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Costa Sanitary District
President Pro Tem
ACTION SUMMARY PHONE: (925) 228 -9500
FAX.- (925) 676 -7211
Chair Pilecki www.centralsan.org
Member Causey
Monday, September 22, 2014
12:30 p.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
PRESENT: Chair Tad Pilecki, Member Paul Causey, Director of Administration David
Heath, Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez, Accountant Amal
Lyon, Engineering Assistant III Earlene Millier (left after Item 3.), Associate Engineer
Dan Frost (left after Item 4.), Environmental Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell
(left after Item 5.), Plant Operations Department Maintenance Division Manager Neil
Meyer (left after Item 5), Associate Engineer Rita Cheng (left after Item 7.), Senior
Engineer Randy Schmidt (left after Item 7.), Senior Engineer Dana Lawson (for Item 5.),
Engineering Support Supervisor Carolyn Knight (for Item 6.), Engineering Support
Information Systems Analyst Carl Von Stetten (for Item 6.), Senior Engineer Craig
Mizutani (for Item 8.), Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky (for Item 8.), Senior
Administrative Technician Christina Gee
Call Meeting to Order
Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Review draft Position Paper approving revised FY 2014 -15 Capital Improvement
Budget (CIB) funding authorization table (Table 1) with actual rather than
estimated carryover of unspent funds previously allocated to ongoing projects and
revised total FY 2014 -15 authorizations for each program
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September 22, 2014
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Engineering Assistant 111 Earlene Millier stated that the yearly revised Table 1
corrects estimates that were in the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB), to reflect
actual "carry- over" and inform the Board of the correct figures for the four
programs in the CIB.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and.recommended Board approval.
4. Receive staff update on the District's participation in the Regional Renewable
Energy Procurement (R -REP) project and potential solar power purchase
agreements for the Collection System Operations Building, Vehicle Maintenance
Building, and Household Hazardous Waste Facility
Associate Engineer Dan Frost stated that staff is working with the best value
vendor through the R -REP bid process, SunEdison, on project site constraints
and final power purchase agreement (PPA) pricing proposals. It is expected that
in November 2014, staff will present its recommendations in a draft position paper
to the Committee, followed by submitting the position paper to the full Board in
early December. While the project would not provide significant economic
savings for the District, it would provide social and environmental benefits and is
not expected to result in a monetary loss.
Member Causey noted that the project will contribute toward energy sustainability.
He recommended that the District enhance its onsite energy generation and
noted that, at a past Board meeting, he requested that staff to develop an energy
profile that would include all District facilities.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received report and provided input to staff.
5. Receive progress update on the Asset Management Program and review
proposed Board Policy (BP) 015, Asset Management
Senior Engineer Dana Lawson gave the presentation which was included in the
agenda packet.
Member Causey believed that the Implementation Plan and Asset Management
Policy should be reviewed by the Board concurrently, noting that, in his opinion,
several of the Board Members might need this information to understand the
policy on Asset Management. Chair Pilecki, on the other hand, agreed with staff's
recommendation to establish a high -level policy, which would guide the drafting of
the Implementation Plan to follow.
Chair Pilecki asked that the Administration Committee Members be informed, if
they had not already been, that, per General Manager Roger Bailey's decision,
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September 22, 2014
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the policy would be reviewed by Engineering & Operations Committee, given that
they had been receiving regular updates on Asset Management.
The Committee provided input regarding the content of the proposed policy and
draft position paper.
Member Causey's comments included adding risk, sustainability, stewardship of
assets, the definition of an asset, public impact with regard to triple bottom line,
sinking funds if they are established, differentiation of physical and soft assets,
and illustration of levels of service and customer input.
Ms. Lawson stated that she was directed that the policy should not be too long or
detailed, in keeping with Board President (and Member of the Administration
Committee) Williams' preference that the Board policies be high - level, while staff
procedures be more detailed. She stated that financial aspects mentioned by
Member Causey, such as the establishment of sinking funds, may be a policy in
itself, and it was her understanding that the Board would discuss that with the
Cost -of- Service Study consultant, Raftelis Financial Consultants.
Chair Pilecki stated that a high -level policy with some of Member Causey's
comments incorporated might have a higher likelihood of Board adoption than a
more detailed policy. This would launch the Asset Management program and
allow for a staff - driven Implementation Plan to be drafted. It would be appropriate
to reassess the policy after it has been in place for a year.
Member Causey suggested that the policy should reference the Implementation
Plan and staff procedures, which he believes should be reviewed by the
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received update, provided suggested changes to BP
015, and recommended that the revised policy be brought back to the
Committee at its October 27, 2014 meeting prior to full Board review on
November 6, 2014.
6. Receive demonstration of Treatment Plant Geographic Data Integration (GDI)
This item was taken out of order and reviewed last due to time constraints.
Engineering Support Information Systems Analyst Carl Von Stetten provided a
live demonstration of the GDI, showing overlays of the maps of the tunnels,
electrical, pipes, etc. He also showed the equipment look -up which displays
selected data from the CMMS including maintenance history and links to
reference documents stored in Laserfiche.
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September 22, 2014
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Member Causey asked whether expected end of life was recorded in the system
as part of the Asset Management database. Ms. Lawson stated that this field
was included in the recently - installed upgrade but has not been populated, since
it was not included in their import tool for easy upload.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received demonstration.
7. Review and comment on draft Position Paper authorizing the General Manager to
amend the existing $95,000 professional engineering services agreement with
Collison Engineering, increasing the cost ceiling from $95,000 to an amount not to
exceed $225,000, for Phase 1 of the Zeolite - Anammox Pilot Plant Study to
include the Surface Area Method as part of the Study, District Project 7315
Senior Engineer Randy Schmidt gave the presentation which was included in the
agenda packet.
Member Causey requested that the recommendation in the position paper read
that staff recommended revising the agreement by increasing the cost ceiling and
the Agreement should not exceed $225, 000.
Member Pilecki asked that the cash flow explanation and table be reworked so
the Board can see the program figures, including contingency, closeouts, and
past allocations.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed draft Position Paper and recommended
Board approval with the Committee's suggested changes.
8. Review schedule of upcoming bids and awards and discuss change orders over
$50,000, if needed
*a. Provisional Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez distributed a
Schedule of Upcoming Bids and Awards (attached).
Member Causey requested a report on how many projects designed last
year were delayed, closed out, or otherwise not completed. Mr. Lopez
said that staff will look into the FY 2013 -14 projects and provide an update
at the next Committee meeting.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Suggested that future reports contain a
column for "CIB Total Estimated Project Costs," located before the
Engineer's Estimate. Requested a report on designed projects that
did not come to fruition last year.
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September 22, 2014
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*b. Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky provided a report on the 2013 Cured -In-
Place Piping, District Project 8405 (attached). He stated that two change
orders were issued for $81,446 and $51,418, for a total of seven change
orders, representing 9.3% of the construction contract cost.
Change Order #6 was related to handling and disposal of contaminated
materials. Potential sources and types of contaminated materials were
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report and requested additional
information on Change Order #6.
*c. Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani gave a presentation (attached) on Change
Order #11 for the Primary Treatment Plant Renovation, District Project
Chair Pilecki asked how much of the 5.3% was additional work versus
unforeseen work. Mr. Lopez stated that breakdown would be added to
future reports.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
9. Receive report regarding any projects approaching a budget overrun within the
15 percent General Manager authority, if needed
Mr. Lopez reported that Carone & Company submitted a Claim in the amount of
$771,537.91 as part of the Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 8, District
Project 8404.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received report.
10. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Monday, October 27, 2014 at 12:30 p.m. (Special)
Monday, November 24, 2014 at 12:30 p.m. (Special)
Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 12:30 p.m. (Special)
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements.
11. Suggestions for future agenda items
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September 22, 2014
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12. Adjournment — at 2:47 p.m.
* Attachment
Schedule of Upcoming Bids and Awards
DP No.
Project Title
Date Bids
Low Bid
Bid Opening *
Cathodic Protection, Phase 1
Michael Penny
$ 455,000
$ 396,246
Companies, Inc.
TP Safety Enhancements,
$ 240,000
Phase 4
POD ADA Improvements
$ 100,000
Sludge Blending Tank
Emergency Repairs
CIPP Lining, Phase 1
Lafayette Sewer Renovations,
Nancy Molina
Phase 9
Pleasant Hill- Grayson Creek
Nancy Molina
Trunk Sewer
Seismic Upgrades for the
Pump & Blower Building
Martinez Sewer Renovations,
Michael Penny
Phase 4
* Dates are subject to change.
9! b
September 22, 2014
2013 CIPP, DP 8405:
California Trenchless, Inc.
Construction Contract $2,037,245
Final Change Orders Amount (total of 7) $191,198 (9.3 %)
#3 Extra cleaning of 21" tar -lined CMP and installation method
change from Steam to Water Cure due to sag under 1 -680 $81,446
#6 Disposal of 20 yards of hazardous material generated during
cleaning of 36" RCTL* adjacent to Shell Refinery in Martinez $51,418
*RCTL — Reinforced Concrete Tar Lined Pipe
Primary Treatment Renovations
DP 7285
September 22, �
Primary Treatment Renovations, DP 7285
Change Order Information
Change Order 11:
Install new elevated concrete slab under existing
concrete walkway on east side of Tank No. 3—
Cost: $55,445 (plus T &M work to remove failed
Contract Status:
NPaid to date: $6,229,000 (58% of Total)
^'Total CO's(13): $542,813 (5.3%)
Sed. Tank No. 3 Walkway Repair
• Concrete fails during
installation of anchors
for supports
• All walkways tested. No
other major corrosion
Sed. Tank No. 3 Walkway Repair
• Complete Project Solutions
design repair method —
separate &independent
Sed. Tank No. 3 Walkway Repair