HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.b. (Handout) Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) AssumptionsAgenda Item 3.b Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) and Other Unfunded Liabilities November 17, 2014 Presented by: Thea Vassallo, CPA, CMA Finance Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Unfunded and Other Liabilities ($ 000 Millions) FYE Audit 13/14 12/13 Diff Valuation Date 2013 2012 CCCERA $120.8 $142.5 ($21.7) GASB 45 OPEB 72.6 75.8 (3.2) (New Valuation due in Jan 2015) Debt (2009 Bonds /SRF) 40.6 44.5 (3.9) Accrued Comp Absence 3.8 3.8 0.0 Total Rates Effective $237.8 $266.6 ($28.8) 15/16 14/15 3 b. ( 1 Review of Major Events by Year 2007 Total pooled pension fund 90% funded 2008 Huge market loss (28.35 %) Missed assumed earnings rate of 7.80% by (36.15 %) Mortgage and foreclosure downturn Extraordinary losses spread over 5 valuations (smoothing) Review of Major Events By Year 2009 CCCERA depools participating agencies by cost group - Part 1 Assumed earnings rate lowered from 7.80% to 7.75% 2010 Terminal compensation depooled Depooling Part 2 - CCCSD being the highest (12% to 24% of Salary) I Review of Major Events by Year 2011 Lower returns than assumed rate of 7.75 2012 Economic & Experience Study assumption changes ($15.8M/$6.7M) Assumed earnings rate lowered from 7.75% to 7.25 Inflation rate lowered 3.50% to 3.25% Terminal Cashout lowered from 24% to 8.75% if hired on or after 1/1/11 Last year recognizing 2008 smoothing of losses Current 2013 Valuation Major Events 2013 Leave Cashout Terminal Pay assumption reduced: 24% to 6.5% (If hired prior to 1/1/11) 8.75% to 6.5% (if hired on or after 1/1/11 and prior to 1/1/13) 8.75% to Zero (if hired after 1/1/13) 3 CCCSD UAAL Amortization Plus Normal Rate Employer Bears UAAL Burden The Unfunded AtcruedActuanal liability ( UAAL) has a significant impart on rotes because a portion of the rote is used to pay -down the UAAL annually The infamanon below d,spkys the Normal Cost and UAAL Annual Amortisation rote factors Valuation Date 12/31/2008 12(31/2009 12/31/2010 12/31/2011 12/31/2012 12/3112013 Etvloyer Total Contribution Rate&eakdown 60% or below Rate Representing UAAL Annual Amortisation 11.86% 21.31% 35.77% 39.53% 5302% 17.12% CCCSD Total Employer Contributmn Rate 30 va.% 4001. 5191% 5136% 7791% 6051'. UAAL %uf Tot4l Employer Rate 47.38% 60.32% 65.47% 67.71% 71.72% 71.20E TotaICCLSDUalundedbob;ity $39779.000 71,018,235 99.941.380 109,168,803 147523,565 120792,362 DaUkt Funded %afUAAL N/A N/A 6412% 6250% 5638% 6312% CCCERA Total Pool Funded %ofUAAL 88.15% 63.77% 80.28% 7847% 70.619 76.41% Sawce Seel Anusnal Repot Rate Supsb —knl out MAL Canponent, then percent applied to Totd EmploverConmbuaon Rate 8omR -- 71— O m1 soaa% .31M som% looms looms om% — 'NamaIBUAAE Rate components MCClSO Et%gloyesAvraseRile —"' '_°°-- unsAa4 DAU1aas 11AMOID 12131Aau 11,10411 17ntmis ■RJR RepeunI;nr aaal amwd amonaaaan ■RJR Reprtu,Nn{Ibrm� ran How Funded Should the UAAL Be? Credit Rate Agency Benchmarks Standard & Poors: Pension Funded Ratio Strong 90% or above Above Average 80% to 90% Below Average 60% to 80% Weak 60% or below Fitch Ratin s: Pension Funded Ratio Ade uate 70% or above Weak 60% or below Fitch also states that "the funded ratio is one of many factors considered in Fitch's analysis of pension obligations. 4 American Academy of Actuaries "The 80% Pension Funding Myth ", July 2012 • Frequent unchallenged references to 80% funding as a healthy level threaten to create a mythic standard. • No single level of funding should be identified as a defining line between a "healthy" and an "unhealthy" pension plan. • Funded ratios are a point -in -time measurement. The movement or trend of the funded ratio is as important as the absolute level. • Most plans should have the objective of accumulating assets equal to 100% of a relevant pension obligation. • The financial health of a pension plan depends on many factors in addition to funded status — particularly the size of any shortfall compared with the resources of the plan sponsor. Closing Summary • District CCCERA UAAL (2013 valuation) $120.8M • CCCERA Total Pool Funded 76.41% • District Portion Funded 63.12% 5 Questions /Comments?