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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-05-1979June 27, 1979 VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $99.50 FOR J. L. JOHNSON TO ATTEND A SEMINAR ON MA4AGING TIME GIVEN BY FRED PRYOR SEARS IN SAN FRANCISCO, JULY 12, 1979 Issue: The District requires well-trained personnel in order to effectively manage the treatment plant. Background: The Plant Operations Division Manager has 90 positions under his responsibility. The ability to effectively manage his time will be reflected through greater productivity of his personnel. This one -day seminar is held at various times and places throughout the nation, and July 12, 1979, is the only date scheduled for the San Francisco Bay area. Re=unlendation: Authorized expenditure of $99.54 for registration fees for J. L. Johnson, Plant Operations Division Manager, to attend a Fred Pryor seminar on managing time. 1 !1 i■IS. Respectfully submitted, (v)- �- -%o D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations June 21, 1979 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVE PLANS AND PROJECT MANUAL AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3170, OUTFALL REPAIR ISSUE: The Regional Board has mandated that permanent repair of the dislocated portion of the 72" outfall line be completed by October 30, 1979. On January 4, 1979, the Board authorized funds for preliminary design and R/W acquisition for the project. Construction cost is estimated at $2,600,000. This project falls under the jurisdiction of the Corps of Engineers. The Corps has received comments from Fish and Game regarding our project and its relationship to the expansion of Acme Fill's dump and the placing of dredged materials in the area of our project. The Corps has met with Fish and Game and the Regional Board and has indicated verbally that most of the issues have been resolved. But no written requirements have been received from the Corps. Until those requirements are received and concurred with, the plans and project manual cannot be finalized. In order to meet an October 30 completion, we must proceed to advertise the project. The schedule is to take bids on July 19. it is recommended that a conditional approval of plans and project manual and authorization to advertise be given to allow contractors ample time to bid the project. RECOMMENDATION: Approve plans and project manual and authorize advertising for bids or DSP 3170 subject to the receipt of and concurrence with require- ments of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Respectfully submitted, Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:sf Attachment Recommendation App ved: Rage J. Dtan s4e-._� General Manager -Chief Engineer June 20, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION FIXING THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGES (EQC) FOR 1979-80 AND APPLICATION OF THE CHARGE TO ALL PROPERTIES SERVED BY THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ISSUE: It was the announced intention of the Board to reconsider the EQC rate along with the other items under consideration at the hearing of 6/21/79. BACKGROUND: The Board adopted Resolution 79-101 (copy attached), dated May 31, 1975, fixing the 1979-80 EQC rates subject to any changes resulting from the hearing scheduled for Board Meeting of June 21, 1979. Also attached are three tables to be considered as part of this review. Table 1 shows the estimated salary savings that are expected to result from unfilled positions in fiscal year 79/80. Table 2 shows a computation of EOG rates considering the impact of continued inflation and growth through fiscal year 81/82. Table 3 shows a computation of EQC revenue for various EQC rates. From the tables, it can be seen that the predicted salary savings would result in a reduction of O & M costs of approximately $85,000. When this figure is used to recompute the required EQC rate, it results in almost a $1.00 reduction. The inflationary predictions for 79/80 through 81/82 are based on an 8% inflation factor which may be low in light of recent trends. RECOMMENDATIOf* The Board should consider the option of reducing the EQC rate 93 set on May 31-,-1979 by $1.00 to reflect the predicted salary savings. If a change is desired, the Board should rescind Resolution 79-101 and adopt a new resolution based on the changed rate. If it is the consensus of the Board that no change is desired, no action is needed. Respectfully submitted, Roger . Dolan Genera Mana r -Chief Engineer RJD: j f Attachments TABLE 1 COMPUTATION OF SALARY SAVINGS FISCAL YEAR 79/80 0 & M Plant Collection Sys. Operations Engineering Administration r TOTAL 0&M Capital Recoveries Engineering TOTAL 79/80 SALARY SAVINGS $ 78,144 5,337 3,000 $ 86,481 $$ 38,910 $125391 4 w F- OO rl t� CY 1` w 0 co I cv m r` r` w J � I Oa 10 F¢- O n z O F- a F- 0 a 0 U N +h N CO .D C) rn N Lfl O O a) ? O ^^N T-- Ill N O O O N I O r� Q) tv M co Lf1 .- .- M co •-n IM v 00 m w w n L w r- m O Ct. v n O C4 �D m O O O p p N N 0 07 N %D 1� N1 N .•• r- l70 M Go c 00 1 OD w r• '-• a% vi u Ln 68 O %0 O O m 01 �O O �O ON1 01 M -T O N ODN 00% -T N Nw O r•• M r• p O1 M 01 ! N r� I w w w b w en M 4 .- � o 7 N 00 ' ••• � 01 m N +h N CO .D C) rn N Lfl O O a) ? O 0 -T T-- Ill N CL m N r� Q) tv ro o v •-n IM v 00 m O x '17 n L w c m Ct. v n O C4 �D m O 00 I� 13 07 N %D M c 00 1 OD r• vi u Ln 68 O %0 .-T %D m 01 �D •�' O O 01 Ln O F-- N +h -70 -= O %�D N N M 00 Q) •- a) c L t!> a O a� L V N i I O C a) a1 m V) W t� M U m a) O v1 (1) co L a) + w (n U ro In C G) a) •C N a) O N L N L - a) u m a) -- -- u Q) U 0 C V• _ >O cT? C N � a) 4).. U L O N a) dP ro u •- > 30 OC N a) 4- 0) - 0o a) u .» O N ro (U •a W N U > m C dP 7 a L a) m fU CO m Ci a N 7 L L 4x••- Ln a) m L 7 N 4-1- j C W O, m -C L to C C7 C ro C u .-.- L v= 0 a t11 > a) C O •� 4 > 171 4^ x a N 1n L+ O w 0@ L L �- w x w v (D>4 -4-1-m a)m w _ u ccv(U mm> int v 0: w CC oc L a) U m m •> y cc L U U U U CJ 1n U 0 1n O 0 a dCYaCY 0 w CY O F- w F- N wwwwww ww N CO .D C) rn N Lfl LIN 0 a) •-• L!1 r- M %,D f�O u N N Ln 04 N M u C lD %�D 0100 I (D Q) tv ro o N N •-n IM v cu m O x '17 I L w c m Ct. v n O Cr)Co O W Ql N n f� Ln N co 01 •-- N M Co 00 M c 00 1 -- -70 -= O %�D N N M 00 Q) •- a) c L t!> a O a� L V N i I O C a) a1 m V) W t� M U m a) O v1 (1) co L a) + w (n U ro In C G) a) •C N a) O N L N L - a) u m a) -- -- u Q) U 0 C V• _ >O cT? C N � a) 4).. U L O N a) dP ro u •- > 30 OC N a) 4- 0) - 0o a) u .» O N ro (U •a W N U > m C dP 7 a L a) m fU CO m Ci a N 7 L L 4x••- Ln a) m L 7 N 4-1- j C W O, m -C L to C C7 C ro C u .-.- L v= 0 a t11 > a) C O •� 4 > 171 4^ x a N 1n L+ O w 0@ L L �- w x w v (D>4 -4-1-m a)m w _ u ccv(U mm> int v 0: w CC oc L a) U m m •> y cc L U U U U CJ 1n U 0 1n O 0 a dCYaCY 0 w CY O F- w F- N wwwwww ww N N CO .D C) rn N Lfl N Ln %.D ro o v cu '17 I c m v n CL x Lu � c 1 -- m _L CA m a� >. F-- t!'1 X tb O ro of a.+ m N C la1 o •� ' C .-- O N N p a) m a 0) L a) N c m 7 O L •- - L +� U F- C] L a+ -0 a) a) a) (D •- m C 01 0) cn c C L CL 3 3 3 rn E c x a) a) O c ro m N u o 0 0 p p d o W .. • N N 3 Lf\ �D 04 p c� c O v M > r� 00 •L it y y (6 > ro E y N LO E O O O O O O w •" O O O O O O u 4-jw w w w ., w ro u in n n W %D 4 N •- O > •L- N OOOOQ 47 L? y 'Cl OQ000 vs N 3 +000001 L aci (a .D n 00 m m @.� O N O M m n O > •- 00 00 00 00 co oa o m -T v, O N L 00 M n 00 O M LLt W 3 m 0 M 03 S n z co m }, O O O' O 4- > O 0 0 O O O n 4- y W W cc - O O tp +1 u 03 O cr% N f0 o W �D O ., 00 w O Lf1 M n O r0 a -- N M O 0:0-L m LAC) M U1 -T O a mmmmm W 0: J W n N (n •• v•- d ? < Q h n y y N •� N V'1 C 1 tR N 41 41 U O Q L QJ v Z co L K1 >- = Ln N O � lD O m h w O m O O -T L11 \p J } a n N nCC) Q M w W 00 O ^ N d z 7 n z m Lu m J w L/1 Q ¢ LU r 4- v O O O O O O O h h Q i u D O O O O O O nD W u u �c N coo %.0 \.D N O 0' h %D > .O U1 n Lj' m � n -;-j > 2 O W L!7 0 Lf100 M Cl N •Q1 CC LU LLIM tC m t-1 N 00 O u } Q oo awn n `D m Z h U n y y n L W y LL. w L Q)N Q) O LL.. h O �O M N N M �D L O N 00 O 1'$- O •- N .• O o 3-: 00 r- o") zn SCoha° NEn m °Z v �? i= Q C u U L LLI U 7 O 0 0 O O O � rp C) u N^ 00 O LA Ln O N O O p _E •►- •u N - L 0 0 0 CL LA > Dcc: LA N .10 n .a- LA M N C1 CO -W —Lr\ �D to �D m O m N CA) m m .-n n n -:r .- a N 4A Lr1 LA O � � r_:-0 O n <'* cn a yr vs m ih —^ L (U to 44 D n 0 co MLA G O ^ 4% N ' LCl M v L .--. 4+ >., �D O LA^ M Ln .0 O cn L S C q� X 4-9 to .- �v c M m a 3 acv Z; m E m ro > >> 3 L- c a C 0 E L t0 _ O O O Gui 3 •.1 L2 4J 3 4-J 4� m 7 ._ L .� O Ln b N �. tn _ E m O' W r `� —0 m O U G v •N E_ u E F U 4.+ _ v N n 4- ._ �+ ^ v U O In 4J 47� U 4J •— v v O (� QJ f� C C LLt Q W = i=- � (o N 3 Hearing to Consider Collection of Environmental Quality Charge on Tax Roll and the District's Operations and Maintenance Budget for 1979/80 President Carlson: There are three related matters to be considered at tonight's hearing. The first is a review of the District's Operations and Maintenance budget. The second is a review of the setting of the District's Environmental Quality Charge to determine if any change is appropriate. The third matter for consideration is the issue of collection of the Environmental Quality Charge on the County tax bill. The format for the hearing will be as follows: The hearing will be opened and staff will be asked to begin by reviewing the Operations and Maintenance budget for Fiscal Year 1979/80. Following this review and Board discussion, the public will be asked to comment on or question any budget related items. Following the completion of the discussion on the budget, the staff will be asked to review the computation of the Environmental Quality Charge. This same sequence will be followed until all public input is received on the question of the collection of the Environmental Quality Charge on the County tax bill. After the hearing is closed, the Board will consider an action on each of the three matters. Hearing 7/5/79 July 5, 1979 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: HEARING ON DELINQUENT CHARGES AND ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS AND ADOPTING THE REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 5473, HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE ISSUE: Certain owners have not paid charges due in 1978-79. These charges will be placed on the owner's tax bill for 1979-80. BACKGROUND: By law, the District is required to have a hearing for the purpose of placing delinquent charges on tax bills. Notices of this hearing were published in the newspaper. The report containing the names of the two owners who have not paid delinquent charges is attached. Considering valid protests, the charges should be placed on the tax roll for collection. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution overruling protests and adopt the report pursuant to Section 5473, Health and Safety Code. Respectfully submitted, Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:sf Recommendation Ap oved: Roge J. D Ian General Manager -Chief Engineer 0 July 3, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: JOINT INVESTIGATION OF WASTEWATER RECLAMATION COSTS WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ISSUE: Approval is required for the GM/CE to negotiate a contract with Culp/ Wesner/Culp to assist CCCSD in a joint investigation of the cost of wastewater reclamation with the Contra Costa County Water District. BACKGROUND: CCCSD has been invited to participate in a joint investigation of the cost of wastewater reclamation by Contra Costa County Water District as a precursor to discussing the existing contract for reclaimed water. Culp/Wesner/Culp, because of their experience in this field wo ld b able to a sist CCCSD in identifying the current cost of producing an indus ria grade water. �n addition, Culp/Wesner/Culp would be able to provide cost estimates on alternatives to the planned treatment process. The scope of this work cannot be defined at this time. An initial authorization of $5000 would allow preliminary work to proceed while a detailed scope of work is defined. RECOMMENDATION: Give approval for the GM/CE to negotiate a contract with Culp/Wesner/Culp for assistance in the joint investigation of wastewater reclamation costs with Contra Costa County Water District and approve an initial authorization of $5000 for this work. Respectfully submitted, LJYno� '. on Senior Engineer -Project Management JAL: jms R endati n proved: Roge J. olan General Hager -Chief Engineer D O July 3, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM --ESTABLISHMENT OF PROPERTY DAMAGE COVERAGE AND RETENTION LIMITS ISSUE: At its meeting on June 7, 1979, the Board of Directors established the insurance coverage limits and retention levels for all risk exposures included in the District's Risk Management Program, except Property Damage and Boiler and Machinery coverages; the limits and retention levels for these coverages were deferred until additional data bearing on determining a maximum forseeable loss could be obtained. BACKGROUND: The District's Risk Management Program includes the following insur- ance coverages: General Liability/Auto Liability, Directors and Officers Liability, Employee Blanket Bond, Property Damage, and Boiler and Machinery. Workers' Compensation coverage will be continued under the California State Compensation Fund and therefore will not be included in the District's risk reten- tion program. Coverage and retention limits have been established by the Board of Directors for the following risks in the amounts indicated: Coverage Retention Limit Amount General Liability/ Automobile Liability $10 million $$0,000 per occurrence $100,000 annual aggregate Directors and Officers Liability $1 million $10,000 Employee Blanket Bond $1 million $100,000 The Schroder Insurance Agency, which was reappointed by the District to market its Risk Management Program, has quoted the premiums shown below for the remaining Property Damage and Boiler and Machinery coverages: Property Damage: Insurer Limits: Fire/EC/VMM All other perils, including earthquake and flood, excluding pipelines Fireman's Fund $20 million $20 million Retention: All perils, except earthquake and flood $100,000 Earthquake 5% of loss Flood $250,000 Annual Premium: $76,866 The loss limit of $20 million is predicated on a maximum forseeable loss of $20 million for fire, extended coverage and vandalism and malicious mischief. A review of the probable loss levels at the Treatment Plant in the event of a severe seismic occurrence conducted by the structural design engineer indicated damage in the range of $3 million. However, the annual premium quoted of $76,866 is regarded as an inducement to obtaining the full $20 million coverage for earthquake and flood exposures. Boiler and Machinery: Insurer Hartford Steam Limits: $l million $1 million $2 million $2 million Retention: $100,000 $10,000 $100,000 $10,000 Annual Premium: $4,800 $10,528 $10,206 $11,874 The Boiler and Machinery policy provides blanket coverage for boilers, pressure vessels, machinery, and electrical panels. Schroder Insurance Agency recommends that the coverage limit be set at $1 million or $2 million and that a retention of $10,000 be used. Alternative quotations for the higher limits and lower retention amounts have been obtained. RECOMMENDATION: Establish coverage limits and retention amounts for property damage in the amounts indicated. Boiler and Machinery limits and retention at the level of $2,000,000 and $10,000 for an annual premium of $11,874. Respectfully submitted, Waiter N. Funasaki Finance Officer WNF: jms Recommendation Approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer July 3, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ATTENDANCE AT THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION CONFERENCE IN HENNIKER, NEW HAMPSHIRE ISSUE: Approval is required for John Larson, Special Projects Engineering Division, to attend the Engineering Foundation Conference in Henniker, New Hampshire on July 22-27, 1979. BACKGROUND: The Engineering Foundation is a non-profit organization that arranges small conferences to define the need for additional research and development. On July 22-27, 1979, the topic will be "Municipal Solid Waste as a Resource: The Problems and Promise". John Larson has been asked to speak on Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's work in co -combustion of solid waste and sewage sludge. This conference will provide the opportunity to discuss the problems of RDF production and solid waste combustion with people who are involved in actual operations. The cost of this Conference will be $985 including travel, lodging, and registration. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the expenditure of $985 for John Larson, Special Projects Engineering Division, to attend the Engineering Foundation Conference in Henniker, New Hampshire, on July 22-27, 1979. Respectfully submitted, ohn .Larson Senior Engineer -Project Management JAL: rm Recommendation approved: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer July 3, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO THE SPECIAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING DIVISION EQUIPMENT BUDGET ISSUE: Approval is needed to amend the Special Projects Engineering Divsti on Equipment Budget for 1979-80. BACKGROUND: Since the submission of the equipment budget, the decision has been made to hire one additional engineer in the Special Projects Engineering Division. Additional office furniture is needed. The estimated cost of the office furniture, desk, chairs, file cabinets, and book cases/shelves is $1,280 including tax and contingencies and taking advantage of available discounts. RECOMMENDATION: Approve amendment of the Special Projects Engineering Division Equipment Budget in the amount of $1280 to purchase additional office furniture. Respectfully submitted, John Larson Senior Engineer - Project Management JL:jv Rec endat'on proved: Roge J. olan General Manager -Chief Engineer July 3, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR Roger J. Dolan, D. G. Niles, and Paul Papke to attend the Water Pollution Control Association 52nd Annual Conference Issue: The 52nd annual Water Pollution Control Association conference will be held on October 7-12, 1979 in Houston, Texas. Background: The annual conference will bring together over 8,000 regi- strants representing all facets of wastewater treatment and reclamation including the nation's largest water pollution control exhibit of equipment. The 52nd conference will consist of 45 technical sessions relating to the wastewater field. There will also be two general sessions discussing national water pollution issues. The Sanitary District has also been requested to present a paper on the treatment plant computer system and participate in a users panel discussion on management of computer systems. Recommendation: Authorization of registration, travel, and expenses for Roger J. Dolan, D. G. Niles, and Paul Papke to attend the 52nd Water Pollution Control Association conference on October 7-12, 1979 in Houston, Texas. DGN:mg Reco endati0' Ap roved: Roger D lan General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, (:�;), /-,? l/` —.?,% D. G. Niles Manager, Plant Operations July 2, 1979 MEMO TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 79-17 (one parcel) ALAMO AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN FORTHCOMING DISTRICT'ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS \0 QO�a��o 8a GO\ 0a 00 Q G �o• 5 P6u q'6'Go\ Board Action a o� -tiPo� RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 79-17 to be included in the next formal annexation to the District. Respectfully submitted, Jay S. MCC07 Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG: sf A ndatio Ap oved:16_ . Do an General Manager -Chief Engineer July 2, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: REQUEST AUTHORIZATION OF $50.00 FOR DALLAS HUGHES, EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR, TO ATTEND A ONE DAY TRAINING COURSE TITLED: "THE SUPERVISOR'S ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES" PUT ON BY INTERGOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, JULY 17, 1979 ISSUE: Dallas Hughes has just been appointed to the position of Equipment Maintenance Supervisor. This course is designed to prepare a new supervisor for his role as a manager rather than a producer. BACKGROUND: The switch from worker to supervisor carries with it special problems for the worker and the supervisor. I.M.D.I. does an excellent job with this subject. I believe the District and C.S.O. Department will benefit from Dal's attendance at this training session. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $50.00 for Dallas Hughes to attend "The Supervisor's Role and Responsibility" training course July 17, 1979• Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Collection System Operations RHH:yb Rec endation Approved: 6U,\_ Rog J./anager-Chief an General Engineer July 2, 1979 UI. NB 2 7/5/79 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: EXECUTE CONSENT TO DEDICATION No. Job No. Tract No. Area 1 3235 5407 Pleasant Hill Remarks Our existing easement crosses the area dedicated to "Public Use" for Stanmore Drive in Sub 5407. Short form, we retain prior rights. Respectfully submitted, /JaytS. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG:sf Ap ved: ,, Rog J. Ian General Manager -Chief Engineer VI. OB ` 1 7/5/79 June 27, 1979 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL $25,000 FOR DESIGN AND RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION FOR DSP 2695 (WS 23 COMBINED) BACKGROUND: $35,000 was previously authorized for design and right of way acquisition for DSP 2695. To date $19,000 has been spent on design, which is 75% complete (no money has been spent on right of way), leaving a $16,000 balance. Our estimate to complete design, prepare plans and specifications and acquire right of way is $41,000 ($36,000 R/W and $5,000 design). $41,000 less $16,000 account balance = $25,000 necessary authorization to complete design phase of project. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $25,000 additional amount for design and right of way acquisition for DSP 2695. Respectfully submitted, P• Jay S. McCo Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:DLS:sf Recommendation Approved: �_A 94'." RogerdMager-Chief Genera Engineer