HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-21-1979June 19, 1979 MEMO TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 79-16 (one parcel) PLEASANT HILL AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN FORTHCOMING DISTRICT ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS 4�'�OP�a<ea Goy Board Action ea �\0 a �e PJ\�G�J Oe�t 9-16 P.H. Yes .57 PLEASANT HILL RECREATION b At CCCSD request the Rec. PARK DISTRICT C Park District has Lucille Lane, Pleasant Hill,CA petitioned for annexation 153-071-022 Annexing this parcel will reduce the size of the island between present CCCSD Boundary and P.A. 79-12 which was approved for annexation May 10, 19 9. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 79-16 to be included in the next formal annexation to the District. Respectfully submitted, Jay S. MCC y Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:WG Rec mendatio proved: oger J. D an General Ma ager -Chief Engineer 101 June 21, 1979 MEMO FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager --Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 3203, TREATMENT PLANT FRONTAGE ROAD, PACHECO AND AUTHORIZE FUNDS FOR CONSTRUCTION BACKGROUND: On May 10, 1979, the Board authorized staff to advertise DSP 3203 for bids and such were received June 20, 1979. The low bidder is Peter Cole Jensen, Inc., at $23,150 which is 7.9% over that estimated by District staff (see attached tabulation of bids). Including a construction contingency of $1,700 to the low bid received, the amount required to complete the project is $24,850. Incidentals to be charged against "Restoration of Holding Basins", Acct. 2010.208.3058 as before. RECOMMENDATION: Award contract for the construction of DSP 3203 to Peter Cole Jensen, Inc., and authorize the amount of $24,850 to cover the amount required for the contract and contingencies. Respectfully submitted, C Jay S. McCo Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:sf Attachment Aendatio A oved: Nwot-� . D an General Manager -Chief Engineer CENTRAL �NTRA COSTA SANIQRY DISTRICT J o Q DSP 3203 LOCATION FRONTAGE R08D DATE JUNE 20, 1979 ENGR. EST. $21,1150.00 BIDDER NAME ADDRESS BID PRICE PHONE PETER COLE JENSEN, INC. $23,150.00 BOX 553 DANVILLE, CA 94526 837-7600 BEPCO, INC. 4901 TIDEWATER AVENUE OAKLAND, CA 94601 534-3556 25,000.00 D. W. YOUNG, INC. 976 SECOND STREET LAFAYETTE, CA 94549 284-9420 27,489.00 MOUNTAIN CONSTRUCTION CO. P. 0. SOX 116 SAN RAMON, CA 94583 837-1101 29,500.00 M.G.M. CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. BOX 5757 CONCORD, CA 94524 685-8812 46,741.00 JOB BY DATE_... CHKD. 8Y __ ,,,,__- DATA SHEET NO. OF M I w June 19, 1979 TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CERTIFICATION OF THE FINAL EIR FOR THE LA ENCINAL TO EL TOYONAL SEWER LINE EXTENSION AND APPROVAL OF PROJECT ISSUE: The Final EIR for the above -referenced project has been prepared. BACKGROUND: During the hearing on June 7, concerns were expressed over removal of trees, increased traffic, geologic stability and growth inducing impacts. In response to removal of trees, a tree plan is being prepared. In addition, the sewer design will be modified slightly if the modification will result in avoiding the removal of trees. In response to increased traffic, the consultant has noted that increases due to the project will not be significant. And that long-term increases will be significant. The consultant offers mitigation measures such as public review procedures for future subdivisions and the formulation of a specific plan for the area. Staff considers that the mitigation measures recommended are sufficient to compensate for future adverse environmental Impacts. In response to geologic stability, the consultant cites recommendations on page 13 of the Draft EIR including the preparation of a geologic reconnais- sance report, trench inspection by a soils engineer and erosion control. These recommendations will be incorporated into the sewer installation project. In response to corrections noted by District staff, the consultant has modified figures for traffic estimates and the ultimate number of future dwelling units. In summary, staff considers that comments received on the Draft EIR have been responded to satisfactorily and that the Final EIR has been completed in accordance with CEQA guidelines. The Final EIR consists of the Draft EIR plus an addendum titled "Final Environmental Impact Report". RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Make a finding that the Final EIR is in order. 2. Certify that the Final EIR has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the State Guidelines and that the Board has reviewed and considered the information contained in the EIR. 3. Consider the proposed project for approval. HMB D 101 -2- June 19, 1979 a. Ask for views or comments from the public concerning approval of the project. 4. Make a finding that changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the Final EIR. 5. Approve the project conditioned upon the satisfactory completion of a geotechnical investigation. Respectfully submitted, eCoy/ AJay? S. Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager JSM:sf Reco endati n A proved: Roge J. D ]an General Manager -Chief Engineer June 13, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT FOR IMPROVEMENT TO DECHLORINATION SYSTEM AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $18,380 ISSUE• The District's Dechlorination Facility has a number of efficiencies which cause operational and maintenance problems. Under the authorization of the Board, the District has negotiated a contract with an engineering firm to design corrections to the system. BACKGROUND: The most persistant violation of effluent requirements since the plant began operation has been caused by failure of the dechlorination facility to remove the last traces of chlorine. This system currently requires an unreasonably large amount of manpower both for operations and maintenance. It is essential that the District reduce this expensive operation and eliminate this source of effluent violations. The District received proposals from a number of consulting engineers and selected John Carollo Engineers. Attached is a copy of the contract negotiated by the District with Carollo for design ($14,480) and office engineering during construction ($3,900). RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board authorize the execution of t e contract with John Carollo Engineers for the design and office engineering during construction of improvements to the Dechlorination System. Respec ily 7iief i ted, Roge J. n General Manager -C Engineer RJD: j v attachment VI. OB 2a 6/21/79 June 19, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: SAN FRANCISCO BAY REGION WASTEWATER SOLIDS STUDY: APPROVAL. OF THE REGIONAL PLAN AND APPROVAL OF THE CCCSD FACILITIES PLAN SUPPLEMENT ISSUE: Approval of the Wastewater Solids Study reports is required pursuant to the Joint Powers Agreement that commissioned the study. BACKGROUND: CCCSD entered into a Joint Powers Agreement with East Bay Municipal Utility District, City and County of San Francisco, City of San Jose, Regional Water Quality Control Board, State Water Resources Control Board, and U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. The purpose of the Joint Powers Agreement was to investigate regional and sub - regional wastewater solids management alternatives and to prepare facilities plans (for subsequent grant funding of facilities) for each of the major treatment plants (CCCSD, EBMUD, San Francisco, San Jose). The study is now complete and the final reports reflect the comments of the general public, other local agencies, and State and Federal agencies. The Final Regional Plan (Volume I) and the CCCSD Facilities Plan Supplement (Volume II) meet the present and future needs of CCCSD. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Final Regional Plan (Volume I) and the CCCSD Facilities Plan Supplement (Volume II). Respectfully submitted, John A. Larson Senior Engineer -Project Management JAL:jv Recommendation Ap roved: oger . Do an Genera Manager -Chief Engineer 0 0 June 19, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: COMPLETION OF THE REGIONAL WASTEWATER SOLIDS STUDY At the March 15, 1979 Board Meeting, the Wastewater Solids Study staff presented their findings and recommendations for both the Regional Plan and the Facilities Plan Supplement for CCCSD. Since that time, comments have been received from the general public, other local agencies, and State and Federal agencies. The comments, shown in Attachment I, have been incorporated into the Regional Plan, Attachment 2, and the Facilities Plan Supplement for CCCSD, Attachment 3. The Wastewater Solids Study has recommended that CCCSD continue on with the Solid Waste Energy Recovery Study; however, they have recommended that the project be staged and that significant predesign studies be undertaken. The staged project would consist of: Stage I - Incineration of sewage sludge in the existing multiple hearth furnaces using refuse derived fuel, and Stage 2 - Production of electrical energy to meet the needs of the treatment plant using refuse derived fuel. The predesign studies would resolve the outstanding technical questions prior to CCCSD being committed to action on the solid waste energy recovery project. You will be requested to consider approval of the regional plan and the facilities plan supplement for CCCSD at the June 21 Board Meeeting. Your approval is required pursuant to the joint powers agreement that established the Wastewater Solids Study. A copy of the position paper is included as Attachment 4. JAL:jv attachments Respectfully submitted, John A. Larson Senior Engineer -Project Management Reviewed By: Roger J. Dolan General Manager -Chief Engineer June 1, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR $290 MR. J. CASE, AND MR. D ADMINISTRATION SEMI"BAR 1979 VII. NB 3 6/21/79 EACH FOR ATTENDANCE BY MR. E. ANDERSON, GALLAGHER AT A CLEAN WATER GRANT IN SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, AUGUST 23-24, ISSUE: It would be advantageous for District to have personnel attend the CTeaJn Water Grant Administration Seminar to become more familiar with State procedures. BACKGROUND: District has formed its own Construction Division and plans to administer grants in the future. Additionally, District Construction Division has been given the responsibility for the ongoing grants. Therefore, it is most desirable that District personnel be informed on, and be kept abreast of, grant procedures. This seminar will help to educate District personnel in grant administration matters and will be highly beneficial to District. A copy of the seminar program is attached. The cost of this seminar is grant fundable. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $870 for Construction Division staff to attend the Clean Water Grant Administration Seminar in San Jose, California, August 23-24, 1979. Respectfully submitted, St�—. 0 . • K. Barker Construction Division Manager KB/dh Attachment Reviewed by: W. C. Dalton Dupty General Manager -Chief Engineer Reco WrInager-Chief ap roved: Rog Gen Engineer }j Water Resources Control Board aEAN WASTER GR)6T PROGRAM BULLETIN STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD Division of Water Quality Neil Dunham, Chief �b AVV111a° . ;-►4m-L 1"", i �r-..T1FN/ 99 CLEAN WATER GRANT PROGRAM ` 100. Sacramento, California 95801 May 8, 1979 NO. 81 A/E PROCUREMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES SEMINAR The Cilren Company, with the support of the State Water Resources Control Board, is presenting ten two-day seminars specifically designed to aid grantees in complying with State and Federal regulations regarding architectural and engi- neering {A/E} contract procurements and grant -related accounting systems. Knowledge of Federal procurement procedures and accounting procedures will insure maximum funding to the grantee, reduce problems at the time of final audit and lessen the possibility of payment or audit problems. The topics to be discussed are listed below: DAY I GRANTEE PROCUREMENT OF A/E CONSULTANTS Regulation requirements Value of the process to the grantee Proposal format How to conduct a proposal price analysis Defective pricing Mock negotiation of contractor's proposal DAY II GRANT -RELATED ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS Regulation requirements Documentation and development of audit trails Eligible and ineligible costs Separation of revenues and costs Simplified bookkeeping systems Invoices and billings Discussion of individual accounting problems cit; ��� c4trri:a casrn g ;iITARY OiSiRiCi RECE1Vk"t1 MY 22. 79 ............. -2 - The cost of the seminar is $145.00 per person per day. Participation in this seminar (fee and reasonable travel expense) is grant eligible for grantee personnel and is an acceptable cost of operation for the consultant. The dates and locations are as follows: August 6-7 - San Bernardino August 9-10 - West Los Angeles , August 13-14 - San Luis Obispo August 16-17 - Bakersfield August 20-21 - Fresno August 23-24 - San Jose August 27-28 - Sacramento August 29-30 - Sacramento September 5-6 - Redding September 12-13 - Santa Rosa Reservations, limited to 50 people per day, can be made by completing the attached . enrollment form. For further information, contact The Cilren Company, 1909 K Street, Sacramento, California, 95814. Telephone: (916) 441-2650. The State Water Resources Control Board encourages the grantees and consultants to partici p to in this seminar. r N Du ham Division Chief Manager - Clean Water Grant Program Attachment TO: The Giber Company 1909 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Enclosed is our check in the amount of $ (at $145 per person per day, which includes handout materials, refreshments and luncheon. Registration& received after July 27, 1979, $160 per person per day.). This amount covers, the registration of the following people for the workshop and seminar on contractor proposals and grantee financial systems at the location(s) indicated: ❑ 1st Day ❑ 2nd Day ❑ Both ❑ 1st Day ❑ 2nd Day ❑ Both ❑ 1st Day ❑ 2nd Day ❑ Both ❑ 1st Day ❑ 2nd Day ❑ Both ❑ 1st Day ❑ 2nd Day ❑ Both ❑ 1st Day ❑ 2nd Day ❑ Both Agency Phone Address City, " , State z ip ontact Person 1979 O Aug. 6-7 San Bernardino D Aug. 23-24 San Jose- 0 ose❑ Aug. 9-10 West Los Angeles O Aug. 27-28 Sacramento O Aug. 13-14 San Luis Obispo ❑ Aug. 29-30 Sacramento ❑ Aug. 16-17 Bakersfield ❑ Sept. 5-6 Redding ❑ Aug. 20-21 Fresno ❑ Sept. 12-13 Santa Rosa A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the meeting sites for attendees. Arrangements for accommodations must be made directly by the attendees. Because of enrollment limitations, registrations should be made early. A registration receipt, location and schedule information will be mailed to you upon receipt of your check. X STATE Of CAU710XN1A--Til2 RHOUNCES AGENCY EDMUMO Q MOWN, JR. Govw►� STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD P.O. Sax 100 • SACRAMENTO 43000 IMPORTANT! SEMINARS ON CLEAN WATER GRANT ADMINISTRATION The Division of Water Quality is pleased to endorse this set of seminars conducted by The Cilren Company. The importance of correctly handling proposals, and assuring proper grant accounting and bookkeeping cannot be stressed too strongly. The objective of this two-day seminar is to help you understand and comply with the requirements of the federal law and with our regulations. The requirements are becoming increasingly more stringent, and compliance more difficult. This seminar is speci- fically designed to help you avoid the pitfalls that have beset other grantees in the past. Because of the importance of this program, I strongly urge that grantee administrators, managers, purchasing people, public works directors, finance personnel, and your consulting engineers and your CPA's attend. The fee for the seminar and reasonable travel expenses are grant eligible for grantee personnel, and an allowable overhead expense for private firms. Because the fee of $145 per person per day is grant eligible, the actual cost to local agencies is only about $18 per person, per day. The locations and dates are shown in the brochure. They have been chosen to allow the greatest number of people to attend. It is a program that you cannot afford to miss. liw Neil Du ham Division Chief Manager - Clean Water Grant Program