HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.d.1)a) Action Summary for 4-8-15 Engineering & Operations Committee meeting11 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA MICHAEL R.MCCILL SANITARY DISTRICT President ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS TAD J.P,LECKI President Pro Tem COMMITTEE PAUL H. CAUSEY JAMES A. NEJEDLY DAVID R. WILLIAMS ACTION SUMMARY PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX: (925) 676 -7211 Chair Causey www.centralsan.org Member Nejedly Wednesday, April 8, 2015 3:00 p.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California PRESENT: Chair Paul Causey, Member Jim Nejedly, General Manager Roger Bailey, Deputy General Manager Ann Sasaki, Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean -Marc Petit, Planning and Development Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell (left after item 3), Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani, Senior Engineer Dana Lawson (left after item 3), Associate Engineer Mark Wenslawski, Senior Administrative Technician Cindy Granzella 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Receive update on Asset Management program Senior Engineer Dana Lawson referred to the memo included in the agenda packet, stating that the memo outlined which elements listed in the full report are assigned to District Project (DP) 8238, Asset Management Program Development, and which are assigned to other capital projects, such as the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary April 8, 2015 Page 2 Ms. Lawson also stated that a request for proposal (RFP) went out for the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Replacement Project and two responses were received. She is hoping that the selection will be made by the end of the month. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. *4. Review draft position paper to award construction contract to SAK Construction, LLC, in the amount of $1,996,210 for the M1 Cl PP Rehabilitation Project, District Project 8424 Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez distributed a handout showing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 -15 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Collection System Program Project List and Project Allocations. Mr. Lopez explained that the table indicates all projects that have been included in the budget, the top table shows projects already in progress, and the bottom table shows projects that have not yet started. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. 5. Review draft position paper to award construction contract to Precision Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $1,812,211 for the Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 9, Project, District Project 8421 COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. 6. Standing Items a. Review schedule and discuss upcoming bids and awards and discuss change orders over $50,000, if needed • North Main Street Repair, $69,800, under Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 10, Project, District Project 8413 Mr. Lopez explained that the change order was requested by Collection System Operations because the pipe repair was located in the same area as DP 8413. The sewer pipe was beneath a light pole, and with the current project in process, the line was accessible for open -cut repair. *b. Receive report regarding any projects approaching a budget overrun within the 15 percent General Manager authority, if needed Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary April 8, 2015 Page 3 Treatment Plant Equipment Replacement Program, District Project 7265 Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani distributed a handout showing the CIB Budget amount for equipment replacement. The project is expected to close at the end of the current fiscal year Chair Causey asked for clarification on what staff was requesting from the Committee. Mr. Lopez explained that an additional $144,000 will be needed to complete the project. He also stated that no projects need to be deferred in order to request this amount. Chair Causey stated that a sinking fund would be helpful to cover replacements and repairs within the General Manager's authority. c. Receive Change Order Log, Quarterly Reports, and Bid Schedules to compare budgeted versus actual costs Mr. Lopez reviewed the Schedule of Upcoming Bids and Awards included in the agenda packet. In response to a question from Chair Causey, Mr. Petit said that while it is desirable to have all projects allocated in the CIB initiated in the same year they are budgeted, staff may need to meet with the Committee more frequently to put forth recommendations for all budgeted projects in a timely manner. Chair Causey and Member Nejedly agreed that additional meetings would be fine if it will allow staff to remain on schedule with budgeted projects. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed standing items. 7. Announcements a. Future scheduled meetings: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 1, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. b. Mr. Lopez stated that an announcement will be made at the next Board meeting for the rebid of DP 7311, TP Safety Enhancements, Phase 4 Revised, as well as the Operations & Maintenance Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) project bid. C. Mr. Petit stated that a request for a new Vactor Jet - Rodder truck for use in the Collection System Operations Division would be requested at the next Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary April 8, 2015 Page 4 meeting; the Committee recommended that it be placed on a Board agenda instead. d. Chair Causey requested that the May 13 meeting can be moved to Tuesday, May 12; Member Nejedly concurred. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements. 8. Suggestions for future agenda items Mr. Lopez stated that the Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 4 (DP 8415) and Pleasant Hill- Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer (DP 8412) will need to be discussed at the next Committee meeting. 9. Adjournment — at 3:48 p.m. * Attachment FY 14 -15 CIB Collection System Program/ Project List - Project Allocations 4q Date: 3 /31/15 6 14 Expenditures Priority Allocated Projects Ca over Current Phase Project Estimated Budget Prior FY(s) To date FY14115 FY15�16 FY16117 Future FY Remaining Budget Page 554• C PS Equip Piping Rep ace -rent 5640.000 5568.793 516.681 50 SO SO 554 526 5976 C Diablo Reno Ph2 $3.563.000 53.373.967 598.414 SO Sol SO 590.619 8423 5962 C Pipe B rsting Blanket 5828 .000 5652.285 521 840 SO SO 50 5153.875 Laf Reno Ph 10• 5999 C CIPP Blanket Contract $472.000 5113.619 510.056 50 $O SO 5348.325 Martinez Ph 4 Sewer Reno C 8404 C Lai Sewer Reno Ph8 52.735.000 S2,426.696 S100786 50 Sol SO S207516 WC Sewer Reno Ph 11 • 8405 C 2013 CIPP Project 52.978.000 52.716.030 $258.561 50 50 SO $3.409 Collection System Planning 8406 C Pump Station Safety Improvs 5611,000 $166,769 5428.354 50 SO SO 515.877 550.000 8411 C N Ortnda Sewer Reno Ph5 53.020.000 5626.590 51,546.247 SO SO SO 5847.163 $250.000 8412 PID PH Grayson Creek• 51.250.000 S579.0741 5295.124 $0 SO SO 5375.802 5700.000 8413 C WC Sewer Reno Ph 10 53.884.000 5805.818 S2.690.493 SO SO SO 5387,689 550,000 8415 P!D Martinez Ph 4 Sewer Reno 5823,000 5216.739 5444.058 SO Sol SO 5162.203 50 50 8417 C Survey Monument Install 5150.000 598.259 53.048 SO 50 50 548.693 SO 8418 C Coll System Modeling 5350.000 $148,398 5134.195 50 50 50 567.407 SO 8419 P Collection System Planning 5320.000 5100.315 5147.570 SO SO SO 572.115 SO 8421 D Laf Sewer Reno Ph9• 5650,000 S283,0811 5366.761 50 50 SO 5158 50 8422 P WC Sewer Reno Ph 11 5100,000 588,342 59.553 SO SO SO 52.105 Sol 8423 P N Orinda Sewer Reno Ph6• $150.000 592.333 510.570 SO Sol SO $47.097 SO 8424 D M1 Rehab 5250.000 $135.512 5111.482 50 SO 50 53.006 SO 8425 D/C Cathodic Protecbon Ph 1 5559,000 50 594.375 SO SO Sol 5464.625 SO 8426 P Laf Reno Ph 10• 5205.000 50 562.024 SO SO SO 5142.976 SO 8427 P Arc Flash Study 5100.000 Sol S54.4161 50 SO SO 545.584 so Very H 5991 P PH Sewer Renovation Ph2 5400,000 5133.017 SO SO SO 50 5266.983 SO Very H 5993 P Forcemam assessment 5127,000 596,535 SO SO SO SO 530.465 High 8403 P Buehanan Art Pump St Replc 550.000 S83 SO SO 50 50 S49,917 High 8414 P Moraga PS Chopper Pump 5100.000 519.964 50 SO SO SO 580.036 High 5962 P Mahole Remot Monitor 5325.500 5131.963 SO 50 SO SO 5193.537 High 8410 P Cathodic Protecbon Repic 5200.000 5104,866 588.514 Sol SO SO 56.620 NA 8402 na CADS 50 50 50 Sol SO SO 50 NA 8420 na Development Sewerage S1720.000 S1019.9421 5664 9% Sol Sol SO 535 062 Subtotal: 526,560.500 $14,698.9921 S7,658.1181 Sol SO Sol 54,203.390 B Identified TP Pnonty Protects (Not in "HTE -) Current Phase Proi- Estimated Budget Prior FY(s) Estimated FYid.1;e FY75.16 TF11 � 17 Future FY Column! Page 8424 8421 NA C C C M1 Rehab Laf Sewer Reno Ph9• Urgent Projects 52526.000 52.504,211 $300.000 SO SO SO SO $500.000 52.026.000 Sol 50 $500.000 52.004.211 SO SO 5150.000 5150,000 SO SO 8423 D N Ortnda Sewer Reno Ph6 5300,000 550,000 5250.000 SO SO 8426 D Laf Reno Ph 10• 5200.000 50 5100.000 5100.000 50 50 8415 C Martinez Ph 4 Sewer Reno 53.100.000 SO SO 53.100.000 SO SO 8422 D WC Sewer Reno Ph 11 • 5300.000 SO SO S100.000 5200.000 SO 50 8419 P Collection System Planning 5150,000 5150.000 SO SO SO 8417 C Survey Monument Install 550.000 Sol 540.000 540.000 SO 50 8418 C Col System Modeling $250.000 SO 5100.000 5150.000 Sol SO NA 8402 na CADS 5700.000 SO SO $700.0001 SO Sol 50 5941 D/C PS Et ap Pipng Replacement 550,000 S50.0001 5250.000 SO SO I 8412 C PH Grayson Creek- I 50 50 50 $0 $3.500.000 na C Pump Stabon Safety Improvs SO SO $250.000 SO SO 8418 C Col System Mode" So SO SO 5250.000 SO SO 8419 P Collection System MP 50 SO SO 5500,000 50 SO 8422 D WC Sewer Reno Ph 11 • 50 SO 50 5250.000 SO SO 8426 D Laf Reno Ph 10• SO SO Sol 5400.000 SO SO NA D WC Sewer Reno Ph 12• SO SO SO 5300.000 SO $0 NA P Lai Sewer Reno Ph 11 50 SO SO 5150.000 SO 50 NA C Urgent Projects SO SO SO $150,000 SO 50 Very H NA P Fairvew Maltby SO 50 SO 5150.000 SO SO NA 8402 na CADS 50 so SO SO 50 NA 8420 na Development Sewerage SO -22 SO SO I S7C)0.0001 SO 50 Riverwandl A. Unallocated Subtotal: $10,430,211 Fined Program cency: $607.000 Allocations: Remaining FY14 Allocations: 510,668.000 Estimated Exoei S2,440,0001 $14,870,211 S607,0001 51,000,000 FY: I 510.705.1181 515.870.211 2014 -15 Sol SO FY'4 PROJECT BUDGET OVERRUNS WITHIN THE 15% GM AUTHORITY 04/8/15 ENGR. AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING TP EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM, DP 7265: Capital Improvements Budget (CIB): FY 14 -15 CIB Budget Amount $ 1,268,100 Total Estimated Project Budget: $ 1,268,100 Current Estimate to complete project: Current Amount Spent To Date $ 1,238,300 HVAC Design (MCB, Headworks, MCC 42) $ 35,000 HVAC Equipment (Headworks) $ 35,000 Flowserve 3WHP Pumps (Pump, Installation) $ 73,800 Network Switches $ 30,000 New Estimated Project Budget: $ 1,412,100 64.64 ovmovr) Project was initiated in 2007 and has purchased several items such as primary sludge pumps, back up UPS systems, spare particulate filters for the standby engines, strainers for the 3WLP system, DAFT scum arms, replacement VFD's, and other equipment through the treatment plant. Estimated project overrun of $144,000 (11.3 %) due to the following: MCC 42 and MCB HVAC work, these items are in poor condition and are failing. Replacement is needed prior to the summer. Complete payment for work on the new 3 -water high pressure pump and network switches. Staff has conducted a budget analysis of the FY 2014 -15 Treatment Plant program and concluded that there are sufficient funds as shown in the following table: FY 2014 -15 Allocation Budget TP Program Authorized Estimated Allocations for Projects, Includes Contingency. $ 4,486,000 Supplemental Board Authorizations $ 519,450 Allocations Returned from Closeouts $ 0 Total Board Authorized FY 2014 -15 Allocations $ 5,005,450 FY 2014 -15 Allocations to Date $ 2,160,900 This Allocation for DP 7265 overrun $ 144,000 Remaining Unallocated Budget $ 2,700,550 Project will be closed after this work is completed.