HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMINISTRATION ACTION SUMMARY 01-13-15se.ve) Central Contra Costa sanitary District REGULAR MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE UlMAYe1►I&AAl UTA 171 V_V:W Chair Williams Member McGill Tuesday, January 13, 2015 8:00 a.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California BOARD OF DIRECTORS: MICHAEL R. MCGILL President YAD J. PILECKI Presideni Pro Tem PAUL H CA USE, JAMES A. NEIF,DIY DAVID R. 97LLIAMS PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX: (925) 372 -0192 www.centralsan.org PRESENT: Chair David Williams, Member Mike McGill, General Manager Roger Bailey, Deputy General Manager Ann Sasaki, Director of Administration David Heath, Finance Manager Thea Vassallo, Human Resources Manager Teji O'Malley, Purchasing and Materials Services Manager Stephanie King, Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme, District Counsel Kent Alm, Safety and Risk Administrator Shari Deutsch, Human Resources Analyst Twila Mullenix, Assistant to the Secretary of the District Donna Anderson 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Williams called the meeting to order at 8:01 a.m. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Confirmation of 2015 meeting dates Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme stated that the meetings, if confirmed, will be Regular meetings, and any meetings that deviated from the approved schedule will be Special. COMMITTEE ACTION: Confirmed meeting dates. 0 5 0 Administration Committee Action Summary January 13, 2015 Page 2 Review draft position paper adopting the arbitrator's recommendation in the David Rolley - Discipline matter Human Resources Manager Teji O'Malley explained the process for handling discipline matters such as this. If unresolved during that process, they are referred to non- binding arbitration in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). While the Board may accept, reject or modify an arbitrator's recommendation, Ms. O'Malley said that over the past ten years the Board has always adopted the arbitrators' recommendations in their entirety. In response to a comment from Member McGill, Ms. O'Malley said she has added to the list for discussion in conjunction with the 2017 labor negotiations an item about developing clarifying language in the MOU to prevent the timeliness issue disputed in this discipline matter from being an issue in the future. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board adoption of the arbitrator's recommendation. Receive Gantt chart illustrating labor negotiations calendar COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and requested that labor relations and negotiations progress be tracked on the Gantt chart with updates provided in all future agenda packets. Policies and Procedures a. Review the following existing Board policies (BP): Ms. Boehme explained that the following two Board policies were presented as part of the biennial review of all Board policies and as part of the ongoing project to remove procedures from Board policies. 1) BP 001 - Employee Computer Purchase Assistance Program; and Chair Williams suggested several minor edits to the policy wording. 2) BP 002 - Diversity Statement Chair Williams suggested several minor edits to the statement. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval of the changes to BP 001 and BP 002, including those suggested by Chair Williams. Administration Committee Action Summary January 13, 2015 Page 3 b. Consider the following potential new Board policies: 1) Review draft BP regarding Fiscal Reserves; and Director of Administration David Heath said the draft (pro forma) policy was patterned after those of Dublin San Ramon Services District and Union Sanitary District. He explained the charts that accompanied the draft policy and responded to questions from the Committee Members. Member McGill stated that the California Special Districts Association has recommended that all special districts adopt formal reserve policies. He noted that while the District has not had a formal reserve policy in the past, it has been the practice to maintain a minimum total funds required, which in effect has been a reserve. Adopting a fiscal reserve policy would be beneficial in his view, but further discussion is needed to establish appropriate reserve levels. Chair Williams opined that the suggested reserve levels were too low. He also provided suggested wording changes to make the policy language more succinct. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended the draft policy be presented to the full Board at the upcoming Cost of Service Study Workshop on January 20, 2015 for further discussion. 2) Discuss potential BP regarding local vendor preference Purchasing and Materials Services Manager Stephanie King explained that staff has surveyed a number of other agencies and compiled a summary of the various elements that comprise a local vendor preference policy. She said that the current practice of the District is to encourage the use of local businesses, and sometimes staff will limit vendor searches to a specific geographic area. While the District does not have a formal local vendor preference policy, she said it is not uncommon for cities and agencies to have them, but it appears to be less common for special districts to have such policies. Member McGill said he could see advantages to a local vendor preference policy for certain types of purchases (e.g., trucks), but Administration Committee Action Summary January 13, 2015 Page 4 not for others. On the one hand, he wishes to obtain the very best pricing possible for District ratepayers; on the other hand, if local businesses are not supported, they are at risk. He suggested that further discussion be held at the Board level. Chair Williams said he agrees with the concept of supporting local businesses, but as an individual. He was philosophically opposed to a local vendor preference policy because it can be detrimental to the District's ratepayers. District Counsel Kent Alm said a local vendor preference policy can be implemented, but there are limitations from a legal standpoint. The issue is having a rational basis for treating one class of vendors (local vendors) differently from other vendors. Mr. Bailey said there are both benefits and costs associated with a local vendor preference policy and both should be examined. COMMITTEE ACTION: Chair Williams opposed the idea of a local vendor preference policy, and Member McGill favored raising the issue for discussion at an upcoming Board meeting so the other Board Members can express their views. The matter will be agendized as a General Manager Report at a future Board meeting. 7. Standing Items a. Risk Management (discuss outstanding claims and new claims, if any, and receive Loss Control Report once a month) Safety and Risk Management Administrator Shari Deutsch reviewed updates to the Loss Control Report included with the agenda packet. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the report and discussed outstanding claims. b. Receive update on pending litigation re AB 197 (Public Employers Pension Reform Act of 2013) (PEPRA) Mr. Alm said the case was reassigned to Judge Goode after Judge Flinn retired. Briefing dates have been set to begin in February and the Board may need to decide in closed session if it wants to participate in the briefing. Administration Committee Action Summary January 13, 2015 Page 5 COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. 8. Announcements a. Future scheduled meetings: (as proposed in Item 3.) Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 8:OO a.m. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements. 9. Suggestions for future agenda items None. 10. Adjournment — at 9:43 a.m.