HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING & OPERATIONS ACTION SUMMARY 10-27-14". /) -r) Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA DAVID R. WILLIAMS SANITARY DISTRICT President ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS MICHAEL R.MCGILL President Pro Tent COMMITTEE PAUL H. CAUSEY JAMES A. NEJEDLY TAD J. PILECKI ACTION SUMMARY PHONE: (925) 228 -9500 FAX: (925) 676 -7211 Chair Pilecki www.centralsan.org Member Causey Monday, October 27, 2014 12:30 p.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California PRESENT: Chair Tad Pilecki, Member Paul Causey, General Manager Roger Bailey, Provisional Deputy General Manager / Director of Engineering Jean -Marc Petit, Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez, Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky, Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell, Provisional Senior Right -of -Way Agent Lisa Hiddleson (left after Item 3.), Senior Engineer Dana Lawson (left after Item 4.), Plant Maintenance Division Manager Neil Meyer (left after Item 5.), Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani (left after Item 5..), Ralph Eschborn of AECOM (left after Item 5.), Brent Patera of PG &E (left after Item 5.), Director of Administration David Heath (left after Item 5.), Associate Engineer Dan Frost (left after Item 6.), Senior Administrative Technician Christina Gee Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Receive a follow -up report on the City of Martinez easement acquisition Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell stated that staff has found multiple encroachments hindering easement acquisition for the Martinez Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary October 27, 2014 Page 2 Sewer Renovations, Phase 4, District Project 8415. Due to limited staffing at the City of Martinez, City Engineer Tim Tucker requested the District take the lead in acquiring the easements. He noted that the City considers the prescriptive rights to be sufficient to maintain the sewer lines, and the City has no funds to reimburse the District. So far, the District has spent approximately $160,000 on the Phase 4 project, with the potential of $80,000-140, 000 more, factoring the current overhead rate. Chair Pilecki stated his opinion that the project needs to move forward. He believed the City should take responsibility for those going to eminent domain, but the District could handle the straightforward ones, if that division of labor is not a problem legally. He asked that staff come back with information on the District's financial exposure in this situation and to prepare a strategic plan regarding acquisition of easements not only for the City of Martinez but for the District as a whole. Ms. Gemmell stated that staff will determine if a District -wide search of the GDI database has the necessary information available to identify what lines have easements and those that do not have easements. Member Causey asked whether setting up an assessment district for either the whole city or just the areas needing sewer replacement should be considered. He stated that the issue has significant economic impact, and, eventually, the pipes need to be renovated. He asked that staff consider how much of the project is actually needed and if it could be done in phases based on priority. He recommended that staff identify the problem and its size, and do a condition assessment of the pipes. COMMITTEE ACTION: Directed that staff move forward with the project by performing a condition assessment of pipes and bringing back a report on lines with no easements District wide, the associated exposures, and a strategic plan to address this acquisition of easement. *4. Review proposed Board Policy (BP) 015, Asset Management, incorporating the Committee's changes from the September 22, 2014 meeting Senior Engineer Dana Lawson distributed Draft 5 of the proposed Asset Management Board Policy (attached), showing changes made since the September 22 Committee meeting. She also reported that the Implementation Plan, analysis, and reports are expected to be presented to the Committee in draft form in late November or early December. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary October 27, 2014 Page 3 The Committee recommended a global change from the use of the word "shall' to either "will" or "may." Chair Pilecki noted that it would be best if the reports were ready before January 2015, when the Committee may be comprised of different Board Members. Member Causey noted that it was important for the current Committee to have the opportunity to comment on the Implementation Plan. The Committee directed that staff could send the reports in piecemeal at the rate they are ready. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board adoption of the policy with suggested changes. Directed staff to bring back the draft Implementation Plan and associated reports prior to January 2015, if possible. 5. Receive update on PG &E Sustainable Solutions Turnkey (SST) Feasibility Assessment Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani stated that consideration of the SST Program grew out of a request by the Budget & Finance Committee in October 2013 to investigate energy efficiency at the District. Along with Brent Patera, Senior Business Development Manager, Customer Energy Solutions for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG &E), and Ralph Eschbom, Senior Project Manager at AECOM, Mr. Mizutani gave an overview of the project and its potential benefits. Member Pilecki asked if there were legal restrictions on contracting with PG &E and AECOM as proposed. Mr. Patera indicated that these SST projects were under the California Government Code Section 4217, which in general gives more flexibility in procurement to government agencies. General Manager Roger Bailey added that staff would consult with District Counsel, as it could present a sole source issue. He added that surveying all options is a good general business practice. Provisional Deputy General Manager /.Director of Engineering Jean -Marc Petit stated that going forward with the Feasibility Assessment would cost only staff time, since it is a zero -cost contract with PG &E. If the study were to take place, the Feasibility Assessment Report would be deliverable in four to six weeks. COMMITTEE ACTION: Concurred with staff's recommendation to proceed with the Feasibility Assessment phase of the program. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary October 27, 2014 Page 4 *6. Review draft template for use in prioritization of Capital Projects Associate Engineer Dan Frost gave a truncated PowerPoint presentation (attached) from the version in the agenda packet in order to meet the committee's allotted time. He stated that the template was developed collaboratively with the end users, project managers, program managers, and others. He distributed the Prioritization Form (attached), which is based on a weighted point system and categorized by level of priority. The form is a living document and tested using the projects listed under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014- 15 CIB. Mr. Petit distributed a "report card" (attached) ranking all FY 2014 -15 projects by priority. General Manager Roger Bailey suggested that the point value for "Reduces Potential Health or Safety Hazards" might need to be re- evaluated and adjusted (increased) to reflect its importance. Member Pilecki suggested that that the category be elevated to retain the same point value as "Compliance with Regulatory Requirements" and "Meets Commitment with Outside Agency of Existing Contract." Mr. Petit stated that the point values could be refined as proposed for the next Fiscal Year. Staff will revisit the scoring. Chair Pilecki emphasized that they should not necessarily be changed for this Fiscal Year. Member Causey noted that "Reduces Social Impacts" is currently scored on an "all or nothing" basis, which does not allow projects to be ranked against each other solely by those criteria. Chair Pilecki agreed with his observation and recommended that the category be given graduated point options. Member Causey noted that critical projects already under construction should probably not be required to be ranked. Chair Pilecki agreed but noted that it likely appeared merely as a demonstration tool. Member Causey stated that he would like to see the numerical scores on the report card, and not just priority categories. Chair Pilecki had no issue either way but noted that he liked the ranking categories to be listed too. COMMITTEE ACTION: Provided input to staff on the draft Prioritization Form and Project Priority Ranking, for changes to be made in the next fiscal year. Engineering & Operations Committee Action Summary October 27, 2014 Page 5 7. Receive Quarterly Report, discuss upcoming bids and awards and change orders over $50,000, if needed COMMITTEE ACTION: Deferred to next meeting, currently scheduled for November 24, 2014. 8. Receive information requested at the September 22, 2014 Committee meeting: a. How much of the 5.3% of the total to date change order costs for the Primary Treatment Plant Renovation, District Project 7285, was added contract work versus unforeseen conditions b. Report on Fiscal Year 2013 -14 designs and outcomes C. Follow up discussion on potential sources and contaminated materials found during the 2013 Cured -In -Place (CIPP) Piping, District Project 8405 COMMITTEE ACTION: Deferred to next meeting, currently scheduled for November 24, 2014. 9. Announcements a. Future scheduled meetings: Monday, November 24, 2014 at 12:30 p.m. (Special) Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 12:30 p.m. (Special) COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcement. 10. Suggestions for future agenda items None. 11. Adjournment — at 2:40 p.m. * Attachment ' Standing Item Authority: Board of Directors Effective: November 20, 2014 Revised: Reviewed: Initiating Dept. /Div.: Engineering/ Capital Projects BOARD POLICY ASSET MANAGEMENT PURPOSE / l i The purpose of this Board Policy is to recognize that the District • has invested significant resources in its phySiGaf assets, and • aims to optimize the management of these assets to deliver high quality and reliable services in a ^^c+_offeGtgy sustainable manner expected by District customers with an acceptable level of risk. DEFINITION An asset pursuant to this Policy refers to both physical and software assets and shall be defined as having a replacement value greater than $5,000 and a useful life of at least two years, or being critical to operations, regulatory, and /or safety requirements across all District functions. POLICY Asset management is a broad strategic framework that encompasses many disciplines and involves the entire District. In support of its Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan, the District sets forth the following directives related to asset management: Data and Knowledge The District shall maintain a comprehensive asset register to facilitate management over the assets' lifecycles. The District shall continually identify, collect, and provide overall quality assurance /- quality control (QA/QG) screening of relevant data, and it shall apply sufficient analyses to turn that data into knowledge that supports sound, evidence -based decisions regarding phys+saf assets and asset life. The District shall develop and maintain S, GGession plan processes and procedures to st.e+hon and -sustain knowledge transfer throughout the organization. Information Systems The District shall make capital and on -going investments sufficient to own, operate, and Number: BP 015 ASSET MANAGEMENT Page 2 of 3 maintain a reliable and state -of- the -art security - protected information management system that supports timely, evidence -based decision making at all levels of the organization. The District's information systems shall be deployed to promote access and use by District staff in fulfillment of their duties. Contracting The District shall may invest in contract personnel efforts sufficient to support its thei 4nternal -asset management practices. In addition, all professional and equipment/ construction contracts related to facility assets shall include provisions for on -going financial, and operations and maintenance tracking in the transfer of new or renovated assets into the asset register. Processes and Practices The District shall develop processes procedures and practices for staff in support of this Policy using industry accepted guidelines and practices to provide consistency across the organization. The District shall institute these processes, procedures and practices to prioritize expenditures with the purpose of optimizing the quality, reliability, and affordability of services provided to its customers. The District shall plan and provide for sustainable long- -term funding to appropriately utilize, maintain, replace, renew, or decommission assets to deliver high quality and reliable services in a sustainable manner for customers with an acceptable level of risk The analysis of risk and priorities shall consider the life -cycle social, environmental and financial benefits and costs of assets and services as well as andGGRE;ld the broader impact of individual asset decisions. People The District shall invest in staff and implement adequate education, training, and mentoring programs to ensure that asset management practices are widely communicated, understood, and implemented throughout the organization. A steering committee comprised of representatives from various workgroups in the organization shall convene quarterly, or as needed, to lead the asset management program and to assure proper training and utilization of asset management. Organization The District shall establish organizational responsibility to lead and manage a comprehensive asset management program across the collection system, treatment plant, recycled water, and general improvement programs. The program shall follow specific guidance laid -set forth in than Asset Management Implementation Plan regarding objectives, work plan, coordination mechanisms, and resource requirements. The Board shall be responsible for establishing levels of service based upon customer input, adopting and updating policies and budgets and exercising stewardship of assets Number: BP 015 ASSET MANAGEMENT Page 3 of 3 Staff shall be responsible for assisting the Board with the above a+�dby implementing the policy, developing procedures and practices and operating maintaining and replacing the assets in accordance with the policy. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] apital Improvement Projects Prioritization Procedure-ft October 27, 2014 Engineering Et Operations Committee Meeting Overview • Prioritized projects will help manage the CI • Developed District - specific ranking system Mock tested criteria and ranking system • Example Ranking for FY14/15 CIB Projects • Next Steps 10/28/2014 ioritized Formalize current discussions and ranking approach • Ensures best use of available approved funds Encourages clear project scopes '• Promotes District -wide involvement • Flexible to varying scopes and priorities (i.e. living document) _-A `sp 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 Project Project Priority Cate o Number 7301 reatment Plant Planning CRITIC 7285 rimary Treatment Renovation CRITIC 7314 rent Repairs Blanket Contract CRITIC 7308 o -Gen Controls Upgrade 7265 P E ui ment Re lacement VERY HIGH 7297 7312 7309 PTP08 _ at and Dry Scrubber Replacement h Facili Im rovements AF Tank Renovation P Safety Im rov 2011- 12 thru 2019 -20 VERY HIGH VERY HIGH VERY HIGH VERY HIGH pTP42 7304 lant Control System VO Re lacement _ .. - LC Sys Upgr - 12 -13 thru 21 -22 VERY HIGH VERY HIGH 7292 7311 witch ear Re lacement• h2 P Safety Enhancements Phase 4 VERY HIGH VERY HIGH 7310 pTP33 iping Renovations • phase 8 reatment Plant Soil Remediation VERY HIGH VERY HIGH 7291 ump & Blower Bldg Seismic U 2de HIGH pTP47 C / Grayson Creek Levee Rehab HIGH 7315 lant of the Future Roadma HIGH 7284 P Hazard Identification & Remediation HIGH pTP31 emitting Study for New Furnace HIGH 7286 entrifu e& Cake Pump Upgrades HIGH TP32 [ant Enemv 0 timization HIGH 7254 P Cathodic Prot Sys Rep] HIGH TP41 tant Control S tern Network U rades HIGH TP24 aboratory UDarades & Re it HIGH TP06 lant Electrical and Instr Re I HIGH TP03 [ant Cvber Secuntv MEDIUM TP45 P Electrical Cable Re - LT MEDIUM >000t P Facilities Renov Porn - LT MEDIUM TP29 avment Renovation MEDIUM TP16 oatin Renovation MEDIUM TP30 oncrete Renovation MEDIUM TP23 rrP Security Upgr - 2012 -13 thru 2021 -22 10/28/2014 Priority Project Category Number Project 8226 Seismic Improvements for HOB VERY HIGH 8238 Asset Management Program Development T VERY HIGH 8233 CSOD Facilities Improvements VERY HIGH none Information Technology Development VERY HIGH 8227 DI- Treatment Plant VERY HIGH 8232 GDI -SMMS Replacement VERY HIGH PG105 POD Office Improvements HIGH 8515 Vehicles and Equipment A uisition HIGH 8234 HOB Improvements 8223 District Property Safte Improvements 8207 eneral Security Access 8237 uffer and Rental Property Improvements kWrA 8230 apital Legal Services . _ _ a 8236 istrict Easement Acquisition 9999 Capital Project Clearing i � 8217 Capital Improvement Plan and Budaet 10/28/2014 (o CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT PRIORITIZATION FORM Last Updated 09116/2014 APPLICABILITY TO DISTRICT MISSION TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE BENEFITS EMBRACING SCORE MAX CRITERIA SUB- CRITERIA COLLECTING AND SUSTAINABILITY1 PROMOTING POINTS TREATING RESPONSIBLE USE ENVIRONMENTAL FINANCIAL SOCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL WASTEWATER OF EXISTING STEWARDSHIP RESOURCES ESSENTIAL COMMITMENTS (MAX POINTS POSSIBLE = 80) Complies 1. Complies with court- ordered mandates, legal settlements, consent decrees X X X with Regulatory Requirements and Mandates 30 ' (30 Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) 2. Complies with regulatory requirementstavoids permit violations (e.g. Title V Air Permit, NPDES Waste Discharge X X X Requirements) Meets Commitment with Outside Agency or Existing Contract 1. Fulfills joint-powers-agreement, memorandum -of- understanding, or pavement moratorium with outside agency. X X 2. Required to complete commitment with existing construction contract X X 30 (30 Points if Sub - Criteria 1 and /or 2 are met, 15 Points if only Sub - Criteria 3 is met. 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) 3. Meets commitment with Board - approved consultant contract ( >$100,000) X X 10 Reduces Potential Health or Safety Hazards I1. Reduces potential health or safety hazards to customers and /or employees X X X (10 Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) Implements Board Policy /Priority 1. Implements or conforms to a written policy /plan/priority which has been adopted by the District Board of Directors (e.g. 5 (5 Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) supports Strategic Plan goals and key performance indicators such as reduce SSOs, develop asset management plan, X X X X X X keep GHG emissions below CARB Cap and Trade Threshold, reduce energy demand, maximize energy independence) Increases Capacity to Meet Projected Buildout 5 1(5 Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) 1. Provides collection and /or treatment capacity to handle projected buildout/growth of service area X X PROJECT BENEFITS (MAX POINTS POSSIBLE = 35) 5 Impacts Project Phasing or Implementation Schedule for Other Projects 1. Impacts project phasing or implementation schedule for other projects X X X (5 Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) 1. Reduces overall capital expenditures (e.g. integrates multiple improvementstareas into single project, prolongs use of X X X existing facilities to reduce overall capital costs where feasible) 5 Optimizes Capital Expenditures 2. Reduced capital costs due to project timing (e g- cost sharing opportunities, material market trends, significantly X X X (5 Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) reduces costs for future capital projects) 3. Utilizes potential grants, loans, or generates revenue to offset District costs X X X 5 Reduces O &M Costs (5 Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) 1. Reduces O &M costs (labor, power, steam, chemicals. reduced maintenance costs for parts) X X X 5 Reduces Social Impacts 1. Reduces amount and duration of service interruptions to customers X X 2. Minimizes disruption to neighborhood or businesses X X (5 Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) 1. Makes efficient use of natural resources for environmental sustainability (e.g. solar, wind, hydroelectric power, recycled X X X X 5 Increases Sustainable Use of Natural or Existing Resources materials, natural treatment processes requiring less energy) 2. Utilizes existing abandoned or unused facilities X X X ( Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) 3. Beneficially uses waste products to reduce costs or generate revenue (e.g. waste heat, nutrient recovery) X X X X Reduces Environmental Impacts 1. Reduces impact to the environment beyond regulatory requirements (e.g. CEC removal, plastics removal) X X X X 2. Utilizes construction methods /materials and /or design features that minimize environmental impacts (e.g. LEED design, X X X X 5 (5 Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) low water use equipment, ultra high efficiency drives/equipment) 5 Supports Timely Adoption of Technology Improvements 1. Supports timely adoption of technology improvements (e.g. planning/optimization projects that evaluate innovative X X X (5 Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) Itechnologies, pilot projects, utilizes innovative processes /equipment) OPERATIONAL RELIABILITY(MAX POINTS POSSIBLE = 20) 1. Avoids unplanned expenses due to repairs and emergencies (Risk Score > 70 in asset management database) X X X 2. Renews equipment that has already failed or is very near failure (Likelihood of Failure > 7 in asset management X X X database) 10 Consistent with Asset Management Policies Points if Sub Criteria 1 2 is if Sub Criteria 5 3. Implements an annual maintenance or renewal program as prescribed in the Asset Management Plan X X X (10 only - or met or two or more - are met, Points if only Sub - Criteria 3, 4, or 5 is met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) 4. Reduces loss of economic activity/increased 0 &M costs due to facilities failure (e.g. impacts to receiving facilities/HHW facility, increased grid import costs due to equipment failure, natural gas/landfill gas supply issues, requires use of X X X standby facilities, requires inefficient operation of pump stations, etc.) 5. Recommended by annual maintenance program as necessary to avoid predicted failure (Likelihood of Failure > 5 in X X X asset management database) 1. Improves reliability (e.g. redundant equipment/piping, improved ccntrols/monitoring /alarms, standby facilities, bypass X X X X improvements) Improves Reliability and System Performance 5 ( g ) 2. Improves/optimizes operations e. install VFD, automated controls X X X X (5 Points if any Sub - Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) 3. Improves system oe equipment operation and/or performance (e.g. improved dewatering, increased filter loading rate, X X X improved flow control) 1. Provide physical protection to accommodate climate change (sea level rise, storms, flooding) or major disasters (e.g. X X X X 5 Improves Facility -Wide Resiliency levee improvements, storm water diversion facilties) 2. Provides operational reliability /redundancy for accommodating climate change or major disasters (e.g. standby power, X X X X (5 Points if any Sub- Criteria are met, 0 Points if no Sub - Criteria are met) redundant control systems/communications) 135 ITOTAL FY14/15 Treatment Plant Program - Project Priority Ranking Color Code for CIB Pro ram Categories: Reg. Compliance /Planning /Safety One -Time Renovation Recurring Renovation Priority Category Project Number Project CRITICAL 7301 Treatment Plant Planning CRITICAL 7285 Primary Treatment Renovation CRITICAL 7314 Urgent Repairs Blanket Contract CRITICAL 7308 Co -Gen Controls Upgrade CRITICAL 7265 TP Equipment Re lacement VERY HIGH 7297 Wet and Dry Scrubber Replacement VERY HIGH 7312 Ash Facility Improvements VERY HIGH 7309 DAF Tank Renovation VERY HIGH pTP08 TP Safety Improv 2011 -12 thru 2019 -20 VERY HIGH pTP42 Plant Control System 1/0 Replacement VERY HIGH 7304 PLC Sys Up r - 12 -13 thru 21 -22 VERY HIGH 7292 Switch ear Replacement - ph 2 VERY HIGH 7311 TP Safety Enhancements Phase 4 VERY HIGH 7310 Piping Renovations - phase 8 VERY HIGH pTP33 Treatment Plant Soil Remediation VERY HIGH 7291 Pump & Blower Bldg Seismic Upgrade HIGH pTP47 WC / Grayson Creek Levee Rehab HIGH 7315 Plant of the Future Roadmap HIGH 7284 TP Hazard Identification & Remediation HIGH pTP31 Permitting Study for New Furnace HIGH 7286 Centrifuge & Cake Pump Upgrades HIGH pTP32 Plant Energy Optimization HIGH 7254 TP Cathodic Prot Sys Repl HIGH pTP41 Plant Control System Network Upgrades HIGH pTP24 Laboratory Upgrades & Repair HIGH pTP06 Plant Electrical and Instr Repl HIGH pTP03 Plant C ber Security MEDIUM pTP45 TP Electrical Cable Repl - LT MEDIUM xxxx TP Facilities Renov P m - LT MEDIUM pTP29 Pavement Renovation MEDIUM pTP16 Coating Renovation MEDIUM pTP30 Concrete Renovation MEDIUM pTP23 TP Security Upgr - 2012 -13 thru 2021 -22 FY14/15 Collection System Program - Project Priority Ranking Color Code for CIB Program Categories: Renovation Reg. Compliance /Planning /Safety Expansion Pumping Station Priority Category Project Number Project CRITICAL 5999 CIPP Blanket Contract CRITICAL 8405 CIPP Project - FY 2013 -14 CRITICAL 5976 Diablo Sewer Renovations - Ph 2 CRITICAL none Lafayette Sewer Renovations - Ph 10 CRITICAL 8404 Lafayette Sewer Renovations - Ph 8 CRITICAL 8421 Lafayette Sewer Renovations - Ph 9 CRITICAL 8415 Martinez Sewer Renovations - Ph 4 CRITICAL 8411 North Orinda Sewer Renovations - Ph 5 CRITICAL 8423 North Orinda Sewer Renovations - Ph 6 CRITICAL 5982 Pi eburst Blanket Contract CRITICAL 8413 Walnut Creek sewer Renovations - Ph 10 CRITICAL pCS36 Pumping Station Arc Flash Stud CRITICAL 8425 Cathodic Protection System - Ph 1 CRITICAL 8418 Collection System Modeling Upgrade CRITICAL 8412 Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Trunk VERY HIGH pCS1 Collection System Renovation Program VERY HIGH 8422 Walnut Creek sewer Renovations - Ph 11 VERY HIGH 8424 CIPP/Lining - Ph1 HIGH pCS4 Collection System Urgent Projects HIGH 8406 Pump Station Safety Imp HIGH 8419 Collection System Planning HIGH 5991 Pleasant Hill sewer Renovations - Ph 2 HIGH 8408 Pumping Station Master Plan HIGH 5993 Forcemain Assessment HIGH 5962 Manhole Remote Level Monitoring HIGH 5941 PS Equip & Piping Replacement MEDIUM 8410 Cathodic Protection System Repl Program MEDIUM pCS34 Misc. Force Main Improvements MEDIUM pCS2 Concrete Pipe Renovation Program MEDIUM pCS31 Pump Station Hazard ID MEDIUM pCS33 Trunk Sewer Expansion Program N/A 8417 Survey Monument Installation Project N/A 8402 Contractual Assessment Districts N/A 8420 Development Sewerage N /A: Project Not Ranked. Project is capitalized essential service. FY14/15 General Improvements Program - Project Priority Ranking Color Code for CIB Pro ram Categories: Vehicles & Equipment Acquisition Management Information Systems Projects Asset Management Plan Priority Category Project Number Project CRITICAL 8226 Seismic Improvements for HOB VERY HIGH 8238 Asset Management Program Development VERY HIGH 8233 CSOD Facilities Improvements VERY HIGH none Information Technology Development VERY HIGH 8227 GDI- Treatment Plant VERY HIGH 8232 GDI -SMMS Replacement VERY HIGH pG105 POD Office Improvements HIGH 8515 Vehicles and Equipment Acquisition HIGH 8234 HOB Improvements HIGH 8223 District Property Saftey Improvements MEDIUM 8207 General Security Access MEDIUM 8237 Buffer and Rental Property Improvements N/A 8230 Capital Legal Services N/A 8236 District Easement Acquisition N/A 9999 Capital Project Clearing N/A 8217 JCapital Improvement Plan and Budget N /A: Project Not Ranked. Project is capitalized essential service. FY14/15 Recycled Water Program - Project Priority Ranking Color Code for CIB Program Categories: Urban Landscaping Priority Category Project Number Project CRITICAL 7299 Concord Landscape Project VERY HIGH 7261 Cathodic Protection System Repl. VERY HIGH 7306 Zone 1 Recycled Water - Ph 1 C VERY HIGH 7259 Rec cled Water Planning HIGH 7300 Refinery Recycled Water Project HIGH 7279 Concord Naval Weapons Station Recycled Water Planning