HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.d.1)b) Action Summary: 11-24-14 Engineering & Operations Committeecentral Sanitary District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA DAVID R. WILLIAMS SANITARY DISTRICT President ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS MICHAEL R.MCGILL President Prolem COMMITTEE PAUL H. CAUSFY JAMES A. NFJEDLY TAD J PILECKI Chair Pilecki PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 Member Causey FAX: (925) 676 -7211 www.centralsan.org Monday, November 24, 2014 12:30 p.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California PRESENT: Chair Tad Pilecki, Member Paul Causey, Provisional Deputy General Manager / Director of Engineering Jean -Marc Petit, Director of Administration David Heath, Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez, Accountant Amal Lyon, Senior Engineer Dana Lawson (left after Item 4.), Associate Engineer Nathan Hodges (left after Item 6.), Plant Maintenance Division Manager Neil Meyer (left after Item 5.), Provisional Senior Engineer Clint Shima (left after Item 5.), Associate Engineer Dan Frost (left after Item 6.), Senior Administrative Technician Christina Gee 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Receive update on Asset Management Implementation Planning Senior Engineer Dana Lawson reported that staff recently held a workshop in- house to review recommended projects for the Asset Management Implementation Plan. A draft report, which will be more encompassing and include a road map, will be ready in one to two weeks, finalized in January and presented to the Board in time to be rolled into the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Member Causey requested that staff send the documents to the Committee as far in advance as possible. He encouraged that staff engage as many people as Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary November 24, 2014 Page 2 possible in the process and commended the level of engagement for the workshops noted in the Needs Assessment memorandum. He also stated that, from his perspective, the weighting system may need to be revised for more accurate prioritization. Chair Pilecki asked that staff add notes on future reports regarding the status of the items. He advised that staff keep the process simple and only spend time on value -added ideas, not to put a significant amount of effort into something that does not offer a commensurate return. Member Causey said that he agreed, to an extent, and recommended that staff think what is really needed and, as examples, set appropriate project levels for business case evaluations or avoid creating hierarchies that are too high level and neglect important parts, as a result. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received update. 4. Review draft Position Paper awarding a technical services agreement with a cost ceiling not to exceed $593,000 to V &A Consulting Engineers for flow monitoring under the Collection System Modeling Upgrade Project, District Project 8418 Provisional Deputy General Manager/ Director of Engineering Jean -Marc Petit stated that staff sent out a Request for Proposal for the flow monitoring and metering in the collection system. V &A was selected out of three proposals. The project being presented is for two years of data collection to refine the model, including time extensions if needed due to weather. Another Position Paper will come back to the Board for the calibration and implementation of the model. Chair Pilecki recalled that Environmental Services Division staff had collected several sets of flow monitoring data in the past and asked whether that data would be sufficient for current use, given the significant cost of the proposed contract. He stated that at this time he would not be able to support the agreement without knowing for sure the old data is unusable. Mr. Petit stated that time is of the essence, as the agreement ideally would be in place in time for the winter wet weather, but would request that staff revisit the used of the previously collected data. Chair Pilecki also asked staff to look into the amendment to the existing contract with RMC, considering that the agreement will be raised to $178,000. Board action is required. Member Causey requested that the budget number be added to the Position Paper, so it could be seen how much has been spent and if the project is on target with respect to the budget. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary November 24, 2014 Page 3 Member Causey also noted that he would be unable to support the Collection System Renovation and Rehabilitation (R &R) Program as currently proposed. He suggested slowing down the R&R Program to allow time for the Master Plan to be fully formed and integrated with it. Member Causey also suggested that perhaps the Collection System Operations (CSO) crews could consider taking measurements of depth while they are in the field to fill any data gaps for manhole inverts needed in the hydraulic model. Mr. Petit asked for the Committee's input as to how they would prefer the project as a whole be presented. Chair Pilecki preferred to split it into two actions: (1) the parts related to the Collection System Master Plan, and (2) the rest of the project related to the hydraulic model implementation. Chair Causey stated that he concurred with staff's original approach, but he requested that staff add a paragraph to the Position Paper listing the steps ahead and actions needed toward the Master Plan. COMMITTEE ACTION: Directed staff to return with a revised Position Paper and requested additional information. *5. Receive update on the District's annual energy consumption Mr. Petit and Provisional Senior Engineer Clint Shima distributed charts of energy usage across the District (attached), a report which staff recommended providing on a quarterly basis. The Committee concurred with staff's recommendation to present the information quarterly and suggested it do so as a General Manager Written Announcement to the Board. Member Causey noted that the charts demonstrate the need for an Energy Policy to drive the District toward self - generation and reducing energy usage as much as possible. The Committee requested changes in the titles of the some of the graphics for clarity, and Chair Pilecki suggested adding a graph depicting the current status of greenhouse gas emissions used versus the top limits. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received update, suggested changes to the charts, and concurred with staff's recommendation to present the report quarterly. *6. Review draft Position Paper setting public hearing on January 8, 2015 to consider award of three power purchase agreements (PPAs) to Sun Edison, LLC for solar photovoltaic panels at the District's Household Hazardous Waste Facility, Collection System Operations Building, and Vehicle Maintenance Shop [Last discussed at the September 22, 2014 Committee meeting] Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary November 24, 2014 Page 4 Associate Engineer Dan Frost stated that another draft Position Paper to hold the public hearing will be brought to the Committee at its December 9, 2014 meeting. He handed out a Draft R -REP PPA Solar Fact Sheet on each facility (attached) and noted that the numbers are not yet final. He spoke of the potential cost savings and social and environmental benefits of the project, and stated that Meyers Nave staff confirmed that a public hearing should be held in accordance with California Government Code Section 4217.12 stipulations regarding energy services contracts. Chair Pilecki inquired if there would be an option to terminate the contract at no cost if it is determined the solar panels present a traffic hazard due to potential glare produced by the solar panels. Member Causey encouraged that the District use more solar at its other facilities, such as the Treatment Plant, if it is economically feasible. Mr. Petit noted that the Sustainable Solutions Turnkey project, whose Feasibility Assessment was recently approved by the Board, will evaluate solar options for the Treatment Plant. As for the R -REP Project, the solar facilities listed are sized considering various site constraints and for optimal financial benefit to both the District and the solar vendor. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended the Board set the public hearing date to consider entering into power purchase agreements. 7. Receive information requested at the September 22, 2014 Committee meeting [Continued from October 27, 2014 Committee meeting]: a. How much of the 5.3% of the total to date change order costs for the Primary Treatment Plant Renovation, District Project 7285, was added contract work versus unforeseen conditions Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez stated that 1.8 %, or $190, 000 worth, of change order costs was District requested as added work for urgent construction repairs at the plant. This Fiscal Year (FY), staff added an Urgent Repair Project (standby contractor) in the CIB, for which it will be going out to bid this FY. In Spring 2015, the Board will be asked to award the contract. *b. Report on FY 2013 -14 designs and outcomes Mr. Lopez reported that, of 85 projects in FY 2013 -14, one design project was postponed and did not come to fruition. The project was revised to pay consultant contracts on nutrient removal. Therefore, the project was closed and the original scope will be evaluated and a new project will be brought back next FY. He also distributed a draft Project Report Card for Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary November 24, 2014 Page 5 the FY 2014 -15 Treatment Plant Program showing the prioritizations of all projects (attached) and indicated the planned project phase. Staff is planning to use this report in the future. C. Follow -up discussion on potential sources and contaminated materials found during the 2013 Cured -In -Place -Pipe (CIPP) Piping, District Project 8405 Mr. Lopez stated that staff found two batches of hazardous materials exceeding the limit for soluble lead. The source of that lead is yet to be determined; however, staff speculated it could have come from a mechanic shop or radiator repair shop, given the high volume of such businesses in the area in the past. In the future, staff is exploring several ideas for handling this situation and are taking necessary actions to include such provisions in the next CIPP project at the plant. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information. *8. Receive report on updated Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) formatting Mr. Petit distributed a draft example of the FY 2014 -15 CIB Treatment Program / Project List Estimated Expenditures and an example "project handout, "or information sheet, on the Urgent Repairs project (attached). This new format will be used for the upcoming FY 2015 -16 CIB. Chair Pilecki liked the expenditure table and the concept of removing the allocation /expenditure tables from the project descriptions. However, he questioned how the allocation portion of the table would be addressed using this new format. Mr. Petit agreed to discuss the allocation with Engineering staff and Finance staff and said further information will be provided at the next Committee meeting on December 9, 2014. Chair Pilecki was in support of reformatting the project description handouts that are used in the CIB /CIP annual document. He requested again that staff bring an update on how allocations would be presented. Member Causey suggested some additions to the project handout, including a District Project number to the header and information on the project's relations to other projects. COMMITTEE ACTION: Provided input to staff. 9. Receive report regarding any projects approaching a budget overrun within the 15 percent General Manager authority, if needed Mr. Lopez reported that the Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Tanks Renovation, District Project 7309, will run up to 13% over the project budget, however, within Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary November 24, 2014 Page 6 the General Manager's authority. A full report will be presented to the Committee at its December 9, 2014 meeting. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. 10. Announcements a. Future scheduled meetings: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 12:30 p.m. (Special) COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements. 11. Suggestions for future agenda items Regarding the December 9, 2014 Special meeting, Member Causey requested that the CIB be provided to the Committee at least one week in advance, if possible, to allow sufficient time for the Committee to review the material. Chair Pilecki requested that the Committee be presented with the projected expenditures for the next fiscal year, the CIP numbers, and major projects. He noted that perhaps staff could include a memo explaining why any numbers have changed, the prioritization sheet, and a 20 -year snapshot. To him, the key objective will be to set numbers and review major projects. Member Causey stated that he would likely be recommending a 10 to 15% cut in the Collection System program until the Master Plan is completed. Chair Pilecki stated that he did not agree with that, and he believed the renovation program needs to continue. 12. Adjournment — at 2:43 p.m. * Attachment Standing Item CCCSD September 2014 Energy Usage Treatment Plant Campus Total Energy Cost: $296,000 85% of Total $ $316.90 /MG Treated Operating Cost of CCCSD By Month $450,000 $395,552 $400,000 — _ $305,680 $350,000 -- $300,000 - 295,968 $295,929 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 5100,000 $50,000 So J.n-14 1.1-14 A.g-14 Sep -14 ■ POD Reservation Charges ■ POD Demand Charge • Total Energy Charge •POD Landfill gas ■ Natural gas Defiwry ■POD Natural gas Total Electricity by Source in kWh — 25 20 3 15 f 10 5 0 HIR 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year ■Cogen ■Standby Power RPG &E aBe, % Pump Stations Import, 13% of Total $ Total Electricity by Source in kWh 2,500 2,000 s 1,500 9 '0 1,000 Soo 0 J. 14 1.414 1u1-14 Sep -: ■ Cogen ■ StandbyP —ar -PG&E Total MMBTU of Gas Consumed 600.0 — 500.0 — — 400.0 f v 300.0 w F 200.0 100.0 o.o 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year ■ Natural Gas • Landfill Gas Total MMBTU of Gas Consumed 50 45 40 35 f 30 f v 25 20 15 10 s 0 Jun-14 1.414 Aug -14 Sap 11 • Landfill Gas ■ Naturl Gas Total Energy by Source in kWh Equivalence 120 100 80 3 60 40 20 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year • Aux Boilers WHB Steam ■Cogen Steam ■Cogen Efe iwl ■Standby Power ■PG &E This month we produced and purchased electricity at an average rate of $0,0669 /kWh Including maintenance Compared to $0,1513 /kWh From PG &E We produced steam at an average rate of $0.00876 /lb steam Cogen has a breakeven cost of $13.90 /MMBTU Natural gas was purchased at a rate of $rja09 /MMBTU CSO Facility 2% of Total $ San Ramon, $11,022, 28% 12 Mar Pomp Stations, $1,500, 4% Concord CSO Industrial, $1,136, Vehicle CSOGas, 3% Bay CSO $383,6% Faim..,,$1,683, EleRdciry, Vehicle 4% Wtby,$1,962, Lower Odnda, $992,14% Bay Gas, S8,0% 5% Martinez, $3,12], $4.064. 10% 8% Total Electricity by Source in kWh 2,500 2,000 s 1,500 9 '0 1,000 Soo 0 J. 14 1.414 1u1-14 Sep -: ■ Cogen ■ StandbyP —ar -PG&E Total MMBTU of Gas Consumed 600.0 — 500.0 — — 400.0 f v 300.0 w F 200.0 100.0 o.o 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year ■ Natural Gas • Landfill Gas Total MMBTU of Gas Consumed 50 45 40 35 f 30 f v 25 20 15 10 s 0 Jun-14 1.414 Aug -14 Sap 11 • Landfill Gas ■ Naturl Gas Total Energy by Source in kWh Equivalence 120 100 80 3 60 40 20 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year • Aux Boilers WHB Steam ■Cogen Steam ■Cogen Efe iwl ■Standby Power ■PG &E This month we produced and purchased electricity at an average rate of $0,0669 /kWh Including maintenance Compared to $0,1513 /kWh From PG &E We produced steam at an average rate of $0.00876 /lb steam Cogen has a breakeven cost of $13.90 /MMBTU Natural gas was purchased at a rate of $rja09 /MMBTU Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Draft R -REP PPA Solar Factsheet Location: Size of System: Annual Electrical Demand: Annual Solar Production: Annual Electricity Offset with Solar: PPA Term: Year 1 PPA Price: Year 20 PPA Price: Current PG &E Annual Costs (Approx) Year 1 PPA Annual Costs Year 1 PG &E Annual Costs (with PPA) Year 1 0 &M Savings: Year 20 O &M Savings: 20 Year Savings - Net Present Value: Year 1 Early Termination Fee: Year 20 Early Termination Fee: Collection System Operations Building 144.5 KW 285,381 KWh 215,076 KWh 75% 20 years $0.205 /KWh $0.300 /KWh $48,916 $44,111 $3,191 $1,614 $26,576 $167,471 $960,925 $221,085 l�. *Values in table above are based on a draft financial analysis. A final analysis based on the final power purchase agreement terms will be completed. Values based on 4% /year utility escalation rate, 2% /year PPA escalation rate, 3% NPV discount rate, and 0.50% /year panel degradation rate. le Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Draft R -REP PPA Solar Factsheet Location: Vehicle Maintenance Shop Size of System: 25 KW Annual Electrical Demand: 41,855 KWh Annual Solar Production: 37,545 KWh Annual Electricity Offset with Solar: 90% PPA Term: 20 years Year 1 PPA Price: $0.218 /KWh Year 20 PPA Price: $0.317 /KWh Current PG &E Annual Costs: $8,691 Year 1 PPA Annual Costs $6,840 Year 1 PG &E Annual Costs (with PPA): $794 Year 1 O &M Savings: $1,057 Year 20 O &M Savings: $4,438 20 Year Savings - Net Present Value: $24,642 Year 1 Early Termination Fee: $214,750 Year 20 Early Termination Fes: $46,250 *Values in table above are based on a draft financial analysis. A final analysis based on the final power purchase agreement terms will be completed. Values based on 4% /year utility escalation rate, 2 %lyear PPA escalation rate, 3% NPV discount rate, and 0.50 % /year panel degradation rate. V Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Draft R -REP PPA Solar Factsheet Location: Size of System: Annual Electrical Demand: Annual Solar Production: Annual Electricity Offset with Solar: PPA Term: Year 1 PPA Price: Year 20 PPA Price: Current PG &E Annual Costs: Year 1 PPA Annual Costs Year 1 PG &E Annual Costs (with PPA) Year 1 O &M Savings: Year 20 O &M Savings: 20 Year Savings - Net Present Value: Year 1 Early Termination Fee: Year 20 Early Termination Fee: Household Hazardous Waste Facili 25 KW 50,205 KWh 35,187 KWh 70% 20 years $0.213 /KWh $0.310 /KWh $9,371 $7,627 $327 $1,417 $7,038 $53,452 $198,634 �` u. 1 y? $43,639 "Values in table above are based on a draft financial analysis. A final analysis based on the final power purchase agreement terms will be completed. Values based on 4% /year utility escalation rate, 2% /year PPA escalation rate, 3% NPV discount rate, and 0.50 % /year panel degradation rate. M 4/15 Treatment Plant Program - Project Report Card Color Code for CIB Pro ram Cate ories: Reg. Compliance /Planning/Safety One -Time Renovation Recurring Renovation 4NO. Priority Ranking Category Project Number Project FY14/15 FY15/16 FY16/17 T 2 7285 Primary Treatment Renovation C C - 7301 Treatment Plant Planning P P P 3 7314 Urgent Repairs Blanket Contract C C C 3 7265 TP Equipment Re lacement D/C D/C D/C 5 7308 Co -Gen Controls Upgrade C - - 6 7292 Switch ear Refurbishment - ph 2 D/C C C 6 7310 Piping Renovations - phase 8 D C - 6 7309 DAF Tank Renovation C - - VERY NIGH 9 7297 Wet and D Scrubber Replacement P D C VERY NIG 10 H 7312 Ash Facility Improvements P D, C D, C - VERY HIGH 10 TP08 TP Safe Im rov 2011 -12 thru 2019 -20 C C C VERY HIGH 10 7291 Pump & Blower Bldg Seismic Upgrade D D/C C VERY HIGH 10 7311 TP Safety Enhancements Phase 4 D/C - - VERY HIGH 14 pTP42 Plant Control System 1/0 Replacement P D D/C VERY HIGH 14 7304 PLC Sys Upgr - 12 -13 thru 21 -22 C C C VERY H031H 14 7286 Centrifuge & Cake Pump Upgrades P, D D/C C VERY HIGH 14 pTP32 Plant Energy Optimization P P P HIGH 18 7315 Plant of the Future Roadmap P P - HIGH 18 7284 TP Hazard Identification & Remediation P D C HIGH 18 pTP24 Laboratory Upgrades & Repair D/C D/C - HIGH 21 pTP47 WC / Grayson Creek Levee Rehab P P, D C HIGH 21 pTP31 Permitting Study for New Furnace P P - HIGH 23 pTP33 Treatment Plant Soil Remediation P P P HIGH 23 pTP41 Plant Control System Network Upgrades C C C HIGH 23 pTP03 Plant C ber Security P P HIGH 26 7254 TP Cathodic Prot Sys Re I C C C HIGH 26 pTP06 Plant Electrical and Instr Re l P C C HIGH 28 pTP45 TP Electrical Cable Re pi - LT P D C MEDIUM 20 xxxx TP Facilities Renov P m - LT P D/C D/C MEDIUM 30 pTP29 Pavement Renovation P P P MEDIUM 30 pTP16 Coating Renovation P D C MEDIUM 30 pTP30 lConcrete Renovation P D C MEDIUM TP23 TP Securi U r - 2012 -13 thru 2021 -22 P P P r = rianning, u = Design, t; = t;onstruction M DRAFT g FY14/15 CIB Treatment Plant Program/ Project List - Estimated Expenditures Program Manager: Craig Mizutani Priority Category Score Project Number Current Phase Project Estimated Expenditures to 6/30/14 FYI 4/15 FY15 /16 FYI 6/17 Future FY Completion Date Total Est. Costs 90 7285 C Primary Treatment Renovation $6,923,700 $6,000,000 $1,460,000 $0 $0 Jun -15 $14,383,700 85 7301 P Treatment Plant Planning $1,913,500 $371,000 $300,000 $300,000 $1,200,000 $4,084,500 80 7314 C Urgent Repairs Blanket Contract $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Jun -24 $50,000 80 7265 D/C TP Equipment Replacement $1,068,100 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $1,268,100 75 7308 C Co -Gen Controls Upgrade $1,240,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,300,000 70 7292 D/C Switchgear Refurbishment - ph 2 $306,800 $100,000 $240,000 $450,000 $240,000 $1,336,800 70 7310 D Piping Renovations - phase 8 $100,000 $150,000 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $1,750,000 70 7309 C DAF Tank Renovation $90,000 $600,000 $0 $0 $0 $690,000 VERY'HIGH 60 7297 D Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement $51,100 $100,000 $500,000 $3,400,000 $3,820,000 $7,871,100 VERY HIGH 55 7312 P Ash Facility Improvements $10,000 $1,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $41,000' VERY HIGH 55 7291 D Pump & Blower Bldg Seismic Upgrade $414,300 $122,000 $2,550,000 $750,000 $0 $3,836,300 VERY HIGH 55 7311 C TP Safety Enhancements Phase 4 $100,000 $240,000 $0 $0 $0 $340,000 VERY HIGH 55 pTP08 P TP Safety Improv 2011 -12 thru 2019 -20 $15,000 $1,000 $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 $41,000 VERY HIGH 50 7286 D Centrifuge & Cake Pump Upgrades $0 $800,000 $2,200,000 $1,800,000 $0 $4,800,000 VERY HIGH 50 7304 P PLC Sys Upgr - 12 -13 thru 21 -22 $118,700 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $400,000 $758,700 VERY HIGH 50 pTP42 P Plant Control System 1/0 Replacement $0 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 $3,960,000 $4,000,000 VERY HIGH 50 pTP32 P Plant Energy Optimization $75,000 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $90,000 HIGH 45 7315 P Plant of the Future Roadmap $0 $100,000 $250,000 $100,000 $450,000 HIGH 45 7284 D TP Hazard Identification & Remediation $197,600 $6,000 $100,000 $100,000 $350,000 $753,600 HIGH 45 pTP24 D/C Laboratory Upgrades & Repair $0 $48,000 $50,000 $50,000 $290,000 $438,000 HIGH 40 pTP47 P WC / Grayson Creek Levee Rehab $0 $10,000 $10,000 $300,000 $300,000 $620,000 HIGH 40 pTP31 P Permitting Study for New Furnace $0 $1,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $26,000 HIGH 35 pTP33 P Treatment Plant Soil Remediation $50,000 $1,000 $1,000 $50,000 $50,000 $152,000 HIGH 35 pTP41 D/C Plant Control System Network Upgrades $0 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $320,000 HIGH 35 pTP03 P Plant Cyber Security $60,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $70,000 HIGH 30 7254 D/C TP Cathodic Prot Sys Repl $551,300 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $571,300 HIGH 30 pTP06 P Electrical and Instr Repl $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $60,000 $100,000 HIGH 25 pTP45 P TP Electrical Cable Repl - LT $0 $10,000 $240,000 $240,000 $1,880,000 $2,370,000 MEDIUM 20 xxxx P TP Facilities Renov Pgm - LT $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 $100,000 $2,590,000 $2,890,000 MEDIUM 15 pTP29 P Pavement Renovation $5,000 $1,000 $50,000 $50,000 $150,000 $256,000 MEDIUM 15 pTP16 P Coating Renovation $1,000 $1,000 $600,000 $400,000 $4,400,000 $5,402,000 MEDIUM 15 pTP30 I P JConcr ete Renovation $5,000 $1,000 $50,000 $50,000 $550,000 $656,000 MEDIUM 5 pTP23 P ITP Security Upgr -.2012-13 thru 2021 -22 $11,000 $1,000 $10,000 $10,000 $50,000 $82,000 Totals: TP Program Contingency Reserve - ?% $13,377,100 $9,045,000 $10,506,000 $8,415,000 $20,455,000 $61,798,100 E WMFT 19 dt URGENT REPAIRS Subprogram: Reoccurring Renovation Priority Category: Critical Level Project Manager, Department/Division: Edgar Lopez, Engineering /Capital Projects Project Purpose: Provide staff the capability to perform immediate electrical, mechanical, and other miscellaneous repairs within the treatment plant. Project Description: Urgent treatment plant projects which require immediate repairs or replacement may arise anytime during the current fiscal year. These projects may be triggered by one of the following situations: • Equipment or process piping failure • Comply with regulatory or code issues • Impacts operational procedures or process • Safety hazards Projects included in this category are those that cannot be completed by the District's Plant Maintenance Department, and cannot afford the longer timeline to be incorporated in the year and a half long budget process. This project will include bidding and executing a blanket contract that will allow the District to use a contractor for urgent construction work. Project Location: Entire Treatment Plant Project Schedule and Costs: Total costs for this project is $41,000. This is the first year of this project with a potential start date of April 2015 and continues until FY 2024 -25.