HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.f. Authorize agreement with V&A Consulting for Collection System Modeling Upgrade, DP 8418Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS �• POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 18, 2014 Subject., AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $160,000 WITH V&A CONSULTING ENGINEERS UNDER THE COLLECTION SYSTEM MODELING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 8418 Submitted By. Initiating Dept. /Div.: Justin J. Waples, Assistant Engineer Engineering /Environmental Services Div. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: N. Hodges — Provisional Senior Engineer > , D. Gemmed — Environmental Services Division Manager Roger S. JM. Petit — Director of Engineering Bail g 9 General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute a technical services agreement more than $100,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a Technical Engineering Services Agreement with V &A Consulting Engineers with a cost ceiling not to exceed $160,000. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total anticipated cost for flow monitoring by V&A Consulting Engineers is $160,000. There are sufficient funds in the Collection System Program Fiscal Year 2014/15 CIB to accommodate the work. The Collection System Modeling Upgrade, District Project No. 8418 is included in the FY 2014 -15 Capital Improvement Budget with a total estimated project cost of $951,100. PROJECT PRIORITY: Critical Level in the Collection System Improvement Program, see Exhibit A. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: An alternative would be to not undertake flow monitoring to calibrate the new hydraulic modeling the model implementation. platform at this time and postpone BACKGROUND: The State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006 -0003 Statewide Wastewater Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewers requires each wastewater collection system agency to have the ability to adequately assess current and future capacity requirements for its collection system. Collection System Hydraulic Model The District's collection system hydraulic model is used frequently to predict flows in sewers, analyze impacts of point discharges into the sewer, investigate impacts of C:\ Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \Project PP Award Flow Monit 12 -18 -14 Final.docx Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 18, 2014 Subject. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $160,000 WITH V&A CONSULTING ENGINEERS UNDER THE COLLECTION SYSTEM MODELING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 8418 proposed and future development within the service area and provides crucial information for strategic planning, asset management and Capital Project design. The District's first collection system model, known as SNAP, was implemented in 1985 after completion of the 1985 Collection System Master Plan and flow monitoring. By 2003 SNAP's underlying programming technology was beginning to be phased out. At that time the model's user interface migrated to a GIS system and become known as ArcSNAP (the model currently in use by the District). ArcSNAP is a proprietary model that was custom built for the District. The ArcSNAP programming technology and GIS interface are no longer supported by their respective developers. The District began considering a model upgrade in 2012 to transition from ArcSNAP, a steady state modeling platform, to a commercially available dynamic modeling tool. A dynamic model will more accurately simulate the hydraulic complexities of the District's collection system, and will bring the District up to current hydraulic modeling standards used in the wastewater industry. Most public agencies, including the City of San Jose, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Sacramento Regional Sewer District, and many others, have converted to dynamic modeling technology. Following a review of available commercial dynamic model packages, the District selected InfoWorksO in 2013. InfoWorks® was found to be widely used in our industry, well supported, and compatible with other software systems commonly used as well as software systems being considered by the District. The new dynamic modeling software (InfoWorks) uses the complete St Venant equation to simulate time varying flows, backwater, reverse flows, storage and surcharge conditions. Transitioning to an industry standard hydraulic model permits a wide range of engineering consulting firms to access and use our model. This increases the competitive landscape when the District performs collection system master planning work. Flow Monitoring According to District records, system wide flow monitoring has been conducted twice over the past 30 years: 1) in 1985, and 2) in early 2005. The first flow monitoring (1985) was the foundation for what became the District's steady state hydraulic model and the input for SNAP. The second flow monitoring (2005), conducted 20 years after the initial flow monitoring, was focused on the relationship of pipe deterioration to infiltration (1 /1), particularly for sewers constructed between 1985 and 2004, as opposed to a system wide flow calibration. This position paper presents the third phase of flow monitoring of our collection system, ten years following the last data collection, and essentially 30 years following the last major effort associated with data for use as an input to a hydraulic model. C: \Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \Project PP Award Flow Monit 12 -18 -14 Final.docx Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 18, 2014 Subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $160,000 WITH V&A CONSULTING ENGINEERS UNDER THE COLLECTION SYSTEM MODELING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 8418 Since the 2005 flow monitoring activity, the District has constructed or renovated 34 miles of pipe, the existing pipes are now 10 years older, the service area population has increased by 26, 000 residents, and existing and anticipated land use projections have changed. Although the 2005 flow monitoring locations are coincident at some locations to the currently proposed 2014 flow monitoring, they were not focused on capturing the larger trunk sewers and the older sections of the collection system. The flow monitoring planned for this winter is necessary to assess the hydraulic behavior of the present collection system infrastructure in order to calibrate the new dynamic model. The existing 2005 flow monitoring data will be reviewed for use in complimenting the 2014 flow monitoring data. Consultant Selection District staff requested flow monitoring proposals from five firms. Three proposals were received. After reviewing the detailed proposals and holding interviews with the project teams, the team proposed by V &A Consulting Engineers has the most expertize, equipment, and best approach for the scope of work based on their experience with projects of a similar nature, the most cost effective (lowest cost proposal), and their staff's project experience. Therefore, staff recommends V &A Consulting Engineers for this flow monitoring work. Staff has negotiated an agreement with V &A Consulting for flow monitoring in an amount not to exceed $160,000. The work includes flow monitoring at 36 sites for a period of nine weeks. The wet weather flow monitoring activity is expected to begin late January 2015. In the event that the region does not experience sizable winter storms during the nominal nine week monitoring period, an additional four weeks monitoring has been negotiated at a contingency cost of $54,000. If staff determines additional four weeks of flow monitoring is justified, the matter will be brought to the Engineering and Operations Committee for approval. Staff will apprise the Committee of the outcome of the winter 2015 flow monitoring program when complete and recommend if a second flow monitoring phase is needed. If a second phase of flow monitoring is warranted for preparation of the Collection System Master Plan, District staff will bring this to the Committee for approval next year. The budget for this potential second phase was included in the consultant selection process and is estimated at $379,000 for an additional 70 sites and will be included in V &A's contract as an optional task, to only be exercised with Board approval. In addition to the $160,000 for flow monitoring requested in this position paper, staff estimates an additional $554,000 to complete the implementation of the InfoWorks C: \Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \Project PP Award Flow Monit 12 -18 -14 Final.docx Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 18, 2014 Subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $160,000 WITH V&A CONSULTING ENGINEERS UNDER THE COLLECTION SYSTEM MODELING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 8418 dynamic hydraulic model scheduled over the next 24 months. Including the amount spent to date, the project can be completed within the CIB Total Project Cost of $951,100. The Collection System Modeling Upgrade, District Project No. 8418 is included in the FY 2014 -15 Capital Improvement Budget on page CS -28. Staff has conducted an allocation analysis of the FY 2014 -15 Collection System Program budget and concluded that adequate funds are available, as shown below: FY 2014 -15 Collection System (CS) Program Allocation Budget: Authorized Estimated Allocations for Projects $ 18,139,000 Supplemental Board Authorizations: $ 0 Allocations Returned from Closeouts: $ 0 Total Board Authorized Allocations: $ 18,139,000 FY 2014 -15 Allocations to Date for CS Program: $ 5,472,000 This Allocation for DP 8418: $ 160.000 Remaining Unallocated Budget for CS Program: $ 12,507,000 The Board of Directors concluded in the April 3, 2014 Board meeting that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CCCSD CEQA Guideline Section 15306 as the project involves data collection that will not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Engineering & Operations Committee reviewed this project at its meeting on December 9, 2014, and recommended proceeding with the work as presented in this position paper. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a technical services agreement in the amount of $160,000 with V&A Consulting Engineers under the Collection System Modeling Upgrade, District Project 8418. C: \Users \danderson\AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \DVCG8C5G \Project PP Award Flow Monit 12 -18 -14 Final.docx Page 4 of 4