HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.d.1)c) Action Summary-Engineering & Operations Committee 12-9-14Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA DAVID R. RULIAMS SANITARY DISTRICT President ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS MICHAEL R.M President Pro ro Tem Tem COMMITTEE PAUL H.CAUSEY JAMES A. NEJEDLY TAD J. PILECKI ACTION SUMMARY PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX.- (925) 676 -7211 Chair Pilecki www.centralsan.org Member Causey Tuesday, December 9, 2014 10:00 a.m. 2 "d Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California PRESENT: Chair Tad Pilecki, Member Paul Causey, Provisional Deputy General Manager / Director of Engineering Jean -Marc Petit, Director of Administration David Heath, Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez, Finance Administrator Todd Smithey, Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell, Consultant with NexLevel IT Consulting Stephen Madler, Senior Engineer Dana Lawson (arrived during Item 4.), Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky (arrived during Item 4.), Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani (arrived during Item 4.), Associate Engineer Nathan Hodges (left after Item 4.), Assistant Engineer Justin Waples (left after Item 4.), Gisa Ju with RMC Water and Environment (consulting engineer) (left after Item 4.), General Manager Roger Bailey (left after Item 7.), Senior Administrative Technician Christina Gee 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. Public Comments None. *3.4 Review draft Position Paper for public hearing on January 8, 2015 to consider award of three power purchase agreements (PPAs) to SunEdison, LLC for solar photovoltaic panels at the District's Household Hazardous Waste Facility, Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary December 9, 2014 Page 2 Collection System Operations Building, and Vehicle Maintenance Shop [Discussed at the September 22, 2014 Committee meeting and draft Position Paper to set the public hearing was recommended for Board approval at November 24, 2014 Committee meeting] Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmel) and Associate Engineer Nathan Hodges gave a PowerPoint presentation (attached). Should the Board hold the public hearing and award the PPAs, the contracts would likely be arranged by February 2015 for a twenty -year term and operational in July 2015. If the PPAs are signed by a certain date, the District may be able to obtain a 3% bundle rate discount (this bundle discount has not been considered in the economic analysis presented). Under the contracts, the equipment will not be owned by the District, SunEdison will own and will be responsible for maintenance. The PPAs are dependent on the Collection System Operations (CSO) site moving forward, and they stipulate that any environmental credits (such as greenhouse gas emission credits) are owned by SunEdison and not the District. Provisional Deputy General Manager/ Director of Engineering Jean -Marc Petit noted that the PG &E Sustainable Solutions Turnkey project beginning on December 10, 2014 will also look into opportunities of reducing energy costs, including additional solar panels at the Martinez plant site. In response to a question from Member Causey, staff confirmed that the calculations presented take into account the dedicated "solar rate" from PG &E that would be charged to the District were it to install the solar panels. Member Causey suggested that staff inquire with SunEdison to accommodate future renewable power or efficiency projects the District may undertake. Staff and the Committee discussed what would occur if the power that is produced by the solar panels does not meet or exceeds expectations. Chair Pilecki suggested that perhaps staff could negotiate some sort of rebate to the District in that situation. Staff responded that the District is entitled to rebates in the event that solar power production, on an annual basis, is less than 90% of anticipated production stipulated in the PPA. Member Causey asked that staff run a PPA scenario to estimate the annual PG &E power cost escalation rate that would match energy costs as if no PPAs were executed. He asked that an annual report be given to the Board on the effectiveness and status of the project, if the project goes forward. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary December 9, 2014 Page 3 Chair Pilecki asked, if PG &E were to change its rates to the point where it would not benefit the District to have solar, how payout would affect the ability to terminate the contract. He stated that a major risk factor in his opinion was the likelihood that the energy rates will change. He recommended that staff inform the Board that there are time constraints associated with obtaining a bundle rate. Staff responded that assumed PG &E rate escalation is a critical component of analyzing the economics of the solar PPAs. If the District elected to terminate the PPAs due to changing electric rates, SunEdison would be entitled to compensation. Regarding Chair Pilecki's concern at the November 24 meeting regarding the potential glare off the panels toward the freeway, Mr. Hodges stated that staff has a conference call scheduled with District Counsel at Meyers Nave and SunEdison to address this and other issues. Staff stated that a "removal fund" that accumulates over the duration of the contract will pay for the extraction of the panels. Member Causey asked what would happen to that removal fund, which is factored into the rates, if the District were to purchase the panels. Staff will provide an update at a future Engineering & Operations Committee meeting. Member Causey stated that he was comfortable with moving forward with the contract. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended the Board hold the public hearing as soon as possible. Staff will give a presentation to the Board on December 18, 2014, when it will be asked to consider setting a public hearing for January 8, 2015. 4. Review revised draft Position Paper, including changes suggested by the Committee at its November 24, 2014 meeting, awarding a technical services agreement with a cost ceiling not to exceed $214,000 to V &A Consulting Engineers for flow monitoring, under the Collection System Modeling Upgrade Project, District Project 8418 Assistant Engineer Justin Waples gave the PowerPoint presentation included in the agenda packet. Ms. Gemmell noted that staff is hoping to install the meters by January 2015. Member Causey expressed concern that it may be too late in the season to obtain the maximum or enough usable data and asked why there was a rush in moving forward with this contract. He believed the District should conduct all flow monitoring next year to capture an entire wet weather season. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary December 9, 2014 Page 4 Mr. Petit replied that flow monitoring and flow calibration is crucial for the new dynamic hydraulic model and the upcoming Collection System Master Plan (CSMP). He noted that staff has begun the contracting process (a draft contract and insurance requirements have been sent to the consultant) in advance of Board approval, so the meters can be installed as soon as possible, should the Board elect to award the contract. V&A is prepared to install the 36 meters shortly after given a notice to proceed. Should the Board decide not to award the contract, both the new hydraulic model and CSMP will be delayed, and he had hoped to begin both at the end of the fiscal year. Chair Pilecki stated that the weather forecast looked promising for the upcoming months. In response to a previous question from Chair Pilecki, staff and Gisa Ju, a Senior Modeling Engineer with RMC Water and Environment, determined that the 2005 meter locations were not appropriately placed for the purposes of model calibration, and the data produced by those meters is ten years old. Chair Pilecki replied that in his opinion, not much has changed in ten years that was not predicted in the 2010 CSMP and the base flow is not changing either. He is, however, more comfortable with awarding the reduced contract than the previously proposed amount. He also stated his opinion that other agencies are not as conservative as the District, with its twenty -year storm event design criteria. Member Causey agreed to recommend the Board award the contract, but he reiterated his concerns with the weather and timing of the placement of the meters. He also discussed the option of installing 72 meters this year instead of the 36 meters proposed for the first phase of this flow metering study. Chair Pilecki stated that he was leaning toward doing the proposed work (36 meters) for $214, 000 this year, then evaluating to what extent additional metering is needed next year, when, by suggestion of Member Causey, he agreed that the Committee should not yet authorize the additional $54, 000 contingency contract extension included in the Position Paper at this time and only recommend the base scope of work for flow monitoring at 36 sites for a period of nine weeks at a cost of $160, 000. The time extension will be included in V&A contract but needs further Board approval before proceeding. He stated that staff should return to the Committee in early Spring 2015 with an update prior to asking for the contract extension. The Position Paper will also acknowledge that the cost for additional flow meters (72 meters in Winter 2015 -2016) has already been negotiated with V &A Engineering, if staff and the Board agree that further flow metering is required. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary December 9, 2014 Page 5 Member Causey asked that the Board be shown the total project costs and, include under Financial Impacts the CIB amount for this project. He asked that the Financial Impacts section of all future Position Papers include the CIB amount. Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez noted that, in response to a question from the Committee at the last meeting, he confirmed with Finance Manager Thea Vassallo that there were in fact no allocations from closeouts to this year's fiscal budget. The projects discussed were closed prior to July 1, 2014. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and directed staff to revise the Position Paper, including changing the contract amount to the base scope of work for flow monitoring not to exceed $160,000, and recommended the Board award the agreement to V &A Consulting Engineers, with the understanding that staff would report back to the Committee before bringing the contract extension to the Board in Spring 2015. 5. Review schedule of upcoming bids and awards and discuss change orders over $50,000, if needed • Bid of Sludge Blending Tank Repair Project, District Project 7316 • Bid of Treatment Plant Safety Enhancements — Phase 4, District Project 7311, and Plant Operations Division (POD) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvements Project, District Project 8239 Mr. Lopez discussed the report in the agenda packet. Member Causey asked for confirmation that all upcoming bids and awards will be routed through the Committee. Mr. Lopez responded that his direction to staff was to seek Committee input when timing permits prior to bringing its projects to the full Board. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the schedule. 6. Receive report regarding any projects approaching a budget overrun within the 15 percent General Manager authority, if needed • DAF Renovations Project, District Project 7309 Member Causey asked that staff characterize more detail relating to labor as it pertains to change orders. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received report and provided input on the report. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary December 9, 2014 Page 6 7. Receive information requested at the November 24, 2014 Committee meeting on how the allocation portion of the table would be addressed using the new format of the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Treatment Program / Project List Estimated Expenditures and Project Handouts Mr. Petit stated Engineering staff has met several times, including with Finance staff, and that more revisions and additions are being contemplated to the table, but the item was not ready enough for a full discussion at the meeting. The Committee scheduled a meeting for Friday, December 19, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss the item further with members of Finance and Administration staff. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received information and tabled the item for the newly - scheduled December 19, 2014 meeting. *8. Discuss Board CIB Workshop materials and presentation Mr. Lopez began the PowerPoint presentation (attached), which went over the programs and selected projects from the Treatment Plant, Collection Systems, General Improvements, and Future Recycled Water Development. He stated that $33.89 million in expenditures is estimated for the Fiscal Year 2015 -16 CIB. Chair Pilecki stated that staff should make clear what is driving the significant increase. Member Causey stated his opinion that staff should slow down the program pending the results of the Master Plans and Asset Management findings. Mr. Petit stated that staff has chosen the projects carefully. The District has aging infrastructure, and staff anticipates that each of the projects listed for the next two years will be recommended by the Master Plans, and would likely already be included and identified by the Asset Management studies. Member Causey stated that his highest priority is IT and software enhancements. Mr. Petit stated that the budget requested for IT- related projects as part of the General Improvement program is based on the proposed IT Master Plan, and is included in the proposed FY 2015 -2016 CIB presented today. Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky presented the Collection System portion of the presentation. He emphasized the importance of the Sewer Renovation Program and its results. Only the highest priority sewers are being replaced based on Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary December 9, 2014 Page 7 detailed engineering evaluations, including condition assessments (CCTV) and based on the RiverWatch Agreement. Chair Pilecki commented that in his opinion, degradation analysis is better than percentage. He encouraged that it be included as part of the CSMP. Member Causey said that in next year's audit, he would like the District to look at a 75 -year depreciation period on the collection system's pipes, which he believed would be less conservative. Staff will evaluate the request. Member Pilecki suggested that work be done based on the District's experiences and the results of this year's cleaning, rather than what other agencies have done. He recommended that staff include how many sites are in each number of feet of pipe, since it is helpful to the Board Members in visualizing the scope of the project. Member Pilecki also asked what the expected life of the Cured -In- Place Piping may be. In the past, several sources estimated 25 years but now it is likely to last much longer. Staff will research and provide a response. Member Causey stated his opinion that the cathodic protection annual survey is better characterized as an Operations & Maintenance (O &M) expense and not Capital. Chair Pilecki and staff agreed. Following discussion, it was determined that even if the project is an O &M expense and not a capital expense, cathodic - protection- related projects themselves should continue to be executed by engineering staff. Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani presented the Treatment Plant Program and noted that the Request for Proposal (RFP) /Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the Master Plan is currently being prepared. He stated that the seismic retrofit of the Solids Conditioning Building did not include bracing the furnaces, and a portion of the estimated construction costs was represented in the CIP. Chair Pilecki asked if the furnaces should be braced to protect them from possible seismic events ahead of the building seismic retrofit project, given that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently increased the potential for activity of the Concord fault. Senior Engineer Dana Lawson presented the General Improvements Program and handed out an excerpt from the draft Asset Management (AM) Implementation Plan (attached), since AM is a major component of that program. Chair Pilecki emphasized the need for the asset management program to be completed quickly, since it will play a role in justifying the increases in the Capital Plan costs, which may necessitate a rate increase. He stated his opinion that staff needs to re- prioritize the projects, as it is too big a program considering everything else the District has going on, especially without a Master Plan to Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary December 9, 2014 Page 8 support it. He clarified that the IT Program was an exception to these statements, since that needs to go forward. The Committee discussed their recommendation that the Board be made aware of the high CIB/CIP costs and the challenge they present from a financing point of view, and to get the overall District costs under control. Member Causey believed there was a need for more Board Workshops and Study Sessions, which the Committee agreed facilitate discussion better than the regular Board Meetings. Mr. Petit stated that he will work with Finance on the rate model, however, the projects need to be addressed. He noted that staff has been thinking about alternative payment methods, such as pay -as- you -go and bond financing, and bundling projects. Member Causey suggested that staff also evaluate possible reductions in the O &M budget, because when proposing the potential for a significant rate increase, the District needs to evaluate everything possible to carve down its programs pending all the information in the upcoming studies. He stated that, if the District uses bonds, they should only be used on projects that benefit all the ratepayers. Chair Pilecki added that there is only so much bonding capacity the District has, so it needs to be reserved for significant projects. Member Causey stated his opinion that the District does not sufficiently engage the public, and they should be informed of all the necessary upcoming work and how much it will cost, especially the impact of large accounts such as the City of Concord. Chair Pilecki agreed. Chair Pilecki noted that the Capital Program is floating the running expense fund, and if that practice, which in his opinion is problematic, continues, the District will have to fix its reserve issues. He stated that Member Causey had a point when he previously suggested that Capital Program should be its own fund. Chair Pilecki added that he felt uncomfortable with the proposed CIB dollar value knowing how they would play out financially; however, he stated that he was more comfortable with them from an engineering perspective, knowing the need for the projects. He suggested that staff list how to make the approach work, the pros and cons for the program, and the Ten- and Twenty- Year Programs. He noted he was aware that $15 million of work in the Capital Program was postponed in past years to reduce costs, and that is part of the reason the costs in the upcoming year's budgets are higher. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary December 9, 2014 Page 9 Director of Administration David Heath and IT Consultant Stephen Madler provided a proposed Ten -Year IT Capital Budget chart, listing the types and amounts of costs (attached). Mr. Heath noted that the numbers presented are on the higher end of what may be actually needed and reported that the IT Master Plan is completed and has been reviewed by the Administration Committee. Member Causey stated that staff should ensure that the new software programs can communicate with each other, especially the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Mr. Madler noted that he foresaw significant changes in workflow with the new proposed lT Program. Regarding records management, he stated that he did not see Lasen`iche (the District's current electronic records management software) as a long -term viable option. Chair Pilecki recommended using Laserfiche as a short -term solution until records management can be sorted, but given that the installation and use of a new ERP is already a significant change and is higher priority, it may need to be postponed. Mr. Heath reported that he proposed that the OTIS intranet be replaced by Sharepoint. He described Sharepoint as a step toward the ERP, and one he would have taken sooner had security issues not preoccupied his resources this year. He also stated that upgrading timekeeping and attendance software is being considered in advance of the installation of the new ERP, given the potential productivity gains. He also discussed agenda management software which aims to streamline the Board and Committee agenda production processes with automatic routing. COMMITTEE ACTION: Provided input to staff in advance of the December 18, 2014 Board CIB Workshop. 9. Announcements a. Future scheduled meetings: Friday, December 19, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. (Special) 10. Suggestions for future agenda items At the upcoming December 19 Committee meeting, the Committee will discuss Item 7. regarding allocations, which was continued from the December 9 agenda, as well as the draft Asset Management Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary December 9, 2014 Page 10 Implementation Plan. Member Causey expressed interest in holding a meeting with staff to better understand the differences between GDI and GIS; however, that discussion will likely not occur as part of a Committee meeting but rather as a separate discussion with staff. 11. Adjournment — at 2:26 p.m. * Attachment ' Standing Item Regional Renewable Energy Procurement (R -REP) Update December 9, 2014 Engineering & Operations r'r% vmrvmi ++on Moc +incf .. Protecting Public Health and the Environment R -REP Timeline (4/21/14) E &O Committee (1/10/13) CCCSD recommended staff Board Authorized continue to evaluate sites (9/22/14) Staff GM to execute and agreed on triple update to E &O MOU with R -REP bottom line approach Committee Optony, Inc. Completed CCCSD Solar Feasibility Study R -REP RFO/RFP led by Alameda County (19 agencies, 180+ sites, >30MW) per CA Govt Code 4217.12 Sun Edison selected for bundle with CCCSD sites R -REP Group PPA negotiations R -REP Timeline (12/18/14) Staff Presentation & Request Board (12/4/14) Board Authorization to Set Public Hearing Date Meeting vote to "table" setting (1/8/15) Board of public Meeting to consider hearing date award of PPAs * 20 -Year PPA Term (approx.) Nov 2014 Dec 4 j Design and (11/24/14) Staff (12/9/14) Staff Construction Update & E &O Presentation & Phases (approx.) Committee E &O Committee recommended review of Position setting public Paper to consider hearing date awarding PPAs How do Solar PPAs work? Facility's Power Demand (kWh) 100% 1 <30% 1 1 >70% Power Power Power PG &E 100% of Power Costs Without PPA PG &E % of Power Cost Varies Each Year OR Solar PPA % of Power Cost Varies Each Year With PPA * 1sr Year Estimates are -5% PG &E, -95% PPA How do Solar PPAs work? • Current PG &E rate schedules --> "Solar- friendly" PG &E rate sch. � Higher peak pricing during export, no demand charges • Optimal sizing and savings varies by site - specific factors: Power demands (time of use) Solar production (site constraints, degradation) Rate schedules & PPA pricing • Ideal sizing results in: Solar used during peak demands (PPA pricing < PG &E pricing) Imported PG &E for off -peak demands (PG &E pricing < PPA pricing) Ideal sizing generally -- 70 -90% of annual demand r Avoided over - production (PG &E compensation << PPA pricing) Lower overall power costs ( "solar- friendly" PG &E costs + PPA costs < PG &E w/o PPA costs) r Savings Escalate Over Time as PPA Escalates Less than PG &E Escalation Collection System Operations Building Annual Energy Use, kWh 285,M 211115�1= Proposed Solar System Size, kW - t.i Year 1 Solar Z Output, kWh 21%404 Yearl Energy Offset w/Solar PPAs dependent on CSO inclusion Year I Electricity $51,814 $48,M1 Costs 20 -Year Levelized Cost of Electricity: , Without PPA = $0.199 /kWh Electricity Costs $1,137,666 $9M,901 With PPA = $0.165/kWh Savings increase as PG &E escalates ' at higher rate than PPA (2 %/year) NPV Savings N/A $MT65 12/9/2014 El Vehicle Maintenance Shop tt ✓i^ try 20 -Year Levelized Cost of Electricity: Without PPA = 50.229 /kWh With PPA = $0.187/kW h * Savings increase as PG &E escalates at higher rate than PPA (2 9/o/year) Key PPA Terms • Agreement Length: 20 -year + 5 -year optional (re- negotiate) • Purchase Option: Fair market value after -6 years, 3 months • Production Guarantee: 90% of the expected output • Early Termination Fees: If District terminates without cause (from $6.63- $8.59/W in 15t year to $1.53- $1.85/W in 20th year) • Removal Fund: Sun Edison establishes reserve fund for removal of the solar systems and restoration of facilities • Project Management Funding: - $30,000 included in PPA for District project management costs • Maintenance: Sun Edison, Inc. responsible for all maintenance including routine cleaning of the panels • Energy Pricing: Includes 2 percent per year fixed escalator • Permitting: Sun Edison responsible for permitting (except CEQA) Energy Cost Savings Minimal Savings Energy Price Stability Early Termination Fees High Visibility to Public Unforeseen Costs Aligns w /Strategic Plan No Grants or Rebates Available (Goal Four, Strategy 1) "Green" Power: 200 tons Site Constraints CO2 /year reduction Grandfathered into Net Metering Cannot Predict PG &E Rates Tariffs prior to NEM 2.0 Reduced Effort using R -REP Solar Vendor Owns Environmental Credits Lower Pricing w/ R -REP Potential Liabilities * 12/9/2014 0 Summary • Payback not applicable to PPAs (panels owned by solar vendor) • 3 Sites, -- $300,000 20 -year savings, -195kW • Financial savings are marginal • Aligns with Triple Bottom Line direction (no estimated increased energy costs, social & environmental benefits) • Risk -based decision to move forward (do Triple Bottom Line benefits outweigh potential risks ?) • Continued contract negotiations with Meyers Nave • CSO system must be included for HHW and VMS to move forward • Schedule driven by target NTP by February 28, 2015 for potential 3% bundle discount Next Steps • 12/9/14 E &0 Meeting: • Present R -REP project • Obtain Committee recommendation to continue w/ R -REP solar PPAs • Obtain Committee recommendation to continue previously "tabled" Board Item to Set Public Hearing Date (for 12/18/14 Board Meeting) • Obtain Committee recommendation to proceed with Position Paper to Hold Public Hearing (for 1/8/15 Board Meeting) • 12/18/14 Board Meeting: • Present R -REP project • Obtain Board authorization to Set Public Hearing Date for 1/8/15 (previously `tabled" Board Item) • 1/8/15 Board Meeting: • Hold Public Hearing to Consider Award of PPAs BACKUP SLIDES Key Assumptions • Utility Rate Escalation: 4% per year • Net Present Value Calculation: 3% discount rate, 20 years • Solar Degradation: 0.5% per year $0.2100 $0.1900 $0.1700 z $0.1500 3 '^ $0.1300 $0.1100 $0.0900 $0.0700 PG &E prices per kWh for Representative Commercial Facilities 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year -E -195 -A -6 - A -1TOU -A -10TOU -E -205 12/9/2014 y Year 1998 A-6 %Increeee A -1TOU S 0.1289 %Ineroase A -IOTOU %Incrtas� $ 0.0984 $ 0.1034 1999 $ 0.1034 0.00910 $ 0.1289 0.00%115 0.09941 0.0090 2000 $ 0.1034 0.01% $ 0.1289 0.009b 5 0.0984 I 0.0090 2001 $ 0.1402 35.61% $ 0.1662 28.9690 $ 0.1339 36.11% 2002 $ 0.1593 13.60% $ 0.1856 11.6990 $ 0.1541 15.0990 2003 $ 0.1593 0.0MI $ 0.1856 0.005yo 5 0.1541 0.009 2004 2005 $ 0.1408 $ 0.1262 - 11.60% - 10.41% 5 0.1672 $ 0.1531 -9.92% -9.43%1 JS 0.1426 -7.46% $ 0.1393 -2.30% 2006 $ 0.1393 10.41°% S 0.1590 3.81% S 0.1471 5.61% 2007 $ 0.1409 1.16% S 0.1622 2.04% S 0.1452 -1.2 2008 $ 0.1543 9.521% 5 0.1620 -0.14% S 0.1372 -5.52% 2009 2010 $ 0.1644 $ 0.1798 6.52% 9.35%1 $ 0.1724 $ 0.1790 6.44% 3.80% S 0.1538 12.08% S 0.1596 3.80% 2011 $ 0.1802 0.25% $ 0.1781 -0.48% $ 0.1571 -1.5994 2012 S 0.1834 1.80% 5 0.1818 2.09% S 0.1568 -0.181/. 2013 2014 $ 0.1929 $ 0.2005 5.16% 3.93'': $ 0.1891 S 0.1920 4.019 $ 0.1648 5.09% $ 0.1702 3.280% 1.54% Annualized % Escalation (since 2000) 4.84% 2.891/6 3.99% 12/9/2014 y O &M Included • Continuous remote monitoring and alarming to detect irregularities early • Remote diagnostic capabilities and performance analysis d • Remote controls of system • Preventative maintenance schedule: • Mechanical: 2 visits per year • Electrical: 2 visits per year • Cleaning/Corrosion Checks: 2 per year (min) Item 8 Proposed loqw 2015 -16 Capital Improvement Budget and Plan Edgar J. Lopez Prov. Capital Projects Division Manager Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting December 09, 2014 11 central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting Public Health and the Environment Kick -off FY 2015 -16 Financial Planning • Today's meeting reviews proposed Program Expenditures for the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Fiscal Year 2015 -16 and next nine years • Review programs and selected 2015 -16 projects — Treatment Plant Program — Collection Systems Program — General Improvements Program — Future Recycled Water Development Program Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Drivers • Replacement and Rehabilitation (R &R), Aging Assets • Regulatory • Sustainability /Energy /Optimization • Capacity Expansion 20-Yr i g Picture o l d ' Oou w r sv /bme rvu I eb o yi • 14uotaR m' H�m< mart ngetnoA rar.oa/ au ¢enew new a</owt a 0 o ei �S+ c =uen - to A e y e - J Total Wernln... a .`. Z P O f _- % �:� � -,...- rlrEle,l NOr 1 Bed Gq¢tl NCUtrJI ralmlalign IMb MI<r -9 FII• Song NnnN Qft e:q•s/ a �_- ...____ I< ,law- rwn• snrn- ___yUOarJ n <r�grun<nl Nunarr All /. treatment plans lmprov¢m¢nlf - - - '- -- - - - - -- — _ —. ___ ___ —_ __ - Ab.attm .'•O➢bY Omer ON}I Urr. COs: fb +� -0ab Cpi -QJ -. -- ...__. _... _. —. _47�t - -_- LI — _ —. ___ ___ —_ __ - Ab.attm .'•O➢bY Omer ON}I Urr. COs: fb +� -0ab Cpi -QJ -. -- ...__. _... _. —. _47�t - -_- Ten Year Plan Is a Responsible One That Funds.... • Treatment Plant ($200 M) — R &R projects $ 97 M — Regulatory $ 66 M — Sustainability/ Energy/ Optimization $ 11 M — Capacity/ Expansion $ 26 M • Collection System ($191 M) — R &R $ 130 M — Capacity/ Expansion $ 32 M — Pumping Stations $ 12 M — CAD's and Developer Sewers $ 14 M • General Improvements & Future Recycled Water ($25 M) — IT Development $ 9 M —Asset Management $ 4 M Proposed 10 -YEAR CIP Proposed Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan Expenditures R &R 2015 -16 2016 -17 2017 -18 2018 -19 2019 -20 2020 -21 2021 -22 2022 -23 2023 -24 2024 -25 Total Treatment Plant $7,240,000 $7,490,000 $6,790,000 $2.040,OOC $49,295,000 Pumping Stations $400,000 $900,000 $1,150,000 R &R $7,980,000 $8,965,000 $6,900,000 $8,740,000 $9,653,400 $7,016,550 $6,079,050 $7,760,000 $15,460,000 $18,060,000 $96,614,000 Regulatory $1,000,000 $4,825,000 11,175,000 $7,720,000 $2,340,000 $2,640,000 $1,400,000 $4,500,000 $6,000,000 $24,400,00C $66,000,000 Sustainability/ Energy $2,930,000 $2,330,000 $1,000,000 $1,450,000 $1,000,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $500,000 $1,500,000 $11,460,000 Capacity Expansion/ Planning $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $510,000 $510,000 $510,000 $510,000 $1,210,000 $1,200,000 $8,500,000 $10.350,000 $26,050,000 Subtotal $13,160,000 $17,620,000 19,585,000 $18,420,000 $13,503,400 $10,416,550 $8,939,050 $13,710,000 $30,460,000 $54,310,00 $200,124,000 Collection System IT Development $1,367,000 $1,925,000 $1,935,000 $225,000 $1,235,000 $425,000 1 $225,000 R &R $9,000,000 $12,500,000 12,750,000 $13,000,000 $13,250,000 $13,500,000 $13,750,000 $14,000,000 $14,250,000 $14,500,OOC $130,500,000 Capacity/ Planning/ CADS $7,050,000 $3,525,000 $2,440,000 $1,440,000 $1,940,000 $9,340,000 $7,240,000 $7,490,000 $6,790,000 $2.040,OOC $49,295,000 Pumping Stations $400,000 $900,000 $1,150,000 $2,180,000 $500,000 $700,000 $1,600,000 $2,100,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,00 $11,530,000 Subtotal 16,450,000 $16,925,000 16,340,000 $16,620,000 $15,690,000 $23,540,000 $22,590,000 $23,590,000 $22,040,000 $17,540,OOC $191,325,000 General Improvements AM/ Vehicle &Equip $2,261,000 $1,420,000 $1,240,000 $1,150,000 $1,100,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,OOC $9,671,000 Buildings/ Property $260,000 $385,000 $905,000 $370,000 $320,000 $320,000 $320,000 $320,000 $340,000 $370,OOC $3,910,000 IT Development $1,367,000 $1,925,000 $1,935,000 $225,000 $1,235,000 $425,000 $235,000 $225,000 $235,000 $1,225,OOC $9,032,000 Other $145,000 $145,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,OOC $850,000 Subtotal $4,033,000 $3,875,000 $4,150,000 $1,815,000 $2,725,000 $1,315,000 $1,125,000 $1,115,000 $1,145,000 $2,165,00 $23,463,000 Future Recycled Water Capacity/ Planning $250,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,00 $1,600,000 Total F33,893,000 $38,570,000 40,225,000 $37,005,000 $32,068,400 $35,421,550 $32,804,050 $38,565,000 $53,795,000 $74,165,OOOI $416,512,000 Proposed FY 2015 -16 Capital Improvement Budget FY Y 2015 -16 CIB Program Expenditures Treatment Plant $ 13.16 million ( 39 %) Collection System $ 16.45 million (48 %) General Improvements $ 4.03 million ( 12 %) Future Recycled Water Development $ 0.25 million ( 1%) Estimated Budget: $ 33.89 million (100 %) Collection Capital Program Overview • District's Stated Goals • Asset Management -Sewer Renovation Plan • CCTV Program &Results • Renovation Program Requirements FY 15 -16 Collection System Programs and Selected Projects District's Goals District's 2012 SSIVIP: • Responsibly manage, operate, and maintain all parts of the wastewater collection system and adhere to the components of the SSMP - • Provide adequate capacity to convey design peak flows • Minimize the frequency of SSOs Sewer system Management Plan Strategic Plan: Central contrat costa • Reducing SSOs; target is less than 3.5 Sanitary SSOs per 100 miles of pipe October 2012 • Continue CCTV program; target is to televise 175 miles of pipe per year Replacement Value of District Recycled Water, Treatment $77,609,035 Plant, $712,814,807 CCCSD Assets General Collection System, $3,141,709,030 $ 3.97 Billions in Total Assets Force Main, Pumping $55,633,530_ Station, $60,712,736 Equip & CS Structures, Vehicles, $191,400,315 $1,250,000 90% Sewer Main, $2,832,712,449 Collection System Installation Profile by Pipe Material 350 300 250 200 N 50 100 50 1910 -1919 1920 -1929 1930 -1939 1940 -1949 1950 -1959 1960 -1969 1970 -1979 1980 -1989 1990 -1999 2000 -2009 2010- present ■ VC ■ AC MRC ■ Meta Ilic n Plastic CCTV Program The purpose of the CCTV program is to determine the actual condition of the pipes so that... — CSOD can optimize maintenance strategies, spot repairs; and — ENG can optimize replacement... to lower the District's risk exposure of an overflow or failure. Pipe Evaluation Flow Chart TV Severe No Pipe Segment Problem Yes I CSO Type Engineering I Increases = Of Replaces/Rehabs Maintenance Problem v Line = I a I Fix I CSO n Pdnt Repair I Risk for overflow I � � � � � EVALUATION: • Prior overflows Score Score Yes • Location Pipe >5000 • Maintenance frequency Segments • Age/pipe typeAength • Flow /capacity • See Attachment 11 No Good Pipe: Routine maintenance & TV Prioritize Pipe segments based on score and evaluation Capital Budget & Plan Replace/Rehab Fix Solution Maintain CSO Increases Maintenance CCTV Program Between 2002 -10, the entire system was televised (condition assessment) — 83 miles identified for detailed evaluation (score >5,000 points) • Re- inspection is currently underway • CCTV scores are a major indicator of pipes in need of renovation R Root C Lat Conn Tahlc J - TV Inspection Bating.schcdule Defect classification Light CCTV J TELEVISION INSPECTION RATING SCHEDULE M Medium Alters or distorts normal flow DEFECT CLASSIFICATION TABLE In Pipeline S CLASS CODE DIVISION CODE TYPE ADDITIONAL DESCRIPnQN ,RATING Sediment L Lateral LATERAL T Tapped-in Alters or distorts normal flow Scoring TYPE P Protruding L Light Minor 1� Olfficult or impossible to pass - obstruction 0 M Medium Difficult to pass S Severe flow restriction or im"ssibIg_U nass 260 500 g; A Alignment B Broken S Spiral 100 STRUCTURAL Any observance, flow Is undisturbed M Multiple 300 Medium Longitudinal 500 H Holes; Brks Small Piece Missing 100 S Sag F Fractured Pipe broken, not slgnHicantly deformed 100 Flow below bottom of lens, depth increase D Deformed Pipe is out of round 500 less than 10% of pipe diameter L Collapsed Pipe Is caved In, cannot pass 1000 (► tfIt Hill Flow level below lop of lens, depth increase M Missing Wall sections missing - cavities 750 Way ( 0 Open L Light Less than pipe wall thickness 20 F Offset M Medium Greater then pipe wall thickness 250 S Severe Difficult or impossible to pass 500 greater than 25% of pipe diameter Infiltration C C Cracked R Radial 300 Evidence of infiltration B Broken S Spiral 100 L Light Water seeps Into line M Multiple 400 R Root C Lat Conn L Light Any observance, flow is undisturbed J At Joint M Medium Alters or distorts normal flow P In Pipeline S Severe Difficult or Impossible to pass D Debris S Sediment Light Any observance, flow is undisturbed G Cheese Medium Alters or distorts normal flow L Scalinq Severe Olfficult or impossible to pass - obstruction 0 Other Describe "Other" in comments A Alignment H Horizontal Light Any observance, flow Is undisturbed Medium Alters or distorts normal flow Severe Difficult or impossible to pass S Sag light Flow below bottom of lens, depth increase less than 10% of pipe diameter Medium Flow level below lop of lens, depth increase from 10% to 25 °E of pipe diameter Severe Camera Is under water or depth increase greater than 25% of pipe diameter Infiltration C Lai Conn. K Evidence of infiltration J At Joint L Light Water seeps Into line P in Pipeline M Medium Water drips in line S Severe Water runs or spouts into line C Corrosion C Lat. Conn. L Light Surface is visibly rough P In Pipeline M Medium Aaoregate is cleariv exposed S Severe Rebar exposed or gone F ¢nil Natives anti is visihin and holes 130 230 330 110 210 500 10 200 500 10 250 500 15 220 320 520 15 50 250 500 CCTV Reports M.slv_MINC—.—Ib M PAGE' 1 ATTACHMENT #1 INSPECTION REPORT X > 4,000 POINTS DATE- WORK/ WEAT/1ER OPERATOR SF. COON NR SECTION NAME I!_Y% p .unnY• Wy A1.1WN _ _NO PRESENT. _____ VE78ClE. ___ CAMERA PRESET. _f21 _ CLEANED RATE. T—kS 1 C:..1 No NOW STREET. UPN.PPY V.O-Rd IE) MM II' 1102 M/1 71OlMl2 CITY ufty . MAP Al2 Ltl/ 710 M!) LOCALE EN«nMI TAPE It MNIC—PRJ RS I OLGTN N)R INSPECT REASON Obbkl Project PIPE SIZE S. MATERIAL VCP IT LOTH )R SECTION TYPE. SMM—.m LINING' AREA RSRVO REMARK'... 1:402 POSITION CODE OBSERVATION MPEG PH 000 0 VnPS bWft M 6Vw **Sn,.W+bob 0008:11 1240 40 0 M&A" Cmcks. Iron 01 to 05 o'do[A 000810 IID2Nljr •� 2020 500 dP. 8=MOe o'dxk 0007.11 2030 800 PP. B ok M 03 o do& 0007.22 )320 300 C.a.daM Cr.c2 N WK 1— OT W 03.'Dock 0002.11 1210 300 CVculftw" 0.0.1).Vl h-12o 12.'dock 00.0051 5210 100 wM co—ton MArods1gN,010.'cock 001013 i>s.b 6S 000 Cba.a.r.MW Cr.rk, Dom 12 to 12 o'do* 00.10 N +'7 72.10 300 CYandr.dW Cl,* M'K tan 121012.'dock 001132 7010 100 C.c —gws uFr *, lam 01 to 050,ckU 001700 ys 130 rood lgM OO ILIt 27.)0 130 room pM 001225 0020 130 roM FON 0012 N 0700 YJO CVtvd.r.MM Cr.0 M I.IN, ho," or to I I o'd"k 00 121) 0300 110 don. gww.ON 6an 07 0 11 o'doc2 00 1215 11270 ISO a.dc n<a.KKYm. M02.'dock 001102 104.. b 17180 300 C— I.W4.1 Crack M I..A Iron, 12 012 o'dmx 00' 1110 13140 130 rod." 001507 IAN 160 s«V,c. con . .0 lo011.011. 10. dock 0015 1 / 121., b 13050 120 rout. •Oh1 001528 13970 130 r..t..y1 001537 ,1250 I30 rod. yN COIS40 15120 150 .OSm ) .A. a2N 001554 151.10 170 rout." 0012.01 15730 130 rods WA 001605 M.slv_MINC—.—Ib M PAGE' 1 CS Renovation Program • Pipes are selected and prioritized for renovation based on risk M • CCTV Score • History of SSOs or Plugs • Maintenance History • Capacity • Environmental (e.g. creeks) • Social (e.g. traffic, zoning) • Potential Volume of SSO (diameter) Pipe Renovation Progress (6, 8 & 10" Mains) 2006/07 8.1 Miles 2007/08 5.6 Miles 2008/09 6.3 Miles 2009/10 7.5 Miles 2010/11 2.6 Miles 2011/12 6.8 Miles 2012/13 5.3 Miles 2013/14 4.5 Miles 2014/15 3.3 Miles 2015/16 3.2 Miles (estimated) (Grayson Creek Trunks not included) Renovation Program Impact on Number of SSOs Running 12 -Month Overflow Totals 2003 to present 200 180 Feb 2003: 167 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 51 20 0 rV N N N N N N N N N N N N mr m me m m me m me m m mr me > > > > > > > > > > > > 12- Month Total at Month -End Collection System (CS) Renovation Program FY 15 -16 FY 2015 -16 COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CATEGORY PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENSE R &R Lafayette 10, Martinez 4, M1 CIPP $ 9,000,000 Lining, and others Capacity /R &R Pleasant Hill - Grayson Creek $ 511001000 Trunk Pumping Stations Pumping Station equipment, piping $ 4007000 replacement and Safety Improvements Developer services Cost Neutral $ 700,000 Contractual Cost Neutral $ 5001000 Assessment Districts Capacity/ Planning Planning and CS Modeling $ 750,000 Estimated Total $ 16,4507000 Major Renovation Projects • Lafayette, Ph. 9 - 9,000' of 8 to 15" • Martinez, Ph. 4 - 8,500'of 8 to 127' • Per River Watch Agreement: ✓ Lines within 200' of creeks are weighted 20% higher to account for increased risks ✓ Pipes w/ adjusted scores: — >20,000 must be renovated by 1/1/17 — 10,000 to 20,000 must be renovated by 1/l/20 M1 CIPP Lining 4 CIPP lining of corroded 3,000'of 42 -inch RCP located at Treatment Plant n CS Capacity Program _. Pleasant Hill Note: Master Plan will be - 1' leasant Hill /Grayson Creek 'al' updated and projects C C4 -A C4 -F verified after dynamic � 1', I -- IF o01 C4 -0 C4 -B hydraulic model completed ` Lafayette - f CS -A Pleasant Hill Road (Co leted in FY 2011 /12)`- 4--C --Nt t �D4 -E �_. r7 13D4-13 D4 - ��.. ,..1 2 -A D3 -A D4 -D y D4 -A ,'� �• ES -A Walnut Creek- P4- / E3 -C E3-A C Walnut Blvd E3-13 E4 B•�_� S E4 -A 175-A F3 -A F3 B F3 -C`1 Moraga Moraga Way "',, E:]. L - - -- G3 -4 .05 -A �I .eg en d He -A San Ramon - apacity Deficiency Group Percent Full Pipe Capacity San Ramon Schedule C •� 1 (2040 Development, 5 -year Event) O / �J 2 No Slope or Invert Elev f 3 —100% 145-A A �- - >100% to < =130% 11/" 4 —• >130% Pleasant Hill - Grayson Creek Trunk • Install 12,000' of 18 to 24" in Pleasant Hill • Renovation /hydraulic capacity — Abandon several deficient sewer lines —Will provide relief for other capacity - deficient sewers • Coordinating with City of Pleasant Hill pavement reconstruction project and other Agencies. 680 'Nil Op Pleasant Hill - Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Phase 4 Sewer Mains Creeks Pumping Stations (PS) Program Program includes: • 19 Stations • Force mains • R &R Projects Prioritization based on: • Equipment Replacement • Safety Improvements • Corrosion Protection • PS Inventory (AMP) • Condition Assessments (AMP) 2011 Update Coo F `_ Clyde 4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary itino[ District Pacheco Map of rd Service P..Pln atxlon Area Pleasan June 30. 2011 HIII Clayton ®florapa O CCCSD Pumping Stations 'Walnut wfW IpeWm a 461,000 peeps. Creek Orinda Lafayette P..Pln atxlon 2.1 11 L—Ul- Alamo sI... tFlO RM.al' 0Oe.,Ken6•at MGD ®florapa 11 IiYH BA Orhai H"C.l W e QJy Danville 10 O da Gr .,-ft occw. .r%Me BUtlrq Inxrtwf NHWCOWM fa0R1' San Ramon vsuewse, caeowWdtmewwam CCCSD Pumping Stations wfW IpeWm a 461,000 peeps. W.rtcwxer a.W.4 and lt"cd*Aa1 P..Pln atxlon I M.U- 11 L—Ul- a175.400nUaerlt in CalcUa.Ila C %Okatyro wtl sI... tFlO RM.al' 0Oe.,Ken6•at MGD 11 IiYH BA Orhai H"C.l W e QJy 7 MM/ 10 O da Gr .,-ft occw. .r%Me BUtlrq Inxrtwf NHWCOWM fa0R1' . 8ee eM 01.16C.fe 4 c," S. Ca d Yqufnel 14 W R&IM pIH. aae t0�6"#d CSOO.Pa14nM Mmew 15 Mx g. 6 6adlarun FW ram 1s San R—n IS W. /n CCC50'f CMed- *Manor.*.. Ote.eenl•IOIA00 • i. 811cenrlUlf.Mt Saar MR10Rall'e1WreQ DroxineM lMwa maMarwrcel latal.a fy a Sow Hdw V Wp1 «R J1 Meer cnmW�xnAOaNNIp •OeetarMn t01MA O.AwOa 16 Larwr YNOH 170111 10 flM q.en 1B UPWYM.r(1012) PS Program Cathodic Program Prioritized based on: • Cathodic Protection Master Plan • Current CP Annual Survey (updated every other year) • Projects identified I I •Y, .b �. �4 r Treatment Plant Program .. -.'�.. fie.. - -`�:•itx�r � _ FY 2015 -16 TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CATEGORY PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENSE Planning Treatment Plant Planning and Comprehensive Master Plan $ 1,200,000 R &R Primary Treatment Renovation $ 11400,000 Sustainability Pump & Blower Seismic Upgrade $ 21400,000 R &R Centrifuge and Cake Pump Upgrades $ 118007000 Regulatory Headwork Screenings $ 9007000 R &R Piping Renovation Phase 8 $ 11500,000 All Other $ 319607000 Estimated Total: $ 1371607000 Seismic Retrofit Program (10 Year Plan) Concord Fault Proximity to District Facilities Seismic Retrofit Program Project 2015 10 -YR CIP CONSTRUCTION Pump & Blower $ 319001000 Yr. 2 -FY 2015 -16 POB Office Area $ 134001000 Yr. 5 - FY 2018 -19 TP Warehouse $ 950,000 Yr. 6 - FY 2019 -20 Laboratory $ 3501000 Yr. 10 - FY 2023 -24 SCB1 $ 112001000 Yr. 10 - FY 2023 -24 Estimated Total: $ 73800,000 1 Seismic Retrofit of SCB was estimated at $8 Million for construction; does not include bracing furnaces. Budgeted outside 10 year plan in anticipation of potential changes by TP Master Plan. 0 0 Centrifuge and Cake Pump Upgrades Replace old, at the end of useful life, equipment Parts for existing centrifuges becoming obsolete • Increase percent solids, means less MHF Fuel r 0 Screenings Facility Upgrade Predesign Study — Determine Best Options — Pilot New Screens — Screenings Washer /Compactors — Reduce Plastics to Process — BOD /TSS reduction y Aw- ` y' 4; rF r Screenings Facility Upgrade New fine screens Screening washer /compactor Conveyance /disposal System .I6, I I Treatment Plant Planning • Treatment Plant Master Plan (MP) — Comprehensive Treatment Plant MP — Formal RFQ /RFP for Qualified Consultant — Condition Assessments — Review of all existing District reports — Experts in Incineration/ Solids Handling — Detailed CI P • Pilot Plant Program — Continue Zeolite Annamox Pilot — Dewatering — Screenings Plant Energy Optimization PG &E SST program • Feasibility Analysis • Investment Grade Analysis • Potential Construction Projects focused on: —UV — Lighting — Motors —HVAC REPAYiil SAVINGS EQUIPMENT TP- Recycled Water Facilities • Filter Rehabilitation • Existing Equipment replacement as needed TP- All Other Includes: • Cogen Rotating assembly - $ 600k • Equipment Replacement - $ 300K • Critical Switchgear Project - $500k • Fire Alarm Project - $300k • SST Project - $500k • Urgent Repair - $150k • TP Recycled Water - $250k FY 2015 -16 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT ESTIMATED COSTS Vehicles and Equipment $ 800,000 Information Technology $ 113673000 Asset Management Program $ 7501000 GIS, GDI, CMMS Replacements $ 8111000 All Other $ 3057000 Estimated Total: $ 4,033,000 Asset Management Program Development, DP 8238 Plan Elements to Initiate in FY 15/16: • AM Steering Committee 11 0 0 C.n�w.w�M 11 CIY1MCOn1ll CO \ll. \Iptlll p \I\ F MMNJ I l \{It YIMIMYIN WIIIWwII�QVn 1I��bII WyYlwe lllal I ��CN�y Asset Hierarchy & Data Standards ��� MWI Complete Asset Register (incl. TP piping Business Process Mapping Failure Modes &Condition Assessment Protocol See Handout Budqet: $750k FY 15 -16 �� SI CMMS Replacement, DP 8242 Sc o e: This project will consolidate software systems into one comprehensive CMMS solution for both collections and plant and that efficiently integrates with GI.1 Budget: $500k FY 15 -16 Schedule: Task Tentative Schedule RFP for Implementation Services Feb — May 2015 Phase 1 - Integration Design Jul — Sep 2015 Phase 2 — CSO Migration & Configuration Oct 2015 — Mar 2016 Phase 3 — TP Migration & Configuration Jul — Dec 2016 GIS -GDI Replacement, DP 8238 Status: GIS migration from Geomedia to ESRI software will be complete Spring 2015 Next: Update web mapping solutions (this replaces the GDI portal software) Budget: $271k FY 15 -16 ES L r S ESG Data J a 3 m District and Developer Jobs Mapping GeoMedia Collection system plan and profile drawings AutoCAD SQL Server 2005 ESG -SQL \WEB GIS FME (attributes) ESG Data Bo �y �e A aPg�phjca/ vs$b�i SMMS WORKFLOW SEE ADDITIONAL DIAGRAM IBM ASl400 Server SOL Server 2005 SOL Server 2005 Qiserie EO J2 sQl-oi HTE Accela CCCSDLF6 (Laserfiche) NEX l' ColdFuslon (Reports) MapGulde (Spatial) 0 GDI Web Server (Windows 2003 ServerAlS 6 .0) k. GDI FY 2015 -16 FUTURE RECYCLED WATER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENSE Martinez Refineries and other REW Future Expansion Planning work $ 150,000 Concord Landscape — Customer Connections $ 1001000 Estimated Total: $ 250,000 Martinez Refinery Project Construction Unbudgeted/ Conducting 0.5MGD Use with CCWD Board Role in Capital Program is Ongoing • Set Initial Capital Funding Levels in December • Confirm Capital Funding Levels in Jan /February as part of overall District Ten Year Financial Plan • Board Workshop Focused on CIB /CIP Projects April • Authorize CIB /Program Budgets and O &M Budget in June • Authorize Supplemental Program Funds when needed • Award Construction Projects > $100,000 • Authorize Construction Change Orders >$100,000 • Authorize Consultant Contracts > $100,000 Questions or Comments? CCCSD IT Capital Budget Request FY15 -16 Infrastructure Replacement (Desktop Units, Routers, Switches, etc.) Server/ Storage Replacement Records Management Software / Compliance Intranet Collaboration Software Timekeeping and Attendance Software - Interface to HTE ERP (HTE replacement) Business Needs Assessment / RFP Prep Professional Services - ERP Agenda Management Software Professional Services - Virtualization, Etc Email Archiving & Security Wiring - Training Room / Network EOC Laptops Website Redesign Tablets - Pump Stations, Etc Video Production Equipment I FYI 5-16 FYI 6-17 FYI 7-18 FYI 8-19 FYI 9-20 FY20 -21 FY21 -22 FY22 -23 FY23 -24 FY24 -25 TOTAL $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 800,000 150,000 150,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,150,000 400,000 400,000 800,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 25,000 25,000 91,500 91,500 16,000 16,000 200,000 200,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 250,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Total $ 1,367 500 $ 1,925,000 $ 1,935,000 $ 225,000 $ 1,235,000 $ 425,000 $ 235,000 $ 225,000 $ 235,000 $ 1,225,000 $ 9,032,500 • Life Cycle Asset Management Roles and Responsibilities - CCCSD will benefit from an asset management steering committee to help promote and implement the program. The forming of an asset management leadership role helps to build a solid foundation to construct the asset management program. There is a lack of understanding how the AM portion of staff roles links with others throughout the organization. • Information Systems - CCCSD should move forward with the procurement of a replacement CMMS for the Collection System and potentially consolidate all CCCSD's assets into this one system. • Asset Hierarchy and Data Standards — CCCSD should continue with development of its asset hierarchy and data standards for all assets. All other project improvements are dependent on a good framework. • Project/Program Management— There are currently four significant projects underway within CCCSD (Cost of Service Study, IT Master Plan, Asset Management Implementation Plan, and Succession Planning). A Project Manager is assigned to each of the projects, however there is not a Program Manager assigned to coordinate these initiatives. To provide this coordination, development of an internal Program Manager role is recommended. 3.0 RECOMMENDED PLAN Following completion of the Asset Management Needs Assessment, Carollo worked with District staff to identify elements for the five year AMIP that would close the gap between current practice and the District's AM goals. These elements link back to the strengths, weaknesses, and quick start improvements that were identified by the District's gap analysis and needs assessment. The elements are intended to close prioritized gaps in the District's asset management practices, strengthen overall performance, and improve investment decision - making during the next five years. A summary of the prioritized asset management improvement elements is presented in Table 1, and each element is described in the following section. Table 1 also lists related projects that are currently underway. 3.1 Element Descriptions The following sections presents the objectives for each of the AMP elements. Detailed descriptions of each element are provided in Appendix B. 3.1.1 Element 1 — AM Organization, Policies and Key Strategies to Support Asset Management Develop the guidelines for CCCSD to implement the adopted vision, objectives and strategies. The guidelines should appropriately reflect the need for purposeful integration of November 2014 — DRAFT 9 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/CCCSD /9564AOO /AMIP/ Deliverables /AMIP_SummaryReport.docx all essential elements of a fully functioning asset management program, including service levels; performance monitoring; risk management; life cycle cost and performance assessment; triple bottom line (TBL); asset data and data systems; roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities; decision making processes; financial modeling, and benchmarking. Table 1 Recommended AMID Plan Elements Asset Management Implementation Plan Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Planned Duration ID Element Name Start (months) Active 1 12 -18 TBD 1 18 -24 2015 -Q3 1 12 2a Asset Hierarchy and Data Standards 2015 -Q1 6 2b Complete A et Register-, Pump Station & Treatment'Plant Assets 2016-02 3' 2c Complete Utility Locating and Drafting to Consolidate As- Builts 2015 -03 18 2d, . Complete Asset Register for Treatment Plant Piping 201542 S' 3 Reliability Centered Maintenance Pilot Program 2015 -Q2 24 41'' ,Business Process Mapping 2016 -01 0' 5 Knowledge Management Strategy 2016 -Q2 6 6a„ Failure Modes and Condition Assessment Protocol 6b Condition Assessment of Pump Station / Treatment Plant Assets 2015 -Q4 6 Risk Assessment 2016-04 6'. 8 Failure -Based Maintenance Strategies 2017 -Q1 6 9 Asset Valuations 2017 -02 6' 10 Program and Project Management Standards 2018 -Q1 4 11 'Ash Commissioning and Hand ve'r 2018 4 ;' 12 Capital Improvement Program Business Case Evaluations 2018 -Q4 6 November 2014 — DRAFT 10 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/CCCSD /9564AO0 /AM I P/ Deliverables /A MI P_Su mmaryReport.docx 3.1.2 Element 2a — Asset Hierarchy and Data Standards Provide a framework for CCCSD to enhance the asset hierarchy, define the Maintenance Managed Item (MMI), and identify the data attributes required to support the asset management decision - making process. Specifically, with implementation of this project, CCCSD will be able to: develop an asset hierarchy, establish Maintenance Managed Item (MMI), understand the data framework and data gaps, and prioritize data collection strategy. 3.1.3 Element 2b — Complete Asset Register for Pump Station and Treatment Plant Assets While much of this information has been collected for this element, effort will be made to collect standard data for all assets and to populate the Mainsaver database with consistent use of data fields. Key data to be collected for each asset are: parent facility, process, or component, asset tag, equipment ID, nameplate data, basic design criteria (size, horsepower, if not covered with nameplate data), location, and installation year. 3.1.4 Element 2c -- Complete Utility Locating and Drafting to Consolidate As- Builts In accordance with the Asset Hierarchy and Data Standards developed in Element 2a, complete the utility locating and surveying /drafting to consolidate as- builts. This information will be prepared for import into the new ESRI geodatabase. 3.1.6 Element 2d -- Complete Asset Register for Treatment Plant Piping In accordance with the Asset Hierarchy and Data Standards developed in Element 2a, complete the asset register for treatment plant piping. This information will be prepared for import into the new ESRI geodatabase. Key data to be collected for each treatment plant piping reach are: origin and terminus, contents, diameter, material, and installation year. 3.1.6 Element 3 — Reliability Centered Maintenance Pilot Program Provide a framework for CCCSD to improve maintenance efficiency and results. RCM supports business goals of reducing risk and overall costs of ownership. In conducting a pilot study of RCM focused on one asset type, CCCSD aims to test the feasibility and results of this approach before implementing RCM for all treatment plant and pump station assets. 3.1.7 Element 4 — Business Process Mapping Provide a framework for CCCSD to continue with the development and improvement of business processes for the overall efficiency and safe operation of the utility system. In developing the business processes, the goal is to accomplish certain financial and management objectives and to improve the overall efficiency and safe operation of the utility system. An example business process map was prepared during the AMIP development project. The work flow process selected was that for creating and disposing November 2014 — DRAFT 11 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/ CCCSD /9564A00 /AMIP/Deliverables /AM I P_SummaryReport. docx assets, or "Asset Handover ". The business process map was developed in a workshop setting with key participants from Engineering and O &M staff and is presented in Figure 4. 3.1.8 Element 5 — Knowledge Management Strategy Develop a corporate knowledge management strategy, and capture CCCSD staff members corporate knowledge. This strategy will focus on knowledge related to the assets, including history, current performance, and future requirements. 3.1.9 Element 6a — Failure Modes and Condition Assessment Protocol Provide CCCSD with a framework for identifying the imminent failure mode. Develop a protocol for condition assessment. Develop the failure mode based management strategies. Optimize the condition assessment process. 3.1.10 Element 6b —Condition Assessment of Puma Station/ Treatment Plant Assets In accordance with the failure mode analysis and condition assessment protocol developed in Element 6a, conduct a condition assessment for pump station and treatment plant assets. This assessment will include visual as well as testing data suitable to the varied asset types at the pump stations and treatment plant. The data gathered will be geared toward estimating the overall condition and remaining useful life of each asset. This element will need to be repeated every three to five years. 3.1.11 Element 7 — Risk Assessment Determine the relative risks of the plant, structures, and collection system pipes. Develop risk -based management strategies. 3.1.12 Element 8 — Failure -Based Maintenance Strategies Develop and implement continuous improvement processes that involves periodic re- examination of failure histories and of the effectiveness of maintenance strategies. For example, the role of maintenance planners could be expanded to include the periodic evaluation and updating of maintenance practices and strategies. 3.1.13 Element 9 — Asset Valuations Provide CCCSD with a higher -level system valuation. Replacement cost of all managed maintenance items (MMIs) in the asset register will be determined based on the information made available. Replacement costs will be determined based on current year dollars, current and historical cost data provided by CCCSD, and the consultant's asset replacement cost database. General cost tables or curves will be developed for each major asset class and will be used to represent the replacement cost for all assets belonging to the relevant asset class. November 2014 — DRAFT 12 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienUCA/CCCSD /9564A00 /AM I P/Deliverables /A MI P_SummaryReport.docx 3.1.14 Element 10 —Program and Project Management Standards Improve CCCSD's ability to manage projects effectively and efficiently. The standards should be prepared to provide staff with the appropriate tools and techniques to manage projects while also developing consistency and rigor in approach across the organization. 3.1.15 Element 11 —Asset Commissioning and Handover Ensure assets are handed over in a "fit for purpose" state reducing costly rework and a smooth transition from project to operations and maintenance. Ensure commissioning and handover are in accordance with CCCSD requirements and with sound engineering and construction practice. Identify stakeholders in commissioning and handover and increase awareness of communication requirements. 3.1.16 Element 12 — Capital Improvement Program Business Case Evaluations Develop a suitable CIP validation policy, framework and methodology for CCCSD that is documented in user manual format. The methodology would include assessment of confidence level ratings, business risk exposure, life cycle cost analysis, options evaluation, business case evaluation, and project ranking and prioritization. 3.1.17 Element 13 — Update the AMP Update the AMP for CCCSD using CCCSD's best available information. Cover all assets, and specify which assets to assess in more detail in future AMPs. This effort will need to be repeated every three to five years. 3.2 Schedule The recommendations described above have been prioritized and distributed across a five year timeframe to allow adequate time for completion and for adoption of the significant cultural changes inherent in the AMIP. Figure 5 shows the proposed AMIP five year schedule and includes the timing of related projects already underway. 3.3 Resources Table 2 shows the level of effort estimated for each of the plan elements. Figure 6 shows the hours per quarter, by consultant and in -house staff. Figure 7 shows the overall level of effort in hours distributed among consultants and the various departments. In terms of full time equivalents (FTEs), the total AMIP is estimated to require two FTEs, assuming that one FTE is equal to 120 hours per month. The estimated consulting costs for the total five - year AMIP is $1,341,800, based on a range of $180 to $220 per hour for this time. December 2014 — DRAFT 14 pw: / /Carollo/ Documents /ClienVCA/CCCSD /9564A00 /AMIP/ Deliverables /AMIP _SummaryReport.docx