HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.d.1)c) Action Summary-Engineering & Operations Committee January 14, 20155. d. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE ACTION SUMMARY Chair Causey Member Pilecki (Alternate) Wednesday, January 14, 2015 2:00 p.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California BOARD OF DIRECTORS: MICHAEL R. MCGILL President TAD J. PILECKI President Pro Tent PAUL H CAUSEY JAMES A. NEJEDLY DAVID R. WILLIAMS PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX: (925) 676 -7211 www.centralsan.org PRESENT: Chair Paul Causey, Member Tad Pilecki (Alternate for Member Jim Nejedly), General Manager Roger Bailey, Deputy General Manager Ann Sasaki, Director of Engineering Jean -Marc Petit, Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez, Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani (left during Item 4.), Associate Engineer Nancy Molina (left after Item 5.a.), Senior Administrative Technician Christina Gee 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Confirmation of 2015 meeting dates Senior Administrative Technician Christina Gee stated that the meetings, if confirmed, will be Regular meetings, and any meetings that deviate from the approved schedule will be Special. COMMITTEE ACTION: Confirmed meeting dates. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary January 14, 2015 Page 2 *4. Receive information requested at the November 24, 2014 Committee meeting on how the allocation portion of the project descriptions and expenditure tables would be addressed using the new format of the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Treatment Program / Project List Estimated Expenditures and Project Handouts [Continued from December 9, 2014 Committee meeting] Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez requested that Item 4 be taken out of order and considered last on the agenda, to allow staff not involved in the presentation to leave early. The Committee concurred with staffs request. Mr. Lopez and Director of Engineering Jean -Marc Petit gave a PowerPoint presentation (attached) and distributed a draft Project Allocation table using the treatment plant program printed on a large 11 x17 sheet for increased legibility (attached). The Committee and staff agreed that the traditional nomenclature for projects already budgeted in Accounting and incurring expenditures ( "Carry Over") may be misinterpeted. It was suggested that it be renamed to "Remaining Budget' or "Future Budget." Chair Causey suggested that these "allocations" be eliminated altogether, for lack of clarity. Member Pilecki stated that he would support a change to the system, but only if staff can demonstrate that its ability to process and track the budget would remain intact. Chair Causey suggested that the "5 percent program contingency for projects not in the CIB" in Table 1 be removed and that a separate Contingency budget be set up for each program. Mr. Petit stated that staff was actually proposing to make that change as reflected in the PowerPoint presentation. Staff will evaluate the change and determine an appropriate amount to cover all programs. The contingency would be used to start new projects, pay for budget overruns, urgent and emergency work, and fund supplemental authorizations. Authorization for use of the contingency will remain as indicated in the past CIB and amounts over staff authority will be reviewed and authorized by the Board, and the Engineering & Operations Committee will be briefed on the status at each meeting. The Committee discussed an allowable percentage for contingency, however, staff will report back on the amount. In general, the Committee was in favor of changing the program contingency. Member Pilecki stated that the new proposed Tables should be made consistent with the CIB binder. He noted that, currently, the Capital Improvement Budget Allocation (CIBA) acts as a system of checks and balances to guard against exceeding budgeting authority. Before any changes are made to the CIBA, he would like to see a similar program in place. Mr. Lopez stated that due to the Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary January 14, 2015 Page 3 limitations of the accounting software, staff will continue using the process so that Accounting can continue tracking the budgets and Engineering can verify that the authorizations are not exceeded. However, the CIBA will be issued by phase (i.e., planning, design, and construction). General Manager Roger Bailey summarized that staffs aim is to make the expenditure table clear, consistent with past practices, and easy for the public to understand. He assured the Committee that staff will try to predict any pitfalls of switching too quickly. Member Pilecki added that the new expenditure table may present difficulties in reconciling the information with the old one. He suggested that staff run the current system in the background, make sure the General Manager has what he needs to not go over budget, and follow Chair Causey's suggestion to revise the report to make it more understandable to the public. He stated that he aimed to balance transparency while preserving flexibility for staff to allocate funds and to provide for program flexibility as needed. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received information and provided input to staff. 5. Review schedule and discuss upcoming bids and awards and discuss change orders over $50,000, if needed a. Review draft position paper authorizing General Manager to execute a change order over $100,000 for work under the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations Project, Phase 10, District Project 8413 Mr. Lopez reported that District staff notified the Committee on its August 25, 2014 meeting that there was an urgent request made by the Collection System Operations Department (CSOD) to repair a sewer main in San Ramon. Staff directed the contractor, KJ Woods, to perform the repair work on a cost plus basis. KJ Woods is the contractor currently working on the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 10, project. At that time, staff believed that the repair costs would be within the General Manager's authority. However, due to unforeseen conditions with working around a 36 -inch waterline that was backfilled with pea gravel, the contractor incurred additional costs in over - excavation and site restoration. The amount of the change order is roughly $112, 000, but, as it is still in negotiations, the final amount could change, but would not be less than $100,000. Therefore, Board authorization is required. The work occurred under a special emergency city permit, and it was limited in working hours and other restrictions like traffic control that contributed to the repair taking longer than anticipated. The repair was on San Ramon Blvd. at a highly Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary January 14, 2015 Page 4 traveled intersection. The work was considered urgent due to the risk of an overflow and its location. Several repair methods were evaluated that the best alternative for this repair consisted of relocating the sewer line. Chair Causey requested that more information regarding the background of the project, specifically the cause for the high cost, be added to the position paper. He also suggested that, from an Asset Management tracking standpoint, the work should be opened as a separate project. That way, it is easily discernable as a short- repair project, versus appearing to be a long -term rehabilitation project. Member Pilecki and staff explained that due to limitations on the District's software, HTE, projects are created sparingly so as not to use all possible four -digit Capital Projects project numbers. Mr. Petit suggested that the work could be tracked separately with a footnote, which Chair Causey found to be an acceptable solution. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received staff presentation, reviewed the draft position paper, and recommended Board approval with suggested additions to the position paper. 6. Receive report regarding any projects approaching a budget overrun within the 15 percent General Manager authority, if needed a. Discuss project budget overrun for the Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 8, District Project 8404 Mr. Lopez stated that, as previously reported to the Board, a claim of about $770,000 was received from Carone & Company with regard to the project. Staff recently met and conferred with the claimants. To date, the parties have agreed to $83, 000 as undisputed. Staff will possibly issue a change order in the undisputed amount. Staff is tracking its time spent on this matter, and it is likely that the project costs will overrun the 15 percent General Manager's authority and be brought to the Board for authorization. Chair Causey requested that the final change order be brought to the Committee before being presented to the Board. Staff will continue to meet with the contractor. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received report and discussed overrun. Directed that staff present the final change order to the Committee before seeking Board authorization. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary January 14, 2015 Page 5 7. Discuss previously- requested standing item: Receive presentation on projects whose costs exceed 20 percent of the number quoted in the Capital Improvement Budget Allocation (CIBA), not including the 15 percent General Manager contingency COMMITTEE ACTION: Provided clarity to staff as to the nature of the item and directed staff to continue presenting the standing item as needed. 8. Receive Change Order Log, Quarterly Reports, and Bid Schedules to compare budgeted versus actual costs Chair Causey requested that change orders in the negotiations stage be added to the Change Order Log in italicized font. He concurred with staffs recommendation that no dollar amounts be included for those entries. Member Pilecki noted that there appeared to be a miscalculation in the Change Order Percent regarding the Primary Treatment Renovations, District Project 7285. He also stated that, while it is preferable that projects are not in the negative, there were three indicated in the report. Chair Causey asked for confirmation from staff that all awards of bids will be presented first to the Committee before the Board. Staff responded that it has been planning its bids around the Engineering & Operations Committee meeting schedule. Chair Causey directed that staff consider allowing more time in the bidding schedule when bidding larger projects, and there should be a longer period for staff to do its due diligence and allow the Board time to consider the bids and have input in a public setting. He stated that he did not want to be forced into making a decision to accommodate limitations on the bid schedule, or be subject to bid protests. He wondered if the District could ask the bidders for more time. Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky stated that he and the rest of the Spec. Committee would discuss his suggestions and potential alternatives. Chair Causey commented that the way the Capital Projects Monthly HTE Summary report is presented gives the false impression that projects are over budget. He was concerned that this opened possible inquiries from the press and public, and he felt he would not be prepared to explain why the projects appear to be over budget, when in fact they are not He requested that staff generate a separate report for the Committee with only the following selected columns: Total Allocated Budget, Total Project Cost Estimated, and Remaining Allocated Budget. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary January 14, 2015 Page 6 Mr. Petit stated that staff is working on improving the clarity of the reports and removing the information that leads the reader to believe the projects maybe over budget. Chair Causey suggested that staff change the budget mid -year when better estimates are available. He requested that the report no longer to go to the Board, since certain columns on the report confuse the process and misrepresent the state of the budget. Member Pilecki stated that there can be discrepancies in the reports due to timing, to which Chair Causey suggested that projects be split into multiple phases (e.g., design, construction, contract management). COMMITTEE ACTION: Received report, suggested changes to the Capital Projects Monthly HTE Summary, and provided input to staff. 9. Announcements a. Future scheduled meetings: (As proposed in Item 3.) Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements. 10. Suggestions for future agenda items None. 11. Adjournment — at 4:12 p.m. * Attachment Standing Item r Item 4 4. Additional Information on (" °'w Capital Improvement Budget Project Expenditures and Allocation Tables Edgar J. Lopez Prov. Capital Projects Division Manager Jean -Marc H. Petit, Director of Engineering Engineering and Operations Committee January 14, 2015 11 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in FY14/15 CIB Treatment Plant Program/ Project List - Estimated Expenditures Program Manager: Craig Mizutani Priority Category Score Project Number Current Phase Project Estimated Expenditures to FY14/15 FY15/16 FY16 /17 Future FY Completion Total Est. Costs 6/30/14 CRITICAL 90 7285 C Primary Treatment Renovation $6,923,700 $6.000,000 $1,460,000 $0 $0 Jun -15 $14,383,700 CRITICAL 85 7301 P Treatment Plant Planning $1,913,500 $371,000 $300,000 $300,000 $1,200,000 $4,084,500 CRITICAL 80 7314 C Urgent Repairs Blanket Contract $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Jun -24 $50,000 CRITICAL 80 7265 D/C TP Equipment Replacement $1,068,100 $50,0001 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $1,268,100 CRITICAL 75 7308 C Co -Gen Controls Upgrade $1,240,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,300,000 CRITICAL 70 7292 D/C iSvAtchgear Refurbishment -ph2 $306,800 $100,0001 $240,000 $450,000 $240,000 $1,336,800 CRITICAL 70 7310 D JPiping Renovations- phase 8 $100,000 5150,000 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $1,750,000 CRITI 404 70 7309 C DAF Tank Renovation $90,000 5600,000 $0 $0 $0 $690,000 VERY HIGH 60 7297 D Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement $51,100 $100,000 $500,000 $3,400,000 $3,820,000 $7,871,100 VERY HIGH 55 7312 P Ash Facility Improvements $10,000 $1,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $41,000 VERY HIGH 55 7291 D Pump & Blower Bldg Seismic Upgrade $414,300 $122,000 $2,550,000 $750,000 $0 $3,836,300 VERY HIGH 55 7311 C TP Safety Enhancements Phase 4 $100.000 $240,000 $0 $0 $0 $340,000 VERY HIGH 55 pTP08 I P TP Safety Improv 2011 -12 thru 2019 -20 $15,0001 $1,000 $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 $41,000 VERY HIGH 50 7286 D Centrifuge & Cake Pump Upgrades $0 S800,000 $2,200,000 $1,800,000 $0 $4,800,000 VERY HIGH 50 7304 P PLC Sys Upgr- 12 -13 thru 21 -22 $118,700 $80,000 $80,000 SBO,000 $400,000 $758,700 VERY HIGH 50 pTP42 P Plant Control System 1/0 Replacement $0 $10,000 $10,000 S20,000 $3,960,000 $4.000,000 VERY HIGH 50 pTP32 P Plant Energy Optimization $75,000 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $90.000 HIGH 45 7315 P Plant of the Future Roadmap $0 $100,000 $250,0001 $100,000 $450,000 HIGH 45 7284 D TP Hazard Identification & Remediation $197.600 S6,000 $100,000 $100,000 $350,000 $753,600 HIGH 45 pTP24 D/C Laboratory Upgrades & Repair $0 $48,000 $50,000 550,000 $290,000 $438.000 HIGH 40 pTP47 P WC / Grayson Creek Levee Rehab $0 $10,000 $10,000 $300,000 $300,000 $620,000 HIGH 40 PTP31 P Permitting Study for New Furnace $0 $1,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $26,000 HIGH 35 pTP33 P Treatment Plant Soil Remediation $50.000 $1,000 $1,000 $50,000 $50,000 $152,000 HIGH 35 pTP41 D/C Plant Control System Network Upgrades $0 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $320,000 HIGH 35 pTP03 P Plant Cyber Security $60,000 55,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $70,000 HIGH 30 7254 D/C TP Cathodic Prot Sys Repl $551,300 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $571,300 HIGH 30 pTP06 P Electrical and Instr Repi $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 510,000 $60,000 $100,000 HIGH 25 TP45 P TP Electrical Cable Repl- LT $0 $10,000 $240,000 $240.000 $1,880,000 $2,370,000 MEDIUM 20 xxxx P TP Facilities Renov Pgm - LT $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 $100.000 $2,590,000 $2,890,000 MEDIUM 15 pTP29 P Pavement Renovation $5,000 $1,000 $50,000 $50.000 $150,000 1 $256,000 MEDIUM 15 pTP16 P Coating Renovation S1,000 51,000 $600,000 $400,000 $4,400,000 $5,4022,000 MEDIUM 15 TP30 P Concrete Renovation $5,000 $1,000 $50,000 $50,000 $550,000 $656,000 MEDIUM 5 TP23 P TP Securit U r- 2012 -13 thru 2021 -22 $11,000 $1,000 $10,000 $10.000 $50,000 $82,000 Totals: $13,377,100 $9.045,000 $10,506,000 $8,415,000 $20,455,000 $61,798,100 D in Cart, OYet s 9,734,145 8 Oral o".8. I �- 1 FY 14 -15 CIB Treatment Plant ProAramf Project List - Project Allocations Date: 7101114 DRAFT Ex enditurea Priority Ptolact Number Carters Pins/ Protect Ealinlaled t 6130718 FY141i6 FY15116 FY76117 Futv<fY I Taal EStlntatdd Expetlihrres All.-t.d ProJects (Carry. 0,4q ON t1TE Cnocat 7285 C P—my treatment Renwaew $8,219,835 $0000,000 $727,365 $0 SO $1409470000 Clifical 7301 P Treatment Plant Planning 51,994,882 $182.138 SO 20 $0 $2177,000 I 7285 TPE entR errant 21,107472 $50000 $925% t0 SO 21250000 VON ti 1 7254 pC I TP CalherSC Prot 97s Rep 2549,290 slo.0001 $10.000 210.000 $209710 2800,1100 VON 7300 DIC Instr & Controls PLC Upgrade 564 ,317 $904000 210,683 t0 SO $155,000 o l 7308 C Copan Controls llpgreds 21,252,272 $47,004 $0 SO SO $1,299,278 Octal 1292 D Svwhgear Refurbishment- ph 2 5119,284 $100.000 280.716 to fU $300.000 Cificat 7310 P Piping Renovations arse8 586917 $13.083 to to 10 $100,000 odical 7309 C DAF Talk Renwabon $130,292 2838,258 SO m $0 $988.550 Very H 7297 P War and Dry Scrubber Replacerrrent 2984 $24,036 $0 $0 SO 225,000 VON H 7315 P Plant of the Future Roadmap $1,870 598.330 $0 t0 $0 5100,000 H 1289 P P08 Slesn4cUpgrade $144,780 t0 $45,220 $o t0 51!,7,000 V H 7291 0 Punp & 8Io%w DNg sersmK Upgrade $357,409 $47,591 50 t0 t0 i7i -5 000 CidCal 1302 P PE PUMP ReNrbwmtPn2 $16,843 $0 58.157 t0 $0 i25oa� 7316 rds S13T Emergency Repars(CwbgwKA $27,006 2172,994 SO t0 SO �.i;7, Ve H 7311 D TP Sal Enhancement Ph4 239,907 $60.OA1 SO to f0 11(,0000 74 7284 D TP Hazard ldenl2Keson& Reroo IaA�n� 5117,821 $7,179 $0 t0 t0 i125,wo Sublet@]: 11236 1 310 10 $22961628 Identified TP Projects (Not In WE-1 7284 C III, riward ldenlfitabw& Rwvd.*i, ,uo i "is, 0 7314 D _nt Rears S1P iy:� i11i1Fi 350000 tl'C touch t• 12 000 •4 -s v llzlhoeal Rbfurdsnmrint . n s 5 d 0 0 ,,:(]j_ $5 7116 C 100 Fnxrr n. Gn •p is 1'a, <r, f0 SO i Sc W. 7111- LYC In:'•s, OciCnAs f $12370 1 tv LYC F,n:• g �_o '.r:ds1 L _ u ,•.ask• i!1 40 Sig t10V r.,J 15 kA S430000 7155 D Cenbilu &Cak'PU s s0 519294 5181206 0 0 12f.G C i:enblfu Far Paco 7 SO $0 1 200000 0 0 1285 C '­U600 BC..sN sFumete2 i0 tU 40 28905,) U 28995W 1 D wet end0 strutter fi ,lo1 -1 SO 0 £7025924 $U O 1025924 7297 C •Nei end Chy scruCber NO 8--1 t0 $0 SIpi10W S5 720.000 to $6820000 V 1 C ITP Safory Dlhancement Ph4 01 siso'CA 20 20 f6 $180.000 P Troanlont Plani Plwnkl 30 $10000 00000 SO 101 zim000 Crfical NA P IYani Ii—n Ph2 f0 $9 £408862 $310000 V-1a.6 11 511,, 7500 VONH 7315 P 1 =14 of lne f utmo ftoadn 50 0 f 150 tr.)D j 200,00 0 53`O(V 12 P Ash FaCAt In' ovin'.en11 0 0 I t>)n 0 0 1 10 D P,ping Ren WOWS - ph aso8 $2 113720 SO 10 11379LO atL 370 C PWq Ronglarms - phase 8 t0 s 0 t;,% FYC pg. 13 ReF. 1.01.5 ase9 SO 0 500OW io SO S50 VON H 7201 D- - PUM t slower oldo soisrgic, voyade SU 1 .:.... . - - -.. Crecol 7291 C P.no 8 l3low, DJO Saw KU ado i0 0 2,400,000 0 SOW VON H I pTP42 P IPIWI Contra System 110 Roplacern.1 SO $0 $20,000 $20,000 to $40.000 VON H NA D PI 1 Ccnbol _ stern li0 R la:omen7 0 0 VMH NA C P 11, J^!r... pro wr. " SO Sir t0 4 300 436300 Very H VON H NA P D P', Iti,w.; Or Wn at 0 SUUW 10000 I in VON TP08 P i1 ,r 1011, 121nr.i ;,r. n.;ii $9 a0 4$5000 $11 $16000 $71000 rs 4ah NA pC LYC I.7:I,aa7 U r I at,xatory Upoodes & Repif $40000. 58 liall TP47 P W: CreekLwee Roht SO 0 20000 "Oh NA D WCIGr reek twee Rehab SO 0 0 1 OW ttgh A C h 0 H TP31 P P.—Ibn SN wNewFuMac$ S9 S0 26000 5RI40. H TP33 P TIOa',ro IPlant KClf2err:J05 >n f0 5102000 ti r NA LYC CYC P;ao1 Crnuc'. &stern t:::,aV: U ^.i a I wi 1-116 s SIenl Netxl�k r: M aces m Y� 5500$0 0 $70 C00 100000 P Plant C bor Secur t0 70000 P Flab PTN5 P iP Elettrkel able ReL7 240000 1880000 $2,370,000 M P TP Facfdes RenwP -LT 150 2590000 $2890000 P P P 1 7 W P Coabn Renwaoon D Reno to JJ12 SO. S5000001 t4.350.000 $4,850,000 iPW P Concrete Ren noon 50000 550000 5656000 McQum .7 i. i82 Unal ted Subtodl: 13 76 18169938 (40021 ZD Conn nc 9e Estlmstsd FV Ex ndlhxss: LSD ad FY 2014.15 19 161806/8 582968850 p ATTACHMENT 1 Orialnal —Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2014 -15 (Adopted June 5, 2014) Program 95% of Estimated Allocation for projects in the CIB 5% Program Contingency for projects not in the CIB Estimated Allocations this FY All Projects) Estimated Carry -over from Previous FY Total Proposed Authorization Estimated FY 2014.15 Expenditures Treatment Plant $4,261,700 $224,300 $4,486,000 $11,498,454 $15,984,454 $9,045,000 Collection System $17,232,000 $907,000 $18,139,000 $8,191,317 $26,330,317 $12,217,000 General improvements $3,302,675 $173,825 $3,476,500 $3,328,016 $6,804,516 $3,265,000 Recycled Water $541,025 $28,475 $569,500 $812,230 $1,381,730 $552,000 Total this Fiscal Year $25,337,400 $1,333,600 $26,671,000 $23 ,830,017 $50,501,017 J $25,079,000 Revised — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 201.4 -15 C (Revised October 2, 2014) Program 95% of Estimated Allocation q�., In the CIB 5% Program Contingency not in a CIS Estimated 148 ,this, FY Alt Pro'ects Actual Gam -o��ellr fr FreSiods Total Proposed A o do Estimated FY 2014.15 n Itu Treatment Plant $4,261,700 $224,300 ($4,,,.. $8,734,145 $13,220,145 0 on ys em , 3 , P General improvements $3,302,675 $173,825 $3,476,500 $1,824,343 $5,300,843 $3,265,000 Recycled Water $541,025 $28,475 $569,500 $795,758 $1,365,258 $552,000 Total this Fiscal Year $25,337,400 $1,333,600 $26,671,000 $16,479,091 $43,150,091 $25,079,000 0 A 1 S� FY 14 -15 CIB Treatment Plant Program/ Project List - Project Allocations Date: 7101114 $13,220,146 To!9I Proposed Auth Or ZaL. A B =C A. Estimated Allocations This FY — Identified Projects, phases, that are planned to be budgeted and incur expenditures. A C, , Ex entlltures priority Profeot N—b., (:arrant Phase ProJeCt FStlrnated to 6130114 FY14 /16 FY15116 FY16117 Future FY Total Eatlmated Expediturea Allocated ProJ.0. (carry. over ) ONHTE QMCSI 1161, C Trotenl Rena-- r --- am k•11961 5 i6.0�(ry w 5727.355 W £G 114.957000 COUCal 1301 P lroa5noot Plan) Ftannm9 $1.994862 $1824138 So SO SU 12,177,000 alucal 7265 Ofc TP Equipment R acomont $1107412 $50000 $92588 $0 t9 11150000 Vm H 1 7254 LYC TP Calhodlc Prol 9/s Repl $549.290 510,000 $10.000 $10,000 $20.710 $600,000 Very H 1304 etc law &ConbolsPLC Upgrade $64317 $80.000 $10.603 to so $155.000 GrMcal 7308 c Co-Cen Controls Upyade $1.252272 $47.004 $0 so SO 11.299.276 041cal 7192 D $SWCh ar ReNrDIYlment 1 $119.181 $100,000 $80,718 $D SD $300,000 Crvcat 7310 P RenwatiMS - pheSeB $88911 $13,083 f0 f0 f0 $100,000 m N 7309 C DAF Tank Renovation $130291 !838.258 i0 SO f0 $966.550 y 7291 P Wet end ScrubOer Replacement $984 $24.038 $0 m SO $25,000 VorV H 7315 P Plant of the FUlure Roadmep $1,670 $9&.330 $0 $0 $0 $100.000 n 7289 P Poe Slesmc UP9rada $144.7801 t0 $45,220 50 $o (190.000 Very H 7291 D Pump & 13WAer SeremlC UPqrad9 $47,591 fo $o to $4051000 r 7302 P PE Pump Relurbisment Ph2 $o $8.157 i0 $D $25.000 n I 7316 Iola SOT Emer ncy ROWS(Conu9enov) $172.994 f0 f0 t0 $200,000 V H 7311 D TP Safety Enhancement Ph4 $60,093 to so $0 $100.000 IM 7284 0 TP Hazard ldem/rcabW 90(a0dab0a $7.179 $0 t0 s0 $125,000 Carry O+, Subtotal, $7728706 $974729 $101100 $20750 $22964828 S 8, 34,M 13 Idst0lad TP lial, 1 7284 C TPmward d9ntrrpA SO i178,00 31'0 OX, $3%00r $628600 Crillcal 7314 t RO parts vi I I U 01 SIOn)1j $300001 $50000 Ofical L': rah a7f eurdsnnxnt- ph 2 it, i fl/C.Y1 406E 12W swlcn _ar Reluh.�sn moat -13 0 0 50 240Pw 330050 570 U0 Crew 1316 C SDTf_nrx nc Raga +s conm nc iU $0 $0 rr to 0 Vwv H Insb &Controls PLr L..!al'o i0 S60000 $123700 1637 Vwv H 7341 DIC nsu E7. nn� s F, �-I.yWa � ill i0 5100001 5-200Iw 5:200170 VM H 7 D Cont"ttlue &Cake Nps 50 $519294 5181207 SO $0 Szoo Very H c Centntuae &Coke Pon rum ace I $0 30 $1200000 10 30 51200 Vm H 1206 Q Qeoinfoge & Coke F Furn- o2 0 tU 0 $U 2899500 V— H 7227 D Wet and SCNbberR acement 0 $0 ti.025,924 SO 1.026.024 7297 Wel and sCruuberR acemenl 0 100000 46720000 SO 6820000 Vr H TO $0' 180000 SO £O 1E0 -•I P Trea'n „r.•,r ig; Ll rrmw�• 0 $100(>Jt7 S50ow SU W IE-0 NA P lrr.,i.ri ir.r..I..1 r`rs.n nr Fl.. SO $0 SIM.P6`) £370(•:” $918088 $1757500 very H 7315 P Plvrl r'IbIr F1,;u�o Ro,1.4n:'' f0 SO $150000 $2000171) £0 1350000 I 111: P AoiFn:Lr 'n -r�!t•'rp�ls <(7 x41 O.r0 1 7310 D Ran 5- 459E 0 137000 f0 $U 13 c,mre� D c - 1 5 u No role I:.' P� 1 R s- iesen 0 ) 50)000 U 0 vca 11 7201 D ede ll 120070 $80000 U O 2 11710 C Pun &efOwer SasmrtU ado i0 i0 $2.-M.000 f695 0w wI $3295000 v r J I = 71'.1' P Plant Contra symenn 00 Peplecemenl i0 $0 520.000 $20.000 in $40.000 VN, It Nip D n of 41 V H r:l. C Finn! L _ 5bxn I;O RF')'.,ranlonl ill SO 41 4M, 4'Al $ 14 Vi 3011 Very M p71132 P Pta Fllec mh 1 i0 $50000 SAO i0 3U 90 NA D 1 iu Sul so +II `U Va,y H 1F'vA P TP SilTGI Irn w2(111.12 a1ru 202!1 YJ i0 $0 S15LYJ0 S I I 0111 it'^'fl A1000 K -'- T n LYC - 95 ROM . SO 140000 $58, 198 tim NA INC L e of iU 50 (i" 40 U:w VAU I ),,On OTP47 P WCIGr son CreekLwae Rahat, £0 V) 20 SO £0 i200U0 ra NA D WH son Creak Levee Retleu SO 4o t0 $100000 SO t1i "000 NA C W r Real 0 51x'000 EsUrnstod w 1 TP31 P Parmron SN for N9wfumac9 SO $o $26000 to to 42n2i?'1 All"atlom Iigh Tl'33 P T,ement P1a,1 Ord F, —dOCm £O 30 $'!7211:X, $`0001 SO t152C20 w gh ptP41 D'C Plant ("trot 9 slcvn Nowd, ads 0 550 (YxI £3O (00 Sd0000 S4 688 000 A H0 NA Dic Plant Cenlr(4 stmt Nemurk a0as 10 A) S 7U L7fJl7 $100007 $70000 24000(/ Run LIF03 P P641 ber Sewnty 101 S700010 70 000 H Q1, OT45 cl rJ.rr m P TP FKOOOS RenovP -LT $0 150000 150 15 890 P P P R U hled - 7 P16 P Coaorr o Renwebon 10 51" 51000 D n Run abon 10 500000 A c Sol Sol 8 N r 7P30 P C $01 $0 56(00 5'0000 550000 56000 74edufn TP P Se<unly LI - 2011 -13 thm 2021.22 $22.)X,, - 10 000 S50A10 R Unillocatad Subtotal. SO $9473092 $17076600 $18159938 $40024824 $13,220,146 To!9I Proposed Auth Or ZaL. A B =C A. Estimated Allocations This FY — Identified Projects, phases, that are planned to be budgeted and incur expenditures. A C, , FY 14 -15 CIS Treatment Plant Program/ Project List - Prolect Allocations Date: 7101114 $ 13,220 546 10:8 HoXSOd A't r Ae8 . C Estimated Carry Over from Previous FY — Projects already budgeted in Accounting (HTE) and incurring expenditures. VA �' Ex enditures Prior' M Project $Ember Currert Phase Project FSlhnated to 6x30114 IY14116 FY15116 FY16117 Future FY Total E111,11,11 Expedlluree Allocated Projects (Carry- ovsr ON HM T-- r -�—� --~� Critcal 7285 C rr -.r' Tr oaollenl Ranarenon '. 3E 000,Lw}) 5717 35`, ii! al 1301 P iroatrnord Flan[ Rennn 5162,138 SO $0 $O 11411 1.000 r 7265 C TP E enlR ement f500W 592588 f0 SO 51250000 V H 7254 pC TPCamoOC Prot `4s Rep $10,000 $10,000 S10,ODO $20,110 $800,000 Very If 7304 OIC Info &Controls PLC ede MI, 580,000 510,683 $0 50 S155,0DO I 7308 C Co-ow Cenlrois Upgrade $47.004 f0 s0 SO 51,299,278 Croce! 7292 0 SeAcn ar Refurtishment- 2 $100000 £%.716 SO Sri $300,000 couca, 7310 P Rwovabons- ase8 1 513.083 s0 f0 SO $100,000 ! N 7309 C DAFTwkRenwabon , (836,258 $0 $0 SO $968,550 Vew H 7297 P Wei and Dry Scrubber Roplecoment s $24.036 $o W. f0 525.000 V H 1315 P Plem ofthe Future Roadmap $1,67 190,330 s0 $0 f0 11DO,OW Koh 7269 P POB Sesmc Upgrade St44,78' m 545.220 $0 SO $190,000 VQIVH 7291 0 PUMP &Blow Skip Se15m tipIriicle $35740 $47,591 s0 $0 SO 5405,000 aI 7302 P PE PUMP Retulbismenl R2 $16.84 f0 $8,157 $0 $0 $25.000 tce! 7316 WIN SBr EmorOenty ROPUS(Conbperlcy) $27,00 5172,941 f0 SO $0 $200,000 V H 7311 0 TPSefely Enhancement Ph4 $3950 1180,093 f0 so $0 $100.000 1284 0 TP Hazard ldant/K&W Remediahon $11782 $7,179 SO $0 W $125.000 777er Subtotal. 1114 23068 $7,728,706 $974,729 $10,000 $20.71 $22,964,826 1 S 8,734,146 8 ItlerlOfled TP Project. (Net In II' K ah 7284 C Sol 117Ah ; z 9i.gu i.i! crece? 14 D :n ent i:earri :.) cis - c�lri0�: _ clocal Cr, 7292 C Swlcn ar Re rWShmonl �n3 Vi PYI '406800 ;0 U (Dribcal 1?IL C SBT Emer ne Re e•s Ccea nr 10 10 V 7' a. . In 6 ado f0 S60rh',U 5123700 3103,17 Ven, H 7.15; pC !n W B CnnuolS PLC Loq,W4 $10 VRV H I 72fiu D Convifuloe &Cake Nmps SO (519211 41812136 i0 5700 VMV H 1 724E C C ortrituge & Cbko I'dws Fumacat SO 30 11200000 i0 i0 ft1W V 1286 C Centnf &rake Furn s1-)a 2 0 SU W J,2.M.5LK., 2699500 V 0 Wet and Ore 4ruwD 17. lacernord 511 1025924 so 1 111.0251241 1297 C Wet and soubberR lacernonl U 100000 6710000 6820 VWH 1: 311 T Safe 6MancemOn, Plw SO S180 0 1 7'+ t P Treatrdml Plan)Plannio 100000 MOW 50 150 r7' ;JA P lrawnont Flantllam!n I;nI SO SV 5403 rn1 $37U OJ:! $9/86.8 11575W V M 1.f 1'. P F Ord U the Fuluro RO.xina fit ill $f•4!ptl! 52000011 $0 3 000 0 '�. ' P Ash { Wht In r ern CnlS t,l l rrl0 0 0 1 1310 D PIPAO FlWovMms - eas P. t131UW f0 O Octal 731-0 C i VnO Rapwa^,., s t,a;e N $1 00 0151, I t+ Vow H YA Ilr v,.n Ramvan��s ",4e 11 10 so. S"Xt0ri U n SCO 7291 D FL '88km�r d. ScaunKU ,ro7o $0 UM SWAM f0 <n Croce 1 C F'uro r>'. ['nlJNi L'i �Snn,. U 4l Sit 112 40ri Ul(I 5895,0'_ $3295000 v pTP41 P F1,tn1 C!v,trN slm, b0 Rep'aien,ent 10 So $20,co0 i2o rA2 540.000 VMH NA D 110 nr ,ufrR -'a'en.rl SO 4l.ri �ii ,r' v It '.,, C "teal CUntfif�Sham i0 YO SO Sil 5.,:?r,300 Y H .il -i1 P r%anlF at im¢a:i.xr f0 s40.W0 SO 590 D 11.3m Fnor, r !n,ta:••.n ;U V ril. P IF 'II II.. !r <r•iiAi 41107- 1000 tk ''4 LYC Leborat U�c��adosBR ar i0 4 558 0 A at R nr le n C /Gra son CreekLwee RehaO 120. i0 f2i!Gi0 I +, C /Gr on Creek levee ReheD W f0 11WOW i0 $IWWO /50n R Allocetlora r4 TP31 rmnn SN for New Pomac f0 f0 526,0)0 0 V. 526000 H TP33 e N— tFiant_l Remad!e0on i) $0 cl92 fr10 I4 TP41 IQanucl9 Oin NB jade.:: in i50 ?rl r! A 14 NA ant CMltrll Stem Ner—U &705 in -MAW S1rxt000 5700041 240G)nI Dar SOcur ) 70 70 ttart IMP-1W It TP45 Elenrktluc D -LT $0 $0 250000 400W 1880000 1370r2 A FePI41o5 RMWP -LT 0 5150000 150000 590 16 000 1 Nedw, 10 eSn RonovaDOrt 0 52000 NA RonoveDOr1 0 NA R 0 e c13� r Madam TP30 T ncrete Renovation n -1 m 6 SO 0 $56000 11 rAC! 150000 +u) OOG 1721000 «q 000 58000 llnUlocatetl SUDtotN: f0 f947J 082 513075600 $16,159938 $40024024 $ 13,220 546 10:8 HoXSOd A't r Ae8 . C Estimated Carry Over from Previous FY — Projects already budgeted in Accounting (HTE) and incurring expenditures. VA �' FY 14 -15 CIB Treatment PIaM Pro17roM Project List - Project Allocations Date: T7o1114 DRAFT C. Total Proposed Authorization - Budgeted projects and new project work. Carry -over + Estimated Allocations �G S Ex rmdlturex Priority Project Number Curran) Phase Project Estl mated to 6730114 FY141% FY15116 FY16117 Raw FY Taal EaOmaled Expedsurets Allocated Projects (Carry. ova Octal 7285 C FI-y L.m -,.l Rermreaon $8.219635 56.000000 $727365 i0 $01 $14.917,000 Ofical 7301 P Treatment Plan) Ranneig $1.994.862 $182,138 SO f0 SO $2,177,000 Cauca 7285 C TPE dttR ement $1107412 $50000 $91566 SO SO 51250000 H 1 7254 IXC ITP Cathodic Prot 9VS Rep $549.290 $10.000 SIO.ODOI $10,000 $20,710 5800,000 VMH 7300 O(C Insor &Cords PLC ypgfedo (61,317 $80.000 510.683 so $0 $155,000 OtIcal 7308 C Co•Gen Conbols Upgrade $1.252272 $47.004 SO $0 so $1.299,276 Crocal 1292 D Sv,(Chgoat ROMMShmenl- ph 2 $118,284 $100.000 580.716 SO $0 5300,000 clecal 1310 P POV Ronovations- phase8 588.917 $13,083 so So $0 $100,000 Olical 1309 C DAF lank Renovation $130292 $836.258 So So $0 $988,550 Very H 1297 P Wet end Dry Scrubber Replocomort 5984 $24.036 to $0 $0 $25.000 very H 7315 P Plant of the Future Rooftop $1.670 598.330 to SO $0 $100,000 Koh 7289 P POB Ssesmc Upgrade $144.780 $0 $45,220 $O 50 $100.000 7291 D PurM & Blower Selsmic Upgrade $357AO9 $47.591 $0 $0 $0 $405.000 r 7302 P PE Pump Refurblsment Ph2 $18,843 f0 $8.157 $0 50 $25.000 1316 Ns SOT Emorgenty RepeaS(Coobgonc� $27,006 $112.994 $0 $o $0 $200.000 V H 7311 O TP Safety Enhancement Me $39.907 $80.093 to f0 $0 5100,000 1 i,oh 7284 0 TP Hazard ldenl/KAO &Remediaran S117.821 $7.179 $0 SO $0 $125,000 CatV Ovor 9731146 13 subtotal: 51/230681 $7728706 $91729 270000 $20710 522981 IdnMlf #d TP Projects (Nor In .VITE.7 tiub 7284 C TP Hazard iaant9K8bW & Remodaw f0 SO S 17A 600 $16001Yi 13`A OX, V128,600 14 D Ur IR r 50 SO i10000 SIO"I SX�fM $`.0000 01 0 IF0.000 Su 8 S3 110 GJ., 330 ) 57 1700 Ow.1 1 7316 C Sffr Emergence Repairs oob $0 SO SO U Ai 9 V Very H 7304 Insb& Controls PLC Upgrade 0 .0 f600M 1 fn $123700 SO S GO rOJ f+:0 C0 $163700 110000 Very H V H Furnace SO $0 0 1 S519.2o4 f0 SiO1,206 $1200000 $0 SO $0 S2.8".5001 10 $0 $700.W $1,200,000 2 899 500 Very H D Wet md emenl 12 1,025,924 1015914 Very H 7231 Wet and Dre Scrubber Roplacemerit U I so SiO0.000 6.720.ODO 6.820.002 VWV 1 73 7,11 1 1 Nn P P Treatrnent Pient anon Ph1 SO 0 SO 1 $100 SO 08682 370000 98 38 000 :150000 1757500 1315 P Pavn o!Ilw Ginrto Rn,pxna: SU SO 1511000 000 350(100 1 P ,r rnJd 'r ,.'t; O 10)0 0 U N1 - 10 D v. no u•mr.va•,ma . nn -:� �. -- b 0 $137000 f0 - $131.000 at 7310 C. {'t � n.T n;.n,� +a,.r n5 . j_ fi, :.i : $1000 (M io 4r U- nr 1, „no: ,,none. bax•9 U 50., , 0 k Fiks+ar BI SHSrnK U ado 0 1200(10 580000 0 $0 C Pun R[iUner 6. Susn,KU ado $U SO $2400000 ia55 UU i0 3195 W0 H c 11 A P Nwt CMttd slam VO Rep!ecement f0 $0 S20.000 $20.00., f0 $40.000 N7. D n to io J4( .D C nun Gnvd, wxn 00 RC wcornent Sri SO fii fu <.!nv.lG� fd4 ?63011 V 111+1 r, n P D Plan Flier F74. I F.m � e SO 0 £50 $4o- u 0 -U U 90 0 V H c:/!: P iP Salo) 1,,,1- 201111 thm 201 &20 $0 SO 4150 -Ki 110x1 $41.000 K04 ,P2a IXC et $0 540 558070 NA IXC r +U 0 A, 0X1 0?0 $240.( 34000 roif1' P WCIGr son Creek Levee Rehab <.0 O 520070 $0 fO 10000 rt D WCIGr Creak Levee Reheu 4ii 30 0 100000 90 $100000 sJA C 501 &0 so $200000 S300,wo $W0.000 Estimated Allocations t4 ail -sl P Pemtiton Std for New Fumete $0 SO 526000 f0 f260)0 w c1(3! P Treatm t Piant£<,+i O fO $102000 S50,0001 f0 S152000 W PIP-11 OIC - lConrd em Nornv4<( adds $50000 f30 f 000 r 498000 A NA DIC PIWICOntrd95tml NOMOrk tides 0 SO $70 (UO 10000.1 70000 1400W P Plant Car Se<ur 70000 40 70004 P n Rom 101 so S 10 tt TP45 P TP Electrkar CebR -LT I to $250000 240000 1880000 2370000 Modaim NA P TP Facdees Raw Pam .LT 150000 515 0000 2590000 1800000 MOMM P P NWMM 1Pie P Coeur ROnwarton 52000 51000 D C­ Ran 000 Mad., NA C Coama R n 1 r MA-. m 7P30 P Conctde Renovation f0 $56(00 550000 5550000 56000 Modum IP mi -/ 0 1- 0 21 1 2 Unallocated lubtotal: SO $9473092 $13076600 $1816911J8 $10021 Estimeted FYEx nditures. SI1230681 510447821 1113 ,005,6001 $16180618 $62989860 Esumded F7 2014.15 C. Total Proposed Authorization - Budgeted projects and new project work. Carry -over + Estimated Allocations �G S FY 14.15 CIS Treatment Plant Programl Project List - Project Allocations nnrw' 71AIHA f1RAC"1' F77,77-7-1 t 8731116 B D. Estimated FY 2014- 15 Expenditures — Total expenditures planned for the year. .r 'ttl�lln eF�� f13 116 _ / D Totel rioWSee " AFB � C ATTACHMENT 1 Original —Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2014 -15 (Adopted June 5, 2014) Revised — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2014 -15 r` (Revised October 2, 2014) Pro ram 95% of Estimated Allocation for projects in the CIB 5% Program Contingency for projects not in the CIB Estimated Allocations this FY All Projects) Estimated Cant' -over from Previous FY Total Proposed Authodzatlon Estimated FY 2014.15 Expenditures -Program Treatment Plant $4,261,700 $224,300 $4,486,000 $11,498,454 $15,984,454 $9,045,000 Collection System $17,232,000 $907,000 $18,139,000 $8,191,317 $26,330,317 $12,217,000 General Improvements $3,302,675 $173,825 $3,476,500 $3,328,016 $6,804,516 $3,265,000 Recycled Water $541,025 $28,475 $569,500 $812,230 $1,381,730 $552,000 Total this Fiscal Year $25,337,400 $1,333,600 $26,671,000 $23 ,830,017 $50,501,017 $25,079,000 Revised — Table 1: Capital Improvement Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2014 -15 r` (Revised October 2, 2014) Pro ram 95% of Estimated Allocation in the CIB '/o Program Contingency � ► NVI e� In Estimated AI Projects Actual a fr re io s Y Total Proposed Autho ' do Estimated FY 20%15 Treatment Plant $4,261,700 $ $8,734,145 $13,220,145 0 on ys em , 3 , General improvements $3,302,675 $173,825 $3,476,500 $1,824,343 $5,300,843 $3,265,000 Recycled Water $541,025 $28,475 $569,500 $795,758 $1,365,258 $552,000 Total this Fiscal Year $25,337,400 $1,333,600 $26,671,000 $16,479,091 $43,150,091 $25,079,000 0, rWWIE,�_Cosr4lw. w 0-k Medium TP29 P Pavement Renovation $0 $0 $56,000 $50.000 $150,000 $256,000 Medium pTP16 P Coating Renovation $0 $0 $52,000 $0 $0 $52,000 Medium NA D Coating Renovation $0 $0 $500,000 $0 $0 $500,000 Medium NA C Coaldnq Renovation $0 $0 $0 $500 000 $4 350.000 $4.850.000 Medium pTP30 P Concrete Renovation $0 $0 $56,000 $50,000 $550,000 $656,000 Medium PTP23 P TP Secur U r- 2012-U tnru _ nail ocated Subtotal: $0 $9,473,092 $13 075 500 $16,169,938 $40,024,824 Conti enc % 1 $0 Estim ed FY Expenditures: $14,230,6 $10,447,821 $13086600 $16 180 648 $62 989 650 Contingency? -WE-MMENE'lo'l I CEO- C-*Si pa (,qo naloulc) FY 14 -15 CIB Treatment Plant Program/ Project List - Project Allocations Date: 7/01/14 DRAFT 1 Estimated FY Expenditures:) $14,230,6811 $9,045,0001 $10,447,8211 $13,085,5001 $16,180,6481 $62,989,6501 Estimated FY 2014 -15 Carry Over $ 8,734,145 B Estimated Allocations this FY TP $4,486,0001 A $13,220,145 Total Proposed Authorization A +B =C Expenditures Priority Project Number Current Phase Project Estimated to 6/30/14 FY14I15 FY15/16 FY16/17 Future FY Total Estimated Expeditures Allocated Projects (Carry- over) (IN HTE) Critical 7285 C Primary Treatment Renovation $8.219.635 $6,000.000 $727,365 $0 $0 $14.947,000 Critical 7301 P Treatment Plant Planning $1,994.862 $182.138 $0 $0 $0 $2.177.000 Critical 7265 DIC TP Equipment Replacement $1.107.412 $50.000 $92,588 $0 $0 $1.250.000 Very H 7254 D/C TP Cathodic Prot Sys Repl $549.290 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20.710 $600.000 Very H 7304 D/C Instr & Controls PLC Upgrade $64.317 $80.000 $10.683 $0 $0 $155.000 Critical 7308 C Co -Gen Controls Upgrade $1.252.272 $47.004 $0 $0 $0 $1,299.276 Critical 7292 D Switchgear Refurbishment - ph 2 $119.284 $100.000 $80.716 $0 $0 $300.000 Critical 7310 P Piping Renovations - phase 8 $86.917 $13.083 $0 $0 $0 $100.000 Critical 7309 C DAF Tank Renovation $130.292 $836.258 $0 $0 $0 $966.550 Very H 7297 P Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement $964 $24.036 $0 $0 $0 $25.000 Very H 7315 P Plant of the Future Roadmap $1,670 $98.330 $0 $0 $0 $100.000 Hi h 7289 P POB Seesmic Upgrade $144.780 $0 $45,220 $0 $0 $190.000 Very H 7291 D Pump & Blower Bldg Seismic Upgrade $357,409 $47.591 $0 $0 $0 $405.000 Critical 7302 P PE Pump Refurbisment Ph2 $16,843 $0 $8,157 $0 $0 $25,000 Critical 7316 n/a SBT Emergency Repairs (Contigency) $27,006 $172.994 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 Very H 7311 D TP Safety Enhancement Ph4 $39.907 $60,093 $0 $0 $0 $100.000 High 7284 D TP Hazard Identification & Remediation $117.821 $7.179 $0 $0 $0 $125.000 Subtotal: $14,230,681 $7,728,706 $974,729 $10,000 $20,710 $22,964,826 Identified TP Projects (Not in "HTE ") High 7284 C 1TP Hazard Identification & Remediation $0 $0 $178,600 $100,000 $350,000 $628,600 Critical 7314 D Urgent Repairs $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 $30,000 $50,000 Critical 7292 D/C Switch ear Refurbishment - ph 2 $0 $60,000 $406,800 $466,800 Critical 7292 C Switch ear Refurbishment - ph 3 $0 $0 $0 $240,000 $330.000 $570.000 Critical 7316 C SIB Emergency Repairs Conti enc $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Very H 7304 D/C Instr & Controls PLC Upgrade $0 $60,000 $123,700 $183,700 Very H 7304 DIC Instr & Controls PLC Upgrade $0 $0 $0 $100.000 $320,000 $420.000 Very H 7286 D Centrifuge & Cake Pumps $0 $519,2194 $181,206 $0 $0 $700,500 Very H 1 7286 C Centrifuge & Cake Pumps Furnace 1 $0 $0 $1,200,000 $0 $0 $1,200,000 Very H 7286 C Centrifuge & Cake Pumps Furnace 2 $0 $0 $0 $2,899,500 $0 $2,899.500 Very H 7297 D Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement $0 $0 $1,025.924 $0 $0 $1,025.924 Very H 7297 C Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement $0 $0 $100,000 $6,720,000 $0 $6,820,000 Very H 7311 C TP Safety Enhancement PIA $0 $180.000 $0 $0 $0 $180,000 Critical 7301 P Treatment Plant Planning $0 $100,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $150,000 Critical NA P Treatment Plant Planning Ph2 $0 $0 $408,862 $370,000 $978,638 $1,757,500 Very H 7315 P Plant of the Future Roadma $0 $0 $150,000 $200,000 $0 $350,000 Very H 7312 P Ash FacilitV Improvements $0 $0 $41,000 $0 $0 $41.000 Critical 7310 D Piping Renovations phase 8 $0 $137,000 $0 $0 $0 $137,000 Critical 7310 C Piping Renovations - phase 8 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $1,000,000 Not Rated NA D/C Pipinq Renovations - phase 9 $0 $0 $500,000 $0 $0 $500,000 Very H 7291 D Pump & Blower Bldg Seismic Upgrade $0 $120,000 $80,000 $0 $0 $200,000 Critical 7291 C Pump & Blower Bldg Seismic Upgrade $0 $0 $2,400,000 $895,000 $0 $3,295,000 Very H pTP42 P Plant Control System 1/0 Replacement $0 $0 $20.000 $20,000 $0 $40.000 Very H NA D Plant Control System 1/0 Replacement $0 $0 $0 $0 $460,000 $460,000 Very H NA C Plant Control System 1/0 Replacement $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,436,300 $3,436,300 Very H pTP32 P Plant Energy Optimization $0 $50,000 $40,000 $0 $0 $90,000 Very H NA D Plant Energy Optimization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Very H pTP08 P TP Safety Im rov 2011 -12 thru 2019 -20 $0 $0 $15,000 $11,000 $15,000 $41,000 High pTP24 D/C Laboratory Upgrades & Repair $0 $40,000 $58,000 $98,000 Hi h NA D/C Laboratory Upgrades & Repair $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $240,000 $340,000 High pTP47 P JWC / Grayson Creek Levee Rehab $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $20,000 High NA D JWC / Grayson Creek Levee Rehab $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $100,000 High NA C JWC I Grayson Creek Levee Rehab $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $300,000 $500,000 High pTP31 P I Permitting Study for New Furnace $0 $0 $26,000 $0 $0 $26,000 High pTP33 P Treatment Plant Soil Remediation $0 $0 $102,000 $50,000 $0 $152,000 High pTP41 DIC Plant Control System Network Upgrades $0 $50,000 $30,000 $80,000 Hi h NA D/C Plant Control System Network Upgrades $0 $0 $70,000 $100,000 $70,000 $240,000 High pTP03 P Plant C ber Security $0 $0 $70,000 $0 $0 $70,000 High pTP06 P Electrical and Instr Re I $0 $0 $30,000 $10,000 $60,000 $100.000 High pTP45 P TP Electrical Cable Re I - LT $0 $0 $250.000 $240,000 $1,880,000 $2,370,000 Medium NA P TP Facilities Renov P m - LT $0 $0 $150,000 $150,000 $2,590,000 $2,890,000 Medium pTP29 P Pavement Renovation $0 $0 $56,000 $50.000 $150.000 $256,000 Medium PTP16 P Coating Renovation $0 $0 $52,000 $0 $0 $52.000 Medium NA D Coating Renovation 1 $0 $0 $500,000 $0 $0 $500,000 Medium NA C Coating Renovation $0 $0 $0 $500,000 $4,350,000 $4,850.000 Medium pTP30 P Concrete Renovation $0 $0 $56,000 $50,000 $550,000 $656,000 Medium pTP23 I P TP Security Upgr - 2012 -13 thru 2021 -22 $0 $0 $22,000 $10,000 $50,000 $82,000 Unallocated Subtotal: $0 $1 316,294 $9,473,092 $13,075,500 $16,159,938 $40,024,824 1 Estimated FY Expenditures:) $14,230,6811 $9,045,0001 $10,447,8211 $13,085,5001 $16,180,6481 $62,989,6501 Estimated FY 2014 -15 Carry Over $ 8,734,145 B Estimated Allocations this FY TP $4,486,0001 A $13,220,145 Total Proposed Authorization A +B =C