HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 11-01-1979((CSD Central Contra Costa -R,District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSIT90N PAPER SUBJECT VIA: ROGER J. 60 N General Manager—Chief Engineer AUTHORIZATION OF $5,500 FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE SUB -COMPACT CAR FOR THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL/RECLAMATION PLANT SUBMITT ED BY Plant Operations Department DATE October 31, 1979 TYPE OF ACTION Capital Expenditure Issue: There is need for an additional vehicle for the Water Pollution Co to rol/Reclamation Plant for transportation for the Plant Operations Division Manager, Laboratory personnel, and computer personnel. Background: The reorganized Plant Operations Division currently has 49 employees. The vehicles available to the Plant Operations Division are as follows: O Truck #4 - assigned to Operations Division. o Truck #67 - assigned to the Plant Operations Division Manager, the Laboratory {Plant Operations Division} Plant Engineering, and Purchasing and Materials. The equivalent number of vehicles available for the Plant Operations Division is about 1.5. This has The Laboratory needs a vehicle two to three timesnatdayeforasamplee. collection and is frequently unable to find an available vehicle. The Plant Operations Division Manager has been stranded at the Plant unable to get to the District office because of the unavailability of a vehicle. e The purchase of a compact car would solve the Plant Operations Division transportation problems. Recommendation: Authorization of $5,500 for the_ compact car for the Water Pollution Division. Control/ReclamationsPlanta Operations INITIATING DEPT., DIV. r i I REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION G N. ;CHIEF ENG. W. C.D. S►IECT OF Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distric BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. OB 1 POSITION pp PER 7 ROGER J. DOLAN DATE /1 General Manager—Chief Engineer 11/1/79 SUeJ£CT DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT NO. 3058, HOLDING BASIN TYPE OF ACTION MODIFICATIONS AT THE DISTRICT TREATMENT PLANT NOTICE OF COMPLETION AUTHORIZATION TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBMITTED BY Michael J. Britten, Associate Enqineer ISSUE: The Contractor, Winton Jones Contractor, Inc., has satisfactorily completed work on the project, and the Notice of Completion should now be filed with the County Recorder. The total construction cost of the project is $196,991.14. BACKGROUND: The original bid for the project was $182,145. However, several unforeseeable circumstances resulted in an extra cost of $14,846.14, which is broken down as follows: Item Description Cost I Revise 24 -inch culvert coating specification to ($2,818.51) obtain piping within required lead time. 2 Construct temporary levees and other miscellaneous 3,361.25 work necessitated by boiler room explosion and consequent plant bypasses. 3 Clear weeds from bypass channel for easier future 1,762.25 maintenance; remove boulders from Basin A -South; remove existing sack rap from discharge of 78 -inch bypass line to provide proper grade for draining Basin A -South. 4 Install additional air -blown mortar on overflow 2,098.25 structure to provide more erosion control. 5 Construct a new levee around the east end of the twin 2,688.50 72 -inch culverts between Holding Basins B and C to increase the capacity of Basin B by about 24 million gallons. 6. Disposal of 1,077 additional cubic yard of sludge 7,754.40 over the originally estimated 5,200 cubic yards. Total Extra Work $14L846.14 RECOMMENDATION: Accept the project work as complete and authorize the District General Manager -Chief Engineer to file a Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Special Projects e Engi neeri nq w� �.I G£ M C F ENG. f HEFT 1 OF 1 a ((CSD 0 Central Contra Costa sanitary District BOAR® OF ®!RECTORS POSITIONS PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager—Chief Engineer SUBJECT EXECUTE COMMON USE AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA FOR A SEWER EASEMENT (PARCEL 4, JOB NO. 3192) LOCATED WITHIN AN EXISTING STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN THE ALAMO AREA (NO COST TO DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy - ENGINEERING/COLLECTION SYSTEM NO. VII. N.B. 4 cdctober 22, 1979 I YPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY ISSUE: The proposed 10 feet in width sewer easement across the northern portion of Lots 10 and 11, Subdivision 5046 will be located completely within a 25 feet in width storm drainage easement dedicated on the map of said Subdivision 5046 to Contra Costa County. BACKGROUND: The County has indicated that they do not intend to install any facilities within their easement. A common use agreement has been drafted by the District for use in this specific instance. County staff has agreed with wording of the Agreement. According to the terms of the "Agreement", the County cannot require the District to move or remove any sewer lines in case the County does make use of the easement in the future. RECOMMENDATION: and recording. INIThATINGpg.PT✓DIV. Approval. Execute document and forward to county for their execution t " REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION N/IAgR./(;rfEF ENG. SHEET I OF I ((CSD Central ontra Costa Sanitary District i BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPERVIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager—Chief Engineer SUBJECT NEGATIVE DECLARATION PREPARED FOR PROPOSED SEWER PROJECT IN ALAMO AREA. CCCSD IS LEAD AGENCY SUBMITTED BY JAY S. MCCOY - ENGINEERING/COLLECTION SYSTEM No. VII. NB 11 11/1/79 DATE October 30, 1979 TPF- OF ACTION APPROVAL OF PRIVATE SEWER CONSTRUCTION PROJ. ISSUE: Consider adoption of the final Negative Declaration prepared for a proposed sewer project and determine if project should be approved. BACKGROUND: Project proponents propose to install 2315 L.F. of 8 -inch public sewer in a northerly direction from El Pinto Road to a ridge crest located adjacent to El Alamo Road; all easterly and adjacent to State Route 680 near Alamo. The intent is to serve several existing, undeveloped, single family residential lots. Since no subdivision of land is involved in the proposed project, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is the principal agency involved with project approval and is therefore considered to be the lead agency. An initial study has been prepared by a consultant, reports have been solicited regarding soil stability and archaeology, and comments have been requested from the Contra Costa County Planning Department. All input received has been considered in the preparation of the Negative Declaration by District staff. RECOMMENDATION: (1) Approve modifying project to be in accordance with the recommendations obtained from implementation of mitigation measures b, c and d. (2) Adopt the project Negative Declaration with associated mitigation measures. (3) Approve project allowing for the construction pian approval process to continue. REVIEWED INIT TING EPT. DIV. J FOR 60ARD ACTION . ")4./CWEF ENG. EET OF 0 d ((CSD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N O. -~" VII. N.B. 2. POSITION PAPER VIA ROGER J. DOLAN oarE General Manager—Chief Engineer October 26, 1979 SU8}ECT EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH ON BLACKHAWK CORPORATION, JOB 3168 - SUBDIVISION 5435 TYPE T OFACTW RIGHT OF WAY SUbMITTEM)NEERING DEPARTMENT -COLLECTION SYSTEM ISSUE: The property owners desire to maintain an ''entrance" guarde house to be constructed in the center of Silver Maple Drive over a portion of an existing 8 -inch public sewer main. BACKGROUND: The sewer main was designed and installed, according to District Standard Specifications, along the center line of Silver Maple Drive. The subdivision engineer overlooked the fact that the guard house over the sewer main in violation of our Standard Specificationsould be located Staff has determined that the guard house will not interfere with the operation of this sewer. The owners will Install an extra manhole next to the guardhouse as a condition of this agreement. The agreement requires the property owners to pay all costs of re-routing the sewer around the guard house if rerouting becomes necessary. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute "Agreement" and authorize its recording. 'NIT TiNGDREVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION EP7Tr./V, -., GEN./+R./A]�fEF ENG. ET I OF I C (CCXD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District POSITION PAPER SUBJECT BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager—Chief Engineer NO. VII. NB 7 11/1/79 D6ctober 22, 1979 AUTHORIZE STAFF ATTENDANCE AT THE CALIFORNIA COUNCIL TYPE ACTION CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION - EMPLOO YEE COST $175 EDUCATION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy ISSUE: The Construction Inspectors Association Convention will be held in Fresno, CA, November 9th and 10th 1979. BACKGROUND: William Ramsay, Supervising Construction Inspector, is a Registered Construction Inspector with the State of California and an acting member and Director of the Construction Inspectors Association. The District supports Mr. Ramsay's membership as a means of keeping current on developments in the construction inspection field. The total estimated cost for the convention is $175 Program is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize two days per diem and transportation for William Ramsayls attendance at the 1979 Construction Inspector's Association Convention. Attachment INITIATING DEPT REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Engineering* DI � ingng Collection S tem I T.- HEET 1 OF 1 0 0 ((CSD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. NB 8 vlA' ROGER J. DOLAN DATE POSITION PAPER General Manager—Chief Engineer October 29, 1979 SUBJECT SURPLUS DISTRICT EQUIPMENT TYPE OF ACTION DECLARE SURPLUS SUBMITTED BY ENGINEERING/COLLECTION SYSTEM - Jay McCoy ISSUE: It will be advantageous to dispose of obsolete equipment. BACKGROUND: The pieces of equipment listed below are no longer in use due to obsolescense, mechanical failure and changes in operations. To best utilize the departments' limited work and storage space and to realize the greatest return on items with value, it is requested that this equipment be declared surplus. The equipment will be advertised for sale and bids will be received. If no bid is received on a particular item, that item will be thrown away. Item Descrip Est.Currenttion _ _ Market Value 1 Microfilm duplicator IBM - Model 9954 $ 100 2 Microfilm Reader Bruning - Multifocus 100 3 Book stitcher - Interlake S 3A 3/4" 1,000 4 Calculator (mechanical) Marchant - DV 12 0 5 Ledger File - Remington Rand 50 6 Embosser - Pitney Bowes 100 7 Addresser Printer - Pitney Bowes 300 8 24 Drawer File - Pitney Bowes 300 9 Electric Typewriter - Royal 0 10 Tabulation Machine - Burroughs 0 11 Tabulation Machine - Burroughs 0 12 Calculator - Marchant 0 13 2 - Adding Machines - Olivetti 0 14 2 - Adding Machines - Victor 0 15 Calculator - Unitrex 16 Line -a -Time - Remington 0 0 17 Unrepairable Drafting Stool 0 18 6 2 -drawer Permit Files 30 19 Target Punch Reinforcer 0 RECOMMENDATION: Declare the above equipment surplus and authorize its disposal. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IN ATIN p T DIV. ./CHIEF 4t SHEET I OF I i) # (C6D Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN 1111 General Manager Chief Engineer sue�ECT AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL $50,000 52000.3152 OUTFALL EMERGENCY FOR ACCOUNT N0. SUBMITTED &Y. S. McCoy NO. VII. NB 10 11/1/79 DATE October 26, 1979 TFL of ACTION CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ISSUE: Due to the unanticipated extent of repair work required to maintain the existing outfall pipeline system prior to completion of relocation work under District Sewering Protect No. 3170, additional funding will be necessary. BACKGROUND: To date $110,000 has been authorized for the Outfall Emergency work to maintain the existing system ($10,000 on 10/24/78 and $100,000 on 12/7/7$). As of the end of September, $134,000 has been expended. This additional authori- zation is expected to be adequate to cover costs of repairs to the damaged outfall and maintenance of the existing system by District forces until DSP 3170 work is complete. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an additional $50,000 for Acct. No. 52000.3152 for emergency outfall pipeline maintenance. INITIATING DEPT./DIV Engineering j/ Collection S stem REVIEWED AND M FOR BOARD ACTION s GE . G IEF EET OF 0 8 ((CSD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITION PAL General Manager—Chief Engineer SUBJECT EXECUTE TWO (2) COMMON USE AGREEMENTS WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY - WALNUT CREEK AREA ( JOB 1552 - PARCEL 2) NEW JOB 3291 SUBMITTED BY J. S. MCCOY - ENGINEERING/C NO. VII. N.B. 3 DATE October 29, 1979 TYPE OF ACTION RIGHT OF WAY ISSUE: Mr. Richard Kellner is developing his property located at the southeast corner of Boulevard Way and Flora Street. His proposed development plan requires the relocation of a portion of a district sewer main. BACKGROUND: The existing sewer easement was granted to the District on June 21, 1948. —On—August 5, 1970 the County was granted a storm drain easement which overlapped portions of our existing sewer easement. There was no common use agree- ment executed for the storm drain overlap. The sewer relocation due to Mr. Kellner's development will result in the new sewer easement overlapping the storm drain ease- ment. Staff has agreed to enter into a common use agreement with the County for the new sewer overlap if the County enters into a like agreement for the storm drain overlap. The two "agreements" will protect the prior rights of the District and the County while permitting the other agency to maintain its facilities within the area of overlap". RECOMMENDATION: Approval - Execute "agreements" and forward to County for their execution and recording. INIAT 4G /DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GE9r MGR./CHIEF ENG. SHEET I OF I 10 ((CSD Central antra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. N.B. $ POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN DATE General Manager—Chief Engineer November 1, 1979 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION LABOR NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN UNION AND DISTRICT GARBAGE COLLECTION FRANCHISEES GARBAGE FRANCHISE SUBMITTED BY W. C. Dalton - Administration Attached is a letter from Mr. Navone of the Orindal Moraga Disposal Service advising of impending labor contract negotiations and asking whether this District will have a representative in attendance. Issue: On two previous occasions the District has observed the negotiation proceedings, and the Board has been advised of the manner in which the negotiations were conducted. Recommendation: Delegate to management the observation responsibility with the understanding that once negotiations have started or a pattern developed, very limited observation may occur. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I INITIATING DEPT./DIV. G /(CyJ,�)EF ENG. rit SHEET OF (CCSD Central Contra Ccs-qtn I'm-; _.. _ #ary District SOAR® OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager—Chief Engineer SUBJECT AUMORIZE $276 FOR 23 DISTRICT EMpLOYEpS M TBE C.W.P.C.A. SAFETY C�EREDICE IN nALY CITY ON NO�,�gER 14, 1979 FRDI%1 THE i`kjNIUjANCE, ENGINEERING SUBMITTED BY AND PLANT NO, V" - Nil 6 ] ] 1 7c DATE October 30, 1979 TIL VF ACTION EMPLOYEE TRAINING k'L,b '.P OPERAT.LONS DEpAIaH�M Issue: The twelfth annual California Uater Pollution Control Be held November 14, 1979, in Daly City. Safety Conference will �� '�: The agenda provides a rmst interes on gas detection devices and hazards other inportant�g and ]aiowledgeable presentation could provide valuable information for ose attending. safety subjects which Cost: $12.00 per person; total $276 plus transportation in District vehicles. Each Depajtr t is requesting to send the following number of personnel: Maintenance 10 Engineering 3 Plant Operations 10 Total 23 Recomtiendation: Authorize $276 for attendance of 23 District Enployees to the C.W.P.C.A. Safety Conference in Daly City an NOv+ember 14, 1979. / IV. DREVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I TI E / G /CHI F ENG. D. G. Niles RHH CLw SHEET OF