HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMINISTRATION ACTION SUMMARY 03-31-15central
Chair Williams
Member McGill
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
8:00 — 9:30 a.m.
2 "d Floor Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
President Pro 7em
PHONE: (925) 228 -9500
FAX: (925) 372 -0192
www. centralsan. org
PRESENT: Chair David Williams and Member Mike McGill, General Manager
Roger Bailey, Deputy General Manager Ann Sasaki, Director of Administration David
Heath, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean -Marc Petit, Human
Resources Manager Teji O'Malley, Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme, Safety & Risk
Management Administrator Shari Deutsch, Administrative Support Supervisor (Records)
Lupe Saldana (left after Item 3.), Media Production Technician Joe Zumbo (left after Item
3.), Assistant to the Secretary of the District Donna Anderson, Stacey Cue of IEDA (left
after Item 4.b.2)), and Stephen Madler of NexLevel IT Consulting.
Call Meeting to Order
Chair Williams called the meeting to order at 8:06 a.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Receive report on options for modifying action summaries /minutes processes
and update on Board Room upgrades
Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme explained that she had been directed by
the Board to look at options for streamlining and expediting the production of
Board meeting minutes and whether the Board meeting Action Summaries have
any merit. After reviewing the material that was included with the agenda packet,
she said that if the Board wished to have minutes available for approval at the
next Board meeting (rather than skipping one Board meeting), the minutes would
Administration Committee Action Summary
March 31, 2015
Page 2
need to be action minutes (as opposed to the current detailed summary minutes)
paired with a video recording of the meeting posted to the District's website that
would be retained permanently. Ms. Sa /dana demonstrated the options available
for videotaping and how videotaped meetings appear on various websites.
Ms. Boehme and staff responded to questions from the Committee Members
concerning the costs for a video recording system, potential security issues, and
Board Room upgrades already in process. She also mentioned that while many
cities have converted to videotaped meetings, only one of the 14 local
water /wastewater special districts surveyed currently video records its Board
meetings. Dublin San Ramon Services District uses a single- camera recording
that is uploaded to YouTube.
Member McGill said he believed the District should convert to such a video
recording system as soon as possible and switch from detailed summary minutes
to action minutes. Such a transition would allow the minutes to be available for
approval at the next Board meeting because less staff time would be needed to
prepare them. It would also be appealing from a transparency standpoint and
was in keeping with the fourth goal of the District's Strategic Plan, which is to be
a leader in the wastewater industry.
Chair Williams said that he too was in favor of such a transition.
Given the Committee's desire to move forward, Ms. Boehme said she would
refine the options in terms of pricing for set -up and ongoing costs, single versus
multiple cameras, in -house camera operation versus outside hosted service,
tagging /indexing of recordings, etc. and come back to the Committee for a
specific proposal. The Committee Members agreed that Ms. Boehme should
bring the proposal directly to the full Board for consideration.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended that, in lieu of preparing detailed
summary minutes, a proposal be brought to the full Board to convert to
action minutes supplemented by indexed videotaped recordings of Board
meetings that would be available on the District's website and retained
4. Standing Items
a. Receive update on ongoing Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement
Association (CCCERA) audit
1) Receive the District's response to CCCERA audit
Human Resources Manager Teji O'Malley summarized the
District's response letter to the recently completed CCCERA audit
and responded to several questions from the Committee Members.
Administration Committee Action Summary
March 31, 2015
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With regard to the 129 and 130 reports, it was noted that CCCERA
notified the District in December 2014, after the onsite audit had
already been completed, of the reporting requirement changes. As
outlined in the memo in the agenda packet, the District is making
the recommended changes and will provide them to CCCERA.
b. Planning for 2017 Labor Negotiations
1) Review Gantt chart of activities leading up to 2017 Labor
Ms. O'Malley noted that IEDA will be meeting with the full Board in
closed session on April 23 to discuss the benchmarking issues
raised by this Committee at its March 9, 2015 meeting.
Chair Williams said he will point out to the Board during his report
out of this meeting that the Gantt chart is being included in every
Administration Committee agenda packet for their reference.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Requested that subtasks be added the
Gantt chart for a rolling 12 -month period.
2) Discuss with Stacey Cue of IEDA the role and responsibilities of the
labor negotiations team during negotiations
Stacey Cue noted that the agenda packet included a breakdown of
the typical roles and responsibilities of the labor management
teams and asked if the Committee had any input to tailor it to best
fit the needs of the District.
In response to a question from Chair Williams, Ms. Cue said the
District Bargaining Team (DBT) members will be determined by
Administration (District Management), possibly with input from the
Board. It was noted that the main difference between the DBT and
Administration is that the DBT will beat the bargaining table. The
Committee requested that selection of the DBT be added to both
the list of roles and responsibilities as well as to the Gantt chart.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Requested that (1) selection of the DBT
be added to the list of roles and responsibilities as well as the
Gantt chart, and (2) the steps involved with determining
compensation strategy and determining goals and objectives
for the DBT also be added to the Gantt chart.
Administration Committee Action Summary
March 31, 2015
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C. Risk Management (discuss outstanding claims and new claims, if any, and
receive Loss Control Report once a month)
Safety and Risk Management Administrator Shari Deutsch reviewed
updates to the Loss Control Report included with the agenda packet.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the report and discussed
outstanding claims.
d. Receive update on pending litigation re AB 197 (Public Employers
Pension Reform Act of 2013) (PEPRA) - No staff report
5. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Monday, April 6, 2015 at 8:00 a.m.
Monday, April 20, 2015 at 8:00 a.m.
Monday, May 11, 2015 at 8:00 a.m.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements.
6. Suggestions for future agenda items
7. Adjournment — at 9:07 a.m.