1331 Concord Avenue
P.O. Box H2O
Concord, CA 94524
(925) 688 -8000 FAX (925) 688 -8122
October 17, 2014
OCT 2 3 2014
Joseph L. CampbellIcv
Karl L. Wandry Roger Mr. Vice President Bailey, General Manager
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Bette eo 5019 Imhoff Place
Lisa M. Borba
John A. Burgh Martinez, CA 94553
Jerry Brown
General Manager Subject: Central Co ra Costa Sanitary District Recycled Water Production
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Dear M ailey:
A we have discussed, the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) is currently
preparing an update of its long -term water supply plan, the Future Water Supply
Study (FWSS). CCWD is evaluating all water supply alternatives as part of the
FWSS, including conservation, recycled water, and water transfers. This effort
represents a "blank slate" look at options. A key part of CCWD's FWSS update is to
identify how the region will comply with the requirements of SBX7 -7, which
mandates all retail water service providers reduce per capita water usage 20% by
2020. CCWD is considering a combination of recycled water and conservation
programs to meet these new requirements.
Staff from CCWD and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ( CCCSD) have
coordinated recently on a number of projects including the Recycled Water Yield
Study, the Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS) Recycled Water Feasibility
Plan, and Refinery Feasibility Studies. In continuation of the recent collaboration and
to keep this first step simple, CCWD is requesting cost information for recycled water
production by CCCSD using the remaining existing capacity in the recycled water
treatment facilities. It is CCWD's understanding that approximately 0.5 million
gallons per day of recycled water could potentially be produced using existing
capacity in CCCSD's recycled water facilities. CCWD is interested in working with
your staff to develop a preliminary estimate of the fixed and variable costs associated
with producing recycled water from the existing facility with delivery to CCWD at
CCCSD's fenceline or some other mutually agreeable point of delivery.
Looking out longer term, the CNWS represents the most significant opportunity for
recycled water development in our area and most likely will require expansion of
capacity in the range of 3 -5 mgd. Also, as part of our effort to plan for modernization
of the Contra Costa Canal, we are evaluating the possibility of serving recycled water
through the loop canal.
Mr. Roger Bailey, General Manager
October 17, 2014
Page 2
Please have your staff contact Jeff Quimby, Planning Manager, at (925) 688 -8310 or
jquimby @ccwater.com to discuss development of cost estimates for recycled water
delivery from CCCSD. CCWD would like to have this information finalized by the
end of this calendar year.
JQ /JB /rlr
cc: Jeff Quimby
Steve Welch