HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a. Award construction contract for Concord Landscape Project, Phase 2 (Recycled Water Customer Connections), DP 7299ACentral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS S. 61. - POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 7, 2015 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXCECUTE A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH JW BACKHOE & CONSTRUCTION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT PHASE 2 (RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS), DISTRICT PROJECT 7299A Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Nathan Hodges Engineering & Technical Services / Provisional Senior Engineer Planning & Development Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Gemmell — Planning & Development Division Manager JM. Petit— Director of Engineering & Technical Services K. Alm Roger S. Baile Counsel for the District General Manag ISSUE: On April 15, 2015, two sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Concord Landscape Project Phase 2 (Recycled Water Customer Connections), District Project (DP) 7299A. The District must award the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to favorable review of insurance certificates, bond submittals, appropriate Contractor license, and any other required submittals. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total estimated project budget for the customer connections is $299,000 which includes pre -bid expenditures (planning and design), bid price, contingency and construction management. This project is included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 -15 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB), Recycled Water Program, under the Concord Landscape Project. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of Directors may decline to award the construction contract and reject all bids. This is not recommended as more time and effort would be required by staff to connect customers one at a time, and we are implementing this project as part of our continued effort to comply with our Proposition 84 grant requirements. BACKGROUND: Main Line Construction (DP 7299) The Concord Landscape Project, DP 7299, began in March 2013 and construction was completed March 2014. Approximately 2.5 miles of recycled water distribution mains in the Diamond and Meridian Park Boulevard area of Concord were installed. The work included extending recycled water service laterals. Customer connections to the C:\ Users \dandersonWppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \PP Award DP 7299A 5 -7 -15 Final.docx Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 7, 2015 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXCECUTE A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH JW BACKHOE & CONSTRUCTION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT PHASE 2 (RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS), DISTRICT PROJECT 7299A recycled water main line would be completed in a separate, second phase. The Willowick Business Park, located on Burnett Avenue, was extended to the point of connection as a change order to the construction contract. The District applied for and was awarded a $1,030,000 Proposition 84 Implementation Grant from the State Department of Water Resources for the main line project. To date, the District has received $978,500 from the grant and is awaiting receipt of the 5% retention. One of the conditions of the Proposition 84 grant requires the District to connect up to 34 potential customers that can be served cost effectively by the recycled water mains constructed with the grant funds. With Phase 2 of the Concord Landscape Project, the District is implementing 10 cost effective connections. Customer Connections (DP 7299A) Since the completion of the main line in March 2014, staff has continued efforts to comply with the Proposition 84 grant conditions to connect customers. See Attachment 1 for a summary table of the status of potential customer connections in the project area. Three sites have connected or are in the process of connecting prior to when DP 7299A was bid out, including Willowick Business Park, Chevron and a single median for the City of Concord. Chevron, the largest recycled water user with 12.6 million gallons annually, made the connection with their own forces due to security issues onsite and will receive credit up to the price of the retrofit cost in their recycled water bill. The construction contract award discussed in this position paper will connect 10 additional sites in the project area that do not require upgraded backflow prevention devices on their fire service lines (see Attachment 2 for Location Map). Three additional medians for the City of Concord are also included with this phase. This connection work will provide approximately 5.3 million gallons of recycled water demand annually. Also included in the project is the conversion of existing water meters from manual reading to a touch read system to simplify the current practice of reading meters. The remaining 24 potential sites are not being connected at this time for a variety of reasons. Some sites require installation of a backflow device on the fire service line that adds considerable cost to their connection. Other sites do not have available water pressure in the event a backflow device is installed. And yet another group of sites are under redevelopment or would require upgrades to their fire service system including backflow devices and fire lines. C: \Users\danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \PP Award DP 7299A 5 -7 -15 Final (2).docx Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 7, 2015 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXCECUTE A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH JW BACKHOE & CONSTRUCTION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT PHASE 2 (RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS), DISTRICT PROJECT 7299A District staff and Russell D. Mitchell Associates, Inc. (Irrigation Consultant) prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The Engineer's estimate for construction of the Concord Landscape Project Phase 2 (Recycled Water Customer Connections), DP 7299A is $77,000. This project was advertised on March 26 and April 1, 2015. Two sealed bids, ranging from $89,700 to $115,454 were received and publicly opened on April 15, 2015. Staff conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that JW Backhoe & Construction, Inc. is the lowest responsive bidder with a bid amount of $89,700. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 3. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide contract administration, inspection, office engineering, and submittal review. To date, the Concord Landscape project has a total project budget of $3,915,000 as authorized by the Board of Directors at its meeting on March 21, 2013. The project has about $100,000 remaining in the budget as of March 31, 2015. The additional funds required to complete the costumer connections, as shown in Attachment 4, is estimated at $50,000. The new total project budget will be estimated at $3,965,000. The estimated total project budget in the FY 2014 -15 CIB is $4,268,300. This project is included in the FY 2014 -15 (CIB) on page RW -03. Staff has conducted a budget analysis of the FY 2014 -15 Recycled Water Program budget and concluded that adequate funds are available as shown below: FY 2014 -15 Allocation Budget for ReW Program Authorized Estimated Allocations for ReW Projects $ 541,025 Supplemental Board Authorizations $ 0 Allocations Returned from closeouts $ 0 Total Board Authorized Allocations for ReW Program $ 541,025 FY 2014 -15 Allocations to Date $ 0 This Allocation for DP 7299A $ 50,000 Remaining unallocated Budget for ReW Program $ 491,025 At its March 19, 2009 meeting, the District's Board of Directors independently found that the Concord Recycled Water Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CCCSD CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). A Notice of Exemption was filed with the Contra Costa County Clerk. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This position paper was not presented at the Engineering & Operations Committee in order to accelerate the award process and start construction as soon as possible. The C:\ Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \PP Award DP 7299A 5 -7 -15 Final (2).docx Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: May 7, 2015 Subject-" AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXCECUTE A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH JW BACKHOE & CONSTRUCTION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT PHASE 2 (RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS), DISTRICT PROJECT 7299A award of this contract is within the General Manager's authority for capital improvement construction contracts, however, staff is presenting the matter to the full Board for their consideration and /or approval due to the possibility this contract could go over the $100,000 General Manager authority due to any unforeseen conditions /change orders. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends the following: 1. Authorize the General Manager to execute a construction contract in the amount of $89,700 for the construction of the Concord Landscape Project Phase 2 (Recycled Water Customer Connections), DP 7299A, to JW Backhoe & Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder. Attached Supporting Document. 1. Summary Table — Potential Customer Connections 2. Location Map 3. Summary of Bids 4. Post -Bid / Preconstruction Estimate C:\ Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \PP Award DP 7299A 5 -7 -15 Final (2).docx Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT PHASE 2 (RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS) DISTRICT PROJECT 7299A SUMMARY TABLE - POTENTIAL CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS Category No. Rew Customer Name Estimated Annual ReW Volume allons Estimated Rew Connection Cost $ Additional Backflow Cost �S) 1 Previous) Connected 1. Chevron Office Park 12.594.979 S78,000 2. City of Concord Medians #12 in Willow Way 186.604 $2,560 3. Willowwick Business Park` 4,056,675 S29,000 52,500 Subtotal 16,838,258 S109.560 S2,500 2 Current Connections 7299A 1. City of Concord Medians #10 233.647 2. Citv of Concord Medians #15a.b 400,649 3. City of Concord Medians #22 Burnett, Diamond, Gala 1.405,018 4.2280 Diamond Blvd (Security Owners Corporation) 339.494 5. 2290 Diamond Blvd Bellecci & Associates 154,458 6. Seafood Citv 640.569 7. DMV 1.168.235 8. California Teachers Association 120,744 9. Future Hvundai 182.684 10. Future Ford 625.672 Subtotal 5.271,170 589,700 3 Remaining Connections with Backflow Upgrades)** 1. Ashlev Furniture 2.014.224 529.500 2. AAA Insurance 574,709 523.500 3. Hilton Hotel 3,293.010 555.400 4. Post Office 646.057 541,700 Subtotal 6,528,000 $150,100 4 Potential Future Connections 1. Tachi Sushi (Formerly Paradise 33' 901,658 $4,800 TBD 2. Restaurant Former Marie Callenders ' 1.567,316 $4,800 TBD 3. Hometown Buffet' 2,865,703 S4,800 TBD 4. Concord Toyota 3 1,201,165 53.100 TBD 5. Diablo Mitsubishi' 111,335 S3.100 TBD 6. Home Depot" 2,116,935 S6,500 TBD 7. Service Clean Offices (formerly Fitzpatrick Chevrolet )4 296,371 54,850 TBD 8. Vacant Parkin Lot old Dodge Dealersh ip)" 0 $5.450 TBD 9. Concord Airport Plaza 1200, 1220. Parking Garage, Common Area )5 6,198,699 $5.450 TBD 10. Clarion Hotels 2.232,190 S4,800 TBD 11. Starbucks5 212,478 S3,100 TBD 12. E ui PC05 1,058,468 S5,450 TBD Subtotal 18.762,316 556,200 TBD 5 Not Feasible Due to Insufficient Fire System Pressure 1. Institute of Technology (Formerly 21st College)' 972,222 $5,450 2. Milan Institute of Cosmetology (Formerly Western College)" 898,521 S5,450 3. Ethan Allen 649,977 $3,500 4. Willows Business Park" 2.712,813 $4,800 5. Brand Name Furniture (Building A)" 47,827 S5,450 6. Arizona Electronics (Building B ` 1,991,487 55,450 7. Trader Joe's (Building C)4 561,380 551450 8. Contra Costa County- Environmental Services` 1,120,407 54,800 Subtotal 8.954.635 1 540,350 Notes: Change Order from mainline construction work approx. $29,000, connection will be made upon installation of backflow device. Backflow installation costs provided by CCWD 1 Requires new BFD and upgrade to fire service system. Developer currently performing or considering work. 2 Requires new BFD and upgrade to fire service system. 3 BFD existing, acceptable pressures. No LOI. 4 No LOI. 5 Insufficient fire system data ATTACHMENT 2 CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT PHASE 2 (RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS) DISTRICT PROJECT 7299A LOCATION MAP :.... _: w E-' �' PfIQ,E(,7 Wt.ATlOt!$ VOL v•, Y- &X3WMNFIRM �ca,esao R r � > y :,C �_•r �T.4 "yak= Ply I CAC - �C� IP S n t`. PIT q - _ 74­ may, -mfr me . -0/f ,--DEMT. r ti•: ATTACHMENT 3 CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT PHASE 2 (RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS), DISTRICT PROJECT 7299A SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 7299A NO. OF ADDENDA: 1 DATE/TIME: APRIL 15,2015/2 PM PROJECT NAME: CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT PHASE 2 (RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS) PROJECT MANAGER: NATHAN HODG PROJECT LOCATION: 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $77,000 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 J W Backhoe & Construction, Inc. $89,700 Bobby Williamson 185 Eagle Lane Brentwood, CA 94513 925 - 516 -1266 2 Cleary Bros. Landscape $115,454 Mike Cleary 521 Diablo Road Danville, CA 94526 925 - 674 -1325 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Elaine Boehme, CIVIC DATE APRIL 15, 2015 ATTACHMENT 4 CONCORD LANDSCAPE PROJECT PHASE 2 (RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS) DISTRICT PROJECT 7299A POST -BID / PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE No. Item Description Amounts % Construction Cost 1 CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract $89,700 b. Contingency at 15% $13,400 c. Permits $3,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION COST $106,000 100% 2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Inspection $ 28,000 - Construction Management $ 14,000 b. Consultants - RMA $1,500 - Arborist $500 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $ 44,000 42% 3 PREBID EXPENDITURES a. Planing/Design (April 2014 - Present) 7299A $149,000 141% SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES $149,000 4 TOTAL PROJECT COST (7299A) $299,000 5 TOTAL FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE $3,915,000 6 TOTAL FUNDS NEEDED TO COMPLETE CONNECTIONS $3,965,000 7 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO COMPLETE PROJECT $50,000 \\ cccsd.centralsan.dst.ca.us \dfs- root \Groups \Planning \Recycled Water \7299 Concord Landscape \7299A - ReW CustConn \Design Phase \8.0_BidPhase \8.5 Notice of Award\Attachment_4 Project Funds.docx