HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.e. Organization and Staffing PlanTABLE OF CONTENTS 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. ............................... 0.1 ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW .............................................................................................. ............................... III 0.2 STRATEGIC DISTRICT INITIATIVES .......................................................................................... ............................... IV 0.3 SPECIFIC DISTRICT ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT PERSPECTIVES ................................................. ..............................V 0.4 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ............................................................................................... ............................... VII 0.5 PROPOSED DISTRICT ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING REQUIREMENTS ........................................ ............................... VIII 0.6 RECOMMENDATION 2 - FOCUS ON BEING A LEARNING ORGANIZATION .......... ............................... ...........................X111 0.7 RECOMMENDATION 3- PROMOTE ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS, EFFICIENCY AND WORKFORCE PERFORMANCE......... XIV 0.8 IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS AND ROADMAP .................................................................. ...........................XVII 1 ORGANIZATIONAL STUDY OVERVIEW .......................................................................... ............................... 1 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................. ..............................1 1.2 DISTRICT ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW ....................................................................................... ..............................4 2 ORGANIZATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS .......................................................................... ............................... 7 2.1 STRATEGIC DISTRICT INITIATIVES ............................................................................................ ..............................7 2.2 SPECIFIC DISTRICT ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT PERSPECTIVES ................................................ .............................10 2.3 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ................................................................................................. .............................14 3 PROPOSED DISTRICT ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING ENHANCEMENTS ........................ .............................16 3.1 RECOMMENDATION I— IMPROVE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE EFFECTIVENESS ........................... .............................16 3.2 RECOMMENDATION 2 -FOCUS ON BEING A LEARNING ORGANIZATION ....................................... .............................22 3.3 RECOMMENDATION 3 - PROMOTE ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS, EFFICIENCY AND WORKFORCE PERFORMANCE ..........25 4 IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS AND ROADMAP ................................................. .............................29 5 APPENDIX A: ORGANIZATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................. .............................32 5.1 DEFINITIONS AND KEYTERMS USED IN THE PROPOSED DETAILED ORGANIZATIONAL DESCRIPTIONS ................32 6 APPENDIX B: CURRENT ORGANIZATION CHARTS .......................................................... .............................61 7 APPENDIX C: EMPLOYEE SURVEY .................................................................................. .............................68 8 APPENDIX D: EXTERNAL BENCHMARKING ANALYSIS .................................................... .............................92 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 0 -1: FTES BY DEPARTMENT- FY 2014 -15 DISTRICT ORGANIZATION ................................................. ............................... III TABLE 0-2: TOTAL FTES BY DEPARTMENT- PROPOSED DISTRICT ORGANIZATION ........................................... ............................... IX TABLE 0 -3: OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES ............................................................... ............................... X TABLE 0-4- SUMMARY OF PROPOSED REPURPOSED AND RENAMED POSITIONS ............................................ ............................... XII TABLE 0 -5 - SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES IN TITLES ........................................................................ ............................... XII TABLE 1 -1: FTES BY DEPARTMENT- FY 2014 -15 DISTRICT ORGANIZATION ................................................... ..............................4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District TABLE 3 -1: TOTAL FTES BY DEPARTMENT- PROPOSED DISTRICT ORGANIZATION ............................................ .............................18 TABLE 3 -2: OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES ............................................................... .............................19 FIGURE 0 -2: DISTRICT STRATEGIC INITIATIVES .......................................................................................... ............................... TABLE 3 -3 - SUMMARY OF PROPOSED REPURPOSED AND RENAMED POSITIONS .............................................. .............................21 FIGURE 0 -3: PROPOSED DISTRICT ORGANIZATION .................................................................................... ............................... IX TABLE 3- 4- SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES IN TITLES .......................................................................... .............................21 TABLE S -1: FTES BY DIVISION - PROPOSED ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT .................................................. .............................36 TABLE 5 -2: FTES BY DIVISION - PROPOSED TECHNICAL .............................................................................. .............................40 TABLE S -3: FTES BY SECTION - PROPOSED PLANNING AND ......................................................................... .............................41 TABLE 5 -4: FTES BY SECTION - PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION ........................................................ .............................47 TABLE 5 -5: FTES BY SECTION - PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE DIVISION .............. .............................49 TABLE 5 -6: FTES BY DIVISION - PROPOSED OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT ........................................................ .............................50 TABLE 8 -1: SERVICES OFFERED BY AGENCY ............................................................................................... .............................94 TABLE 8 -2: JOB DESCRIPTION CLASSIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... .............................95 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 0 -1: CURRENT DISTRICT ORGANIZATION ...................................................................................... ............................... IV FIGURE 0 -2: DISTRICT STRATEGIC INITIATIVES .......................................................................................... ............................... IV FIGURE 0 -3: PROPOSED DISTRICT ORGANIZATION .................................................................................... ............................... IX FIGURE 1 -1: DISTRICT SERVICE AREA ....................................................................................................... ..............................3 FIGURE 1 -2: CURRENT DISTRICT ORGANIZATION ........................................................................................ ..............................4 FIGURE 3 -1: ORGANIZATIONAL TAXONOMY .............................................................................................. .............................17 FIGURE 3 -2: PROPOSED DISTRICT ORGANIZATION ..................................................................................... .............................18 FIGURE 5 -1: ORGANIZATIONAL CHART LEGEND ......................................................................................... .............................32 FIGURE 5 -2: RATIONALE FOR ORGANIZATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................... .............................33 FIGURE 5 -3: SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ....................................................... .............................35 FIGURE 5 -4: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE ......................................... .............................36 FIGURE 5-5: PROPOSED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION STRUCTURE ................................................... .............................37 FIGURE 5 -6: PROPOSED FINANCE DIVISION STRUCTURE .............................................................................. .............................38 FIGURE 5-7: COMMUNICATIONS & INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION STRUCTURE ................................ .............................39 FIGURE 5 -8: TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE .............................................. .............................40 FIGURE 5 -9: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION STRUCTURE ..................................................... .............................41 FIGURE 5 -10: RATES AND FEES SECTION STRUCTURE ................................................................................. .............................42 FIGURE 5 -11: PLANNING & APPLIED RESEARCH SECTION STRUCTURE ........................................................... .............................43 FIGURE 5 -12: PROPOSED ASSET MANAGEMENT SECTION STRUCTURE ........................................................... .............................44 FIGURE 5-13: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SECTION STRUCTURE ...................................................................... .............................45 FIGURE 5 -14: PROPOSED COLLECTION SYSTEM AND TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM SECTION STRUCTURE ............ .............................46 FIGURE 5 -15: ENVIRONMENTAL AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE DIVISION ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ........... .............................48 FIGURE 5 -16: OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ...................................................... .............................50 FIGURE 5 -17: COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DIVISION STRUCTURE ......................................................... .............................51 FIGURE 5 -18: FIELD OPERATIONS SECTION STRUCTURE .............................................................................. .............................52 FIGURE 5 -19: FACILITIES MAINTENANCE DIVISION STRUCTURE .................................................................... .............................54 FIGURE 5 -20: MAINTENANCE SECTION STRUCTURE ................................................................................... .............................55 FIGURE 5 -21: PLANT OPERATIONS DIVISION STRUCTURE ............................................................................ .............................57 FIGURE 5 -22: SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT DIVISION STRUCTURE .............................................................. .............................59 Organizational and Staffing Plan FIGURE 5 -23: HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION STRUCTURE ........................................................................... .............................60 FIGURE 7 -1: QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................. .............................70 FIGURE 7 -2: SOURCE OF REGULAR UPDATES ............................................................................................ .............................71 FIGURE 7 -3: SOURCE OF INFORMATION / QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION ....................................................... .............................72 FIGURE 7 -4: WORKPLACE PERSPECTIVES .................................................................................................. .............................73 FIGURE 7 -5: MOST IMPORTANT WORKPLACE ATTRIBUTES .......................................................................... .............................74 FIGURE 7 -6: OPEN COMMUNICATION / QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION ......................................................... .............................74 FIGURE 7 -7: PROVISIONS FOR HIGHEST RANK WORKPLACE ATTRIBUTE .......................................................... .............................75 FIGURE 7 -8: FULFILLMENT OF HIGHEST RANKED ATTRIBUTE ........................................................................ .............................76 FIGURE 8 -1: DISTRIBUTION OF FTES BY FUNCTION .................................................................................... .............................96 FIGURE 8 -2: PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF FTES ..................................................................................... .............................97 FIGURE 8 -3: OPERATIONS STAFF PER MILLION GALLONS TREATED ................................................................ .............................98 FIGURE 8 -4: COLLECTION SYSTEM STAFF PER 100 MILES OF COLLECTION SYSTEM ........................................... .............................99 FIGURE 8 -5: FTES PER JOB CLASSIFICATION .............................................................. ............................... ............................100 FIGURE 8 -6: PROPOSED DISTRICT ORGANIZATION ..................................................... ............................... ............................101 FIGURE 8 -7: ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT ................................................. ............................... ............................102 FIGURE 8 -8: UNION SANITARY DISTRICT .................................................................. ............................... ............................103 FIGURE 8 -9: INLAND EMPIRE UTILITIES AGENCY ........................................................ ............................... ............................104 FIGURE 8 -10: SACRAMENTO REGIONAL COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT ......................... ............................... ............................105 FIGURE 8 -11: EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITIES DISTRICT ............................................. ............................... ............................106 FIGURE 8 -12: DELTA DIABLO SANITATION DISTRICT ................................................... ............................... ............................107 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District This report was prepared by RafteIis Financial Consultants, Inc. (RFC) forth e Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) to identify opportunities to enhance the organization and staffing considerations to meet future anticipated service levels and strategic areas of focus. This study was conducted in conjunction with a financial rate study also conducted by RFC for the District. Organizational and Staffing Plan 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In June of 2014, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) commissioned Raftelis Financial Consultants (RFC) to conduct a comprehensive Cost of Service (COS) study to independently assess and evaluate the District's existing wastewater rates to provide a fair and reasonable rate structure. As part of the COS, the District requested an organizational and staffing needs assessment be conducted to define areas for organizational improvement and position the District to provide services in a cost - effective manner while positioning the organization to support a high - quality workforce and meet emerging regulatory and wastewater /recycled water service objectives. RFC brings industry -wide knowledge of utility organizational and operations practices and the findings and recommendations presented in this Plan are based upon this knowledge coupled with District - specific considerations and strategic objectives. We note that the District has not completed a staffing study of this magnitude for a long time — thus the findings contained herein address both systemic holistic adjustments that address longer -term organizational needs that the General Manager has the authority to act on as well as present some recommendations for new positions that require Board action and approval. While the recommendations in this document may suggest extensive change, in reality most functions and responsibilities have remained intact for individual groups and sections. Thus the magnitude and degree of change in many ways is structural only — not necessarily in work group function. The Study consisted of four principal activities: i� t' ENGAGE ASSESS COMPARE ► ENHANCE 1. Engage — a. The District "Organizational Performance Team" (OPT) comprised of Senior management was formed in July 2014 to guide and lead the organizational assessment and provide feedback during the study. The OPT intent was to lead and guide the organization on implementation of improvements moving forward Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report I i and act as change agents for implementation of the staffing needs assessment recommendations. b. A survey was developed and distributed to all employees in September 2014. The purpose of the survey was to obtain feedback anonymously on their perspectives of the organization and opportunities to improve. A total of 144 District employees, or 50% of total staff, participated in the survey. The survey results are summarized in Appendix C. 2. Assess — a. RFC conducted interviews with Board Members, management team and District employees, both individually and in groups, to understand work responsibilities and define opportunities to improve. A total of 68 individual and group interview sessions with the District were completed from July to November 2014. Individuals that were able to participate in the interviews were encouraged to provide feedback through the employee survey. b. Work areas and District facilities were visited and reviewed. 3. Compare — a. RFC conducted an external staffing comparison to other peer utilities during November 2014. b. RFC conducted an analysis of various organizational structures of other utilities. We note that when examining the structure of any organization, it is very important to understand how work is accomplished as compared to what the formal organizational chart conveys. The comparison results are summarized in Appendix D. 4. Enhance— a. RFC met with the OPT on November 3, 2014 to validate observations and discuss opportunities for improvement. b. Organizational structure recommendations were developed and reviewed with Executive Leadership to define the preferred structure deemed to best meet organizational efficiency, staff support and development, as well as future service level needs. This document presents the findings and recommendations of the organizational and staffing needs assessment. ii I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 0.1 ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW The District operates and maintains over 1,500 miles of underground sewer, 19 wastewater lift stations and a secondary wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) that is permitted to treat an average of 53.8 million gallons per day (mgd) of dry weather flow. The District Treatment Plant uses multiple- hearth incineration to treat its biosolids which makes it unique to the State of California using this type of technology and utilizes extensive energy recovery as a result. The District also operates and maintains a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) drop -off facility. • Population served: 471,000 • Operating Budget FY 14 -15: $88.2M • Capital Budget FY 14 -15: $25.1M 0.1.1 Current District Organization The District currently has 287 budgeted full -time positions in three Departments as presented in Table 0 -1: FTEs by Department — FY 2014 -15 District Organization. In addition to its full -time workforce, the District utilizes a variety of external contracted services and temporary employees to meet critical staffing needs for open positions. Table 0 -1: FTEs by Department — FY 2014 -15 District Organization Department Administration 50 Engineering 81 Operations 156 The District is governed by a five - member Board of Directors (Board). The General Manager and Secretary of the District both report directly to the Board. The District Counsel also reports directly to the Board. The current District organization is comprised of three Departments, each under its respective Director. The Deputy General Manager also serves as the Director of Operations. Figure 0 -1 presents the current District organization. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report I iii Figure 0 -1: Current District Organization Divisions /Sections Fleet Services Pumping Stations Safety Laboratory Collection System Maintenance Process Control Plant Operations Plant Maintenance Divisions /Sections Human Resources Information Technology Safety & Risk Management Finance Purchasing & Material Services Communication Services 0.2 STRATEGIC DISTRICT INITIATIVES The District's board and management staff are actively leading and engaging the organization workforce to meet strategic business needs to position itself moving forward. RFC notes that the organization and staffing study recommendations are intended to support and meet the District's strategic goals. Figure 0 -2 presents some of the key strategic activities actively underway by the District which are summarized below: iv I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Divisions /Sections Household Hazardous Waste Environmental Compliance Planning Survey Plan Review Permit Development Inspection Asset Management Capital Projects Sewer Service Charge Figure 0 -2: District Strategic Initiatives • Strategic Business Plan - The District completed its strategic business plan in 2014 and is actively working on achieving its Goals. • Succession Planning - The Succession Planning Committee (SPC) was established in May 2014 under the direction of the General Manager to address the succession needs of the District. • Information Technology Master Plan — In early 2014, the District commissioned an Information Technology Master Plan (ITMP) to address the significant needs of its technology infrastructure and staffing. • Enhanced Capital Program Management — The District's Engineering and Operations Committee has been working with management staff on the Capital Improvement Budget (CIP) process, including budget tracking and reporting as well as enhancements to the prioritization process. The Engineering Capital Projects Division has been working on new methodology to prioritize capital projects. Also, under the Board's direction, the District has actively been investing and developing its Asset Management program. 0.3 SPECIFIC DISTRICT ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT PERSPEC71110C Regardless of their origin, organizational changes generally become permanent (i.e. they become the new structural norm) over time. As the organization evolves, resource islands can form in which staff reside in areas within the organization apart from their "Community of Practice" which can result in constraint to career and personal development as well as promote inefficiencies in effective resource allocation. Thus, periodic restructuring can be a good thing to return "islands" of individuals or work groups to their communities to align the various aspects of the organization to support work effectiveness, organizational efficiency and individual career /skills development. The Impacts of a Vacancy — Looking at vacant positions as an indication of over or under staffing can be a misleading indicator of the need (or not) for resources. In a relatively specialized organization such as the District, where there is by necessity some degree of specialization in responsibilities, when a position becomes vacant, there can be a significant near to mid -term (e.g. as much as 1 year) impact to fill this position from below on an interim or acting basis, or by using temporary employee status and filling externally. While the position itself remains officially vacant, thus providing the perception that the position is not needed, the reality is that the position is often filled by a temporary or acting employee in order to continue to meet the business needs of the District. Thus, while a list of open or vacant positions may imply that there is opportunity to reduce staffing, the reality is much more complex and is the responsibility of Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report I v management on a daily basis to make the most appropriate decision on the need for filling position vacancies or adjusting work practices to eliminate the need for that particular position. The Balance between Efficiency and Effectiveness - RFC's recommendations for District staffing and organization structure have taken into account a balanced perspective between risk, desired service levels and longer -term needs coupled with our knowledge of industry -wide practices and strategies. The District is where it is today not because of any mismanagement or overt intent to staff the organization to compensate for inefficiencies, but rather has made ongoing staffing decisions as part of its evolution and management decision making processes. This study reflects a desire by current District management to improve but it is not because anything is necessarily broken or anyone is at fault. Rather, there is recognition that are always improvement opportunities to support organizational performance and make it easier to do work and /or reduce risk to the District. The investment in IT will serve the District well in increasing efficiency which may result in lower personnel costs, but realizing labor benefits will take time. RFC does not recommend staffing changes that increase risk to an organization without considering all of the elements along the People- Process - Technology concept. Moving towards cost savings through workforce reduction has a very fine line where efficiencies gained can result in a strain on the workforce — especially for shift -based operations and field work. The requirement to staff around the clock and meet regulatory requirements requires sufficient workforce to allow training, vacations and other means to support employee quality of life. RFC has seen many models where organizations have adopted too -lean staffing practices and paid the price in loss of key employees and general degradation in morale. Making staffing needs decisions and optimizing organizational work processes should be an active part of management on an ongoing basis. We note that industry -wide, sustainable intentional reductions in budgeted positions predominately occur as the outcome of investments in technology, business process optimization and outsourcing - and occur generally through attrition following implementation of improvements. Use of External Contracted Services and Temporary Employees — The contribution and use of external services is an important consideration when considering the most appropriate means to meet the business needs of the organization. External services supplement and support in -house capabilities. The District uses external services to meet its business needs in many areas including capital projects (design, construction), outsourced routine services such as uniform, safety and on -call contracts, training, legal services and general consulting services such as this project. vi I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District The choice to engage external resources to supplement in -house expertise and resources is an active responsibility of management and is a decision that should be based on the particular service and needs of the District at the time of need. For example, while the District does its own design of most of its smaller wastewater collection infrastructure projects, external expertise is utilized for complex design work or specialty work to supplement in -house capabilities. The District has been examining its use of in -house and external resources for design projects that fall within the District's capabilities. We note that District management should continue to actively evaluate this based upon the specific needs of the tasks at hand (e.g. use external services) and determine the most cost - conscious and effective means to perform capital project design and management. While RFC examined District staffing levels to define any variances with standard practices and have made recommendations accordingly, we note that decisions regarding staffing numbers is a core responsibility of management to make informed decisions regarding staffing needs to meet business needs at any given time so that the desire for efficiency occurs based upon the informed balance between risk, service levels and overall effectiveness. 0.4 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE The District has a very strong customer - centric culture which is embodied in every individual that we interviewed from the Board to field staff. Below is a quote from one our interviews that illustrates this culture and one of its affects which is that such cultural focus on customer service comes at a cost as labor resources commit to serving and interacting with the District customers. This emphasis on Customer Service will continue to be part of the District culture as indicated by the Strategic Plan. We note that the District work practices and required staffing levels are very much influenced by this very strong cultural norm. "We're very customer service oriented. That hurts our FTE /mgd, but it upholds our reputation. But that's the organization we want to be." A focus on Research and Development is another desired cultural norm that the organization would like to return to was voiced by many during our Board and staff interviews. That is the intent for the organization to focus more on Research and Development (R &D). RFC describes this as the desire for the organization to return to a "Learning- Based" culture. Below is a quote that reflects this desire to move towards a Learning -Based culture. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report I vii "We used to be the best about 10 years ago. Fully staffed. Paid consultant /engineers top dollar and expected the best work. If it cost them more, so be it. Central San was top 5 in the state in the world of wastewater. Participating actively in legislative issues. Participation in technical conferences /committees. That has really faded. Roger is moving us back in that direction." A high - performing organization needs to attract, sustain and develop a motivated workforce that is provided with career development and personal growth opportunities. Training and incentives that enhance and recognize employee efforts provide the means to establish higher standards of performance to meet the needs of modern utility operations. The shift to a learning -based culture will serve the District well in attracting and supporting a high - quality workforce. Investments in R &D and more focus on Planning and industry outreach will greatly move the District towards the cultural intent to return to a learning organization. We note that there will be personnel and other costs associated with moving toward this intent. RFC has incorporated elements in the organizational design to support a Learning -Based culture and progression path / effective supervisory spans of control for the District workforce. 0.5 PROPOSED DISTRICT ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING REQUIREMENTS RFC proposes three major opportunities for the District to strengthen its organizational performance. These are: 1. Improve Organizational Structure Effectiveness 2. Focus on Becoming a Learning- Organization 3. Increase Organizational Efficiency 0.5.1 Improved District Organizational Structure Figure 0 -3: Proposed District Organization presents the proposed new structure. While there are several division level recommendations (detailed in Attachment A), the broader recommended changes are as follows: viii I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Figure 0 -3: Proposed District Organization Divisions /Sections Fleet Services Pumping Stations Collection System Maintenance Process Control Plant Operations Plant Maintenance Human Resources Safety & Risk Management Divisions /Sections Information Technology Finance Purchasing & Material Services Communication & Intergovernmental Services Divisions /Sections Household Hazardous Waste Environmental Compliance Laboratory Planning & Applied Research Survey Plan Review Permit Development Inspection Asset Management Capital Projects Rates and Fees Table 0 -2 summarizes the total proposed FTE's1 by Department. We note that the proposed total represents a "net- zero" of budgeted FTE positions as compared to the current organization. Table 0 -2: Total FTEs by Department — Proposed District Organization Department ... 1 Administrative Services 50 45 Technical Services 81 92 Operations Services 156 150 Table 0 -3 presents an overview of recommended changes and what was modified. 1 RFC has identified 4 future positions to be considered by the District following implementation of this Plan. These are not included in the total of proposed FTE's but are described Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report I ix Table 0 -3: Overview of Proposed Organizational Changes Executive and Admin Support n/a ✓ Information Technology n/a ' ✓ ' - Finance n/a ✓ Purchasing and Material n/a Services Manager and Admin Support Administrative Communications and n/a Services Intergovernmental Services NPDES, Title V, Title 22, and Secretary of the District n/a Risk Management n/a Human Resources n/a Subtotal 1h Executive n/a Manager and Admin Support Rates and Fees Planning and Development Planning and Applied Research Services Pumping Stations Asset Management Development Services Manager and Admin Support ■ Operations Services Survey Capital Projects Collection System Program Treatment Plant Program x I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ✓ ✓ 3 8 11 8 7 6 2 5 50 1 2 7 5 0 17 3 0 12 12 6 0 0 0 10 6 81 4 3 5 7 44 4 1 5 33 1 3 8 30 5 3 0 156 287 4 11 10 8 7 5 0 0 45 1 2 5 6 6 14 3 3 12 11 0 2 8 4 9 6 92 4 3 5 7 44 4 1 4 33 1 0 0 30 4 5 5 150 287 Asset Management Manager and Admin Support Laboratory Environmental and Regulatory NPDES, Title V, Title 22, and Compliance Waste Discharge Requirements Environmental Compliance Household Hazardous Waste Subtotal Executive and Admin Support n/a Manager and Admin Support Fleet Services, Force Main, and Recycled Water Collection System Operations Pumping Stations Field Operations CCTV and CMMS Manager Facilities Maintenance Reliability Engineering Maintenance Manager NPDES, Title V, Title 22, and Waste Discharge Requirements Plant Operations Laboratory Operations Process Control and Control Systems Safety and Risk Management n/a Human Resources n/a Subtotal TOTAL x I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ✓ ✓ 3 8 11 8 7 6 2 5 50 1 2 7 5 0 17 3 0 12 12 6 0 0 0 10 6 81 4 3 5 7 44 4 1 5 33 1 3 8 30 5 3 0 156 287 4 11 10 8 7 5 0 0 45 1 2 5 6 6 14 3 3 12 11 0 2 8 4 9 6 92 4 3 5 7 44 4 1 4 33 1 0 0 30 4 5 5 150 287 0.5.2 Summary of Proposed Repurposed and Renamed Positions While this report has identified organizational adjustments and staffing needs that result in a FY 2015 -16 (Year 1) near -term staffing adjustment of "net- zero," RFC sees an additional four (4) additional positions that, following further evaluation and implementation of this Plan, the District will need to confirm and the Board to approve. These additional positions are: • Training Manager (Year 2) following completion of Training Program Roadmap • Facilities Maintenance Planner (Year 2) following consolidation of Facilities Maintenance Division) • Assistant Land Surveyor (Year 2) following assessment of CIP survey requirements and workflow analysis) • Internal Auditor (Year 2 +). While we have redefined the unfilled newly- created Auditor position to become the proposed IT Manager, the Auditor position was created from an open position in Engineering. However, the District has defined a business need for auditing activities. We suggest that the Auditor role and activities be developed using an external entity to define the ultimate value and determination for a full -time (1 FTE) Auditor position in the future. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report I xi Table 0 -4 presents the proposed changes in current positions and Table 0 -5 presents the proposed changes in current Titles. Table 0 -4 — Summary of Proposed Repurposed and Renamed Positions ASSISTANT LAND SURVEYOR INTERNAL AUDITOR ASSISTANT ENGINEER (CAPITAL) RIGHT OF WAY AGENT ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN (PLANT MAINT) FIELD OPS SUPERINTENDENT SAFETY OFFICER IT DIVISION MANAGER INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES SUPERVISOR (IT) ASSOCIATE ENGINEER (COLLECTION SYSTEM PLANNING) REGULATORY COMPLIANCE DIVISION MANAGER ASSISTANT ENGINEER (REGULATORY) TRAINING COORDINATOR ASSISTANT LAND SURVEYOR FACILITIES PLANNER INTERNAL AUDITOR Table 0 -5 — Summary of Proposed Changes in Titles TECHNICAL SERVICES DIRECTOR PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER GIS /CMMS SUPERVISOR COMMUNICATIONS and INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS MANAGER DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR APPLICATION SUPPORT ANALYST NETWORK, TELECOM, AND SECURITY ENTERPRISE APPLICATIONS IT ASSET MANAGEMENT, DOCUMENTATION, TRAINING xii I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District FORMERLY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MANAGER ENGINEERING SUPPORT SUPERVISOR COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES MANAGER IT ANALYST PROGRAMMER ANALYST SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 0.6 RECOMMENDATION 2 — FOCUS ON BEING A LEARNING ORGANIZATION Focus on being a Learning Organization through formalization of the District Training Program. Also actively support and invest in staff involvement and technical /instructor contribution to industry organizations— specifically seminars, presentations, publications and other technical outreach activities. Link these to the employee Personal Development Program (PDP) and an enhanced Recognition and Rewards program for staff who participate in these important external activities. Additionally, investing in Research and Development (R &D) on emerging technologies will drive the District to a learning organization. 0.6.1 Training Program Road Map One of the hallmarks of learning -based organization is a formalized structure by which staff can expand their skills and value to their assignments and offer career development and opportunities to succeed. The Board's desire to be a learning -based organization provides an opportunity to develop a programmatic approach to meeting the training needs of its staff. The requirement for learning never stops as an individual must always receive training during their employment. In this regard, the District cannot rightly expect a best -in -class organization without ensuring that staff competencies are fully developed in a structured training environment. The District, therefore, must provide personnel with a structured opportunity to develop proficiency through ongoing instruction and educational opportunities. Development of a Training Program Road Map can form the foundation for a sustainable and managed training process. The "Training Program Roadmap" (TPR) should address the following: • The Current Training Requirement: • The Training Organization: 0.6.2 External Industry Outreach Another hallmark of a learning organization is active technical outreach within the water and wastewater industry. Publication in industry journals, books, and presentation of District research, improvements, techniques and strategies employed (e.g., in each technical area) are all examples of this type of professional outreach to advance the art and knowledge of the industry. Serving as instructors in industry seminars and conferences should also be encouraged. By actively supporting and investing in staff involvement and technical /instructor contribution to industry organizations- specifically seminars, presentations, publications, and other technical Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report I xiii outreach activities- the District can strengthen its reputation as an industry leader and provide its staff with much personal and professional recognition. By linking these activities to the employee Personal Development Program (PDP) and an enhanced Recognition and Rewards program, the District can support and reward staff who participate in these important external outreach activities. 0.6.3 Investment in Research and Development The District's Planning Division in conjunction with operations will provide an excellent forum for investment in research and development. While the Planning Division would act as the Project Manager in research, other affected functions within the organization can be part of the research team. Examples include pilot plants, emerging technologies, evaluation of instrumentation types, coordination with universities on research and evaluation of alternative methods of process control. 0.7 RECOMMENDATION 3 — PROMOTE ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS, EFFICIENCY AND WORKFORCE PERFORMANCE The District has several areas of opportunity to increase its organizational effectiveness, efficiency and workforce performance. These are: • Respect the Governance Structure • Expand use of Tools for Communication and Time /Location Accounting • Create and Formalize Auditing Processes • Expediently Fill Position Vacancies • Implement position broad - banding and reduce the total number of positions. This includes a corresponding completion of a comprehensive Class and Compensation study. • Optimize meetings. 0.7.1 Respect the Governance Structure There is opportunity to enforce adherence to governance protocol between District staff and the Board. During our interviews we heard several examples of the need for accountability on both sides (Board and Staff) to respect the organization and follow established communications /interaction channels— some of which prompted the General Manager to issue a Board /Staff interaction policy clarification memo to all- staff. The Board sets policy and the General Manager and staff implement that policy and manage the organization. We note that one of the most significant risks to a sound governance model occurs when one or both parties xiv I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District bypass established interaction /communication protocol as set by the General Manager and approved by the Board. Accordingly, we suggest the following opportunities to improve the Board /Staff communication model: • Conduct Board Member Orientation and Governance Model Training Program. • Train staff on the Governance model and Board interaction (e.g. include Brown Act compliance, and the need for documentation on communications) • Establish protocol for staff on how to respond to Board Member inquiries /requests. Hold staff accountable to "respect the organization." 0.7.2 Expand Use of Electronic Tools for Communication and Time /Location Accounting The use of electronic tools by District staff for routine non - verbal communication (email and smartphones) varies by type of work environment. Specifically, those staff with desk and /or office responsibilities use email much more readily than field staff. RFC noted that the District relies on bulletin boards and hard -copy mailboxes for those staff who choose to not use email or personal computers and find it inconvenient to do so. There is an administrative overhead requirement to maintain bulletin boards and to print and distribute memos from email files in physical mail slots. For the District to embrace a learning organizational culture, all staff should have active and be accountable for use of email and internet access. RFC recommends continued investment in sufficient workstations / iPads / Smart Phones to implement electronic communications to the entire workforce. Additionally, during the interview process, we observed where timesheets are manually completed by staff and are then electronically entered into the system by Administrative personnel. The conversion to an electronic time accounting system and holding individuals accountable to electronically complete timesheets will considerably streamline this cumbersome process. 0.7.3 Create and Formalize Auditing Processes The District has an opportunity to develop its internal auditing program prior to hiring a full -time position for this role. We suggest that the District engage an external firm to develop the auditing program and then consider filling a full -time auditor position moving forward. While the position has previously been approved and funded, there is more immediate need for repurposing this position to meet recommended needs from this study. However, we include the Auditor as a fourth additional position to consider as the District moves forward. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report I xv 0.7.4 Expediently Fill Position Vacancies Positions become vacant for a variety of reasons. As described in Section 2.2, the District often experiences a cascade - effect when a key supervisory or technical position is vacated. Accordingly, the speed at which an open position is filled (the District target is less than 2 months) and how it is filled (permanent, provisional and temporary) drives the response and mechanism to fill the position. During the interviews RFC heard examples where a temporary employee remained in that status for as long as several years before being hired in a permanent status. While these may have been unique situations and occurred in the past, the District should continue to examine use of the temporary position and establish maximum duration and other guidelines to more effectively manage this classification. 0.7.5 Implement Position Broad - Banding /Reduce the Total Number of Job Descriptions The District currently has 111 unique job classifications out of a total workforce of 287. The number of unique position descriptions actually may inhibit career development and xvi I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District opportunities to advance as well as creates a significant burden and administrative overhead on the Human Resources Division. During the interview process we heard from a number of staff regarding the challenges of having too many unique position descriptions that leave quite a lot up to interpretation as to which one applies to the responsibilities of an individual. As an example, we note District position descriptions with a high degree of overlap that illustrate the need to implement position broad - banding (e.g. Assistant Engineer and Associate Engineer). Broad - banding is a classification system that coalescesjob classes with similar duties into broader occupational categories. Along with the broader categories, expanded pay range bands are part of a Broad banding process. The benefits of broad banding include: • Reduce the need to reclassify positions due to work assignment and organizational changes • Allow flexibility in organizational assignments • Enable broader pay latitude during evaluations to help move employees up through their pay ranges. • Provide maximum flexibility in the day -to -day administration of the classification and compensation program Along with the Broad - banding, the District should also consider conducting a Class and Compensation evaluation to ensure equity across the organization and bargaining units. 0.7.6 Optimize Meetings The District is not alone in the need to conduct meetings as part of its normal business activities. During our interview process, many staff voiced concern over the time spent in meetings and /or where meetings were not viewed as productive. While meetings are necessary, observance of general meeting rules and etiquette are important to ensure efficient use of staff time and maximize meeting effectiveness. 0.8 IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS AND ROADMAP While the recommendations contained in this report may result in an initial increase of personnel costs and other administrative overhead, RFC believes that they will be more than offset over the longer period by allowing the District to utilize resources more efficiently, lower its costs for external (outsourced services) and better position itself to meet strategic directives, as well as meet evolving environmental and service level /infrastructure investment needs. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report I xvii The District is fortunate to exist in an area where there are world -class educational, cultural and quality -of -life benefits to attract and sustain a high - quality workforce. The District's service mandate is based on high expectations from its customers, the community, and the regulatory environment at local, state, and federal levels. The District has assembled a leadership team that has the experience and ability to lead the organization moving forward. Moreover, there are individuals at all levels who make a huge difference and care about their jobs and service to the community. The District is blessed with a workforce comprised of people who individually and collectively have worked hard to keep up with service level requirements and the challenges of an aging infrastructure. They are the front line in protecting public health and the wellbeing of the environment. The District staff are what make the organization successful and they need all the support the organization can provide in order to continue meeting the service levels and demands of the system. Despite these strengths, the District is at a key crossroad as it evolves to meet future levels of service, and future environmental as well as other strategic objectives identified by the Board — balanced by the requirement to keep customer rates within affordable ranges. We suggest the District target full implementation of the proposed organizational structure realignment within a calendar year. In some cases, the recommendations can occur immediately with little impact to functions or workflows. Other recommendations will require recruiting and filling open leadership positions to complete organizational modifications. The District will need to develop an organizational structure implementation plan and schedule that provides the best continuity for work groups and District functions. The District Leadership Team who served the role of the Organizational Performance Team (OPT) to oversee this project can play a key role in moving the recommendations presented in this document forward. We suggest that each Department head lead the organizational enhancement teams for their individual Department. The OPT can be common forum for communication, continuity and planning implementation activities. For specific work groups or sections, Champions should be identified to lead teams that will drive implementation of improvements. Champions will also support improvements to work flows by establishing improvement teams (Focus Groups) that would engage in specific improvement processes apart from organizational changes. Once implementation is initiated, it will be the responsibility for each Focus Group to spearhead implementation of the process improvement activity. Thus, each Focus Group member will become a "champion" of the recommendations that they helped to formulate. xviii I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1 ORGANIZATIONAL STUDY OVERVIEW 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District (District) is a Special District that collects and treats wastewater from a service area of approximately 146 square miles. The District also provides recycled water to the treatment plant and to customers in Concord, Martinez and Pleasant Hill. In June of 2014, the District commissioned Raftelis Financial Consultants (RFC) to conduct a comprehensive Cost of Service (COS) study to independently assess and evaluate the District's existing wastewater rates to provide a fair and reasonable rate structure. As part of the COS, the District requested an organizational and staffing needs assessment be conducted to define areas for organizational improvement and position the District to provide services in a cost - effective manner while positioning the organization to support a high - quality workforce and meet emerging regulatory and wastewater /recycled water service objectives. This document presents the findings and recommendations of the organizational and staffing needs assessment. The study was conducted from July to December of 2014. We note that the District has not completed a staffing study of this magnitude for a long time — thus the findings contained herein address both systemic holistic adjustments that address longer -term organizational needs that the General Manager has the authority to act on as well as present some recommendations for new positions that require Board action and approval. While the recommendations in this document may suggest extensive change, in reality most functions and responsibilities have remained intact for individual groups and sections. Thus the magnitude and degree of change in many ways is structural only — not necessarily in work group function. 1.1.1 Study Methodology RFC brings industry -wide knowledge of utility organizational and operations practices and the findings and recommendations presented in this Plan are based upon this knowledge coupled with District - specific considerations and strategic objectives. The Study consisted of four principal activities: Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 11 ENGAGE 0 ASSESS 0, COMPARE No ENHANCE 1. Engage — a. The District "Organizational Performance Team" (OPT) comprised of Senior management was formed in July 2014 to guide and lead the organizational assessment and provide feedback during the study. The OPT intent was to lead and guide the organization on implementation of improvements moving forward and act as change agents for implementation of the staffing needs assessment recommendations. b. A survey was developed and distributed to all employees in September 2014. The purpose of the survey was to obtain feedback anonymously on their perspectives of the organization and opportunities to improve. A total of 144 District employees, or 50% of total staff, participated in the survey. The survey results are summarized in Appendix C. 2. Assess — a. RFC conducted interviews with Board Members, management team and District employees, both individually and in groups, to understand work responsibilities and define opportunities to improve. A total of 68 individual and group interview sessions with the District were completed from July to November 2014. Individuals that were able to participate in the interviews were encouraged to provide feedback through the employee survey. b. Work areas and District facilities were visited and reviewed. 3. Compare — a. RFC conducted an external staffing comparison to other peer utilities during November 2014. b. RFC conducted an analysis of various organizational structures of other utilities. We note that when examining the structure of any organization, it is very important to understand how work is accomplished as compared to what the formal organizational chart conveys. The results of the external comparison are summarized in Appendix D. 4. Enhance— a. RFC met with the OPT on November 3, 2014 to validate observations and discuss opportunities for improvement. 2 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District b. Organizational structure recommendations were developed and reviewed with Executive Leadership to define the preferred structure deemed to best meet organizational efficiency, staff support and development, as well as future service level needs. 1.1.2 District Service Area The District operates and maintains over 1,500 miles of underground sewer, 19 wastewater lift stations and a secondary wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) that is permitted to treat an average of 53.8 million gallons per day (mgd) of dry weather flow. The District Treatment Plant uses multiple- hearth incineration to treat its biosolids which makes it unique to the State of California using this type of technology and utilizes extensive energy recovery as a result. The District also operates and maintains a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) drop -off facility. • Population served: 471,000 • Operating Budget FY 14 -15: $88.21VI • Capital Budget FY 14 -15: $25.11VI Figure 1 -1: District Service Area Epp, 0114� P"� kip Clyde tl4 � E 5 layton A. Walnut Creek • t_afayei'te • Cvirtda •AYamo CCCSD's Collectian System operations Division (sewer •%4cffega •Ekmwilla maintenance) is based in Walnut Creek •San Ramon ilk, Source: District Website Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 13 Sewage collection, wastewater treatmud, and HHW collection for 325.657 people HHW ■1Flasiew.aUertreafinenkand collection fur 134,202 re- sWents in Concord and Clayban by retract ■ HHW disposal service only CCCSD's Headquarters. Treatment Plant and HHW Cmllection Facility are located in Martinez •AYamo CCCSD's Collectian System operations Division (sewer •%4cffega •Ekmwilla maintenance) is based in Walnut Creek •San Ramon ilk, Source: District Website Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 13 1.2 DISTRICT ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW 1.2.1 Current District Organization The District currently has 287 budgeted full -time positions in three Departments as presented in Table 1 -1. In addition to its full -time workforce, the District utilizes a variety of external contracted services and temporary employees to meet critical staffing needs for open positions. Table 1 -1: FTEs by Department — FY 2014 -15 District Organization Administration 50 Engineering 81 Operations 156 Figure 1 -2 presents the current District organization. Figure 1 -2: Current District Organization Divisions /Sections Fleet Services Pumping Stations Safety Laboratory Collection System Maintenance Process Control Plant Operations Plant Maintenance 4 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Divisions /Sections Human Resources Information Technology Safety & Risk Management Finance Purchasing & Material Services Communication Services Divisions /Sections Household Hazardous Waste Environmental Compliance Planning Survey Plan Review Permit Development Inspection Asset Management Capital Projects Sewer Service Charge The District is governed by a five - member Board of Directors (Board). The General Manager and Secretary of the District both report directly to the Board. The District Counsel also reports directly to the Board. The current District organization is comprised of three Departments, each under its respective Director. The Deputy General Manager also serves as the Director of Operations. The names and key responsibilities for each Department are as follows: • Administration Department — Responsible for financial management, budgeting, collection of revenue and other customer service - related activities. • Engineering Department — Responsible for planning, managing and implementing capital programs and providing technical and regulatory compliance services to the organization. Also manages permitting, sewer service charge billing and Recycled Water Program. • Operations Department — Responsible to meet the operational and maintenance (O &M) needs of the District's service area including the wastewater collection system lift stations, the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and the recycled water filtration and distribution facilities. The District is staffed by a dedicated and customer - centric workforce who are committed to providing high quality service with the available resources. The Director and executive staff are actively engaged in strengthening the organization, establishing new direction and working to position the organization to meet future performance standards and service levels. The success of the organization to meet its responsibilities lies in the District's dedicated The District is blessed with a workforce comprised of people who individually and collectively have worked hard to keep up with service level requirements and the challenges of an aging infrastructure. They are the front line in protecting public health and the well -being of the environment. The District staff are what make the organization successful and they need all the support the organization can provide in order to continue meeting the service levels and demands of the system. workforce. While there are market and geographic limits to attracting top talent, the District has done an exceptional job in finding highly - qualified professionals for the organization and is able to offer a competitive compensation package to its workforce. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 15 r)?,Ir � it 5 I MINI 01-11" a is 14 2 ORGANIZATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 2.1 STRATEGIC DISTRICT INITIATIVES The District's board and management staff are actively leading and engaging the organization workforce to meet strategic business needs to position itself moving forward. Some of the key strategic activities practiced by the District are summarized below: • Strategic Business Plan - The District completed its Strategic Business Plan in 2014 and is actively working on achieving the following Goals: o Meet all Regulatory Requirements for the Good of the Community and Environment • Ensure Financial Sustainability • Develop our Human Capital Resources • Be a Leader in the Industry in this Time of Change • Provide Exceptional Customer Service o Maintain a Reliable Wastewater Infrastructure at a Reasonable Cost with an Ongoing Awareness of Critical Components RFC notes that the organization and staffing study recommendations are intended to support and meet the above District goals. • Succession Planning - The District experienced a recent exodus of long -term employees through retirement, some of which left abruptly, and, as often occurs in this scenario, the organization felt the impact. To proactively prepare and manage future retirements, the Succession Planning Committee (SPC) was established in May 2014 under the direction of the General Manager to address the succession needs of the District. The SPC is comprised of over 30 members, with an additional 15 representatives from various work groups within the District serving on subcommittees for a total of 45 members (16% of total workforce). The SPC represents application of best management strategies and the District has a strong forum to proactively address succession planning needs. The District should continue investing and supporting this group as a best management practice strategy. The SPC may be helpful in implementation of recommendations from the Staffing Needs Assessment. The following excerpt from the District's SPC Key Performance Indicator Plan, describes the purpose and focus of the group: Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 17 "The purpose of the SPC is to develop a formal succession plan to be used as a tool in maintaining the continuity of high service levels by preparing the District to address future retirements and sudden changes in staffing with support from the Board of Directors and Senior Leadership. The SPC's general goals are listed as follows: o Create an environment that encourages employee development and staff retention • Identify and develop internal staff to perform critical functions within the District • Promote staff development through mentoring and cross - training programs • Ensure thorough documentation for key District functions to aid in the retention of institutional knowledge • Link succession planning to performance monitoring at the supervisory level • Support continuous improvement of staff and District policies, procedures, and programs • Develop strategies to fill positions with qualified candidates due to retirements, resignations, or extended leave • Ensure the development of the formal Succession Planning Manual • Help guide its subcommittees in the planning process and ensure the proposed deliverables are met. • Carry out responsibilities and duties delegated to it by the General Manager" • Information Technology Master Plan —The impacts of outdated /insufficient or hardware limitations on staffing and workflows were discussed and observed throughout RFC's interview process such as examples and actual failures of the email servers and other service glitches while we were on -site. In early 2014, the District commissioned an Information Technology Master Plan (ITMP) to address the significant needs in its technology infrastructure and staffing. The ITMP is a comprehensive document that identifies the technology and staffing needs for IT services moving forward. The staffing and organizational structure for the Information Technology Group in this report were taken directly from the ITMP. The District also hired a contracted interim IT Manager in 2014 to begin the process of moving forward. We note that the District's IT and software needs are significant and should continue to be a high priority and properly funded to meet the business and information needs of the organization moving forward. 8 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1 row •`` 14 1/ • Enhanced Capital Program Management — The District's Engineering and Operations Committee has been working with management staff on the Capital Improvement Budget (CIP) process, including budget tracking and reporting as well as enhancements to the prioritization process. The Engineering Capital Projects Division has been working on new methodology to prioritize capital projects. When finalized, this will support informed prioritization of capital projects including more condition -based criteria. Also, under the Board's direction, the District has actively been investing and developing its Asset Management program. RFC notes that the District is currently conducting condition assessment studies to establish the baseline. As the quality and reliability of asset condition data improves, and as work flows evolve to support prioritization, the Asset Management group will play an increasingly key role in the CIB /CIP process. We also note that the District recently moved its Geographic Information System (GIS) staff to the Asset Management Group. This move is shown in our organizational recommendations. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 19 2.2 SPECIFIC DISTRICT ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT PERSPECTIVES An organization's staffing and formal structure evolves over time— either through realignment of resources to meet a business need (strategy -based structuring) or to attempt to resolve a near -term organizational or interpersonal conflict (conflict -based structuring). This is certainly the case for the District which has not performed a comprehensive organizational and staffing plan in a long time. The Impacts of a Vacancy — Looking at vacant positions to use as an indication of Regardless of their origin, organizational changes generally become permanent (i.e. they become the new structural norm) over time. As the organization evolves, resource islands can form in which staff reside in areas within the organization apart from their "Community of Practice" which can result in constraint to career and personal development as well as promote inefficiencies in effective resource allocation. Thus, periodic restructuring can be a good thing to return "islands" of individuals or work groups to their communities to align the various aspects of the organization to support work effectiveness, organizational efficiency and individual career /skills development. over or under staffing can be a misleading indicator of the need (or not) for resources. In a relatively specialized organization such as the District, where there is by necessity some degree of specialization in responsibilities, when a position becomes vacant, there can be a significant near to mid -term (e.g. as much as 1 year) impact to fill this position from below on an interim or acting basis, or by using temporary employee status and filling externally. While the position itself remains officially vacant, thus providing the perception that the position is not needed, the reality is that the position is often filled by a temporary or acting employee in order to continue to meet the business needs of the District. Thus, while a list of open or vacant positions may imply that there is opportunity to reduce staffing, the reality is much more complex and is the responsibility of management on a daily basis to make the most appropriate decision on the need for filling position vacancies or adjusting work practices to eliminate the need for that particular position. The Balance between Efficiency and Effectiveness - Over the past 25 years, the wastewater industry has been moving toward increasing efficiency in its business practices with emphasis on reducing staff numbers, consumables and optimizing business processes. This movement has been most evident in operations and field maintenance staffing practices. Investment in technology has supported many of these initiatives such as for treatment process monitoring and optimization, customer billing and access to information to make informed business decisions and adopt performance measurement as a standard practice. 10 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District RFC's recommendations for District staffing and organization structure have taken into account a balanced perspective between risk, desired service levels and longer -term needs coupled with our knowledge of industry -wide practices and strategies. The District is where it is today not because of any mismanagement or overt intent to staff the organization to compensate for inefficiencies, but rather has made ongoing staffing decisions as part of its evolution and management decision making processes. This study reflects a desire by current District management to improve but it is not because anything is necessarily broken or anyone is at fault. Rather, there is recognition that are always improvement opportunities to support organizational performance and make it easier to do work and /or reduce risk to the District. The investment in IT will serve the District well in increasing efficiency which may result in lower personnel costs, but that will take time. The District is not alone in the desire for efficiency and, during our interview process, we learned about many enhancements to its business practices that have been implemented or are being considered. As documented in the IT Master Plan and this study, we have noted other areas where the District could see some gain improvements in efficiency (time sheet accounting, full implementation of the proposed new CityWorks Computerized Maintenance Management System, etc). RFC does not recommend staffing changes that increase risk to an organization without considering all of the elements along the People- Process - Technology concept. Moving towards cost savings through workforce reduction has a very fine line where efficiencies gained can result in a strain on the workforce— especially for shift -based operations and field work. The requirement to staff around the clock and meet regulatory requirements requires sufficient workforce to allow training, vacations and other means to support employee quality of life. RFC has seen many models where organizations have adopted too -lean staffing practices and paid the price in loss of key employees and general degradation in morale. Making staffing needs decisions and optimizing organizational work processes should be an active part of management on an ongoing basis. We note that industry -wide, sustainable intentional reductions in budgeted positions predominately occur as the outcome of investments in technology, business process optimization and outsourcing - and occur generally through attrition following implementation of improvements. We often see excessive Overtime (OT) as an indicator of the need for additional staff, or if OT is managed appropriately and within industry - acceptable standards, indicates that staffing levels generally meets the labor requirements of the workgroups. RFC notes that the District does not expend OT excessively but does use standby pay to compensate employees who are on -call Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 111 should a response be required. Management of standby pay should be carefully managed and consideration be given as to the level of risk that is truly being reduced or could the number of employees "on- call" be reduced to lower this cost. Simply cutting positions as a way to cut personnel costs without investing in technology or improving work process efficiencies always carries a significant risk. We did not see much excess at the District to warrant any wholescale cuts in job positions at this time— however we did see opportunities to repurpose and change titles to meet near and longer -term District strategic business needs without increasing the total number of FTE's— this resulted in our "net zero" change of recommended budgeted positions. While RFC examined District staffing levels to define any variances with standard practices and have made recommendations accordingly, we note that decisions regarding staffing numbers is a core responsibility of management to make informed decisions regarding staffing needs to meet business needs at any given time so that the desire for efficiency occurs based upon the informed balance between risk, service levels and overall effectiveness. To illustrate RFC's evaluation on staffing levels, we examined the District Treatment Plant operations for the potential to adjust staffing levels. Specifically, could the plant be staffed under alternative means to its present standard 3 operators plus one supervisor per shift (e.g. reduce each shift staffing by 1 FTE)? When we examined operations staffing at the Treatment Plant, RFC considered the following realities: • Operators are responsible for keeping the facility in compliance with its regulatory permits. In the case of the District —this is a highly important standard (16 NACWA awards for compliance) by which the District is very proud of. • During normal operations, the operator generally is there to monitor and perform other routine tasks, as required. In reality, the operators really are there to respond to process issues, emergencies, failures and other issues that arise during the course of operations. The SCADA system acts as the primary "operator" to keep the desired set - points and process criteria within their programmed limits —the operator is there to make informed decisions based upon experience, sense and expertise to keep the plant functioning properly and prevent process upsets and other issues that compromise treatment integrity. • The permitted staffing requirement, complexity of the facility, availability of redundant equipment, labor needs and sensitivity of its processes drive the appropriate operator staffing requirements with each shift often having unique tasks and responsibilities. The 12 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District District permit requires 24x7x365 staffing at the Treatment Plant. RFC notes that while the District treatment plant has a typical secondary wet stream process, it is a very complex solids processing facility which requires extensive experience and on- the -job training. The staffing emphasis is on the solids side of the treatment process to effectively and safely operate. • The District Operator Training and Succession requirements are as follows: • It requires a new operator about 5 years to get to a District Grade III Operator level. On top of that, it takes about a couple more years to develop a seasoned Grade 3 Operator — thus, it may be as much as 7 years to meet the operations skill and experience standard necessary to respond to plant emergencies and issues. It then generally requires a couple more years to make a Grade 3 a good supervisor. In addition to plant specific skill development, Operators also must obtain State Certification and must obtain the necessary in -plant experience and training to be able to apply and take the test. • The anticipated impact of estimated retirements within operations are: • Years 2 -3: 21% of staff likely will retire • Years 3 -7: 38% of staff likely will retire • Thus within the next 7 years over half of the operations staff will retire. Thus, RFC's recommendation is to not consider alternatives to reduce the shift staffing at the Treatment Plant at this time due to the combination of the need to keep risks as low as possible, the operator skill requirements of the treatment (especially solids) process, the extensive operator training requirements, and, the pending succession issue. Use of External Contracted Services and Temporary Employees — The contribution and use of external services is an important consideration when considering the most appropriate means to meet the business needs of the organization. External services supplement and support in -house capabilities. The District uses external services to meet its business needs in many areas including capital projects (design, construction), outsourced routine services such as uniform, safety and on -call contracts, training, legal services and general consulting services such as this project. The choice to engage external resources to supplement in -house expertise and resources is an active responsibility of management and is a decision that should be based on the particular service and needs of the District at the time of need. For example, while the District does its own design of most of its smaller wastewater collection infrastructure projects, external expertise is utilized for complex design work or specialty work to supplement in -house capabilities. The District has been examining its use of in -house and external resources for design projects that fall within the District's capabilities. We note that District management should continue to actively Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 113 evaluate this based upon the specific needs of the tasks at hand (e.g. use external services) and determine the most cost - conscious and effective means to perform capital project design and management. 2.3 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Every organization, as well as its subgroups, possesses a culture which has been spawned over time as groups and individuals work together. The District has a very strong customer - centric culture which is embodied in every individual that we interviewed from the Board to field staff. Below is a quote from one our interviews that illustrates this culture and one of its affects which is that such cultural focus on customer service comes at a cost as labor resources commit to serving and interacting with the District customers. This emphasis on Customer Service will continue to be part of the District culture as indicated by the Strategic Plan. We note that the District work practices and required staffing levels are very much influenced by this very strong cultural norm. "We're very customer service oriented. That hurts our FTE /mgd, but it upholds our reputation. But that's the organization we want to be." Another desired cultural norm that the organization would like to return to was voiced by many during our Board and staff interviews. That is the intent for the organization to focus more on Research and Development (R &D). RFC describes this as the desire for the organization to return to a "Learning- Based" culture. "We used to be the best about 10 years ago. Fully staffed. Paid consultant /engineers top dollar and expected the best work. If it cost them more, so be it. Central San was top 5 in the state in the world of wastewater. Participating actively in legislative issues. Participation in technical conferences /committees. That has really faded. Roger is moving us back in that direction." A high - performing organization needs to attract, sustain and develop a motivated workforce that is provided with career development and personal growth opportunities. Training and incentives that enhance and recognize employee efforts provide the means to establish higher standards of performance to meet the needs of modern utility operations. The shift to a learning -based culture will serve the District well in attracting and supporting a high - quality workforce. Investments in R &D and more focus on Planning and industry outreach will greatly move the District towards the cultural intent to return to a learning organization. We note that there will 14 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District be personnel and other costs associated with moving toward this intent. RFC has incorporated elements in the organizational design to support a Learning -Based culture, progression pathing, and effective supervisory spans of control for the District workforce. The impacts of Culture on how an organization performs cannot be underestimated. When desired, Culture can be shifted to move the organization in a new direction which requires a concerted effort by the organization's leadership team and the support of the Board to work towards the desired cultural goal. Strategy provides the direction of an organization. Culture is what will get the District there- as well as managing within the limits of policies, agreements and funding that directly affect the District's ability to accomplish its goals. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 115 3 PROPOSED DISTRICT ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING ENHANCEMENTS RFC proposes three major categories of recommended opportunities for the District to strengthen its organizational performance. These are: 1. Improve Organizational Structure Effectiveness 2. Focus on Becoming a Learning- Organization 3. Increase Organizational Efficiency Each of these are described in the following recommendation sections. 3.1 RECOMMENDATION 1 — IMPROVE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE EFFECTIVENESS RFC examined the current organizational structure, and developed recommended structural modifications that would enhance the District's ability to improve delivery of services and provide more effective staff resource allocation. Working with the District Senior leadership, the proposed organizational design has been created to address the following objectives: • Aligns common functions - Group functions with "Like -to- Like" services, eliminate resource islands and provide clear functional area responsibility delineation. This will support efficient work practices using staff resources within a community of practice who possess a broader set of skills. • Supports supervisory span of control - Achieve an effective balance of horizontal (Divisions) and vertical (Sections and Groups) within each Department. • Promotes workforce flexibility - Maximize workforce flexibility and promote redundancy of critical positions. • Ensures services levels are met - Ensure that there will be sufficient staff numbers to meet present business needs, required skill levels and workforce support. This includes reducing reliance on temporary and contracted services to offset core organizational limitations and position vacancies. • Supports succession planning - Support career development and personal growth opportunities through clear progression paths and communities of practice. 16 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District • Positions District for future need - Position the District to proactively address a changing regulatory environment and industry standards. As the District continues to invest in its technology infrastructure and meet CIP needs, adjustments in staff allocations will necessarily occur. Accordingly, RFC's focus and recommendations in this report have considered adjustments in staff numbers and reallocation of open positions and we have indicated where those have occurred. We also have identified future staff needs that the District may wish to consider following additional review and development of work practices to support full -time positions. As is always the case, staffing decisions must be a continuous process and should be based upon informed decision making by District management. 3.1.1 Proposed District Organizational Structure Figure 3 -1: Organizational Taxonomy Division Section Unit Crew Throughout this Report, the taxonomy in Figure 3 -1 will be used to identify a specific level of the organization. For example, a TV Crew member in Collection System Operations would have the following taxonomy: Department: Operations Services Division: Collection System Operations Section: Field Operations Unit: Maintenance Crew Members 1 /11 Crew: TV Crew Figure 3 -2 presents the high -level propose new structure of the District organization. Appendix A presents the detailed discussion and organizational charts for each Department, Division and Sections. While there are several individual staffing and division /group specific recommendations (these are discussed in Appendix A), the major recommended changes are summarized in Table 3 -2. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 117 Figure 3 -2: Proposed District Organization Divisions /Sections Fleet Services Pumping Stations Collection System Maintenance Process Control Plant Operations Plant Maintenance Human Resources Safety & Risk Management Divisions /Sections Information Technology Finance Purchasing & Material Services Communication & Intergovernmental Services Divisions /Sections Household Hazardous Waste Environmental Compliance Laboratory Planning & Applied Research Survey Plan Review Permit Development Inspection Asset Management Capital Projects Rates and Fees Table 3 -1 summarizes the total proposed FTE's2 by Department. We note that the proposed total represents a "net- zero" of budgeted FTE positions as compared to the current organization. Table 3 -1: Total FTEs by Department — Proposed District Organization Administrative Services 50 45 Technical Services 81 92 Operations Services 156 150 Table 3 -2 presents an overview of recommended changes and what was modified. 2 RFC has identified 4 future positions to be considered by the District following implementation of this Plan. These are not included in the total of proposed FTE's but are described 18 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 119 Table 3 -2: Overview of Proposed Organizational Changes Executive and Admin Support n/a ✓ 3 4 Information Technology n/a ' ✓ ' 8 11 Finance n/a ✓ 11 10 Purchasing and Material n/a 8 8 Services Administrative Communications and n/a 7 7 Services Intergovernmental Services Secretary of the District n/a ✓ 6 5 Risk Management n/a ✓ ✓ 2 0 Human Resources n/a ✓ 5 0 Subtotal 50 45 Executive n/a 1 1 Manager and Admin Support 2 2 Rates and Fees ✓ 7 5 Planning and Development Planning and Applied Research ✓ 5 6 Services Asset Management ✓ 0 6 Development Services ✓ 17 14 Manager and Admin Support 3 3 Survey ✓ ✓ 0 3 Technical Capital Projects Collection System Program ✓ 12 12 Services Treatment Plant Program ✓ 12 11 Asset Management ✓ 6 0 Manager and Admin Support ✓ 0 2 Laboratory ✓ 0 8 Environmental and Regulatory NPDES, Title V, Title 22, and ✓ ✓ 0 4 Compliance Waste Discharge Requirements Environmental Compliance ✓ 10 9 Household Hazardous Waste ✓ 6 6 Subtotal 81 92 Executive and Admin Support n/a 4 4 • Manager and Admin Support 3 3 Fleet Services, Force Main, and ✓ 5 5 Recycled Water Collection System Operations Pumping Stations ✓ 7 7 Field Operations ✓ 44 44 CCTV and CMMS ✓ 4 4 Manager 1 1 Facilities Maintenance Reliability Engineering ✓ 5 4 Operations Maintenance ✓ 33 33 Services Manager 1 1 NPDES, Title V, Title 22, and ✓ ✓ 3 0 Waste Discharge Requirements Plant Operations Laboratory ✓ 8 0 Operations 30 30 Process Control and Control 5 4 Systems Safety and Risk Management n/a ✓ ✓ 3 5 Human Resources n/a ✓ 0 5 Subtotal 156 150 TOTAL 287 287 Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 119 3.1.2 Summary of Proposed Repurposed and Renamed Positions While this report has identified organizational adjustments and staffing needs that result in a FY 2015 -16 (Year 1) near -term staffing adjustment of "net- zero," RFC sees an additional four (4) additional positions that, following further evaluation and implementation of this Plan, the District will need to confirm and the Board to approve. These additional positions are: • Training Manager (Year 2) following completion of Training Program Roadmap • Facilities Maintenance Planner (Year 2) following consolidation of Facilities Maintenance Division • Assistant Land Surveyor (Year 2) following assessment of CIP survey requirements and workflow analysis • Internal Auditor (Year 2 +). While we have redefined the unfilled newly- created Auditor position to become the proposed IT Manager, that the Auditor position was created from an open position in Engineering. However, the District has defined a business need for auditing activities. We suggest that the Auditor role and activities be developed using an external entity to define the ultimate value and determination for a full -time (1 FTE) Auditor position in the future. Table 3 -3 presents the proposed changes in current positions and Table 3 -4 presents the proposed changes in current Titles. 20 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Table 3 -3 — Summary of Proposed Repurposed and Renamed Positions ASSISTANT LAND SURVEYOR INTERNAL AUDITOR ASSISTANT ENGINEER (CAPITAL) RIGHT OF WAY AGENT ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN (PLANT MAINT) FIELD OPS SUPERINTENDENT SAFETY OFFICER IT DIVISION MANAGER INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES SUPERVISOR (IT) ASSOCIATE ENGINEER (COLLECTION SYSTEM PLANNING) REGULATORY COMPLIANCE DIVISION MANAGER ASSISTANT ENGINEER (REGULATORY) TRAINING COORDINATOR ASSISTANT LAND SURVEYOR FACILITIES PLANNER INTERNAL AUDITOR Table 3 -4 — Summary of Proposed Changes in Titles TECHNICAL SERVICES DIRECTOR PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER GIS /CMMS SUPERVISOR COMMUNICATIONS and INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS MANAGER DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR APPLICATION SUPPORT ANALYST NETWORK, TELECOM, AND SECURITY ENTERPRISE APPLICATIONS IT ASSET MANAGEMENT, DOCUMENTATION, TRAINING FORMERLY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MANAGER ENGINEERING SUPPORT SUPERVISOR COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES MANAGER IT ANALYST PROGRAMMER ANALYST SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS SPECIALIST Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 121 3.2 RECOMMENDATION 2 — FOCUS ON BEING A LEARNING ORGANIZATION Focus on being a Learning Organization through formalization of the District Training Program. Also actively support and invest in staff involvement and technical /instructor contribution to industry organizations— specifically seminars, presentations, publications and other technical outreach activities. Link these to the employee Personal Development Program (PDP) and an enhanced Recognition and Rewards program for staff who participate in these important external activities. Additionally, investing in Research and Development (R &D) on emerging technologies will drive the District towards being a learning organization. 3.2.1 Training Program Road Map One of the hallmarks of learning -based organization is a formalized structure by which staff can expand their skills and value to their assignments and offer career development and opportunities to succeed. The Board's desire to be a learning -based organization provides an opportunity to develop a programmatic approach to meeting the training needs of its staff. Training Considerations An individual's "skill" is developed over time and is based upon a blend of three educational elements— Life Experience, On- the -Job Experience and Formalized Instruction: • Life Experience - This element is "earned" over time as each individual brings their life experiences to their District jobs and then learn the specific task and technical requirements of their responsibilities. Some District task responsibilities readily build upon life experiences, such as indicated by the Facilities Maintenance staff, who have tremendous experience working in other fields from which the District benefits greatly from their acquired skillset. • On- the -Job Experience - Other positions require significant "on- the -job" training. For example, the complexity of the wet stream and incinerator processes require years for treatment plant operators to become proficient at their jobs. Acquisition of these skills requires significant use of coaching, adherence to standard operating procedures and learning through repetition. • Formalized Instruction - This element provides an individual with the basis for understanding the "why" and "how" something occurs. Formal instruction can reduce the time an individual requires to become "skilled" in a profession or task. The full repertoire of formal classroom training falls in this category including regulatory - compliance training (Health and Safety, certification), District - mandated instruction (supervisory, leadership, 22 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District defensive driving) and external vocational (college, seminars, conferences, technical schools). All of the above elements are required in order to produce a workforce comprised of individuals who possess all the qualities needed to meet the requirements of theirjobs. The requirement for learning never stops as an individual must always receive training during their employment. In this regard, the District cannot rightly expect a best -in -class organization without ensuring that staff competencies are fully developed in a structured training environment. The District, therefore, must provide personnel with a structured opportunity to develop proficiency through ongoing instruction and educational opportunities. Development of a Training Program Road Map can form the foundation for a sustainable and managed training process. Elements of the Training Program Roadmap The "Training Program Roadmap" (TPR) should address the following: • The Current Training Requirement: • The current training requirements and training frequency of each group within the District. • The success and relative value of current training programs in meeting the training needs of each group. • The types of training currently used and or /or available both internally and externally. Also, what training should be performed by in -house resources or external means? • Current training venues and resources (staff, training facilities, media, SOPS, etc) • The Training Organization: • How will the training be managed, documented and implemented? (RFC recommends the District form a centralized training group within the Human Resources Division.) • What resources are available to accomplish the training? (in -house vs external) and what are the labor requirements for both internal trainees and instructors? (for budgeting purposes) • What should the funding for the training be? • What is a realistic training schedule? 3.2.2 External Industry Outreach Another hallmark of a learning organization is active technical outreach within the water and wastewater industry. Publication in industry journals, books, and presentation of District research, improvements, techniques and strategies employed (e.g., in each technical area) are Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 123 all examples of this type of professional outreach to advance the art and knowledge of the industry. Serving as instructors in industry seminars and conferences should also be encouraged. ism- 4.0 R v' PO By actively supporting and investing in staff involvement and technical /instructor contribution to industry organizations— specifically seminars, presentations, publications and other technical outreach activities, the District can strengthen its reputation as an industry leader and provide its staff with much personal and professional recognition. By linking these activities to the employee Personal Development Program (PDP) and an enhanced Recognition and Rewards program, the District can support and reward staff who participate in these important external outreach activities. 3.2.3 Investment in Research and Development The District's Planning Division in conjunction with operations will provide an excellent forum for investment in research and development. While the Planning Division would act as the Project Manager in research, other affected functions within the organization can be part of the research team. Examples include pilot plants, emerging technologies, evaluation of instrumentation types, 24 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District coordination with universities on research and evaluation of alternative methods of process control. 3.3 RECOMMENDATION 3 — PROMOTE ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS, EFFICIENCY AND WORKFORCE PERFORMANCE The District has several areas of opportunity to increase its organizational effectiveness, efficiency and workforce performance. These are: • Respect the Governance Structure • Expand use of Tools for Communication and Time /Location Accounting • Create and Formalize Auditing Processes • Expediently Fill Position Vacancies • Implement position broad - banding and reduce the total number of positions. This includes a corresponding completion of a comprehensive Class and Compensation study. • Optimize meetings. 3.3.1 Respect the Governance Structure There is opportunity to enforce adherence to governance protocol between District staff and the Board. During our interviews we heard several examples of the need for accountability on both sides (Board and Staff) to respect the organization and follow established communications /interaction channels— some of which prompted the General Manager to issue a Board /Staff interaction policy clarification memo to all- staff. The Board sets policy and the General Manager and staff implement that policy and manage the organization. We note that one of the most significant risks to a sound governance model occurs when one or both parties by -pass established interaction /communication protocol as set by the General Manager and approved by the Board. Accordingly, we suggest the following opportunities to improve the Board /Staff communication model: • Conduct Board Member Orientation and Governance Model Training Program. This should be mandatory for all new Board members. Take advantage of trainings offered by CASA or CWEA on Special District governance and appropriate staff contact. Include discussion and review of governance issues annually to continually improve staff /Board member interactions. • Train staff on the Governance model and Board interaction (e.g. include Brown Act compliance, and the need for documentation on communications) Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 125 • Establish protocol for staff on how to respond to Board Member inquiries and requests. Hold staff accountable to "respect the organization." 3.3.2 Expand Use of Electronic Tools for Communication and Time /Location Accounting The use of electronic tools by District staff for routine non - verbal communication (email and smartphones) varies by type of work environment. Specifically, those staff with desk and /or office responsibilities use email much more readily than field staff. RFC noted that the District relies on bulletin boards and hard -copy mailboxes for those staff who choose to not use email or personal computers and find it inconvenient to do so. There is an administrative overhead requirement to maintain bulletin boards and to print and distribute memos from email files in physical mail slots. For the District to embrace a learning organizational culture, all staff should have active and be accountable for use of email and internet access. RFC recommends continued investment in sufficient workstations / iPads / Smart Phones to implement electronic communications to the entire workforce. Additionally, during the interview process, we observed where timesheets are manually completed by staff and are then electronically entered into the system by Administrative personnel. The conversion to an electronic time accounting system and holding individuals accountable to electronically complete timesheets will considerably streamline this cumbersome process. 3.3.3 Create and Formalize Auditing Processes The District has an opportunity to develop its internal auditing program prior to hiring a full -time position for this role. We suggest that the District engage an external firm to develop the auditing program and then consider filling a full -time auditor position moving forward. While the position has previously been approved and funded, there is more immediate need for repurposing this position to meet recommended needs from this study. However, we include the Auditor as a fourth additional position to consider as the District moves forward. 26 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of � ¢ Y '111-AA M it `' w k, off. Expediently Fill Position Vacancies Positions become vacant for a variety of reasons. As described in Section 2.2, the District often experiences a cascade - effect when a key supervisory or technical position is vacated. Accordingly, the speed at which an open position is filled (the District target is less than 2 months) and how it is filled (permanent, provisional and temporary) drives the response and mechanism to fill the position. During the interviews RFC heard examples where a temporary employee remained in that status for as long as several years before being hired in a permanent status. While these may have been unique situations and occurred in the past, the District should continue to examine use of the temporary position and establish maximum duration and other guidelines to more effectively manage this classification. 3.3.5 Implement Position Broad - Banding / Reduce the Total Number of Job Descriptions The District currently has 111 unique job classifications out of a total workforce of 287. The number of unique position descriptions actually may inhibit career development and Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 127 opportunities to advance as well as creates a significant burden and administrative overhead on the Human Resources Division. During the interview process we heard from a number of staff regarding the challenges of having too many unique position descriptions that leave quite a lot up to interpretation as to which one applies to the responsibilities of an individual. As an example, we note District position descriptions with a high degree of overlap that illustrate the need to implement position broad - banding (e.g. Assistant Engineer and Associate Engineer). Broad - banding is a classification system that coalescesjob classes with similar duties into broader occupational categories. Along with the broader categories, expanded pay range bands are part of a Broad banding process. The benefits of broad banding include: • Reduce the need to reclassify positions due to work assignment and organizational changes • Allow flexibility in organizational assignments • Enable broader pay latitude during evaluations to help move employees up through their pay ranges. • Provide maximum flexibility in the day -to -day administration of the classification and compensation program Along with the Broad - banding, the District should also consider conducting a Class and Compensation evaluation to ensure equity across the organization and bargaining units. 3.3.6 Optimize Meetings The District is not alone in the need to conduct meetings as part of its normal business activities. During our interview process, many staff voiced concern over the time spent in meetings and /or where meetings were not viewed as productive. While meetings are necessary, observance of general meeting rules and etiquette are important to ensure efficient use of staff time and maximize meeting effectiveness. • Evaluate the need for, content, duration and frequency of routine meetings. The number /length of meetings should be rigidly managed. Respect schedule, timely start /stop and agenda. • Take control of individual's calendars — make it SOP to excuse attendees that have completed their portion within a meeting agenda. 28 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 4 IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS AND ROADMAP While the recommendations contained in this report may result in an initial increase of personnel costs and other administrative overhead, RFC believes that they will be more than offset over the longer period by allowing the District to utilize resources more efficiently, lower its costs for external (outsourced) services and better position itself to meet strategic directives, as well as meet evolving environmental and service level /infrastructure investment needs. The District is fortunate to exist in an area where there are world -class educational, cultural and quality -of -life benefits to attract and sustain a high - quality workforce. The District's service mandate is based on high expectations from its customers, the community, and the regulatory environment at local, state, and federal levels. The District has assembled a leadership team that has the experience and ability to lead the organization moving forward. Moreover, there are individuals at all levels who make a huge difference and care about their jobs and service to the community. The District is blessed with a workforce comprised of people who individually and collectively have worked hard to keep up with service level requirements and the challenges of an aging infrastructure. They are the front line in protecting public health and the wellbeing of the environment. The District staff are what make the organization successful and they need all the support the organization can provide in order to continue meeting the service levels and demands of the system. Despite these strengths, the District is at a key crossroad as it evolves to meet future levels of service, and future environmental as well as other strategic objectives identified by the Board— balanced by the requirement to keep customer rates within affordable ranges. We suggest the District target full implementation of the proposed organizational structure realignment within a calendar year. In some cases, the recommendations can occur immediately with little impact to functions or workflows. Other recommendations will require recruiting and filling open leadership positions to complete organizational modifications. The District will need to develop an organizational structure implementation plan and schedule that provides the best continuity for work groups and District functions. The District Leadership Team who served the role of the Organizational Performance Team (OPT) to oversee this project can play a key role in moving the recommendations presented in this document forward. When moving individuals and groups to other areas of the organization during a restructuring - care must be taken to understand the impacts of the move on how work historically has been Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 129 California Water M Environment �'� _ _- Association D -N LARGE ¢OLLECTION SYSTEM OF TIE YEAR 2013 accomplished and the formal and informal relationships that have evolved over time. Organizational realignment requires that ample time is given for individuals to adjust to their new locations and new responsibilities. Thus, there can be a near -term period in which efficiencies may decline as staff adjust to the new structure and old assignments are replaced with new ones We suggest that each Department head lead the organizational enhancement teams for their individual Department. The OPT can be common forum for communication, continuity and planning implementation activities. For specific work groups or sections, Champions should be identified to lead teams that will drive implementation of improvements. Champions will also support improvements to work flows by establishing improvement teams (Focus Groups) that would engage in specific improvement processes apart from organizational changes. Once implementation is initiated, it will be the responsibility for each Focus Group to spearhead implementation of the process improvement activity. Thus, each Focus Group member will become a "champion" of the recommendations that they helped to formulate. 30 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5 APPENDIX A: ORGANIZATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 DEFINITIONS AND KEY TERMS USED IN THE PROPOSED DETAILED ORGANIZATIONAL DESCRIPTIONS For each of the following detailed organizational chart descriptions, common recommendations are defined using the following Legend (Figure 5 -1) and Business Rationale (Figure 5 -2). In addition, a division profile has been provided along with the associated narrative describing the changes and basis for recommendations. LEGEND Figure 5 -1: Organizational Chart Legend DIVISION i FUTURE POSITION SECTION REPURPOSED POSITION GROUP RELOCATED POSITION GENERAL MANAGER SPECIAL • Organizational Taxonomy - Each level of the organizational taxonomy is indicated by its unique color. • Future Position: Existing Approved Position recommended by RFC to meet the District's future needs and /or fulfills a strategic purpose. These positions are not included in the total budgeted positions recommended by RFC. • Relocated Position: Existing Approved Position that has remained the same in role, responsibility, and function but has been moved to another Division to fulfill an organizational purpose. • Repurposed Position: Position that has been changed in in role, responsibility, and function to meet a strategic need of the District. 32 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District • General Manager Special Position: Temporary extra position with term up to 24 months to provide flexibility and mitigate loss of operational knowledge /expertise for succession planning purposes. Figure 5 -2: Rationale for Organizational Recommendations ® Aligns common functions ® Supports supervisory span of control Promotes workforce flexibility Ensures service levels are met ❑V/ Supports succession planning ® Positions District for future need For each of the recommendations on the following pages, the chart in Figure 5 -2 will be provided detailing the rationale for the recommendation. A check mark signifies that the recommendation or change significantly fulfills that particular goal. Each of the rationale goals are further detailed below and are taken from Section 3.1. • Aligns common functions - Group functions with "Like -to- Like" services, eliminate resource islands and provide clear functional area responsibility delineation. This will support efficient work practices using staff resources within a community of practice who possess a broader set of skills. • Supports supervisory span of control - Achieve an effective balance of horizontal (Divisions) and vertical (Sections and Groups) within each Department. • Promotes workforce flexibility - Maximize workforce flexibility and promote redundancy of critical positions. • Ensures services levels are met - Ensure that there will be sufficient permanent staff numbers to meet present business needs, required skill levels and workforce support. This includes reducing reliance on temporary and contracted services to offset core organizational limitations and position vacancies. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 133 • Supports succession planning - Support career development and personal growth opportunities through clear progression paths and communities of practice. • Positions District for future need - Position the District to proactively address a changing regulatory environment and industry standard. The detail for the proposed organization is presented in the remainder of this Appendix. Appendix B contains the existing District organization charts. 34 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5.1.1 Proposed Secretary of the District Organizational Structure Figure 5 -3: Secretary of the District Organizational Structure SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT (5) RECORDS MANAGEMENT (2) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUPERVISOR SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT BOARD SUPPORT (2) ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN ® Aligns common functions ® Supports supervisory span of control ® Promotes workforce flexibility Ensures service levels are met ® Supports succession planning QPositions District for future need Division Profile Current Budgeted Positions: 6 Proposed Positions: 5 Key Functions: • Board Support • Records Management • Front Desk Observations and Discussion: 1. A new records management project will be commencing in the near future it will require a full -time staff person to implement the new system. 2. Currently, there is an immediate need for administrative support within the Administrative Services Department. Recommendations: 1. With the impending IT Master Plan, the scope of the Records Management project may change. While it is anticipated that a full -time staff person will be needed to implement the system, there may be capacity within the Secretary of the District until the implementation period. Once the records management project materializes, the District may find it more useful to hire temporary resources for the implementation. Once implementation is complete, the need for these resources would go away. 2. RFC recommends moving one of the Senior Administrative Technician positions to fulfill an immediate District need as direct support for the Director of Administrative Services., Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 35 5.1.2 Proposed Administrative Services Department Organizational Structure Figure 5 -4: Administrative Services Department Organization Structure Table 5 -1: FTEs by Division — Proposed Administration Department Division Executive /Administrative Support 4 Secretary of the District 5 Information Technology 11 Finance Division 10 Purchasing and Material Services 8 Communications and Intergovernmental Services 7 Total 45 36 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Discussion of Proposed Department Structure: • The proposed Administrative Services Department will be reduced to 45 FTEs, as Human Resources and Safety and Risk Management are relocated to the Operations Services Department under the Deputy GM. • This recommendation is designed to improve span of control and ensure that Divisions undergoing significant changes are given adequate attention. It is anticipated the Information Technology, Finance, Communications and Intergovernmental Services, Safety and Risk Management, and Human Resources Divisions will require a good deal of Executive involvement as they undergo changes in the near future. • Relocating Human Resources and Safety and Risk Management to the Operations Services Department will ensure that adequate Executive level attention is given to the Divisions undergoing changes. 5.1.3 Proposed Information Technology Division Structure Figure 5 -5: Proposed Information Technology Division Structure INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (11) CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISOR HELP DESK: HELP DESK: TECHNICALSUPPORT TECHNICAL SUPPORT ANALYST ANALYST IT ASSET MANAGEMENT, DOCUMENTATION ® Aligns common functions ® Supports supervisory span of control © Promotes workforce flexibility IZI Ensures service levels are met © Supports succession planning Positions District for future need IT DIVISION MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER/ INFRASTRUCTURE BUSINESS ANALYST SERVICES SUPERVISOR NETWORK, TELECOM, & SECURITY APPLICATION SUPPORT ANALYST Division Profile Current Budgeted Positions: 8 Proposed Positions: 11 Key Functions: ENTERPRISE APPLICATIONS DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR • Management of District -wide information databases such as Sungard, MainSaver, and Accela • E -mail • Server Management • Inventory, maintenance, and replacement of IT equipment • Daily assistance to District staff for IT- related needs (help desk) For recommendations related to the Information Technology Division, RFC relied on the IT Master Plan developed by Next Level Information Technology, Inc. The findings for the Master Plan were further validated by RFCs findings during the data gathering stage of this Study. Observations and Discussion: 1. Current Division structure has one direct report to the Information Technology Division Manager. Often, workload becomes concentrated on a couple key positions while others have capacity. 2. Difficulty in receiving IT help to meet District staff needs. 3. Current platforms for financial accounting and asset management are antiquated and cumbersome to use. Recommendations: 1. The proposed structure will create more balance within the Division while aligning communities of practice — customer service and infrastructure management. 2. The Help Desk model has proven effective and with adequate staffing levels, the new IT Division will have the resources to the meet the needs of District staff. RFC recommends the repurposing of the Systems Administrator from the Plant Operations Division to fill the newly created positions. 3. The District has identified the need to transition to new technologies that are now available to make day -to -day functions more efficient. To implement new a GIS or Enterprise Resource Planning system, there will need to be adequate staffing within the Division to oversee the implementation and maintain the systems once operational. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 37 5.1.4 Proposed Finance Division Structure Figure 5 -6: Proposed Finance Division Structure FINANCE (10) Aligns common functions ® Supports supervisory span of control 0 Promotes workforce flexibility © Ensures service levels are met 13 Supports succession planning 0 Positions District for future need 38 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Division Profile Current Budgeted Positions: 10 Proposed Positions: 10 Key Functions: • Development of annual budget documents • Processing of monthly payroll, AR and AP functions • Management of financial model Observations and Discussion: 1. Current Division structure has one direct report to the Finance Division Manager. 2. Finance Administrator position is evolving more into more of a strategic planning function and less day -to- functions. Recommendations: 1. The proposed structure will create more balance within the Division by bifurcating the responsibilities into day -to -day functions and long -term planning functions. In addition, the creation of the intermediary managers allows for career - pathing for the accountant level positions. 2. It is anticipated that the Finance Administrator position will take on more of a budget officer and strategic planning role. Reducing the number of its direct reports to 3 will allow this position to fulfill its strategic planning duties. 5.1.5 Proposed Communications and Intergovernmental Services Division Structure Figure 5 -7: Communications & Intergovernmental Services Division Structure COMMUNICATIONS AND Observations and Discussion: INTERGOVERNMENTALRELATIONSt7) Division Profile 1. AS the District replaces aging assets, particularly in the collection system, there will be a sustained need for COMMUNICATIONS Current Budgeted Positions: 7 proactive community outreach. AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL Proposed Positions: 7 2. The Communications Division will need to be part of the RELATIONS MANAGER District's effort to be a regional player in the wastewater Key Functions: service industry. • Coordination of education and 3. The District's training program is currently housed in the community outreach programs Communications Division. COMMUNITY • Monthly newsletters, flyers, fact AFFAIRS REP sheets, and press releases Recommendations: • Construction outreach and 1. A cornerstone of the District's customer service philosophy PUBLIC public notification is community outreach related to construction projects. INFORMATION AND COMMUNITY . Video production and Maintaining the same staffing levels will ensure that PRODUCTION AFFAIRS REP ASSISTANT internal /external website community outreach efforts continue. rnntant arfministratinn 2. One of the District's strategic goals is to be a part of the regional dialog of wastewater service providers, with a keen SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE interest on new regulations and requirements. The ASSISTANT Communications Division is the most logical home for these functions. To capture these new functions and better reflect Recommendation Rationale the added scope of responsibilities, RFC recommends MEDIA PRODUCTION GRAPHICS rebranding the Communications Division to the TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN QAligns common functions "Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Division ". Supports supervisory span of control 3. Assign the Senior Administrative Assistant to support Purchasing. ❑ Promotes workforce flexibility 4. To meet the District's future training needs, RFC recommends that a formal training program be established ❑ Ensures service levels are met within the Human Resources Division. This is a longer term effort that may need to be phased in. More detail on the 0 Supports succession planning training program can be found in Section 0. © Positions District for future need Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 39 5.1.6 Proposed Technical Services Department Figure 5 -8: Technical Services Department Organizational Structure • Planning & Applied Research • Development Services • Asset Management • Rates and Fees Table 5 -2: FTEs by Division — Proposed Technical Services Department Executive Planning and Development Services Capital Projects Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Total 40 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1 33 29 29 92 • Collection System Program • Treatment Plant Program • Survey Discussion of Proposed Department Structure: • Household Hazardous Waste • Environmental Compliance • Laboratory • NPDES, Title V, Title 22 & Waste Discharge Requirements • The Technical Services Department is overseen by the Director of Technical Services. • The proposed Technical Services Department will have 92 FTEs, evenly spread across three Divisions - Planning and Development Services, Capital Projects and Environmental and Regulatory Compliance, each headed by a Division Manager position. The table to the left presents the proposed assignments. • The major proposed changes to this Department include internal realignment of existing Engineering Department resources and services to promote Communities of Practice and shifting of the Laboratory and Title V groups from the Operations Department to the new Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division. This includes eliminating the Engineering Support Section and splitting its staff resources into the Asset Management Section and the Capital Projects Division. 5.1.7 Proposed Planning and Development Services Division Structure RATES & FEES (5) DETAILED ON FOLLOWING PAGES Figure 5 -9: Planning & Development Services Division Structure PLANNING & APPLIED RESEARCH (6) DETAILED ON FOLLOWING PAGES Table 5 -3: FTEs by Section — Proposed Planning and Development Services Division Division Lk.-6 Manager and Administrative Assistant 2 Rates and Fees 5 Planning and Applied Research 6 Asset Management 6 Development Services 14 Total 33 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION (33) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ASSET MANAGEMENT (6) 1 DETAILED ON FOLLOWING PAGES DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (14) 1 DETAILED ON FOLLOWING PAGES Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 41 5.1.8 Proposed Rates and Fees Section Structure Figure 5 -10: Rates and Fees Section Structure RATES & FEES (5) SENIOR ENGINEER SEWER SERVICE CHARGE, RATES & FEES 131 ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ASSISTANT II ASSISTANT III ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III Aligns common functions Supports supervisory span of control ❑ Promotes workforce flexibility ❑ Ensures service levels are met E] Supports succession planning ❑ Positions District for future need 42 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ANNEXATION, ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS & CEQA (1) ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III Division Profile Current Budgeted Positions: 4 Proposed Positions: 5 Key Functions: • Assessment of Sewer Service Charges, Rates and Fees • Annexation and Special Assessment Districts and CEQA Observations and Discussion: 1. The responsibilities for rates fall within two separate groups in the current District organization (Financial Planning and Permit and Sewer Service Charge). 2. There is opportunity to clarify the organizational chart and responsibilities by aligning the present Financial Planning staff under a new Section. Recommendations: 1. The proposed structure will align the revenue activities within a single Section under the leadership of a Senior Engineer to promote Community of Practice and house all rates and assessment services under a single organizational unit. 2. The existing Engineering Assistant III in the Permit and Sewer Service Charge Section who focuses on charges and rates should be allocated to the propose Rates and Fees Section. 5.1.9 Proposed Planning and Applied Research Section Structure Figure 5 -11: Planning & Applied Research Section Structure PLANNING & APPLIED RESEARCH (6) SENIOR ENGINEER COLLECTION SYSTEM RECYCLED WATER PLANNING TREATMENT PLANT PLANNING PLANNING (2) (1) (2) ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ASSISTANT ENGINEER ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ASSISTANT ENGINEER PLANNING ENGINEERS Aligns common functions Supports supervisory span of control 0 Promotes workforce flexibility ® Ensures service levels are met ® Supports succession planning ® Positions District for future need Division Profile Current Budgeted Positions: 5 Proposed Positions: 6 Key Functions: • Capital Planning for the District CIB /CIP program • Coordinate and manage special studies and research. • Focus on Research and Development Observations and Discussion: 1. The current planning group is challenged to meet the planning needs of the organization. 2. The District has an opportunity as a Learning Organization to invest more in special projects and applied research on emerging technologies that may benefit the District. Recommendations: 1. Clarify the purpose and role of the planning group by the new proposed name of Planning and Applied Research Section. 2. Repurpose an Assistant Engineer position in the current Capital Projects Group to an Associate Engineer under Collection Systems Planning. 3. Pool the assistant Engineers to support all planning activities to promote skill development and career opportunities. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 43 5.1.10 Proposed Asset Management Section Structure Figure 5 -12: Proposed Asset Management Section Structure ASSET MANAGEMENT (6) CMMS DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT (1) MAINTENANCE PLANNER ® Aligns common functions Supports supervisory span of control 0 Promotes workforce flexibility IDEnsures service levels are met ® Supports succession planning ® Positions District for future need SENIOR ENGINEER ENGINEERING TECH 1/11 GIS /CMMS (4) GIS /CMMS SUPERVISOR INFORMATION INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYST SYSTEMS ANALYST Division Profile Current Positions: 6 Proposed Positions: 6 Key Functions: • Ensure that the major District asset total life cycles are maximized • Focus on condition -based predictive and planned asset management repair and replacement • Track and manage the District's GIS, GDI, CMMS and CCTV system and relational databases. 44 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Observations and Discussion: 1. The District Asset Management Group is in the early stages of a formalized asset management program and is located within the Capital Projects Division. Under the leadership of a Senior Engineer and a dedicated Maintenance Planner, this group is spearheading studies and engaging consulting resources to develop the program which will eventually bring about a proactive and condition -based capital and maintenance program. 2. The nature of Asset management requires significant collaboration with treatment plant and CSO staff. This requirement will not change moving forward. Recommendations: 1. Move the current Asset Management group to the Planning and Development Services Section to better reflect the role of Asset Management as a front -end planning function with significant input into the CIB /CIP. 2. The data requirements of Asset Management area significant and geospatial information on the GIS, GDI and other relational databases are a core component of the Section. The District recently eliminated the Engineering Support Group and moved its GIS /CMMS resources to be part of the Asset Management Section. This recent move is reflected in this organization chart. 5.1.11 Proposed Development Services Section Structure DEVELOPMENT INSPECTION (5) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SUPERVISOR CONSTRU CTIO N INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR © Aligns common functions 13 Supports supervisory span of control ❑ Promotes workforce flexibility ® Ensures service levels are met OSupports succession planning OPositions District for future need Figure 5 -13: Development Services Section Structure DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (14) RIGHT OF WAY & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (2) SENIOR RIGHT -OF- WAY AGENT Division Profile SENIOR RIGHT -OF- WAY AGENT Existing Positions: 16 Proposed Positions: 14 Key Functions: • Serve as the Public Interface on all development permit and inspection services • Operate the Permit Counter • Right -of -Way and Property Management SENIOR ENGINEER MAINLINE REVIEW (2) ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III PERMIT COUNTER (4) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SUPERVISOR ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ASSISTANT II ASSISTANT II ASSISTANT II Observations and Discussion: 1. The District's Development Services function is well developed and staffed to meet the need of this service. Recommendations: 1. Retitle the Permit and Sewer Services Charge Section to the "Permit Counter" and form the "Mainline Review' Section to better reflect areas of responsibility and structure clarity. 2. Move the Right -of -Way Section to the Development Services Division to support community of practice and the service nature of this function. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 45 5.1.12 Proposed Collection System and Treatment Plant Program Section Structure SURVEY 14) Figure 5 -14: Proposed Collection System and Treatment Plant Program Section Structure CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION (29) SENIOR ENGINEER TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM (11) PROVISIONAL SENIOR I.aNO SUxvtvoR ENGINI ER ENGINEER ENGINIEER ENGINIEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGOIN ER ASSISTANT ENGINEER ASSISTANT ENGINEER 46 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District COLLECTION AND TREATMENT PLANT SYSTEM ASSOCIATE ENGINEERS ENGSNEER ENGINEER ENG VEER SENIOR ENGINEERING ASSISTANT ASSISTANT ENGINEER ENGINEERING ASSISTANT III ASSISTANT ENGINEER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT PLANT SYSTEM ASSISTANT ENGINEERS ENGINEERNG TECHNICIAN Ii ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN ASSISTANT ENGINEER ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN III aPMI�N�T�TNE 711.INEER TECHNICIAN III ENGINEERNG TECHNICIAN Ii ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Table 5 -4: FTEs by Section — Proposed Capital Projects Division Manager and 2 Administrative Assistants 3 Survey 3 Collection Program 12 Treatment Plant Program 11 Total 29 ® Aligns common functions IDSupports supervisory span of control ® Promotes workforce flexibility ® Ensures service levels are met ® Supports succession planning © Positions District for future need Division Profile Current Positions: 33 Proposed Positions: 29 Key Functions: • Design and engineering services for capital projects • Project management of Capital Projects • Technical and design support for other District Departments and Sections • Survey services for Design and other Departments Observations and Discussion: 1. The District has recently reorganized its Capital Projects Division design resources to enhance cross training and more efficient use of resources. 2. The District also recently moved its CAD support personnel from the reorganized Engineering Support Division to the Capital Projects Division. 3. The District is actively evaluating the use of external resources for capital design and other specialty services. 4. The size of this Division is appropriate given the workload and in -house design function. Recommendations: 1. No change in present design (Program) Sections staffing and resource utilization strategies 2. Move the Survey Section from Development Services to this Division to better align with design responsibilities and workload. 3. Continue with evaluation of external versus in -house services and best use of resources for capital project design and delivery. 4. Move the Asset Management Section to the Planning and Development Services Division. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 47 5.1.13 Proposed Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Structure Figure 5 -15: Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Organizational Structure ENVIRONMENTAL& REGULATORY COMPLIANCE DIVISION (29) REGULATORY COMPLIANCE MANAGER LABORATORY (8) NPDES, TITLE V, TITLE 22, & WASTE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS (4) (9) WASTE (6) LABORATORY SENIOR ENGINEER ENVIRONMENTAL HHW SUPERVISOR SUPERINTEN DENT COMPLIANCE SUPT SENIOR CHEMIST ASSOCIATE ENGINEER SENIOR SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE CHEMIST II CHEMIST II ASSISTANT ENGINEER ASSISTANT ENGINEER ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE INSPECTOR II ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE INSPECTOR II HHW TECHNICIAN II IRONMENTAL HEMIS 71 ]- [j&L- -V COMPLIAN - INSPECTOR II F�V'RONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMIST III CHEMIST II COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE INSPECTORI INSPECTOR II 48 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SENIOR IC � SENIOR HHW TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN HHW TECHNICIAN II HHW TECHNICIAN II HHW TECHNICIAN II ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Observations and Discussion: 1. The District's regulatory compliance activities are managed in multiple Departments. While all regulatory compliance requirements are met, as indicated by the Districts many awards, there is concern that the District is not unified in its approach to compliance and often is not "represented at the Table" in Association and other industry forums. 2. There is opportunity to bring together all related regulatory and environmental compliance resources into a single Division. This will promote a strong community of practice and a mission that focuses on the holistic needs of the District moving forward. Recommendations: Table 5 -5: FTEs by Section — Proposed Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager and Administrative Assistant 2 Laboratory 8 NPDES, Title V, Title 22 and Waste Discharge 4 Environmental Compliance 9 Household Hazardous Waste Total 1. Create a new Regulatory Compliance Manager position to lead this Division. This position is a strategic resource that can help to ensure that the District's near and long- term regulatory compliance interests are met. This position should be active in industry and association meetings and legislative tracking activities. 2. Build the Division using existing regulatory compliance- Division Profile related groups: a. The Laboratory and NPDES, Title V, Title 22 and Proposed Positions: 29 Waste Discharge sections are relocated from the Operations Department. Repurpose the open Key Functions: Administrative Assistant position in Plant . All regulatory compliance Maintenance to an Assistant Engineer within the reporting and tracking. new NPDES, Title V, Title 22 and Waste Discharge • Outreach to industry and Section. association regulatory summits b. The other Sections are relocated from within the old and actively work in the Engineering Department. Accordingly, there is no District's best interests on need for restructuring within each group as each has tracking and commenting on its own clear mission and responsibilities. proposed legislation. E 29 © Aligns common functions ® Supports supervisory span of control ❑ Promotes workforce flexibility Ensures service levels are met aSupports succession planning Positions District for future need Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 49 5.1.14 Proposed Operations Department Structure Figure 5 -16: Operations Department Organizational Structure • Fleet Maintenance • Reliability Engineering • Plant Operations • Safety & Risk • Human Resources • Field Operations • Maintenance • Process Control & Control • Training • CCTV & CMMS • Pumping Stations Systems Table 5 -6: FTEs by Division — Proposed Operations Department Executive 4 Collection System Operations 56 Plant Operations 35 Facilities Maintenance 45 Safety and Risk Management 5 Human Resources Division 5 Total 150 50 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Discussion of Proposed Department Structure: 1. The District Operations Department is overseen by the Deputy General Manager / Director of Operations. 2. The proposed Operations Department will have the most number of employees given its mission and span of responsibilities. This is typical of most utilities. The table to the left presents the proposed assignments totaling 150 FTE's. 3. The two District Safety personnel currently report to the Maintenance Division Manager, an interim reporting relationship. The Safety Supervisor position is currently vacant. Bringing this group back in alignment with the Risk Management function will promote a strong community of practice. 4. The District -wide role of the Deputy General Manager supports alignment of Human Resources and Safety and Risk Management to the Operations Department. This also serves to reduce the large span of control (currently 6 Divisions) directly reporting to the Administrative Services Director. 5.1.15 Proposed Collection System Operations Division Structure FLEET MAINTENANCE, FORCE MAIN, & RECYCLED WATER (5) FIELD OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT VEHICLE & EQUIP MAINTENANCE SU PERVISOR VEHICLE & EQUIP VEHICLE & EQUIP MECHANIC i MECHANIC VEHICLE & EQUIP SERVICE WORKER Figure 5 -17: Collection System Operations Division Structure I FIELD OPERATIONS (44) DETAILED ON FOLLOWING PAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS (56) COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DIVISION MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT (2) 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUPERVISOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT CCTV & CMMS (4) SENIOR ENGINEER MAINTENANCE SCHEDULER (CMMSTECH) ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 51 5.1.16 Proposed Field Operations Section Structure Figure 5 -18: Field Operations Section Structure CMAM MBERSII CREW MEMBERSII CREW MEMBERSII C EW MEMBERSII CREW MEMBERSII CREW MEM ER II CR W MEM ER II C EW MEMBERSII CREW MEMBER II C EW MEMBERSII CREW MEMBERSII CREW MEMBERSII CREW MEM ER II CREW MSEMBER I MEMBIER TRA NEE CREW MEMBERSII FIELD OPERATIONS (44) CREW MEM ER II FIELCOP RATIONS SUPERINTENDENT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR CREW LEAD RE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR CREW LEADER MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR CREW LEADERS CIREW LEADER CREW LEADERS CIREW LEADER CREW LEADERS CREW LEADERS CREW LEADER MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE MNLE EW LEADER MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER MAINTENANCE CREW LEADERS (18) W Iiii lii4l] CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT OPERAT.. (3) CMAM MBERSII CREW MEMBERSII CREW MEMBERSII C EW MEMBERSII CREW MEMBERSII CREW MEM ER II CR W MEM ER II C EW MEMBERSII CREW MEMBER II C EW MEMBERSII CREW MEMBERSII CREW MEMBERSII CREW MEM ER II CREW MSEMBER I MEMBIER TRA NEE CREW MEMBERSII CREW MEM ERII CREW MEMBER I CREW MEM ER II MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBERS 1 /11 (17 + 2 GMS) 52 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District UTILIN WORKER UTILITY WORKER Observations and Discussion: 1. The District CSO Division is located separately from the main District campus. The CSO facility is a new, modern structure that is a source of pride for staff working from this location. This remote location contributes to an "us and them" perspective among staff. Aligns common functions 2. The significant maintenance responsibilities of the Pumping Stations Section, currently located along with Fleet Services, closely mirrors the responsibilities of the Facilities Maintenance ® Supports supervisory span of control Division. 3. The District Fleet Maintenance Group is highly regarded and responsive to District vehicle Promotes workforce flexibility maintenance needs. 4. The CSO Division is planning to implement a new Computerized Maintenance Management Ensures service levels are met System (CMMS) by CityWorks, which is a best -of -breed platform that will integrate the District GeoSpatial, TV Inspection data, GIS database and asset condition information for efficient and ® Supports succession planning effective work order management and planning. Along with this investment, the CSO Division recently filled a Maintenance Planner position whose responsibility will be to manage the CMMS ® Positions District for future need platform. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 53 Recommendations: 1. Continue to focus on minimizing the isolation of the CSO Division through active outreach from Division Profile the Main Campus as well as other means to build the District -wide Community spirit. 2. There is opportunity for a unified community of practice, workforce sharing and progression Current Positions: 67 opportunities through reassigning the Pumping Station Section to the Maintenance Division. Proposed Positions: 51 3. The Field Operations Superintendent and Fleet Maintenance Section will remain in the CSO Division and the Section will be expanded to include Force Main and Recycled Water Key Functions: management. • Inspection and cleaning the District 4. Implement CityWorks quickly and expediently. The average time to implement a CMMS is one wastewater collection system year and will require extensive time and effort of CSO staff. To streamline and reduce the impact • Construction of new and replacement pipelines on staff resources, the project could be staffed using outsourced resources as required. This project is addressed within the IT Master Plan. 5. Formalize the CCTV and CMMS Section under the Senior Engineer. Assign the two Administrative Technicians under the Maintenance Scheduler. This group will mirror the responsibilities of the Reliability Engineering Section in the Maintenance Division. 6. Move the Pump Stations Division to the Maintenance Division within the Operations Department. Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 53 5.1.17 Proposed Facilities Maintenance Division Structure RELIABILITY ENGINEERING (4) SENIOR ENGINEER MAINTENANCE PLANNER MAINTENANCE PLANNER ASSISTANT - - - FACILITIES PLANNER ENGINEER (FUTURE) 54 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Figure 5 -19: Facilities Maintenance Division Structure FACILITIES MAINTENANCE (45) PLANT MAINTENANCE DIVISION MANAGER MAINTENANCE (33) DETAILED ON FOLLOWING PAGE PUMPING STATIONS (7) PUMPING STATIONS SUPERVISOR PUMPING STATIONS OPERATOR III PUMP STATION OPERATOR II PUMP STATION OPERATOR II PUMP STATION OPERATOR I PUMP STATION OPERATOR II PUMPING STATIONS OPERATOR III 5.1.18 Proposed Maintenance Section Structure Figure 5 -20: Maintenance Section Structure MAINTENANCE (33) PLANT MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT MECHANICAL SHOP (10) MACHINE SHOP (3) ELECTRICAL SHOP (5) INSTRUMENTATION SHOP (4) BUILDINGS & GROUNDS (10) BUILDINGS & MECHANICAL MECHANICAL EAL SHOP INSTRUMENT SHOP GROUNDS SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR VISOR SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR MAINTENANCE TECH MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE III TECH III MACHINIST MACHINIST TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN CREW LEADER MAINTENANCE TECH MAINTENANCE TECH ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT III III TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN UTILITY WORKER U MAINTENANCE TECH MAINTENANCE TECH III III UTILITYWORKER UTILITY WORKER MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE TECH =-- TECHNICIAN I III UTILITV WORKER MAINTENANCE PAINTER UTILITY WORKER TECHNICIAN 1 /II Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 55 Recommendations: Division Profile 1. The shift to condition -based Asset Management will continue to drive the maintenance function and scheduling and planning work will be a focus of the Maintenance Planning function. The Reliability Current Budgeted Positions: 39 Engineering Section will report directly to the Maintenance Division Manager and will house the engineering Proposed Positions: 44 and planning resources to coordinate and ensure effective asset management and condition -based maintenance is performed as well as implement CMMS. The Maintenance Planners will be relocated to the Key Functions: Reliability Engineering Section from the Maintenance Section. The Reliability Engineering Section will work • Reliability Engineering Division — closely with the Asset Management Section within the Technical Services Division. • Maintenance Division - Maintenance of 2. There is an opportunity for the District to centrally manage its buildings, structures, fence lines and other the District facilities and grounds. above - ground assets using a proposed future Facilities Planner position. The requirements and • Pumping Station and Fleet Maintenance responsibilities of this position will need to be defined as the Reliability Engineering Section becomes fully Division. functional and the condition assessment work is completed. This position could be a Year 2 hire. 3. The Pumping Station Division should report to the Maintenance Division Manager. The group can remain located at CSO and function accordingly until location needs are established by the Maintenance Division Manager. 4. Move the Painter to the Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Section but ensure that this individual has support and resources to meet the painting and corrosion protection requirements of the District. 56 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Observations and Discussion: 1. The District is fortunate to be located in an industrial area where skilled and experienced maintenance and R6 C6 m m m trades personnel are available. This is evident by the quality of the District trades maintenance staff and their capabilities. There are pending succession challenges in highly - specialized trades (electricians and Aligns common functions instrument technicians) that the District needs to prepare for. The recent retirement of an Electrician with high - voltage expertise is an example of succession risk the District faces and must manage. Supports supervisory span of control 2. The Maintenance Planners have many responsibilities and activities that can detract from their core function of planning work. In addition, the District has no single position with responsibility for ensuring the Promotes workforce flexibility District's many buildings and structures are effectively maintained. 3. The Painter is presently located in the Machine Shop Section. This position is better aligned with the ® Ensures service levels are met Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Section. 4. The maintenance responsibilities of the Pumping Stations Section, currently housed in the CSO Division, Supports succession planning closely mirror the responsibilities of the Maintenance Section. There is opportunity for a unified community of practice, workforce sharing and progression opportunities through bringing these two groups together © Positions District for future need under the Maintenance Division Manager. Recommendations: Division Profile 1. The shift to condition -based Asset Management will continue to drive the maintenance function and scheduling and planning work will be a focus of the Maintenance Planning function. The Reliability Current Budgeted Positions: 39 Engineering Section will report directly to the Maintenance Division Manager and will house the engineering Proposed Positions: 44 and planning resources to coordinate and ensure effective asset management and condition -based maintenance is performed as well as implement CMMS. The Maintenance Planners will be relocated to the Key Functions: Reliability Engineering Section from the Maintenance Section. The Reliability Engineering Section will work • Reliability Engineering Division — closely with the Asset Management Section within the Technical Services Division. • Maintenance Division - Maintenance of 2. There is an opportunity for the District to centrally manage its buildings, structures, fence lines and other the District facilities and grounds. above - ground assets using a proposed future Facilities Planner position. The requirements and • Pumping Station and Fleet Maintenance responsibilities of this position will need to be defined as the Reliability Engineering Section becomes fully Division. functional and the condition assessment work is completed. This position could be a Year 2 hire. 3. The Pumping Station Division should report to the Maintenance Division Manager. The group can remain located at CSO and function accordingly until location needs are established by the Maintenance Division Manager. 4. Move the Painter to the Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Section but ensure that this individual has support and resources to meet the painting and corrosion protection requirements of the District. 56 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5.1.19 Proposed Plant Operations Division Structure Figure 5 -21: Plant Operations Division Structure PLANT OPERATIONS (35) PIANT OPEMTIONS DIVISION MGfl OPERATIONS (30) PIANT PIANT OPERATIONS OPERATIONS -T SUPT TRAINING <00A SHIFT SHIFT L�] IF T SHIFT SHIFT SHIFT SHIFT SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOP SURVISOR SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR SHIFfSUPERVISORS (7) L��] D�] L��] L��] L��] L��] L��] D�] L��] SENIOR PLANT OPERATORS (9) OPERATOR III OPERATOR III OPEMT00.111 OPERATOR III OPERATOR III OPERATOR III OPERATOR III 0 ERA TORII OPEPATOR II OPERATOR II OPERATOR II OPEMTOfl II PLANT OPERATORS 1 /11(S) Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 57 PROCESS CONTROL& CONTROL SYSTEMS (4) L SENIOR NGINEER ASSOOATE ASS ATE CONTROL STAFF CONTROL SYSTEMS ENGINEER SYSTEMS ENGINEER (GM SPEOALI ENGINEER CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 57 58 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Observations and Discussion: 1. The District treatment plant wet stream is conventional and treats to a secondary quality. The District also Recommendation Rationale operates a recycled water treatment facility for plant process water (P3) and discharge to selected © Aligns common functions customers. 2. The District uses multiple hearth incineration for biosolids treatment. This technology and the associated air quality and other support systems from sludge thickening, dewatering and boilers /heat recovery are ® Supports supervisory span of control highly complex to operate and require significant hands -on and multi -years of experience to become proficient. Promotes workforce flexibility 3. Normal shift staffing is three operators, plus a shift supervisor. (a single operator on wet stream and two on solids stream). The plant appears to be staffed sufficiently to meet the operating and skill development ® Ensures service levels are met requirements of operations staff while not placing an undue stress on shift staffing schedules. 4. The District operations Division includes the laboratory and Title V monitoring. While not uncommon, many ® Supports succession planning mid to larger -sized organizations prefer to separate the regulatory monitoring and compliance component from the operations component to maximize regulatory reporting and compliance integrity. ® Positions District for future need 5. The plant SCADA monitoring system and the air quality sensors monitor plant and pump station equipment. All SCADA monitors, programming, processes and equipment is maintained by the Process Control Systems Group. This group requires highly - skilled instrumentation and control technicians and its importance as a Division Profile risk management function is illustrated by the General Manager's use of one of the Special hires to ensure continuity and succession management. Current Budgeted Positions: 50 Proposed Positions: 35 Recommendations: 1. The role of experienced operators is to ensure that the facility is operating properly and, most importantly, Key Functions: to be able to immediately respond when something goes wrong. The staffing arrangement of three • Operation of the Treatment Plant — operators, plus a supervisor per shift to cover the facility is appropriate to meet the minimum risk wet stream and biosolids incineration requirements of the District and to meet the training and experience requirements given the complex • 3 shifts / day / 365 days per year nature of the biosolids handling and incineration components of the plant. Given the significant time requirements to bring newer operations staff up to required skill and experience levels, coupled with the pending retirement of several highly- experienced Shift Supervisors, RFC recommends no change to the present staffing of the operations group. 2. The evolving regulatory compliance environment and the complex nature of the various regulations that the District must comply with can best be met by the formalization of a Regulatory and Environmental Compliance Division. This Division is to be located within the Technical Services Department and will house the relocated Laboratory and Title V compliance staff. 58 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5.1.20 Proposed Safety and Risk Management Division Structure Figure 5 -22: Safety & Risk Management Division Structure SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATOR SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT (S) SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT MANAGER OPERATIONS SAFETY SPECIALIST © Aligns common functions SAFETY SPECIALIST Supports supervisory span of control 0 Promotes workforce flexibility © Ensures service levels are met 0 Supports succession planning Positions District for future need Key Observations and Discussion: 1. The District separated the Safety and Risk Management staff several years ago. This resulted in a loss of continuity between these two functions as well as stranded resources and no Community of Practice. Separating these very inter - related functions is not in the District's best interest moving forward 2. The Safety and Risk Management function is closely aligned with Human Resources and should report to the same Director. Recommendations: 1. Combine the Safety and Risk Management groups under the leadership of a new Safety and Risk Management Manager position. 2. Move the HR Division from Administration to report directly to the Deputy General Manager to align with HR and reduce the number of functions / direct reports under the Administrative Services Director. Division Profile Current Budgeted Positions: 2 Proposed Positions: 5 Key Functions: • Risk Management • Security • Safety Compliance and Training Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 59 5.1.21 Proposed Human Resources Division Structure Figure 5 -23: Human Resources Division Structure HUMAN RESOURCES (5) HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER _ I I I TRAINING HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR � ANALYST ANALYST ANALYST I (FUTURE) HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYSTS ® Aligns common functions © Supports supervisory span of control ® Promotes workforce flexibility © Ensures service levels are met ❑ Supports succession planning ® Positions District for future need 60 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SENIOR ADMIN TECH Division Profile Current Budgeted Positions: 5 Proposed Positions: 5 Key Functions: • Human Resource Administration • Recruiting and Hiring • Workforce Support • Bargaining Unit Relations Training and Development (future) Observations and Discussion: 1. The structure of the HR Division supports efficient cross training and interaction of staff. The span of control for the HR Manager is appropriate. The size of the group limits progression path opportunities within HR. 2. The HR Division's location within the Administration Department may not be the best location for this group moving forward. 3. Training management has historically been left up to each individual group's mission. This results in a non - programmatic training environment which may not provide the full training and skill development needs of the District and its workforce. 4. The administrative requirements of HR are greatly influenced by the number of position descriptions (111), retirements and associated recruiting /hiring of new staff. The HR Division recently converted an Administrative Technician position to a third HR Analyst to keep up with discipline, grievance and union relations. This has greatly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the HR function. 5. The written test requirements for new positions is a practice that promotes efficient screening of candidates. The challenge in this type of process is that some positions (e.g. "the trades ") may be better served by other means of competency assessment. Recommendations: 1. Broad - banding in the HR Analyst position will support progression and individual development needs. 2. Move the HR Division from Administration to report directly to the Deputy General Manager to reduce the number of functions / direct reports under the Administrative Services Director. 3. Formalize a training group within the HR Division. Complete a Training Program Roadmap (Year 1) to define the management and training requirements and fund and fill the proposed Training Manager position (Year 2). 4. Consider outsourcing of selected HR activities to meet short term peak demand periods (e.g. recruitment, evaluation) so that the impacts of position vacancies can be mitigated. 5. Use the Succession Committee as a forum to evaluate and discuss other efficient and effective means to screen potential employees. 6 APPENDIX B: CURRENT ORGANIZATION CHARTS CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Organization Chart - Composite Electorate December 15, 2014 Total Budgeted Authorized Positions: 287 Total Filled Positions: 263 Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 61 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Administration Department 62 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 1 of 2 Engineering Department - Environmental Services Division Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 63 Senior Engineer 1 S83 1 Engineering Suppor Supervisor 1 S76 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Department - Capital Projects Division Director of Engineering M20 Capital Projects Division Manager 1 M24 0 Senior Engineer 1 S83 1 ngineering Support Info. Sys. Analyst Maintenance Sr. Engineering 2 S72 1 Assistant Planner 1 G72 1 Engineering 1 G71 1 Assistant I II 1 G69 1 Engineering Technician III December 15, 2014 1 G68 1 33 Budgeted Authorized Positions (left) 28 Filled Positions (right) ' Underliilled with Engineering Assistant I 64 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Associate Engineer 7 S79 6 Assistant Engineer 9 S73 7 Senior Engineer 1 S83 1 Engineering Technician 1111 2 G56-64 2 Engineering Technician III 2 G68 2 2 of 2 Administrative Assistant 2 G57 2 Field Operations Superintendent 1 S81 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Operations Department - Collection System Operations Division Deputy General Manager 1 M20 1 Collection System Opr. Division Mgr. 1 M24 1 Field Operations Superintendent 1 S81 1 Pumping Stations Maintenance Supervisor Supervisor Vehicle &Equip. 1 S75 1 4 S75 3 Maint. Supervisor 1 573 1 December 15, 2014 67 Budgeted Authorized Positions (left) 62 Filled Positions (right) * Safety is assigned to the Operations Department not the Collection System Operations Division ** Authorized overfill with Trainee 1 Of 3 Senior Engineer Field Operations 1 S83 1 Superintendent 1 S81 0 Officer 1 S73 0 Operations Safety Specialist 2 S71 1 Services Supr. 1 362 1 Collection System Maint. Scheduler 1 G57 0 Administrative Assistant Administrative 1 G57 1 Technician 2 G56 2 Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 65 Pumping Stations Operator III 2 G70 2 Maintenance Crew Leader 17 G67 17 Pumping Stations Vehicle &Equip. Operator I /11 Mechanic 4 G61 -66 4 2 G65 2 Construction Equipment Operator 3 G64 3 Maintenance Crew Member I 111 17 G55 -61 t8 Utility Vehicle &Equip. Worker Service Worker 1 G55 0 1 G48 1 December 15, 2014 67 Budgeted Authorized Positions (left) 62 Filled Positions (right) * Safety is assigned to the Operations Department not the Collection System Operations Division ** Authorized overfill with Trainee 1 Of 3 Senior Engineer Field Operations 1 S83 1 Superintendent 1 S81 0 Officer 1 S73 0 Operations Safety Specialist 2 S71 1 Services Supr. 1 362 1 Collection System Maint. Scheduler 1 G57 0 Administrative Assistant Administrative 1 G57 1 Technician 2 G56 2 Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 65 2of3 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Operations Department - Plant Operations Division December 15, 2014 50 Budgeted Authorized Positions (left) 48 Filled Positions (right) * Underfilled with Plant Operator II 66 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Senior Engineer 1 S83 1 Assistant Engineer 1 S73 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Operations Department - Plant Maintenance Division Deputy General Manager M20 Maintenance Planner 2 G71 2 Maint. Technician III, Mechanical 7 G68 7 Plant Maintenance Division Manager 1 M24 1 Plant Maintenance Superintendent 1 S81 1 Mechanical Mechanical Supervisor Supervisor 1 S73 1 1 S73 1 Machinist 2 G68 1 Maintenance Technician 1 /II Painter 2 G62 -65 0 Administrative 1 G62 1 Technician 1 G56 1 December 15, 2014 39 Budgeted Authorized Positions (left) 35 Filled Positions (right) *Maintenance Technician Trainee 3of3 ELECTRICAL •- INSTRUMENT SHOP BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS I --F Instrument Shop Electrical Shop Supervisor Supervisor 1 S76 1 1 S76 1 Buildings and Grounds Supervisor 1 S73 1 Electrical Instrument Technician Technician 4 G69 4 3 G69 3 Maintenance Crew Leader 1 G67 1 Utility Worker 7 G55 7 Organizational and Staffing Plan — Draft Report 1 67 7 APPENDIX C: EMPLOYEE SURVEY December 8, 2014 Roger Bailey, P.E. General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Subject: Organizational Needs Assessment - Employee Survey Results Dear Mr. Bailey, Raftelis Financial Consultants (RFC), Inc. is pleased to provide this letter report on the results of the employee survey, which was conducted from September 2 through October 7. The survey data will supplement the interview data that we have collected over the past several months and help validate some of the common themes and findings. Our thanks goes out to the Central San Board of Directors and your leadership team for their input in crafting the survey, the administrative support that facilitated the collection of responses, and the 144 respondents to the survey. Sincerely, Tom Arn Principal Consultant c: David Heath Jean -Marc Petit Teji O'Malley Sudhir Pardiwala 68 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Akbar Alikhan Consultant i BACKGROUND As part of the Organizational Needs Assessment Study, RFC was tasked with developing and administering an employee survey of Central San staff. Much like individual interviews that RFC has conducted to date, the purpose of the survey was to garner feedback on areas of potential improvement for the District, determine what workplace attributes are most highly valued among staff, and evaluate how well the District is meeting employee needs. On July 31, 2014, RFC presented a draft survey to the Board of Directors to solicit feedback and input. After slight modifications were made, the survey was sent out to all District staff on September 2 via Survey Monkey, an online survey service. Staff were also given the option to complete the survey on paper. Over the course of five weeks, 144 employees completed the survey — approximately 51% of all District staff. While Organizational Needs Assessment Studies are heavily reliant on qualitative data, quantitative tools such as surveys can still prove useful in the development of the eventual findings as well as provide an anonymous forum for open input from all staff. The survey included both closed and open -ended responses. For the purposes of this study, the use of the survey help accomplish the following: • Opportunity for participation — Staff who were not able to be part of the interview sessions could be a part of the study. • Anonymity — Those who may have been reluctant to share certain information during the interview sessions could do so via the survey anonymously. • Quantitative data — Quantitative data brings to light commonly held opinions and trends among staff and can bolster findings from the qualitative data. The survey instrument is presented in Appendix 1. Question Nos. 1, 2, 9, and 10 contained open -ended responses. The verbatim responses to these questions are included in Appendix 2. The charts on the following pages contain basic summary data for question Nos. 3 — 8 and select conditional response analysis as well. Conditional response data analyzes a subset of respondents for a specific survey question and reports how that same subset responded to a different survey question; for example of those that selected "B" for question 3, how did this group respond to question 6? Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 69 QUESTION 3: QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION Respondents were asked to rate the quality of the communication they received at the various levels in the organization. Like most organizations of similar size to the District, proper communication is dependent on supervisors relaying information to the employees they manage. The data shows that communication improves the closer it is to the work unit level. In fact, 70% of respondents rated the communication in their work group as either Excellent /Good. Of note is the reported quality of information Organization -wide; 40% of respondents rated Organization -wide communication as Poor /Needs Improvements, 3% more than the 37% who rated it as Excellent/ Good. Figure 7 -1: Quality of Communication QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION AT VARIOUS LEVELS IN THE ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION -WIDE DEPARTMENT MANAGER LEVEL YOUR WORK UNIT LEVEL ■ Excellent 70 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 10% I Good Fair a Needs Improvement ■ Poor QUESTION 4: SOURCE OF INFORMATION The quality of communication can vary widely by source. To understand where to focus efforts for improving communication, we asked respondents where they receive information regarding the direction and status of the organization. The data confirms that many District employees (42 %) are receiving information relayed from their supervisors. However, the second most prominent source of information is the "water cooler" — essentially any peer -to -peer setting in the District. Since the "Other" category captured 15% of all respondents, it may behoove the District to determine what other sources are currently used that were not included as part of the survey choices. Figure 7 -2: Source of Regular Updates I GET REGULAR UPDATES ON THE DIRECTION OF THE ORGANIZATION AND HOW IT IS DOING FROM... 4% ■ My manager /supervisor ■ Break room notices ■ Company -wide emails ■ Employee newsletter ■ The "water cooler" ■ Other The source of information can also influence its perceived quality. Referring to the "Department /Manager Level" row in Figure 1 above, the percentage of respondents who rated communication as Excellent and Poor are nearly equal, with 17% and 16% respectively. The main source of information for these similarly -sized groups are compared in Figure 3 below. Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 71 Figure 7 -3: Source of Information / Quality of Communication SOURCE OF INFORMATION BASED ON QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION FROM DEPARTMENT MANAGER 100.0% M1 n no 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% u z 50.0% W U 40.0% W LL 30.0% W N z 20.0% a w 10.0% 0.0% MY MANAGER/ BREAK ROOM COMPANY -WIDE SUPERVISOR NOTICES EMAILS • Dept. Mgr Communication... • Dept. Mgr Communication... ■ M M1 n no INFORMATION SOURCE The data reinforces the importance of the critical role that managers /supervisors play in relaying information to their staff. The respondents who were more satisfied with the quality of information received their information primarily from their supervisor. Those who were less satisfied with the quality of information received information primarily from the "water cooler ". QUESTION 5: WORKPLACE & ENVIRONMENT Using a five -step Likert scale, respondents were asked to rate how much they agreed with a series of statements. The statements were all positively phrased, meaning that a Strongly Agree /Agree is the desired response for each statement. 72 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Figure 7 -4: Workplace Perspectives GENERALLY, MY WORK GROUP HAS THE RESOURCES IT NEEDS TO KEEP UP WITH OUR WORKLOAD. MY WORK GROUP USES PERFORMANCE MEASURES TO BENCHMARK ITS PERFORMANCE. CENTRAL SAN IS ACTIVELY WORKING TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF ITS WORK PRACTICES. CENTRAL SAN STAFF TAKES PRIDE IN THE WORK THEY DO AND THE SERVICE THEY PROVIDE TO THEIR ' CUSTOMERS. I AM GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY PROVIDE INPUT INTO SOLUTIONS FOR PROBLEMS OR DEVELOPING SITUATIONS. I HAVE ALL THE TOOLS, TECHNOLOGY, AND EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO PERFORM MY JOB AT AN OPTIMAL LEVEL. MY SUPERVISOR HAS A CLEAR IDEA OF MY DAILY WORK ISSUES AND THE OBSTACLES MY WORK GROUP OVERCOMES. ■ Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree ■ Strongly Disagree The data shown in Figure 4 validates some of the readily apparent findings from the survey data. Namely, the District and its employees take pride in their work and customer service reputation. This sentiment is evidenced in the 85% of respondents who Strongly Agreed /Agreed with that statement. Referring to the first statement in the figure above, over 38% (Disagree [20 %] /Strongly Disagree [18%]) of respondent reported that their work group doesn't have the resources it needs to keep up with the workload. The open -ended responses found in Appendix 2 provides an explanation to the data with references to reduced staffing and unfilled vacancies. QUESTION 6: WORKPLACE ATTRIBUTES Respondents were asked to select the three most important workplace attributes from a list, with no ranked order. An "Other" category was not provided for this question. Figure 5 below shows a basic distribution of the responses. Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 73 Figure 7 -5: Most Important Workplace Attributes MOST IMPORTANT WORKPLACE ATTRIBUTES • Advancement opportunities • Meaningful work • Transparency • Continued training • Performance Recognition • Open communication • Ample tools and resources • Safety While the data set is fairly evenly distributed, "Open Communication" was rated with the highest frequency. This data is consistent with the open -ended responses for question 8, found in Appendix 2. Furthermore, it can be argued that "Transparency" (which garnered 24% of the responses) siphoned off votes that would otherwise have been attributed to "Open Communication" and vice versa. Of the 55% of respondents who checked "Open Communication" as an important workplace attribute, their responses to the quality of information asked is very similar to the distribution of the general respondents from Figure 1. Comparing Figure 6 below with the data show in Figure 1, it is evident that the opinions of the quality of communication is rather constant whether or not one considers "Open Communication" an important workplace attribute or not. As seen in Figure 3, the source of information appears to be a better determinant of information quality. Figure 7 -6: Open Communication / Quality of Communication QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION FOR THOSE WHO MARKED "OPEN COMMUNICATION" AS AN IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTE ORGAN IZ' • 5% 7% 22% 14% DEPARTMENT MANAGER LEVEL ■ Excellent Good Fair N Needs Improvement ■ Poor 74 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District QUESTION 7: WORKPLACE ATTRIBUTES CONTINUED As a follow -up, respondents were asked to rate how well the District provided for their most highly ranked attribute from Question 6. Figure 7 below shows a basic distribution of the data set. Figure 7 -7: Provisions for Highest Rank Workplace Attribute HOW WELL DOES CENTRAL SAN PROVIDE FOR YOUR MOST HIGHLY RANKED ATTRIBUTE? • Very well • Decently well • Neutral • Not very well • Unaddressed To see if any particular workplace attributes were more fulfilled by the District than others, the two similarly - sized data sets of Very Well/ Decently Well (37% collectively) and Not Very Well/ Unaddressed (39% collectively) can be compared with respect to their responses to Question 6. Figure 8 below summarizes the most important attributes for each of these two groups. Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 75 Figure 7 -8: Fulfillment of Highest Ranked Attribute MOST IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTE MET "VERY WELL /DECENTLY WELL" VS. "NOT VERY WELL / UNADDRESSED" 100% 80% 60% 40% 0% ADVANCEMENT MEANINGFUL TRANSPARENCY CONTINUED PERFORMANCE OPEN AMPLE TOOLS SAFETY OPPORTUNITIES WORK TRAINING RECOGNITION COMMUNICATION AND RESOURCES • Unaddressed/ Not Very Well ATTRIBUTES • Very Well/ Decently Well The chart above shows no stark contrasts between those whose top workplace attributes are met by the District and those that are not. Respondents of both groups value the same attributes with similar frequency. The data suggests that the quality of these workplace attributes may vary widely from workgroup to workgroup. 76 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 77 16=1d [SURVEY PREVIEW MCIOE] Cer" GortraCDSta5 -1 t dlstnet- Einp[a Sarueg r tS � �r[I llre heath ana the Envfrl nmew 1. What three words would you use to describe Central San's work culture? Please use single words for each response. i 2 3 2.. Since you've been at Central San, what ac compl shmenthasWaward are you most proud of? 3. Please rate the quality of the Comm LINcation you receive at the variofIS levels in the organization. Needs Excellent Goad Fair Poor Improvement Your work unit level Department manager - level Organization -wide 4. f get regular updates on the direction of the organization and how it is doing from... My managerlsuperuisor Break room nciices Company hide emafls Employee news letter The "water cooler' mps.?A'A'% '.s1-:? rflvlle}`.r rn SaSpn �/fEYM1I' kio -;�O WoT USE THtS LI K F C CTION&sm- AHoZ -ttwde1A54Tm q .. 1M 78 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District lG'23 MU2 PJR'uEY PR EAEW MCOE Cff" Cava Cosh �;3-ibxy DIW of - Erngopee &r+'ef Other 5, To what degree do you agree with the fallowing statements. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree My supervisor has a clear idea of my daily work issues and the obstacles nay work group overcomes. I have all the tools, technology, and equipment necessary to perform my jab at an optimal level. I am given the opportunity to provide input into solutions for problems or developing situations. Central San staff takes pride in the work they do and the service they provide to their customers - Central San is actively worki ng to improve the efficiency of its work. practices. My work group uses performance measums to benchmark its performance. Generally, my work group has the resources it needs to keep up with our workload. Please provide any comments in regards to the responses above - ht�s.I.WNw,trr.�Eyrnorte o 3,n,'a.arp?PREVlE4Y_MODE- aO_NOT -USE riiIS- LINK fOR rOLLE r_ r► DNasn- A}IoC3rtwMAS,RwlOdXOoayESSA... 24 Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 79 iG'23 OU P JR' 4EYPREe1EW MCBECentralCaVaCasts�;3itary DIEUI[t- Er9ptayee3.rvep *6. Of the workplace attributes listed below, please check the 3 that are most important to you. Advancement opportunities Meaningful work Transparency Continued trainir)g Performance Recognition Op-en communication I Ample =Is and resources r- Safety 7. Considering your highest ranked workplace attribute from the previous question, how well does Central San provide for this attribute? Very well Decently well Neutral Not very wel I Unaddressed *8, What are the two things that you would like to see changed to improve effectiveness and performance within your division? 1 2. 9. What are the two things that you would like to see changed to improve effectiveness and performance for the organization as a whole. 1 2 10. Please use this area to share any ideas an how Central San can improve as an organization. ht�s.I.WN °,su°&rncr"o3,n,s- a5p7PtE,nL:%V- ODE -CO_NOT- LISE THIS LINK IFO1, rOLLE CTIIW& mn- AH cC3rtwMAS,RwlomccsoayESi--M... 34 80 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 14M'M14 PJR'uEY PR EAEW MCBE Cfftral Cata Cosh �u ibwy DIW of - Erngapee &rve'l 11. 1 was born betwee n... 1922 -1945 (Silent Generation) 11440 -1964 (Baby Bcorner) 11365-1980 (Generation X) 1981 -191#5 (Generation Y — Midlemials) Done Powered by SurYeyMoni4EV !Check out on< sample surYeys and omme yaw awn now! ht�s.I.Waw,w&rncr"ccrn.% ML:%V_M E- 6D_NOT USE THE LLINK IFOR COLLE r_ TK* WLsm- RHcC3rYwMAH,AwlDdiOCAyyESG11... 414 Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 81 82 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District QUESTION 1: WHAT THREE WORDS WOULD YOU USE TO DESCRIBE CENTRAL SAN'S WORK CULTURE? QUESTION 2: SINCE YOU'VE BEEN AT CENTRAL SAN, WHAT ACCOMPLISHMENT /TASK /AWARD ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF? Responses were categorized into the following themes. Sample responses for the top two themes are provided below. .. Responses NACWA /CWEA Awards 33 Specific project /function 31 Promotion 13 Teamwork/ team efficiency 11 Being part of a reputable organization 7 Professional Growth 7 NACWA /CWEA Awards 1. 16 years of NACWA Peak Performance which is a testament to a proactive, mutually supporting work culture that has been passed at least one generation. 2. Collection System of the Year Awards. 3. Employee of the month /team of the quarter. Specific Project /Function 1. Concord Landscape Recycled Water Project Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 83 Dedicated 8 Political 8 Professional 8 Entitled 7 Friendly 7 Dysfunctional 6 Efficient 6 Hardworking 6 Inefficient 6 Family 6 Proud 6 QUESTION 2: SINCE YOU'VE BEEN AT CENTRAL SAN, WHAT ACCOMPLISHMENT /TASK /AWARD ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF? Responses were categorized into the following themes. Sample responses for the top two themes are provided below. .. Responses NACWA /CWEA Awards 33 Specific project /function 31 Promotion 13 Teamwork/ team efficiency 11 Being part of a reputable organization 7 Professional Growth 7 NACWA /CWEA Awards 1. 16 years of NACWA Peak Performance which is a testament to a proactive, mutually supporting work culture that has been passed at least one generation. 2. Collection System of the Year Awards. 3. Employee of the month /team of the quarter. Specific Project /Function 1. Concord Landscape Recycled Water Project Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 83 2. Installing /rehabilitating almost 20 miles of pipeline in our collection system to help the District adhere to its mission statement! 3. Streamlining A/P filing system by changing to filing by payment date from alphabetical system. It saves 3 hours per month in filing time. QUESTION 8: WHAT ARE THE TWO THINGS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE CHANGED TO IMPROVE EFFECTIVENESS AND PERFORMANCE WITHIN YOUR DIVISION? Responses were categorized into the following themes. Sample responses for the each theme are provided below. — M I T r Staffing 28 Technology 28 Communication 27 Training 23 Accountability 22 Leadership 20 Staffing 1. Fill vacancies so people are not feeling overworked. 2. Have flexibility in ability to overstaff to succession plan. 3. More staff in the field jobs. Technology 4. Less complicated user friendly software /databases. 5. Electronic Records Management System. 6. More usage of technology (tablets) and LESS PAPER!!! Communication 1. Better communication between and from our Director /Managers. 2. Improving communication in between department meetings. 3. Open two way communication. Training 84 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1. More hands -on training. 2. Improved safety training. 3. 1 would like to see mandatory cross - training. Some things cannot be done if a specific person is not here, and that should be remedied. Accountability 1. Hold people accountable when they do not complete their work in a timely manner. 2. Adequately define roles and responsibilities for job positions that protect staff from being given excessive and unrealistic workloads. 3. Follow through with necessary discipline and reward good employees. Leadership Given the varying nature of the comments received in this theme, the 20 comments for "Leadership" have been grouped into the following sub - themes: Improved Strategy & Direction 8 Micro - management by Supervisors /Board 5 Improved Leadership 4 Other 3 Tota 1 20 1. We need to set clear objectives, and work towards them, instead of bouncing from one fire to the next. 2. Clearer direction, better communication. 3. Upper management and the board need to let us do our jobs and get out of the way. 4. A supervisor that leads by example. 5. Clearer expectations from new management team. QUESTION 9: WHAT ARE THE TWO THINGS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE CHANGED TO IMPROVE EFFECTIVENESS AND PERFORMANCE FOR THE ORGANIZATION AS A WHOLE? Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 85 Responses were categorized using the themes from the previous question. Sample responses for the each theme are provided below. Leadership 30 Communication 25 Technology 20 Accountability 12 Staffing 10 Training 7 Leadership Given the varying nature of the comments received in this theme, the 30 comments for 'leadership" have been grouped into comments concerning the (1) Board of Directors, (2) Management, and (3) General. Board Adherence to Board Governance Model 11 Other 1 Tota 1 12 1. The Board needs to quit micromanaging and focus on the big picture and future regulatory requirements. 2. Return Board to oversight and policy role. 3. The Board of Directors sticking to Policy and trusting staff to handle the details. 4. Board should stand back and let the GM do his job and take responsibility for his performance. 5. Change the Board to become pro employee. 86 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Management More active /working supervisors and managers 4 Other 4 Communicating Organizational Direction 2 Consistency in Management 2 Tota 1 12 1. Management to get more familiar with what their workers do. 2. Less manager positions or make them working managers. 3. Monthly updates from management on our direction and the progress toward that direction. Vision setting and measuring. We have several efforts underway that were not rolled out smoothly causing fear in the work force. If a comprehensive vision could be created and presented to the District Staff with monthly progress updates; that would go a long way toward creating a work force of high trust. 4. Develop trust and "buy -in" from employees before implementing new direction. 5. Consistency in leadership. General IFrequency Organizational Direction 3 Improved leadership 2 Micro - management by Board /Management 1 Total 6 1. The District needs to have a clear, long term direction to head in instead of floating aimlessly amongst the whims of individual Board Member agendas. 2. Develop trust and "buy -in" from employees before implementing new direction 3. Concentrate on being effective rather than efficient. 4. Better Leadership by Example. 5. Micro - management by Board /Executive Leadership. Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 87 Communication 1. Better Communication/ Less Blame Game. 2. Communication across all levels with the same information. 3. Continue to ask employees for input. Technology 1. An ERP system that allows for one District wide system that interfaces with all aspects of the organization 2. Move to more paperless solutions for everyday tasks. 3. Implement employee self- service software. Accountability 1. Follow to enforce written procedures. 2. Hold all people accountable, from the top to the bottom. 3. Clear and high expectations of performance. Staffing 1. Fill important positions before people retire. 2. More worker bees. 3. Hire summer students /Co -ops, only if you have work for them. Not just because it's a past practice. Training 1. More training to increase communication skills, customer service skills and job efficiency skills for people to think faster, perform better and generally be a better workforce. 2. More in -house training. 3. Provide for more cross - training and succession planning. QUESTION 10: PLEASE USE THIS AREA TO SHARE ANY IDEAS ON HOW CENTRAL SAN CAN IMPROVE AS AN ORGANIZATION. (OPTIONAL) 89 of the 144 survey participants opted to respond to Question 10. The responses are categorized into the themes below. 88 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Fri Culture 20 Board /Staff Interaction 13 Communication 10 Operations & Maintenance 9 Labor Negotiations 9 Hiring /Promotion 8 Management 6 Staffing 6 Technology 4 Training 4 Total 89 Culture 1. Be the leader in pay and benefits to attract high quality workers. Make everyone at every level responsible for their performance. Simplify and be aggressive on correcting poor performance. 2. Change the work culture to instill pride, encourage employees to do their best and make working here more enjoyable. 3. Plan family events! Back in the day we did family events and felt like we were one big family! Board /Staff Interaction 1. It's confusing that we hear mixed messages ... on one hand the Board wants us to be a "Leader in the industry ", however they also talk a lot about cutting costs and staff. Stay on message because it's difficult to be a "Leader on a Budget" without training or support for staff ideas and innovations. 2. Board needs to recognize its employees as team members. 3. Get Board members to focus on policy and long term goals. Management should provide a vision of the future rather than reacting to political distractions. Communication 1. Make it top priority (don't wait months and months) to provide accurate information about rumors, especially rumors that are obviously affecting morale and productivity. 2. Managers need to funnel info down to their work groups. Somehow we need to resolve the trust issue as the employees are the ones that will move the District forward. Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 89 3. Communicate between all levels with the same information -don't filter downward. Operations & Maintenance 1. Operations needs to look at different work schedules. 10 days in a row are burning operators out. Double and triple staff days are inefficient. 2. Central San needs to be more proactive and do maintenance projects before they become and emergency repair. Budget allocations need to be redone. Projects are postponed because of budgets and later when the items on the project fail they cause an emergency repair that end up costing the district more money. Operators and maintenance do everything on paper. Switch this out with tablets where information is at our finger tips and not hidden in dusty binders. As written in the LC, CSO field workers record their work on paper and then spend the last part of their day doing data entry. This should be done in the field on laptops. Use less paper and more technology to make jobs easier and get things done quicker. Labor Negotiations 1. Labor negations are constantly on the minds of District staff. Establishing a long term labor plan with set multiplier and benefits would go a long way toward workplace security and efficiency. 2. Stop taking away benefits that were promised to us. Stakeholder buy in on changes. Improve the trust in the District. 3. Keep current union contract as is. Hiring /Promotion 1. Hire within the district. Quit going outside the District to find its future leaders. Put in place mechanisms that allow staff to compete fairly for positions. Recognize and value the potential contribution employees (who have worked outside of the District) can bring to the organization. 3. There needs to be an incentive for passing higher grade (operator) tests. Management Focus more on collecting and treating sewage and focus less on political priorities. Too much change too fast. Sends message to staff that there isn't a plan at the District. 90 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2. Get management out of the office and in the field to check what people are doing they really need to get involved more and checking on their crews. 3. Management /interpersonal skill training for supervisor /managers, clear expectations of their performance, abilities and duties as leaders. Staffing 1. The compliance and regulatory functions are spread throughout the District. Because of this diffused functionality, succession planning is difficult. I would re- organize the regulatory, compliance, and advocacy into a single Division within Engineering. 2. Discontinue use of previous employees as consultants and District Temps who continue day -to -day work without training replacements. This is a performance issue for the supervisor and employee. Training of replacements should be mandatory. 3. Staff the District to meet the needs of CSO and POD. The people who what the District is really about - the collection and treatment of sewage. Admin and Engineering are supposed to support these. Technology 1. Be more organized and document changes and evacuate old information. 2. The District seems to be far behind when it comes to technology and systems that can be used to streamline certain functions of the business. 3. Use representatives from each Division to administer the various technologies the District uses instead of relying solely on IT or on a workgroup to make good decisions about its use. Training 1. Overall, I feel that CCCSD is a solid organization. However, in order for us to be a great organization, we really need to focus our efforts on cross - training, professional development, and succession planning. 2. Better departmental communication through activities or cross training. 3. Take time for all new management to figure out our operation. Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 91 8 APPENDIX D: EXTERNAL BENCHMARKING ANALYSIS BACKGROUND As part of the Organizational Needs Assessment Study, RFC was tasked with performing a Benchmarking Analysis (Analysis) to help the District gain a better understanding of how they compare to industry peers with respect to staffing and service levels. Benchmarking is a self- assessment exercise that includes comparing the District to its industry peers using a set of key metrics. Before performing any benchmarking exercise, the following questions must be addressed: 1. Who should be selected to benchmark with? 2. What metrics should be compared? 3. How should the data be normalized for a more consistent ( "apples to "apples ") comparison? SELECTING BENCHMARKING PARTNERS When selecting benchmarking partners, it is advantageous to select partners that are similar to the District and embody the industry's best practices. RFC and District staff jointly selected the benchmarking partners using the following criteria: • Located within California • Similar to Central San with regards to the services offered • Perceived ability to respond and provide information • Geographic proximity to the District Considering the selection criteria, the following benchmarking partners were chosen: 1. Delta Diablo Sanitation District (Delta Diablo SD) 2. East Bay Municipal Utilities District (East Bay MUD) 3. Inland Empire Utilities Agency (Inland Empire UA) 4. Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) 5. Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (Sac Regional SD) 6. San Diego Public Utilities Department (San Diego PUD) 7. Union Sanitary District (Union SD) 92 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District As part of the data gathering process, surveys were sent out to each of the benchmarking partners inquiring of the size of agency's infrastructure, customer base information, services offered, and the FTEs assigned to various functions. However, given the variability of each agency's definitions for collection, treatment, engineering, etc. there were inconsistencies when simply using the provided survey data from the benchmarking partners. To remedy this, RFC also used each agency's budget and full position list to perform a desktop analysis and create consistency between the benchmarking partners. The methodology is further explained below. METRICS TO MEASURE The purpose of this Analysis is provide quantitative comparison to the recommendations made in the Organization and Staffing Plan. The focus of this Analysis covers staffing levels and specifically to the following metrics: 1. Distribution of FTEs by function 2. Operations Staff per Million Gallons Treated 3. Collection Staff per 100 Miles of Collection System Pipe 4. FTEs by Job Classification In addition to the quantitative measures listed above, comparison of organization structures of each benchmarking partner also is presented. Central San's current and proposed staffing models were used in the analysis. NORMALIZING THE DATA SET Although every effort has been made to normalize the data set for this Analysis, obvious dissimilarities exists between any two agencies. Table 1 summarizes the services offered by the District and its benchmarking partners. In addition to the more significant differences between agencies, such as a difference in services offered, there are more nuanced differences that can influence staffing levels. For example, factors such as varying technologies and operational modes, aging infrastructure, difficult to serve areas, risk tolerance, customer service philosophy, organizational history, preference for contracted versus in -house services, local agency regulations, and political climates create a unique set of requirements for every organization. Essentially, each organization has staffing levels to meet their specific set of needs. Therefore, while benchmarking is a worthwhile exercise to understand the metrics of industry peers, it is a relative comparison as it does not take into account the more nuanced differences nor create true parity between any two agencies. Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 93 Central San Delta Diablo SD (1) East Bay MUD (1)(2) Inland Empire UA(1) Table 8 -1: Services Offered by Agency • • Orange County SD 0 0 Sac Regional SD(') San Diego PUD(z) Union SD (') Treatment Plant interceptor only —not a full Collection System Maintenance function to effectively compare to Central San Z Benchmarking partner is part of a larger organization. Only figures that relate to the wastewater enterprise are included in the Analysis. METHODOLOGY Normalizing the data set first requires defining a set of rules and then applying those rules universally. For the purposes of this Analysis, this entailed defining a list of classes that contained various functions throughout the organization. Six classes were developed: (1) Operations, (2) Maintenance, (3) Engineering, (4) Collection, (5) Regulatory, and (6) Other. Various job titles and functions found in each of the benchmarking partners' job descriptions lists were classified into one of the six classes. Table 2 shows the six classes and the different functions and titles they contain. 94 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District OPERATIONS Groundwater Recharge Odor and Corrosion Control Operators Organics Management Process Control SCADA Control System Water Quality Control Construction Inspectors Construction Management Geographic Information Systems Recycled Water Coordinator COLLECTION CCTV Collection CMMS Collection System Construction Workers Collection System Crew Members /Leaders Interceptor Maintenance Table 8 -2: Job Description Classifications MAINTENANCE "r OTHER Carpenter Accounting Electrical Shop Attorney Grounds Maintenance Communications Instrumentation Shop Contract Services Machine Shop External Affairs Mechanical Shop Finance Painter Fleet Maintenance Pumping Stations Graphics Coordinator Human Resources REGULATORY Information Technology Backflow & Cross Connection Specialist Janitorial Biologists Office of the Secretary Chemists Policy Development Compliance Inspectors Power Plant Mechanic /Operator Household Hazardous Waste Public Information Industrial Waste Inspection Purchasing Laboratory Rates and Fees NPDES Resource Recovery Title 22 Risk Management Title V Safety Training Warehouse /Inventory III Once the classes are defined and populated with job titles and functions, the classes are applied universally to each of the benchmarking partners' personnel list. For example, Agency A may house Pumping Stations within their Operations Division and Agency B may house Pumping Stations in their Collection Division. Using the respective definitions for Agencies A and B, Pumping Stations would fall into two different classes even though they are indeed the same function. However, using the set of definitions outlined in Table 2 above and applying them to both Agency A and B would result in Pumping Stations being classified as Maintenance FTEs in both cases. As evidenced by the example, it is imperative that the same set of definitions be applied universally to create a more consistent comparison across various agencies. Central San's proposed organization staffing model was used as the basis for the job title and function definition. ANALYSIS Every position for each of the benchmarking partners were analyzed and classified into one of the six classes. Figure 1 shows the FTE distribution across all the benchmarking partners. Figures for both the current District structure and the proposed District structure from the Staffing Plan are shown. Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 95 Central San (Current) Central San (Proposed) Delta Diablo SD East Bay MUD Inland Empire UA Orange County SD Sao Regional SD San Diego PUD Union SD Figure 8 -1: Distribution of FTEs by Function DISTRIBUTION OF FTES BY FUNCTION D% 14396 20°! 301/. 40% 501/. 60% 709/, S0°! 90% 100% OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE ■ COLLECTION ■ ENGINEERING ' REGULATORY ■ OTHER As shown above, the FTE distribution between the current and proposed District structures are very similar. Comparing the District's FTE distribution to the benchmarking partners that have both treatment and collection, namely Union SD and San Diego PUD, there are similarities in the percentage breakdown. Figure 2 presents the current and proposed District distribution by percentage along with Union SD and San Diego PUD. OCSD was excluded because they are a regional treatment facility for several collection systems, including their own. 96 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Figure 8 -2: Percentage Distribution of FTEs CENTRAL SAN (CURRENT) UNION SD CENTRAL SAN (PROPOSED) SAN DIEGO PUD OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE • COLLECTION • ENGINEERING • REGULATORY • OTHER As shown above, the District has a similar organizational distribution to Union SD and San Diego PUD. Of note is the difference in engineering staff between the District and the benchmarking partners. Both Union SD and San Diego PUD may make more use of external resources to fulfill their design engineering needs. The proposed District FTE distribution is slightly more aligned with the distribution of the benchmarking partners. Figure 3 below details the number of operations staff per million gallons treated. For this analysis, Operations staff are comprised mainly of operators with additional support functions as detailed in Table 2. Both the District's current and proposed operations staffing falls right in the middle of the data set, indicating alignment with its industry peers. Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 97 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 Operations Staff per MGD Operations Staff Average Daily Flow Figure 8 -3: Operations Staff per Million Gallons Treated Operations Staff per Million Gallons Treated Orange San Diego Sac Central San Central San Delta East Bay Inland County SD Union SD PUD Regional SD (Proposed) (Current) Diablo SD MUD Empire UA 0.52 0.79 0.82 0.89 1.07 1.12 1.23 1.33 1.72 103 19 127.41 125 37.5 39.5 18 88 90 198 24 156 140 35.2 35.2 14.6 66 52.37 Figure 4 shows a comparison of collection system staff per 100 miles of collection system. Referring to Table 1, East Bay MUD, Delta Diablo SD, Inland UA, and Sac Regional SD do not have full -scale collection systems and are not included in Figure 4. Again, the District's current and proposed staffing levels appear to be aligned with industry peers. 98 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Figure 8 -4: Collection System Staff per 100 Miles of Collection System Collection System Staff per 100 Miles of Collection System 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Central San Central San Union SD (Proposed) (Current) Orange County SD San Diego PUD ■ FTEs per 100 Miles 2.9 3.4 3.5 5.0 6.2 Collection Staff 23 51.5 52.5 29 188 Miles of Collection System 783 1500 1500 580 3019 As noted in Section 3.3 of the Staffing plan, RFC recommends implementing position broad - banding to reduce the total number of job classes through the completion of a comprehensive Class and Compensation study. Broad - banding promotes career development and opportunities to advance and reduces administrative overhead. Overtime, an agency may have large number job classes relative to the size of its employee base because of legacy names or outdated union negotiations. Figure 5 below shows the FTEs per unique job class. For this analysis, a series in a position description was counted as a single unique job class. For example, there may be several discreet levels of Wastewater Operators, but the series is counted only as one job class in Figure 5. Both East Bay MUD and San Diego were excluded from Figure 5 because they are part of larger organizations that have several more job classes unrelated to wastewater treatment and collection. Consistent with prior Figures, the District is near the middle of the data set. However, it is worth noting a clear trend between FTEs per class and the size of the organization. Although OCSD has the benefit of being a larger organization, their laudable FTEs per class of 4.53 is the result of recent broad - banding through a class and compensation study. As mentioned in the Staffing Plan, it is recommended that the District pursue a comprehensive class and compensation study as part of its next round of labor negotiations. Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 99 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Figure 8 -5: FTEs per Job Classification Total FTEs per Job Classification Delta Diablo SD Union SD Inland Ernpire UA Central San Sac Regional SD ■ FTEs per Class 1.75 1.94 2.42 2.59 4.40 TotaIFTEs 77 140 290 287 480 Job Classifications 44 72 120 111 109 100 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Orange County SD 4.53 525 138 ORGANIZATION CHART REVIEW Just as staffing levels may reflect the demands of an agency's specific needs, so does the structure. To that end, there is no single correct organization structure. However, there are functional similarities in how groups are arranged. Of interest is that there are many ways to structure an organization and is within the realm of the management of each organization to organize its functions to meet its business and strategic needs. This section compares the proposed District structure (three Department Model) to that of the benchmarking partners. Figure 8 -6: Proposed District Organization Divisions /Sections Fleet Services Pumping Stations Collection System Maintenance Process Control Plant Operations Plant Maintenance Human Resources Safety & Risk Management Divisions /Sections Information Technology Finance Purchasing & Material Services Communication & Intergovernmental Services Divisions /Sections Household Hazardous Waste Environmental Compliance Laboratory Planning & Applied Research Survey Plan Review Permit Development Inspection Asset Management Capital Projects Rates and Fees Organizational and Staffing Plan -Draft 1 101 Figure 8 -7: Orange County Sanitation District Board of Directors 102 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District OBSERVATIONS General Manager's General General • Five Department model Office Manager Counsel Office • Facilities Support — Fleet, Manage g ment Collection System Maintenance, Administration Human Administrative FaCIIItIeS Operations & Facilities Engineering (called Board Services Support Engineering Resources Services Services Maintenance Reliability Engineering as Public Affairs recommended for Central San) Human Resources Administrative Facilities Engineering Operations& Administration Services Support Services Administration Administration Maintenance Administration and Maintenance comprise its own Workforce Financial Planning Development Management Fleet Services& Plant No. I department and not coupled with Equipment Project Operations Workforce Contracts, Rebuild Management Operations Planning Purchasing & Office Plant No. 2 Materials Management Facilities Engineering& Engineering& Operations • Human Resources is a Department Information Services L Construction Building, Grounds& with a total of 16 FTEs and a group Technology Collection Environmental Mechanical Facilities Compliance Maintenance assigned to workforce planning Risk Management Instrumentation & Electrical Maintenance Environmental Laboratory & Ocean Monitoring 102 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Manager I I Marfa4er CJ.y!iti 4:ree,h C:mch 71-- Figure 8 -8: Union Sanitary District �:.�°'� r,.'mw � ",°:'� -•= Wrrerw[aN Std Co�euez[n Re9Ft+ch hN ��Jde#re I-y:irvmtk-d} ScM:: i, I.�r�yAtl•;ah ..[vim .� lier, } ManaW Wm r EM[YKe4. µac +wra+ INpay¢ryn'. i,IY ial Tcaa i Trwm �i� �4rapsig 1 T, m OBSERVATIONS • Unique organizational model. Utilizes 11 "Coaches" to lead 14 teams in five Departments • Technical Services Department includes the Assistant to the GM /Board Secretary • Information Technology Team bypasses a coach and reports directly to the Business Services Manager Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 103 Figure 8 -9: Inland Empire Utilities Agency 104 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District OBSERVATIONS Manager Board of Board Secretaryl Directors Internal Audit office Manager • Internal Auditor position reports directly to Board of Directors, similar to Central San's General Manager and Secretary to the Manager General Manager External Affairs Board. • Manager of External Affairs (similar to the proposed Central San Intergovernmental Relations Executive Manager Executive Manager Policy Developmentl operations /Assistant Executive Manager EngineeringlAssistant ancial Off icerf General Manager) reports directly to the Assistant General ant General Manager Manager General Manager 4Chief anager General Manager. • Dual assignment of each Executive Manager Manager Manager Manager to also hold the Assistant Maintenance Engineering & Construction Mgmt Business Information services General Manager role promotes succession planning options. • Although there are four Executive Manager Operations Manager Laboratories Manager Contracts and Managers, this structure is very Facilities Services similar to the District's three - department model. Deputy Manager Manager Planning & Manager • Laboratory is decoupled from Organics Management Environmental Comp Finance & Accounting Operations and housed in Engineering (similar to the Deputy Manager Manager recommended location in the Technical Services Human Resources Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division in Central San's Technical Services Department. 104 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Figure 8 -10: Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District OBSERVATIONS • General Manager also holds the title of District Engineer. • General Manager has five direct reports, including the Public Affairs Manager. Not clear what the organizational elements are under Finance and Public Affairs. • Separate department for Policy & Planning which includes Asset Management, Regulatory Affairs, and Scientific Research. • Engineering and Operations housed within the Operations Department. Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 105 <<-3 Z8 Figure 8 -11: East Bay Municipal Utilities District OFFICE OFTHE GENERAL MANAGER SPec6M AeeL to the ON spaWl met, . INC O — DIE1NC1 sec a .ty MAINTENANCE DF MMEW ORGANIZATION CHART APr112013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICE OF GENERALCOUNSEL GENERAL MANAGER Alenantler R. Cagle Z. el laanwe, ENGINEE(AX:! WASTEWATER FINANCE ADDEPARTMMINISTRATIENT ON O�#la: �l:.GeTI�PN OEPARfMENT DEPARTMENT {�SDUPGFS ACd45i�ICTNIN DPERAT[DNS IN SYSTEMS N DEPARTMENT DEPARR✓EM DEPARTMEN! DEPARTMENT WATER EASTEAY REDMLATDMI DISTRMIIIIDN WAT9i PIPELME WASTEWATER ACCDMNTIND DATA CENTER RESOURCES WATERSHED CDMPLIAMICE MAINTENANLEf eO14TPBMTIDN PIlUU "1191CIIIIE EIIGNEERIWD OIVY$IDN pINSgN PLANNIWO DIV. BflEG DW. OFFICE DONSLDMEION DNDIDN DIYISIDN DIVISION *0 A �9�lli£ W OFFOUAl1TY AjpN WADIVISION LY DIY BN)N TRDPII&ON TDFFKFY APB TION! X.—ME TNMT 8 WME441ff9 6 WNSIRUC1gN � DS ICOEB MAHADgd_T F LO oST1111ITON R.E. -- ENCN EERINR IAEDRATDRY IXTERAL AIIp ONDION Soli. OISE �q�5 WATER DBST. PDRCXASIND PLANNING DIY. DIVISION EMPLOYEE SERVICES OIYISIDN OBSERVATIONS • Part of a much larger organization. Wastewater Department (in purple above) grouped into four Divisions. • Laboratory and Environmental Services each have own Division • Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Affairs Assistants are assigned directly to the General Manager. (These functions fall under the Administrative Services Director for Central San.) 106 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Administrative I`Ampu[er Assielant l I Boartl Member Analyst Admfniahat.. Cffce Managed General Assrstam III OIRcer Sevetary Io the Board Administrative Mechanic 111 Manttania 111 A—hent II Publlc Buenas Engineer Manager Information Services Admimslrat McGOr senior Opeator Predor Eigineerirg Technician I Asrtslent 1 Maintenance Malntonanee Instrumentation ByS Human Resourees& Risk Ma'reger IT Manager Finance Manager AoccuM M Buyer A nn, re�hm A mooring Teahncian A—A Clerk II Updated: Sep. 2034 Figure 8 -12: Delta Diablo Sanitation district Delta Diablo Organizational Chart Manage Erin rirg esaurce $eivicas pracMrl $ery ces D re Oislrid Erglneer Engilex Plant Mender taharetary Manager [Board Humacn Resarr es I`Ampu[er Beard Member Boartl Member Analyst Maintenance Cffce Managed General Associate OIRcer Sevetary Io the Board Manager Mechanic 111 Manttania 111 Cxpury General Publlc Engineer Manager Information C- 9—tlan Humacn Resarr es I`Ampu[er A—It, Engineer Analyst II Analyst Maintenance Safety C.ollectlon Associate OIRcer Fngine Mechanic 111 Manttania 111 Assaclate uriI Nbrker III Engineer C- 9—tlan McGOr senior Opeator Senior OPararor Eigineerirg Technician I Environmental proamm Opemlions Recycled MJdtar CurnPliance Manage' Supamine, Coordinator Erpineer Hazardouis Maintenance Manager Maintenance Suparvi8nr SamoY 9pgrator Sen�on 9peymr $enlpi Oporalm Ctlemist ll Maintenance Maintenance 9nstymenlalion C.ollectlon Mechanic 111 Manttania 111 Technican 111 uriI Nbrker III Csysdtlon senior Opeator Senior OPararor Operator 111 Cliemistlf Maintenance Malntonanee Instrumentation ByS Mechanic ll Madre II Technician It 11 KbRier II Opemtorlll Opamtor II Operator III chemist II Maintenance Maintenance Inainimentation Mechanic It Mechanic II Technician It Operator II Cpa.tor 11 Ope2lor II Emironmantal Compliance Maintenance Maintenance Irntlumeritation specialist I I Mechanic II Mech — II Teehnician II O eratorl p O atarl Par Operotorl EiwirenmentaI Utility Lae— Main4narKe Maintenance Compliance Specialisll Mechanic ll Mechamc ll Utility Laborer Narate a specialist OBSERVATIONS • Three member Board, smaller agency ( <80FTEs). • Administrative Assistants are pooled together under the supervision of the Secretary of the Board. • Public Information Manager reports directly to the General Manager. • Follows standard three - Department model (Business Services, Engineer, Resource Recovery (O &M) Organizational and Staffing Plan - Draft 1 107