HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a. (Handout) Cost of Service Study-Employee Survey Resultscentral Eaiba Eapd SLnharyDWRI • Purpose Opportunity for participation Anonymity Gather quantitative data c> Quick Facts Total of 144 responses (out of 259 filled positions — 56 %) Conducted from Sep. 2 to Oct. 7 11 questions (5 Open response type) Mix of online and paper responses CCCSD BOARD MEETING 12/4/2014 ?.a, (Reve) WHAT THREE WORDS WOULD YOU USE TO DESCRIBE CENTRAL SAN'S WORK CULTURE? Dedicated Political Professional Entitled Friendly Dysfunctional Efficient Hardworking Inefficient Family Proud CCCSD BOARD MEETING 12/4/2014 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 SINCE YOU'VE BEEN AT CENTRAL SAN, WHAT ACCOMPLISHMENT/TASK/AWARD ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF? NACWA /CWEA Awards Specific project/function Promotion Teamwork/ team efficiency Being part of a reputable organization Professional Growth CCCSD BOARD MEETING 12A 2114 33 31 13 11 7 7 central corm Gila mNta y DWA t central Carrara testa S.Ntary mdm 12/4/2014 2 ce*al caRaa Ce•a Sam"�Wr�m r AEC` QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION AT VARIOUS LEVELS IN THE ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION WIDE DEPARTMENT MANAGER LEVEL OUR WORK UNIT LEVEL "ion as, I • Needs ImPraven,,. o • Quality of communication improves the closer it is to the work unit level. • Organization -wide: the red outweighs the green. C'CCSD 6,. AR' MEETING 12/4/2014 I GET REGULAR UPDATES ON THE DIRECTION OF THE ORGANIZATION AND HOW IT IS DOING FROM.. EM My manager /superv-sor Break room notices Company wide ema is Employee newsletter The 'water cooler" Other central COMM Coal S "N.yyUhAUM • Many District employees (42 %) are receiving information relayed from their supervisors. • Second most prominent source of information is the "water cooler'. • "Other" category is substantial. °UCC0 6 ARD MEET NG 12/4:' 2014 6 12/4/2014 3 Cewalcon"C ua S.M" DMtrltt �A. SOURCE OF INFORMATION BASED ON QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION FROM DEPARTMENT MANAGER 1000% TO KEEP UP WITH OUR WORKLOAD. MY WORK GROUP USES PERFORMANCE MEASURES TO 90.0% CENTRAL SAN IS ACTIVELY WORKING TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF ITS WORK PRACTICES. 30.0% 700% X 60 0% L z � sGOx 0 ao ou Z 30M O Q I00% 10.0% , 00% , . ■ MY MANAGER! -1- ROf1A1 r. rII.IPAl1Y. -M IMPLOYIL 1111 'HATER 1.) PERVi50R .011111 EAIAILS 1-51EIIER COnLER' ■ Oenl. Mgr Communication bed RI ■0eoc Mgi CUTTO—t -POOr INFORMATION SOURCE • Duality of information is influenced by its source. CCCSD BOARD MEET 'N5 12/412014 '::ENE RAL LY MY WORK GROUP HAS THE RESOURCES IT NEEDS TO KEEP UP WITH OUR WORKLOAD. MY WORK GROUP USES PERFORMANCE MEASURES TO BENCHMARK ITS PERFORMANCE CENTRAL SAN IS ACTIVELY WORKING TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF ITS WORK PRACTICES. CENTRAL SAN STAFF TAKES PRIDE IN THE WORK THEY DO AND THE SERVICE THEY PROVIDE TO THEIR CUSTOMERS I AM GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO PROVIDE INPUT INTO 5OLUTIONS FOR PROBLEMS OR DEVELOPING SITUATIONS 1 HAVE ALL THE TOOLS, TECHNOLOGY, AND EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO PERFORM MY JOB AT AN OPTIMAL LEVEL MY SUPERVISOR HAS A CLEAR IDEA OF MY DAILY WORK SSUES AND THE OBSTACLES MY WORK GROUP OVERCOMES Central Ewwa 6Ma LNUry DWM 12% 13X •Strongly Agree �A.rcr Neural •D1uglee ■Sllongly C-gree CCCSD BOARD MEETING 12/4/2014 B 12/4/2014 10 MOST IMPORTANT WORKPLACE ATTRIBUTES Advancement opportunities Meaningful work Transparency Continued training Performance Recognition Open communication * Ample tools and resources Safety central Cm"cmu S+n "DMM • Respondents could make up to 3 selections. • "Open Communication" was rated with the highest frequency. This data is consistent with the open -ended responses. • `Transparency" (which garnered 24% of the responses) siphoned off votes that would otherwise have been attributed to "Open Communication" and vice versa. CCCSD R' ARD MEET N.: 12/4,12C14 9 central Cmma Casu S.M"DW'M QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION FOR THOSE WHO MARKED "OPEN COMMUNICATION" AS AN IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTE ;;RGANIZATION WIDE DEPARTMENT MANAGER LEVEL FOUR WORK UNIT LEVEL III I.I r n.�I _.._ .a. ■Needs lmpmv nt a • Responses of this subset very similar to the distribution of the general respondents. • Opinions of the quality of communication is rather constant whether or not one considers "Open Communication" an important workplace attribute or not. CCCSD B-�ARD MEET N, 12!4/2014 _ 12/4/2014 6 HOW WELL DOES CENTRAL SAN PROVIDE FOR YOUR MOST HIGHLY RANKED ATTRIBUTE? 33% CCCSD BOARD MEETING 12/4/2014 Very well Decently well Neutral Not very well Unaddressed MOST IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTE MET "VERY WELL /DECENTLY WELL" VS "NOT VERY WELL / UNADDRESSED 100% 90% PA% ]0% 60% SO% SO% 30% ■Unadd,essed /Not V Wel • Very WO-1 0-0, W,11 1 . 1 ATTRIBUTES , Central [antra cd u Saltl"DIWId Rla centre cnn•a teas S.M" Dkbw lop • No stark contrasts between those whose top workplace attributes are met by the District and those that are not. • Data suggests that the quality of these workplace attributes may vary widely from workgroup to workgroup. CCCSD BOARU MEETING 12!4 2014 12/4/2014 X • No stark contrasts between those whose top workplace attributes are met by the District and those that are not. • Data suggests that the quality of these workplace attributes may vary widely from workgroup to workgroup. CCCSD BOARU MEETING 12!4 2014 12/4/2014 X Cednl Cser. Cmu S.W"�D-Y\Ym i WHAT ARE THE TWO THINGS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE CHANGED TO IMPROVE EFFECTIVENESS AND PERFORMANCE WITHIN YOUR DIVISION? Staffing 28 Technology 28 Communication 27 Training 23 Accountability 22 Leadership 20 Quotables: • Fill vacancies so people are not feeling overworked. • Follow through with necessary discipline and reward good employees. • I would like to see mandatory cross - training Some things cannot be done if a specific person is not here, and that should be remedied CCCSD BOARD MEETING 12/4/2014 ,, clowl Cam. [Nu S.M"Dk M AAL WHAT ARE THE TWO THINGS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE CHANGED TO IMPROVE EFFECTIVENESS AND PERFORMANCE WITHIN THE ORGANIZATION? Leadership _ 30 Communication _ _ _ 25 Technology 20 Accountability 12 Staffing 10 Recognition g Quotables: Concentrate on being effective rather than efficient. • An ERP system that allows for one District wide system that interfaces with all aspects of the organization. • Continue to ask employees for input. CCCSD E..ARD MEET NG 12,14/2014 14 12/4/2014 II CenMal came cam sa11"awrm PLEASE USE THIS AREA TO SHARE ANY IDEAS ON HOW CENTRAL SAN CAN IMPROVEAS AN ORGANIZATION. • Wide range of frank responses, covering many of the themes found in other survey questions. • Data will be reviewed by management to review feedback on certain areas of focus • Some comments are sensitive /personal in nature. CCCSD BOARD MEETING 12/4/2014 15 C."cww. Eata unn" 0lpr�\ljd EPW r I WAS BORN BETWEEN... 1% 1922 1945 (Silent Generation) 1946 1964 (Baby Boomer) 1965 1980 (Generation X) 1981 1995 (Generation Y -- Mlllennlals) • Question 11 was made optional • 132 out of 144 respondents answered question CCCSD BOARD MEET. NG 12/4/2014 i6 12/4/2014 • 12/4/2014