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AGENDA BACKUP 08-02-1979
0 D V1. OB July 25, 1979 8/2/79 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: RUNNING EXPENSE AND G.O. BOND TAX RATES ISSUE: The District Board of Directors is required annually, prior to August 10, to fix the rate of taxation for District purposes. BACKGROUND: With the advent of Proposition 13, and the so-called "bail-out" legislation, the tax rate for Running Expense is no longer subject to Board descretion, (except refusal, possibly) but we are following the format of previous years. The certification of funds for General Obligation Bond service is unchanged. Since we have not yet been notified of the District's total assessed valuation, or the exact distribution formula in this County, we are unable to translate these taxes into equivalent rates. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution WCD:js Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager - Chief Engineer and Certification of Funds. Respectfully submitted, r !J W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: REQUEST AUTHORIZATION TO DECLARE THE DISTRICTS 1944 GMC -GI COMPRESSOR UNIT SURPLUS ISSUE: This compressor truck is in need of extensive repairs. determined that the repair costs would exceed the value of this unit We have e the district.to BACKGROUND: This truck and compressor was purchased through the state civil desfense program several years ago. It is difficult to get parts for truck and compressor whenever repairs are needed. We undoubtedly couldhget a new compressor for the cost of putting this equipment In good running order. RECOMMENDATION: Declare the 1944 GMC -GI Compressor unit surplus. Respectfully submitted, bjtf� Recommendation Approved: William.C. Dalton Den,Aty General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. N8 5 8/2/71 July 26, 1979 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: $5,000 CLAIM BY PACIFIC TELEPHONE FOR ALLEGED DAMAGE TO UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE FACILITIES BY D. W. YOUNG CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3162, MORAGA ROAD ISSUE: A claim has been filed by Pacific Telephone for alleged damage as detailed on the attachment. BACKGROUND: The subject damage occurred on July 9, 1g79 and was documented by the inspector for the District on the project. Telephone facilities were indicated on the construction plans. In accordance with the proect specifi- cations, the responsibility for payment of this claim rests wiithJthe contractor, D. W. Young Construction. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the claim by Pacific Telephone for $5,000 and refer to District Counsel. JSM:sf Attachment Respectfully submitted, Jai S. McCoy .. Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager Recommendation Approved: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer August 1, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR ISSUE: A claims administration firm is required to be appointed to provide claims adjusting and management, loss prevention and control, and loss reporting services under the District's Risk Management Program. BACKGROUND: The Risk Management Program adopted by the Board of Directors for the insurance policy year beginning July 1, 1979 provides for self-insured retentions in the following amounts: Risk Limits Coverage Retention General Liability/ Auto Liability $ 50,000 per occur. $10 million $100,000 annual aggreg. Directors and Officers Liability $ 1 million $ 10,000 Employee Blanket Bond $ 1 million $100,000 Boiler and Machinery $ 2 million $ 10,000 Property: $20 million Fire, EC and V & MM $100,000 Earthquake excluding pipelines 5% of loss Flood excluding pipelines $100,000 A basic feature of a self-insured program is the necessity of obtaining competent and professional claims management of losses occurring within the self-insured limits; important adjuncts to claims management are loss prevention and loss reporting services. The services typically provided by a claims administration firm are described below: I. Establish and implement claims procedure and supply recommended claim report forms. 2. Provide professional claims employees to investigate, report and settle claims by means of written reports and documented files. 3. Communicate with excess insurers when required. 4. Pursue subrogation and recovery when warranted. 5. Control and direct activities of competent public entity legal defense firms. G. Administer loss payment fund, or secure checks and warrants direct from the District. 7. Provide computerized loss reports on a monthly basis. 8. Assist in loss prevention and control activities. X X The two common methods used to determine the fee for a claims administration firm's services are the "Flat Fee" and the "Time and Expense" methods. Under the Flat Fee method, all claims administration services are provided for an annual fixed fee. The Time and Expense method provides for a fixed claims adminis- tration fee, plus field adjusting services billed at an hourly rate. Allocated expenses such as defense attorney's costs are not included in either fee bases and are billed separately as Incurred. Because of the low volume of liability and property claims experienced by the District, the Time and Expense method of fee determination is the more suitable. Requests for proposals were sent to four claims administration firms which were included in a list recommended by Warren, McVeigh & Griffin. All four firms submitted proposals which have been evaluated. Additionally, the claims adminis- tration firm proposed by Schroder Insurance Agency in its broker proposal, Employer's Self -Insured Services, was included in the evaluation. A comparative summary of the five proposals is provided in the attached exhibit. On the basis of the evaluation, the proposal of George Hills Company, Inc. should be accepted. The fee proposal on a Time and Expense basis suits the District's loss experience, and this firm has claims administration experience in the wastewater treatment field. The firm's Walnut Creek office is conveniently located to service our account and is in close proximity to our insurance broker. Risk managers of agencies serviced by George Hills Company, Inc. who were contacted praised the professionalism and high quality of the service obtained. The Schroder Insurance Agency's assessment of this firm confirmed the high standing that it has in the claims administration field. A copy of George Hills Company, Inc.'s proposal is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint George Hills Company, Inc. as claims administrator for the District's Risk Management Program, and authorize the General Manager -Chief Engineer to execute a Service Agreement on a Time and Expense basis. WN F: rm Reviewed by: uxt W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, s` ,d� . Walter N. Funasaki Finance Officer Recommendation approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer y a v O u 4d N CL) 4- G Dnp 3 to U m A a E N ✓i L y � > T > m o 4 C L u m N {J O N v C E ro -�+ 5wmw L w ro o U u C N d 00 J '-.' V0 u O E O i O m U •M a .- x 7 U 0. m M > >. C T GU T U m ,� 1- T C L O m }U~U¢ U. w(j U uu UO a mUU~} al O L E c d a 3 a L- o. L v w m a Y tn m b m 3 L u1 N m o 0 > _ - m C N a+ _ c O N C L O •u O L 0 0 c ami L m O d= '17 CL m cc S7 �+ O ' L N ♦+ a O N0.' U 0 L u K u a NU •C N N IA n _ •} •; � •c c L N .0 0 L4 J O •C •cto N a� Toa >N vs vain bE N� N - a = •_ E c a> E N.- — �; E r L L} •� m C? L u •� m •m C LO a 0 u da m C- Le) Q ar >. o v c v � O v Ov u N O a v m c v N .D U c x L L •- a p b u N 0 w W �a o a c N ro v u p ; t c c c vim• -v C u w o R O Ir O Z x N >. E O u O T 7 L n o d m E y in v ro m" t o E r L.-..- .A .r L a m 0 M m m _. a m T L N O N Q t n— c a u a ro Ln.- m=2Q m p a N c- N L O I LL N o^ m U O. c O L aa M N L H N m m N LL1 � n< Z7 m W �. N y., N al C C a c •� K v a E E O C O. i O N a -� N O b a V n �n •- ._ _ ID a+ W L .- d l 1 ` 0 d Xa o m L L U U N o �R v a LL w a u ti I+ a w a y N w o N o L L d ro ri N w1 ._ M- 4i LnN E •• .�• c lL d y� L a a aa)i v .D a i c -- m o ro•- L o w ro m O NU O. ro a E 7 cc) c o.�.� pN y L._ .J a an O a) -�- CN x7; L� F a M LL F Q d O N U U 0. �n u C C N � •y V E I 0 Q7 LL N h a � = t � O . c m u N d c V3 r O o u u d N N V N U U - U c C >- m ro L. � cL G L N W ro 1L to1a_ Ln O N VI a _O c c N CD w O a CL w LF%r-4 O c c P c > CA w w w^ w N u> 'c. O O O O N O 0 T 41 - Y G E O ro m- N- 'o a _ N >0 N T+� Tw T N C ro ro JD y ..-. Y L i+ '- N ro N 7 Z N 7 G^. _li .-Q... CC 0. 0tn u O 1L y1 U U U U U U N Z N ro O O L a w ro LF%r-4 O U N 2 C C •O N O w tel tpp a+ L A 0 1� Q 4p Z7 � K r oC 'G C M C 111 o v3 E 0 W roc ro c v L o N L > ro L No N++ ro ++ u aroi r rtCi T .0 O •+ Evm L u c +� O •- N N O 'Q V V1 ro C N ro ro 111 ro Q 04- u N N 4).- 01 U N O OL Tw x 41 G u L w V •O N N ro O a O ro Naw L u U C> w C N N N L Q u w N, °' O + X-C L m c C N V 41 w1w w 0 0 7 0 O +n •- T O G w C 'o Z T L 'V N X E u aro 5 T d. -Nro x- :0 um N •> o N N N C V m (U N N u N 0 L Vi. ^OoQ$ b V -. T 0 T 1 V L a/^ u.o m E u N LO -Q u0 u OL va O T ro u++ w 1p e+ L.7 �'L >' ro L c L O 01 N a.I ro L ro L L 1L 1i ro L m o- a N N u u n 0 n . o a o E N L G 10 !aro^ L- G ro ^ N .o~ OaLl- u1.O 7 ° N C r� IL Q vNi ^ N O AA O u a 7 0 J V+ L L ro ro L m N c •C u ro G U1 - E � ro a 7 W Q N 1n C O v1 u _E •ro O u 1 w ro ++ u ut ow +N-' 1n u1 L ro N T ? L ro • O L t4� C N N C N 6 aro U V1 d 0. W n � VTI. NB 8/2/7 July 31, 1979 MEMO TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 79-21 (one' parcel) ALAMO AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN FORTHCOMING DISTRICT ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS Qea\o0 o @`Fa C; a o at t a Its Qo��x PC1( o�'�OPaat Qat 79-21 ALAMC YES 2.41 ROBERT BUCK -EXECUTOR ESTATE OF E. A. MOSBY P. 0. BOX 1645 CARMEL, CA 95921 191-010-011 Board Action a at�� t�tiOo� J�ro\ t;�a ONE EXISTING HOUSE, PROPERTY TO BE DIVIDED INT 4 PARCELS - NEGATIVE DECLA A - TION AND TENTATIVE MAP APP OVED BY COUNTY. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P. A. 79-21 to be included in the next formal annexation to the District. Respectfully submitted, %�j �jy . McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG:sf Recommendation Approved: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer July 25, 1979 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: EXECUTE "CONSENT TO THE EXECUTION OF A DEED TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FOR PUBLIC ROADS", ALAMO AREA, JOB 740 - PARCEL 1. ISSUE: This District has an existing easement within a strip of land to be deeded to Contra Costa County for widening of Danville Boulevard near the Alamo Plaza Shopping Center. The County requests that the District execute the above consent document. BACKGROUND: This consent document has been used by this District in the past. It permits the road to be constructed over our easement while the District retains prior rights. The District becomes subject to the County's ordinances regarding construction and maintenance in public streets. However, we are not obligated to bear the cost of any relocation which may be requested by the County. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute consent document. JSM:WG:sf Attach. trict Counsel Respectfully submitted, Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager Recommenda 'on Approved: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer V11. N! 3 7/31, August 1, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: TERMINATION OF LEASE WITH OBERT E. EINEVOLL FOR PARCEL B ISSUE: The parcel described as Parcel B in the Obert E. Einevoll lease is required for the disposal of excavated material during the holding basin renovation project. BACKGROUND: A lease was entered into with Obert E. Einevoll on July 12, 1978, for the use of Parcel B (see attached drawing) for the sum of $50.00 per month. The lease requires that 30 days notice be given prior to termination. The subject parcel has been identified as the best disposal site for approximately 30,000 cubic yards of material excavated during the holding basin renovation project. Upon completion, the elevation of the subject parcel will match that of the adjacent areas, making it more useful for future CCCSD uses. RECOMMENDATION: Terminate the lease with Obert E. Einevoll on Parcel B of ective September 2, 1979. JL:jv Reviewed by: David G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations Reviewed by: Clark L. Weddle Deputy Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, John Larson Senior Engineer - Project Management IAppr``oved W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Enginee X] July 31, 1979 0 VII. NB 6 7/31/79 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $4,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A DELTA SCIENTIFIC CHLORINE RESIDUAL ANALYZER Issue: The chlorine residual analyzer installed at the dechlorination facility is very expensive to operate. The new Delta Scientific Chlorine Residual Analyzer offers a significant cost savings. Background: The existing Wallace and Tiernan Chlorine Residual Analyzer installed at the treatment plant's dechlorination facility costs approxi- mately $2,000/year in manpower and chemicals. The Delta Scientific instrument should require $600/year in manpower and chemicals which would provide a three- year payback based on a $4,000 purchase price. In checking long-term installations at other treatment plants, the manu- facturer's claims for a significant reduction in operating cost and operational problems appears to be true; however, purchase on a 30 -day trial basis would be recommended. A copy of the catalog information is attached. This work is being done in conjunction with the dechlorination improvements project. Purchase of this equipment will provide a lower purchase price and better control than including the purchase in the dechlorination improvements contract. Recommendation: Authorization of the purchase of a Delta Scientific Chlorine Residual Analyzer at a price not to exceed $4,000 using sewer construction funds. DGN:mg Recommendation Approved: , kXQQ�_=_ W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, s,/7,ki )L D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations VII. NB Agenda 812179 7 8/2/79 July 27, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE $5,000 FOR INCIDENTALS AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESS DRIVEWAY AT ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMP STATION - DSP 3197 BACKGROUND: There is a need to provide a more convenient access driveway to the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station in Orinda through Bryant Way in view of proposed expansion of developments atthe existing access driveway. The proposed driveway will traverse property the District recently acquired from BART. RECOMMENDATION: Approve authorization of $5,000 for Orinda Crossroads Pump Station driveway construction, DSP 3197. Respectfully submitted, t//j ay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:sf ''Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NB 9 8/2/79 July 31, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE DECHLORINATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT ISSUE: The scope of work has been expanded beyond the original contract ante cost ceiling must be raised to complete the design work. BACKGROUND: The cost ceiling contained in the June 14, 1979 contract with John Carollo Engineers was $14,480 (including a $1,956 fixed profit). During the course of the design, the scope of work was expanded to include the design of a concrete block building (the original concept included a steel building), addition of a more complicated controls/instrumentation package (to allow computer control), and investigation of alternative instruments for chlorine residual measurement. The consultant has requested that the cost ceiling be raised by $3,023 (to $17,503) to cover the cost of the additional work. There is no increase in the fixed profit. RECOMMENDATION: Increase the cost ceiling in the June 14, 1979, John Carollo Engineers contract and execute the attached ammendment to the contract JAL:jv Reviewed by: 4, -x Clark L. Weddle Deputy Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, r hn arson Senior Engineer -Project Management Recommendation Approved: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer g r .1 1 VI. OB 0 2 7/31/79 July 24, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ANNUAL INTEREST ALLOWANCE AND FEE SURCHARGE FOR REBATE INSTALLATIONS ISSUE: Ordinance 128 (Code Section 9-702) provides for annual review and increase, if justified, of installers recovery amounts and rebate fees charged. BACKGROUND: The first action under this new code section increased re ate fees by 5% beginning July 1, 1978. Rebate recoveries were increased by the same percentage beginning July 1, 1979. We have reviewed the ENR Construction Cost Index and other related indexes between March 1978 and March 1979 which would apply to sewer construction and value and find a range of 8.4% to 9.5%. The depreciation we recommend is based on a 100 year economic life for sewer pipe lines or one percent (1%) per year. RECOMMENDATION: Increase all rebate fees by seven and one half percent .5 effective July 1, 1979, and rebate recovery amounts in all installers accounts by seven and one half percent (7.5%) on July 1, 1980. Respectfully submitted, LUCCSA_:�) W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD: j v Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer ENR cost index forecast - Percentage of Index % chg. 40/79 Labor cont. Pipe Building cost index 0/78 123 151 56.3 63.2 Construction cost index 5.7 3.3 CNy Mu. Doc Mor. 3/75- forecast Doc �5 Mor. Doc. 172 89 71 0 43.5 0 � %C1q. 21.0 78 79 79 3/79 79 12/79 79 79 Mar. 79 3/78- 3/79 178 let 12/7j*. 0.3 0.3 257 22.9 4.7 2.3 +128 113 59.9 0.8 29.6 3.5 8.1 2.1 3.7 79 12/79 U,S,A-00 1910 1734 1750 +9.2 1901 +9•S 2993 2999 2999 +7.2 3099 +7.9 Atlanta ...... Ballimore .... B lrminghom 1404 1539 1504 7636 1495 1665 +6.5 +82 1617 1779 -7: X8.8 16 2320 2173 2396 2173 24.5 34.8 4.5 5.1 +80 . Boslon ....,. 1433 1616 1548 1721 1549 1757 +8.0 +8.7 1676 7878 +83 2114 2283 2424 2279 +4,1 +7.8 2549 2488 +8.4 +6.0 Chicago ..... 1888 1779 1801 +6.7 1914 +8.1 +7.6 2623 2810 2773 2982 2792 3004 +64 2973 +7-2 Cincinnati ... Cleveland .... 1655 1853 1802 1809 1617 1793 +90 +8.5 1957 1049 +86 2847 3089 3095 +8.9 +8.7 3212 3363 +7.7 +6.0 DeOas .,..,,. Denver . 7456 1580 1556 1892 15 59 1 690 +7 0 +7.0 1671 177 +7 4 3000 2028 3268 2083 3252 2085 +8 4 +2 8 3659 2241 +8.9 +76 De1r1 ... ,,. tN�70 1714 15 1859 +0 5 1822 2029 +7 7 +85 2358 3002 2565 3224 2563 3212 +8.7 2790 +84 Los Knuu City .. 1880 1785 1755 1970 1 f02 1 +4-9 1664 +6.2 2894 3040 3046 +70 +5.2 3409 3295 +7.0 +7 4 Minneapolis „ New Orlean6 1581 1475 1732 1586 1789 7582 +1s 1,9 ?916g +10.8 3179 2689 294 09 2944 +8.3 3179 Now York .... 1847 1876 1928 +7.3 +4.4 1898 2019 +8.5 +76 2227 3182 2347 3325 2387 3329 +7.2 2537 +9 S +9 1 Pldladolphle Ptll6burph , • . 1622 1602 1895 1809 1702 1812 +49 +77 1809 +6.7 2701 2839 2846 +52 +5.4 3548 3015 +8,7 +8.2 Francisco0..... 1788 1941 1678 2039 +14.2 1954 T779 +80 +74 2701 2973 2945 2949 +9.2 3182 +8.4 5611 Seatgo ._.... 1588 1765 1770 +11.6 2170 1984 . 11.8 +12 4 3319 2881 34+7,1 12 3197 3597 3202 �+5,� +iii- 3705 .8,$,r 3520 +10,1 ENA Base: 1913 = 100 'id Ef49, 3 tiz 7q Complete urban sewer system cost indexes Base city: Kansas City, Mo. City Atlerda .. Gallimore diltminighson ...................... Boelen............................ Charlotte ......................... C1ltcago......................... Clncltlnatl ........................ Cleveland ........... Damao .......................... Denver.......................... DetroK ........................... Houston................ .. Karnes City ...................... LoMiami g�............................ ........... ............ ........... Mlhrookos....... Mlnneepolle ................ . NowOrle . ..........•.. oris ...... .............. NowYork ........................ Philadelphia ...................... Pittsburgh -..................... SL Louis ......................... Sen Francbeo .................... Seattle ........................... Trenton .......................... Index - Percentage of Index % chg. 40/79 Labor cont. Pipe Lumbar AWN, 0/78 123 151 56.3 63.2 0.4 0.4 343 5.7 3.3 +79 121 60.0 0.5 28.2 302 5.3 8.0 2.0 3.3 +8.3 +12.0 172 89 71 0 43.5 0.4 0.7 21.0 5.2 2.5 +6.2 178 73.1 0.4 43.4 19.7 79 4.5 4.5 2.3 +81 +7,2 178 let 66.9 71.1 0.3 0.3 257 22.9 4.7 2.3 +128 113 59.9 0.8 29.6 3.5 8.1 2.1 3.7 +10.4 +7.6 124 178 644 88.4 0.5 0.3 25.8 6.3 2.9 +7.8 129 64.8 0.5 244 26.1 4.5 5.4 24 32 +9.9 +112 181 184 654 68.7 0.4 0.4 259 6.0 2.4 +11.8 138 56.7 0.4 24.5 34.8 4.5 5.1 1.9 +10.8 157 69.7 0.4 222 51 3.0 +12.4 152 158 633 80.3 0.4 0.5 27.3 32 6 8.2 2. 19,4 206 747 03 19.2 4 1 37 2 6 20 +9;9 +13.2 109 - 171 69.2 68.1 0.3 0.4 24,5 3.8 2,2 +9,2 190 732 0.3 23.7 20.9 5-4 37 2.5 +11.0 176 7S.7 04 169 5.1 1 9 1,9 +12.4 +93 183 177 70.2 67 , 04 0.3 23.7 37 21 +10.6 26.2 4.1 23 +149 Source: Environmental Protection Agency; Base: 3rd quarter 1973=100 102 ENR March 22, 1979 VII, NB 0 8 8/2/79 July 30, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO REQUEST BIDS FOR EQUIPMENT TO COMPLETE THE 5A -I CHEMICAL AIR PADDING SYSTEM AT THE TREATMENT PLANT Issue: The completion of the chemical air padding system for the treatment plant will require the purchase of additional equipment. Background: The chemical padding air system at the treatment plant is an important operational and safety function of the chlorination system. The 5A-1 project included the installation of components from the old treatment plant service air system for use in the chemical air padding system. The installation of these old components was deleted under a deductive change order when it was learned that the old components were not compatible with the chlorine sytem. The need for the chemical padding air system exists, and the following components are required to make the system operational: Two non -lubricated air compressors (18 SCFM @ 200 psig) Two desiccant type air driers (-40o F. dew point) One Hygrometer to monitor moisture in the air leaving the driers Estimated Total Cost: $17,500 The purchase and installation of this equipment is presently part of the 5B -I project. However, due to delays in the 5B -I project, it is felt that this work should be carried out now. The State does not normally fund work which is carried out prior to the complete project authorization. The staff, however, will make a formal request for prior authorization for funding this work. Recommendation: Authorization to request bids for equipment for the chemical padding air system at the treatment plant. DGN:mg Recommendation Approved: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations July 17, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VII. NB 4 8/2/79 VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE $145 FOR ATTENDANCE BY DISTRICT FINANCE OFFICER AT CLEAN WATER GRANT SEMINAR, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, AUGUST 24, 1979 ISSUE: The curriculum for the second day of this two-day grant administration seminar can provide knowledge highly beneficial to the District in Insuring compliance with federal and state financial and accounting requirements. BACKGROUND: The District's Accounting Department assembles and submits grant payment requests to the federal and state approving agencies. The agenda for the second day of the seminar is particularly pertinent as it covers legal re- quirements, nature of documentation required, approvals for administrative and force account charges, acceptable accounting systems and the proper submission of requests for payment. III Y The cost of $145 for the one -day seminar is grant eligible, as are reasonable 1I travel expenses. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize attendance by the District Finance Officer at the Clean Water Grant Administration Seminar at a cost of $145 plus reasonable travel expenses. WNF: Jms Reco endation A roved: Roger . olan General anager-Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, Walter N. Funasaki Finance Officer Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engr. °�w� vo3 GUs p 4 6 Q �[ Y� � �� 8 tl •Fm CSM _ e t cn g 0 L o �b�aD L�g a°3c, C J. C? y iE 'pVu o ani7_S� W V����6 jo moo a�.«n a,� bnc ��, uJam^ r ap, c'� E.�ym trywu• y N z � a bm G 7.�tl ` A 6ao'� � � X'°— 8s �j�o e.�y"/j ❑w3� a m d � y 5m6' x c a o �° Tom, a o •� � E vz m � a d ;,.md. '� �' � di°d �mtlom.�u cam3 LK �m �7aqom�3oo.5 .4.9 .H Ek L m1Stlo yo'u''96�,�' ��•n s rq 0 6 60 cl •'F �� bC�• � k mb 'g �o dao e«>d k vC� L° S.�YlaSc�E� rb 2-'��i mV�o'�m�njo—ESfi�`o F p �do� net wa. ommo,�Cj �tl'o pa p�� �E �r �`dokc 7 p d ,0 F a R y y i O A .� 05 a a p 41 EQ.��s•�a�.E�ge ao�g:k aRga9� a'y'.„$OmP�aa°.m A ..• O.� C.OL r 1 z 0 /Up V LU t 0 0 0 W z pMp�/ oda 4 Ie64 +n v C. 0 CL 0 U w ti p E a :E o2o Vigor �� � d d C 02 p 3 Z. a O �w iww S i ga m p o '•- o b« E Q Z E EDL G o C 9 u 11•aE��? >SEaox6�� 4L[•':a t�k g a Cal o CD �b �iag3ao Q.3� • �g��fs� srw� r. .� c'9 lid Cu 156 i i O O v, a .g 'e w 4 E � � Q $� u p. o 61 a m m �Jpe ao`o a � �{ •p a r .p �R 3 'CAU -.5 Z� _.6 W >w � d a g �a p a o L p L p C � bZ-co bm G 7.�tl ` A 6ao'� � � X'°— 8s �j�o e.�y"/j ❑w3� a m d � y 5m6' x c a o �° Tom, a o •� � E vz m � a d ;,.md. 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