resonate with them going forward. Includes $30K for out of pocket expenses and $5K for oversight, management, and support of the research process. Survey firm to be determined. Key Stakeholder Interviews: Key stakeholder interviews will be held with community members who have their fingers on the community pulse. The interviews will help identify issues, challenges, and positive approaches to external and internal communication. Assumes 10 - 12 interviews with key grasstop leaders of organizations, not - for - profits, and other regional policy leaders. Summary report developed from findings. Report, along with research (above), to help refine message plan development. • Message Plan: A concise message plan (an internal planning document) will cover all aspects of the development of the CMP and will ensure that all team members are on the same page in public communication. This will include a compendium of questions that the public may ask and get answers. It will also be used to inform the District's internal audiences. Top three study messages along with supporting facts /figures /data to help effectively communicate purpose and need for study and follow -on investments. Assumes refinement from District. Also assumes one message training session /practice. Deliverables: TM 4 - Outreach Plan - Provides for one communication plan with limited updates, draft, and final versions included. Plan to be completed AFTER research and stakeholder interviews (see above). 3.2 Outreach Meetings ENGINEER will support development of one (1) PowerPoint presentation or prezi that will be used to make informational presentations to elected bodies, civic /business /social organizations throughout the 18 -month process. Assumes up to 10 presentations. Also includes up to six (6) presentations to PAC and TAC, assuming each one needs to be individually prepared. Assumes District gives presentation with support from Katz and Associates team. 3.3 Outreach Imolementation ENGINEER will work with District Staff to implement the Outreach Plan. District Staff will lead much of the effort. Katz and Associates will participate meaningfully on the following elements: • Materials: Informational materials will be developed that clearly explain the CMP's purpose and need. The materials will include a fact sheet for distribution in a variety of ways and a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document. Additional pieces will be considered while developing the Community Outreach Plan. The Website: Adding a special section to the existing site that focuses on the CMP is recommended until the CMP is adopted. Media Relations and Social Media: Media relations and social media activities will be enhanced for the Community Outreach Plan development, providing mass audience \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 4 outreach. It is assumed the District would lead this effort with support provided by the consultant team. Speaking Engagements and Events: To inform the community about the CMP, speaking engagements will be scheduled with key groups and regional organizations. Public Outreach: Additional opportunities for further public education will be sought through materials and grass roots efforts. If the District has any advisory groups, this outreach would include engaging those audiences too. Assumptions: • District staff will provide significant support for the outreach implementation effort. Information Needs: Communication outreach strategies and materials already developed by District staff or by others for District use will be made available for developing this plan. 4 EVALUATE EXISTING INFORMATION ENGINEER will develop descriptions, supporting figures, and tables of the existing pump stations and junction structures, and force mains. The descriptions will include design criteria, emergency backup capabilities, and hydraulic and pumping capacities. Provide updated layouts and flow schematics. Use previously prepared descriptions and figures to the extent possible. Deliverables: • TM 5 - Existing Facilities, draft and final. 4.2 ReviewP_ast Reoorts ENGINEER will review past studies, reports that have been developed over the past approximate 20 years by engineering and District staff that have defined various topics such as overall condition of the Collection System, pumping stations, and junction structures, and the collection system piping capacities and conditions of existing facilities, site layouts, seismic studies, and other pertinent information. The purpose of this review is to assess the relevancy, applicability of each report and how they may affect the master planning of future facilities. Review previously developed hydraulic models that may be helpful for completion of master plan tasks. Summarize the relevance of each major past report/model to the master planning process and confirm the applicability and estimated costs of capital improvements where capital improvements were recommended in reports. It is anticipated that other (new) studies or reports will be completed over the course of the preparation of the Master Plan, and they will need to be incorporated into the Master Plan. The master planning team will review and provide input and comments on these draft documents, as necessary, before they are finalized. Past reports to be reviewed include the reports provided as reference material for the RFP in addition to approximately 20 other applicable reports and memoranda. Assumptions: District furnished information will be the basis for descriptions, supplemented by site visits. Site visits of the major pump stations will be combined with Task 9. Information Needs: \1Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING\Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts123.2 Contracts\Carollo\Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 5 Pump station and force main asset management plans, design drawings, and other pertinent data. Meetings and Workshops: Covered in monthly progress meeting. 5 HYDRAULIC MODEL The District contracted with V &A Consulting Engineers (V &A) for the winter 2014/2015 flow monitoring and has an option in that contract for V &A to provide flow monitoring during winter 2015/2016. The rain gauge precipitation data collected by V &A in winter 2014/2015 (under contract with the District) will be used to complement Gauge Adjusted Radar Rainfall (GARR) data for the InfoWorks® ICM model. GARR data for winter 2014/2015 and winter 2015/2016 (if required), covering the District's service area will be obtained and paid for by ENGINEER. ENGINEER will recommend whether or not additional flow monitoring and rainfall data for winter 2015/2016 are required for calibrating the hydraulic model. The ENGINEER will review the 2014/15 flow monitoring data to assess the need for monitoring during the 2015/16 season. However, based on the relative lack of significant multiple rainfall during the 2014/15 flow monitoring program, a second season of flow monitoring in 2015/16 would likely be recommended. It is also anticipated that additional meters would be recommended for the 2015/16 season to obtain sufficient data for the more detailed second calibration of the model. The second calibration effort has been added to Task 5 as an optional task for the Master Plan. If the District approves proceeding with the 2015/16 flow monitoring program, the ENGINEER will recommend specific sites and prepare site maps for V &A similar to those prepared for the 2014/15 sites. The ENGINEER will provide oversight and coordination of the winter 2015/2016 flow monitoring activity, including QA/QC review of the preliminary data provided by V &A at interim milestones points during the program. The cost for additional flow monitoring during the master plan will be paid for under a separate contract with the District. Under Task 8, the ENGINEER will also develop a long -term flow monitoring strategy that considers annual flow monitoring, recommended flow meter locations, potential permanent flow meter locations at strategic nodes in the model network, including quality assurance and quality control processes. Assumptions: For purpose of estimating the budget for flow monitoring coordination and data review, it is assumed that the 2015/16 flow monitoring program may include up to 70 new flow monitoring sites plus some repeat sites from the 2014/15 program. ENGINEER will subcontract with OneRain to provide GARR data at 1 km x 1 km, 5- minute resolution for the CCCSD service area for rainfall periods during the 2014/15 and 2015/16 flow monitoring programs. Deliverables: TM 6 - Flow Monitoring TM, draft, and final. Flow meter site maps. Review comments on interim flow data submitted by V &A. \\Distgroupslplanning$1TP PLANNING\Projects\7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan123.0 Proposals and Contracts123.2 Contracts\Carollo\Scope and Budget\Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 6 GARR data for flow monitoring periods. Meetings: Meeting to discuss rationale and recommendations for 2015/16 flow monitoring held at monthly progress meeting. The District has commenced the migration from its existing steady state model to InfoWorksTM ICM. Based on District estimates, additional data gathering is required to populate invert and rim elevations for around 30 percent of the 290 mile master plan model network representing approximately 19 percent of the entire collection system and consists primarily of 10 -inch diameter sewer pipes and larger, as well as select 8 inch sewer pipes that effectively serve as trunk sewers. Based on District estimates, approximately 25 to 30 percent of the inverts required for the model network need to be obtained from District as -built drawings or other means. Data for pump stations and junction structures will also be incorporated into the model. Model network connectivity has been achieved for most, but not the entire network and will be completed in its entirety by the ENGINEER. ENGINEER will complete pipe network connectivity and data harvesting for invert and rim elevation data, and the applicable data to characterize pump stations and junction structures in the new model. The network will replicate the District's 2010 Collection System Master Plan model network of approximately 290 miles. ENGINEER will be provided with access to District historical collection system drawings where available. District will make available pump stations and associated staff necessary for ENGINEER to collate pump station information needed for the new model. Field surveys will be conducted (up to a level of effort of approximately 160 person hours) as needed to address data gaps for inverts and assist with reconciling vertical datum issues under Subtask 5.4. If ENGINEER suggests deviation from this level of effort based on finding during the course of the project that available as -built drawings and the allotted 160 hours of surveying are not sufficient to adequately populate the model network data, the District will be notified at the earliest opportunity with appropriate supporting documentation to justify any deviation from the anticipated level of effort. ENGINEER will also develop a prioritized approach for expanding the model network from the existing Master Plan network that would capture pipes of smaller diameter that are close to environmentally sensitive areas, such as creeks and watersheds, and the anticipated level of effort that endeavor may require, including a gap analysis to identify missing rim and invert data for those pipes. Assumptions • District will provide latest sewer GIS files populated with all available rim and invert elevations. Budget for data "harvesting" of invert elevation data from as -built drawings is based on District estimate that approximately 25 to 30 percent of the pipes in the modeled network are missing invert elevations. If the percentage of missing data is found to be higher, then the budget for review and capture of invert data from as -built drawings may need to be adjusted. District will provide as -built drawings in electronic format (e.g., .pdf, .tiff or similar) for all modeled sewers. The files will be provided on a portable hard drive, or ENGINEER will be \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLAN NI NG\Projects\7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 7 provided with remote access to the District's GDI system (or equivalent) to be able to access and download the files. • District will provide available LiDAR elevation data for District service area. • ENGINEER may utilize a GIS /mapping /data conversion subcontractor to support the extraction of rim and invert data from as -built drawings. • Budget includes up to 160 person hours of surveying effort (including field and associated office work to process /compile the survey data). • District will provide available information on pump station operation including as -built drawings, pump models and curves, pump on and off levels, etc. • Development of rim and invert elevation data for small diameter pipes not included in the Master Plan model network will not be conducted as part of this project unless authorized as an additional service. Deliverables: Summary of missing or suspect data. Field survey data. Model network (pipes and nodes) exported to GIS format. Meetings: Meeting to discuss approach for capturing missing data and resolving data discrepancies (to be held after completion of as -built drawing research). - . 1 : M Min 1 r R F . i Based on the results of the model network validation in Subtask 5.2, the ENGINEER will develop and implement approach for reconciling vertical datum issues of the new model network. Deliverables: Included in Subtask 5.2 deliverable. Meetings: • Included in Subtask 5.2 meeting. 5.4 Parcel Loading Data Process ENGINEER will develop and implement a process for compiling model loading data for existing and anticipated land use conditions. The process will be presented in a draft Project Memorandum and undertaken in conjunction with the Land Use Planning component of the Collection System Master Plan element of the Master Plan. The process will be adapted from the current process used for developing parcel loads for the ArcSNAP model. The ENGINEER will implement the parcel loading process to develop existing loads for model calibration under Subtask 5.6. Assumptions: District will provide latest parcel GIS layer and HTE data. It is assumed that the HTE data will be provided in a similar format as that used to update the previous ArcSNAP model. \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \ProjectsV343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget\Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 8 ENGINEER will utilize the services of subconsulant Talavera & Richardson for this work based on their extensive familiarity with HTE data and current parcel loading process. Deliverables: TM 7 - Parcel loading, draft and final. This TM will become one of the guidance documents prepared under Subtask 5.10. • Existing parcel loads in GIS database. �.. 1 T-=M- 1 1 •1 •.I41I • •.V I� i ••11 1 ENGINEER will develop an approach for developing model RDI /I loads and wet weather flow calculations, and discuss at a meeting and document in a draft Project Memorandum. Final design flows used in the model will be consistent with the design criteria and the overall hydraulic design recommendations developed in the Collection System Master Plan. Deliverables: TM 8 - RDI /I loading process, draft and final. This TM will become part of one of the guidance documents prepared under Subtask 5.10. Meetings: One 2 -hour meeting to discuss approach for modeling RDI /I. 5.6 Model Calibration ENGINEER will delineate model subcatchments and define model load manholes for the trunk system model. Existing parcels loads developed under Subtask 5.4 will be allocated to subcatchments. The approach for modeling rainfall- dependent infiltration /inflow (RDI /1) will be developed under Subtask 5.5. The ENGINEER will run the model under existing conditions and compare the computed dry weather and wet weather flow hydrographs to observed flow monitoring data from the 2014/15 flow monitoring programs and available SCADA flow data for pump stations and the WWTP. Modeling parameters including unit flow rates, diurnal base wastewater flow curves, groundwater infiltration (GWI) rates, and RDI /I parameters will be adjusted as needed to achieve a reasonable match of modeled to metered flows. The model calibration will include calibration for flow rates, pipeline velocities, and flow levels in the pipelines based on the 2014/2015 flow monitoring programs. Criteria established by the "WaPUG Code of Practice for the Hydraulic Modeling of Sewer Systems" will be used as a guide for determining when the model is calibrated. To assist in model calibration, ENGINEER will develop a flow meter site schematic showing the relationship between monitoring locations and flow diversion in the system. Because it is optimistic to expect the model to match the flow meter at every location within these guidelines due to various factors, the model will be deemed calibrated when it is sufficiently realistic to be a reliable tool for capacity assessment. The model will be considered reliable when the majority of meters are within WaPUG guidelines, and those that are not have been investigated to confirm model loading or flow split hydraulics. The ENGINEER will also conduct a model verification process where system flows at the WWTP will be compared to measured flows at selected points in the collection system for two historical storm events. The verification points and historical storm events will be determined based on discussions with District staff. Assumptions: \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 9 District will provide available SCADA flow data for pump stations and WWTP for use in model calibration, and verification storm events. Deliverables: InfoWorks observed versus predicted graphs comparing modeled versus monitored flows, levels, and velocities at meter locations. Calibrated InfoWorks model of existing system. Meetings: Two meetings to present/discuss the model calibration results. Assuming that the District conducts a flow monitoring program during the wet weather season for 2015/2016, the ENGINEER will run the model under existing conditions and compare the computed dry weather and wet weather flow hydrographs to observed flow monitoring data from the 2015/2016 flow monitoring programs and available SCADA flow data for pump stations and the WWTP. The scope of this task, if required, will be the same as Task 5.6, above. Assumptions: District will provide available SCADA flow data for pump stations and WWTP for use in model calibration, and verification storm events. Deliverables: InfoWorks observed versus predicted graphs comparing modeled versus monitored flows, levels, and velocities at meter locations. Calibrated InfoWorks model of existing system. li..- - � .1 .1. a .1 • The ENGINEER will develop QA /QC processes and procedures for the model build activities and document the methodology and outcomes of those quality assurance and quality control processes that were undertaken. The QA/QC process will address the model build activities as well as model calibration. Comments from the model QA /QC team suggesting changes to the model will be documented and incorporated into the model as needed. Deliverables: TM 9 - Model Build and QA/QC, draft and final. 11 • s - 11 • - 11 - 1 - • 1 • II • - 1 ! 11 ENGINEER will collate all documentation and activities undertaken to implement the new model and produce a Technical Memorandum, including any recommended additional work to further refine or improve the model. Deliverables: TM 10 - Model Implementation, draft, and final. 5.9 Training k0stgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts\Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 10 ENGINEER will provide District staff opportunity to observe or engage in (if schedule permits and required expertise has been attained) key model building tasks, and provide 40 hours of formal training to District staff (up to 3) on the use of the new InfoWorks® ICM hydraulic model. Assumptions: Budget assumes informal training and /or modeling work demonstrations during the course of the project, with about half of these sessions conducted via teleconference /webinar. Budget includes 40 hours of formal training (plus preparation time) to be conducted in 'h- or 1- day sessions toward the end of the project. ENGINEER will develop Guidance Documents for Model administration, which provide detailed, step -by -step guidance for all tasks necessary for day to day running of hydraulic analysis and updating the hydraulic model. Interviews with District staff will be conducted to develop a list of suggested guidance documents and associated content. It is anticipated that the guidance documents will consist of a series of memoranda (e.g., land use updates, model calibration refinement, running the model, viewing /interpreting results, etc.), as well as guidance on future updates and use of the model based on the future uses identified by District staff during the interviews. Assumptions: Guidance documents will be in the form of individual model memoranda on specific subjects. Budget assumes 12 such memoranda. Deliverables: Model guidance documents as described above. Meetings and Workshops: Two meetings (approx. 2 hours each) to interview and solicit input from District staff on anticipated future model applications and types of desired guidance documents. 6 DEVELOP LAND USE PLANNING INFORMATION ENGINEER will compile information related to existing and future land uses and projected development and re- development from available sources. Sources will include General Plans and relevant Specific Plans of the jurisdictions within the District's service area (Cites/Towns of Orinda, Moraga, Lafayette, Martinez, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Danville and San Ramon, Alamo, and unincorporated portions of Contra Costa County) and the Cities of Concord and Clayton that are served by the District under contract, and development information available on city /County websites. District's and City of Concord previous reports pertaining to Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS) redevelopment will also be reviewed. To the extent that the data is applicable and current, the ENGINEER will utilize any information already compiled for on -going or recent water supply and master planning studies being conducted by Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and East Bay Municipal District (EBMUD). Deliverables: Summary of available information for each planning jurisdiction (to be combined with information from planning staff meetings in Subtask 6.2). \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 11 6.2 Meet with Service Area Planning Staff ENGINEER will meet with the planning staff of the land use jurisdictions within the District's service area to discuss detailed land use plans, infill /densification areas, and projected development timing as needed to supplement or clarify the information available from existing sources and maps. Discussions will be limited to undeveloped parcels of five (5) acres and larger, plus any parcels with significant anticipated densification. The ENGINEER will also discuss latest projections for CNWS development land uses and timeline with City of Concord staff. Assumptions: One 2 -hour meeting with each planning jurisdiction (total of 12 meetings). Deliverables: Summary of available information for each planning jurisdiction (to be combined with information from review of planning documents in Subtask 6.1). 6.3 Develop Land Use Maooina ENGINEER will develop preliminary GIS land use mapping for the District's service area based on the General Plans and Specific Plans of the land use jurisdictions named above, the parcel use data contained in the District H.T.E. Sungard database system (based on County assessor parcel use codes), and any additional information on planned developments obtained through the document review and meetings in Subtasks 6.1 and 6.2. It is assumed GIS files already developed for CCWD and EBMUD studies will be made available to the District and ENGINEER for this purpose, but will require updating to incorporate more specific, parcel -based information on planned developments and redevelopment areas. The District uses an ESRI ArcGIS file format and ENGINEER shall deliver the data in that format. Additional mapping will be developed as needed for any areas not within the CCWD and EBMUD study areas (e.g., Tassajara and Dougherty Valleys in the eastern San Ramon area). Land use categories will be converted as needed to a consolidated set of categories for use in the District's Master Plan. The land use maps will be overlaid on digital aerial photography to identify currently vacant areas, and existing built areas anticipating densification, and the mapping will be annotated (attributed) with this information. Information on future CNWS development will also be incorporated in the land use mapping. Assumptions: District will facilitate obtaining available land use GIS layers and databases from CCWD and EBMUD. Based on verbal information provided by CCWD and its master plan ENGINEER, CCWD land use mapping has been developed fairly recently, is parcel- based, and reflects General Plan land uses. EBMUD land use mapping developed in 2007 was used for the District's 2010 Collection System Master Plan, and it is not known if that mapping has been updated since that time. Therefore, substantial updates may be needed to reflect more current land use plans for the jurisdictions within the EBMUD service area. Deliverables: GIS land use mapping attributed with planned land uses and anticipated development timing. TM 11 - Land use, draft and final. \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 12 Meetings: One meeting to discuss land use planning and planning assumptions. M ..,. - In conjunction with the development of the parcel loading process under Subtask 5.4, the ENGINEER will develop the procedure to incorporate future land use information into the Districts InfoWorksTM model (at the appropriate stage of model development), using 5 year increments through to a suggested build -out year that shall be developed by the ENGINEER and agreed upon by District staff at the meeting under Subtask 6.3. The ENGINEER will implement the process to create future model scenarios in InfoWorks and develop detailed procedures for District staff to make future Land Use updates to the InfoWorksTM model. Deliverables: Data for future land use scenarios incorporated into InfoWorks model. Procedures for updating future land use (to be developed as part of guidance documents in Subtask 5.10). 7 RAINFALL DEPENDENT INFLOW AND INFILTRATION The ENGINEER will use the winter 2014/2015 flow and rainfall data and winter 2015/2016 flow and rainfall data (if available) to evaluate RDI /I in the Districts collection system on a sewer shed basis upstream of each flow meter. Based on the RDI /I evaluation, sewer sheds will be prioritized in terms of RDI /I severity and compared against a baseline RDI /I considered acceptable for a high performing wastewater agency. The ENGINEER will suggest recommendations to address RDI /I in the District's collection system, including any nexus with suggested pipe replacement strategies, the Sewer System Management Plan, and State Water Resources Control Board expectations, as well on the effect on Treatment Plant energy consumption. Deliverables: TM 12 - RDI /I analysis reduction, draft and final. Meetings: Meeting to discuss RDI /I program development (may be conducted in conjunction with Workshop under Task 9). 8 LONG TERM FLOW MONITORING 8.1 Strategy and Plan ENGINEER will develop a long term flow monitoring strategy and plan to ensure the collection system hydraulic model can produce representative simulations of collection system hydraulics, and may include suggested follow -up flow monitoring activities coincident to identified capacity deficient sewer corridors, to providing continuous real time flow monitoring at several key locations in the collection system to enable the District to gain better insight into seasonal flow changes and early warning mechanism for flow disruptions or unexpected surcharging that may occur during natural disasters or severe storm events that are anticipated by climatologists to \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget\Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 13 become more common. ENGINEER will develop recommendations on the locations for long term flow monitoring. Assumptions: Follow -up flow monitoring will not be included in this scope. Follow up flow monitoring will be provided as an additional service, once it is defined. Information needs: District's data acquisition system methodology for remote flow meters. Deliverables: TM 13 - Long -Term Flow Monitoring, draft, and final. Including recommendations on long term flow monitoring locations. 9 INFRASTRUCTURE ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN ime • 1 ! 1 I=-I • 11 • 1 1 ! s # • ENGINEER will prioritize and perform structural, electrical and instrumentation, and mechanical visual condition assessments and asset inventories of the District's collection system facilities, with emphasis on Pump Stations. It is assumed that the ENGINEER will perform visual inspections of up to six (6) pump stations. The specific pump stations targeted for inspection will be determined based on discussions with District staff. Review and use, where feasible, previously completed condition assessment reports (e.g., seismic, concrete, pavement, cathodic protection, cranes, odor control equipment, etc.) to support condition assessment findings. Prioritize assets requiring advanced performance testing, predictive tools and testing, and perform additional testing on critical assets impacting major master plan recommendations. The District currently utilizes oil analysis, preventative maintenance schedules, and limited vibration analysis and thermographic imagery. Recommend additional predictive tools that may assist the District in performing future condition assessments. ENGINEER will coordinate condition assessment approach with the District's separate Asset Management Implementation Project which includes migration of the District's existing data from the District's existing computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), Mainsaver, to a new CMMS, CityWorks ®. Use existing asset inventories in the District's CMMS to the extent possible. Assumptions: The need for nondestructive tests is unknown at this time. Therefore the tests will be conducted under a separate contract, if required. Recommendations for testing will be included. Visual inspections of up to six (6) pump stations, including up to two wet wells, if drained by staff and made available for inspection. Information Needed: CMMS data and model. Previous condition assessment reports. \\Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 14 Meetings: Meeting to coordinate asset management information and condition assessment. • Meeting to review condition assessment findings and recommendations. 9.2 Pine Degradation Model Development ENGINEER will develop an approach and a model to estimate the life expectancy and residual life of a pipe. In addition, the model will predict when the pipe will reach the point of failure, or end of life. ENGINEER will use Innovyze's InfoMaster software as the basis for the development of the degradation model. ENGINEER will work with the District to evaluate and modify the current decision making process for the evaluation of pipeline defects. In preparing the model, ENGINEER will review and incorporate available District data, such as pipe attribute, CCTV scores and associated cleaning frequencies contained in District CMMS and or GIS databases, together with District's previous degradation analysis work to characterize useful life of sewer pipe the collection system. The data will be imported into InfoMaster and used for the development of the degradation analysis. The model will be developed to forecast pipeline replacements beyond the 20 -year planning program to replace all pipelines. Evaluations of models and the methodology for pipeline degradation predictions will be summarized in TM14. ENGINEER will review District's existing pipe replacement schedule and develop a pipe replacement strategy (miles /year) for the District. ENGINEER will review the District's current CCTV program (video file management and scoring convention) and recommend possible improvements to the District's CCTV program and recommend potential improvements to allow the interface with InfoMaster and the District's new CMMS (Cityworks). ENGINEER will conduct a meeting with District staff to evaluate current data flow and workflow processes, present the degradation strategy and gain consensus with District staff on the recommended approach. Assumptions: Video files will not be reviewed. It is assumed that the summaries of the video files will be used. Meetings: Meeting to review and modify degradation and decision work flow, present strategies, gain consensus on approach, and coordinate with CMMS and GIS. In conjunction with the above Pipe Degradation Models, ENGINEER will provide reporting, weighing and scoring system, and analysis tools for determining recommended near -term and long -term repair and replacement strategies to be incorporated into the Master Plan's capital improvement project recommendations. InfoMaster will be primary tool for the tasks listed above. Estimate the repair and replacement costs for existing equipment and pipe, and develop annual repair and replacement costs required to minimize the life -cycle costs for existing facilities. Identify recommended frequency of recurring condition assessment/inspection tasks. Recommend strategy for continued condition assessments. Provide training to District staff on use of the InfoMaster degradation and cost models as well as how to interpret and analyze InfoMaster Model results and output. \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 15 Assumptions: ENGINEER will subcontract with Innovyze to provide a one day (8 hour) training session on the InfoMaster software. Training will focus on specifics of the program developed for the District as well as the functionality of the software. Meetings: One day (8 hour) training session with ENGINEER and Innovyze staff on InfoMaster. ENGINEER will coordinate with District staff and the District's asset management implementation plan. ENGINEER will provide standard, site - specific templates, predictive tools, and criteria that can be utilized by District staff or contractors for future condition assessments and testing. Coordinate with District staff to provide the results in a format for incorporation into the new CMMS consistent with industry standards (e.g., ISO). Conduct a meeting to train District staff on the use of condition assessment templates. Deliverables: Condition Assessment Templates. Meetings: One meeting is assumed for training on use of templates. 9.5 Force Main Assessment men ENGINEER will develop a condition assessment program for the Districts force mains, with consideration for the physical constraints of the existing infrastructure. A tiered approach to inspection will be evaluated for more detailed or invasive inspection technologies used on force mains that are considered being of a higher risk. Planning level cost estimates for the different elements of the program will be included in the overall collection system Master Plan. 9.6 tae Diameter Pine Management ENGINEER will develop a program for managing large diameter sewer pipes (pipes 24 -inch diameter or greater, representing approximately 66 miles of the District's collection system), including recommendations for cleaning cycles and periodic condition assessment. ENGINEER will develop a tiered approach for condition assessment that may include several preliminary spot condition assessments followed by subsequent more detailed condition assessments, based on a set of predefined criteria. It is envisioned the developed program will be integrated into both the District Asset Management Program and its existing Operations cleaning program. Type of inspection and frequency of inspection, measurement criteria for triggering additional inspections and approach for that additional inspection will be developed. Review existing District reports pertaining to large diameter pipe; conduct a gap analysis and include recommendations. 9.7 Collection System Asset Management Plan ENGINEER will develop a program for future asset management incorporating the recommendations of the previous Task 9 tasks. Deliverables: TM 14 - Collection System Asset Management, draft, and final. 11Distgroupslplanning$1TP PLANNING\Projects17343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan123.0 Proposals and Contracts123.2 Contracts\CarollolScope and BudgetlExhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 16 Meetings: One meeting to review TM 9.8.1 - DEFINE INTEGRATION GOALS The ENGINEER will work with the District to define the integration goals. ENGINEER will lead a workshop to refine the initial vision and objectives for the integration of InfoMaster and CityWorks. This includes identifying what the integration is to accomplish, summarize the drivers, detail the expected outcomes, and identify how the current business processes could be modified to achieve those goals. At the workshop, staff from multiple areas of the District will be asked to participate, include information technology, operations, and maintenance management. The outcome of the workshop will be documented and approved by District Management before proceeding with next steps. 9.8.2 - DATA FLOW MAPPING The ENGINEER will conduct two (2) meetings review the summary of the District's data inventory and management program. Map the high level, wastewater - related data flows through the organization. The draft data flow map will identify where or how data is generated, where it resides, how it is used, and how it integrates with other departments in the District. 9.8.3 - REVIEW EXISTING SYSTEMS /BUSINESS PRACTICES AND IDENTIFY GAPS The ENGINEER will conduct three (3) meetings with District staff to review and develop Business Process Maps to develop an understanding of the current practices that are in place related to CCTV, CMMS operations and work order generation related to linear asset management. The workshops will focus on the current business processes related to the implementation of the Pipeline Renovation Program. The expected outcome will be to understand the existing processes, and develop an InfoMaster to CMMS workflow that results in improvements and efficiencies to the methods practiced by the District related to the implementation of rehabilitation and renovation projects. 9.8.4 - INFOMASTER - CITYWORKS INTEGRATION ENGINEER will work directly with the District IT staff, and Innovyze to configure the databases and ensure connections between InfoMaster and Cityworks. ENGINEER will configuring, and test the interface with Cityworks. ENGINEER will test connection between GIS, CCTV, InfoMaster and Cityworks, and develop and implement business process recommendations to allow data flow to InfoMaster and then ultimately to Cityworks. Recommendations would consider interfaces for service requests to work orders; inventory management and purchasing; and activity -based cost tracking. ENGINEER will provide three (3) days of intensive training on InfoMaster and Cityworks functionality as related to the recommended business processes. Assumptions: Wastewater CMMS asset data is substantially complete to the level where significant updating or revisions will not be needed. District staff would be available for meetings including IT, operations, engineering, and other critical District staff. \Qstgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects\7343 -Wastewater Treatment Plant Master PlanQ3.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 17 Deliverables: InfoMaster configured database. Training Session Materials. TM 15 - Data Flow and Business Process Recommendations TM, draft and final. ll - I - :-u i I ITIMPI I.. ENGINEER will conduct 2 workshops - 1 with staff and management (assumed 8 hours) and 1 with Board (assumed 4 hours). The Board workshop will also include a discussion of Board objectives, strategic planning, and level of service goals using similar presentation materials from the Visioning Workshop held with District staff. Topic covered at the workshops will be the same and will utilize essentially the same presentation materials. Attendance at staff workshop will include more attendees, including PD, PM, PE and up to 3 subject experts at each meeting. Board workshop attendees are assumed no more than 4 consultant team members to attend. Deliverables: Workshops agendas and presentation materials. 10 IDENTIFY AND EVALUATE REGULATORY SCENARIOS .r M. TZ . ENGINEER will identify, describe, and summarize applicable new and emerging regulatory issues, and develop regulatory scenarios that bracket the range of potential future regulatory requirements to be used in the development of master planning alternatives. Include a summary of how potential future regulatory changes may affect the District's existing operation and management of the collection system. District staff will provide a complete summary list of permits currently being tracked and monitored by the District. One of the potential scenarios may include a general discussion related to dealing with private laterals. Deliverables: TM 16 - Future Regulatory Scenarios, draft, and final. Assumptions: Evaluation will be based on regulatory trends and experiences of other agencies Information Needed: Current collection system permits. Summary of other potential permits being tracked by the District. 11 RESILIENCY ADAPTATION PLAN 11.1 Plan ENGINEER will assess potential site impacts to the wastewater collection system due to climate change, including extreme water levels and potential flooding due to high tides and extreme precipitation events. Recommend policy, design criteria, and improvements necessary to \Qstgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING\Projects\7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 18 address these impacts. Coordinate recommendations with related regional, state, and federal projects and recommendations for addressing climate change. Deliverables: TM 17 - Resiliency TM, draft, and final. Assumptions: Evaluation will be based on regulatory trends and experiences of other agencies and information readily available. No new models will be developed. Meetings: To be covered in monthly progress meeting 12 OPERATION OPTIMIZATION PLAN 12.1 Ootimization Plan ENGINEER will review operating data, conduct tours of pump stations and other major facility locations, interview operations and maintenance staff, and apply appropriate analyses and modeling to help assess improvements to the management of pumping, cleaning processes, chemical usage, and energy to: 1) reduce energy requirements; 2) reduce operation and maintenance costs; and 3) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (if applicable); and 3) maximize use of available resources. Optimization recommendations will consider existing and future recommended processes. Deliverables: TM 18 - Operation Optimization TM, draft, and final. Assumptions: Evaluation will focus on pump station requirements for existing facilities and planned collection improvements derived in Task 9. Evaluation does not include optimization of new gravity /pumped combinations to reduce overall energy costs for the collection system. Interviews with O &M staff will be conducted during condition assessment tours for Task 9. 13 EVALUATE SYSTEM HYDRAULIC PERFORMANCE 13.1 Evaluate Unit Base Wastewater Flows (BWF) The ENGINEER will review District's existing unit flow rates for Residential Single Family (RSF) and Residential Multi - Family (RMF) residences and develop any needed revisions to the District's existing unit flow rates based on the results of model calibration in Task 5. These flow rates were recently updated during the development and preparation of the 2015 Cost of Service Study. The need to use different unit flow rates for future modeling scenarios will be discussed with the District at workshops associated with assessing the District' design flow criteria under Subtask 13.2. Deliverables: TM 19 - Base Flow TM, draft, and final. \Qstgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 -Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and BudgetExhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 19 The ENGINEER will review District's existing design criteria, both storm event and d /D, and compare District's criteria to that of similar agencies. Through discussions with District staff, potential alternate criteria that should be considered will be identified. The relative risks and costs associated with existing and any alternate design criteria shall be developed and presented to the District. A workshop with District will be conducted with the intention of achieving consensus for the District's design criteria with consideration for the nexus with treatment plant design criteria. Discussions will include revisiting the hybrid design criteria approach detailed in the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board and Bay Area Clean Water Agencies Fall 2004 Workshop presentation titled "Controlling Sanitary Sewer Overflows in the San Francisco Bay Region ", that suggests 20 -year design criteria for high risk sections and a 5 -year design criteria for the remainder of the system; and how such a hybrid system might be accommodated in the new collection system model. The ENGINEER shall use a continuous simulation approach to develop potential design events for the collection system. The purpose of the continuous simulation analysis is to simulate flows based on a long period of rainfall (50 year or more) as if that rainfall occurred under existing collection system and service area conditions. This provides a statistically meaningful flow record from which to rank storm events based on the magnitude of peak flows or flow volume, and determine their return frequency. The District has used a continuous simulation approach in previous studies, for example to "calibrate" the ArcSNAP model to predicted 5- and 20 -year peak flows, as well as to analyze the tradeoffs between treatment and storage at the WWTP. The ENGINEER will use the same continuous simulation methodology as used for previous District studies. This method uses two models; the Program for Infiltration /Inflow Continuous Simulation (PICS) which generates flow from rainfall data, and the Model for Optimization of Storage and Treatment (MOST) that uses the PICS flow output to perform the statistical ranking of peak flows and volumes. The PICS model will be calibrated to several recent representative years of WWTP flows to develop a relationship between rainfall and 1/1 that can be applied to a long -term rainfall record. The resulting MOST statistics will create a ranking of peak flows that can be used to identify specific historical rainfall events that represent desired peak flow return periods. These rainfall events can then be applied in the InfoWorks hydraulic model to simulate the flows in the collection system representing the selected design event return period (e.g., 5 -, 10 -, or 20- year). Assumptions: ENGINEER will utilize the services of SUBENGINEER Talavera & Richardson for the continuous simulation analysis work based on their extensive familiarity with PICS /MOST models and previous experience performing this work for the District. Meetings: Two, half -day meetings with District staff on design flow criteria. One of these meetings will be held in conjunction with the WWTP Master Plan. The ENGINEER will review District's collection system capacity deficiency criteria against those of similar agencies. Through discussions with District staff, potential alternate criteria that should be considered will be identified. Model runs will be used to evaluate the extent of the system that would violate such criteria (e.g., exceed maximum surcharge or minimum freeboard levels, exceed maximum force main velocities). Based on these model runs, relative risks and costs \\Distgroups \planningVP PLANNING\Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 20 associated with any alternative capacity deficiency criteria shall be developed and presented to the District. A meeting with District will be conducted with the intention of achieving consensus for the District's capacity deficiency criteria for the collection system. Deliverables: TM 20 - Design Criteria, draft, and final. Meetings: Half -day meeting with District staff on capacity deficiency criteria (may be combined with one of the Subtask 13.2 meetings) 13.4 Puma Stations Hydraulic Capacity The ENGINEER will review District's existing documentation on its Pump Stations, interview staff, incorporate model hydraulic information and capacity deficiency and design criteria to confirm the existing the hydraulic capacity of the Pump Stations, and the capacity of the pump stations to meet build -out and design event criteria, using the Districts existing Reliable Pumping Capacity criteria. Meetings: Included in meeting under Subtask 13.5. Using the capacity deficiency and design criteria agreed upon by District, the ENGINEER will conduct model simulations to identify and evaluate the hydraulic performance of the collection system, for both existing and future conditions. Thematic maps will be generated to present the model results graphically, along with tabular output from the model runs. Where schedule permits, District staff will be engaged in the capacity evaluation process and provided hands -on opportunities if appropriate. Where schedule does not permit, District staff shall be given opportunity to observe ENGINEER engineers (via webinar or at ENGINEER's office) undertaking modeling related tasks throughout the project and particularly at key steps in the capacity evaluation process where District staff can gain important learning and skills development. The modeling will also identify pipes that may have insufficient flushing velocities or flow irregularities under dry weather flow conditions and flag them. This information, together with CCTV, maintenance scores and pipe age may be considered in developing final solutions for the Collection System Master Plan. Assumptions: The budget for providing support or demonstrations of modeling work under this Subtask is included in the budget for informal training /demonstrations under Subtask 5.9. Deliverables: Thematic maps and model hydraulic profiles showing areas of capacity deficiencies. Meetings: Two 2 to 3 -hour meetings with District staff to present and discuss model results. OistgroulaMplanning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects\7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 21 Where the model predicts potential overflows on trunk sewers or interceptor sewers during the design event, the ENGINEER will investigate the potential fate of those simulated sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) to assist in prioritizing Capital Projects. This analysis would likely be based on review of area maps and topography to identify proximity to drainage channels and creeks. If useful and appropriate, InfoWorks® ICM 2D component may be used to model extent and consequence of flooding in terms of the SSO reaching waters of the state, or other sensitive areas. Deliverables: Maps showing drainage channels and creeks that could be impacted by model - predicted wet weather SSOs. Meetings: • Included in Subtask 13.5. 13.7 Develop and Model Preliminary Cana i y Solutinnc The ENGINEER will develop potential solutions for capacity deficiencies identified previously using the InfoWorks® ICM model, and confirm those solutions using the InfoWorks® ICM model. Solutions presented will be the most viable alternatives and may include altering existing flow diversion structures, include new flow diversions, upsizing existing sewers or new sewer alignments, or taking advantage of any identified storage capacity within the collection system. The ENGINEER will conduct a capacity analysis workshop with District staff to discuss findings of the analysis and reach a consensus on appropriate solutions which will be developed in further detail in Task 14. Deliverables: Maps and model hydraulic profiles showing preliminary solutions. • TM 21 - Capacity, draft, and final. 13.8 Alternatives Workshops ENGINEER will conduct 2 workshops - 1 with staff and management (assumed 8 hours) and 1 with Board (assumed 4 hours). Topic covered at the workshops will be the same and will utilize essentially the same presentation materials. Attendance at staff workshop will include more attendees, including PD, PM, PE and up to 3 subject experts at each meeting. Board workshop attendees are assumed no more than 4 consultant team members to attend. Deliverables: Workshops agendas and presentation materials. 14 DEVELOP RECOMMENDED MASTER PLAN PROGRAM 14.1 Develop and Evaluate Project Alternatives ENGINEER will evaluate project alternatives using the economic and non - economic evaluation criteria developed in Task 1. The evaluation will consider the availability of suitable construction corridors, condition of existing pipes based on available information, constructability issues, traffic concerns, public and environmental impact. ENGINEER may use available utility maps \Qstgroups \planning$\TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 22 and as -built drawings to research potential critical utility conflicts that could represent "fatal flaws" to the proposed sewer alignments. Finalize descriptions, diagrams, layouts, site plans showing existing and future facilities, cost estimates, and preliminary design criteria for the top ranked master plan alternative. ■ 11•.- • •� a .. ffftVETff= If hydraulic relief is required for top ranked project alternatives, the ENGINEER will incorporate recommended projects into the InfoWorks® ICM model and run the model to confirm the proposed projects address the hydraulic issues. The modeling will also confirm and refine downstream flows in the existing collection system to identify any additional potential capacity issues that need to be addressed as a result of the proposed alternatives. The ENGINEER will identify any recommended follow -up flow monitoring, field investigations or other analyses for future validation of recommended capacity improvement projects. Deliverables: Maps and model hydraulic profiles showing proposed solutions. 14.3 Capital Improvement Plan ENGINEER will develop a capital improvement plan (CIP) showing the timing and phasing of all capital improvement projects in the 20 -year planning horizon with particular emphasis on the first ten years of the planning horizon. The CIP will be organized to identify linkages among the major capital improvement projects and repair and replacement projects such that the projects can be re -sorted and re- scheduled as changes in planning assumptions and need occur. Coordinate the recommended capital improvements with the District's existing Capital Improvement Plan to provide an overall comprehensive capital improvement plan. Identify triggers for starting piloting (if applicable), preliminary design, design, and construction of the recommended capital improvement projects in order to determine efficient "just -in- time" project implementation. Identify policies, programs, and guidelines to address overall program implementation including project prioritizations (for example weighting likelihood of failure and consequence of failure), implementation costs, project delivery methods, potential funding sources, and an estimated schedule for implementing plan elements. Assumptions: CIP will be limited to the 20 -year planning horizon. Deliverables: • TM 22 - Recommendations, draft, and final. • CIP spreadsheets. • Schedule and recommended project phasing. • Cash flow spread sheet and chart. Meetings: Two 2 to 3 -hour meetings with District staff to present and discuss CIP. \Qstgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts\23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 23 14.4 Recommendations /CIP Workshops ENGINEER will conduct 2 workshops - 1 with staff and management (assumed 8 hours) and 1 with Board (assumed 4 hours). Topic covered at the workshops will be the same and will utilize essentially the same presentation materials. Attendance at staff workshop will include more attendees, including PD, PM, PE and up to 3 subject experts at each meeting. Board workshop attendees are assumed no more than 4 consultant team members to attend. Deliverables: Workshops agendas and presentation materials. 15 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 15.1 Financial Analysis Support ENGINEER will assist the District to develop an updated financial plan that identifies the annual revenue requirements and rates and fees analysis over the planning horizon, with emphasis on the first ten years. The financial analysis will build upon the District's newly developed rate model. Provide annual flow and waste load allocations for the recommended capital improvement plan to perform the financial analyses. The financial analysis will consider the debt - structure funding strategy, including pay -as- you -go and debt financing; allocations of costs to billable constituents and to user categories; near- and long -term capital and operational needs; as well as potential impacts on customer classes due to modifications of the rate structures. The results of the revenue requirement will define what levels of rate increases are necessary in order to fund ongoing expenditures, identified capital needs, meet the District's policy goals, and adhere to Proposition 218 and California Government Code §66000 requirements. Assumptions: District will perform the rate modeling either through a separate contract or through use of District Staff. ENGINEER will provide input parameters for the model. Information Needs: Rate model. District financial data including revenue and costs. Deliverables: None — Financial analysis will be incorporated into Recommendations TM and the Master Plan Reports. Meetings: Up to two meetings with District staff responsible for financial plan and rates. 16 PREPARE MASTER PLAN DOCUMENTS ENGINEER will prepare technical memoranda (TMs) throughout the master planning process. Organize and provide the TMs as a standalone appendix to the Collection System Master Plan. Summarize the major findings, recommendations, and conclusions of the TMs into a comprehensive master plan summary report with an executive summary. Include one -page \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects\7343 -Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan \23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 24 capital improvement summary sheets in the appendix to the Master Plan for each recommended capital improvement project. ENGINEER will develop an additional executive summary for the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan that summarizes the major findings, recommendations, and conclusions of both the Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan and the Collection System Master Plan. Assumptions: Executive Summary will be a joint document covering both treatment and collection system recommendations. Information Needs: • None. Deliverables: • Draft Master Plan. • Final Master Plan. • Executive Summary. Meetings: One meeting to review comments on draft master plan and executive summary. 17 ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION 17.1 Strategy for Environmental Compliance Once the Recommended Program and Projects are determined, ENGINEER will develop a strategy for complying with the environmental documentation required to implement the recommended capital improvement program. Different CEQA vehicles will be considered for use depending on the type, location, and timing of the projects. CEQA documentation vehicles or strategies may include Categorical exemption, Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), project specific Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and a Programmatic EIR. One strategy may be to group immediate need projects that are replacement of existing infrastructure that are categorically exempt from CEQA (likely those at the plant) and to group other immediate need projects (likely those in the collection system) into an MND . These projects may then proceed right away while a programmatic EIR is underway for the longer term recommended improvements. ENGINEER will hold one meeting with District Staff to review and discuss draft findings and recommendations. This meeting will be held in conjunction with the treatment plant meeting. Assumptions: Scope and level of effort does not include engineering support of CEQA document preparation. Only a strategy for CEQA will be provided. Specific CEQA project scopes and budgets can be prepared separately as the appropriate level of project detail is available. One meeting on CEQA strategy. Information Needs: Information on past environmental documentation efforts including success or challenges from use of different CEQA vehicles (e.g., categorically exempt, mitigated negative declaration or EIR). \ \Distgroups \planning$ \TP PLANNING \Projects \7343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan\23.0 Proposals and Contracts \23.2 Contracts \Carollo \Scope and Budget \Exhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 25 Deliverables: TM 23 - Environmental Documentation Strategy Draft and Final TM, draft and final. 11Distgroupslplanning$1TP PLANNING1Projects17343 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan123.0 Proposals and Contracts123.2 Contracts\Carollo\Scope and BudgetlExhibit A2 (CS MP Scope).docx 26 EXHIBIT B1 - CCCSD WWTP Master Plan Fee Task Task Description CAROLLO Total Labor Hours Subtotal CH2M Hill Total Labor Hours Subtotal Katz Total Labor Hours Subtotal LWA Total Labor Hours Subtotal OTHER SUBS Subtotal ODC Subtotal TOTAL 1.0 Planning Objectives and Approach Subtotal Task 1.0 720 $ 170,270 446 $ 103,995 8 $ 1,920 16 $ 4,640 $ $ 30,622 $ 311,447 2.0 QA/QC Plan Subtotal Task 2.0 218 $ 65,622 150 $ 42,294 0 ; 0 $ $ $ 5,665 $ 103,381 3.0 Community Outreach Subtotal Task 3.0 116 $ 27,745 59 $ 14,725 447 $ 89,190 0 $ $ $ 6,907 $ 138,567 4.0 Evaluate Existing Information Subtotal Task 4.0 162 $ 34,658 100 $ 22,076 0 $ 0 $ $ $ 3,599 $ 60,333 5.0 Flow and Load Analysis Subtotal Task 5.0 190 $ 34,638 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ $ $ 2,223 $ 36,861 6.0 Existing Facilities Analysis Subtotal Task 6.0 628 $ 143,362 574 $ 126,982 0 $ 0 $ $ 10,000 $ 21,141 $ 301,485 7.0 Condition Assessments Subtotal Task 7.0 150 $ 34006 524 $ 112,436 0 $ 0 $ $ $ 30,521 $ 176,963 8.0 Recycled Water Facilities Evaluation Subtotal Task 8.0 764 $ 169,266 88 $ 16,720 0 $ 0 $ $ 10,000 $ 20,403 $ 208,389 9.0 Identify and Evaluate Regulatory Scenarios Subtotal Task 9.0 88 $ 17,160 68 $ 16,180 0 $ 120 $ 31,200 $ $ 3,807 $ 68,347 10.0 Evaluate Immediate and Future Needs Subtotal Task 10.0 272 $ 58,404 148 $ 32,580 0 $ 0 $ $ $ 5,699 $ 96,683 11.0 Identify and Develop Project Alternatives Subtotal Task 11.0 688 $ 158,664 672 $ 149,272 0 $ 16 $ 4,640 $ $ 23,277 $ 335,853 12.0 Develop Recommended Master Plan Program Subtotal Task 12.0 454 $ 97,854 216 $ 50,192 0 $ 0 $ $ $ 12,617 $ 160,663 13.0 Financial Analysis Subtotal Task 13.0 148 $ 35,232 34 $ 8,550 0 $ 0 $ $ $ 2,363 $ 46,145 14.0 Research and Development Subtotal Task 14.0 66 $ 16,074 68 $ 8,090 0 $ 0 $ $ $ 1,585 $ 25,749 15.0 Prepare Master Plan Documents Subtotal Task 16.0 490 $ 96,380 214 $ 43,134 0 $ 32 $ 8,200 $ $ 9,584 $ 157,298 16.0 Environmental Documentation Subtotal Task 16.0 16 $ 3,816 48 $ 11'088 0 $ 0 $ $ $ 1,030 $ 16,934 TOTAL 5,170 $1,143,051 3,408 $ 760,314 455 $ 91,110 184 $ 48,680 $ 20,000 $ 180,942 $ 2,244,097 EXHIBIT B2 - CCCSD Collection System Master Plan Fee CAROLLO CH2M Hill Katz RMC OTHER ODC Total Labor Total Labor Total Labor Total Labor SUBS Task Task Description Hours Subtotal Hours Subtotal Hours Subtotal Hours Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal TOTAL 1.o Planning Objectives and Approach 2.0 Subtotal Task 1.0 QA/QC Plan 537 $ 130,263 48 $ 34,238 0 $ - 36 $ 10,620 $ $ 8,814 $ 183,926 Subtotal Task 2.0 36 $ 9,828 216 $ 61,560 0 $ - o $ S S 4,796 $ 78,183 3.0 Community Outreach Subtotal Task 3 .0 81 $ 19,398 31 $ 7,961 24 8 $ 46,860 0 $ $ - $ 3,826 $ 77,044 4.0 Evaluate Existing Information Subtotal Task 4.0 208 $ 37,536 0 $ - 0 $ - 16 $ 4,360 $ - $ 2,662 $ 44,648 5.0 Hydraulic Model Subtotal Task 6.0 242 $ 57,466 160 $ 34,400 0 $ 1732 $ 369,122 $ 65,000 S 28,218 $ 632,206 6.0 Develop Land Use Planning Information Subtotal Task 6.0 16 $ 4,368 0 $ 0 E 304 $ 66,240 $ - S 3,449 $ 73,067 7.0 Rainfall Dependent 18.1 Subtotal Task 7.0 28 $ 6,640 0 $ 0 $ 48 $ 11,040 $ - $ 880 $ 18,560 8.0 Long Term Flow Monitoring Subtotal Task 8.0 6 $ 1,380 0 $ - 0 - 32 $ 7,360 $ $ 438 9.0 Infrastructure Management 10.0 Subtotal Task 9.0 Identify and Evaluate Regulatory Scenarios 936 $ 201,406 66 $ 17,727 0 $ - 0 $ - $ 28,000 $ 14,485 $ 261,818 Subtotal Task 10.0 88 S 19,044 8 S 2,280 0 $ 0 $ $ $ 1,192 $ 22,616 11.0 Resiliency Adaptation Plan Subtotal Task 11.0 76 $ 14,264 36 $ 8,660 0 $ - 0 S $ $ 1,638 S 24,462 12.0 Optimization Subtotal Task 12.0 140 $ 29,168 4 $ 1,140 0 $ 0 $ - $ $ 1,719 $ 32,027 13.0 Evaluate System Hydraulic Performance 14.0 Subtotal Task 13.0 Develop Recommended Master Plan Program 242 S 68,826 21 $ 6,187 0 $ 366 $ 79,898 S 14,000 $ 7,912 $ 166,623 15.0 Subtotal Task 14.0 Financial Analysis 498 $ 104,822 21 S 6,187 0 S - 112 $ 21,660 $ - S 7,290 $ 138,869 Subtotal Task 16.0 60 $ 12,820 0 $ 0 S 0 $ $ S 702 $ 13,622 16.0 Prepare Master Plan Documents Subtotal Task 16.0 462 S 97,926 24 S 6,840 0 $ 0 S - $ - $ 6,891 S 110,667 17.0 Environmental Documentation Subtotal Task 17.0 24 $ 6,208 42 $ 9,682 0 1 $ 0 $ $ S 1,017 S 16,907 TOTALS 3,680 $ 811,153 676 $ 194,862 246 $ 45,860 2,646 $ 559,200 97,000 $ 92,816 $ 1,801 891 APPENDIX 131 AND B2 FEE SCHEDULE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN FEE SCHEDULE As of March 1, 2015 Carollo Engineers Hourly Rate PD /PIC /QC $273 PM $273 SE $252 DE $230 PE $194 AE $159 G /GIS $135 S $106 PECE's (per hour) $11.70 CH2M Hill PIC /QC $285 PM $247 SE $247 DE $215 PE $195 AE $145 G /GIS $145 S $97 PC (per hour) $6 Katz & Associates PIC $240 SE $200 DE $130 RMC, Inc. PIC /PM $295 SE $282 DE $250 PE $165 Larry Walker & Associates (LWA) PIC $290 SE $245 Other Direct Expenses Travel and Subsistence at cost Mileage at IRS Reimbursement Rate: Effective January 1, 2015 $0.575 Subconsultant cost + 5% Other direct costs cost + 10% Expert Witness Rate x 3.0 Legend: PIC = Principle in Charge QC = Quality Control PD = Project Director PM = Project Manager SE = Subject Expert DE = Discipline Expert PE = Professional Engineer AE = Assistant Engineer S = Support Staff G /GIS = Graphics PECE (Carollo Engineers) = Project Equipment Communications Expense PC (CH2M -Hill) = Project Charge Note: Billing rate escalation is included in the proposed fee. During the course of the agreement, billing rates may not be escalated unless the project proposed schedule is significantly extended, at which time, new rates may be incorporated into the agreement; however, the cost ceiling shall remain the same. EXHIBIT C - COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN - PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE p Workshop • Meeting Deliverable ccatl0515s1.8i 2015 2016 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec WWTP MASTER PLAN TM1 TM2 TM3 1 Planning Objectives Q Kickoff Meetings /Management 2 OA/OC_' a - T 4 3 Community Outreach M Outreach elan 4 Existing Information TM5 TMB 5 Flow and Loads TM7 TMB 6 Existing Facilities Torn, tl- 7 Condition Assessment Tmr late �`[ I TMs 8 Recycled Water R*'F- _. _ _ .I TWO 9 Regulatory r7 TMn 10 Immediate/Future Needs I TM12 11.113 11 Project Alternatives 1Tnta 12 Recommendation 13 Financial w1! 14 Research Grate Final 15 Master Plan Documents 11,115 16 Environmental Documents COLLECTION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN TMi TM2 tr.13 1 Planning Objectives ! Meetings /Management 2 OA/0C TM4 3 Community Outreach 4 Existing Information Tmniig ModelTrelning Guidance 1M6 TM7 TM8 TM9 TM10 Does Sessions Does 5 Hydraulic Model � 6 Landuse Planning TM11 7 Rainfall Dependent I/I TMt2 8 Long -Term Flow Monitoring 1M13 T,4 TM15 9 Infrastructure Asset Management TM16 10 Regulatory Scenarios 11 Resiliency Adaptation TM17 TM18 12 Operations Plan Optimization TM21 13 System Performance ���mmonwi� TM19 TM20 TM22 14 Recommendations 15 Financial Drah Final 16 Master Plan Documents � � TM23 17 Environmental Documents p Workshop • Meeting Deliverable ccatl0515s1.8i EXHIBIT D COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN ORG CHART Jamel Demir, P.E. - Lead Treatment Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA Rick Nelson, P.E. - Lead Collection System CH2M HILL/Kansas City, MO Lydia Holmes, P.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek. CA Rod Reardon, P.E., BCEE Carollo /Orlando, FL Andy Salveson, P.E. Carollo,Walnut Creek Peter Burrowes, P.E. CH2M HILL/Ontario, Canada Jay Surti, P.E. CH2M HILL/Parsippany, NJ Jay Witherspoon CH2M HILL/San Francisco, CA Peter Burrowes, P.E. CH21V HILUOntario, Canada Jay Surti, P.E. CH2M HILL/Parsippany, NJ Dru Whitlock, P.E. CH2M HILL/Salt Lake City, UT Jeff Sanford, P.E. CH2M HILUSoartanbura. SC Project Master Plan . Principals Steve McDonald, P.E. Jim Hagstrom, P.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA Rich Pyle, P.E. CH2M HILL/San Diego, CA Tom Gmvhoug Walker Associates /Davis. CA Robb Grantham CarolloiWalnut Creek Glen Daigger, Ph.D., P.E. CH2M HILL/Denver, CO Sara Katz Katz & Associates/San Diego. CA Mike Britten, P.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA Gisa Ju, P.E. RMC/Walnut Creek, CA Tim Loper, P.E. Carollo /Fresno, CA Mike Fleury, P.E., BCEE Carollo /Las Vegas, NV Jose Villalobos, P.E. V&A/Oakland, CA EXHIBIT D COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN ORG CHART (continued) Process Modeling Andre Gharagozian, P.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA Treatment Plant Operations Dennis Burrell, P.E. CH2M HILL/Sacramento, CA Treatment Plant Hydraulic Modeling James Wickstrom, P.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA Civil Engineering Ryan Hook, P.E. Carollo /Sacramento, CA Structural Engineering Mike Dadik, P.E., S.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA Corrosion Engineering Rod Jackson, P.E. CH2M HILL/Sacramento, CA Cathodic Protection Rod Jackson, P.E. CH2M HILL/Sacramento, CA Vibration Analysis Anthony Naimey, P.E. CH2M HILL/Santa Ana, CA Large Capacity Pumps Todd Yamello, P.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA Large Capacity Electrical and Steam - Driven Centrifugal Blowers Sarwan Wason, P.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek. CA Large Collection System Pipelines Anne Prudhel, P.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA Trenchless Technologies for Sewer Tim Taylor, P.E. Carollo /Sacramento, CA Hot Water, Boilers. and Steam Systems Tom Mossigner, P.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA HVAC Systems Bill Misslin, P.E. CH2M HILL /Redding, CA Electrical Engineering Chris Carvalho, P.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA Power Distribution and High Voltage Switchgears Chris Carvalho, P.E. Carollo/Walnut Creek, CA Power Generation, Co- Generation, and Combined Heat /Recovery Aaron Hall, P.E. CH2M HILL/Henderson, NV Alternative Energy Jaya Johnson CH2M HILL/Dallas /Fort Worth, TX Instrumentation and Controls Ben Francis, RE. CH2M HILL1Redding, CA SCADA and Programming Ben Francis, P.E. CH2M HILL /Redding, CA Odor Control Scott Cowden, P.E. CH2M HILL /Corvallis, OR Tertiary Filtration Keith Bourgeous, Ph.D., P.E. Carollo /Sacramento, CA GIS /ESRI Cathy Greenman, P.E. RMC /San Jose, CA Environmental Site Assessment John Blasco, SWPPP CH2M HILL/Oakland, CA ,mental Documentation Andrea Gardner, PMP, LEED, AP BD +C CH2M HILL/Oakland, CA Surveying Bill Fox, P.E., P.L.S. CH21VI HILL/Redding, CA Geotechnicai Engineering Andrew Finney, P.E. CH2M HILL/Sacramento, CA Item No. 4 COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN REEP Committee Meeting May 27, 2015 Jean -Marc Petit, Director of Engineering Nathan Hodges, Prov. Senior Engineer Dan Frost, Associate Engineer Justin Waples, Assistant Engineer 4-& M. __ U4 z - �' m. � . N &I Protectinq Public Healfh and the Environment Agenda • Master Plan Drivers • Collection System Master Plan Needs • Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan Needs • Master Plan Approach • Master Plan Budget • Consultant Selection Process • Master Plan Schedule • Outreach & Recommendation Master Plan Drivers This Master Plan will confirm CIP needs $1,500 $1,250 $1.000 2 $750 o $500 U a. G $250 $0 for the next 20+ years FY14/15 FY15/16 Approx. 20-Year 10 -Year CIP 10 -Year CIP CIP CIP Drivers Optimization Capacity Regulatory R &R Collection System Master Plan Needs The Collection System Master Plan will incorporate piping replacement goals and confirm capacity expansion projects The new dynamic model will confirm near - term and future capacity improvements Accurate Flow Simulations w Simulate Pump Stations Wet V V �uU 1�1 Management WWTP Hydraulics InfoMaster will allow for dynamic planning, integrated with the District's GIS and CMMS systems InfoMaste_ rte, , Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan Needs The Treatment Plant Master Plan will incorporate R &R needs with regulatory, energy, and capacity drivers CCTV Data GHG Model RWQCB Studies rp' Energy ArcSnap/ Mgmt InfoWorks ` `a Plans Models Collection Plant of System the Future Cleaning Reports Data Odor Control Plans Past j Col lectio System Master IL Plans OW $ANT BioWin Model Pilot Projects Hydraulic Capacity Force Main Assessment Solids Handling Facilities Plans Past Condition Assessmentsi F TIP Capacity Site' - ►Studies Planning . Reports 0 The Master Plans will maximize use of existing resources & previous studies This project will provide the District with a clear direction 0 Confirm CIP Projects, Costs, and Site Layouts — O—Clarity to CIP Project Inter - Dependencies & Priorities 0 Coordinate Project Schedules & Predesign /Piloting Needs OConfirm 0 &M /Energy Management Strategies ' Accelerate Condition Assessments /Implement Asset Mgmt. Plan Align with Strategic Goals The Master Plan will use proven planning processes that will provide a comprehensive plan for our future Mawmize Existing ASSESS Infrastructure 1. Condition 2. Capacity 3. Reliability ® IDENTIFY GAPS, OPTIONS STRATEGIZE 1. Regulations 2. Risks 3. Needs 4. Opportunities Innovatron/ Leadership Master Plan Budget This project will coordinate several major master planning efforts Dynamic Collection Treatment — Recycled System Plant Master y System Master Plan I Plan — Water Model Consultant's Level of Effort Dynamic CS Master TP Master Recycled Model Plan Plan !_: Water $0.53M $1.12M $1.86M $0.2M Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan $4.04M Treatment Plant Planning (Staff time) $265,000 $265.000 $530,000 Treatment Plant Master Plan $1.400.000 $800,000 $2.200.000 Filter Plant (Recycled Water Capacity) $200.000 $150,000 $350,000 Collection System Modeling Upgrade $401.600 $200,000 $601,600 Collection System Planning (Staff time) $169.000 $200,000 $369,000 Collection System Master Plan $600,000 $600,000 $1,200,000 $3,035,600 $2,215,000 55,250,600 13 Consultant Selection Process A Request for Qualifications was broadcasted to the Consulting Community RFQ -> RFP -> Interviews 4 Qualified Teams Competed COMPREHENSi I / it Carollo /CH2MHill Team Selected as Top Ranked Team Master Plan Schedule Master Plan implementation is a high priority for the District Jan. July Jan. July Jan. 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 RFQ Process RFP Process Interviews Finalize Agreement /NTP CS Model Condition Assessments CS Master Plan TP Master Plan Master Plan implementation is a high priority for the District Outreach & Recommendation The outreach plan will address what the District and public care about... Ongoing rate Education increases Public WIIFM? Input Sustainability and Reuse Protectingthe Environmer; Affordabilit• Impacts during constructs Public Health Committee & Board Support of the Master Plan is critical �. District Staff Recommends... ...that the Board Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for professional engineering services to develop the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan for an amount not to exceed $4,044,988, and find that the agreement is exempt from CEQA Questions?