HomeMy WebLinkAboutREAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING ACTION SUMMARY 04-14-15(0 0 4'. /) C) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting public health and the environment 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-43.92 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL MICHAEL R.MCGILL President TAD J. PILECKI President Pro Tem & PLANNING COMMITTEE PAULIIY JAMES A. NEJEDLY NEJEDL DAVID R. WILLIAMS ACTION SUMMARY PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX: (925) 372 -0192 www.centralsan.org Chair Pilecki Member McGill Tuesday, April 14, 2015 3:00 p.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California PRESENT: Chair Tad Pilecki, Member Mike McGill, General Manager Roger Bailey, Deputy General Manager Ann Sasaki, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean -Marc Petit, Planning and Development Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell, Provisional Associate Engineer Melody LaBella, Provisional Senior Engineer Nathan Hodges, Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor David Wyatt, Hank Salvo of Diablo Country Club (left after item 4), General Manager of Diablo Country Club Larry Marx (left after item 4), President and CEO of the East Bay Leadership Council Tom Terrill (left after item 4), Jim Brezack of Brezack and Associates (left after item 4), and Senior Administrative Technician Cindy Granzella Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. Public Comments None. Chair Pilecki announced that item 4 on the agenda would be taken out of order to accommodate the guests from Diablo Country Club. *3. Receive update on the new residential Recycled Water fill station operating at the District's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Action Summary April 14, 2015 Page 2 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Supervisor David Wyatt handed out graphs showing the statistics of the Recycled Water fill station since October 2014 (copy attached). To date, the facility has had 91 registered users and 372 visits. Mr. Wyatt explained that the month of April is showing to be the busiest month so far, which could be a result of the article in the recent Pipeline Newsletter. Provisional Associate Engineer Melody LaBella stated that there have already been requests by the registered users to post signs in front yards to show that recycled water is being used. Ms. LaBella handed out an example of the signs that the Communication Services department is working on (copy attached). Mr. Petit explained that staff is meeting next week to ensure that supply is adequate. If demand dramatically increases, staff will need to think about traffic control, supply, and other technical details. Mr. Wyatt explained that a plan is already in place to divert traffic once construction begins on the new solar panels being installed at the HHW Facility. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. 4. Discuss new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Diablo Country Club (DCC) regarding satellite recycled water facility This item was taken out of order, immediately following Item 2. General Manager Roger Bailey stated that staff recently met with DCC to revise the draft MOU and was seeking support from the Committee before presenting the item to the full Board for approval. Planning and Development Services Division Manager Danea Gemmel explained that the general concepts are listed in the MOU, however not all technical items have been addressed. She said that staff is not expecting any additional costs for the District, nor should there be extensive maintenance. President and CEO of the East Bay Leadership Council Tom Terrill stated that he has been the chair of this effort since 2009, and DCC has incurred costs of $500, 000 thus far. Mr. Terrill stated that there are 436 regular owners at DCC, and approximately 80% of members are in favor of this facility. Currently, there is a window of opportunity for financing with the State and East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), and he would like to get out into the financing community while interest rates are favorable. He noted two main points of focus, the first being the term of the project and how it will be financed. Second, he would like to clarify the available gallons available for access on a regular basis in order to plan for pumps, ponds, and any necessary equipment. Chair Pilecki expressed concern with the additional regulatory risk to the District and would like that issue clearly defined in the MOU. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Action Summary April 14, 2015 Page 3 Member McGill asked when the project would be entering the design /construction stage. Mr. Terrill explained that they will bring it to the membership for a vote once financing plans are in order. Once approved, DCC can begin on a request for quotation to begin design and construction. COMMITTEE ACTION: Discussed and recommended Board approval. 5. Receive update on pharmaceutical program Mr. Wyatt referred to the memo in the agenda packet. It was suggested at the February Committee meeting that the HHW Facility resume collecting pharmaceuticals. Based on what staff found, it is possible; however, Mr. Wyatt believes staff should wait until a decision is made regarding a possible Contra Costa County sponsored ordinance. Ms. LaBella stated that Alameda County was first to establish an ordinance, but it has been challenged all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. Other counties are now waiting to see what happens with Alameda County. Member McGill agreed to wait until the Supreme Court makes a decision, and not to expend time and effort in re- establishing a collection site at HHW if it could be superseded. Chair Pilecki concurred to wait until a decision has been made in the appeal process. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. *6. Receive update on CoCo San Sustainable Farm Ms. Gemmell distributed a written update (copy attached). She is preparing a response to give to the County Airport Land Use Commission on April 22. This should be the last meeting with the Commission before a ruling for compatible land use is made. Since it is so late into the season, there will be no time to plant crops this year. Ms. Gemmel stated that in response to outreach, Carolyn Phinney has proposed a tentative event on May 8, to be held on the Kiewit property, with a focus on recycled water and the Farm. Ms. Gemmell requested guidance on the District's involvement with the event. Member McGill said he would like to highlight the value of recycled water. Chair Pilecki agreed with the importance of recycled water, in addition, he would like to highlight the HHW Facility, Source Control, Storm Water, and other services the District provides. Ms. LaBella stated that Ms. Phinney was interested in having the event on the Kiewit property, but suggested it be moved closer to the HHW Facility. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Action Summary April 14, 2015 Page 4 Chair Pilecki suggested having the event at the integrated pest management area, since it is a garden using recycled water. COMMITTEE ACTION: Expressed support for the event and directed staff to work with Ms. Phinney to finalize details for the May 8 event, including its location. 7. Standing Items a. Receive update on the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) Mr. Petit explained that the last addendum will be sent in today or tomorrow. There are four teams. The request for proposal (RFP) is due April 21, and interviews will take place on May 6. The time slots were selected at random by the Secretary of the District, and a panel will make the final selection. Mr. Petit has recused himself from the selection panel. Once the contract is negotiated, it will come to the Board for approval, hopefully in June. Member Pilecki requested to view the RFPs once the Board has approved. Ms. Gemmell stated that an invitation was sent to staff members of the City of Concord to observe the interviews. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. b. Receive update on possible opportunities for wholesaling recycled water Ms. LaBella stated that the request for proposal (RFP) has been issued. Staff is expecting a short process to bring a consultant on board. Mr. Petit explained that the RFP was sent to six firms. Once the decision is made, the consultant will come back to the Committee with a presentation. Member McGill stated that he would like to see water be used as opposed to discharged. Second, he would like to see little to no cost to the District. As a resource recovery agency, he would eventually like to see revenue to benefit ratepayers. Mr. Petit stated that these concerns will be addressed in the recycled water study or the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP). Ms. Gemmel/ stated that she is working with Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. to establish a wholesale rate. Draft numbers are coming in at $308 per acre foot through the District's existing facility, from clear well. Ms. Gemmell explained that staff will review maintenance costs and confirm with the Operations Department, after which finances can be presented in more detail. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. 8. Announcements Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Action Summary April 14, 2015 Page 5 a. Future scheduled meetings: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at West County Wastewater District Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. - Cancelled Friday, June 5, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. (changed from June 9, 2015) b. Member McGill stated that any necessary action items can be addressed on the May 6 meeting, since the May 12 meeting has been cancelled. C. Mr. Bailey announced that he and Member McGill will meet with the President and General Manager of Contra Costa Water District on May 5 to discuss general business. He and Member McGill will also meet with Assemblywoman Catherine Baker this Friday. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements. 9. Suggestions for future agenda items Ms. Gemmell stated that she will present an update on the Pollution Prevention Awards on May 6. Ms. Gemmell will give an update on the Concord Landscape Project, including the Hilton. Member McGill suggested a general discussion on solar opportunities, since the Committee will be viewing West County Wastewater District's facilities at the next meeting. Mr. Petit received information on the Sustainable Solution Turnkey (SST) program from Pacific Gas and Electric (PG &E). He mentioned that the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan will include this topic, but an update on the SST will be on a future Board agenda. 10. Adjournment — at 4:28 p.m. * Attachment RECYCLED WATER FILL STATION USAGE STATISTICS 10/14 - 4/14/15 Registered Users by Community 30 25 - 20 15 13 10 5 5 4 0 0 _.. 26 -M 316 (hamoff) 91 Registered Users 14 30 7 6 4 uu ?? 0 \a oo 0�a ,\\e yefie \�eti 10 \�J ee �� ea 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 128 Number of Visits by Community (Since October 2014) 102 41 24 23 8 . 1 0t� ca ��e a eti a a •�� Q 372 Visits 32 10 0 3 ■ a�0� `teems Gallons Taken per Community (Since October 2014) 25000 - - - - - - - - -- —.._ 23,071 47,177 Gallons Taken 20000 - 15000 - 10000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 21 0 October Gallons per Month (Since October 2014) 16,103 23,198 4,200 - - - 3,220 435 0 November December January February March April MTD 7,111 6,162 5000 - - 2,865 3,386 1,825 1,710 635 C. O �a � Cr aoLxx\\ Oc,P Q\eas lac a\cJ ` °�Q J 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 21 0 October Gallons per Month (Since October 2014) 16,103 23,198 4,200 - - - 3,220 435 0 November December January February March April MTD Usage per Month (Since October 2014) 200 180 160 -- - - - -- 140 -- - - - - -- — - -- - - - - -- - - -- - 120 - 100 80 - - -- -- — -- -- - - -- - - - - - -- — — -- 60 - - -- - 40 -. - - -- - -- 19 20 20 _ 1 4 0 _ 0 October November December January February 174 March April MTD 1 1 ' WHO tflp I 3. Aokr4ouT) FIND OUT MORE AT www.centralsan.org/ recycledwater _ E- V. (4viour) Update on CoCo San Sustainable Farm The County Airport Land Use Commission's approval is still pending on the District's Land Use Permit application for the Kiewit property. As a result, the Farm has not received its Land Use Permit and will not be able to plant crops this year. In responding to outreach and education milestones in the Farm's lease with the District, Carolyn Phinney has proposed an event on May 8, 2015, on the Kiewit property, with a focus on recycled water and the Farm. Invited legislative representatives include State Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla and Congressman Mark Desaulnier, with plans to invite additional legislative representatives representing the District's service area (including Congressman Eric Swalwell, Congressman Mike Thompson and State Senator Lois Wolk). Staff is seeking guidance on how much the District would like to be involved in this event. With the Governor's mandatory drought restrictions announced last week, the District could use this event as an opportunity spotlight our Recycled Water Program. The Farm could be highlighted as one of many recycled water efforts by the District, including: Residential Fill Station, Portable Hydrant Meter Truck Fill Program, Concord Landscape Project Customer Connections proceeding to construction this spring and the recycled water wholesaling study.