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Sanitary District
Chair McGill
Member Williams
Friday, November 7, 2014
8:00 a.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
President Pro Tem
PHONE: (925) 228 -9500
FAX: (925) 372 -0192
PRESENT: Chair Mike McGill, Member Dave Williams, Director of Administration David
Heath, General Manager Roger Bailey, Human Resources Manager Teji O'Malley,
Safety & Risk Management Administrator Shari Deutsch, Secretary of the District Elaine
Boehme, Finance Manager Thea Vassallo, Executive Assistant Suzette Crayton (left
after item 4.a.), Director of Engineering Jean -Marc Petit, Senior Administrative
Technician Cindy Granzella
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Review how overtime is assigned and approved across the District
Human Resources Manager Teji O'Malley reviewed the overtime chart, stating
that it was separated by division and corresponding approval process. This
assignment and approval process is not listed in the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU); it is District practice within each division.
Member Williams asked if mandatory overtime is assigned. Ms. O'Malley
confirmed that it is assigned and on a rotation.
Staff Recommendation: Reviewed report.
Administration Committee Action Summary
November 7, 2014
Page 2
4.' Review and discuss the following regarding Board Policies:
*a. Draft Travel and Expense Reimbursement, Board Policy (BP) 008,
incorporating changes recommended by the Committee at its October 15,
2013 and October 3, 2014 meetings
Staff distributed a handout (attached), which displays per diem /meal rates
for cities that were recently visited for conferences.
Director of Administration David Heath stated that there are no new
changes to the Draft Travel and Expense Reimbursement Board Policy,
however there have been changes made to the procedures. Executive
Assistant Suzette Crayton stated that changes to the Policy recommended
by the Committee on the October 3rd meeting were incorporated. General
Manager Roger Bailey requested Committee feedback on the procedures.
Chair McGill asked where non - travel Board expenses are addressed.
Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme stated they are found in
Resolution 2014 -011. Chair McGill asked if that Resolution should be
referenced. Chair McGill asked for clarification if this policy was referring
to only travel expenses. Mr. Heath said it was, and suggested removing
the word "and" from the title "Travel and Expense Reimbursement."
Chair McGill referred to page 1, fifth bullet and commented that it is not
necessary to request receipts to be organized by date.
Chair McGill referred to page 7, agreeing that reimbursements are only
provided for meals when expenses are incurred. Referring to the same
page, Chair McGill asked if there is a home test for meal reimbursement
for Local One Day Trainings /Seminars, such as 30 — 60 miles from work.
Mr. Heath will research it.
Chair McGill referred to travel advances on page 8, questioning if it was
legal to withhold pay. Mr. Heath agreed and will remove those lines.
Member Williams commented that there should be a catch all phrase
added in terms of guidelines and flexibility. Ms. Crayton mentioned that a
line was added to give the General Manager discretion for any exceptions.
Member Williams asked for clarification on page 1, bullets 1 and 2. Mr.
Bailey will rewrite bullet 2, to include wording for returning to work the
same day a conference ends, if necessary. Regarding bullet 1, Ms.
O'Malley confirmed that travel time is compensable if during normal work
Administration Committee Action Summary
November 7, 2014
Page 3
Member Williams pointed out that internet charges may be necessary for
reimbursement, as mentioned on page 3, procedure 1. Safety and Risk
Management Administrator Shari Deutsch suggested that it be reworded
so that items for personal use are not reimbursed. Chair McGill and
Member Williams were in agreement.
Chair McGill stated that he agrees with the Board Policy and recommends
it for Board approval. Mr. Bailey clarified that the Board will receive the
entire packet, but approval is only needed on the policy. Procedures will
be effective the same day that the Policy is approved.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
b. Draft proposed Security Policy and Access Control Procedures (the latter
intended to be an Administrative Procedure)
Ms. Deutsch stated that the Policy lists the purpose, policy, and
responsibilities. The Access Control Procedures provide further detail to
the Policy. Ms. Deutsch recommended removing sections titled Public
Areas, Identification, and Access Control from the Policy because they are
addressed in the Access Control Procedures. Chair McGill and Member
Williams agreed.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
C. Memo regarding existing and proposed Board Policies, with a view toward
separating staff procedures
Mr. Heath commented that staff is segregating policy from procedures,
and would like input as to the priority of the policies on the list. Mr. Bailey
suggested Debt Management and Fiscal Reserves be placed at the top of
the list, followed by Safety, Recycled Water, and Information Security.
Chair McGill and Member Williams both agreed with Mr. Bailey's
Member Williams asked if there should be a procedure numbering that
would link to the corresponding policy. Mr. Bailey and Ms. Boehme
agreed and will work on developing a numbering system.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Provided direction regarding the prioritization
of policies to be reviewed by the Committee at future meetings.
5. Receive exit interview and turnover rate data going back five years on reasons
why employees have left the District
Administration Committee Action Summary
November 7, 2014
Page 4
5. Receive exit interview and turnover rate data going back five years on reasons
why employees have left the District
Ms. O'Malley reviewed the memo summarizing all separation data collected from
2008 to present. She calculated a turnover rate for each calendar year, noting
that the higher rates in years 2010 to 2012 were largely attributable to pension
reform and pending contract negotiations. When analyzing the reasons for
separation, Ms. O'Malley explained that retirement was the primary reason.
Ms. O'Malley will report back yearly with new turnover rates, and will benchmark
against the District's five sister agencies. Ms. O'Malley will prepare a benchmark
study for a future Committee meeting with current information.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received data.
6. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at 8:00 a.m.
Chair McGill stated that December meetings need to be scheduled.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements.
7. Suggestions for future agenda items
8. Adjournment — at 9:55 a.m.
* Attachment
Standing Item
Per Diem
Maximum Per Diem Rate
for Breakfast/Lunch /Dinner
New York, NY
$12 / $18 / $36
Washington, D.C.
$12 / $18 / $36
New Orleans, LA
$12 / $18 / $36
$12 / $18 / $36
Palm Springs
$12 / $18 / $36
$12 / $18 / $36
Newport Beach
$12 / $18 / $36
Los Angeles
$12 / $18 / $36
San Francisco
$12 / $18 / $36
South Lake Tahoe
$12 / $18 / $36
Providence, RI
$12 / $18 / $36
Santa Fe, NM
$12 / $18 / $36
San Diego
$12 / $18 / $36
Portland, OR
$11 / $16 / $34
$11 / $16 / $34
$10 / $15 / $31
Charleston, SC
$9 /$13/$29